Expressing the side in terms of the radius of the inscribed circle. Equilateral triangle. Illustrated Guide (2020). way. Radius of the inscribed circle in a rhombus through the height

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. Therefore, it inherits all the properties of a parallelogram. Namely:

  • The diagonals of a rhombus are mutually perpendicular.
  • The diagonals of a rhombus are the bisectors of its interior angles.

A circle can be inscribed in a quadrilateral if and only if the sums of opposite sides are equal.
Therefore, a circle can be inscribed in any rhombus. The center of the inscribed circle coincides with the center of intersection of the diagonals of the rhombus.
The radius of the inscribed circle in a rhombus can be expressed in several ways

1 way. Radius of the inscribed circle in a rhombus through the height

The height of a rhombus is equal to the diameter of the inscribed circle. This follows from the property of a rectangle, which is formed by the diameter of the inscribed circle and the height of the rhombus - the opposite sides of a rectangle are equal.

Therefore, the formula for the radius of an inscribed circle in a rhombus in terms of height:

Method 2. Radius of the inscribed circle in a rhombus through diagonals

The area of ​​a rhombus can be expressed in terms of the radius of the inscribed circle
, Where R– perimeter of a rhombus. Knowing that the perimeter is the sum of all sides of the quadrilateral, we have P= 4×a. Then
But the area of ​​a rhombus is also equal to half the product of its diagonals
Equating the right-hand sides of the area formulas, we have the following equality
As a result, we obtain a formula that allows us to calculate the radius of the inscribed circle in a rhombus through the diagonals

An example of calculating the radius of a circle inscribed in a rhombus if the diagonals are known
Find the radius of a circle inscribed in a rhombus if it is known that the lengths of the diagonals are 30 cm and 40 cm
Let ABCD-rhombus, then A.C. And BD its diagonals. AC= 30 cm ,BD=40 cm
Let the point ABOUT– is the center of the inscribed in rhombus ABCD circle, then it will also be the point of intersection of its diagonals, dividing them in half.

since the diagonals of a rhombus intersect at right angles, then the triangle AOB rectangular. Then, by the Pythagorean theorem
, substitute the previously obtained values ​​into the formula

AB= 25 cm
Applying the previously derived formula for the radius of the circumscribed circle in a rhombus, we obtain

3 way. Radius of the inscribed circle in a rhombus through segments m and n

Dot F– the point of contact of the circle with the side of the rhombus, which divides it into segments A.F. And B.F.. Let AF=m, BF=n.
Dot O– the center of intersection of the diagonals of a rhombus and the center of the circle inscribed in it.
Triangle AOB– rectangular, since the diagonals of a rhombus intersect at right angles.
, because is the radius drawn to the tangent point of the circle. Hence OF– height of the triangle AOB to the hypotenuse. Then A.F. And BF projections of the legs onto the hypotenuse.
The height in a right triangle, lowered to the hypotenuse, is the average proportional between the projections of the legs to the hypotenuse.

The formula for the radius of an inscribed circle in a rhombus through segments is equal to the square root of the product of these segments into which the point of tangency of the circle divides the side of the rhombus

Consider a circle inscribed in a triangle (Fig. 302). Recall that its center O is located at the intersection of the bisectors of the interior angles of the triangle. The segments OA, OB, OC connecting O with the vertices of triangle ABC will split the triangle into three triangles:

AOV, VOS, SOA. The height of each of these triangles is equal to the radius, and therefore their areas will be expressed as

The area of ​​the entire triangle S is equal to the sum of these three areas:

where is the semi-perimeter of the triangle. From here

The radius of the inscribed circle is equal to the ratio of the area of ​​the triangle to its semi-perimeter.

To obtain a formula for the circumradius of a triangle, we prove the following proposition.

Theorem a: In any triangle, the side is equal to the diameter of the circumscribed circle multiplied by the sine of the opposite angle.

Proof. Consider an arbitrary triangle ABC and a circle circumscribed around it, the radius of which will be denoted by R (Fig. 303). Let A be the acute angle of the triangle. Let's draw the radii OB, OS of the circle and drop the perpendicular OK from its center O to side BC of the triangle. Note that angle a of a triangle is measured by half of the arc BC, for which angle BOC is the central angle. From this it is clear that . Therefore, from the right triangle RNS we find , or , which is what we needed to prove.

The given fig. 303 and the reasoning refer to the case of an acute angle of a triangle; it would not be difficult to carry out the proof for the cases of direct and obtuse angle(the reader will do this on his own), but you can use the theorem of sines (218.3). Since it must be from where

The sine theorem is also written in. form

and comparison with the notation form (218.3) gives for

The radius of the circumscribed circle is equal to the ratio of the product of the three sides of the triangle to its quadruple area.

Task. Find the sides isosceles triangle, if its inscribed and circumscribed circles have radii respectively

Solution. Let's write formulas expressing the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles of a triangle:

For an isosceles triangle with a side and a base, the area is expressed by the formula

or, reducing the fraction by a non-zero factor, we have

that leads to quadratic equation relatively

It has two solutions:

Substituting instead of its expression in any of the equations for or R, we will finally find two answers to our problem:


1. Height of a right triangle drawn from the vertex right angle, delnt hypotenuse in relation Find the relation of each of the legs to the hypotenuse.

2. Grounds isosceles trapezoid circumscribed about a circle are equal to a and b. Find the radius of the circle.

3. Two circles touch externally. Their common tangents are inclined to the line of centers at an angle of 30°. The length of the tangent segment between the tangent points is 108 cm. Find the radii of the circles.

4. The legs of a right triangle are equal to a and b. Find the area of ​​a triangle whose sides are the altitude and median of the given triangle drawn from the vertex of the right angle, and the segment of the hypotenuse between the points of their intersection with the hypotenuse.

5. The sides of the triangle are 13, 14, 15. Find the projection of each of them onto the other two.

6. The side and altitudes of a triangle are known. Find sides b and c.

7. Two sides of the triangle and the median are known. Find the third side of the triangle.

8. Given two sides of a triangle and an angle a between them: Find the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles.

9. The sides of the triangle a, b, c are known. What are the segments into which they are divided by the points of contact of the inscribed circle with the sides of the triangle?

Circle inscribed in a triangle

Existence of a circle inscribed in a triangle

Let us recall the definition angle bisectors .

Definition 1 .Angle bisector called a ray dividing an angle into two equal parts.

Theorem 1 (Basic property of an angle bisector) . Each point of the angle bisector is at the same distance from the sides of the angle (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

Proof D , lying on the bisector of the angleBAC , And DE And DF on the sides of the corner (Fig. 1).Right Triangles ADF And ADE equal , since they have equal acute anglesDAF And DAE , and the hypotenuse AD – general. Hence,

DF = DE,


Theorem 2 (converse to Theorem 1) . If some, then it lies on the bisector of the angle (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Proof . Consider an arbitrary pointD , lying inside the angleBAC and located at the same distance from the sides of the angle. Let's drop from the pointD perpendiculars DE And DF on the sides of the corner (Fig. 2).Right Triangles ADF And ADE equal , since they have equal legsDF And DE , and the hypotenuse AD – general. Hence,


Definition 2 . The circle is called circle inscribed in an angle , if it is the sides of this angle.

Theorem 3 . If a circle is inscribed in an angle, then the distances from the vertex of the angle to the points of contact of the circle with the sides of the angle are equal.

Proof . Let the point D – center of a circle inscribed in an angleBAC , and the points E And F – points of contact of the circle with the sides of the angle (Fig. 3).


a , b , c - sides of the triangle, S -square,

rradius of the inscribed circle, p – semi-perimeter


View formula output

alateral side of an isosceles triangle , b – base, r inscribed circle radius

a r inscribed circle radius

View formula output




then, in the case of an isosceles triangle, when

we get

which is what was required.

Theorem 7 . For the equality

Where a – side of an equilateral triangle,r radius of the inscribed circle (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8

Proof .


then, in the case of an equilateral triangle, when

b = a,

we get

which is what was required.

Comment . As an exercise, I recommend deriving the formula for the radius of a circle inscribed in an equilateral triangle directly, i.e. without use general formulas for the radii of circles inscribed in an arbitrary triangle or an isosceles triangle.

Theorem 8 . For a right triangle, the following equality holds:

Where a , b – legs of a right triangle, c hypotenuse , r radius of the inscribed circle.

Proof . Consider Figure 9.

Rice. 9

Since the quadrilateralCDOF is , which has adjacent sidesDO And OF are equal, then this rectangle is . Hence,

CB = CF= r,

By virtue of Theorem 3, the following equalities are true:

Therefore, also taking into account , we obtain

which is what was required.

A selection of problems on the topic “A circle inscribed in a triangle.”


A circle inscribed in an isosceles triangle divides one of the lateral sides at the point of contact into two segments, the lengths of which are 5 and 3, counting from the vertex opposite the base. Find the perimeter of the triangle.



IN triangle ABC AC=4, BC=3, angle C is 90º. Find the radius of the inscribed circle.


The legs of an isosceles right triangle are 2+. Find the radius of the circle inscribed in this triangle.


Radius of a circle inscribed in an isosceles right triangle, is equal to 2. Find the hypotenuse c of this triangle. Please indicate c(–1) in your answer.

We present a number of problems from the Unified State Exam with solutions.

The radius of a circle inscribed in an isosceles right triangle is equal to . Find the hypotenuse of this triangle. Please indicate in your answer.

The triangle is rectangular and isosceles. This means that its legs are the same. Let each leg be equal. Then the hypotenuse is equal.

We write the area of ​​triangle ABC in two ways:

Equating these expressions, we get that. Because the, we get that. Then.

We'll write down in response.


Task 2.

1. In free, there are two sides of 10cm and 6cm (AB and BC). Find the radii of the circumscribed and inscribed circles
The problem is solved independently with commenting.



1) Find:
2) Prove:
and find CK
3) Find: radii of circumscribed and inscribed circles


Task 6.

R the radius of a circle inscribed in a square is. Find the radius of the circle circumscribed about this square.Given :

Find: OS=?
Solution: In this case, the problem can be solved using either the Pythagorean theorem or the formula for R. The second case will be simpler, since the formula for R is derived from the theorem.

Task 7.

The radius of a circle inscribed in an isosceles right triangle is 2. Find the hypotenuseWith this triangle. Please indicate in your answer.

S – triangle area

We do not know either the sides of the triangle or its area. Let us denote the legs as x, then the hypotenuse will be equal to:

And the area of ​​the triangle will be 0.5x 2 .


Thus, the hypotenuse will be equal to:

In your answer you need to write:

Answer: 4

Task 8.

In triangle ABC AC = 4, BC = 3, angle C equals 90 0. Find the radius of the inscribed circle.

Let's use the formula for the radius of a circle inscribed in a triangle:

where a, b, c are the sides of the triangle

S – triangle area

Two sides are known (these are the legs), we can calculate the third (the hypotenuse), and we can also calculate the area.

According to the Pythagorean theorem:

Let's find the area:


Answer: 1

Task 9.

Sides of an isosceles triangle are equal to 5, the base is equal to 6. Find the radius of the inscribed circle.

Let's use the formula for the radius of a circle inscribed in a triangle:

where a, b, c are the sides of the triangle

S – triangle area

All sides are known, let's calculate the area. We can find it using Heron's formula:


If a circle is located inside an angle and touches its sides, it is called inscribed in this angle. The center of such an inscribed circle is located at bisector of this angle.

If it lies inside a convex polygon and touches all its sides, it is called inscribed in a convex polygon.

Circle inscribed in a triangle

A circle inscribed in a triangle touches each side of this figure at only one point. Only one circle can be inscribed in one triangle.

The radius of such a circle will depend on the following parameters of the triangle:

  1. Lengths of the sides of the triangle.
  2. Its area.
  3. Its perimeter.
  4. Measurements of angles of a triangle.

In order to calculate the radius of the inscribed circle in a triangle, it is not always necessary to know all the parameters listed above, since they are interrelated through trigonometric functions.

Calculation using semi-perimeter

  1. If the lengths of all sides are known geometric figure(we denote them by the letters a, b and c), then you will have to calculate the radius by taking the square root.
  2. When starting calculations, it is necessary to add one more variable to the initial data - semi-perimeter (p). It can be calculated by adding up all the lengths and dividing the resulting sum by 2. p = (a+b+c)/2. In this way, the formula for finding the radius can be significantly simplified.
  3. In general, the formula should include the sign of the radical under which the fraction is placed; the denominator of this fraction will be the value of the semi-perimeter p.
  4. The numerator of this fraction will be the product of the differences (p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c)
  5. Thus, the full form of the formula will be presented as follows: r = √(p-a)*(p-b)*(p-c)/p).

Calculation taking into account the area of ​​a triangle

If we know area of ​​a triangle and the lengths of all its sides, this will allow us to find the radius of the circle we are interested in without resorting to extracting the roots.

  1. First you need to double the size of the area.
  2. The result is divided by the sum of the lengths of all sides. Then the formula will look like this: r = 2*S/(a+b+c).
  3. If you use the value of the semi-perimeter, you can get a very simple formula: r = S/p.

Calculation using trigonometric functions

If the problem statement contains the length of one of the sides, the size of the opposite angle and the perimeter, you can use trigonometric function- tangent. In this case, the calculation formula will look like this:

r = (P /2- a)* tg (α/2), where r is the desired radius, P is the perimeter, a is the length of one of the sides, α is the value of the opposite side, and the angle.

The radius of the circle that will need to be inscribed in a regular triangle can be found using the formula r = a*√3/6.

Circle inscribed in a right triangle

You can fit into a right triangle only one circle. The center of such a circle simultaneously serves as the intersection point of all bisectors. This geometric figure has some distinctive features, which must be taken into account when calculating the radius of the inscribed circle.

  1. First you need to build a right triangle with the given parameters. You can construct such a figure by the size of one side and the values ​​of two angles, or by two sides and the angle between these sides. All these parameters must be specified in the task conditions. The triangle is denoted as ABC, with C being the vertex of the right angle. The legs are designated by variables, A And b, and the hypotenuse is a variable With.
  2. To construct the classical formula and calculate the radius of a circle, it is necessary to find the dimensions of all sides of the figure described in the problem statement and calculate the semi-perimeter from them. If the conditions give the sizes of two legs, you can use them to calculate the size of the hypotenuse based on the Pythagorean theorem.
  3. If the condition gives the size of one leg and one angle, it is necessary to understand whether this angle is adjacent or opposite. In the first case, the hypotenuse is found using the sine theorem: c=a/sinСАВ, in the second case the cosine theorem is applied c=a/cosCBA.
  4. When all calculations have been completed and the values ​​of all sides are known, the semi-perimeter is found using the formula described above.
  5. Knowing the size of the semi-perimeter, you can find the radius. The formula is a fraction. Its numerator is the product of the differences between the semi-perimeter and each side, and the denominator is the value of the semi-perimeter.

It should be noted that the numerator of this formula is an area indicator. In this case, the formula for finding the radius is much simpler - it is enough to divide the area by the semi-perimeter.

It is possible to determine the area of ​​a geometric figure even if both sides are known. The sum of the squares of these legs is used to find the hypotenuse, then the semi-perimeter is calculated. You can calculate the area by multiplying the values ​​of the legs by each other and dividing the result by 2.

If in the conditions the lengths of both the legs and the hypotenuse are given, the radius can be determined using a very simple formula: for this, the lengths of the legs are added together, and the length of the hypotenuse is subtracted from the resulting number. The result must be divided in half.


In this video you will learn how to find the radius of a circle inscribed in a triangle.

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