Fortune telling without cards. Any war and military actions are absolutely senseless and immoral. There is no worse solution to problems than war. Violence will always beget violence and never good. The battle of the three-headed fire-breathing dragon will open its wings to the floor of the sky, separating the darkness from

Persistence. A mature man is happy. There will be no blasphemy.


1. Initial six.

Withdraw the army, guided by the law. And if not so, then even if it was good, there will be misfortune.

2. Nine second.

Being in the army is happiness. There will be no blasphemy. The Emperor will grant the decree three times.

3. Six third.

There may be a cartload of corpses in the army. Misfortune.

4. Six fourth.

The army set up camp on the left slope of the mountain. There will be no blasphemy.

5. Six fifth.

There are birds and animals in the fields. It's good to give a speech. There will be no trouble. The eldest son will lead the army, youngest son- a cart of corpses. Fortune telling is unfortunate.

6. Top six.

The great ruler issued a decree establishing the state and strengthening the family. Mean people should not be used.


1. Initial six.

Now you have to take responsibility and lead people. At the same time, your management style does not correspond to this moment; there is no rigor. There are good specialists next to you, but the result will not meet your expectations.

2. Nine second.

It is useful for you to be in the team itself, to be a direct participant in the process; your superiors will notice you repeatedly.

3. Six third.

Great losses lie ahead. Be careful!

4. Six fourth.

A retreat, a change of position will be useful, no one will condemn such a decision.

5. Six fifth.

You are sufficiently secure financially, you can express yourself with smart and bright speech. If there is no open confession, then there will be no objections. Before distributing responsibilities among subordinates, follow the rule of choosing based on intelligence and experience. An inexperienced person can ensure a “cart of corpses” through his actions. The big risk is not justified, the Book gives a negative prediction.

6. Top six.

Everything will be decided by an order from above. These are concerns about the general welfare and happiness in each individual family. You can do it like social activities, and bustle around inside the house, in the family, like an emperor. No matter how difficult it may be, do not attract poorly educated people who do not inspire confidence. Whatever promotion awaits you, be careful with flatterers.


The trials have passed, and, as we see, the court's decision may not always be positive for our client. Why, in this case, should the hexagram “Army” be used? Obviously, you need to be able to protect your interests in other ways, more active. At the same time, we are not talking about a war of one, but about an army, that is, about the need to have comrades-in-arms with whom to oppose injustice. In this case, an experienced, “mature” person will be lucky; he may be put in the role of leader.

Everything that can be discussed must be organized and put in its place. Discipline and order should be paramount; possessing the most incredible talents does not mean anything. Scatteredness and laziness will destroy any talent. Only hard work and diligence add up to public recognition.

If it is difficult for you to lead, it is difficult for you to give orders, you feel awkward in front of people, do not take on high positions, your subordinates will not accept you.

When we're talking about about military vocation, military rank, then here the hexagram barks direct instructions on how to become a real commander, to make military career: Before you boss others around, learn to lead yourself.

"Army" predicts victory, strengthening of achieved boundaries and further development, but with considerable persistence, the ability to retreat at the right time, to find the right people to the necessary posts and move away from empty contacts and non-specialists.

Ultimately, everything received should be sent to the family budget, and in your actions you should not forget about your patriotic duty and the country in which you live.

You need to fight for your personal happiness. All of the above requirements apply here both to your own generation and in relationships with your loved one. The hexagram promises a good marriage and the wife’s help in business.

The hexagram is rather positive. It symbolizes conscious solitude and warns of the need to carefully think and plan your actions so that the current favorable period of life lasts as long as possible.

Now you are like a general, deciding when is the best time to start a battle. Be careful, take as allies only trusted people with good intentions.

You will receive unexpected news or an unexpected guest will visit you.

The present time is filled with romance for you, which, however, will not prevent friction from arising with a loved one.

Plan all future affairs carefully. Try to act thoughtfully and intelligently.

And although luck in this moment on your side, be careful and reasonable.

To interpret the next hexagram, go to page.

Explanation for the interpretation of hexagram 7. Army

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not completely clear and seems vague to you, read the explanation of the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you more correctly understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Shi - Army.

The hieroglyph depicts people moving around the center.

Army, army; leader, great warrior, general, skilled craftsman; mobilize, discipline, organize, make functional; imitate, take as a model.

Semantic connections of hexagram 1.Qian

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and creative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time to put things in order and organize them for effective action. Get your affairs in order, develop your leadership abilities, strengthen your morale, consult with experienced people. The army serves the people, founds cities and protects them. There are a lot of unorganized phenomena around you. Your task is to correct this situation and make room for everyone. Don't be aggressive, but support people. This will be difficult work. In your desire to serve and protect, take calculated risks and handle obstacles wisely. And people will see your actions and be drawn to you. This will not be a mistake, but exactly what you need now.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the seventh hexagram.

[Fortitude. For a mature person - happiness, there will be no blasphemy]

I. At the beginning there is six.

Withdraw the army, guided by the law.

- And if it’s not so, then (even if it was good) there will be misfortune.

II. Nine second.

Stay in the army.

- Happiness! There will be no blasphemy! The king will grant orders three times.

III. Six third.

There may be a cartload of corpses in the army.

- Misfortune!

IV. Six fourth.

The army retreats to the rear.

- There will be no blasphemy.

V. Six fifth. There's game in the field.

The eldest son (if you rely on the truth) is to lead the troops.

The youngest son (if you are mistaken, but stubbornly stand your ground) - a cartload of corpses.

- It is favorable for the first to keep his word; there will be no blasphemy.

- For the second, resilience is unfortunate.

VI. There's a six at the top.

The great sovereign controls the destinies, starts a dynasty, collects lands and inherits them to [his] house.

- An insignificant person should not act!

Discipline is like water underground—a vital resource, available but hidden, requiring effort to reach. This potential can be used if necessary. Once it is available, great things can be achieved through organized discipline.

Most successful leader is not the one who triumphs on the battlefield, but the one who, through the power of discipline and inner power, can achieve reconciliation without shedding blood. Likewise, in any large organization, the key virtues are discipline and integrity. If you aspire to leadership, remember that a true leader captures the hearts of people and creates a clear vision that binds them together.

In politics a good relationship between the army and the state are of decisive importance. Only when the state is economically prosperous can the army be strong. Only when the army is disciplined can the state be protected from destructive external forces. For this balance to be maintained, the government must be friendly to its people. Solidarity is essential for success.

Interpretation of lines:

Line 1 (bottom line)

At the beginning of any major undertaking, it is important to establish order. Nothing good can be achieved without organizing your assets and coordinating your troops.

Fortune comes when a general fights in the midst of his troops. And when honors are given, the entire army is proud to see their leader being honored on their behalf.

You may fail if you overestimate your capabilities or underestimate your weaknesses. Be confident that you and those around you are playing the role they are meant to play and you will overcome challenges.

A strategic retreat is required. This is not a final defeat, but an opportunity to gain strength by disappearing for a while from the field of conflict. Retreat is a disciplined withdrawal from all answers, neutrality and acceptance of the situation as such.

Don't let others violate your boundaries, otherwise the situation will get worse. Strengthen your position by bringing your relationships with others into harmony.

Line 6 (top line)

In victory, generosity is the purest reward for those who helped you succeed. Don't make promises of reward in exchange for Good work and never give rewards based solely on feelings. Rewards have as much to do with the future as the past.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world.
A huge plain stretches wide beneath blue sky. An eventful life flows freely and widely.
Directly below it, a dangerous underground sea is tightly sealed in the bowels of the earth. On the surface everything is calm, but the unmanifested contradictions are enormous, and the internal potential danger is great.
The water in the sea is rising. The pressure underground is rising. The contradictions hidden in the depths are gaining strength. The danger is increasing.
Powerful streams of water will explode to the surface, sweeping away everything in its path. Very sharply, explosively, accumulated internal contradictions will manifest themselves in the world of events, destroying everything that previously restrained confrontation.
Where there was a plain, tomorrow there will be dangerous sea waves. The battle will flare up, everything will plunge into a very dangerous situation.

In the subtle world the vibration is similar, which doubles the force of what is happening.
A free field stretches wide under the blue sky.
A calm, even life is going on.
Tiny seeds sprouted deep in the depths of the earth. Changes arise in the depths of the subconscious.
Feeding on the earth that crushes them, the trees quickly, like thunder, sprout to the surface. Changes from the depths of the subconscious will manifest themselves explosively in the world of events.
And soon the field will disappear from view under the crowns of mighty trees. There will be no trace left of the calm, familiar life. Thunder, mobility, excitement will reign in the subconscious.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 7

In the manifested world, a well-provided life does not allow accumulated dangerous contradictions to manifest themselves. Contradictions are accumulating, an explosion is brewing. BATTLE.

In the subconscious, trees are sealed with large earth. Growing trees symbolize a new course of life, large land - strong, rooted foundations. The stronger the existing picture of the world, the greater the force of pressure the trees will create to overcome the thickness of the earth, the stronger the explosion will be on the subconscious.

Both in the manifested world and in the subconscious, enormous energy for change has been accumulated. First, the situation will explode on the internal subconscious plane, this explosion initiates an explosion in the manifested world. The calm, safe picture of the world will be destroyed by the battle. It is impossible to remain passive here. The most decisive, possibly forceful, actions are required to resolve the situation. It is here that you can become a hero, or always remember your experience with bitterness and shame.

Is victory possible at all levels, since there are always losses in battle? We are accustomed to consider the winner to be the one who prevails only at the manifest level; such a position is narrow. If victory occurred in manifested reality, but the winner in the heat of battle lost himself, lost his soul, then this, by and large, is a serious defeat. The battle will always be lost on the internal plane if there are curses against the enemy.



UNION - close rapprochement, cooperation in the name of common interests or goals. UNION is the key to success in any business. The UNION deeply hides contradictions for the sake of unity. UNION is an accumulation, locking of contradictions inside. BATTLE is the explosive extraction of accumulated contradictions. A close ALLIANCE often leads to BATTLE. BATTLE burns away contradictions and prepares favorable soil for a strong UNION.


Which thread of fate will light up now largely depends on you, on your position.

Positions for awareness:

1. The greatest events in history are military battles. The most glorious names in history are generals. The entire previous life is just a preparation for such a glorious moment.

2. In reality, you are always fighting only with yourself.

3. This is why we came to planet Earth, to test ourselves in the most extreme conditions. How boring is a smooth, insipid life without battles!

4. A spiritual person will enter into battle only when absolutely necessary.

5. According to the laws of balance, battle will always strengthen what you are fighting against.

6. Any war and military actions are absolutely senseless and immoral. There is no worse solution to problems than war. Violence will always beget violence and never good.

7. War is terrible from a human point of view. But very often it is in fierce battles that the bright divine light of love awakens in people. “My dear, if there were no war!”

8. The real winner will be the one who fought with the vibration of love. “Love your enemy,” Jesus Christ.

9. “Why are we often our own worst enemies? I have an enemy as long as there is “me.” If there is no more “me,” there will be no more enemy,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

10. “So that evil ceases to be harmful, the Master avoids violence. If evil has no opponent, virtue will return by itself,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

11. “When equal forces meet in battle, the one who entered the battle with the greatest regret wins,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

12. “I’m not just a pacifist, I’m a militant pacifist. I am ready to fight for peace. Nothing will stop the war unless people themselves refuse to go to war,” A. Einstein.

13. “The principle of “an eye for an eye” will make the whole world blind,” Mahatma Gandhi.

14. “The Tathagata teaches that any war in which a man seeks to kill his brother is insignificant; but he does not teach that he who goes to war for a just cause, having exhausted all means to preserve peace, deserves censure. The one who caused the war should be blamed." - Buddha.

15. “He whose mind is free from the illusion of selfhood will stand and not fall in the battle of life,” Buddha.

16. “You know, one of the most serious losses in battle is losing your head,” Lewis Carroll, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”

17. “He who makes war with others has not made peace with himself,” - William Hazlitt.

18. “Darkness cannot disperse darkness; only light can do this. Hate cannot destroy hate, only love can.” - Martin Luther King.

19. We do not fight to win. We fight to stop the war." - Gintama.

20. “I will fight. “Not with weapons, but with words,” - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

21. “What is compressed expands. What is weakened is strengthened. What is destroyed flourishes. Whoever wants to take something from another will certainly lose his own,” Lao Tzu.

22. “I am convinced that murder under the pretext of war does not cease to be murder,” A. Einstein.

23. “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war,” A. Einstein.

24. “When people are afraid, they either run away or fight,” - Mysteries of Haven.

25. “If you understand that the enemy has an advantage, do not be ashamed to leave the battlefield to him, for it is not the outcome of a single battle that is important, but the final outcome of the war,” - Paulo Coelho. Book of the Warrior of Light.

26. “Peaceful life is just an illusion. "Battles are the history of mankind." - Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.

27. “Victory in battle is the most insignificant victory. Victory without fighting is the highest skill." - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

28. “No matter whose side is right, those who decide to fight are equally wrong!” From now on, Mao, the Demon King! (Kyo Kara Maoh!).

29. “Love is an absolute weapon” (Semenova L.: “Kryon “Number Codes”). This weapon is absolute, because you can defeat any enemy with it with maximum benefit for everyone.

30. “You don’t shoot an arrow into a smiling face” (Japanese folk wisdom).

31. “I don’t care what you say, there must be peace, period!” - John Lennon.

32. “Do you want to know your main enemy?! Look in the mirror, deal with him - the rest will run away!” — Mikhail Efimovich Litvak.

33. “Victory in battle is the most insignificant victory. Victory without fighting is the highest skill." - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

34. “War benefits the mediocre. The world is always more profitable for the talented,” Mikhail Zadornov.

35. “Only those who fight for the sake of others have the inner strength to overcome all the hardships of this world” - Isuna Hasekura. Spice and Wolf.

36. “The harder you fight, the more you will become like that yourself,” - Klaus Joel (Messenger).

37. “Lack of love causes great damage, and a person in need of love is capable of harming others - and often does so. People who start wars are the most striking example. Filled with love, you will not send others to kill." - Klaus Joel (Messenger).

38. “A wise man avoids an unnecessary battle even if his victory is inevitable,” - unknown author.

39. “It’s not so much people who are at odds with people, but rather their ideas about each other,” - Richie Dostyan “Anxiety.”

You believe that you have studied the issue from all points of view. Meanwhile, no one forbids asking a question again and again until it causes disgust. However, it is clear that you have done everything to clear up this situation. It's no use going back to her all the time. If you really have to take the fight and go to the end, then decide on your opinion once and for all. And if such a decision is truly yours, make sure that it is legal. Act within the framework of order, be methodical and disciplined. Ask for help if necessary. Or stop thinking about it, get the idea out of your head.

Interpretations of features of change

Trait I: If you have a difficult fight to fight, want to win and need to use your best resources, then act deliberately. Define your goals precisely. If you need help, contact competent and serious people who know what to do. It is very important that everyone knows what position they occupy and what role they will play.

Trait 2: We are talking about the fact that a certain group of people has entrusted you with representing or defending their interests. But if you protect the interests of others as if you were your own, then it is better to be near or among them. Therefore, determine your behavior, that is, inspire such a calm strength that everyone will like you.

Trait 3: The problem that arises in this situation resembles a dragon with seven heads. In this case, it is impossible to understand who thinks what, who leads, who wants what and does what. It seems like everyone wants to have their say, to take direction. This leads to confusion, disorder, and when this happens, failure is inevitable. There needs to be one person in charge.

Trait 4: The struggle you have started or become involved in seems hopeless or desperate. However, there is no shame in ceasing resistance, laying down your arms and retreating when you have no other choice. This position is better than a rash step that is worthy of reproach. So, do what wisdom tells you.

Trait 5: No, you won't recognize their thoughts. They are intended to destabilize you, attack you, or oppose you. You must react, resist and accept the challenge, but not haphazardly. Develop the right strategy, only you are capable of counterattack. For this you have all the necessary qualities. Trait 6: You have not shown any weakness, you have won or success has come to you. You can be grateful to those who supported you, but do not exaggerate the role they played in this matter. To each his due, no more. If your gratitude exceeds the limit, then someone will be tempted to abuse it and use it against you.

This hexagram prescribes submission to discipline. You need to prove that you follow strict rules. Indecisiveness leads to disorder and confusion. When obedience is based on observing the principles and rules of life, it takes on a noble image. This is the difference between obedience and bondage and slavery.
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