Earth's crust 

Presentation on the topic block Alexander Alexandrovich.

You are extraordinary even in dreams

Blok's childhood Born on November 16 (28), 1880. Blok’s mother is the daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University Andrei Beketov. Soon after Alexander's birth, the poet's mother left her husband, Warsaw lawyer of Jewish origin Alexander Lvovich Blok (), due to an unbearable relationship. In 1889, Blok’s mother remarried guards officer F. F. Kublitsky-Piottukh. Nine-year-old Blok settled with his mother and stepfather in the Grenadier Barracks, located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Bolshaya Nevka. Since childhood, Alexander Blok spent every summer on his grandfather’s Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow. 8 km away was the estate of Beketov’s friend, the great Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev Boblovo.

Work and service On July 7, 1916, Blok was taken into military service. The poet served in Belarus. Blok met the February and October revolutions with mixed feelings. He refused to emigrate, believing that he should be with Russia in difficult times. At the beginning of May 1917, he was hired by the “Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry to investigate illegal actions of former ministers, chief managers and other senior officials of both civil, military and naval departments” as an editor. In August, Blok began working on a manuscript, which he considered as part of the future report of the Extraordinary Investigative Commission and which was published in the magazine “Byloe” (15, 1919), and in the form of a book called “The Last Days of Imperial Power” (Petrograd , 1921)

Towards the end of his life... At the beginning of 1920, Franz Feliksovich Kublitsky-Piottukh died from pneumonia. Blok took his mother to live with him. But she and Blok’s wife did not get along with each other. In January 1921, on the occasion of the 84th anniversary of Pushkin’s death, Blok delivered his famous speech “On the Appointment of a Poet” at the House of Writers. Finding himself in a difficult financial situation, he was seriously ill and died on August 7, 1921 in his last Petrograd apartment from inflammation of the heart valves. The poet was buried at the Smolensk cemetery. The funeral service was held in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. Blok's ashes were reburied at the Volkovskoye cemetery. Author: student of the State Educational Institution Secondary School "B" class Sofia Konshina Teacher of Russian language and literature: Tatyana Ilyinichna Karpova Author: student of the State Educational Institution Secondary School "B" class Sofia Konshina Teacher of Russian language and literature: Karpova Tatyana Ilinichna

The “Block” presentation is an excellent material for school activities. The report is structured depending on the key moments of the poet's life and work, rich in images and famous poems. Blok’s lyrics are a treasure of the country, of which every inhabitant is proud, and in order to attract the attention of schoolchildren, it is necessary to construct a lesson in accordance with modern technologies.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok was proud of Russia and praised it regardless of what was going on around him. A presentation about Blok's biography offers visual support for a lesson about the great poet of the twentieth century. His style still enchants with its melody and penetration. In order to fully capture the attention of students, especially those who perceive visually new information, it is recommended to resort to presentations during the learning process. Blok's life and work are presented in a convenient way, with an emphasis on biography and poetry. This will help diversify literature lessons and fully cover the curriculum.

You can view the slides on the website or download a presentation on the “Block” topic in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Blok's biography
Childhood and family
Writer's parents
Divorce of parents

Children's debut
First love
Block in the theater

Meeting with Mendeleev's daughter
Return to St. Petersburg
An offer of marriage

Literary debut
Beginning of the century
Conscription into the army


Aleshchenkov Evgeniy group 226

Presentation "A. A. Blok” was prepared as an extracurricular independent work. The material is a detailed biography of the poet, including the main stages of personality development from infancy to death, and his creative path.



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Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880 - 1921) - Russian poet, playwright, literary critic.

The son of a lawyer and professor at the University of Warsaw A.L. Blok and translator A.A. Beketova. He spent his early years in his grandfather’s house and on the Beketovs’ estate, Shakhmatovo, near Moscow. He graduated from the Slavic-Russian department of St. Petersburg University in 1906. In 1903, he married the daughter of the outstanding Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev, Lyubov.

He began writing poetry at the age of five, and became seriously involved in creativity in 1900. He actively publishes not only as a poet, but also as a playwright and literary critic. On July 7, 1916, he was drafted into the army and served as a timekeeper.

Since September 1917 - member of the Theater and Literary Commission, since 1918 - employee of the Theater Department of the People's Commissariat for Education, since April 1919 - of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. At the same time - a member of the editorial board of the publishing house "World Literature" under the leadership of M. Gorky, since 1920 - chairman of the Petrograd branch of the Union of Poets.

In April 1921, the growing depression turned into a mental disorder, accompanied by heart disease. On August 7, 1921, Blok died

The scandal associated with A. Blok’s first public reading of his poem “The Twelve”: the flower of the Petrograd intelligentsia, having misheard the lines “Run away, scoundrel! Already, simple, I’ll deal with you tomorrow!” - accused the author of foul language. I'm not interested in gossip about the personal lives of celebrities. But in his dying delirium, Blok was worried whether all copies of the poem “The Twelve” had been destroyed - a historical fact.

In February 1919, Blok was arrested for a day and a half. He was suspected of conspiring against the Soviet regime. But then Anatoly Lunacharsky put in a word for him, and the poet was released.

Blok was married to the daughter of the famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev. They had known each other since childhood; the scientist was on friendly terms with the poet’s grandfather. Feelings for Lyubov Mendeleeva were so sublime that Alexander Blok was afraid for a long time to spoil them, to discredit them with carnal relationships. It was her image that formed the basis of “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.”

A few months before his death, the poet, as usual, read his poems at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Before his speech, Chukovsky took the floor, saying a lot of good things about Blok, after which Blok himself read his poems about Russia. As his contemporaries later recalled, the atmosphere was too solemn and sad, and one of the spectators breathed out an almost prophetic phrase: “This is some kind of wake!” This was his last performance on the stage of this theater.

Alexander Blok was credited with an affair with Anna Akhmatova. However, after the death of the poet, Akhmatova returned to this topic more than once in her memoirs, dispelling all rumors about a “monstrous passion for Blok.”

If you believe the questionnaire that Blok filled out in one of the sanatoriums where he had to relax, he had a passion for beer and ice cream. Asteroid 2540, which was discovered in 1971, was given the name of Alexander Blok

Many of Blok’s works might never have been born, and the years of the poet’s life would have been noticeably shortened, if not for chance. The poet was friends with the artist Sapunov, and at the beginning of April 1912, the artist invited him and his friends to vacation in a fishing village. Blok could not keep them company. Fortunately. One night, friends went boating. But the boat capsized. Sapunov drowned because he could not swim. Blok, by the way, couldn’t swim either. Therefore, his fate could have been the same if he had been there.

Thank you for your attention!

And they reached the most flat hooliganism, called the absurd word “futurism”. I. Zdanevich. Futurism is a way of life (scandal). I. Severyanin, as befits a king, publishes the poetic “Rescript of the King.” R. Ivnev (M. Kovalev). N.Aseev. Ego-futurists (translated from Latin “I am the future”). Installation on the renewal of poetic language (the principle of “shifted construction”). L. Zak. V. Shershenevich. B. Lavrenev. Futurism (lat. futurum - future).

“Blok’s creative path” - Enthusiastic fans. First question. Mendeleeva as Ophelia. Andrey Bely. Dark temples. I'm scared. Block after graduating from high school. Becoming human. Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov. A bad dream. Block.. Three plans of the lyrical heroine. I enter dark temples. The image of Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva. Analysis of poems. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok. Describe the literary situation of the early twentieth century.

“Dream in Literature” - Oblomov’s Dream. Raskolnikov's dream. Dual relationships. Crime and Punishment. Dreams of heroes of Russian literature of the 19th century. Symbolic character. My way. Compositional component. Selection of material. A dream in a literary work. Taking sleep. Horrible dream. Tatiana's dream.

“Analysis of Yesenin’s poems” - Linguistic analysis of the poem “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry...”. Transparent white color. Reader. The poet's skill. Repetitions. Metaphors. Unity of external design. Yesenin's nature. Deep content. Feelings and thoughts are inseparably fused. Traditional Yesenin images. Yeseninskaya birch tree. Leading party. Piece of art. My biography. Yesenin's life path. Linguistic dominance. A wandering spirit.

“Ulitskaya “Daughter of Bukhara”” - Key words. Poster. Signs with the meaning of acceptance. Human. Signs with the meaning of categoricalness. Symbols. Rapidity. Alien. The attitude of others towards Bukhara. Contradictions in the story. Signs with the meaning of negation. Signs with the meaning of openness. Eternal values ​​in the story. Lyudmila Ulitskaya. Fate. The secret of Bukhara. Work. Antithesis. Life and art. Sign.

“Biography and creativity of Yesenin” - Biography and creativity of S. A. Yesenin. Death of poet. Imagism. Lyrics of recent years. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. Childhood. Studies. Face the new. Country of scoundrels. At the beginning of a creative journey. Search for the “song” word.

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  • Blok Alexander Alexandrovich - Russian symbolist poet.
  • Alexandra Andreevna Blok is the poet’s mother. Warsaw, 1880. Blok’s mother, Alexandra Andreevna, is the daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University Andrei Beketov. Soon after Alexander's birth, the poet's mother left her husband, Warsaw lawyer Alexander Lvovich Blok, and in 1889 she remarried a guards officer, leaving her son the surname of her first husband.
  • Nine-year-old Blok settled with his mother and stepfather in the Grenadier Barracks, located on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Bolshaya Nevka. In the same year, Alexander Blok was sent to the Vvedensky gymnasium.
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    Vvedenskaya Gymnasium

    Vvedenskaya Gymnasium

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    • Blok wrote his first poems at the age of five. At the age of 10, Alexander Blok wrote two issues of the magazine “Ship”. From 1894 to 1897, he and his brothers wrote the handwritten journal “Vestnik”. Since childhood, Alexander Blok spent every summer on his grandfather’s Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow.
    • At the age of 16, Blok became interested in theater. In St. Petersburg, Alexander Blok enrolled in a theater club. However, after his first success, he was no longer given roles in the theater.
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    • In 1897, finding himself with his mother abroad, in the German resort town of Bad Nauheim, Blok experienced his first strong youthful love with Ksenia Sadovskaya. She left a deep mark on his work.
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    • Blok is sixteen, his beloved is thirty-seven. At that time in her life she was an experienced society lady, a wife and mother of a family, rich and pampered. Gorgeous. Her “bottomless blue eyes” struck the boy on the spot.
    • An active state councilor came to a resort in Southern Germany with her children to improve her health
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    • A. Blok’s mother was seriously alarmed. History has preserved evidence of how she paid a morning visit to her son’s mistress, screamed, clutched her heart
    • Sadovskaya was a year older (!) than her lover’s mother...
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    • On the same day the boy was taken home. He ran to Sadovskaya to say goodbye. And he gave her a half-withered rose. For a long time - almost eight months - they did not see each other
    • In 1900, the last, decisive written explanation took place between Blok and Ksenia Sadovskaya. This time it was she who was humiliated, and in the end, calling the young man a “broken man,” she would curse her fate for having met him. And it was all over.
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    The moon woke up. The city is noisy
    It thunders in the distance and the lights are pouring,
    Everything is so quiet here, it's crazy there,
    Everything is ringing there, and we are alone...
    But if the flame of this meeting
    There was an eternal and holy flame,
    Our speeches wouldn't flow like that,
    This is not how your voice would sound!..
    Can the suffering still live?
    And can happiness take away?
    At the hour of an indifferent meeting
    We will remember the sad goodbye...

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    In 1898 he graduated from high school and entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. Three years later he transferred to the Slavic-Russian department of the Faculty of History and Philology, which he graduated in 1906. At the university, Blok meets Sergei Gorodetsky and Alexei Remizov.

    • Alexey Mikhailovich Remizov is a Russian writer.
    • Sergei Mitrofanovich Gorodetsky - Russian and Soviet poet
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    In 1903, Blok married Lyubov Mendeleeva, daughter of D. I. Mendeleev, the heroine of his first book of poems, “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.”

    Transparent, unknown shadows
    They swim to You, and You swim with them,
    Into the arms of azure dreams,
    Incomprehensible to us - You give yourself away.
    Before You they turn blue without borders
    Seas, fields, and mountains, and forests,
    Birds call to each other in the free heights,
    Fog rises, the skies turn red.
    And here, below, in the dust, in humiliation,
    Seeing for a moment immortal features,
    An unknown slave, full of inspiration,
    Sings you. You don't know him
    You can't tell him apart in a crowd of people,
    You won’t reward him with a smile,
    When he looks after you, unfree,
    Tasting for a moment Your immortality.

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    It is known that Alexander Blok had strong feelings for his wife, but periodically maintained connections with various women: at one time it was the actress Natalya Nikolaevna Volokhova, then the opera singer Andreeva-Delmas. Lyubov Dmitrievna also allowed herself hobbies. On this basis, Blok had a conflict with Andrei Bely, described in the play “Balaganchik”.

    • A. Bely
    • L. Mendeleev
    • A. Blok
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    • In 1909, two difficult events occur in the Blok family: Lyubov Dmitrievna’s child dies and Blok’s father dies. To come to his senses, Blok and his wife go on vacation to Italy and Germany. For his Italian poetry, Blok was accepted into a society called the “Academy.” In addition to him, it included Valery Bryusov, Mikhail Kuzmin, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Innokenty Annensky.
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    • He began in the spirit of symbolism (“Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, 1901-1902), the sense of crisis of which was proclaimed in the drama “Balaganchik” (1906). Blok’s lyrics, which are similar in their “spontaneity” to music, were formed under the influence of romance.
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    • Blok, Sologub and Chulkov in 1908.
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    • Through the deepening of social trends (the “City” cycle, 1904-1908), religious interest (the “Snow Mask” cycle -1907), understanding the “terrible world” (the cycle of the same name 1908-1916), the poem: “From the hands of you treated the wolf” ( 1909), awareness of the tragedy of modern man (the play “Rose and Cross”, 1912-1913) came to the idea of ​​​​the inevitability of “retribution” (cycle of the same name 1907-1913; cycle “Iambics”, 1907-1914; poem “Retribution”, 1910-1921 ). The main themes of poetry found resolution in the cycle “Motherland” (1907-1916).
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    • The paradoxical combination of the mystical and the everyday, the detached and the everyday is generally characteristic of Blok’s entire work as a whole. This is a distinctive feature of his mental organization, and, as a consequence, of his own, Blok’s symbolism
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    Let's run, run, child of freedom...

    Here you can leave your comments or write an analysis of Alexander Alexandrovich Blok’s poem “Run, run, child of freedom...”

    Let's run, run, child of freedom,
    To my native country!
    I am faithful to the voice of nature,
    Be true to me!
    The vaults of the sky are inaccessible here
    Through smoke and dust!
    Let's run, run, child of nature,
    Space is in the fields!
    They are running... The haystacks are already past,
    There are fields all around.
    Throughout the vast distance
    The earth is shaking.
    Running towards the sun, May,
    Free days...
    And the native land accepted
    Your children...
    And she accepted and caressed,
    And hugged
    And in the spring distances I rocked them
    And, luring them to the impossible,
    Betrayed again
    To fleeting days, anxious days,
    Evil days - without time, without number...

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    To the Muse

    Is in your innermost melodies
    Fatal news of death.
    There is a curse of sacred covenants,
    There is a desecration of happiness.
    And such a compelling force
    What am I ready to repeat after rumors,
    It's like you brought down angels,
    Seducing with its beauty...
    And when you laugh at faith,
    Suddenly it lights up above you
    That dim, purple-gray
    And I once saw a circle.
    Evil or good? - All of you are not from here.
    Wise things they say about you:
    For others, you are both a Muse and a miracle.
    For me you are torment and hell.

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    I don't know why at dawn,
    At an hour when there was no more strength,
    I didn’t die, but I noticed your face
    And asked for your consolations?
    I wanted us to be enemies
    So why did you give me
    Meadow with flowers and firmament with stars -
    All the curse of your beauty?
    And more insidious than the northern night,
    And more intoxicating than golden ai,
    And gypsy love in short
    Your caresses were terrible...
    And there was a fatal joy
    In trampling on cherished shrines,
    And maddening delight to the heart -
    This bitter passion is like wormwood!

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    • The poem “Stranger” was written by A.A. Blok in 1906. It was included in the cycle “The pipe began to sing on the bridge.” It was a difficult, difficult period in the poet’s life; many of his poems are permeated with an acute tragic feeling of a turning point. Difficulties were also present in his personal life: Blok’s wife, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, had an affair with his friend, poet Andrei Bely. It was in this atmosphere of a “torn apart dream” that Blok’s “Stranger” was born.
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    "Stranger" Alexander Blok

    In the evenings above the restaurants
    The hot air is wild and deaf,
    And rules with drunken shouts
    Spring and pernicious spirit.

    Far above the dust of the alley,
    Above the boredom of country dachas,
    The bakery's pretzel is slightly golden,
    And a child's cry is heard.

    And every evening, behind the barriers,
    Breaking the pots,
    Walking with the ladies among the ditches
    Tested wits.

    Oarlocks creak over the lake
    And a woman's squeal is heard,
    And in the sky, accustomed to everything
    The disk is bent senselessly.

    And every evening my only friend
    Reflected in my glass
    And tart and mysterious moisture
    Like me, humbled and stunned.

    And next to the neighboring tables
    Sleepy lackeys hang around,
    And drunkards with rabbit eyes scream.
    And every evening, at the appointed hour
    (Or am I just dreaming?),
    The girl's figure, captured by silks,
    A window moves through a foggy window.

    And slowly, walking between the drunks,
    Always without companions, alone
    Breathing spirits and mists,
    She sits by the window.

    "Stranger" Alexander Blok

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    And they breathe ancient beliefs
    Her elastic silks
    And a hat with mourning feathers,
    And in the rings there is a narrow hand.

    And chained by a strange intimacy,
    I look behind the dark veil,
    And I see the enchanted shore
    And the enchanted distance.

    Silent secrets have been entrusted to me,
    Someone's sun was handed to me,
    And all the souls of my bend
    Tart wine pierced.

    And bowed ostrich feathers
    My brain is swinging,
    And blue bottomless eyes
    They bloom on the far shore.

    There's a treasure in my soul
    And the key is entrusted only to me!
    You're right, drunken monster!
    I know: the truth is in the wine.

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    • The poem “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy...” created by Alexander Blok in 1912, is a turning point in the poet’s work. Eight short stanzas not only brought their author world fame, but also changed his life views. This work marked a new stage in Alexander Blok’s work, in which he almost completely renounced the symbolism he so adored, and for the first time in his life thought about more prosaic and banal things.
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    “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy...” Alexander Blok

    Night, street, lantern, pharmacy,
    Pointless and dim light.
    Live for at least another quarter of a century -
    Everything will be like this. There is no outcome.

    If you die, you'll start over again
    And everything will repeat itself as before:
    Night, icy ripples of the channel,
    Pharmacy, street, lamp.

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    Revolutionary years

    • Blok met the February and October revolutions with mixed feelings. He refused to emigrate, believing that he should be with Russia in difficult times. At the beginning of May 1917, he was hired by the “Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry to investigate illegal actions of former ministers, chief managers and other senior officials of both civil, military and naval departments” as an editor.
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    • Blok tried to comprehend the October Revolution not only in journalism, but also, which is especially significant, in his poem “The Twelve” (1918), which was unlike all his previous works. This striking and generally misunderstood work stands entirely apart from Russian literature of the Silver Age and caused controversy (both on the left and on the right) throughout the 20th century.
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    • In February 1919, Blok was arrested by the Petrograd Extraordinary Commission. He was suspected of participating in an anti-Soviet conspiracy. A day later, after two long interrogations, Blok was released, as Lunacharsky stood up for him. However, even these one and a half days in prison broke him. In 1920, Blok wrote in his diary:

    ...under the yoke of violence, human conscience becomes silent; then a person withdraws into the old; The more brazen the violence, the more firmly a person locks himself into the old. This is what happened with Europe under the yoke of war, and with Russia now.

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    • In January 1921, on the occasion of the 84th anniversary of Pushkin’s death, Blok delivered his famous speech “On the Appointment of a Poet” at the House of Writers.
    • This speech was the last cry of despair.
    • Quoting Pushkin’s famous line: “There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will...” - Blok turned to the discouraged Soviet bureaucrat sitting right there on stage and said:

    ...peace and freedom are also taken away. Not external peace, but creative peace. Not childish will, not the freedom to be liberal, but creative will - secret freedom. And the poet dies because he can no longer breathe: life has lost its meaning for him.

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    • Finding himself in a difficult financial situation, he was seriously ill and died on August 7, 1921 in his last Petrograd apartment from inflammation of the heart valves. A few days before his death, a rumor spread throughout St. Petersburg that the poet had gone crazy. Indeed, on the eve of his death, Blok raved for a long time, obsessed with a single thought: had all the copies of “The Twelve” been destroyed? However, the poet died in full consciousness, which refutes rumors about his insanity. Before his death, after receiving a negative response to a request to go abroad for treatment (on July 12), the poet deliberately destroyed his notes and refused to take food and medicine
    • The poet was buried at the Smolensk Orthodox cemetery in Petrograd. In 1944, Blok’s ashes were reburied on the Literary Bridge at the Volkovskoye Cemetery
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