What does a strong-willed person mean? Character, its properties and traits. Emotional Traits

A significant place in creativity, achievements, behavior and life situations It takes the will of a person.
Will is the ability to choose an activity and to make internal efforts to implement it.
If you get acquainted with the biographies of great people, you can almost always see that they had enormous willpower, the ability to set certain goals and achieve them. They demonstrated the ability to work continuously, the ability to spend months, years, decades to achieve their intended goal, and tirelessly search for ways to achieve it.
All brilliant people were distinguished by their ardent love and passion for their work, A, S. Pushkin - poetry, I.P. Pavlov - to science, K.E. Tsiolkovsky - to the study of interplanetary space flights.
Let's look at the concept of "Will"
“Will is a mental process of conscious control and regulation of one’s behavior, ensuring overcoming difficulties and obstacles on the path to the goal” (P.I. Sidorov, A.V. Parnyakov “ Clinical psychology", p.234).
James W. wrote: “Desire, desire, will are states of consciousness familiar to everyone, but not amenable to any definition. We want to experience, have, do all sorts of things that we are not currently experiencing, having, or doing. If with the desire for something we are associated with the awareness that the object of our desires is unattainable, then we simply desire; if we are sure that the goal of our desires is achievable, we want it to come true, and it comes true either immediately or after we take some preliminary actions” (James W. Psychology, p. 272).
P.I. Sidorov, A.V. Parnyakov in the book “Clinical Psychology” note: “A person’s will certainly manifests itself in his external or internal (mental, psychic) ​​actions, i.e. in the applied muscular and nervous tension to achieve the goal. All volitional actions are purposeful and coordinated with each other. The more obstacles and the stronger a person’s desire to achieve a goal, the more muscle and nervous tension requires volitional effort.
Lower levels of will, such as voluntary movement or inhibition of impulsive action, are already distinguished in animals, but developed will is a specifically human function. It is a social new formation of the psyche that arose and is formed in the process of human labor activity. Emphasizing it social essence THEM. Sechenov wrote: “The will has the power to use in each case not only the form of movement that corresponds to it, but any of all that are generally known to man. I want to cry, but I can sing funny songs, dance; I am pulled to the right, but I move on. Will is not some kind of impersonal agent that has only movement, it is also the active side of reason and moral feeling, controlling movement in the name of one thing or another and often contrary to the sense of self-preservation... This is a clearly realized possibility, expressed in the words “I want and will do “and there is that impregnable citadel in which the ordinary teaching about arbitrariness sits.” Lack of will frightens a person and does not leave him with the humiliating feeling that someone broke his will and led him on a string.
1. The ability to fulfill one’s desires and goals;
2. Conscious desire to accomplish something;
3.Wish, requirement;
4. Authority, the ability to control;
5.Freedom in the manifestation of something;
6. Free state (not locked up, not in prison).

Lack of will is weakness of character, lack of willpower.

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992.


Abulia, weak-willedness, spinelessness, spinelessness, softness, Oblomovism, lack of fortitude, lack of fortitude, weak-willedness, faint-heartedness, weakness, weakness of will, weak-willedness, slobberiness, rags, flimsiness.

A strong-willed person acts as he wants, and a weak-willed person acts as he wants. It is unlikely that he will achieve much for whom the main words are “I want - I don’t want.”

What is a “strong-willed person”?
To find out the answer to this question, you should turn to the concepts of volitional regulation and willpower.
Volitional regulation is a particular type of voluntary control and is characterized by the use of significant volitional efforts aimed at overcoming obstacles and difficulties, i.e. serves as a mechanism of self-mobilization.
Willpower is a person’s ability to force himself to do something, that is, to independently demonstrate volitional activity.
Volitional activity is determined by the strength of the motive, an increase in the energy of the action, a change in the meaning of the action, i.e. the significance of a particular need and goal, under the influence of emotions, self-stimulation. It is important that volitional activity does not develop into self-confidence, that is, it is at the optimal level of confidence as a criterion for predicting success and the adequacy of the difficulties of the upcoming activity.
For volitional activity, determination, decisiveness and restraint in the behavior of a subject subject to reasonable control are also important.
Determination and decisiveness as volitional qualities are a peculiar feeling for all volitional acts and are reduced to the number of stimulating and accompanying emotional and intellectual abilities of a person.
On this occasion K.E. Kornilov noted that feelings are one of the stimuli of the will, but it is completely wrong to reduce volitional activity only to experienced feelings, and intellect alone does not always influence the will.

Volitional actions and actions - active “volition”
All actions and deeds that are not performed according to internal desire. And out of necessity they are called manifestations of the will. Volitional actions are often associated with overcoming various life obstacles and difficulties. Volitional actions and actions differ from voluntary actions in that with voluntary actions and actions the subject has a need and desire for activity with an interest in its implementation.
Involuntary actions are committed as a result of the emergence of unconscious impulses - in a state of passion (amazement, fear, delight, anger).
Voluntary actions presuppose conscious goals that require overcoming difficulties and obstacles. We need to remember that there are automatic movements. Which occur without the participation of consciousness. merged into a single act of movement - these are skills.

There are also a number of personal qualities that are designated as volitional: perseverance, endurance, determination, patience, endurance, etc.
An act of will has stages:
1. The emergence of an impulse to action and preliminary goal setting. The goal is related to the motivational side of the action. At this stage, the sufficiency of the motivating force to carry out the action or deed is determined.
2. Discussion and struggle of motives. At this stage, a motivational conflict and a moment of internal choice may be revealed.
3. Making a decision about an action or deed. This is the stage of choosing from specific alternatives. At this stage, the formation of the personal meaning of the action can occur and thereby the action receives sufficient motivation for its implementation. Let us also note that at this stage the impulse receives a different direction as an intention possessing sufficient strength to carry out the action.
4. Execution decision taken and actions to commit an act. It is characterized by the complete subordination of specific actions based on this goal. Volitional regulation acts as a control over the implementation of activities and actions.
E.P. Ilyin in the book “Psychology of Will” writes: “There are no “generally” weak-willed people and “generally” strong-willed people; Every person is strong-willed in some ways, but weak-willed in others.<..>The only “negative” manifestation of will—stubbornness—is more likely to characterize a personality (for example, its selfishness) than the stubbornness hidden behind it” (pp. 221-222).
In people with mental disorders, there is a violation of the will: mild (stigmas or radicals); average (accentuation), pronounced (borderline); deep (psychotic).
Stigma is a sign, a stain, a characteristic feature of a mood disorder or a genetic disorder. Stigmas determine a person’s propensity for a given type of psychological disorder.
Accentuation – sharpening, protruding characterological qualities. It manifests itself in situations addressed to one or another character trait, providing an adaptive state or, on the contrary, violating adaptability.
Borderline disorder is a personality change in which the individual constantly lives on the border between normal functioning and actual mental pathology.
R. Carson, J. Butcher, S. Mineka in the book “Abnormal Psychology” write:
“Violation of will in schizophrenics.
In schizophrenics, goal-directed activity is almost always impaired. They are also characterized by disturbances in the area of ​​daily functioning6 work. Social relations. Self-care. As a result, a person ceases to be like himself. …previously developed standards for performing daily duties are violated. For example, a person may cease to maintain minimal standards of personal hygiene or demonstrate a profound disregard for personal safety and health” (p. 770).
With mild disorders, weak will is observed. With average violations, there are no plans to do much. With pronounced violations of will, a person does not complete anything. With deep violations of will, a person does not strive for anything, he experiences lack of will and apathy.

In the minds of most people, a strong-willed person is a person who knows how (or has the ability) to overcome difficulties that arise on the way to achieving a goal, or who is courageous, courageous, decisive, that is, who does not lose self-control in a dangerous situation. It is assumed that if a person is strong-willed, then he is strong-willed in everything.

Unfortunately, similar views are still expressed today. For example, when you read the article by Yu. B. Gippenreiter (2005), it seems that Soviet time It's not over yet. And a socially mature personality is equated with a “strong-willed” personality, although not every “strong-willed” personality is socially mature.

If we briefly formulate the intuitive understanding of will in a broad sense, we can say that we call a strong-willed person a person who successfully realizes his high, socially significant motives.

As you can see, only two criteria are given here. Firstly, the success of the activity, which is determined by the charge of energy and commitment to goals. Secondly, the height of socially significant motives. This meaningful characteristic of motives as a necessary criterion for a strong-willed personality, according to A. N. Leontyev, allows us to distinguish strong-willed people from fanatics, drug addicts or criminals who are capable of showing stubbornness, perseverance and even creative ingenuity to obtain the object of their desire. Gippenreiter Yu. B. 2005. P. 17

A reasonable question then arises: how to form a “strong-willed personality”?
And here, giving an answer to this question, Yu. B. Gippenreiter unexpectedly comes into confrontation with the attitude that existed in Soviet times: “You are a Komsomol member, you are obliged.” She defends the position that coercion and self-coercion are contraindicated for the formation of a strong-willed personality. Thus, she writes: “Life shows that coercion of oneself or another, as well as manipulation of one’s own motivation (persuasion, arguments, deliberate giving of meaning) can quite work in certain specific cases: actions will (better said, can) be performed. However, the influence of these measures on the motivational sphere of the individual as a whole remains a big question. Numerous facts of “educated disgust” look warning. Let's refer only to good famous examples diligent girls who, having passed the final exam at a music school with excellent marks, close the lid of the piano in order to never approach it again. But before that, for 8 years they “voluntarily” exercised for several hours a day! A local gain often turns into a personal motivational loss. This is probably why the problem of lack of will continues to trouble humanity” [p. 18]. And further: “...Authoritarian methods of education and training cause particular damage to the development of personality. Under strong pressure, coercion or threats, a person begins to send and master the required behavior without experiencing its connection with his own interests, desires and goals. Such forms of behavior remain psychologically alien formations and become incorporative, but not assimilated or integrated by the individual. Moreover, the prevalence of the “I must” attitude (as the incorporation of the external “you must”) means the emergence of an internal authority of strict control and self-coercion... The main energy in such cases goes to the fight against one’s own desires or reluctances, to self-overcoming. It is noteworthy that a number of authors (among them K. Levin, R. May, etc.) identified the administration of this instance of self-coercion with willpower... thereby questioning the traditional opinion about the value of such “force”, which is expressed in actions “through clenched teeth.” Excessive development of the same authority leads to the formation of a complex of traits, which is described in the literature as a “rigid character” [p. 22]. If we follow the ideas of Yu. B. Gippenreiter that first of all we need to focus on what interests me, what needs I have, then it becomes unclear why athletes achieve world records, musicians achieve the highest performing skills, etc. Do they not daily demonstrate self-coercion (or volitional effort) in order to satisfy their need and interest in the business they are engaged in? Of course, you cannot carry out any business only through self-coercion, but in most cases you cannot achieve success without it. Therefore, it is no coincidence that people who are capable of self-coercion are recognized as strong-willed. However, are there “in general” strong-willed or weak-willed people?

Hello, dear readers! I have one friend who decided to leave construction and become a writer. Not only the richness of the language, but even the level of its literacy has always left much to be desired. And yet, he managed to publish his own book, gain some authority in this field, and even achieve success in this industry.

Strong-willed character is a skill despite real difficulties and obstacles. Perhaps he is doing something completely wrong. However, he enjoys the process and makes a significant profit from each copy sold, which sell like hotcakes.

Today we will talk about strong-willed character. How do these qualities help in life, is it possible to develop it, and will we learn in more detail about this trait in general.

What kind of person is this

Most people set various goals for themselves, but do not go further than talking about their own. Willpower is what distinguishes a strong person who achieves results. Ignoring difficulties, sometimes even logic and reason, a strong-willed person goes to implement the tasks that he has set for himself.

If a door is closed somewhere, he will try to find a window, dig a hole, or rebuild the entire building to get inside. Most people cope with a single difficulty, but each subsequent one will destroy, reduce the degree of desire and reinforce the feeling.

A strong-willed person has character traits that do not allow him to stray from his chosen path. If you want to create a new image and become strong-willed, I can recommend you a training book Vasily Ralko “Willpower 2.0”.

How to understand that there are prerequisites

How do you understand that you have the potential to become a person? Firstly, it will be easier to understand which ones need to be developed, and, secondly, it will give. You may realize that you won't have to work so hard.

The first sign is independence. You don't need other people to get results. No, of course, we live in society and depend on others. However, self-reliance presupposes that you are able to find the right person who will be ready to help you and perform the functions assigned to him, regardless of his desire.

Next comes resilience and self-control. Obstacles do not drive you crazy; you are calm even at the moment when everything goes against your will. You don't get too upset and these emotions don't throw you off balance, they don't slow down your future activities and they certainly don't paralyze you.

– also the quality of a strong-willed person. Don't care about other people's opinions. You are doing the right thing, professionally, better than anyone else. No one can convince you otherwise.

Initiative, commitment, discipline force you to act. You don’t need additional motivation; regardless of laziness, you can organize your work, think through a plan and strictly follow it.

Things don’t always happen quickly; sometimes patience is needed to achieve results. It didn’t work out this year, so we have to continue. This is the only thought that helps me get up in the morning every day.

If you have found at least one of the above qualities in yourself, it means that you have already completed to a small extent the plan for creating your new character. I hope it helps sort out everyone else. I can recommend you a book Kelly McGonigal "Willpower" How to develop and strengthen" to make the rest of the work much easier to handle.

I hope you have enough persistence. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter to know more about yourself and stay motivated in creating your new self. See you again and good luck in your endeavors.


Everyone is familiar with the states of mobilization of will and its weakening. We either experience decline, weakening of will, then we mobilize our efforts and show perseverance and strength. Some forms of behavior become habitual over time and turn into character traits.
A strong-willed person has a number of characteristic qualities.
How does a strong will manifest itself in character? What qualities are strong-willed? How does lack of will manifest itself?
In a number of strong-willed qualities in first place determination. Purposefulness is:
- ability to set clear goals and objectives,
- ability to plan your actions;
- the ability to carry out what is planned, to subordinate oneself to achieving a set goal, for example, to follow a strict regime if this is necessary to achieve the goal, etc.
Aristotle said: “An end is that for the sake of which something is done... for the sake of it everything else is done.”
The more clear a person’s goal is to which he strives, the more persistent he is in overcoming obstacles, the more purposeful he is.
But people have different persistence in overcoming difficulties. It happens that a person does not finish what he has started. Some people start working with enthusiasm, but quickly cool down. The stronger the obstacles, the more intense the volitional effort should be, the stronger the will required from a person.

The next important volitional quality is perseverance- this is the fortitude shown by a person who has set long-term goals for himself. In order to capture distant goals well in the mind, you need to reflect them in specific tasks. The desire to achieve distant goals forms a strong and persistent will in a person.
Personal qualities such as endurance and patience are closely related to perseverance. They should not be confused with humility, lack of initiative, weak-willed submission to the force of circumstances or someone else's will. Patience and consistency are always associated with initiative, active in achieving a goal and overcoming troubles. Patient man knows why he endures something.

Such a strong-willed quality as self-control. It is important in life and in any work, especially for those whose work involves communication. No matter how excited a person of such a profession may be, complete mastery of his voice, facial expressions and pantamimics is his professional duty.
Self-control consists of:
- in the ability to maintain clarity of thought, i.e. remain attentive and focused on the work at hand, despite the influence of disruptive factors. This is the ability to prevent “defeatist” thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures, interference, and mistakes;
- also in the ability to control your feelings: it is easy to increase your emotional tone in a state of confusion, apathy, fear, etc.; reduce the level of emotional arousal in case of excessive joy or excitement, pain, indignation, etc.; and in case of success, do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness, feelings of imaginary superiority and other unwanted experiences;
- and in the ability to manage one’s actions: control one’s movements in the event of fatigue, pain, dissatisfaction with oneself and other unfavorable internal states; V conflict situations refrain yourself from unethical actions - bickering, rudeness, etc.

The following two qualities may be mistakenly assessed as positive.
“Stubbornness is a weakness that has the appearance of strength” (V.A. Zhukovsky). Stubbornness- a quality different from persistence. In this case, it means persistence in implementing decisions made without sufficient grounds. A stubborn person defends his opinion contrary to logic, reasonable arguments and facts. “A stubborn person does everything his own way, does not listen to anyone’s advice and soon becomes a victim of his own delusions.” (Aesop).
If a stubborn person determines the goal of an activity, re-education into a persistent person is carried out.

Compliance- a quality of will that is determined by an easy change in a decision made under the influence of other persons. It is the opposite of stubbornness. If it is difficult to convince a stubborn person of anything, it is very easy to convince a pliable person of anything. Despite the fact that for a pliable person the opinions of other people can become a determining factor in making a decision, he still makes the decision on his own.
Re-education of this quality does not mean a transition to harshness and rudeness in behavior. You can be firm and polite in your interactions with other people.

If a decision is given to a person in a ready-made form from the outside (and it is accepted without criticism), then they speak of such a quality as suggestibility. Suggestibility, as well as pliability, does not prevent a person from being, for example, a good worker. However, it is believed that this trait needs to be re-educated in order to save a person from possible harmful influences. Re-education in this case is recommended to be carried out by strengthening the will and developing critical thinking.

For a person, such a strong-willed quality as determination. It is defined as the ability to quickly assess circumstances and make certain decisions, and, having made them, do not hesitate, but act confidently.
Decisiveness - important quality when the situation cannot tolerate delay, it requires a quick response.

If a person has enough time, but still does not make a decision or changes it to the opposite, they talk about especially negative quality will - indecision.

If it is necessary to quickly make a decision and act, but a person is unable to do this, they speak of a condition confusion. A confused person either remains inactive or starts different actions and doesn't finish them. (“Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful” (A.V. Suvorov)) These actions can be opposite in meaning. Instead of calmly analyzing the situation and making a decision, he can change decisions.

The considered volitional qualities manifest themselves in each person in individual situations, but can also be a personality trait. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how a person behaves in a decision-making situation most often: he hesitates, or makes decisions quickly; thoughtlessly and then quickly changes them, or makes thoughtful and accurately executed decisions.

There are also such qualities of will as:
Performance- manifests itself in the diligent and systematic execution of decisions made. An executive person feels the need to completely complete the work he has begun.

Discipline- a person’s ability to act in accordance with norms, rules and laws. Stands out labor discipline which develops perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome one’s impulses. Thus, justified demands, strengthening discipline, thereby strengthens the will. Here we are not talking about the so-called “stick” discipline, which is based on fear. Discipline should be based on an understanding of the motives of behavior and human actions.

There is also a group of volitional qualities associated with behavior in a situation of danger - these are such personality qualities as courage, bravery, bravery, courage. And the opposite of them - cowardice, timidity are considered a manifestation of lack of will.

Different forms of fear have different but always negative effects on activity.
To combat fear, it is recommended to use the following: general rule- the more primitive and biological the emotion, the less amenable to eradication with the help of words. You cannot persuade a person to be fearless. But emotions are easily replaced by each other. It is enough to make a frightened person angry for his fear to go away. If you make an angry person laugh, he will stop being angry.

But danger can also cause positive emotions of sthenic excitement. Stenic, not pronounced fear can tone the cerebral cortex from the subcortex and in combination with critical thinking manifest itself as “reasonable fear” in the form of apprehension, caution. “Expose yourself to dangers with prudence,” said the sage Bias.
To the extent that cowardice, timidity and timidity are negative personality traits, caution is considered positive feature.

Such a reaction to danger as reasonable excitement associated with the activation of conscious activity at the moment of danger is also considered positive.

The connection between the degree of activity at the moment of danger and experiences has been determined: the more active a person is in a dangerous situation, the easier the subjective content of his experience is.
A. Suvorov said: “It is better to meet danger than to wait on the spot.”

Highlight various shapes overcoming fear - fearlessness, which differ in their manifestations. This is courage, bravery, bravery, courage, heroism.
Plutarch also said: “The beginning of victory is courage.” When courage is shown, fear remains, but activity is determined by thinking and volitional decisions. Such a person is considered brave, who knows that there is danger ahead and still goes for it. He knows why he suppresses fear, what goal he achieves by acting contrary to fear. Courage consists of the ability to suppress feelings of fear: when a person, in conditions of real physical danger, experiences a desire for risk and a desire to take action. Under these conditions, he mentally disconnects from worries and fear and focuses entirely on action. Courage is manifested in various types of activity: “bold thought”, “brave solution to a problem”, etc. Helvetius said: “Often it is to courage that we owe the discovery of the greatest truths”; Goethe: “Every artist has courage, without which talent is unthinkable.”

Bravery - associated with sthenic emotional experiences excitement during danger. A brave person enjoys the feeling of danger. His experiences are sthenic, his activities are not disorganized. But it is good when courage is based on reasonable risk: insane courage is as harmful as insane fear. It is recommended to cultivate courage through reasonable risk: taking risky actions and experiencing the satisfaction of their successful implementation.

In the formation of courage, they warn against the following extreme: they advise to ensure that courage does not turn into a negative form of fearlessness - daring. Prowess is defined as courage that has reached the level of affect, which is characterized by a loss of critical thinking.

Psychology claims that cultivating courage is cultivating faith in one’s strength and technique. This is instilling confidence in the high probability of successful completion of any risky but feasible task.
There is a pedagogical recommendation - to carefully choose the moment at which you can allow a person to take risks for the first time. One must be sure that, based on the level of his knowledge, skills and experience, he is prepared for this risk and can independently cope with the situation.

Courage stands out as the opposite of prowess. Courage is understood as the ability to act. A person who defends personal interests can be brave and courageous. Courage is manifested in achieving a goal that is perceived as a common cause. In a brave person, fear is overcome by a sense of duty, which is associated with the person’s worldview and beliefs.
A brave person, going towards danger, is tense, a brave person is excited, and a courageous person is calm.

Courage is defined as the highest, most complex shape fearlessness.
“And whoever faces danger with courage,
That is why the thought is clear and the tongue is firm.” (Sophocles)
Goethe says: “If you lose a good thing, you lose a little!” If you lose honor, you will lose a lot! If you lose your courage, you’ll lose everything; then it would be better not to be born at all.”
Courage summarizes a number of aspects of a person’s personality. In different situations, one or another of these sides predominates. Courage manifests courage, daring, bravery, as well as responsibility, patience, resourcefulness, determination, self-control, consciousness, conviction that one is right, worldview, initiative, willpower (defined as resistance to the force of a single blow) and fortitude (defined as resistance to a series of subsequent strikes).

As an example of courageous behavior, one can cite a case from world history - the philosopher Socrates calmly looked death in the face, forgiving his enemies.
Heroism is defined as a concept that goes beyond psychology and has social content. Heroism manifests a high level of positive emotions when performing feats that have public importance.
Fearlessness, expressed in bravery, bravery, courage and heroism, is a clear manifestation of a person’s control over his emotions, an example of strong-willed behavior.
So, now you can imagine the image of a strong-willed person with such qualities as:
- determination,
- persistence,
- patience,
- consistency,
- self-control,
- determination,
- diligence,
- discipline,
- strength of will
- willpower,
- caution,
- reasonable excitement,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage;
and its opposite - a state of lack of will, manifests itself in such qualities as:
- stubbornness,
- pliability,
- suggestibility,
- indecisiveness,
- cowardice,
- timidity,
- daring.


To change ourselves and achieve the goals that we set for ourselves, to overcome the obstacles that arise life path obstacles, you need to be strong, develop your will, form strong-willed qualities.

What character traits are strong-willed? How does lack of will manifest itself?

To the number strong-willed qualities primarily concerns determination:

the ability to set clear goals and objectives;

ability to plan your activities;

the ability to carry out what is planned, to subordinate oneself to achieving a set goal, for example, to follow a strict regime if this is necessary to achieve the goal, etc.

Aristotle said: “An end is that for the sake of which something is done... for the sake of it everything else is done.”

The more clear a person’s goal is to which he strives, the more persistent he is in overcoming obstacles, the more purposeful he is.

But people have different persistence in overcoming difficulties. It happens that a person does not finish what he has started. Some people start working with enthusiasm, but quickly cool down. The stronger the obstacles, the more intense the volitional effort should be, the stronger the will required from a person.

If this quality is absent, then, according to A.S. Pushkin: “There is no goal in front of me:

The heart is empty, the mind is idle,

And it makes me sad

The monotonous noise of life."

Goethe said:

“What do I mean if I don’t achieve my goal?

The crown that the human race strives for,

To which I myself strive with all my soul?”

The advice of psychologists can help in determining your goals: “the choice should invariably stop at the highest of all possible tasks or goals.”

A.P. Chekhov said the following about this: “Whoever sincerely thinks that the highest and most distant goals of a person are as little needed as a cow, that these goals are “our whole trouble,” all that remains for him is to eat, drink, sleep, or, when he gets tired of it, run away and hit your forehead on the corner of the chest.”

“Only a sublime object is capable of

Touch the depths of humanity.

After all, a narrow circle narrows our thoughts,

With increased purpose a person grows.” (F. Schiller)

But it's not that simple. The task or goal should not only be of high value, but also be achievable. One can imagine some high goal, which, however, we are forced to recognize as unreal (at least given the existing internal, psychological or external conditions). Although the alternative goal may not be as lofty, it may, for certain reasons, be more urgent; Thus, when considering and thinking about the many factors in a particular situation, considerable wisdom is sometimes required, because each situation is unique.

As the sage Abul Faraj said: “Who can be considered smart? “Someone who strives only for an achievable goal.”

The next important volitional quality is perseverance- this is the fortitude shown by a person who has set long-term goals for himself. In order for distant goals to be well recorded in the mind, you need to reflect them in specific tasks. The desire to achieve distant goals forms a strong and persistent will in a person.

Personality qualities such as: consistency And patience. They should not be confused with humility, lack of initiative, weak-willed submission to the force of circumstances or the will of others. Patience and consistency are always associated with initiative, active in achieving a goal and overcoming troubles. A patient person knows why he endures something.

Such a strong-willed quality as self-control. It is important in life and in any work, especially for those whose work involves communication. No matter how excited a person of such a profession may be, complete mastery of his voice, facial expressions and pantomime is his professional duty.

Self-control consists of:

In the ability to maintain clarity of thought, i.e. remain attentive and focused on the work at hand, despite the influence of disruptive factors. This is the ability to prevent “defeatist” thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures, interference, and mistakes.

Also in the ability to control your feelings: it is easy to increase your emotional tone in a state of confusion, apathy, fear, etc.; reduce the level of emotional arousal in case of excessive joy or excitement, pain, indignation, etc., and in case of success, do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness, feelings of imaginary superiority and other unwanted experiences;

And in the ability to manage one’s actions: control one’s movements in the event of fatigue, pain, dissatisfaction with oneself and other unfavorable internal states; in conflict situations, refrain from unethical actions - bickering, rudeness, etc.

Kipling's poem "The Commandment" is about this:

“Control yourself among the confused crowd,

Cursing you for the confusion of everyone,

Believe in yourself, despite the universe,

And forgive those of little faith their sin;

Even if the hour has not struck, wait without getting tired,

Let liars lie - do not condescend to them;

Know how to forgive and don’t appear to be forgiving,

More generous and wiser than others.

Learn to dream without becoming a slave to dreams,

And think without deifying thoughts;

Meet success and reproach equally,

Stay quiet when it's your word

The rogue cripples to catch fools,

When your whole life is destroyed and again

You have to recreate everything from the basics.

Know how to put, in joyful hope,

On the card is everything that I have saved with difficulty,

Lose everything and become a beggar, as before,

And never regret it

Know how to force your heart, nerves, body

Serve you when in your chest

Everything has been empty for a long time, everything has burned down

And only the Will says: “Go!”

Stay simple when talking with kings,

Stay honest when speaking to a crowd;

Be straight and firm with enemies and friends,

Let everyone, in their own time, consider you;

Fill every moment with meaning

Hours and days are an inexorable rush, -

Then you will take possession of the whole world,

Then, my son, you will be a Man!”

The following two qualities may be mistakenly assessed as positive.

« Stubbornness there is weakness that has the appearance of strength” (V.A. Zhukovsky). Stubbornness is a different quality from perseverance. In this case, it means persistence in implementing decisions made without sufficient grounds. A stubborn person defends his opinion contrary to logic, reasonable arguments and facts. “A stubborn person does everything his own way, does not listen to anyone’s advice and soon becomes a victim of his own delusions” (Aesop).

If a stubborn person determines the goal of an activity, re-education into a persistent person is carried out.

Compliance- a quality of will that is determined by an easy change in a decision made under the influence of other persons. It is the opposite of stubbornness. If it is difficult to convince a stubborn person of anything, it is very easy to convince a pliable person of anything. Despite the fact that for a pliable person the opinions of other people can become a determining factor in making a decision, he still makes the decision on his own.

Re-education of this quality does not mean a transition to harshness and rudeness in behavior. You can be firm and polite in your interactions with other people.

If a decision is given to a person in a ready-made form from the outside (and it is accepted without criticism), then they speak of such a quality as suggestibility. Suggestibility, as well as pliability, does not prevent a person from being, for example, a good worker. However, it is believed that this trait needs to be re-educated in order to save a person from possible harmful influences. Re-education in this case is recommended to be carried out by strengthening the will and developing critical thinking.

For a person, such a strong-willed quality as determination. It is defined as the ability to quickly assess circumstances and make certain decisions, and, having made them, do not hesitate, but act confidently. Decisiveness is an important quality when the situation does not tolerate delay and requires a quick reaction.

If a person has enough time, but still does not make a decision or changes it to the opposite, they speak of a particularly negative quality of will - indecisiveness.

If it is necessary to quickly make a decision and act, but a person is unable to do this, they speak of a condition confusion. A confused person either remains inactive or starts various actions and does not finish them. (“Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful” A.V. Suvorov) These actions can be opposite in meaning. Instead of calmly analyzing the situation and making a decision, he can change decisions.

The considered volitional qualities manifest themselves in each person in individual situations, but can also be a personality trait. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how a person behaves in a decision-making situation most often: he hesitates, or makes decisions quickly, thoughtlessly, and then quickly changes them, or makes thoughtful and accurately executed decisions.

There are also such qualities of will as:

Performance- manifests itself in the diligent and systematic execution of decisions made. An executive person feels the need to completely complete the work he has begun.

“As they often say in business: I still have time.

But we must admit that

What do they say when they ask not wisely,

And with your laziness.

And so, since there is a matter, end it quickly,

Or after grumbling at yourself, not in case,

When it catches you by chance.” (I.A. Krylov) Discipline- a person’s ability to act in accordance with norms, rules and laws. Work discipline stands out, which develops perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome one’s impulses. Thus, justified demands, strengthening discipline, thereby strengthens the will. Here we are not talking about the so-called “stick” discipline, which is based on fear. Discipline should be based on an understanding of the motives of behavior and human actions.

There is also a group of volitional qualities associated with behavior in a situation of danger - these are such personality qualities as courage, bravery, bravery, courage. And the opposite of them - cowardice, timidity are considered a manifestation of lack of will.

There are various types of dangers: injuries, burns, unpleasant effects external environment, moral troubles. Fear is a form of reaction to danger. It can be temporary or permanent, i.e. personality trait.

Highlight different shapes fear:

Asthenic fear. It manifests itself in numbness, weakness, and inappropriate actions. This form of fear develops through the mechanism of a passive defensive reflex. I.P. Pavlov wrote: “What in psychology is called fear, cowardice, timidity has as its physiological substrate various degrees of a passive defensive reflex.” This form of reaction to danger has a negative impact on the quality of activity.

(It must be said that according to their influence on life, all emotions are divided into 2 groups:

Stenic - increasing the vital activity of the body and human capacity;

Asthenic - lowering them.)

Stenic fear- panic. Biological mechanism This form of fear is an active-defensive reflex. This form of fear also negatively affects activity.

They also distinguish this form of emotional reaction to danger as anxiety. Just like fear, anxiety is defined as anticipation, but anticipation of an event based on the outcome of the unknown. Most often, anxiety arises from exaggerating the danger and underestimating one’s strengths and capabilities.

Fright- sudden, instantaneous, unconscious fear.

Fear- associated with perceived danger. Lasts longer than fear and is easier to eliminate.

Horror- the most severe degree of fear. It is characterized by the suppression of reason by fear (the affect of fear) - hence the name - “crazy fear”. The physiological mechanism here, like any affect, is inhibition of the cerebral cortex under the influence of a highly excited subcortex.

Different forms of fear have different but always negative effects on activity.

In the fight against fear, it is recommended to use the following general rule: the more primitive and biological the emotion, the less amenable to eradication with the help of words. You cannot persuade a person to be fearless. But emotions are easily replaced by each other. It is enough to make a frightened person angry for his fear to go away. If you make an angry person laugh, he will stop being angry.

But danger can also cause positive emotions of sthenic excitement. Stenic, not pronounced fear can tone the cerebral cortex from the subcortex and, in combination with critical thinking, manifest itself as “reasonable fear” in the form of apprehension, caution. “Expose yourself to dangers with prudence,” said the sage Bias.

As much as cowardice, timidity and timidity are negative personality traits, caution is considered a positive trait.

Such a reaction to danger as reasonable excitement associated with the activation of conscious activity at the moment of danger is also considered positive.

The connection between the degree of activity at the moment of danger and experiences has been determined: the more active a person is in a dangerous situation, the easier the subjective content of his experience is.

A. Suvorov said: “It is better to meet danger than to wait on the spot.”

There are various forms of overcoming fear - fearlessness, which differ in their manifestations. This - courage, bravery, bravery, courage, heroism.

Plutarch also said: “The beginning of victory is courage.” When courage is shown, fear remains, but activity is determined by thinking and volitional decisions. Such a person is considered brave, who knows that there is danger ahead and still goes for it. He knows why he suppresses fear, what goal he achieves by acting contrary to fear. Courage consists of the ability to suppress feelings of fear: when a person, in conditions of real physical danger, experiences a desire for risk and a desire to take action. Under these conditions, he mentally disconnects from worries and fear and focuses entirely on action. Courage is manifested in various types of activities: “brave thought”, “brave solution to a problem”, etc.

Helvetius said: “It is often to courage that we owe the discovery of the greatest truths”;

Goethe: “Every artist has courage, without which talent is unthinkable.”

Bravery- associated with sthenic emotional experiences of excitement during times of danger. A brave person enjoys the feeling of danger. His experiences are sthenic, his activities are not disorganized. But it is good when courage is based on reasonable risk: insane courage is as harmful as insane fear. It is recommended to cultivate courage through reasonable risk: taking risky actions and experiencing the satisfaction of their successful implementation.

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