The most important thing in life is science. Life doesn't give you second chances! Value system - what is it

What is the most important thing in life? The question is, of course, rhetorical. For thousands of years, thinkers and philosophers have been trying to find the answer. Yes and we ordinary people, sometimes we think: what is the meaning of life, why does everything happen? In this article, referring to centuries-old wisdom, the opinions of psychologists and philosophers, we will try to find the answer to such an important question for every person.

What is the importance of answering the question asked?

Research by psychologists has long proven that what the perception of life will be depends specifically on each person. We know that people react differently to the same events. That's why different people– different life values, different concepts of what is important in life.

But how can you find the answer to this question specifically for yourself? After all, love is important for a lonely person, a poor person dreams of wealth, a sick person wants to regain his health, and the one who has all this suffers from a feeling of incomprehensible dissatisfaction.

Still, there is a way out of the situation. You can find out what is most important in a person’s life if you understand yourself, your feelings, your attitude to a particular situation.

Harmony with oneself is the main criterion of human happiness. Therefore, by understanding what exactly gives you a feeling of harmony with yourself (in other words, a feeling of inner comfort), you will be able to understand for yourself what is important in life.

What is the most important thing in life for you personally?

The answer to this question is easy to find in yourself. To do this, you don’t need to listen to the sayings of others about this, it’s enough just to listen to yourself.

Psychologists advise: retire, relax and calm down. Having found a sense of calm and harmony, write a list in which you include everything that you consider the most important for yourself. Then from this list, select one item - the one you need most. This will be the answer to the question: “What is the most important thing in life for you?”

Let's look at the most popular answers to this question point by point.


Happiness is a rather loose and abstract concept. It has long been proven: everyone understands happiness in their own way. In addition, what can make a person happy in childhood will not have any effect with age.

If in childhood getting a brand new bicycle was enough to feel happiness, then with age it becomes a wish list. wealthy family, a car and solid capital. It often happens that, having achieved what was planned, a person feels happiness for only a moment, then priorities change, and everything starts all over again. You yourself know many people who constantly strive for something new, without feeling the joy of what they have. This pursuit of happiness can last indefinitely.

You should understand that the most important thing in a person’s life is the feeling of happiness “here and now.” To do this, you just need to learn to enjoy what you have: the sun, the smile of a loved one, delicious coffee, an interesting book, a walk in the fresh air.

Love and relationships

When asked what is most important in life, many will confidently answer – love. This feeling inspires, gives a feeling of joy, warmth and comfort. Those who do not experience love often suffer from various complexes, psychological problems.

But love is in everything. Love yourself first, not with selfish love, but simply accept yourself as you are. And you will notice that this wonderful feeling will begin to fill your life.

Many people note that children and family are the most important things in a person’s life. And they are right in their own way.

The support of loved ones, the feeling that someone needs you, the joy that a loved one is doing well are incomparable sensations that give a person a feeling of inner comfort. But what if many families break up due to... conflict situations? Then this one life value can only bring pain and disappointment? Or maybe it's just a life lesson? Everyone decides for themselves. After all, everything depends only on the person himself, on his perception of the situation.

The ancient sages taught: “Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.” A lonely person is almost never happy. You can be lonely even when you are among people. Following the ancient recommendation can protect any person from the oppressive feeling of loneliness and dissatisfaction associated with communicating with other people.

What is the most important thing in life? Self-realization

For many people, self-actualization is important for a complete feeling of spiritual comfort. Philosophers have long been trying to convey to humanity an important idea - there is nothing accidental in this world, every person has his own calling, to fulfill which every effort must be made. The one who succeeds in fulfilling his life mission will be happy.

Remember, you will not have a second chance, you choose your own path in life. Try to live in such a way that you never have the feeling that you are living wrong. After all, the most important thing is satisfaction from what you do; a person’s purpose is often connected with what he does.

Material values

It would seem that everything is clear here, but still there is a category of people who believe that wealth is the main thing in life, the possession of material values ​​can give a person happiness. Alas, this is a big misconception. And there are plenty of examples of this: often a poor man from a slum is much happier than a rich man, because he lives a free life, he is a sick person, he understands that you cannot buy health, and tired of loneliness sometimes discovers that it is not him who is loved, but his money.

And yet... What is the most important thing in a person’s life? Look for the answer to this question in yourself. Your life will gain meaning if you stop giving preference to those activities that do not bring you moral satisfaction. Act, analyze your feelings, listen to yourself, feel comfort and harmony - and then you can experience true happiness.

What is the most important thing in life? Have you ever thought about this? In this article, I will tell you about what is important in life for me. What I personally want. This doesn't mean it should be like that for you too. No. In no way, because the value of life for each individual is determined independently, I am not imposing anything on anyone, and in no way will I say that it should be this way and no other way, I am saying IMHO!

I have been asked more than once whether I have a dream. What is my dream? What do I want?

And you know, I never answered this question. Until now, of course.

Having asked the vast majority of people, what is your dream, what do you want? the answers will come ala, become a dollar millionaire, I want to travel to BALI, TRAVEL, see the world, I want a cool car, I want my own house, I want to become a singer, I want to rise in my career, get a lot of money, I want to be famous, popular, I want to become a celebrity, I want to be someone else there, I want this third, tenth, twentieth, etc.

All such things = for me personally = are not something special that can be called a “dream”.

For me personally, these are just goals, and any goal, even the most complex one, can be achieved by drawing it up correctly, breaking it down into sub-goals, and taking specific actions to implement it...

Well, in short, individuals who constantly set goals for themselves understand this perfectly well.

The vast majority of people cannot set a goal correctly. Because I want to travel, that’s not the goal. This is the devil knows what. Just like a cool car and seeing the world, your home, and so on.

Do you think such a person is truly happy? Satisfied with your life? I don't think so.

Without all the components, a person will not feel happy, and all because the person will not have a feeling of completeness and completeness. Even if he is good at something on some points, I gave examples above: he has money - but one, no money - but he has a family.

I don’t know whether I was able to paint this picture so that they would understand me or not, I hope so.

For this reason, I don’t answer people’s questions when they ask me about my dream, what I want =)

Because, more often than not, with people: whoever hurts is the one who talks about it.

Well, a person, for example, has a material component = but he lacks other components (for example, love) = so he dreams about them, wants this love. Understand?

Bad for money, good for something else = so he is obsessed with money = dreams, wants.

In my opinion, all components are intertwined = and I tried to explain this in this article.

I am often asked about the meaning of life. What is a sense of life? These questions always amused me, because... The meaning of life does not exist, it exists only in everyone’s head. And this meaning is different for everyone =) so for me personally it is important to be satisfied with life (to be happy).

And in order to realize this, it is important to have all the complex components, and not one thing, separately, as most people most often give in response, what do you want, what is your dream: a career there, or money, or children, or family, or love and other things...

By themselves = these components will not make me (any person) truly happy, satisfied with life, that’s why I say that you need to develop diversified, and not narrowly, purposefully, in one thing (for example, grandmothers) and nothing more. These are my IMHO. Good luck!

Congratulations, administrator.

Leave behind the creative energy of life

Nikolay T
this is when there are people who are happy to see you and you are behind them like behind a wall. and when there is a loved one nearby

Olya U
It’s a difficult question... probably the main thing for a person will be... and in what way, here it’s individual, some in the family, some in work, some in creativity

Alisa I
It seems to me that the meaning of life is to find your true self. Have your own opinion and not depend on other people or circumstances. For me, the most important thing in life is family, because... friends or lovers can change and betray, but family will always be your support and strength.

Vsevolod F
In well-bred children;)

Eva V

Vitaly D
the meaning of life is to serve love and goodness and ultimately never return to earth again

Evgeniy A
Serving Christ, preaching the Gospel.

Maria M
I think the meaning of life is to be happy and in harmony with your true self, to get everything you really need from life and to fulfill your purpose on Earth.

Olga Zh
In my opinion, the most important thing in life is family. And the meaning of life is to create a good family, raise wonderful children and be a wonderful wife to your husband. This is my vision. Purely feminine.

Andrey K
In my opinion, if we consider not all of humanity, but a separate personality, an individual, then everyone has their own meaning of life, everyone chooses it for themselves. Although, if you look at my statement from the other side, it turns out to be more simple: a person chooses a goal for himself and goes towards it, builds a dream and makes it come true, does what he loves, or works so that he has the opportunity to do it, and this goal/dream/business - it can be anything.
Well, if we consider all of humanity as a whole, then this looks like a big experiment, in this life we ​​show who we really are.

Leshka Z
in my opinion in procreation and family relationships

Justina B
IN this period In life, I think about this a lot, while I believe that meaning is the good that you bring to people and the humility that you cultivate in yourself. The more of these qualities, the brighter eternal life.

Maxim M

Pavel A
Life is a trip. We need to experience different things and have adventures. Education is important for the trip. We must be nice to people. We must be nice to animals. We must protect environment, but also use the environment to survive. I prefer to have a few very good friends rather than many mediocre friends. I choose to worry about my family and friends because they are important. We journey through life together. I'm also worried about my dog ​​and cats!!))))

Vladislav Z
I live without much meaning. I try to make sure that people who walk along life path they were happy with me and were not burdened by the burdens of modern realities

Ilgiza A
I believe that the meaning of life is to achieve something in life, to always strive only forward, to develop, to learn new things and, in the end, to leave something good behind.
And the main thing is health. If you have health and the desire to achieve something, then everything will definitely happen.

Boris M
the main thing in life is to be human)))))))

Irina G
How do you understand everything is subjective;)

Why do you need this survey? then you will form a common whole about humanity

In fact, the most important thing for me is family and love. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, I am not a materialist. although many people talk about these values)

Svetlana R
For me on this moment the main thing is to build a harmonious relationship with God. Then it will be easier to build harmonious relationships in your Family with your spouse and children :))) It’s easier to build relationships in society, and accordingly change the world for the better. Because God is the source of LOVE and goodness, this is what is missing in our society.

Anna S
The meaning of life is for the soul to work - reading, development, creativity, interest in life, people, countries, travel, actions

Dima R
Family and relatives!)

Alexey M
the main thing, in my opinion, is to raise and educate children

depending on what point of view. from a biological point of view - reproduction. from the point of view of philosophy - to comprehend this very meaning.
for me it is)

Maxik N
Hello) the most important thing in life is family and of course children.

Andrey L
Hello) probably to spiritual development, but also to material development because there is nothing bad in that)

Andrey G
For me, this meaning of life can be described by five sacred owls: LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, NATURE, HARMONY, FAMILY))) And it’s so hard to write about it)))

Georget A
I think the most important thing in life is peace of mind.

Alina S
Only you can answer this question yourself
everything is different for everyone
for me it may be one, for others it is completely different
for some it doesn’t exist at all, they live one day at a time

Alexander S
Love. To the people who surround you.
And the most important thing in life is your children! They will carry your banner further in life! Something like this, normal?) Or do you need a more detailed answer?!

Kostya M
this is a philosophical question, for some it’s material resources, for others it’s family, for others it’s health, for others it’s friends, but for me it’s all in the sum))))) Well, the most important thing is that someone has a fond memory of you

Georgy T
I believe that the meaning of life lies in a person’s life itself, in what he leaves behind, how he will be remembered, each person has his own, and everyone determines it for themselves.

Ilya P
Well, the main thing in life is life... so that it is not boring and monotonous.. diverse... you must live it the way you want and not the society around you.. find your way to reveal your talents and use them in life for the benefit for first it’s hard, but in the future the universe itself will make your life easier...and you need to strive for a life it is obligatory...striving is movement and movement is life...striving for constant transformation of yourself (but only to improve your qualities)

I also ask myself this question; I’ve changed my mind throughout my life. Maybe - love, a soulmate, family, harmonious relationships, although this is just an EXPERIENCE in human development, when you achieve impressive success here too, you will want more in everything.

My opinion at the moment is the very desire to develop, not to stop at one thing, to experience the WORLD

beyond competition for me this is self-improvement

Our life is filled with many good and bad moments, but what is the most important thing in a person's life, few people know and guess. A person spends his whole life looking for happiness and tranquility, but few people still find it. Every day, we rush to work or study, living a monotonous life, and most importantly, we don’t want to change anything in our lives, although we constantly complain about fate and blame it for everything.

Psychologists have studied this question, and today, in this article, they will provide you with effective and necessary information so that you understand what value of life and what is the most important thing about it.

Decide for yourself what is most important to you in life

For some reason, we are looking for an answer to a question that we ourselves can answer, since, most the most important thing in life human, laid down and invented by ourselves. A person decides for himself what is most important to him and what is not. It makes no sense to listen to others this topic, since everyone will have a different answer and opinion about this. We choose the value of life for ourselves, so decide for yourself what is most important to you in life. You can make a list of everything that you consider valuable in your life. Make such a list, and then select from it only one item, the most important for you. Then, in this way, we will answer our own question, and it will be the most correct one.

What do modern people need?

If the question concerns not only you personally, but also all people, and you want to understand what is most important in a person’s life, then you should start studying people. The best option is to understand what modern man needs now, then you will understand what is most important. It’s not difficult to guess, today most people do not have enough money, and this is a problem that makes them value money and give it so much great importance that they become the most important in a person’s life. Of course, not only money, but also health, fame, success. The modern generation loves entertainment and pleasure, therefore, for now, for them, there is no special attribute of what is most important in life. For family people, health and money come first, but in fact, it makes no sense to say that this is the most important thing in the life of a man and a woman. We have other values, but we do not pay any attention to them and therefore suffer in the search for pleasure.

The most important thing in life is happiness

How much we hear the word happiness, when they wish it to each other, when they talk about it, when they strive for it all their lives. In fact happiness there is, but mostly people just strive for it all their lives, but never achieve it. This is due to the fact that we ourselves create happiness for ourselves, and we ourselves set barriers, saying why we can be happy. For example, if a person thinks that he needs a lot of money to be happy, then he will be unhappy until he receives this money, and when he receives it, he will be happy for only a few days. Because a person will set himself a different goal for happiness. And this pursuit of happiness, for most people, continues forever. But to be happy, you don’t need to rush anywhere, since we are all already happy, happiness is within us. Relax and tell yourself that you are happy now and will remain so for the rest of your life. Then you will protect yourself and your health from the meaningless pursuit of happiness.

The most important thing in life is family and children

Almost every family will say what is most important in their life , these are their children and family. But in fact, this value is not eternal, for the reason that children grow up and will soon live separately, creating their own families. And also, because 80% of families get divorced within 2-3 years, which indicates the age given values. It turns out that only 20% of families have what is considered the most important thing in a person’s life. Maybe, indeed, for some, family and children, the most important happiness in life, is their choice, since we choose for ourselves what we value most.

The most important thing is to find your purpose

Each person, without exception, was sent into this world for a reason; each has his own mission and purpose, which must be fulfilled during life. But as you can see for yourself, most people live not only without purpose, but even without goals. People almost every day do the same thing, like programmed robots, go to work to feed their family and solve problems in it. This continues throughout life, and a person, having not found his purpose, begins to fear death, since he did not live the life he needed. Remember, life does not give a second chance, so find yourself in life, and appreciate it if you find it, as only a few can do this today. We are, in fact, busy with the wrong things that are important for the world, life and people; you yourself will understand your purpose, as you will find incredible happiness and joy from what you do. After all, basically, purpose is associated with a favorite activity, work or hobby.

The most important thing is to leave an eternal memory behind.

We know many famous people who did what brought them joy and after their death, their memory remains eternal. Therefore, if you want to live your life not in vain and with meaning, you need to do what brings you joy, and thereby helps people who will keep an eternal memory of you. Stop getting upset over little things, and finally start looking for yourself and your favorite business, this is much more fun and cheerful than going to a job you don’t like, for the sake of money and survival. We live in modern age technologies, and not in ancient times, where survival was more valued in the material world. Remember that only you yourself can determine what is most important to you in life and what you want to achieve. Take action for you too, everything in life will work out, the main thing is to stop doing what doesn’t bring you joy or happiness and then your life will find meaning and it will remain about you everlasting memory, as well as many people who did this.

If you have any questions or additions to the article, write in the comments.

Each person has his own views on the surrounding reality and his own values. Therefore, when asked what is most important in life, people will answer differently. We propose to look into this issue together and come to a golden mean.

Key life priorities

Family, friends

For a huge number of people all over the planet, it is the presence of like-minded people, relatives, and loved ones that is the most valuable. Moreover we're talking about both about the family in which a person was born and raised, and about that “unit of society” that each of us builds independently, and of course, about friends.

To truly understand why friends and family are the most important thing in life, you can probably only find yourself alone with your problems, fears, and hopes. After all, in difficult life moments, it is our loved ones who help us not to lose heart, provide the most powerful moral support, and sincerely empathize.

It is impossible not to emphasize the importance of procreation. After all, in fact, a child is our immortal particle, which with each new generation will move us forward in time, further and further. It is modern people who determine what the planet’s population will look like in tens, hundreds of years. This means that without the birth of this tiny child, our life loses its deep meaning... If we think in this way, it turns out that the most important thing in life is children.

On the other hand, not everyone shares these views. After all, in the end, there are incredibly talented people (scientists, artists, builders, etc.) who, even without children, make a tremendous contribution to the development of their country or even the entire world community. Isn't this important? In addition, there are many people who cannot have children. But they can give this world their smiles, good deeds, help other people, and this is also priceless.


No matter what anyone says, any person needs to be loved. For most people, it is also important to experience this delightful feeling themselves. Otherwise, a person is forced to struggle all his life with numerous complexes and severe psychological difficulties. In the end, it turns out that love is the most important thing in life.

Moreover, we deliberately did not include it in the previous paragraph, since having relatives, friends, or a spouse does not always mean that you love and are loved.

Money, career

These benefits often compete with the more spiritual values ​​mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Indeed, it is impossible to live a full, happy life without sufficient funds to meet your needs. And we are talking here not only about clothes, jewelry, travel and other joys, but also about the opportunity to receive qualified medical care from good doctors, about the ability to feed and clothe a child well, give him a decent education, and develop his talents. All this also requires financial resources.

However, having money and a solid professional status does not always mean a happy life. After all, having the means and an enviable position, you may not have a family, love, health...


Surprisingly, when wondering what is most important in a person’s life, not everyone thinks about health. At the same time, without it it is simply impossible to imagine a life full of positive emotions, eventful, pleasant discoveries, and accomplishments. After all, even the presence of money cannot always completely or even partially correct problems with physiology. And for a sick person it will be extremely difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to build a career, see the world, start a family, live in harmony with the world and oneself.

Drawing conclusions

As you can see, it is impossible to select any one from the list above. After all, then you will sorely miss all the other points. In addition, it is very difficult to say exactly how much money/friends/love/health you will need to feel happy, and what characteristics all these or any other values ​​must have in order for them to truly make you happy.

Therefore, we propose to define human harmony - mental and physical - as the most basic thing in life. It implies that you have everything you need for the life that you consider happy for yourself.

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