F p Wrangel short biography presentation. Wrangel Petr Nikolaevich Russian military leader, participant in the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, one of the main leaders of the White movement in the years. Wrangel's policy in Crimea

Baron Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel (1878-1928)BARON PYOTR NIKOLAEVICH
WRANGEL (1878-1928)
Lee Vitalina, Egor Krupsky
9th grade

Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel

Military leader, one of the main leaders White movement.
White general, nicknamed Black Baron, commander
armed forces of the South of Russia and the Russian Army. Was born
Pyotr Nikolaevich August 27, 1878 in the Kovno province
(Lithuania) in a family of Baltic Germans. In the Wrangel family for
seafarers were known for several centuries,
military leaders and polar explorers. Peter's father did not go
in the footsteps of his ancestors and chose a different path. About the same fate
dreamed for his son, whose childhood and youth passed in

Before the Civil War

In 1900, Wrangel completed his studies at the city
Institute in St. Petersburg, received an engineering diploma and a gold medal
medal. In 1901 he was called up to military service. The service is underway
in the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment in the status of a volunteer.
Performs the duties of an official of special assignments under the Governor General of Irkutsk.
He retires with the rank of cornet. In 1902 he entered the
Nicholas Cavalry School in St. Petersburg. For bravery
and participation in hostilities in the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
awarded with Annin's weapon. In 1907 they introduce
emperor and transferred to his native regiment. Continues studies at
Nikolaev Guards Academy and graduated from it in 1910.

At the beginning of the First World War he was already captain of the Horse Guards. In the first battles
distinguished himself by capturing a German battery in a fierce attack near Kaushen on August 23. Among
the first officers were awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree, and on October 12, 1914 received
rank of colonel.
In the fall of 1915 he went to Southwestern Front commander of the 1st Nerchinsky regiment
Transbaikal Cossacks. Wrangel did not climb the career ladder very quickly, but
deservedly. Often his interlocutor was Nicholas II, with whom he spent a long time
talked about topics that concern them.
He fought for discipline and opposed elected soldiers' committees. Had tried
prove that the abdication of Nicholas II will worsen the situation in the country. Kerensky wanted to attract him to
defense of Petrograd, but he resigned. After the revolution, Wrangel reunites with his family,
which at that time settled in Crimea.

Civil War

In February 1918, the baron was arrested by sailors Black Sea Fleet. Saves him from execution
wife's intercession. During the occupation of Ukraine by German troops a meeting took place in Kyiv
Wrangel and Hetman Skoropadsky, who were previously colleagues.
Pyotr Nikolaevich was disappointed with the Ukrainian nationalists surrounding Skoropadsky, as well as him
dependence on the Germans. He goes to Kuban and joins General Denikin, who
instructs him to curb one rebellious Cossack division. Wrangel not only calmed the Cossacks, but also created
part with excellent discipline.
In the winter of 1918-1919 he led the Caucasian Army, occupied the Kuban and Terek basin, Rostov-on-Don, in
June 1919 takes Tsaritsyn. Wrangel's victories confirm his talent. When conducting military
actions, he limited as much as possible the violence inevitable in such conditions, severely punished for robberies
and looting. At the same time, the soldiers respected him very much.


Pyotr Nikolaevich died on April 25, 1928 in
Brussels from tuberculosis infection. The family believed
that he was poisoned by a secret agent of the GPU. October 6, 1929
the body was reburied in Belgrade in the Church of St.
Trinity. He left behind photos, notes, and memoirs.
and memories, quotes from which can be found
in the works of modern historians and biographers.

From 1840 to 1847 - director of the Russian-American Company (St. Petersburg), in 1847-1849 he was director of the Department of Ship Scaffolding of the Naval Ministry. In 1849 he retired with the rank of vice admiral. While retired, he actively collaborates with Petersburg Academy Sciences, of which he became an honorary member in 1855, and the Russian Geographical Society, being one of its founders. In connection with the beginning Crimean War returns from retirement to service and in 1854 is appointed director of the Hydrographic Department. In 1855-1857 he was the manager of the Maritime Ministry (that is, the Minister of the Navy). From 1857 admiral, adjutant general of His retinue Imperial Majesty, member State Council In 1864 he retired. In the same year he moved permanently to the Ruil estate in Estland. He spent the last six years of his life in rural seclusion. Day after day he was engaged in meteorological observations, the diaries of which were preserved in his archive. F. P. Wrangel died on May 25, 1870

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Wrangel Ferdinand Petrovich 12/29/1796 – 05/25/1870. Wrangel Ferdinand Petrovich - was born in Pskov on December 29, 1796 into an impoverished noble family. In 1807, after the death of his parents, the boy was assigned to the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg. He showed excellent diligence in his studies and outstanding abilities. In 1815 he graduated from the corps and was promoted to midshipman. In 1817, on the sloop of war "Kamchatka", commanded by captain Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin, F. P. Wrangel went on a two-year trip around the world. 1824 In the summer, F.P. Wrangel and his comrades returned from Siberia to St. Petersburg. In the autumn of the same year, he was appointed commander of the military transport "Meek", on which he made his second trip around the world in 1825-1827. "Meek" delivered various cargoes to Kamchatka. Upon returning from the voyage, Wrangel commanded the frigate "Elizabeth". The further life of F. P. Wrangel was connected with Russian settlements in North America. From 1829 to 1835 he was the main ruler of these places. Lived in the city of Sitka. In the spring of 1870, he wanted to visit the places of his childhood. He headed to Pskov. But, staying with his brother in Dorpat (Tartu), he suddenly died of a broken heart. It happened on May 25, 1870.

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Russian military leader, participant in the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in Crimea and Poland. General Staff Lieutenant General August 15, 1878 - April 25, 1928 Wrangel Petr Nikolaevich Married to: Olga Mikhailovna Wrangel Parents: Nikolai Egorovich Wrangel, Maria Dmitrievna Wrangel

Education In 1896, Pyotr Nikolaevich graduated from the Rostov Real School. In 1901 he graduated from the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. He was an engineer by training. He entered the Life Guard Cavalry Regiment as a volunteer in 1901, and in 1902, having passed the exam at the Nikolaev Cavalry School, he was promoted to cornet of the guard and enlisted in the reserve. After this, he left the army and went to Irkutsk as an official on special assignments under the governor general.

Participation in the Russo-Japanese War After the start of the Russo-Japanese War, he again entered military service, this time forever. The baron volunteered for the active army and was assigned to the 2nd regiment of the Transbaikal Cossack Army. In December 1904, he was promoted to centurion “for distinction in cases against the Japanese” and awarded orders of the 4th degree with the inscription “for bravery” and 3rd degree. On March 26, 1907, he was again appointed to the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment with the rank of lieutenant.

Participation in the First World War In August 1918 he entered the Volunteer Army, having by this time the rank of major general and being a Knight of St. George. In January 1919, for some time he commanded the Volunteer Army, and from January 1919, the Caucasian Volunteer Army. He was in strained relations with the commander-in-chief, General A. I. Denikin, as he demanded a speedy offensive in the Tsaritsyn direction to join the army of Admiral A. V. Kolchak. On April 2, 1920, Commander-in-Chief General Denikin decided to resign from his post. The next day, a military council was convened in Sevastopol, chaired by General Dragomirov, at which Wrangel was elected commander-in-chief. On April 11, P. N. Wrangel accepted the title of “Ruler and Commander-in-Chief” Armed forces in the south of Russia".

Leader of the White Movement When taking office as Commander-in-Chief of the AFSR, Wrangel saw his main task not as fighting the Reds, but as the task of “bringing the army out of a difficult situation with honor.” General Wrangel quickly and decisively reorganized the army and renamed it “Russian” on April 28, 1920. Cavalry regiments are replenished with horses. He is trying to strengthen discipline with harsh measures. Equipment is also starting to arrive. The coal delivered on April 12 allows the White Guard ships, which had previously been standing without fuel, to come to life. And Wrangel, in his orders for the army, already speaks of getting out of a difficult situation “not only with honor, but also with victory.” Government of the South of Russia. Crimea, Sevastopol, July 22, 1920

Emigration and death On April 25, 1928, he died suddenly in Brussels after suddenly contracting tuberculosis. According to his family, he was poisoned by his servant's brother, who was a Bolshevik agent. The version about the poisoning of Wrangel by an NKVD agent is also expressed by Alexander Yakovlev in his book “Twilight”. He was buried in Brussels. Subsequently, Wrangel's ashes were transferred to Belgrade, where they were solemnly reburied on October 6, 1929 in the Russian Church of the Holy Trinity in the Serbian capital. Tomb of Baron Wrangel in Belgrade. 1935

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