Simple ways to ruin your mood. Simple ways to ruin your mood How to ruin a person's mood with a message

A bad mood is not a consequence of external causes. For some reason, people often like to plunge themselves into a depressing mood. It’s as if they are trying to find the causes of all problems in this. They are trying to find sympathizers. Many people think that life is easier this way. And someone in this way simply justifies their laziness, low level of motivation, lack of desire.

If you are one of those who like to “get hurt,” then be sure to listen to our advice and Bad mood You're guaranteed! And for a long time!

Method 1. Warm-up.

Think about what super qualities you should have. Focus on the ones you have the least. Think through all the details of the unattainability of the ideal.

Method 2: Write down all your shortcomings.

Count them, first from below, then from above. Imagine how big this figure is. Think about what will happen if others find out about this. Be internally horrified.

Method 3. Get angry with yourself and experience a lot of dissatisfaction.

If it doesn’t work out, remember what words you were scolded as a child. Forget that you have already grown up and be sure to be very offended by your parents for everything that you have not achieved.

Method 4. Imagine people you don't like.

After that, immediately try to understand what they think about you. Be sure to agree with them one hundred percent. Feel your worthlessness. Be sad (you may cry).

Method 5. Tell the children what they should do.

Repeat this at least five times. Feel your parental powerlessness. After this, remember with envy the children of your friends who “get it right the first time.”

Method 6: Engage your partner.

Remember how indifferently he reacts to your requests. If he doesn't notice this, notice the enthusiasm with which he does something when you're not together. This is a great reason to feel lonely. Do not succumb to the provocative intentions of your loved ones to get you out of this state. The experience of loneliness should be as pure and dark as possible!

Method 7. Never tell others what you want.

It is their sacred duty to guess what you love. Smile painfully. To consolidate the effect, use hints: frown, don’t talk, walk around looking unhappy. Your task is to cultivate self-pity. Remember that pity needs constant care.

Method 8. Imagine a person who has succeeded more than you.

In no case should you console yourself with the fact that his life developed under different conditions. The main thing for you is to survive humiliation and hopelessness.

Method 9. When communicating with people, talk to them for a long time and patiently.

Don't let yourself know what you're really feeling, even if you're being downright neglected. Get into the situation, offer help. Never give people the opportunity to solve their problems on their own. What then are you worth if you can easily get along without you? If you cannot help, immediately give up on yourself. Alternatively, you might as well get confused.

Method 10. Focus on the sensations in your body.

Find the most unpleasant thing and think “what is this for?” Remember several cases among neighbors and acquaintances that ended extremely unfortunately. Diagnose yourself. Study a couple of medical encyclopedias, paying attention to complications. Then, open the prescription book and read how to treat it, paying attention to contraindications. Find yours. Now you are ready to feel your fear and despair.

And, of course, the most important way is more negativity, comparisons with others and worries. And visit places you don't like more often. And fight there for the truth, because you need to tell others how wrong and illogical they are acting! You have a lot of strength and energy, enough for everything.

All. The cocktail called “Bad Mood” is ready! Take as you use at least one of the signs.

I wanted to write this article based on my own experience of communicating on social networks. I can’t say that I have a special love for this type of communication, but now there’s nowhere on the Internet without them. The choice seems to be large, but no matter where you look, almost the same thing is repeated everywhere.

There is no need to take everything written below too seriously, since the situations are slightly exaggerated, and the interpersonal relationships on social networks is a very conditional matter and non-binding. But somehow I want to figure it out. After all, you hope that you are communicating with real people, and not with some spam robots.

So, in order, about everything, or about most of what can bring me and you, or one of our loved ones, out of a peaceful balance.

1) first of all, this is basic impoliteness. For example, a person needs something from you (otherwise why else would he contact you) and he boldly and assertively confronts you with a fait accompli, so to speak. As an example, I can give this message: “Dude! If it’s not scary, send the following information to all your contacts...” Let’s start with the fact that well-mannered people first say hello, it would also be nice to introduce themselves, but this is ideal, of course. Polite people are also interested in how their interlocutor is doing. Well, in general you need to be more careful when using slang.

2) we can talk about the so-called “letters of happiness” for a long time, we can treat them differently. Here I ask how the interlocutor is doing. Well, in general you need to be more careful when using slang.

2) we can talk about the so-called “letters of happiness” for a long time, we can treat them differently. Here I will note only one thing: if you wish a person good, good, bright, then you will never send him a message with a threat like this: “send a copy of the letter to everyone you can, otherwise your mother will die.” Therefore, when sending such messages, be sure in advance - this is a sure way to ruin the mood of other people.

3) importunity can ruin not only your mood, but also your relationships. There are also people who demand increased attention. They want to communicate so passionately that they start long chats with you about literally nothing. You answer out of politeness, they, quite possibly, also with the best intentions, continue to bother you, and at this time you are already starting to get annoyed at the prolonged chatter. It is usually not so easy to get rid of such unfortunate interlocutors. The only way disconnect or turn off your computer altogether, but as soon as you appear online again, be careful, they may attack you again.

4) the desire not to communicate, but to mock. There are also users who become your virtual friends in order to have a conflict with you. If your patience is not ironclad, then in the end you will not be able to stand it and will respond with irritation to the next attack in your direction. These are a kind of Internet vampires who get pleasure from ruining someone's mood.

5) tactless proposals. They offer you to buy something that you don’t need at all. Even your polite refusal does not stop the merchant. Here’s my personal example: not long ago I accepted a cute avatar of a middle-aged woman as a friend. It turned out that she was a horoscope specialist and supposedly she made a forecast for me as a gift, but in order to receive it, I had to send an SMS with all the ensuing consequences. I politely thanked her, but I was again asked to purchase this horoscope. Then I replied that I don’t believe in predictions and am skeptical about horoscopes. I was again offered to receive a “gift”. Then I sent a funny online method for losing weight, in the hope that the correspondence would end. Naive! I was given a “present” again. My last reply contained an invitation to participate in a commercial project. So far no more gift horoscopes have been received. I hope they left me alone...

6) invitations of an immodest nature. The person met you in social network and immediately suggests (even repeating it is very unpleasant and indecent) to exchange intimate photos or undress in front of a webcam. This is, of course, out of the ordinary rudeness, but it does happen, and it happens very often.

7) malicious jokes or bullying. People are very offended by jokes, photomontages with their personal photographs, even just humorous phrases like: “Do you want to lose weight? Don’t ask me how.” Not all motivating pictures can be correctly understood and assessed.

8) inattention to your person. Elementary non-reaction to your attempt to establish contact can also worsen your mood. This is equivalent to how, in response to a hand extended for a handshake, someone demonstratively leaves the room.

9) appearance Avatars can also evoke unpleasant emotions. Is it possible to take your interlocutor seriously if instead of a face he has organs that well-mannered people usually cover with clothes? Or there is a portrait, but it’s somehow terrible, repulsive, creepy... Even puppies and kittens can sometimes look inappropriate for friendship and communication, but at least this can be understood: the person is simply encrypted.

In general, between us girls, you shouldn’t let your mood deteriorate because of all sorts of little things. The virtual world is like chaos and lives by its own laws, where there are no special rules. Communication is an art, as well as a luxury, according to the words of A. Exupery. And you need to be a little more lenient, because no one is safe from mistakes.

And finally I suggest small test, which friends on the social network helped to complete:

How to feel about being removed from your friends list?
1) breathe a sigh of relief,
2) be offended
3) take revenge,
4) distract yourself with something pleasant,
5) send a letter of gratitude?
Any other ideas? Just be sure to start with the letter 'O'!

Friends suggested:

6) Be happy

7) be upset

8) come to your senses and not get acquainted,

9) Definitely do nothing :)

Well, what can I add here?

Life does not please a person only with happy and pleasant moments. It's very easy to ruin your mood. Every day, every person is affected by many factors that either raise or lower his mood. A person appears to be sick if their mood constantly changes throughout the day. However we're talking about about a common emotional reaction that creates a bad mood and the desire to find ways to cope with it.

The men's website claims that a bad mood primarily harms the man himself. You can say that it was not you, but your mood was spoiled, that you are not to blame for anything. However, while you are in a bad mood, it only harms you, influencing your decisions and actions.

By the way, it is worth noting that while the guy is in a bad mood, his only decisions and actions are to do nothing. If a problem needs to be solved, he does nothing about it. And if a problem bothers a guy, then this continues until he finally understands that he must do something himself to fix it.

Therefore, you need to be able to cope with your bad mood. It will always arise, since there are many reasons for its development. The main thing is not the occurrence of a bad mood, but the ability to eliminate it yourself.

How not to ruin your mood?

In order not to ruin your mood, you need to understand one thing: your mood depends on you. Have you noticed lately that your mood is going up and down? If these changes become frequent, then you should understand the reasons for what is happening. It is quite normal that a person's mood changes. Everyone is surrounded by a world that different ways influences the individual. Mood is a reaction to what a person sees. If you like something, then your mood rises; if you don’t like something, then your mood falls. However, in what mood is a person constantly?

Frequent changes in emotions are a consequence of dissatisfaction with life. A person notices the pronounced emotions that manifest themselves in him. However, he does not notice what is happening in the background: he is sad, depressed, dissatisfied.

Frequent mood changes are observed in people who are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. There can be many reasons for dissatisfaction:

  • Problems with your beloved partner.
  • Small salary.
  • Lack of work.
  • Painful condition of the body, etc.

If a person cannot solve a problem, he ceases to feel how much it bothers him. It seems that I have already gotten used to its presence. In fact, the feelings were simply dulled. And, as a result, a person’s mood often changes. It becomes easy to offend, upset, and upset him. It is becoming increasingly difficult for him to feel happy. However, fall into negative emotions it becomes easy for him. The reason for this is the underlying mental state of dissatisfaction, bitterness, resentment or disappointment that a person experiences.

To eliminate frequent mood swings, you need to solve the most main problem which makes you constantly depressed. If the problem is eliminated, then the state of mind of the individual will change, who will now calm down and relax.

What to do if a bad mood is the result of the absence of a girl?

Mood depends on what position a person is in in life. If a guy is not happy with something, then his bad mood is the result of the lack of what he would like to have. So, if there is no love and a beloved girl, then a bad mood is a consequence of this dissatisfaction. How to deal with the problem?

There are only two possible solutions here:

  1. Find a girl for love.
  2. Give up the desire to find a girl.

The first solution to the problem will require effort. You need to gain information on how to find a girl and build a relationship with her. Even pick-up artist courses will help here, giving you some tips on how to approach girls and get to know them.

Some can replace their beloved while there is no contender for a serious relationship. In order not to be alone, you can dilute it with girls with whom you will not seriously date, but they will satisfy all your needs for a while.

In the second case, it is proposed to stop suffering due to the absence of a girl. Sure, you may want a serious relationship. However, their absence should not make you feel negative. Take it easy on the lack of a love relationship. Better be prepared for the fact that you will have them soon.

The negative side of a bad mood is that a guy, being in it, is not able to meet and attract a girl. Even if attempts are made, the girls will refuse. And who wants to date a guy who is in a bad mood? After all, he most likely still likes to talk about how the world is unfair and everything in his life is bad. In other words, a bad mood only prevents a guy from eliminating the reason for which he suffers.

What to do if a bad mood is the result of a quarrel with a girl?

A bad mood can arise not only due to the absence of a girl, but also due to her presence. Without a girl it’s just as bad as with her. The girl often creates problems and quarrels, which also spoil the mood.

If you had a fight with a girl, because of which you are now in a bad mood, then you need to solve the problem:

  1. Make peace with the girl.

In the first case, you need to understand what happened. To make peace, you need to ask for forgiveness - what the girl is waiting for. Why ask for forgiveness? The guy must remember what his girlfriend reproached or accused him of. Reconciliation will occur if the guy accepts the girl's point of view. Here the experts say the following:

  • Admit your guilt if you are truly guilty.
  • Just agree with the opinion of the girl who may be upset about something, although you are not to blame for anything.

Sometimes guys have to put up even when it's not really their fault. Here it is important not to agree with the girl’s opinion, but to accept the fact as the right of her existence. The girl is right, and so are you. But there is no need to quarrel over this.

In the second case, you need to break up with the girl if you don’t see the point in maintaining a relationship with her. Often a guy and a girl meet out of habit, although they would like to break up for a long time. Often in such relationships there are daily quarrels.

Experts say that in a normal relationship, quarrels cannot occur every day. However, if conflicts occur every day, this sure sign that the relationship has already outlived its usefulness and partners should think about its feasibility. If you want to preserve the union, then something needs to be changed in it. And if you understand that the relationship is already falling apart, then it’s time to separate.

Bad mood is a common result of conflicts and quarrels between loving people. However further development events should proceed from what a person wants to achieve as a result. Remember, you can break up, but then it will be very difficult to restore the relationship, or you can preserve the union, which only brings a complete headache. It's up to you to decide what to do!

What to do if a bad mood is the result of depression?

If a bad mood is your daily condition, then you should think about the reasons for this phenomenon. Depression is a common cause of low mood. And it can already be the result:

  1. Dissatisfaction with life.
  2. Lack of meaning in life.
  3. Losing something important and valuable.
  4. Lack of anything interesting.
  5. The monotony of life.

To get rid of depression and, accordingly, bad mood, you need to eliminate the cause of the development of these conditions. Often the help of a psychologist is required here. The services of this specialist should not be neglected. If independent attempts to fix everything do not produce results, then you need to contact psychological help. Just because in our country this service is equated with humiliation or recognition of one’s own weakness, there is no need to refuse it. It is better to admit your own weakness and improve your life than to be strong and unhappy.

Is a bad mood always a tragedy in the end?

People almost always have an unambiguously negative attitude towards a bad mood. But the reader does not need to do this. The fact is that a bad mood also has its advantages:

  • Helps you determine your attitude to current events.
  • Reveals the identity of the guy himself.
  • Encourages you to take action and improve your life.

A bad mood always indicates that you are unhappy with the current situation. And since you are unhappy, then you probably want to change everything. You get information about what exactly you don't like, and you also begin to understand what you like. As a result, you either act because your bad mood pushes you to do so, or you do not change anything, plunging into a depressive state.

A bad mood is just your assessment of the situation you recently encountered. Usually the mood changes when a person eliminates the problem that depresses him. And if you cannot solve the problem, then you can try to change your attitude towards it. After all, not everything is subject to your power, so you can simply accept something and come to terms with it, changing your vision of the situation. This advice is especially relevant in relationships with other people, where a guy cannot do for those around him what he expects from them.

Ruining your mood is not like that difficult task, however, you need to be able to spoil your mood. We have seven ways that will teach you how to do it like a pro. Suffer with pleasure!

How to ruin your mood:

  1. First way. Warm up. If you have ever been to a team building training, imagine what qualities you would like to have. Now think about which of them are less pronounced in you. Ready! Suffer!
  2. Second way. Count all your shortcomings. Write them on a piece of paper and read them several times, first from beginning to end, and then vice versa. Just think how many of them there actually are! You are completely imperfect! It’s scary to imagine what people around you think of you, suddenly they all notice it! Ready! Suffer!
  3. Third way. What words do you use to “cover” yourself when some mission fails?! Repeat them as often as possible so as not to forget! And if you can’t forget, then be angry with yourself for it, be dissatisfied with yourself. And in addition to this, remember how your parents scolded you a long time ago. Now imagine that you are still the same child. You can repeat to achieve perfect results! Ready! Suffer!
  4. Fourth way. Remember people who are not at all attractive, and now imagine what they can say and think about you. Imagine that you are as unpleasant to them as they are to you. Unconditionally agree with their opinion. Feel inferior. Ready! Suffer!
  5. Fifth way. You are a parent. Ask the kids to do something. Tell your children that they are not doing what you ask them to do. Reproach them for this. Remember the families with whom you are friends, whose children are “angels”; they love and respect their parents because they do everything right the first time. Now understand that you are worthless, even your own children do not respect you. Ready! Suffer!
  6. Sixth method. It's been a long time since you paid attention to your husband (wife)! You should definitely take care of your soulmate. Remember that you asked to do it, and your significant other was indifferent to these requests. Note for yourself the desire with which your significant other goes to friends, clubs, bars, and surfs the Internet. Here is another reason for you to feel worthless and lonely. Do not leave this state under any pretext, even if your significant other stubbornly revolves around you. Ready! Suffer!
  7. Seventh method. You should never tell anyone about what you would like, what you need! They simply must understand this only by looking into your deep and expressive eyes. If a person doesn’t understand this at all, then give him various hints: you can wink, smile, or even be offended and talk to him because of this. Beg pity from yourself for yourself. Pity needs constant care! Ready! Suffer!
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