What can energy be extracted from? A device for extracting energy from the earth's electric field. Benefits from wastewater

Turning a freeloader into a partner

For about 500 years, some of the best minds of humanity have been trying to find the next “philosopher’s stone” in the form of a Perpetual Motion Machine, and other best minds of humanity, with the same enthusiasm, are trying to prove that no Perpetual Movers can be built, forgetting to note that the Universe itself shows us an example of the Eternal Movements. And humanity, represented by each of its representatives, confirms this with its restless activity.

Perhaps it's time to try to figure out this problem. Apparently both are right. And, as usual, the problem with some not understanding others is that everyone sees in a phenomenon only what they want to see. We will assume that for any open stationary system the law of conservation of power is valid.

This can be shown schematically as a simple “black box” drawing. And for everyone’s favorite “black box” circuit, in this case the parameters taken into account will be the power of the incoming flow Rin, the power of the useful power flow Rout and the power of the loss flow Rloss. The law of conservation of power requires that the equality Rinput = Routput + Rloss be observed. And if the system is open and there are no processes of generating or absorbing energy inside it, but only converting one type of motion (energy) into another, then the specified equality is observed quite accurately. between the output and input of the system, the power of which is equal to Rupr. And due to the fact that the control power flow is closed on itself, this is not reflected in the initial power balance equation.

But then the operation of the system will not change if the flow of control power decreases or increases several times. And in this case, we may have to split the control power flow into several flows, at least into two flows. One of which can be considered a pure control power flow, and the second a power flow circulating between the output and input of the system without exiting to the “external environment”. This means that we can always determine how much energy entered the system and left it. But we will never be able to determine from the outside how much energy is stored in the system. For example, in relation to the Sun, this means that we know how much energy its surface emits, but we will never know how much energy circulates inside the Sun, and when this energy will tear the Sun apart, turning it into a new gas and dust formation.

There is, however, one way to find out how much “hidden” energy is in the system. It is necessary to block the Rinput flow and ensure that the Routput and Rloss flows are taken into account. But this is again possible if all the energy of the system “flows out” through these flows. And if the system “slams shut”, will it stop both absorbing and emitting energy? From the perspective of an external observer, this will be equivalent to the disappearance of the system. Although from the point of view of the system itself, the environment external to it will disappear. This is the situation. This means that in order to complete information about energy flows, both external and internal for any system, a complete examination of the system is necessary both from the outside and directly from the inside. For example, in

Almost any system can be considered as an oscillatory system in which powerful material flows move from its system input to the output and from the output to the input without these flows leaving the system. That is, there is an oscillatory system, due to which large flows of energy circulate between the output and the input without leaving the system. Part of this energy (power) is spent on controlling the system from the inside, for example, by adjusting the friction in the axle or the stiffness of the spring elements. But with each cycle of oscillation, only a small part of the energy, which is stored and recovered in the elements of the system, goes into the environment external to the given system. And in order for the oscillations in the system to continue for a sufficiently long time, there is a flow of external energy entering the system (Rinput), the power of which must be equal to the sum of the loss power Rloss and the useful power Routput that goes into the load. In this case, the Pinput flow is formed by an external force, the nature of which can be very different, but in relation to the “black box” this force must be active.

We can judge the total energy that is stored (stored) in a system only when this energy suddenly changes from internal to external, for example, during the destruction of the system. Then, for example, the full power of springs and weights will fall on the staff, something similar to Chernobyl or a collision of ships near Novorossiysk, which at one time pleased us with the perestroika of the “brilliant” Gorbachev M.S. Something similar happens when flywheels break. When the flywheel is spinning, few people think that it contains a huge amount of energy, since it doesn’t take a lot of energy to maintain the rotation of an already spinning flywheel (gyroscope). And energy is taken from the flywheel in small portions. But when an exploding flywheel breaks through the ceilings of several floors, only then does it dawn on some of them what kind of bomb they were constantly next to.

And any explosive also fits perfectly into the disassembled scheme. As long as the external impact of ammonal on the briquette does not exceed the destruction limit, the briquette behaves like an ordinary piece of soap. But as soon as the external influence exceeds a certain threshold, a chain disintegration of the structure begins with the release of a huge amount of energy - an explosion.

Recently, a mechanism for extracting energy from steel bars or sheets by firing at them with a beam of small grains of sand accelerated to high speeds has been presented as a great discovery.

The inventors of this method promise oceans of energy. Perhaps this will happen if the energy flows in this method are well thought out. But I would like to express my opinion about the reason for such a powerful energy release during this process. When steel turns into a crystal, an ocean of energy accumulates in the crystal lattice of the steel bar (or steel sheet). For the time being, this bundle of energy is inaccessible to us. But the steel sheet was irradiated with a stream of sand grains at high speed. And a grain of sand crashed into a steel sheet, in which the nuclei of iron atoms occupy a maximum of a few percent of the total volume or surface area. The remaining volume or surface area is occupied by force connections (fields) between the centers of the crystal lattice. Therefore, grains of sand primarily interact with the “ropes” that connect the iron atoms to each other. And they tear them. And in large quantities. And with the destruction of each such connection, energy is released, which before that was a “thing in itself.” And then suddenly the efficiency is 1000% or more.

All that remains is to think about how and under what conditions the crystal lattice of a steel bar can accumulate that amount of energy, the extraction of which will become economically profitable.

On the other hand, if we connect the flow of control power to the assessment of system parameters, then the question arises: what is the ratio of control power to the flow of useful power. Immediately answer that this is the power amplification factor, the tongue does not turn. Because the flow of useful power depends on the power of the flow of matter entering the system (the carrier of force and energy) and the efficiency of converting the latter into useful energy by the design of the entire device, the control system of which is only a part and often a very small part. But let’s not tease the geese and call this indicator the power gain factor, remembering that we're talking about

about energy flows that act on each other asymmetrically or at right angles. In most cases, the flow of useful power depends on the control power (as well as the design of the system), but the power of the control flow does not directly depend on the amount of useful power, since it is supplied from another device. For example, to start an internal combustion engine, you need to spin a magneto or a small powerful electric motor from an acid or alkaline battery, or from more advanced batteries, such as an electric capacitor. But after the internal combustion engine reaches full power, it becomes possible to direct part of its useful power to charge the battery that was discharged at startup. Or, in order to force an electric generator at a hydroelectric power station to generate electricity, you must first spend part of the energy on the construction of the dam, the hydroelectric power station itself, etc. Even to launch an enterprise, you first need to build it. And this is how any engine works, by which we can understand both a technical device and any public education

The above reflects the well-known situation that it is often preferred to take power to control a system from another less powerful system. In this form, the system is no longer closed on itself. Now it is not a “thing in itself”. And we usually call a chain of such energy converters a chain of power amplifiers.

Those. A power amplifier is a power converter, but configured in such a way that the parameters of the useful power are evaluated in relation to the power of the control flow, which on the one hand is a signal that needs to be “amplified”, and on the other hand the same signal is used to control the amplification of itself . This is such an interesting squiggle.

All audio power amplifiers are usually viewed from this perspective. And a regular computer monitor is a power amplifier for video signals from the computer’s video output. And typically, a power amplifier is rated by its power gain. Useful power is also important for the consumer. But the power of the external energy flow, which ensures the operation of the power amplifier, is often forgotten. But if in a car or loudspeaker the lack of input power Rinput is always noticeable and, if desired, you can always refuel the car with suitable fuel or connect a fresh source of energy (battery) to the loudspeaker, then in economics, which means housekeeping, they often simply don’t think about it.

Now that it has become clear to us that there is no difference between a power converter and a power amplifier, except for terminology, let us turn to the concept of “Perpetual Motion Machine”. The power converter circuit clearly shows that it is impossible to create a device that for a long time creates a flow of useful power higher than the power of the input energy flow. That is, the efficiency of any device is always less than 100%. But the power gain factor (PAF) can and should be greater than 100% for a normal device, otherwise there is no point in such a device. But what then to do with the statements of many inventors that the efficiency of their device is more than 100%, that they have invented a super-unit device? And you just need to look in their devices, if they are working, for the power flow Pmax, transforming which, the device produces a flow Ppol, being controlled by the control flow Rupr. And then everything immediately falls into place.

According to official science It is impossible to create a Perpetual Motion Machine. A perpetual motion machine of the first type (kind) is impossible due to the law of conservation of energy, since supposedly it must take energy from somewhere, but in a closed system this is impossible. As a simple analysis shows, Perpetual Movers in a closed system are simply not interesting to us, since closed systems simply do not exist for us!!! It's a thing in itself. Any closed system simply does not interact with our world. And it is precisely this fact that has not been noticed by our academic science gives me the right to declare that such an understanding of the problem of the Perpetual Motion Machine of the first kind shows the low intellectual level of official science. Or our academicians were simply hypnotized by someone. Probably aliens. As for the Perpetual Motion Machine of the second type (kind), the second law of thermodynamics sounds something like this - the transfer of energy from a cold body to a hot one is impossible without an intermediary (or intermediate process). And everyone hung their noses. And the casket opens simply - the transfer of energy from a cold body to a hot one is possible in the presence of an intermediary (or an intermediate process).

I would like to make some clarifications regarding the concept of “energy”, which has to be used exactly as it is usually accepted in technical and scientific literature. I have my own view on this concept, which was not formed immediately, but helps to look at many processes in a new way. So, it is generally accepted that energy is initially present in the system and, with the help of, for example, generators, it is extracted and sent to the consumer. And from these positions, the law of conservation of energy seems to be an impregnable bastion for everyone who wants to build something new. Based on this understanding of energy and the law of its conservation, the RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience is ready to crush any initiative of scientists to correct past mistakes, regardless of even a possible rebellion and revolution within the walls of the RAS. But in Nature there is no energy as a primary natural concept and phenomenon. There are material flows that have certain characteristics, such as the type of substance, its phase state, mass, speed of movement, etc. And when material flows collide with each other, then interactions begin between the elements of one flow and the elements of another flow. And in many cases this interaction is easier to describe with some integral indicators. For example, force or temperature. And therefore, from my position, energy generation is not the process of extracting energy from somewhere unknown, for example, vacuum, but the process of forming the necessary flow of matter from part of the eternal natural flows and controlling it for a sufficiently long time in order to transfer its “energy” to the working body of another system, the movement of flows which will already allow a person to “charge” himself with food, dress, build houses, factories, rockets, etc.

And after the act of interaction has been completed, this interaction can be assessed by a calculated parameter, which many call work. And work in the simplest sense is the product of force and distance. And if for a material flow interacting with a generator this is work, then for a generator that converts the movement of a flow into the movement of another material flow, this is already energy. And since many processes are often repeated, for a preliminary assessment of the interaction of material flows, numerous formulas have been proposed that give only preliminary boundaries of the “energy” interaction of matter flows, since during the actual interaction anything can happen and the real energy can turn out to be much higher and much less than the calculated value. We must not forget that physical laws make their way to us through statistical dependencies, for Nature is full of accidents.

Unfortunately, we are all accustomed to trusting formulas, forgetting about reality. And we often forget that energy is information about the already completed space-time interaction of material flows. Well, when we evaluate the power and energy capabilities of flows even before the moment of their interaction, then the nature of “energy” as information also shines with bright light in broad daylight, although no one notices this. So, when we use the word “energy,” we often do it mechanically, and by default we understand each other perfectly. So I will use this word by default, but remembering that behind this word there is some kind of force interaction.

And when every process begins to be considered from the standpoint of the interaction of material flows, then many well-known problems are seen in a completely different way. And look at the same problem Perpetual Movers leads us to a trivial problem Power Amplifiers. And any Power Amplifier is not only a basic element of fractally organized Nature, it is also a basic element of any control system. And any control system is an example of how, with the help of small “energy” influences, to influence energetically powerful material and, at the same time, information flows. And among power amplifiers, the media act as an important amplifier of one flow of information into another, more powerful one. Judge for yourself - there is only one television transmitter, but there are millions of televisions, and hundreds of millions of television viewers gather around them in the evenings. So we get that the most powerful weapon is information. At low cost, this weapon “covers” the entire Earth. And this information amplifier can be used both for the benefit of civilization and for the detriment. Likewise, any site on the Internet can be considered as an information power amplifier. And the more patriotic sites there are on the Internet and the more articles that form a correct understanding of the ongoing processes are posted on them, the more significant the final result will be. And let’s not forget that any amplifier is a basic element of the control system, including the non-violent control of humanity through the media.

We all know about internal combustion engines (ICE). And we believe that the efficiency of this engine depends solely on the temperature at which the fuel-air mixture burns and the temperature environment(air), which acts as a refrigerator. But this is only at first glance. You can, after all, first burn the fuel in some chamber, and only then feed the combustion products into the cylinder. But the designers created a complex mechanism for preparing and supplying fuel to the cylinder. And the entire process of engine operation breaks down into two stages.

Internal combustion engines are quite efficient, widespread, their production has been established, so an attempt to abruptly switch to other alternative mechanisms for extracting energy will lead to severe global shocks. But such engines have one unpleasant feature. They seriously disrupt the ecological balance, transferring “energy” extracted from the bowels of the earth to water and air. This contributes to possible global warming. And it creates a lot of other problems in cities. Using the example of an internal combustion engine, we can conclude that in order to obtain (extract) the energy we need, we first need to spend energy on controlling and preparing the process of energy release. What is achieved in an internal combustion engine by mechanically moving a portion of fuel to the combustion chamber. And then the same control system, using part of the allocated energy, ensures the transfer of the main part of the energy to the propulsion, and temporarily stores part of it for the next working cycle.

Sometimes the energy source of the input flow Pmax is not immediately determined, but the device is working. In this case, there is no need to immediately involve ether, vacuum or other incomprehensible substances in the explanation.

You can try to find the simplest possible explanation. Consider a device such as a Clem motor. A description of this motor can be found in the article "Clem's Super-Unity Motor". Strange phenomena often occur in many devices. Let's take an ordinary refrigerator (heat pump) as an example. The circuit diagram of any heat pump is very simple. There are two “capacities” - a condenser and an evaporator. On the one hand, these “capacities” are connected through a conventional pump, and on the other hand, through a throttle. The capacitor is isolated from the external environment or placed in a relatively isolated room. The evaporator, on the contrary, has the closest contact with the external environment. The pump can be of very different designs, the main thing is that it can pump coolant from the evaporator to the condenser.

The mechanism of operation of a heat pump is very simple. The pump mechanically moves the coolant from the evaporator to the condenser. “Energy” also moves along with the coolant, but the pump no longer spends energy on moving “energy”. And when this coolant tries to equalize its concentration with the part that remains in the evaporator, this can only be done through a throttle. This is where the fact manifests itself that in the condenser we have not only an increased concentration of the coolant, but also the heat associated with it. Heat manifests itself as higher pressure. And the product of the mass of the coolant and the temperature manifests itself as “energy,” and since these indicators in the condenser are much higher than in the evaporator, the return of the coolant from the condenser to the evaporator through the throttle leads to the generation of energy. And this energy is greater in magnitude than the work expended on the operation of the pump.

Judge for yourself. Let us from the very beginning have 2 units of coolant in the evaporator and condenser with the same temperature and pressure. With this arrangement of coolants, it is impossible to obtain energy. Using a pump, we pump 1 unit of coolant from the evaporator to the condenser. Now the ratio from 2:2 will become 3:1. There is already a threefold difference in pressure. And if, now without turning off the pump, the coolant is allowed to pass through the throttle, then this threefold difference in the parameters of the coolant between the condenser and the evaporator will generate three times more energy than was spent by the pump to move this coolant from the evaporator to the condenser. And the whole point is that, transferring the coolant from the evaporator to the condenser, the pump worked with the coolant according to one law of interaction, but the coolant interacted with the throttle according to a completely different law. As a result, the energy output in the throttle will be twice as much as what is spent in the pump. But in modern heat pumps this parameter is higher.

So, we spend 100 watts of electricity from the outlet and get 500 watts of heat and 500 watts of cold. If we evaluate the AFB in relation to the volume of heat received to the cost of electricity, we find that this figure is equal to 500%. How to evaluate the efficiency of cold production? Is this indicator also estimated using the same formula, but with the opposite sign? But this is, if not a madhouse, then, to put it mildly, abnormal. And who supplies heat energy and takes it away from cold? Vacuum? Or God?

Everything falls into place if we consider this process not within the framework of classical thermodynamics with its Second Law, but step by step, taking into account the real device that we in everyday life call a refrigerator, and scientists call a heat pump. If heat transferred naturally from the evaporator to the condenser, then a million years would not be enough for this. And the “colder” refrigerant molecules will not run against the temperature gradient. Therefore, we will repeat ourselves a little again to better understand the mechanism of operation of the heat pump.

So we don't have to be indifferent to the reluctance of molecules to do work for us. If they don’t want to go on their own, we’ll force them! We take and mechanically transfer a part of the working fluid from the evaporator to the condenser using a pump. Cheap and cheerful. And so that our captive molecules do not decide to escape back, we compress them so that they turn into liquid and install a capillary tube between the condenser and the evaporator. And while the molecules of the working fluid try to return back to the evaporator, where the pressure is lower than in the condenser, through the capillary tube, they give off energy to the environment, but at the same time cool the refrigerator.

And every joule that goes into the external environment turns into two joules of the difference between the condenser and the evaporator.

And there is nothing supernatural in this process. The heat pump does not work contrary to the laws of Nature, but in full accordance with them. So it is now clear how to extract energy from ocean waters. We place an airtight container in the water, but with a little secret. Now we will mechanically begin to move portions of water from the sealed container into the ocean. A vacuum appears in the sealed container, which increases as the amount of water in the sealed container decreases. Well, now everything is like in the refrigerator, only in reverse. Now we don’t need to cool the contents in a sealed container, but heat it. This will happen using such a simple scheme. I recommend getting to know interesting article Mikhailovsky V.V. “There is a Perpetual Motion Machine of the second kind!” He proposes to change the operating cycle of thermal power plants in such a way that steam condensation low pressure

The reader may note that Mikhailovsky V.V. in the figure explaining its principle of operation of the thermal power plant after reworking, it did not show the supply and removal of heat in the section after alteration of the operating diagram of the thermal power plant. And this, apparently, is not accidental, since with certain operating parameters of a steam centrifuge - a two-phase pump (DP) (diameter, rotation speed, properly created water seal, etc.) there will simply be no need for fuel, since the “concern” about the transformation low pressure steam to high pressure steam will be taken over by a completely two-phase pump. And if you look closely at his diagram after the alteration (see his work), you can see a diagram of a refrigeration unit (heat pump) operating in a certain temperature range with water as the working fluid. And where is the Carnot cycle in the system? You need to understand that with the help of a two-phase pump in a new type of thermal power plant it is proposed to create a temperature gradient in a fuel-free way, but to use the power of the temperature gradient, use special steam pipelines and a turbine, through which the steam will no longer move in six directions, but only in one, which is Increases its strength as a material flow 6 times. Of course, it will take energy to rotate the centrifuge, and it may be necessary to burn a certain amount of gas or fuel oil somewhere else, but in return we will get much more energy in full accordance with the circuit of the compound power amplifier.

And it may seem strange to some how it can be possible to expend a little energy (kilowatts) to rotate a two-phase pump (centrifuge) and receive in return much more energy (megawatts). But there is nothing supernatural. Simply, a two-phase pump ensures that steam is converted into liquid without changing temperature through an analogue of gravity. Energy is used only to maintain the rotation speed of the centrifuge. And the main most difficult work is performed by an analogue of gravity - centrifugal forces, the creation of which does not require energy. And, thank God, that such power exists. And when water from the centrifuge enters the steam superheater (SS), the “energy” donated to the water centrifugal force, breaks out and turns the condensate into high-pressure steam. A two-phase pump does not generate energy for steam or water, he controls this natural process, as a result of which water or steam receives the necessary “energy” from the external environment. And exactly as much as is needed to maintain the entire working cycle. This means there is no need to burn fuel to generate energy to produce high pressure steam. It is enough to have energy to spin and maintain the rotation of a two-phase pump (DP). As a result, the “heat” load on Nature is sharply reduced, since the energy received, after use, returns to Nature and thereby eliminates the temporary cooling.

What is common to such systems is that the working fluid is transferred mechanically in one direction without large expenditures of energy (or less energy), and in the opposite direction the working fluid, overcoming various kinds of obstacles, performs work useful to humans. It's so simple. And there is no need to look for “the machinations of Moscow”, vacuum or ether in this. It’s just that the properties of the working fluids are such that in devices created by man, they cannot act differently. Therefore, we must bow at the feet of those who at one time created a heat pump in defiance of the opponents of “Perpetual Mover”. There are no Perpetual Movers, but there is the Mind of Man, which, if desired, is always able to make Nature work for itself as a source of Perpetual Motion in the way it needs. The only question is the level of intelligence of Man and the energy payment, for which Nature agrees to turn into a draft horse and give man an even greater flow of the necessary energy. And at the same time, the energy balance in Nature is not disturbed. There is a temporary redistribution of energy between different types of movements. That's all. And nothing personal or unnecessary.

Heat pumps are finding more and more use in the EU, USA and Japan. And as we have already seen, there is a reason for this. Since, for example, when heating rooms it is possible to do this with their help, the energy consumption is 3-5 times less than when using classic heaters. Those. sometimes a more technically complex device allows in a given place and given time obtain the required energy flow with lower energy costs. And the right control system helps!

It seems that we should do the same with electricity as with heat. And if electricity does not want to travel through wires, then isn’t it easier to drive the charge into some carrier and transport this carrier by car to the required distance. This may turn out to be simpler, cheaper, and more energy-efficient. One way is batteries. different types. These are capacitors. On the other hand, our whole atmosphere and water shell stuffed with electric charges. And if they are not there, then they must be separated mechanically, electrostatically or in some other way, and then mechanically directed in the required directions.

For example, you can create an electrostatic hydroelectric power station in which water is passed through a special system in which, using an electrostatic field, the creation of which requires very little energy, water associates are divided into positively and negatively charged. Then this “sandwich” is cut exactly in the middle. And portions of water with one charge are collected in one container, and with another - in another. These charges are then directly converted into electricity and are sent to the load. Or accumulated in electric, mechanical or gravitational batteries for later use. A patent has been received for this method of generating electricity, and now it is up to those in need of this method of generating electric current.

Thus, non-traditional energy sources can generate energy different ways. Some, such as hydroelectric power plants or wind turbines, do this head-on, while others use low-cost, but more effective method– through a control system, they gain control over natural material flows that originally existed or were created by the will of man. For example, instead of a windmill, a pipe is installed and draft is created; instead of heating a liquid, steam is converted into a superheated liquid using a centrifuge. The reader himself can continue the list of such tricks on the part of man, or rather the inventor.

The need for invention is cunning. Now let us present to the readers a diagram of an ecological thermal power plant that will use the dissipated heat of the different types equal to zero. And the evaporator must have the closest possible thermal connection with the environment in order to receive heat from the environment without any resistance. From the condenser the working fluid is supplied to the turbine (throttle), from where it returns to the evaporator.

The rotational energy of the turbine is removed by an electric generator and sent to the consumer in the form of a flow. Installation efficiency efficiency = E9/E2, i.e., equal to the ratio of the power of the flow going to the consumer to the power of the input flow. But since we do not know the exact value of the input flow power, there is no particular need for us to know the efficiency of the installation. The main thing is that the installation provides sufficient energy to consumers.

This installation will operate in full accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Indeed, the pump will mechanically, transferring the working fluid from the evaporator to the condenser, create both a temperature difference and a pressure difference between the spaces of the evaporator and condenser. In the condenser these indicators will increase, in the evaporators they will decrease. Since the capacitor will be isolated from the external space by mechanical and thermal shells, several inhomogeneities, both temperature and pressure, are created in the system at once, which can be used to obtain the necessary energy.

Since, thanks to the pump and turbine, which turns our power plant into a powerful heat pump, the evaporator temperature will be maintained below the ambient temperature, an energy flow is formed from the external environment to the evaporator, compensating for energy losses in the system in the form of energy flow to the consumer and to work pump Since this process will go on continuously and constantly, the temperature difference between the external environment and the evaporator will ensure that our power plant will extract thermal energy from the environment in full accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics and in full compliance with the Law of the Impossibility of Heat Death of the Universe, as well as the Law of unity and multiplication of opposites.

And in the light of newly discovered circumstances, the activities of such structures as the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation or the management of RAO UES "Russia" look, if not like a crime, then a mockery of common sense without any doubt. The fact is that the modern economy of the Russian Federation can be depicted with a simple diagram. Russia is rich, there is a lot of land, water, sun, air. And the hardworking and intelligent Russian People have lived on this land for several thousand years. But for some time now he has had no luck with the rulers. Either it is his own fault, or he was deceived. The state does not take care that the energy produced in Russia benefits the Russian people. The Duma adopted many laws, and the President signed them, as a result of which the energy extracted by Rus became possible

c kim People from Nature, without any problems transport it with the help of the oligarchs to the West, process it there into other types of energy and use it for the benefit of the peoples of the West.

External environment , the evaporator and pump remained on Russian territory, and the condenser, choke (turbine) and electric generator “moved” to the West. The West gets free energy, and all the juice is sucked out of the Russian people and Russian Nature. And our “native” State helps such disgrace., our state and financial authorities are spending huge additional funds on the construction of pipelines, quarreling with neighbors, literally pushing the construction of a pipeline along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, showing us clearly whose interests are protected by the State called the Russian Federation. And the modern political and financial system of the Russian Federation is used as a cover for the obvious robbery of Russia and the Russian People.

And as a result of such immoral management - the extinction of the population of Russia, especially the Russians, who over thousands of years of its history have come to understand that the community (and the state is the community) is the most The best way existence of millions of people. But the “servants of the people” were caught not understanding. And instead of doing business, they are engaged in political games, hoping for their impunity.

Now let's move on to discussing possible ways to transform freeloading oligarchs into partners of workers. From the point of view of control theory, a person is a perfect power amplifier, capable of self-government, self-sufficiency, self-repair and the creation of others like himself. And these abilities especially manifest themselves when people unite in large communities, such as our Russia, or states such as China or the USA.

In society, on the one hand, there are processes of improving technology, increasing the energy supply of society per person. But on the other hand, the physical load on each person is reduced. And when a society is built on communist principles, then everyone, society as a whole and each individual, benefits from scientific and technological development. But when the mind of society is clouded by various kinds of fascist liberal ideas, when some want and begin to live according to the principle “friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart,” then ultimately such moral bipedal monsters-mutants as our oligarchs and morally ugly relations between everyone appear people, when women want to be taller than men, and men taller than women, when, instead of giving birth and raising children together, everyone rushes to accumulate gold and green cabbage, when working alone from morning to night, they cannot provide themselves with a life even at the level of scientifically based food consumption food, while others no longer know what to do with the money - either build a yacht, or buy a plane, or buy a new football team. And this disgrace is happening not only in Russia. The whole world went crazy.

In the end, the goal of social development is not mythical profit, but the increase of humanity, the development of science and technology for everyone, the development of Reason, both social and individual, caring for the Earth, Space and God. And what is happening now in the world called globalization can be called in two words - madness and self-destruction.

Energy information economics shows that the only sources of material and spiritual values is labor. Labor as the management of powerful natural energy and man-made information flows with the aim of creating material and spiritual values, with the aim of creating and educating one’s successor (one’s descendants), with the aim of introducing oneself to God and Nature. But part of the population of Russia and the Earth misunderstands their purpose. They decided that the right of material property gives them the right to appropriate material goods created by other people, and only because the majority of workers have only spiritual property: knowledge, labor, etc. Such people (oligarchs) were tamed a little in 1917, but violence begets violence, especially since no real bourgeois simply refuses freebies. And instead of fighting against the Soviet regime themselves, they bribed or instigated such people as Krasnov, Yudenich, Wrangel, Kolchak, etc. Many of the leaders white movement

And to deceive people, the bourgeoisie has been using the principle of work for hire for 500 years. They say, for you workers the roots of wheat, and for me as a bourgeois - tops, since I, a bourgeois, gave you, dear ones, a plow and seeds, and you, a rolling loaf, just worked from dawn to dusk. Therefore, the worker’s salary is enough, and the bourgeois takes the rest of the profit for himself. And so that the workers would not think of remembering their right to the entire result of their labor, this result of labor was called profit, they turned it into the altar of the religion of money, and legislators bribed by the bourgeoisie in all countries of the world passed laws on wage labor, instead of banning wage labor, as one of the forms of slavery. A state that recognizes wage labor is a slave state. This includes Russia, the USA and EU countries. And even China, which recognizes wage labor, cannot be called a free state. Even in the USSR, with its state capitalism with a human face, wage labor legally took place. That is why the party werewolves so easily broke the neck of socialism in the USSR, and the bulk of people, being hired workers, were unable to understand the essence of the processes taking place in the USSR.

And as long as wage labor exists, as long as there will be exploitation of some people by others. And for exploitation it is not at all necessary to squeeze the juices out of people by force. It is enough to create such a management system when some become employers, and others become hired workers. And the former, by virtue of existing laws, will be forced to turn into slave owners, and the latter will be forced to become slaves. For no matter how much a wage worker works, he will always have the right to acquire only the essentials for life. Everything that he creates will be appropriated by employers (slave owners) and the state, as the main slave owner.

Only the legislative abolition of wage labor with the simultaneous recognition of every citizen as an entrepreneur from the moment of birth or upon reaching adulthood will make it possible to carry out the next and, probably, the last, bloodless revolution, and truly make people equal in rights. And when everyone is an entrepreneur, then the only form of labor organization will be a team, a collective, a joint-stock company, in which the shares will be participation in the labor process both through the investment of their knowledge and skills, and through the investment of means of production in the common cause. And here the principle can really be realized - from each and to each according to his work. And since labor is a socially useful management of energy and information flows, such an understanding of labor puts a warrior and a mother with many children sitting at home on the same level; worker and director. In such a society there will be no class, national, racial or religious dividing lines or levels. For the significance of each person will be determined not only by the means of production invested in the common cause, but also by knowledge, which is often more expensive than any nuclear power plants, airplanes and tanks, and which is so difficult to obtain. It's easier to get involved with drugs than to learn the Pythagorean theorem. And the state, with this form of labor organization, becomes a collective of free workers, and the governing bodies of the state, instead of the exploiter, will become entirely and completely dependent on the will of the people, so the workers will have real economic power.

This even very superficial analysis shows that it is time to stop searching for the Perpetual Motion Machine. For in Nature there is only one Perpetual Motion Machine - this is the Perpetual Motion of Nature (the Universe). Considering that the power amplifier is a basic element of fractally organized Nature, all the efforts of the Mind should be directed to creating new, more efficient converters of one type of movement into others. By abolishing wage labor, prohibiting freebies for owners of the means of production, legislatively establishing the right of ownership of the entire result of labor to every worker, moving to various forms free labor, creating public cascades of power amplifiers as components of the control system throughout Russia, getting rid of incorrectly designed political, economic, financial, energy and production schemes, it is possible to build a completely different energy sector and economy. And this will be a completely different Russia. Our Russia. Russia, which belongs to every working person, to each of us, and not just to the morally and spiritually inferior part chosen by some unknown person, of whom there are not even 1%. And this percentage can always be sacrificed for the sake of the happiness of the remaining 99%.

But it is better if the “chosen ones” themselves become normal people and do not force us to take up the cobblestones, asserting our right to Justice and a Decent Life.

Vlasov V.N.

Sent by email

To solve the problem of limited fossil fuels, researchers around the world are working to create and commercialize alternative energy sources. And we’re not just talking about well-known wind turbines and solar panels. Gas and oil may be replaced by energy from algae, volcanoes and human footsteps. Recycle has selected ten of the most interesting and environmentally friendly energy sources of the future.

Joules from turnstiles Thousands of people pass through the turnstiles at the entrance to railway stations every day. At once, several research centers around the world came up with the idea of ​​using the flow of people as an innovative energy generator. The Japanese company East Japan Railway Company decided to equip each turnstile with railway stations

generators. The installation works at a train station in Tokyo's Shibuya district: piezoelectric elements are built into the floor under the turnstiles, which generate electricity from the pressure and vibration they receive when people step on them.

Such generator doors have already appeared in the Dutch center Natuurcafe La Port. Each of them produces about 4,600 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, which at first glance may seem insignificant, but serves as a good example of an alternative technology for generating electricity.

Algae heats houses

Algae began to be considered as alternative source energy is relatively new, but the technology, according to experts, is very promising. Suffice it to say that from 1 hectare of water surface area occupied by algae, 150 thousand cubic meters of biogas can be obtained per year. This is approximately equal to the volume of gas produced by a small well, and is sufficient for the life of a small village.

Green algae are easy to maintain, grow quickly and come in many species that use the energy of sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. All biomass, whether sugars or fats, can be converted into biofuels, most commonly bioethanol and biodiesel. Algae is an ideal eco-fuel because it grows in an aquatic environment and does not require land resources, is highly productive and does not cause damage to the environment.

Economists estimate that by 2018, the global turnover from the processing of marine microalgae biomass could reach about $100 billion. There are already completed projects using “algae” fuel - for example, a 15-apartment building in Hamburg, Germany. The house's facades are covered with 129 algae aquariums, which serve as the sole source of energy for heating and air conditioning in the building, dubbed the Bio Intelligent Quotient (BIQ) House.

Speed ​​bumps light up the streets

The concept of generating electricity using so-called “speed bumps” began to be implemented first in the UK, then in Bahrain, and soon the technology will reach Russia.It all started when British inventor Peter Hughes created the Electro-Kinetic Road Ramp for highways. The ramp consists of two metal plates that rise slightly above the road. Underneath the plates is an electric generator that generates current whenever the car passes the ramp.

Depending on the weight of the car, the ramp can generate between 5 and 50 kilowatts during the time the car passes the ramp. Such ramps act as batteries and can supply electricity to traffic lights and illuminated road signs. In the UK, the technology is already working in several cities. The method began to spread to other countries - for example, to small Bahrain.

The most amazing thing is that something similar can be seen in Russia. A student from Tyumen, Albert Brand, proposed the same solution for street lighting at the VUZPromExpo forum. According to the developer’s calculations, between 1,000 and 1,500 cars drive over speed bumps in his city every day. For one “collision” of a car over a “speed bump” equipped with an electric generator, about 20 watts of electricity will be generated, which will not harm the environment.

More than just football

Developed by a group of Harvard graduates who founded the company Uncharted Play, the Soccket ball can generate enough electricity to power an LED lamp for several hours in half an hour of playing football. Soccket is called an environmentally friendly alternative to unsafe energy sources, which are often used by residents of underdeveloped countries.

The principle behind the Soccket ball's energy storage is quite simple: the kinetic energy generated by hitting the ball is transferred to a tiny pendulum-like mechanism that drives a generator. The generator produces electricity, which is stored in the battery. The stored energy can be used to power any small electrical appliance - for example, a table lamp with an LED.

The Soccket has a power output of six watts. The energy-generating ball has already won recognition from the world community: it has received numerous awards, was highly praised by the Clinton Global Initiative, and also received accolades at the famous TED conference.

The hidden energy of volcanoes

One of the main developments in the development of volcanic energy belongs to American researchers from the initiating companies AltaRock Energy and Davenport Newberry Holdings. The “test subject” was a dormant volcano in Oregon. Salty water is pumped deep into rocks, the temperature of which is very high due to the decay of radioactive elements present in the planet’s crust and the hottest mantle of the Earth. When heated, the water turns into steam, which is fed into a turbine that produces electricity.

On this moment There are only two small operating power plants of this type - in France and Germany. If the American technology works, then, according to the US Geological Survey, geothermal energy potentially capable of providing 50% of the electricity the country needs (today its contribution is only 0.3%).

Another way to use volcanoes for energy was proposed in 2009 by Icelandic researchers. Near the volcanic depths, they discovered an underground reservoir of water with an abnormally high temperature. Super-hot water lies somewhere on the border between liquid and gas and exists only at certain temperatures and pressures.

Scientists could generate something similar in the laboratory, but it turned out that such water is also found in nature - in the bowels of the earth. It is believed that ten times more energy can be extracted from water at a “critical temperature” than from water brought to a boil in the classical way.

Energy from human heat

The principle of thermoelectric generators operating on temperature differences has been known for a long time. But only a few years ago technology began to allow the use of heat as an energy source human body. A team of researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has developed a generator built into a flexible glass plate.

T This gadget will allow fitness bracelets to be recharged from the warmth of a human hand - for example, during running, when the body becomes very hot and contrasts with the ambient temperature. The Korean generator, measuring 10 by 10 centimeters, can produce about 40 milliwatts of energy at a skin temperature of 31 degrees Celsius.

A similar technology was taken as a basis by young Ann Makosinski, who invented a flashlight that charges from the difference in temperature between the air and the human body. The effect is explained by the use of four Peltier elements: their feature is the ability to generate electricity when heated on one side and cooled on the other.

As a result, Ann's flashlight produces quite a bright light, but does not require rechargeable batteries. For it to work, only a temperature difference of just five degrees is required between the degree of heating of a person’s palm and the temperature in the room.

Steps to smart paving slabs

Any point on one of the busy streets accounts for up to 50,000 steps per day. The idea of ​​using foot traffic to usefully convert steps into energy was implemented in a product developed by Lawrence Kemball-Cook, director of the UK's Pavegen Systems Ltd. An engineer has created a paving slab that generates electricity from kinetic energy walking pedestrians.

The device in the innovative tile is made of a flexible, waterproof material that bends by about five millimeters when pressed. This in turn creates energy, which the mechanism converts into electricity. The accumulated watts are either stored in a lithium polymer battery or directly used to illuminate bus stops, storefronts and signs.

The Pavegen tile itself is considered completely environmentally friendly: its body is made of a special grade of stainless steel and a recycled polymer with a low carbon content. The top surface is made from used tires, making the tiles durable and highly resistant to abrasion.

During the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, tiles were installed on many tourist streets. In two weeks, they managed to obtain 20 million joules of energy. This was more than enough to operate street lighting in the British capital.

Bicycle charging smartphones

To recharge your player, phone or tablet, you don’t need to have a power outlet at hand. Sometimes all you need to do is turn the pedals. Thus, the American company Cycle Atom has released a device that allows you to charge an external battery while cycling and subsequently recharge mobile devices.

The product, called the Siva Cycle Atom, is a lightweight bicycle generator with a lithium battery designed to power almost any mobile device that has a USB port. This mini generator can be installed on most regular bicycle frames in a matter of minutes. The battery itself can be easily removed for subsequent recharging of gadgets. The user goes in for sports and pedals - and after a couple of hours his smartphone is already charged to 100 cents.

Nokia, in turn, also presented to the general public a gadget that attaches to a bicycle and allows you to convert pedaling into a way to generate environmentally friendly energy. The Nokia Bicycle Charger Kit features a dynamo, a small electrical generator that uses energy from the rotation of the bike's wheels to charge the phone through the standard 2mm jack found on most Nokia phones.

Benefits from wastewater

Any large city daily discharges gigantic amounts of wastewater into open water bodies, polluting the ecosystem. It would seem that water poisoned by sewage can no longer be useful to anyone, but this is not so - scientists have discovered a way to create fuel cells based on it.

One of the pioneers of the idea was Pennsylvania State University professor Bruce Logan. The general concept is very difficult for a non-specialist to understand and is built on two pillars - the use of bacterial fuel cells and the installation of so-called reverse electrodialysis. Bacteria oxidize organic matter in wastewater and produce electrons in the process, creating an electrical current.

Almost any type of organic waste material can be used to generate electricity - not just wastewater, but also animal waste, as well as by-products from wine, brewing and dairy industries. As for reverse electrodialysis, electric generators operate here, divided into cells by membranes and extracting energy from the difference in salinity of two mixing liquid streams.

"Paper" energy

Japanese electronics manufacturer Sony has developed and presented at the Tokyo Green Products Exhibition a bio-generator capable of generating electricity from finely chopped paper. The essence of the process is as follows: to isolate cellulose (this is a long chain of glucose sugar that is found in green plants), corrugated cardboard is needed.

The chain is broken with the help of enzymes, and the resulting glucose is processed by another group of enzymes, with the help of which hydrogen ions and free electrons are released. The electrons are sent through an external circuit to generate electricity. It is assumed that such an installation, when processing one sheet of paper measuring 210 by 297 mm, can generate about 18 W per hour (about the same amount of energy produced by 6 AA batteries).

The method is environmentally friendly: an important advantage of such a “battery” is the absence of metals and harmful chemical compounds. Although at the moment the technology is still far from commercialization: the electricity generated is quite small - it is only enough to power small portable gadgets.

Many people are trying to implement the idea contained in the device described below. Its essence is this: there is a permanent magnet (PM) - a hypothetical source of energy, an output coil (collector) and a certain modulator that changes the distribution magnetic field PM, thereby creating an alternating magnetic flux in the coil.
Implementation (18.08.2004)
To implement this project (let's call it TEG, as a derivative of two designs: Floyd Sweet's VTA and Tom Bearden's MEG :) I took two ferrite ring cores of the M2000NM brand with dimensions O40xO25x11 mm, put them together, secured with electrical tape, and wound the collector (output) winding along the perimeter of the core - 105 turns of PEV-1 wire in 6 layers, also securing each layer with electrical tape.

Next, we wrap it again with electrical tape and wind the modulator coil (input) on top. We wind it as usual - toroidal. I wound 400 turns into two PEV-0.3 wires, i.e. It turned out two windings of 400 turns. This was done in order to expand the experimental options.

Now we place this entire system between two magnets. In my case, these were barium oxide magnets, material grade M22RA220-1, magnetized in a magnetic field of at least 640,000 A/m,
dimensions 80x60x16 mm. The magnets are taken from a magnetic-discharge diode pump NMD 0.16-1 or similar. Magnets are oriented “to attract” and their magnetic lines pierce the ferrite rings along the axis.

TEG assembly (diagram).

The work of the TEG is as follows. Initially, the magnetic field strength inside the collector coil is higher than outside due to the presence of ferrite inside. If the core is saturated, then it
the magnetic permeability will sharply decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the tension inside the collector coil. Those. we need to create such a current in the modulating coil to saturate the core. By the time the core is saturated, the voltage on the collector coil will increase. When the voltage is removed from the control coil, the field strength will increase again, which will lead to a surge of reverse polarity at the output. The idea as presented was born somewhere in mid-February 2004.

In principle, one modulation coil is sufficient. Control block
assembled according to the classical scheme on TL494. The top one according to the scheme is variable
the resistor changes the duty cycle of the pulses from 0 to approximately 45% at each
channel, lower - sets the frequency in the range from approximately 150 Hz to 20
kHz. When using one channel, the frequency, respectively,
is reduced by half. The circuit also provides current protection through
the modulator is approximately 5A.

TEG assembly (appearance).

TEG parameters (measured with a MY-81 multimeter):
winding resistance:
collector - 0.5 Ohm
modulators - 11.3 Ohm and 11.4 Ohm

collector - 1.16 mH
modulators - 628 mH and 627 mH

collector - 1.15 mH
modulators - 375 mH and 374 mH
Experiment No. 1 (08/19/2004)
The modulator coils are connected in series, so it looks like a bifilar. One generator channel was used. The modulator inductance is 1.52 H, resistance is 22.7 Ohm. Control unit power supply
hereinafter 15 V, oscillograms were recorded with a two-beam oscilloscope S1-55. The first channel (lower beam) is connected through a 1:20 divider (Cin 17 pF, Rin 1 Mohm), the second channel (upper beam) is connected directly (Cin 40 pF, Rin 1 Mohm). There is no load in the collector circuit.
The first thing that was noticed was: after removing the pulse from the control coil, resonant oscillations arise in it, and if the next pulse is applied at the moment of antiphase to the resonant burst,
then at this moment a pulse appears at the collector output. This phenomenon was also noticed without magnets, but to a much lesser extent. That is, let’s say, in this case the steepness of the potential change on the winding is important. The amplitude of the output pulses could reach 20 V. However, the current of such surges is very small, and it is difficult to charge a 100 µF capacitor connected to the output through a rectifier bridge. The output does not carry any other load. At a high frequency of the generator, when the modulator current is extremely small and the shape of the voltage pulses on it remains rectangular, surges at the output are also present, although the magnetic circuit is still very far from saturation.

So far nothing significant has happened. Let's just note some effects. 🙂
Here, I think it would be fair to note that there is at least one more person - a certain Sergei A, experimenting with the same system. I swear, we came to this idea completely independently :). I don’t know how far his research went; I haven’t contacted him. But he also noted similar effects.
Experiment No. 2 (08/19/2004)
The modulation coils are disconnected and connected to two channels of the generator, and connected in opposite directions, i.e. a magnetic flux is alternately created in the ring in different directions. The inductances of the coils are given above in the TEG parameters. The measurements were carried out as in the previous experiment. There is no load on the collector.
The oscillograms below show the voltage on one of the modulator windings and the current through the modulator (left) and also the voltage on the modulator winding and the voltage at the collector output (right) at
different pulse durations. I won’t indicate the amplitudes and time characteristics for now, firstly, I haven’t saved all of them, and secondly, this is not important for now, as long as we try to qualitatively track the behavior of the system.

The duty cycle of pulses on the channel is about 11%, i.e. overall - 22%.

The duty cycle of pulses on the channel is 17.5%, the total is 35%.

One magnet removed.

Both magnets have been removed.

When one magnet was removed, the output amplitude decreased by almost 2 times. We also note that the oscillation frequency has decreased since the inductance of the modulators has increased. When removing the second magnet,
there is no output signal.
It seems that the idea, as it was conceived, is working.
Experiment No. 3 (08/19/2004)
The modulator coils are again connected in series, as in the 1st experiment. A back-to-back serial connection has absolutely no effect. I didn't expect anything else :). Connected as expected. Operation is checked both in idle mode and with load. The oscillograms below show the modulator current (upper beam) and output voltage (lower beam) at different pulse durations on the modulator. Here and further I decided to stick to the current of the modulators,
as the most suitable as a reference signal. The oscillograms were taken relative to the common wire. The first 3 pictures are in idle mode, the last one is with load.

Figures from left to right and top to bottom: 1) short pulse duration, 2) increasing duration as it approaches the saturation region, 3) optimal duration, full saturation and maximum output
voltage (at idle), 4) last operating mode, but with a connected load.
The load was an incandescent lamp 6.3 V, 0.22 A. Of course, this cannot be called a glow... :)

Load power measurements were not carried out, but something else is interesting:

I don’t know what to think... Consumption decreased by 0.3%. The generator itself without TEG consumes 18.5 mA. Perhaps the load indirectly affected the inductance through a change in the magnetic field distribution
modulators. Although, if you compare the oscillograms of the current through the modulator in idle mode and with a load (for example, when scrolling back and forth in ACDSee), you can notice a slight collapse of the top of the peak when working with
load. An increase in inductance would lead to a decrease in the peak width. Although all this is very illusory...
Experiment No. 4 (08/20/2004)
The goal is set: to get the maximum output from what we have. In the previous experiment, I came up against the frequency limit at which the optimal pulse duration was ensured at the maximum possible pulse fill level of ~45% (the duty cycle is minimal). So it was necessary to reduce the inductance of the modulator winding (previously two were connected in series), however in this case
you will have to increase the current. So now the modulator coils are connected separately to both outputs of the generator, as in the 2nd experiment, but this time they are turned on in the same direction (as indicated in
schematic diagram generator). At the same time, the oscillograms changed (they were taken relative to the common wire). They look much nicer :). In addition, we now have two windings that operate alternately. This means that with the same maximum pulse duration we can double the frequency (for this circuit).
A certain operating mode of the generator is selected based on the maximum brightness of the lamp at the output. So, as usual, let's get straight to the drawings...

The upper beam is the modulator current. Bottom left is the voltage on one of the modulators, on the right is the control pulse of the same channel from the output of TL494.

Here on the left we clearly see an increase in the voltage on the modulator winding during the operation of the second one (second half-cycle, logical “0” on the right oscillogram). Emissions when the 60 volt modulator is turned off are limited by the diodes included in the field switches.

The upper beam is the modulator current. Bottom left is the output voltage with load, right is the output voltage at idle.

The load is the same lamp 6.3 V, 0.22 A. And again the picture with consumption repeats...

Again we have a decrease in consumption when a load is connected to the collector. The measurements are of course at the threshold of the instrument’s accuracy, but, nevertheless, the repeatability is 100%. Load power was about 156
mW At the input - 9.15 W. And no one has talked about “perpetual motion” yet :)
Here you can admire the burning light bulb:

The effect is obvious. Time will tell what we can get from this. What should you pay attention to? First, increase the number of turns of the collector, perhaps by adding a couple more rings, but it would be better to choose
optimal dimensions of the magnetic circuit. Who would do the calculations? 😉 Perhaps it makes sense to increase the magnetic permeability of the magnetic circuit. This should increase the difference in magnetic field strengths inside and outside the coil. At the same time, the inductance of the modulator would be reduced. It was also thought that gaps were needed between the ring and the magnet so that, let’s say, there was room for the magnetic lines to bend when the properties of the medium—magnetic permeability—changed. However, in practice this only leads to a drop in the output voltage. At the moment, the gaps are determined by 3 layers of electrical tape and the thickness of the modulator winding, by eye this is a maximum of 1.5 mm on each side.
Experiment No. 4.1 (08/21/2004)
Previous experiments were carried out at work. I brought the control unit and the “transformer” home. I had the same set of magnets lying around at home for a long time. Collected. I was surprised to find that I could raise the frequency even more. Apparently my “home” magnets were a little stronger, as a result of which the inductance of the modulators decreased. The radiators were already heating up more, but the current consumption of the circuit was 0.56 A and 0.55 A without load and with load, respectively, with the same power supply of 15 V. It is possible that there was a through current through the switches. In this circuit at high frequencies this is not excluded. I connected a 2.5 V, 0.3 A halogen light bulb to the output. The load received 1.3 V, 200 mA. Total input 8.25 W, output 0.26 W - efficiency 3.15%. But note, again without the expected traditional influence on the source!
Experiment No. 5 (08/26/2004)
A new converter (version 1.2) was assembled on a ring with greater permeability - M10000NM, the dimensions are the same: O40xO25x11 mm. Unfortunately, there was only one ring. To fit more turns on the collector winding, the wire is thinner. Total: a collector of 160 turns with O 0.3 wire and also two modulators of 235 turns, also with O 0.3 wire. A new power supply has also been found up to 100 V and a current of up to 1.2 A. The supply voltage can also play a role, since it provides the rate of increase of the current through the modulator, and that, in turn, the rate of change magnetic flux, which is directly related to the amplitude of the output voltage.
There is currently nothing to measure inductance and capture pictures with. Therefore, without further ado, I will present the bare numbers. Several measurements were carried out at different supply voltages and operating modes of the generator. Below are some of them.
without reaching full saturation\

Input: 20V x 0.3A = 6W
Efficiency: 3.6%

Input: 10V x 0.6A = 6W
Output: 9V x 24mA = 0.216W
Efficiency: 3.6% Input: 15 V x 0.5 A = 7.5 W
Output: 11V x 29mA = 0.32W
Efficiency: 4.2%
with full saturation

Input: 15V x 1.2A = 18W
Output: 16V x 35mA = 0.56W
Efficiency: 3.1%
It turned out that in the full saturation mode, the efficiency decreases, since the modulator current sharply increases. The optimal operating mode (in terms of efficiency) was achieved with a supply voltage of 15 V. No influence of the load on the power source was detected. For the given 3rd example with an efficiency of 4.2, the current of the circuit connected to the load should increase by about 20 mA, but no increase was recorded either.
Experiment No. 6 (2.09.2004)
Some of the modulator turns have been removed in order to increase the frequency and reduce the gaps between the ring and the magnet. Now we have two modulator windings of 118 turns, wound in one layer. The collector is left unchanged - 160 turns. In addition, the electrical characteristics of the new converter were measured.

TEG parameters (version 1.21), measured with a MY-81 multimeter:
winding resistance:
collector - 8.9 Ohm
modulators - 1.5 Ohm each
inductance of windings without magnets:
collector - 3.37 mH
modulators - 133.4 mH each
series-connected modulators - 514 mH
inductance of windings with installed magnets:
collector - 3.36 mH
modulators - 89.3 mH each
series-connected modulators - 357 mH
Below I present the results of two measurements of TEG operation in different modes. At higher supply voltages, the modulation frequency is higher. In both cases, the modulators are connected in series.

Input: 15V x 0.55A = 8.25W
Output: 1.88V x 123mA = 0.231W
Efficiency: 2.8%

Input: 19.4V x 0.81A = 15.714W
Output: 3.35V x 176mA = 0.59W
Efficiency: 3.75%
The first and saddest thing. After making changes to the modulator, an increase in consumption was recorded when working with the new converter. In the second case, the consumption increased by about 30 mA. Those. without load the consumption was 0.78 A, with load - 0.81 A. Multiply by the supply 19.4 V and we get 0.582 W - the same power that was removed from the output. However, I will repeat with all responsibility that this has not been observed before. When a load is connected in this case, a steeper increase in current through the modulator is clearly visible, which is a consequence of a decrease in the inductance of the modulator. What this is connected with is not yet known.
And another fly in the ointment. I'm afraid that in this configuration it will not be possible to obtain an efficiency of more than 5% due to the weak overlap of the magnetic field. In other words, by saturating the core, we weaken the field inside the collector coil only in the area of ​​passage of this very core. But the magnetic lines coming from the center of the magnet through the center of the coil are not blocked by anything. Moreover, part of the magnetic lines “displaced” from the core when it is saturated also bypasses the latter from the inside of the ring. Those. In this way, only a small part of the magnetic flux of the PM is modulated. It is necessary to change the geometry of the entire system. Perhaps we should expect some efficiency gains by using ring magnets from speakers. The thought of operating modulators in resonance mode also haunts me. However, under conditions of core saturation and, accordingly, the constantly changing inductance of the modulators, this is not easy to do.
Research continues...
If you want to discuss, go to the “passionate forum” - my nickname Armer.
Or write to [email protected], but I think it’s better to go to the forum.

x x x
Dragons' Lord: Firstly, many thanks to Armer for providing a report on the experiments carried out with excellent illustrations. I think new works by Vladislav will soon await us. In the meantime, I will express my thoughts on this project and its possible ways of improvement. I propose to change the generator circuit as follows:

Instead of flat external magnets (plates), it is proposed to use ring magnets. Moreover, the internal diameter of the magnet should be approximately equal to the similar diameter of the magnetic core ring, and the outer diameter of the magnet should be larger than the outer diameter of the magnetic core ring.
What is the problem with low efficiency? The problem is that the magnetic lines displaced from the magnetic circuit still cross the area of ​​the turns of the secondary winding (they are pressed out and concentrated in the central area). The indicated ratio of the rings creates an asymmetry and forces most of the magnetic lines, with the central magnetic circuit saturated to the limit, to bend around it in the EXTERNAL space. In internal area There will be fewer magnetic lines than in the basic version. In fact, this “disease” cannot be completely cured by continuing to use rings. How to increase the overall efficiency is described below.
It is also proposed to use an additional external magnetic circuit, which concentrates the power
lines in the working area of ​​the device, making it more powerful (it is important not to overdo it here, since we are using the idea of ​​fully saturating the central core). Structurally, the external magnetic circuit consists of turned ferromagnetic parts of axisymmetric geometry (something like a pipe with flanges). You can see the horizontal parting line of the upper and lower “cups” in the picture. Or, it can be discrete independent magnetic circuits (brackets).
Next, it is worth thinking about improving the process from an “electrical” point of view. It’s clear - the first thing to do is to swing the primary circuit into resonance. After all, we have no harmful feedback from the secondary circuit. It is proposed to use CURRENT resonance according to for obvious reasons(after all, the goal is to saturate the core). The second remark is perhaps not so obvious at first glance. It is proposed to use not a standard solenoid coil winding as a secondary winding, but to make several flat bifilar Tesla coils and place them on the outer diameter of the magnetic circuit in a “puff pie”, connecting them in series. In order to generally remove the existing minimal interaction with each other in the axial direction of neighboring bifilar coils, you need to connect them ACROSS ONE, returning from the last to the second (reusing the meaning of bifilar).
Thus, due to the maximum potential difference in two adjacent turns, the stored energy of the secondary circuit will be the maximum possible, which is an order of magnitude greater than the option with a conventional solenoid.
As can be seen from the diagram, due to the fact that the “pie” of bifilar fibers has a fairly decent length of
horizontal direction, it is proposed to wind the primary not on top of the secondary, but under it. Directly to the magnetic circuit.
As I said, using rings, it is impossible to exceed a certain efficiency limit. And I assure you that there is no smell of over-singularity there. The magnetic lines displaced from the central magnetic circuit will be
go around it along the surface itself (along the shortest path), thereby still crossing the area,
limited by the turns of the secondary. Analysis of the design forces one to abandon the current circuit design. You need a central magnetic core WITHOUT a hole. Let's look at the following diagram:

The main magnetic circuit is assembled from individual plates or rods of rectangular cross-section, and
is a parallelepiped. The primary is placed directly on it. Its axis is horizontal
and looks at us according to the pattern. The secondary is still a “puff pastry” made from Tesla bifilar cells. Now
note that we have introduced an additional (secondary) magnetic circuit, which is “cups” with
holes in their bottoms. The gap between the edge of the hole and the main central magnetic circuit (primary coil) must be minimal in order to effectively intercept the displaced magnetic lines and pull them towards themselves, preventing them from passing through the bifilars. Of course, it should be noted that the magnetic permeability of the central magnetic core should be an order of magnitude higher than
auxiliary For example: central parallelepiped - 10,000, “cups” - 1000. In a normal (not saturated) state, the central core, due to its greater magnetic permeability, will draw magnetic lines into itself.
And now the most interesting part 😉. Let's take a closer look - what did we get?... And we got the most ordinary MEG, only in an “unfinished” version. In other words, I want to say that the classic
The design of the MEG v.4.0 generator is a couple of times faster than our best design, due to its ability to redistribute magnetic lines (by swinging the “swing”) to remove useful energy throughout the entire cycle of its operation.
Moreover, from both arms of the magnetic circuit. In our case, we have a one-arm design. We simply do not use half of the possible efficiency.
I express the hope that Vladislav will conduct experiments on MEG v.4.0 in the very near future, so
Moreover, he already has such a machine (version v.3.0);). And of course, it is necessary
use current resonance on primary control coils installed not directly on the arms of the magnetic circuit, but on ferrite inserts-plates, perpendicular to it (into the magnetic circuit break). Upon receipt of the report, I will immediately compile it and provide it to our readers.

"Novosibirsk TEG Generator"

The vast majority of people know that our Earth has its own a magnetic field, however, there are significantly fewer people who know about it electric field and, moreover, the potential of this field quite significant.

Experimental studies and corresponding calculations have shown (1) that the Earth as a whole has a negative charge, the average value of which is estimated at 500,000 C. This negative charge is compensated by a positive volume charge located in a layer of ionized molecules at an altitude of several tens of kilometers above the Earth. The strength of this field is distributed very unevenly in height: it is maximum at the surface of the Earth and is approximately 150 V/m. With height it decreases approximately according to the exponential law and at an altitude of 10 km it is about 3% of the value at the Earth's surface. Thus, almost the entire electric field is concentrated in the lower layer of the atmosphere, near the surface of the Earth (for example, at a height of 10 m, the potential of this field is ~ 1 kV) and therefore it seems very interesting to use its energy.

To do this, we can take a conductor of the first kind (conductors of the first kind are characterized by the fact that in them the electric current created by the ordered movement of free electrons does not cause chemical reactions and these include all metals and graphite), build a payload into it, and ground one end , and raise the other above ground level.

In my opinion, the proposed device can be widely in demand as a main or backup (emergency) source of electricity in industrial zones and individual housing sector, especially in non-electrified areas, as well as in dacha conditions, in nomadic conditions, in temporary camps, expeditions, etc. areas natural Disasters etc.

Therefore, the sales market in Russia alone can amount to millions of units, since in our country 10 million people still live in unelectrified areas, 6 million rural population lives in conditions of frequent emergency and restrictive shutdowns, and tens of millions of residents have dachas or country houses. Moreover, Russia has now entered an era of stability, when prices for electricity, heating, the appetites of state-owned companies and government officials, etc. are steadily rising.

Also, the production of these devices has a very good export prospect, especially to countries in which the cost of electricity is currently significantly higher than in Russia, and which will only increase in the future due to the abandonment of nuclear energy (Germany, etc.) , or to countries where energy-intensive industries are at a competitive disadvantage (eg China).

In conclusion, I would like to say that although, apparently, there are no fundamental obstacles to the implementation of the idea of ​​this device, since it works on well-studied and experimentally confirmed physical phenomena (without involving hypothetical vacuum energy, energy from other dimensions, etc.), the creation of a reliably working devices will be a challenging engineering task.

To do this, it will be necessary to work out the modes of removing excess charge on a sample, since this process is complex and includes points that are not yet clear enough (the effect of electrification, the actual location and distribution of the electron density of excess charge in the surface layer, etc.). It is possible that as a result of this experimental testing a number of negative or positive aspects will be revealed.

However, successful resolution of this problem will allow us to achieve enormous commercial success.

Thank you very much for your contribution to the development of domestic science and technology!

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