How to check unstressed endings. Case endings of nouns. Unstressed case endings

Location: Class

Interdisciplinary connections: the world.

Lesson type: consolidation of learned material

UMK "Harmony"

Equipment: computer, projector, tables - supports, reminders, handouts (table with task, text), illustrations, pictures.


educational: learn to independently obtain knowledge, draw conclusions on a topic, apply acquired knowledge at the reproductive level, consolidate acquired knowledge on a given topic;

developing: develop speech, attention, spelling vigilance, thinking (highlight the main thing, generalize and systematize);

educational: form moral qualities, responsibility, cultivate interest in Russian language lessons;

wellness: to promote the preservation of health through methods and techniques that implement the principle of comfort.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

I wish you well today

You wish me well today

We wish each other success today

If you find it difficult

I will help.

Look at these pictures and choose the one that suits your mood. I hope that you will be in this mood at the end of the lesson.

Let's smile at each other, give our smile to those around us and wish each other good luck and interesting lesson. After all, a good working mood will help us cope with any tasks that come our way. And this kind and gentle sun will illuminate our path and help us in difficult times. (drawing of a sun on the board)

Let's sit down more comfortably, straighten our backs and begin the lesson.

Examination homework.

Do you have any questions while doing your homework? Was everything clear in the task? Okay, I'll check your work and give you a grade.

II. Calligraphy.

Where do we start our lesson? (A minute of penmanship)

Guys, open your notebooks and write down the number.

Before we begin, please mark the field you would like to receive." width="80" height="87 src=">.jpg" width="93" height="136">

m_tel in_ter

Look at the words and say which letter is missing. (letter e)

Today we will write this letter.

What letter is this? (vowel, iotated, gives two sounds)

When does this vowel make two sounds?

Well done.

Let's write this letter with the element in the air. Now write it down in your notebook.

Guys, listen to the poem.

Feathers fell from the sky

On frozen fields.

The spruce was wrapped in a scarf,

Hot fur coat - poplars.

And they covered the house and the square

An unusual blanket.

What are their names? - you ask.

I wrote the name here.

(Irina Semenova)

Who is the most attentive?

Name a word that can be made from the first letters of each line. (snowflakes)

Well done. Write down this word, highlight the root in it and select words with the same root.

What is the root of these words? What happens at the roots of these words? (alternating consonant g - z)

III. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Listen to the poem. Finish it.

Powdered the paths

I decorated the earrings.

Finally you have come

A sorceress is coming to us... (winter)

(pictures with a winter landscape on the board)

Look at the words I have written.

near the winter

for winter

for the winter

during the winter

about winter

How are these words different? (by endings) Why do endings change?

Formulate the topic of our lesson yourself (spelling case endings of singular nouns)

Today we will repeat everything we know about cases. Practice identifying unstressed endings of nouns. This is the problem of our lesson.

IV. Working on the topic of the lesson.

Let's remember with you the names of all cases and questions.

Well done, you did great. Were you paying attention and did you notice anything? (cases were not in order)

Place them in the correct order. (The student completes the task at the board)

Well done. You did a good job. Now let's remember the prepositions. Some cases are used only with certain prepositions.

Let's remember, D. p. - to, by; P. p. - o; R. p. – without; etc. – between.

Look at the words, what common theme are they united? (Blizzard, December, blizzard, powder, frost, snowflake) (winter)

Write the noun in the correct case form. Highlight the endings in the nouns and indicate the case.

To correctly write an unstressed case ending, what should you do?

How else can you check for an unstressed ending? (stressed ending of a noun of the same type of declension).

(students each fill out their own table)

walk in the cold

look at the snowflake

will come in December

hid from the snowstorm

powder fell out

told about the blizzard

Do you understand the meaning of all the words?

Let's take advantage explanatory dictionary and let's see what this word means. (one of the students looks up the word powder in the explanatory dictionary)

What did you notice? Are all nouns used with a preposition? Conclusion. (nouns in I. p. are used without prepositions)

Well done.

V. Physical exercise. (for eyes)

(snowflakes are hung in the classroom, the teacher points at them with a laser pointer, the children follow with their eyes; music plays)

VI. Updating knowledge.

Guess the riddles.

You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer (squirrel)

What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

Are your ears bigger than your head? (hare)

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the snow howl

He sleeps in a snow hut. (bear)

Touchy, covered in needles,

I live in a hole under a Christmas tree.

Even though the doors are wide open,

But no animals come to me. (hedgehog)

Do you guys know how these animals spend the winter?

Listen, I will read to you about these animals, and you will help me. (teacher reads about animals without naming them; students say the name of the animal out loud)

Listen to the task you will need to complete.

Determine the case and highlight the endings of the highlighted words.

Let's remember what needs to be done to correctly write the unstressed case ending of a noun?

Well done.

First I will read about...? (the teacher shows a picture of an animal). I won’t name the word bear, you must name it yourself and put it in the correct case. Determine the declination and insert the desired ending. (during the reading process, pictures of animals are hung on the board).

In winter, a bear climbs into its den and hibernates there. Under the skin of the bear... there is fat, it protects the bear... from the winter cold. Oh bear... there are many fairy tales.

In winter, the hedgehog sleeps in his burrow. The hedgehog has a mink... in the hollow of a fallen tree or in the ground. You can learn a lot of interesting things about the hedgehog from books...

Squirrels are not afraid of cold winter. In the fall, she changed her red coat for a fur coat. I have prepared protein... supplies for the winter. I dried mushrooms and stuffed nuts and acorns into the hollow. Then the squirrel... insulates its house. Arranges a soft featherbed of moss and dry leaves in the hollow. In winter, the squirrel... will curl up there and cover itself with its tail. The tail warms the squirrel... like a blanket.

The hare is wearing a new coat for winter. The summer fur of hares... comes out and grows back light and fluffy. It's hard to spot a hare... in the snow in winter. He has no hole, no reserves. The buds and bark of trees feed the hare... all winter. The hare is scary... not the frost, but the hunters, wolves, foxes and owls. The hare saves... a light fur coat and fast legs. (The work is done individually on pieces of paper; children write about the hare in their notebooks independently; music sounds).


For each of these animals, the forest is their home. And when we come to the forest, we should not disturb the peace of animals and birds. Because we are guests there.

VII. Physical exercise.

Snowball game".

(the teacher throws a pompom, the student determines the gender of the noun that the teacher calls; children can throw a “snowball” to each other and name any words themselves)

(Tree, road, forest, ice hole, thicket, village, bird, animal, top, wolf, feeding trough, coat, edge, lilac).

VIII. Working with the textbook.

Ex. No. 000.

137. Compose and write a sentence with homogeneous members.

Traces were visible in the snow (- a; 1st; singular part) ... , (n. o.; 2nd; singular part) ... , and (n. o.; 3rd; singular part .) … .

Words for reference: lynx, partridge, black grouse.

Indicate the case and declension of nouns. Highlight the endings in them.

Please note that you need to write down the words for reference in exactly the order in which the authors of the textbook suggest. Examination.

Let's remember the algorithm for writing the unstressed case ending of a noun.

IX. Consolidation of knowledge.

Game "Climber".

Guys, do you know who climbers are?

Now you will be climbers, you must conquer your peak of knowledge. - Listen to the task. You need to write the ending correctly.

What should you do to avoid making a mistake in choosing an ending?

Now let's fill out the table.

(there is a table with empty columns on the board, children take turns filling it out, writing down the correct ending)

R. p i - y a - i and

D. p. e u - yu and

P. p. e e and

You and I remembered the case endings, you filled out the table without errors and now, without fear of any difficulties, we will conquer the peak.

Without cones..., on the ate..., on the tree..., in the hole..., oh bear...,

without brooms..., about the hare..., near the roads..., in the thickets..., on the branches..., about the snowflake..., about the blizzard..., along the paths..., in the cold..., to the birds..., at the feeders..., from the branches..., about the icicles ..., from the tops..., about the wolf..., without lynxes..., about the winter..., without branches..., near the squirrels...about the forest..., near the edge....

(all words are written on cards and attached to an image of a snowy peak, children go to the board and write down the ending; not all words can be taken)

Well done, you completed this task. We will attach this flag to our peak, you have conquered it. Let's give ourselves a clap.

Well done.

You are standing at the very top. Below you is our huge, beautiful Earth. How beautiful she is! How many forests, fields, rivers, lakes, seas! And how many animals and birds live on this earth. We must protect and protect the nature of our Earth.

For squirrels, foxes, lynxes and martens, the forest is their home.

The bird and the beast want to believe in peace and quiet. (F. Lisichkina)

X. Reflection.

Has our lesson come to an end? Did you find it interesting in class today?

What did we work on in class today? What new things have you discovered?

Were we able to solve the lesson problem? How do you feel at the end of the lesson? Evaluate your active participation in the lesson. (each student has three circles of different colors, the child himself evaluates his work0.

XI. Lesson summary.

Performance evaluation.


Thanks everyone for the lesson.


(Task for homework printed on a piece of paper. The child completes it by writing it in a notebook)

Open the brackets and write the nouns in the correct case. Determine declension and case. Write down 2–3 sentences about what it means to you to protect nature.

(Fish) needs clean water, (bird) needs air, and (beast) needs forest, steppe, mountains.

Protecting nature (country) means protecting (Homeland), which everyone needs (person).

2. Yuryeva N. A., “350 developmental exercises in the Russian language”, Minsk, Unipress Publishing House, 2005.

3. Karyagina N.N., Perepelitsina E.N. “Development of spelling literacy junior schoolchildren", Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.

4. Foroshchuk A. A., Foroshchuk N. E. “Russian language. Tutorial For primary classes", Donetsk, Stalker Publishing House, 2007.

5. Kasatkina N. A., “Entertaining materials for literacy and Russian language lessons (poems, riddles, crosswords, charades)”, Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2003.

6. Lazareva L. A. www. pdps. lv

The Russian language has always been and remains an integral part of the culture of our people. Knowing the rules will help make your speech rich and rich. Great importance have independent parts of speech, especially verbs. Language learning begins at school. It is important to remember the rules so as not to make mistakes when writing and composing sentences. How to check the ending of a verb? The answer to this question will be provided in the article.

Verb in Russian

Independent part speech answers questions about the action of an object, denotes a state, and acts as a predicate. Permanent sign- view. It can be perfect when the action is completed, and imperfect if it has not yet been completed. All features related to the verb are taken into account when determining endings.

Reflexivity is another feature of a verb, as indicated by the suffix -sya or -sya. It comes after the morpheme, which is why it is called a postfix. Transitivity is a sign of a part of speech when a verb is combined with a pronoun or noun. For example: I love (what?) milk. With intransitivity, the action does not transfer to the object. Reflexive verbs are always like this (to climb a mountain).

Conjugation is a change in persons and numbers. In the Russian language there are I and II types. A part of speech comes in several forms, so it is important to know how to check the ending of a verb. This includes the infinitive (look), participle (sparkling), gerund (having looked), conjugated forms (saw). Part of speech answers a question what to do?(if imperfect), what to do?(if perfect). In the Russian language there are verbal forms that act as secondary members.

Depending on the speech situation select the necessary forms of verbs. Conjugates have a mood, the infinitive and gerunds have no number, and the past tense and subjunctive have gender. Forms of the indicative mood - time.

What is an ending in Russian?

Before you learn how to check the ending of a verb, you need to understand what a morpheme is and what it does. The part of the word that changes expresses grammatical meaning persons and numbers for verbs. For example, “I jump” is in the 1st person singular. “You jump” - 1st person, singular, “you jump” - 2nd person, plural. Finding the ending is not difficult: you need to decline or conjugate the word. The part that changes will be the ending.

Personal form is closely related to the person performing the actions. Used with a noun and pronoun, difficulties arise only if there is an unstressed vowel. For this you will need knowledge of how to check the unstressed endings of verbs in simple and complex sentences. In grammar, the rules resolve this issue in a simple way: the verb is translated into an infinitive.

What endings are found in verbs?

In the Russian language, conjugation types I and II are distinguished. The endings are preceded by the letter "e" if it is the first; the letter "and" if the second one. When checking unstressed personal endings, you should use the rules. The first conjugation includes infinitive words with the endings -at, -et, -yat, -ut, -eat, -eat, -ete. The second conjugation is distinguished by words that end in -it. In personal form - endings with unstressed vowels -у (у), -е. For example: dig - dig - dig - dig - dig - dig - dig.

The personal form of verbs of the second conjugation differs in endings. These include -i, -a(ya), u(yu), -ish, -im, -ite, -at, -yat. For example, love - love - love - loves - love - love - love. 2nd person words singular have a sibilant ending, followed by soft sign(look, look).

Learn how to check the ending verbs -eat, -you can, if you pay attention to the emphasis. The rules will help you avoid making mistakes when writing words in which the emphasis does not fall on the ending. You need to remember that words of the second conjugation are expressed by infinitive verbs ending in -it.

Rules for writing a part of speech with a prefix

Verbs with a prefix have the same conjugation as a word with the same root without a prefix. This is important to know in order to understand how to check the ending of a verb. The prefix attracts the accent. The word “will fly out” was formed from the word “flies”, in which there is a stressed personal ending, which indicates the second conjugation. Unstressed letters in words with a prefix, you check by selecting an unprefixed verb (get enough sleep - sleep; drink - drink).

Checking the spelling of verbs

Knowing how to check the unstressed personal endings of verbs, you can write and communicate correctly. Words of I conjugation with sibilants at the end are checked by stress. Instead of the letter "o" is written "e". For example: attracts, burns.

Verbs in the infinitive form end in -ть, -тьь, -стя, -чя, -тист. To separate words in the third person from the infinitive, you need to ask a question. In the first case it will be - what does it do? what is being done?, in the second - what to do? what to do?

  • My brother likes (what to do?) study.
  • He wants to (do what?) play basketball.

The imperative mood is written with a soft sign in the singular and plural: sit - sit, eat - eat, smear - smear. The exception is the words lie down - lie down.

How are vowel sounds written in endings?

Infinitive verbs and words in the past tense have the endings -у, -уь in the 1st person. They are easy to distinguish by the existing suffix -ova-, -eva- (to talk - I’m talking; to talk - I’m talking). Words in the 1st person end in -ivayu, -ivayu. If they are put in the indefinite form in the past tense, the ending will be -и, -ы, there is no emphasis on the letter -a. For example: I water - water, I press - press. The same arrangement of endings is distinguished by the combination -evayu, -evat, the emphasis will fall on the letter “a” (hum - hum; combine - combine).

Not everyone knows that the Russian language has differently conjugated verbs. In them, unstressed personal endings can be of both conjugations. The words "run", "want" and "honor" are found in the group. The endings in the verbs give and eat differ if you change the person and number, but they are not included in the group of differently conjugated words.

Writing endings based on verb conjugation

The present and future tenses of a verb involve writing different endings depending on the conjugation. To find out how to check the ending of a verb -et or -it, you need to study the rules for writing words that belong to the I or II conjugation. In the first case it will be the combination -et, and in the second it is put -it.

The conjugation is determined after the relationship of a certain form with the infinitive. The word “drive away” is derived from “drive away,” and “drives away” from “drive away.” The imperative mood is easy to distinguish, since the word has the suffix -i- and the ending -te. In the imperative mood there is an incentive to action: “Wipe off the dust. Take out the trash". In the indicative mood, it is necessary to determine the conjugation. If this is the second type, the verb will coincide with the imperative mood: “Hold tightly, and the shelf will not fall.”

Exception verbs: what you need to remember

In Russian there is no need to check personal endings in verbs that cannot be general rules. This includes exception words and their derivatives, as well as words with a personal ending in the II conjugation: drive, hold, breathe and hear. It is important to remember how to check the personal endings of verbs so that they match the nouns and pronouns used. Words are put in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person: I hear, we hear, you hear, you hear, he hears, they hear.

If the verb has a different ending, it will be I conjugation. For example, the verb “want” is singular. The second conjugation, if changed: wants, want, want, want, want. Derivative words are written: they drive, they hold, they breathe, they hear, they turn, they see, they depend, they hate, they offend, they watch, they endure. The endings of verbs must be learned by heart and remembered, since they are not checked by any rule.

Algorithm for choosing endings when writing verbs

The spelling of endings in verbs follows simple rules. The first is to determine the conjugation. The stress in a word is determined, which can be at the stem or at the ending. If the prefix you- is present, the conjugation can be indicated by a synonym without a prefix.

When the accent falls on the ending, the conjugation is immediately determined. If this is a stem, put the verb in the indefinite form. Important role play three last letters in a word. When writing, remember about exceptions and differently conjugated verbs. This will allow you to avoid mistakes in difficult words, where there may be several options during the pronunciation process.

The use of rules and a clear algorithm will allow you to correctly indicate the conjugation and choose the ending. After this, the letter in the unstressed personal ending will be selected correctly.

A verb is a complex part of speech that does not obey general rules. Applying knowledge will help you avoid mistakes in the future.


Subject: Stressed and unstressed endings of singular nouns.

Target: “Open” with students the rule for conducting spelling

parsing nouns with without stressed endings,

development of speech, thinking, attention, imagination, memory, observation skills of students, deepen lexicon. Promote the development of monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to communicate, cultivate good qualities, hard work and tolerance, create an atmosphere of joy in joint work.

    Org moment.

The bell rang, let's start our lesson. I will smile at you and you will smile at each other.

The children sit down and the birdsong in the forest starts to sing.

- It's so good that we are all together today. We are calm, kind and welcoming. We are all healthy. Take a deep breath and exhale. Exhale yesterday's resentment, anger, anxiety. Forget about them. Breathe in the freshness of the autumn morning, the warmth sun rays. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other.

2. Calligraphy.

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

What words can you explain the spelling of?

Vesne is an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, verifiable, VESNY.

The baby is young.

Why does this spelling need to be checked? Which vowels need checking?

What do we learn from a moment of penmanship?

We learn to write beautifully, accurately and quickly, and to connect letters correctly.

When writing quickly, some letters and combinations may become similar to each other. Which?

t sh its still with ml mier ug

Hand massage:

We chop and chop cabbage. (edge ​​of palm)

We salt the cabbage, salt it. (fingers)

We chop and chop cabbage. (fist on palm)

We press and press cabbage. (clench and unclench your fingers)

Write the letters and connections correctly. Write down the proverb.

Find the names of nouns in this proverb.

Determine the case of nouns ( spring, mom.(D. p))

In which word the ending is not in doubt, but in which one do we think about what to write? What does it depend on?

It depends on the accent.

Who guessed what the topic of today's lesson is?

Lesson topic: “Stressed and unstressed endings of sushi names” (SLIDE 1)

Today we will compare the spelling of stressed and unstressed endings of nouns, and get acquainted with an auxiliary technique for checking unstressed endings.

3. Vocabulary work.

Words on the board.

On the road, from the wilderness, in the group, to the place, through the desert, without furniture, on the umbrella, to the picture, about the milk, in the household, from the t_tradition, in the dark.

What tasks can we complete with vocabulary words?

Fill in the missing letters.

Make up phrases ch + noun and determine the case of noun.

Divide into groups m.r. , and. R., Wed, R.

Divide into groups by declination.

Great! How many tasks have you come up with? Let's divide into 3 groups based on knowledge of the declensions of nouns..

Work in groups.

Group 1 – writes out the noun 1st letter. Put emphasis, highlight the ending.

2nd group – 2nd group.

3rd group – 3rd class

Cards for 3 people

On the road, in the group, to the place, along the desert,

on the city umbrella, to the picture, about the little girl.

Peer review in pairs

How did you get the job done? Maybe someone has a disagreement and needs help?

4Research on new topic

Get into groups of 4 people. The task before you is: what do all words have in common? Find the extra word. Explain your choice.

Nouns are in the same case. (D.p., P.p., R.p.)

Words of the same declension.

Superfluous word.

    TO THE SHEEP - stressed ending, animate, 2 syllables.

What is the ending for the noun 1 skl in P. p with and without stress? (SLIDE 2)

    ABOUT MILK - stressed ending. In a group there is a double consonant.

How are words with double consonants pronounced?

What is the ending for the noun 2 skl in P. p with and without stress? (SLIDE 2)

    FROM THE WILDERNESS – stressed ending, 2 syllables, not a dictionary word.

What is the ending for the noun 3 skl in P. p with and without stress? (SLIDE 2)

What can you say about the ending?

Nouns of the same declension have the same stressed and unstressed case endings.

Do you think this conclusion applies to all cases?

Let's check.

5.Working with the textbook.

Page 94 exercise 179 orally.

Reading the output in the textbook.

Unstressed endings in nouns you can check

What helper words will we take to check the endings of nouns 1 skl? 2 skl?

And for 3rd grade it is better to take the words wilderness, rye. (SLIDE 3)

How to act to avoid making a mistake

in the spelling of the ending of a noun

Let's draw up an action plan. (SLIDE 4)

I will put emphasis on the word

Is the ending percussive?

If yes, then the spelling matches the pronunciation.

If not, then I put the word in initial form and determine the declination.

I select a helper word and put it in the same case.

I push the ending, which is the same as in the word - helper.

Look at the blackboard. You need to insert the missing letter. How to do it?

For clearings..., to paths... .

6. Fastening.

1.Exercise 180 page 94.

Analysis of the word charging in detail. (SLIDE 5)

The rest according to options (1 person at the board)

What words are helpful?

2. Prove in writing which vowel you choose at the end.

Which word are we checking?

on a branch (on the river)

at the sirens...

to the pier....

On the train...

to grandma...

from the huts...

3. Identify a weak position. Check a weak position against a strong one.

At the forest edge... a slender... birch... grew up. She dissolved the holy...and, scattered the thick, green branches. Soon, in this thicket... in... the birds... flowed in. It grew and... went on and on!

Who can quickly cope: analysis of 1 sentence by members, determine the case and declension of nouns.


P. 95 exercise 182 – analysis.

8. Reflection.

What was the goal for the lesson?

What did you enjoy most during the lesson?

What else should we work on?

We will definitely include such tasks in the next lesson.

Who is happy with their job?

Do you need today's lesson and why? (To construct a sentence correctly, so that the speech is beautiful, you need to be able to inflect words and determine case).

Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over.

Spelling noun endings

To correctly write unstressed endings of nouns, in most cases (except for words ending in -Я, -ИЭ, -Ий) it is enough to determine which declension the word belongs to and see how words with stressed endings from the same declension are written in the same form.

When checking for the first declension it is convenient to use the words GRASS, EARTH, for the second - WINDOW, ELEPHANT, for the third - STEPPE, CHAIN. All endings in these words are stressed.

For example, we doubt what to write at the end of the phrase “BLOTS IN A NOTEBOOK_”. The word NOTEBOOK of the third declension. We substitute the test word “IN THE STEPPE”. Therefore, you need to write “BLOTS IN A NOTEBOOK”, with the letter I at the end.

For feminine nouns ending in -Ya, the ending -I is written in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases (ARMYA - from ARMY, to ARMY, about ARMY; NATALIA - from NATALIA, to NATALIA, about NATALIA), for nouns male on -ИИ and neuter gender on -И in the prepositional case the ending –И is written (SANATORIUM - about SANATORIUM, CONSTELLATION - about CONSTELLATION).


1. After the suffixes -USHK-, -YUSHK-, -YSHK-, -ISHK- in feminine nouns and animate nouns The ending -A is written in the masculine gender, for example: ZIMUSHKA, PASSION, KUPCHISHKA, TRUSISHKA. For neuter nouns and inanimate masculine nouns, after these suffixes the ending -O is written, for example: GORYUSHKO, GOLOSISHKO, MOLOCHISHKO, RUBLISHKO.

2. After the suffix -ISH- the ending -E is written for masculine and neuter nouns in the singular, and for feminine nouns - the ending - A. For example: GIANT, GORODISCH, SWAMP, LOG, BORED, SILISCH. In the plural, after the suffix -ISCH- the ending -I is written for masculine and feminine nouns, and the ending -A for neuter nouns. For example: FENCES, BOOTS, PALDONISHCHI, BOLOTISHCHA, WINDOWS.

3. The monosyllabic nouns VIY and KIY have the ending -E in the prepositional case.

4. In personal names and surnames of Eastern origin, ending in -YYA and having an emphasis on last syllable, the ending E is written in the dative and prepositional case: letter to Zulfiya, to dream about Aliya (named after - Zulfiya, Aliya).


Have you heard behind the grove the voice of the night singer of love, the singer of your sadness? (A. Pushkin)

“Hey, shepherds, run here, beat me, beat me!” Shepherds with a club at the wolf, the wolf - from them. The shepherds run and marvel. The wolf is crazy, he runs and shouts: “Catch up!” (Chingiz Aitmatov, White Steamship)

I'm on again big roads _, poems_ free - citizen, again in a nomadic den_ I think alone. (P. Vyazemsky)

There is no pity for my deep melancholy. (E. Baratynsky).

In my memory there were no girlfriends of the old days. (E. Baratynsky)

He slowly climbed the stairs, slowly entered the room among the respectfully parted public, and, greeting his acquaintances, looked around the room questioningly. (I. Bunin)

“The servant of God Victor is engaged to the servant of God Natalie,” Father Vasily proclaimed even louder, almost singing, and, removing the rings from their hands and crossing them, he put his own on each. (Sergey Babayan, Gentlemen officers)

Happy is the one in whom the color of life is not destroyed by the cold. (I. Klyushnikov)

The earth still looks sad, but the air already breathes in spring, and the half-dead stem sways, and the spruce branches move. (F. Tyutchev)

“We can’t, dear sir, we’ll pick around little by little, collect pennies, maybe we’ll sew some money for the kids,” said Filat Nikitich. (F. Reshetnikov, Between People)

Temperament, curiosity, strength - everything in his powerful nature prevents him from settling in the lands he has discovered; he gives them to others, but he himself hurries on. (Daniil Granin, Zubr)

A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant rock; In the morning she set off early, playing happily in the azure. (M. Lermontov).

Sof_ Ivanovna really wanted to go, and we decided to entrust our fate to the nervous coachman. (N. Teffi, Mountains)

Vasily Dimitrievich was married to Vitovt's daughter Sophie: throughout his reign he had to respect family relationships and at the same time was on guard against his father-in-law's attempts. (N. Kostomarov, Russian history in the biographies of its main figures)

Whether you are in stormy poetry, sometimes gloomy, sometimes bright. (F. Tyutchev).

In this excitement, in this radiance, all as if in a dream, I stand lost; Oh, how willingly I would drown my entire soul in their charm. (F. Tyutchev).

And the wine farmer Mamontov was selling the same rotten stuff as it was ten years ago, under Vasily Aleksandrovich Kokorev. (N. Leskov, Life of a Woman)

I'm tired of girls, alone in the room, sewing patterns in silver. (K. Aksakov)

In the house and in the neighborhood, everything, from the yard girls to the yard dogs, ran away when they saw him (N. Gogol)

Fires, rumpled bushes, black, still smoking ruins flashed by. (Yu. Dombrovsky, The Monkey Comes for His Skull)

And the tired traveler grumbled at God: he was thirsty and hungry, wandering in the desert for three days and three nights... (A. Pushkin).

Behind the church, across the passage, lay a concrete building, covered in glass and aluminum. (Yu. Druzhnikov, Visa the day before yesterday)

I noticed, braced myself, and then suddenly, to my misfortune (or perhaps fortunately!), out of the blue, a repairman galloped onto our little town. (F. Dostoevsky, Polzunkov)

Thoughtfully and in some kind of senseless reasoning about the strangeness of his situation, he began to pour the tea (N. Gogol).

In fact, it was Skvorushk_, a very young yellow-throated one: he didn’t even know that such caterpillars were not eaten, and was very proud of his prey. (Boris Zakhoder, Fairy Tales for People)

(hare, hare, hare, about hare, hare, hare, hare, hare, hare, about hare). The exception is the nominative and accusative masculine singular (hare).

Adjectives ending in –chiy (sighted, wandering) are written differently in case forms. Due to the absence of the yot suffix in indirect cases, the soft sign in such words is not . For example, a sighted pirate with a stray dog.

The words interurban, suburban, suburban are exceptions and end in -y, -oe (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), -aya (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), -y (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), due to a change in firm types of declension. The words beskrayny, nonresident change according to the soft variety of declension and end in –iy, -ee (beskrainye, nonresident), -yaya (beskrainaya, nonresident), -ie (beskrainye, nonresident). The spelling of these words must be remembered.

According to the site materials, based on the research of D. E. Rosenthal, adjectives ending in -yny, in nominative case masculine singular have short form, which ends in –en. For example, slender is slender.



A noun is a part of speech that denotes objects (barrel, building, hat), as well as animate beings (woman, fawn, elephant) or phenomena (rain, shine, freedom). In a sentence, a noun is either an object or a subject.

You will need

  • Knowledge of the laws of word formation in the Russian language, the ability to identify prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings in a word.


Check out what is called in the help ending. The ending, or in other words, inflection, is a variable part of a word, usually located at the end, after the root (hence the name). By the end in you can determine person, gender, case and number.
Decline the noun "carpet" using numbers:
“Carpet” (singular) - “carpets” (plural).
The plural ending is “ы”. Please note that the vowel “ё” in this word is “fluent”, i.e. when putting a word into a certain form, the letter . Including with declination:
Nominative case - “carpet-0” (zero ending, root “carpet”)
Genitive case - “carpet-a” (Ending “a”, root “carpet”)
Dative case - “carpet-u”
Accusative case - “carpet-0”
Instrumental case - “carpet-om”
Prepositional case - “about the carpet”
The part of the word that is being changed will be considered ending.

Please note that nouns are in the nominative case, masculine, plural. numbers may end in “a” or “i” instead of the expected “s” or “i” according to the rules of declination. For example, “stog” - “stacks”. There may also be cases of variability in the use of words in the nominative plural case. For example, “instructors - instructors”. And in the plural case, some nouns may have a zero ending, “ov”, “ev” or “ey”. For example, felt boots (zero ending), tangerines (ending “ov”), nails (ending “ey”). 10 more worth mentioning indeclinable nouns Wed genders that end in "me". In dative, genitive and prepositional singular. the number ending in these nouns of the third declension is “and”, and in the instrumental case the ending of the second declension is “em/em”. These include burden, stirrup, udder, time, seed, crown, banner, name, flame, tribe.

Reinforce the skill of identifying the ending in a noun by highlighting it in the following words.
Box, mountains, pencil case, window, trains, pullover, ship, camera, carriage, movement, hurricane, tire, element, house, owner, horseshoe, thunder, water, freedom, accusation, hammer, work, trees, hut, sky, crane, glow, ceilings, caramel.


Found in nouns special shape endings - zero. It is not expressed by sound and no letters are used to represent it, but it also indicates the grammatical relationship of the noun with the rest of the words in the sentence.

Helpful advice

Practice highlighting endings in words of other parts of speech - verb, adjective, participle. At the same time, do not forget that in the Russian language there are parts of speech that do not have an ending - gerunds and adverbs.

Tip 3: How to check the unstressed ending of a noun

The name and the correct spelling of endings are studied at school. With time, simple rules are forgotten and errors begin to appear. Remember what you need to do to check the unstressed ending name noun.


Names differ by gender: masculine, feminine, neuter. The ending of a noun depends on case and declension. To ending, first determine the declension of the noun. Repeat: 1st declension – masculine, feminine, gender, endings A, Z; 2nd declension – husband. gender zero ending, 3rd declension – feminine. gender zero ending.

Next, determine the case of the noun. If the word is written in the genitive case and refers to the first declension - Y-I; second declension - A-Z; third declension - I. If the word is in the dative case of the first declension - E; second declension – U-Yu; third declension – I. If the word is in the prepositional case of the first declension – E; second declension – E; third declension – I.

If a noun of the first declension is in name the corporal case ends with A, in the prepositional and dative singular write E - about the water(s), about the galley(s), to the youth(s). If the noun is feminine in name the telative case ends in the FL, in the genitive and dative cases write I. For example, from arm(ii), to discussion(ii). The same rule applies to proper names - to Mari (and), about Mari (and).

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