Topics for the Russian language project 7. Russian language educational project “My language is my friend!” (Current issues of speech culture) (7th grade). Before going into the unknown

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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“My tongue is my friend!” (Current issues of speech culture) Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood. Quintilian, Roman rhetorician Educational project in the Russian language

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1. Create conditions for students to master the norms of the Russian literary language; 2. Increase the level of speech culture; 3. Learn to independently search for information and process it, find the necessary information on the Internet; 4. Develop public speaking skills; 5. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the native language; 6. Develop the ability to format received information at a modern level using various electronic programs. : Project goals and objectives.

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The project took place over 2 weeks as part of the school Literature Week: 4 lessons, 4 consultations, 6 lessons for independent work, a final lesson-presentation. Project type: short-term, teacher-student. Timing and stages of implementation

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The project consists of 4 stages: Stage 1 – preparation and planning of work Stage 2 – implementation of the project Stage 3 – analysis and preparation of received materials (group summary) Stage 4 – presentation of the project (lesson presentation)

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Fundamental question Why do people need to speak their language “easily, clearly and beautifully”?

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Required initial knowledge, skills, and abilities Communication skills: 1. the ability to clearly and interestingly express one’s thoughts in a reasoned manner; 2. ability to listen and argue; 3. ability to debate 4. ability to speak in public User skills on a PC: 1. skills in a text editor; 2. Internet skills; 3. skills in working with a graphic editor; 4. creating and editing presentation slides. 5. ability to use various visual aids when speaking.

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1. Introducing the goals and objectives of the project with the help of a kickoff presentation. 2. Discussion of research topics. 3. Formation of groups according to desire and interests. 4. Drawing up a group work plan, distributing functional responsibilities between group members. 5. Organization of cooperation between students and the teacher in the VK group. 6. Selection of material. 7. Conducting consultations for working groups, surveying the class. 8. Discussion with students about the criteria for evaluating presentations and publications. 9. Interim assessment of participation in the project. 10. Generalization and presentation of research results in the form of presentations and memos. 11. Project evaluation. 12. Analysis of the work of groups and each group member. 13. Presentation and defense of the project. 14. Final reflection on the project. Learning activities

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Stage I – Preparation and planning of work In the first lesson, students got acquainted with the starting presentation, then answered questions in a questionnaire to identify the interests of students. In accordance with the children’s answers regarding the choice of direction of activity, 3 groups (based on interests) were formed, necessary for the implementation of the project. The guys got acquainted with a list of recommended books, electronic materials, links to Internet resources, and were also given recommendations for carrying out the project. We discussed with the students the products of the groups’ activities (how the results obtained will be presented: materials for conducting the survey (questionnaires, answer sheets, survey cards); public presentation in the form of a presentation (prepared by each group); memo “How to maintain purity of speech?”) . Students are familiar with the criteria for assessing the results of project activities. Project implementation

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Stage II - Carrying out the project We compiled and discussed with students at consultations a work plan in each of the created groups. We identified the main sources and methods of searching for information. A recommendation is made to timely record all used sources of information in order to evaluate them (sheet for recording the resources used). Each group was given a task and the necessary recommendations for preparing the necessary materials for conducting the survey (questionnaires, answer sheets, survey cards). The guys were given recommendations for working in the VK group. Students participated in discussions with interest and completed creative tasks. We organized a survey and observed the speech of peers as part of independent work. When conducting the survey, students used the materials they had prepared (questionnaires, answer sheets, survey cards).

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Stage III - Analysis and design of the received materials At this stage, the material collected by the children was analyzed and systematized (the results of the survey, a selection of the necessary material on the Internet. The children received recommendations on the design and selection of material for presentations and publications). We compiled the research results and collected materials in accordance with the teacher’s requirements. Prepared a public presentation in the form of a presentation (each group). We reported on the work done at the consultation. Students are given the necessary recommendations for further work in the project.

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Stage IV – Presentation of the project We prepared with the students a scenario for the final lesson in the form of a presentation lesson. Conducted a lesson presentation. Reflection of project participants (analysis of results, assessment of the quality of work of project participants). We assessed the work of the students and summed up the results of the work in the project.

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After completing the project, students can: use spelling, lexical, and spelling norms of the Russian literary language in oral and written speech; increase the level of speech culture; work with information (search, generalization, highlighting the main thing, analysis), learn to independently search for information and process it, will be able to find the necessary information in the media and the Internet; treat your native language with care; conduct a linguistic survey; formalize the received information at a modern level using various electronic programs; interact in a team; present information and express your point of view. Project results

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Word Its meaning Jargon (French jargon) - sociolect; differs from the general spoken language in specific vocabulary and phraseology, expressiveness of turns and special use of word-formation means, but does not have its own phonetic and grammatical system. Slang words or expressions are called “jargonisms.” Slang (English slang) is a set of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various groups of people (professional, social, age, etc.). For example, youth slang. Swear words are words and expressions, the use of which is not allowed by public morality, intended primarily to insult the addressee or negative assessments of people and phenomena, the most rude type of profanity.

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Survey results In class, we conducted an anonymous survey, which helped us find out how much, how often, and of what quality students use slang expressions.

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1. Do you know what slang is? (yes - 83%, no - 17%) 2. Do you know about the history of the emergence and existence of slang? (yes – 22%, no – 78%) 3. Do you think slang is relevant in our time? (yes – 71%, no – 29%) 4. Do you often use slang in your speech? (yes - 58%, no - 30%, 12% - occasionally) 5. Is it possible to use slang always and everywhere or only under certain conditions? (always - 0%, under certain conditions - 71%, never - 29%) 6. Write the most commonly used words and their meanings (5-6 words) crazy, cool, sticky, tops, slow, crazy, awesome, show-off, pop , car, glitches. 7. How often do you use obscene language? (often – 0%, rarely – 29%, never – 71%) 8. What is your favorite slang word? (crazy, cool). 9.Do you consider the use of slang uncivilized? (yes – 35%, no – 65%)

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  • In the future, I want to choose a profession related to business communication between people, so I decided to choose the topic of the project “Speech etiquette in business style of communication.”

Objective of the project

  • I want to learn more about business etiquette and teach seventh graders about it. I think that I will need this knowledge in the future when choosing a profession.

Project objectives

  • Find the information you need
  • Design slides
  • Design a folder

Principles of business etiquette

  • Business conversation- this is a complex multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the official sphere of R.N. Botavin “Ethics of Business Relations”. Its participants act in official capacities and are focused on achieving goals and specific tasks. A specific feature of this process is regulation, i.e. submission to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles.
  • Business etiquette includes two groups of rules:
  • · norms that apply in the sphere of communication between equal status, members of the same team (horizontal);
  • · instructions that determine the nature of the contact between the manager and the subordinate (vertical) A.Ya. Kibanov, D.K. Zakharov, V.G. Konovalov "Ethics of business relations"..
  • A general requirement is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all work colleagues and partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.
  • Rules of etiquette, clothed in specific forms of knowledge, indicate the unity of its two sides: moral, ethical and aesthetic. The first side is an expression of a moral norm: preventative care, protection, etc. The second side - aesthetic - testifies to the beauty and grace of forms of behavior.
  • To greet, use not only the verbal (speech) means “Hello!”, “Good afternoon,” but also non-verbal gestures: bow, nod, wave of the hand, etc. You can indifferently say: “Hello,” nod your head and walk past. But it’s better to do it differently - say, for example: “Hello, Ivan Alexandrovich!”, smile warmly at him and stop for a few seconds. Such a greeting emphasizes your good feelings for this person, he will understand, you appreciate him, and the sound of your own name is a pleasant melody for any person.
  • An address without a name is a formal address: be it a subordinate or a boss, a neighbor on the landing or a fellow traveler on public transport. Calling by name, or even better - by name and patronymic - is calling a person. By pronouncing the name and patronymic, we emphasize respect for human dignity.
  • A culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without observing the rules of verbal (verbal" speech) etiquette associated with forms and manners of speech, vocabulary, i.e. at all speech style, accepted in communication among this circle of business people. There are historically developed stereotypes of speech communication. They were previously used by Russian merchants and entrepreneurs, and now they are used by cultured Russian and foreign business people. These are the words: “ladies”, “gentlemen”, “sirs” and “madams”. “Mister” is an original Russian word. It has the most common meaning as a form of polite address to a group of people and an individual, used in the privileged strata of society. In addition Moreover, in its other meaning - “owner of property” there is also a respectful attitude towards a person by R.N. Botavin “Ethics of business relations”.
  • In a business conversation, you must be able to answer any question. Even with the simplest questions, asked several times every day: “How are you?”, it is always necessary to remember a sense of proportion. Not answering anything or impolite; muttering “Fine” and walking by is also impolite, if not rude; to indulge in long discussions about one's affairs is to be considered a bore. In such cases, business etiquette prescribes answering something like the following: “Thank you, it’s fine,” “Thank you, it’s a sin to complain,” etc., asking, in turn, “I hope that everything is fine with you?”

Speech communication

  • In verbal (verbal, speech) communication, business etiquette involves the use of various psychological techniques. One of them is the “stroking formula”. These are phrases like: “Good luck to you!”, “I wish you success”, well-known phrases: “For a big ship, a long voyage”, “No fluff, no feather!” etc., pronounced with different shades. Such verbal location signs as “Salute”, “No problem”, “Oh, okay”, etc. are widely used.
  • In the speech etiquette of business people, com p are of great importance
  • Limens are pleasant words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing taste in clothing, appearance, balance in a partner’s actions, i.e., an assessment of the business partner’s intelligence. It was not in vain that the heroine of the once popular film “Big Sister” said that a kind word is also pleasant for a cat. From this point of view, a compliment is not a mechanism of flattery. Flattery, especially rude, is a mask behind which mercantile interest is most often hidden. A compliment, especially if you are dealing with a female partner, is a necessary part of speech etiquette. During business communication there is always a real opportunity for compliments. They inspire your business partner, give him confidence, and approve. It is especially important to remember the compliment if you are dealing with a newcomer or, for example, who failed at first. It is no coincidence that Japanese companies prohibit open criticism of their employees: this is unprofitable for the company, since labor activity and initiative are reduced

Business telephone etiquette

  • Modern business life cannot be imagined without phone. Thanks to it, the efficiency of resolving many issues and problems increases many times over, eliminating the need to send letters, telegrams or travel to another institution or city to clarify the circumstances of any case. You can do a lot over the phone: negotiate, give orders, make a request, etc. Very often, the first step towards concluding a business agreement is a telephone conversation.
  • A telephone conversation has one important advantage over a letter: it ensures a continuous two-way exchange of information, regardless of distance. To business phone
  • Nowadays, you also need to prepare carefully. Poor preparation, the inability to highlight the main thing in it, to express one’s thoughts concisely, succinctly and competently leads to significant losses of working time (up to 20-30%). This is what American manager A. Mackenzie says. Among the 15 main reasons for loss of time by businessmen and managers, he put telephone conversations in first place. Psychologists note that the duration of telephone conversations depends on their emotional coloring. Excessive emotionality creates the preconditions for speech unclearness and lack of efficiency in phrases, which increases the time of A.Ya.’s telephone conversation. Kibanov, D.K. Zakharov, V.G. Konovalov "Ethics of business relations"..
  • It is also known that during a telephone conversation there is a phenomenon called satiety with communication. It can be a source of tension between the parties. Therefore, during a conversation you need to observe moderation. Otherwise, the meaning of communication may be lost and conflict may arise. Signs of satiation with communication: the emergence and intensification of causeless dissatisfaction with a partner, irritability, touchiness, etc. You should get out of contact with your partner in time to maintain your business relationship. In addition, having long telephone conversations can give you a reputation for being boring or idle. Such a reputation will undermine interest in you and your business proposals. To restore the good name of the company and your reputation, you will have to spend much more effort than when establishing your first business contact.
  • The art of conducting telephone conversations is to briefly say everything that needs to be said and get an answer. A Japanese company will not keep an employee for long who does not solve a business issue over the phone in three minutes.
  • The basis for a successful business telephone conversation is competence, tact, goodwill, mastery of conversation techniques, the desire to quickly and effectively solve a problem or provide assistance in solving it. It is important that the official, business telephone conversation is conducted in a calm, polite tone and evokes positive emotions. F. Bacon also noted that conducting a conversation in a friendly tone is more important than using good words and placing them in the correct order. During a business telephone conversation, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of mutual trust.


  • 1. Zhutovskaya N.M. "World of History". No. 5, 2000.
  • 2. R.N. Botavin “Ethics of business relations”.
  • 3. AND I. Kibanov, D.K. Zakharov, V.G. Konovalov “Ethics of business relations”.
  • 4. Emysheva E. “Some features of negotiating with representatives of different countries.”


  • I think my project was a success. I learned a lot about speech etiquette, the knowledge I gained will be useful to me.

Thank you for your attention.

on the topic “Parts of speech gallery”
students of class 7 "A" of GBOU secondary school No. 1908 in Moscow
Rudakov Peter, Klimchuk Vladimir,
Polina Nikiforova, Ruslana Karaketova,
Medvedeva Ekaterina, Kudinova Inessa,
Koneva Daria, Uzlyuk Veronica,
Sharikova Anastasia.
Head: M.A. Tunieva,
teacher of Russian language and literature
highest category,
GBOU Secondary School No. 1908, Moscow

Abstract to the project “Gallery of parts of speech”
students of grade 7 "A"

For the first time, students began project work in the 6th grade. The project is long-term, designed for 2 years (grades 6 and 7), while parts of speech will be studied. A mini-project is not excluded during lessons.
It is expected that the “final product” of students’ project activities will be presented in different ways. This is a series of illustrations, fairy tales, reference material, articles, a collection of essays, tests, etc.
The theme of the project is a fairly serious section of grammar. Children must master the full scope of theoretical information in the “Morphology” section. This will contribute to mastering the various norms of the Russian literary language.
Students must eventually learn to speak and write correctly. Having studied a certain section of educational material, children comprehend it all and creatively present it in their own way in the final product.
Before starting work, the following goals were set:
deepen knowledge of the subject in general and the “Morphology” section in particular;

develop the individual abilities of each student in the class;
learn to solve a problem together, make decisions, prove and defend your opinion.
The children have different tasks: learn to analyze, choose, design, create.
This project activity involves group work of students. While working on the project, the following groups were created:
technical (3-5 people);
informational (5-6 people);
creative (5-8 people).
The technical group is engaged in typing texts on a computer, scanning, and sending materials by e-mail.

Members of the creative group arrange the material in the form of a linguistic fairy tale, prepare illustrations, and compose poetry.
The project presents creative works that were performed by students as they progressed through a particular topic in 6th grade Russian language lessons. The children collect their work into an electronic album, which we use in class.

The theme of the project is “Gallery of parts of speech.”
Project type: creative, long-term.
The content of the work.
1. Goals:
deepen students’ knowledge of the subject in general and the “Morphology” section in particular;
learn to independently search for information on an issue of interest in various sources;
develop individual creative abilities of students;
learn to jointly solve a problem, a given task, make decisions, prove that you are right;
develop a love for words, for the Russian language.

2. Problem.
What will knowledge of the features of parts of speech give us for life?

3. Objectives.
systematize and activate the acquired knowledge in the section “Morphology”, familiarization with the material from additional sources;
develop students’ interest in independently studying various sections of the Russian language;
develop the ability to think, analyze, draw correct conclusions, select material, and use ICT when preparing work;
creation of creative works and their presentation at a school conference, etc.
4. Object of study:
section of the Russian language grammar “Morphology”.
5. Subject of research:
features of parts of speech, difficult spellings.
6. Hypothesis:
The implementation of the project will allow overcoming difficulties in the use of certain spellings and grammatical forms.
7. Methods: children's creativity.
8.Relevance of the problem being solved:
mastering a serious section of the grammar of “Morphology”, which requires good theoretical knowledge, will contribute to the mastery of various norms of the Russian language, which in turn is a sign of a cultured person.

Project work plan.

Organizational and installation – we determine the number of participants, form groups:
A) technical (3-5 people);
B) informational (5-6 people);
C) creative (6-8 people).
The technical group is engaged in typing text on a computer, scanning, and sending material by e-mail.
The information group is engaged in searching and presenting the necessary information.
The creative group designs the material in the form of a linguistic fairy tale, prepares illustrations, and composes poetry.
Selection and discussion of the topic, goals, tasks - why the project is being created, is there a need for it.
Discussion of methodological methods of work; distribution of responsibilities among group members; discussion of ways to solve the problem; objective assessment of the capabilities of each group member.
Selection of necessary material on the topic.
Project work.
Discussion of intermediate results, the process of identifying and eliminating deficiencies (corrections, adjustments of work), presentation in class.
Presentation of results.
Preparing for the presentation.
Speech at a school conference.

The guys started project work for the first time. It covers general questions about learning parts of speech, as well as difficult spellings. Working on the project aroused great interest among the guys; they approached it creatively and worked with passion. Through mini-projects in lessons, broader topics were addressed. The children were especially interested in creative works. The children present the material they have studied in the form of articles, fairy tales, drawings, tests, books, and essays. Writing fairy tales, illustrating them, using ICT - all this is typical for children of this age. Working in groups allowed the children to communicate more, find a common solution, and enjoy the success of their friends. The comments were treated with understanding and shortcomings were corrected in a timely manner. This project work has its continuation: further study of this section of grammar is taken into account.

(See Appendices)

Rudakov Petr
General concept.

The noun is studied in the section of grammar - morphology, and is a part of speech.

Independent (notional) parts of speech denote phenomena that exist in objective reality.
A noun is an independent (significant) part of speech that designates and names an object and answers the questions who? What? (friend, lesson).
The general grammatical meaning of a noun is the meaning of the subject.
By meaning, nouns are divided into groups:

Nouns are divided into animate and inanimate.
Animate nouns name objects of inanimate nature, they are asked the question who? (child, sister)
Inanimate nouns name objects of inanimate nature; they are asked what? (country, land). In works of fiction, objects of inanimate nature can be endowed with the properties of living beings, inanimate nouns are used as animate. They are asked the question: who? This technique is called personification.
Animate and inanimate nouns differ not only in meaning, but also in the form of the accusative case: for animate nouns, the accusative plural form is the same with the genitive plural form (sisters - R., V., sisters), and for inanimate nouns - with form of the nominative plural (rivers - V., I. rivers).
Nouns are divided into 2 groups: common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are generalized names of homogeneous objects, phenomena, actions, states (tree, earth).
Nouns that name singular (individual) objects are proper. Proper names can consist of one or more words and are written with a capital letter (Moscow, Ivanov Ivan).
In a sentence (syntactic features), nouns act mainly as subjects and objects (Moscow is the capital of Russia).
2. Morphological features of nouns - gender, number, case and declension (change in numbers and cases).
Let's take a closer look at the first two characteristics.
2.1. Number.
Nouns have two numbers - singular and plural (lesson-lessons).
Nouns in the singular form denote one object, in the plural form - many, several objects.
Specific nouns change according to numbers, the change is conveyed using endings.
Real, abstract, collective nouns and some others do not change in number. They have one form: singular or plural (sugar, milk, youth)

For abstract nouns, plural forms can be formed if such nouns are used in a specific meaning, for example: joy (abstract) – the joys of life (in the specific meaning “joyful events”), beauty (abstract) – the beauty of nature (in the specific meaning “beautiful” pictures of nature").
However, the formation of plural forms for abstract nouns is not always possible. For example, it is a stylistic error to use the expression “partisan movements.”
The plural form of this noun is possible in a more specific meaning (“change in the position of an object”; movement of a pendulum).
Plural forms of real nouns are used when talking about varieties or types of substances, which happens mainly in professional speech (lubricating oils, animal fats, high-quality steels, etc.).
The following nouns have only a plural form:

Nouns that have the same number form require dependent words to agree on form. Agreement in meaning is a violation of the literary norm.

2.2. Genus.
Nouns belong to one of three genders - masculine, feminine or neuter, but do not change according to gender. The gender of a noun can be determined by adding to the noun the word mine (m. r.), my (f. r.), my (w. r.). In addition, for some nouns, gender can be determined by the meaning of the word, since some words name male people and animals (father, lion), while others name female ones (mother, lioness).
Among the words starting with -a (-я) there are nouns with the meaning of person, which, depending on gender, can be classified either as masculine or feminine: this master is a talented self-taught person and this weaver is a talented self-taught person. Such words are called words of a general gender (orphan, crybaby, slob, dirty one, rag, sleepyhead, etc.).
For nouns that only have a plural form, gender is not determined (pants, scissors).
Gender of inflected nouns

However, some nouns may have variants (varieties) of generic forms, for example: shutter (m.r.) – shutter (zh.r.).
Many of the variants of generic forms of nouns have stylistic differences: one variant is common literary, the other is characteristic of a certain style of speech or is outdated, for example: film, m.r. (community) - film, film. (obsolete). The use of such limited-use forms must be stylistically justified.
Some of the variants of generic forms are colloquial or dialectal in nature. They should be avoided in your speech. Examples of violations of literary language norms include the use of the words potato, tulle, jelly in the feminine form (fixed in the masculine form) or the use in the masculine form of the words mouse, parcel, corn (fixed in the feminine form).
The use of generic forms in modern literary language

Unchangeable borrowed nouns of the neuter gender, denoting objects of inanimate nature: metro, cafe, etc. The exception is coffee - masculine. Indeclinable animate nouns are masculine if they denote male persons or animals (military attaché, gray kangaroo), and feminine if they denote female persons (old lady). Indeclinable geographical names determine their gender by the gender of the common noun denoting the generic concept (i.e. by the gender of the words city, river, lake, mountain, island, etc.): sunny Batumi, wide Mississippi.

Gender of indeclinable nouns

Word of foreign origin

Gender forms of nouns also do syntactic work: they help connect words to each other by indicating what gender form the adjectives and verbs that depend on them should have.
Sarmanova Alexandra
Immutable nouns

There are nouns in the Russian language that do not change in number and case. They have the same form in all cases and numbers: no metro, to the metro, in the metro.
Indeclinable nouns cannot be inflected! Failure to comply with this rule indicates low speech culture.
The number and case of unchangeable nouns can be determined in phrases and sentences: leave the cinema, meet at the cinema; A new cinema has appeared in our city.
Among the indeclinable nouns there are native Russian surnames: Durnovo, Chernykh, Milykh, Blagovo.
Some proper names are also not declined (Morocco), and abbreviations are also not declined (NFO, Moscow State University, UN, Unified State Examination).

Once upon a time in a magical land of Words, Punctuation Marks, Cases. They were all friends with each other. But there were exceptions - the Unyielding Exists
spruce. Poor fellows: they were not recognized by the Cases, the Endings forgot about them. Their only hope was Adjective Names, which helped Indeclinable Nouns not to forget what gender, number and case they were.
And then one day one of these words, Coat, wanted to go to school. But first it was necessary to pass exams. The word learned all the questions and went to school. However, when it was his turn, it was unable to answer a single question: what gender, number and case is it? The teacher said: “Friend, I’m sorry, but you don’t know anything. You won't be able to study at our school."
Frustrated, Coat wandered home. On the way he came across the Name Adjective New. The adjective said: “Why did you hang your head?”
“I’m sad because I don’t know anything and I wasn’t accepted into school,” the word answered. "Don't be sad! I will help you! Let's go to school together! I will help you, I will stand in the number and case that you want,” the Adjective Name encouraged him. So they were able to go to school.
Koneva Daria

Once upon a time, in the great country of the Russian language, there lived a small suffix IK. He was very kind and sweet and even in childhood he helped all nouns become kinder.
When I grew up, I opened my own salon, “Kindness.” There IK and his friends helped Nouns become kinder and softer. One day a very sad and rude, as it seemed to him, Noun DONKE came to him. Everyone offended him and that's why he was angry. But, after being in the salon for about an hour, he came out not as a DONKEY, but as a DONKEY!
However, the suffix IKA had envious people and ill-wishers. For example, the Suffix ISCH, which always made the clients of the Dobrota salon harder and angrier.
One day, the salon director found out that the search engine was guarding his clients, and decided to talk to him. After the conversation, IK realized that ISH was incorrigible and decided to reconcile. But ISH promised not to play dirty tricks on Iku anymore, and from then on everyone began to live together.

Medvedeva Ekaterina
The story of suffixes

In the country of Spelling, such a story happened. Newcomers OVA, EVA, YVA, IVA arrived at the suffix camp.
The commander lined them up and said: “Now I will talk with you and sort you out by verbs. We will consider all cases. I’m starting to give orders!”
“You, OVA, become the verb “to write off.” YVA will appear in the verb “to pursue,” IVA will appear in the verb “to command,” and EVA will appear in the verb “to watch.”
Then the commander saw that the newcomers did not obey him and did not take the indicated places. "Why?" - he asked. Then OVA replied: “We have just finished sixth grade and will help you give commands correctly. My brother EVA and I don’t want to be friends with 1st person verbs and always run away from him. If we are not in the 1st person, look for it in the infinitive. If I talk, command, pursue or dance, then I must speak and write: talk, command, pursue, dance.”
And the brothers YVA and IVA say: “And we are always in our place both in the 1st person and in the infinitive. I look and will look, I lay out and will lay out.”

Nikiforova Polina
Verb country

Once upon a time there lived in the Land of Glagolia inhabitants - verbs. Their life was interesting: you could fly into the future or walk through the past.
There were two peoples in this country: the First Conjugates and the Second Conjugates. Only those verbs that knew which letter they had in the infinitive at birth could fall into the past tense. This is how they lived - they didn’t grieve for many centuries
But then one day an army of suffixes wandered into their peaceful country. Then four peoples united: the Ovovtsy, the Evotsy, the Yvovtsy and the Ivotsy. A brutal war has begun!
Soon after prolonged fighting, both sides began to lose strength. Then they decided to announce a break for exactly one day.
The adults sat down in the evening and began to think about how to defeat the enemy. And at this time a little little verb came out of its hiding place and saw a little sheep. They played and had fun all night for so long that they even became friends. They decided to go home, to the verbs, and propose a brilliant idea - to unite and live in peace and harmony as one kingdom.
And the very next day all the inhabitants of the two states united, but they forgot who had what suffix. Therefore, in order to determine which suffix is ​​which, it was necessary to use the first person, singular. This method was invented by one wise Verb to Draw. First, he determined whether the suffix had really possessed him, and called his second cousin Drawing for help. Realizing that the suffix had indeed entered into him, he checked which one it was. He became first person singular, turning into the form of Drawing.
So, having passed the exams to determine the suffix, the verbs began to live their own independent life.

Karaketov Ruslan
The book “The Tale of the Verb.”

The Russian language is great, rich, immortal. But you must be able to own wealth. Not everyone can remember all the rules of the Russian language in order to speak and write correctly.
Today I want to talk about the rules we are used to in a completely different form. I will present to you a fairy tale about a verb, or rather, about its conjugation.

In one ancient gallery,
Which not everyone can comprehend,
All parts of our speech have gathered
And they turned into one.
This is how our language was born,
And over the years he gradually grew richer
And he grew up, leaving his studies

In a certain kingdom, in a verbal state, in a high castle, in a distant land, there lived a King. His life was not easy. When people came up with a verb, the King had to take the initial form of that verb and create the remaining forms almost instantly.
But what did the verbs themselves look like? In fact, these are little people with special physical abilities.
For example, if it is the Verb Run, then it is a verb that runs very fast and is wearing a T-shirt. And if the verb Run has brothers or sisters, then it turns into the verb Run.
Everything in the kingdom was going well until the palace received a decree from the Russian Emperor. He stated that people misspell verb endings. And this problem is very significant, and it must be solved somehow. It was then that the Verb created the conjugation.
He decided to create a law according to which every Verb must come to the castle and leave information about its ending, after which he will be given new T-shirts with the ending and conjugation written on them. However, no one wanted to go far into the castle just to find out about the “endings.” But the King was the creator and with the help of magic he forced them to obey his will. Unfortunately, there were those who were able to resist him.
They have remained forever exception verbs. You need to know them. Here they are (see picture).

Sarmanova Alexandra

Hello guys! I would really like to figure out how to write reflexive verbs correctly. And you? If you are also interested in this, I bring to your attention my presentation.
Infinitive, what to do? 3rd person singular: what does it do?

Note! In impersonal verbs it is always written -tsya.

Now let's solve the tasks and consolidate this topic.
Exercise. Insert the missing character where necessary.
He's studying, they can pout, he likes to ride, they run away, they need to put on makeup, they make up, it's getting dark, he can't sleep.

Combing – when a person combs someone’s hair.
Combing your hair is when a person combs his own hair.

But! When you say, “I'm sorry,” it means you're excusing yourself.

Nikiforova Polina
Adjective categories

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Qualitative adjectives.
Qualitative adjectives name attributes, that is, they denote various qualities of an object: by size, by age, by color, by weight, by appearance, by internal qualities (beautiful, tall, etc.)
Relative adjectives.
Relative adjectives denote the material from which the object is made, indicate the attribute of the object by place, by the time of its existence, by the purpose of the object (wooden, silver, etc.)
Ambiguous adjectives
When adjectives are used, their meanings may change. Thus, a relative adjective can become qualitative, for example: fox trail, that is, the footprint of a fox (possessive), fox hat, that is, a hat made of fox (relative), but fox cunning is the same as that of a fox (qualitative). Thus, the same adjective can have different meanings and ranks in combination with different nouns.
Examples: stone house, stone heart; iron bridge, iron nerves, etc.
Sharikova Anastasia
Relative adjectives:
denote a feature of an object that cannot be present in the object to a greater or lesser extent.
denote a feature of an object that may be present in this object to a greater or lesser extent.
indicate that something belongs to a person or animal

These adjectives are possessive:
fox trail
Bear Den
bear walk
Golden ring
skillful fingers

Write out only high-quality adjectives from the text and write down their gender.
How beautiful he was, all illuminated by the spring sun, against the white background of the birch forest! And what a unique appearance this flattering giant has! A long hook-nosed muzzle, huge inverted roots - horns. He himself is so heavy, bulky, and his legs are tall and slender, like those of a racehorse. And what a color the coat is - all dark brown, and the legs look like white, tightly pulled stockings.
(About moose)

Write down the phrases using the adjectives suggested by the pictures.

strong house

Beautiful house

Dangerous trail

Mysterious trail

Donated service

Favorite service

I.p. Mom's jacket, Dad's scarf
R. p.
D. p.
V. p.
P. p.
Form the short form of the adjectives below.
Smart - Easy -
Valuable - Close -
Pale - Young -
Beautiful - Low -

Mark the rows in which the letter I is written in place of the gaps in all words.
Calico...wonderful, wonderful.
Frog, understanding...
Thing... howl, amazing.
Subtle..., deceptive.
Form all degrees of comparison from these adjectives.
Delicious -
Long -
Light -
Small -
Arrange these words in columns.
Falcon...y, among...yy, ducky...yy, y...yy, were...yy, twisted...yy, oat...yy, old...yy.

N -
- NN -

Form adjectives with the suffix -sk- from these nouns.
Miner, city, well done, pirate, parish, fisherman, light, freedom, Tajik, fleet, Swede.

Form adjectives from nouns using the suffix -ov- or -ev-.
Speech, face, watchman, chintz, brocade, cloak, shower, hedgehog, fighter, canvas, pepper.

Mark the line where NOT is written in all words together.
(Not) a careless student, (not) a difficult task (easy).
(Not) a high, but a low fence, (not) a blind chance.
(Not) a well-known decision, (not) a joyful, but a sad event.
From these adjectives, form new words using prefixes.
Polite -
Cute -
Difficult -
Smart -
Mark the row in which all words are written with a hyphen.
(ship) construction plant, (leather) shoe production.
(fruit) berry crops, (two) room apartment.
(sanitary) hygienic requirements, (south) western region.
(scientific) fiction story, new (radio) equipment.

Fill in the blanks.
Red...cheeked, white...winged,, black...reedy,, x...rubbing, light...dark, dog. ..paradise.

Kudinova Inessa
NOT with adjectives

The question immediately arises: when to write together, and when separately? Let's find out!



If the word is not used
without not:
nondescript, careless.
If in a sentence
there is or is implied opposition:
The path was not easy, but difficult. This is not silver spruce.

If the word c cannot be replaced with a word close in meaning: unhealthy - sick, impolite - rude.
With short adjectives that are used only in the form of a predicate: not happy, shouldn’t, not ready, etc.

If special words are present: not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all.

Exercise. Write it down correctly.
(Not) a joyful incident; (not) a joyful, but a sad event: (not) personal, but professional interests; (not) a cultured person; (not) high fence; (not) high, but low bank; (not) serious attitude; (not) serious, but a cheerful face.

1 3 17 6 ​​9 8Figure 1Figure 2Figure 1Root Entry

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