Brief table speech 4. Conversations at the table: interesting speeches and toasts. Toasts using ready-made texts, rhyming, jokes and other things

Freemasonry ... Wikipedia

speech- verbless (Sologub); fragrant (Pushkin); lively (Gorky, Turgenev); violent (Sologub); inspired (Nadson); imperious (Elpatievsky); enthusiastically ardent (Chumina); pompous (Block); wind (Pushkin); proud (P.Y.); hot... ... Dictionary of epithets

toast- a table speech and a thin toasted slice of bread are called the same. In England, where this word came from, in the old days both of its meanings were inseparable from each other: the one who was about to pronounce a toast took a glass in one hand and in the other... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

SPEECH- (English speech, from to speak). A public solemn speech given by the British at meetings or public dinners. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SPICH [English. speech] short... ...

toast: raise a toast or make a toast- Question Which is correct: “raise a toast” or “make a toast”? In the old versions of Ozhegov’s dictionary there is no such phrase, but they say that it is now legalized, with reference to the fact that “toast” is also a cup of wine. It’s interesting that in all dictionary definitions of the word... Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language

TOAST- (English toast). The British have toasted bread and butter. In later times, this name turned to a call to drink to someone’s health or to the success of some enterprise; table wish; Hello. Dictionary of foreign words included in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

speech- A; m. [from English speech speech, oratory] Book. A short welcome speech. Say s. * * * speech (English speech), a short welcoming table speech ... encyclopedic Dictionary

TASTING- TABLE, table, table (book). Happening at the table (at breakfast, lunch, dinner). Table talk, chatter, joke. || Pronounced, performed during a gala lunch, dinner, banquet. Table speech. Table toast... ... Dictionary Ushakova

SPEECH- (English speech speech) a short welcoming table speech ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Toasts. A Russian feast cannot be imagined without toasts. Meeting of friends, birthday, wedding, housewarming, New Year- none of these holidays is complete without kind, humorous, edifying...

Distract your guests from their plates and glasses with original speeches and toasts.

Table speeches

When a large company gathers or especially solemn events are celebrated, table speeches are certainly made. If the speeches are well thought out, meaningful and not long-winded, they add the necessary festivity to the event. If table speeches are also witty, they create a pleasant atmosphere that is remembered for a long time.

We bring to your attention some good table speeches.

One citizen decided to buy a dog and came to the dog market. He really liked one. Having finished examining her, he turned to the seller: - Tell me, does your dog have a family tree? - What for? - the seller is surprised. - She... uses anyone! For guests who do not use any, I inform you that the toilet is...

One man is asked: “Why do you wear shoes two sizes too small?” He replies: “On purpose. My wife is not beautiful. Besides, she's evil. Cooks badly! The son is a loser! Mother-in-law is a witch! The only joy I have in life is when I take off my shoes in the evening!” Let's drink to make our lives full of joy.

A male frog sits on the bank of a mountain river. A female scorpion crawls up to him and says:

- Frog, take me to the other side of the river.

-What are you saying, woman? “I’ll put you on my back, and you’ll bite me,” the male answers her.

“Why should I bite you, then we’ll drown together,” the scorpion woman does not calm down.

“Okay, sit on my neck,” said the male. And they swam across a stormy mountain river. We swam to the middle, and then the female scorpion bit the male frog.

The male frog shouted:

“Listen, you promised not to bite me, you damned scorpion!”

“I can’t do anything about my feminine nature,” the female answered him.

So let's drink to our feminine nature!

Three women were walking through the desert. For several days now there has been no water or food. And suddenly in front of the travelers there is an oasis, but it is surrounded by a high wall. Then the woman says: “Let as many steps appear as the number of times I have been with a man.” A ladder appeared, along which this woman climbed the wall and descended into the oasis. Another woman said: “Let there be as many steps as the number of times I have been with a man.” Steps appeared on one side of the wall. The woman, having climbed them, jumped to the other side. And the third woman began to cry. So let's drink so that our women don't cry.

Speech to a friend

"At least you go around White light,

You won't find a better friend anywhere.

I composed an ode only to him,

To the one I call my best friend!

People like him go on reconnaissance missions,

With someone like him I will go all over the world,

I trust him with my life,

I am as confident in him as I am in myself.

He is a hospitable owner,

Whatever is in the house goes on the table.

And if necessary, he will give away the last piece

(be it a piece of bread, or a wagon of caviar).

Suddenly a terrible disaster happens,

Or will I need money?

He won't stand aside

I am as confident in him as I am in myself.

Sometimes he is strict, but fair,

It's like a court in a democratic country,

He is a friend, and that is why I sing an ode to him,

I'm happy that he lives on earth!"

Why do women constantly reduce their age? Yes, because they erase from their lives the useless years that pass without love. So, dear women, love us and live profitably. For you!

"For the children"

What do you want to be, Gogi, when you grow up? - the guest asked the baby.

“I want to become a businessman like dad,” Gogi answered. - Yesterday he took me to the office, and I really liked how he worked there and spent his time there.

And how will you work?

In the morning I’ll leave the office, sit down at the table, light a long cigarette, and start saying that I have an awful lot to do and that I’ll have to get started after lunch. Then after lunch I’ll go with a businessman friend to a restaurant and eat and drink, then I’ll return to the office and scold everyone for not doing anything. Then I’ll go home and, terribly tired, lie down on the sofa and watch TV. So let's drink to the children - our future!


A toast is a public speech, so a toast must have all the elements of public speech: a confident tone, sufficient volume, looking into the eyes of the listeners, energy adequate to the atmosphere of the holiday, etc.

Here is a small selection of original toasts.

Let's drink to honest and modest people! Moreover, there are so few of us left...

Man comes from oblivion and goes into oblivion! And isn’t this a reason to have a drink between two such significant events!


They say that if a married woman does not wear a wedding ring, as well as earrings, brooches, pendants, bracelets and necklaces, it means that she married only for love! Friends! Let's raise a glass to sincere love!

Let's drink to our children having rich parents!

Let's drink to the fact that no matter what, we drink at all costs.

Antique toast:

Baths, wine and love completely destroy our body,

But baths, wine and love also create life anew!

And don't forget to drink in moderation. So, don’t get carried away with toasts, because after a toast you need to drink. Have a successful and fun feast!

A speech situation is determined by circumstances that force a person to say something and at the same time act (with the help of speech) in more or less strict accordance with the characteristics that determine the situation. In general, by a speech situation, scientists understand a complex complex external conditions communication and internal reactions of those communicating, which find expression in any statement. For speech to arise, it needs an author and addressee, a topic, place and time of speech, its reason and purpose. Place and time, as well as partly the topic, can be attributed to external circumstances, and the reason and purpose of communication - to the internal reactions of speech partners.

The “external” scene of action in a communicative contact can be anything: people meet and start talking on the street, in the family, in a store, in transport, at work, etc. At the same time, the use of certain speech clichés, stereotypes help to discover the meeting place and the roles of the participants in communication: Do you have a flannel?; Write out three meters of blue - they discover the scene of action - the store and the role of “I” as a buyer. There are many standard situations (and not only everyday ones) in which speech actions are provided by standard texts.

Time as a component speech situation in direct communication - this is the time of speaking, the moment of speech, and from this present time all the past and all the future are counted: Yesterday I was in the theater; Tomorrow I'm going to the clinic.

Naturally, the topic of conversation in a speech situation is predetermined by the place and time, and also by who “I” is and who “you” are, what our range of interests is, the depth and breadth of perception of reality. However, there are also typical standard topics of conversation between certain people, in a certain place and time.

A person always puts himself at the center of his own activity, including speech. He recognizes himself as “I” - a person acting with the help of speech; he contrasts himself with another participant in communication - “you”; he also identifies someone who is not an interlocutor, but can be present (and thereby indirectly participate in the speech process) - - "He".

Table speech

The hosts of the reception begin the table conversation. They set the topic of conversation. During a feast, good manners include exchanging at least a few phrases with each of your neighbors. You should alternately engage the neighbors sitting on the right and left in conversation. You can also address the guest sitting opposite you. It is preferable to talk at the table on calm, light topics, while avoiding sensitive topics; a witty and light conversation is preferable. Any conversation should be conducted in such a way as not to interfere with food. At the table it is customary to talk about topics that increase appetite. You should not touch on the issue of the cost of food and drinks.

Don’t interrupt with “I know, I know,” a guest who is eager to tell you something. Whispering something into the ear of your interlocutor at the table is considered impolite. Speak out loud. It is advisable to talk not only with your companion, but also with your closest neighbors. If you need to say something to another person sitting behind your neighbor, then say it behind his back. A conversation “through a neighbor” should not be long; it can consist of a remark, a joke, a small phrase, and then only if necessary. Do not touch your interlocutor in order to attract his attention.

The best time to make a table speech or toast is a break or pause between courses, when those sitting at the table are not eating. The speech should not be long or too elaborate. The person who is making the speech must stand up, lightly tap his glass with a knife in order to attract the attention of the guests, and begin to speak. The table speech ends with a toast, so before it begins, you can ask for glasses to be filled. It is impolite to continue eating or talking to your neighbors while someone is speaking; you should listen in silence.

If speeches or toasts are expected to be exchanged at a formal breakfast or dinner, the host should send the guest of honor a copy of his speech or toast so that he can prepare a response. In an important meeting, the response is also sent in advance.

The speech or toast should include the following points: a greeting to the guest of honor, general provisions, which served as the reason for the meeting, the generally accepted form of wishing the guests prosperity and happiness. In the response speech, the guest of honor should express gratitude for the hospitality provided, assurances of the reciprocity of friendly feelings, etc. The toast should be directly related to the occasion that brought everyone together, and not be drawn out. In most cases, humor is appropriate, but not always in moderation.

Speeches and toasts are made both after dessert, when the champagne is poured, and at the very beginning of the reception, but not earlier than 10-15 minutes after the start. The owner of the house makes a speech or toast first, and then the guest in whose honor the reception is held. The man to whom the toast is made remains seated at the table and does not drink with others. After the end of the speech, he rises from the table and thanks for the kind words in his honor, expressing his wish to drink to the speaker. If they raise a toast to a woman, then she can answer with a toast, smile with gratitude to the speaker, raise her glass, sipping it, as if saying: “Thank you, I drink to you.”

Manifestation of speech culture in national communication

A few words about national specifics speech etiquette.

I. Ehrenburg left the following interesting testimony: “Europeans, when greeting, extend their hand, but a Chinese, Japanese or Indian is forced to shake a stranger’s limb. If a visitor stuck his bare foot into Parisians or Muscovites, it would hardly cause delight. A resident of Vienna says “kiss the hand” without thinking about the meaning of his words, and a resident of Warsaw, when introduced to a lady, mechanically kisses her hand. The Englishman, outraged by the tricks of his competitor, writes to him: “Dear sir, you are a fraud.” Christians, entering a church, church or church, take off their hats, and a Jew, entering a synagogue, covers his head. In Catholic countries, women should not enter the temple with their heads uncovered. In Europe the color of mourning is black, in China it is white. When a Chinese man sees for the first time a European or an American walking arm in arm with a woman, sometimes even kissing her, it seems to him extremely shameless. In Japan you cannot enter a house without taking off your shoes; in restaurants, men in European suits and socks sit on the floor. In the Beijing hotel, the furniture was European, but the entrance to the room was traditionally Chinese - the screen did not allow direct entry; this is associated with the idea that the devil is walking straight; but according to our ideas, the devil is cunning, and it costs him nothing to get around any partition. If a guest comes to a European and admires a picture on the wall, a vase or other trinket, then the owner is pleased. If a European begins to admire a thing in a Chinese house, the owner gives him this item - politeness demands this. My mother taught me that when visiting, you should not leave anything on your plate. In China, no one touches the cup of dry rice that is served at the end of lunch - you need to show that you are full. The world is diverse, and there is no need to rack your brains over this or that custom: if there are foreign monasteries, then, consequently, there are foreign rules” (I. Ehrenburg. People, Years, Life).

The national specificity of speech etiquette in each country is extremely striking, because the unique features of the language here, as we see, are superimposed by the features of rituals, habits, and everything accepted and not accepted in behavior.

Toasts using ready-made texts, rhyming, jokes and other things

We use ready-made text

As a toast, ready-made texts are taken - songs, newspapers, poetry, sometimes adjusted to at this moment. Song lyrics are especially suitable for toasts. They seem to be made for toast. Using them for a toast is extremely convenient: the song can be sung and can be pronounced, and its text provides a channel in which you can complete something according to the situation. For example, on a loved one’s birthday:

I'll melt a piece of ice
With your warm heart.
I will always love you,
I can't do otherwise.

Add, if you want, a congratulation and a wish - and you have already refreshed the welcome toast.

Poetry and especially Anacreontic toast poems - named after the ancient Greek poet Anacreon - greatly decorate the feast and add a higher spiritual flavor. He sang the love of life, the pathos of the moment, feasting, nature, friendship, love, wine and other joys of life.

Moment runs after moment and spring follows spring,
Do not send them off without songs and wine:
After all, in the kingdom of being there is no good higher than life,
As you spend it, so it will pass.

(O. Khayyam)

Rhyming technique

This is a very effective way to decorate toast. A simple humorous poem or even just a couple of rhymed lines will transform even a banal toast.

Let's drink to Vitya, dear Vitya,
The world has never seen anything so cute.

A technique for constructing a toast based on an anecdote.

This is a simple, successful and affordable way to write toasts.

One provincial walks into an antique store and asks: “How much does this vase cost?” The seller replies: “Three million.” The provincial whistled expressively. “How much does this figurine cost?” - “Three whistles!” The talent (beauty, efficiency, value for the company, kindness...) (name) who sang ancient romances to us today can be assessed in nothing less than ten whistles. Let's wish her (your wishes) and drink to it!

Reflective toasts.

The one who makes the toast shares his thoughts on some issue that can interest those present. The ability to reason calmly is always delightful. The transition to a final call for a drink may be logical, or it may not be related to the topic of the speech. Such toasts are perfectly acceptable if they entertain the company.

A technique for constructing a toast based on erotic flirtation.

It must be said that in general, delicate, slightly frivolous flirting with the theme of the irresistibility of the women present, erotic hints greatly decorate the feast. Men should be sensitive about women's age and generous with compliments. It's hard to go overboard with this.

Examples of toasts with erotic hints:

For living...regularly!"

When the girls cross the stream, they lift their skirts. Let's drink to the girls to cross the sea!

I would like to especially emphasize the need for toasts to women. Women tend to recognize their value in the attention and love of men, and therefore, men, be more kind, often say toasts “To lovely women!” The feminine theme is grateful and inexhaustible, and here you can shine with your imagination.

Reception of allegory.

A traditional toast can be quite witty if expressed figuratively in an unusual way. For example:

So that there would be... a glass and money!

For our children to have... rich parents!

Shocking technique.

Shocking is a scandalous trick, a shock. This technique makes the toast bright. Here are two folklore toasts to “live long”:

So that you are stabbed to death... at 150 years old by a jealous person and so that your jealousy is not in vain!

Let's drink to the fact that the coffins for us... will be made from boards of a hundred-year-old oak tree, which will be planted tomorrow!

Technique for using fashionable vocabulary

You will make your toast very modern and witty if you use modern vocabulary or fashionable advertising slogans:

Let's drink to N! Let it be our consensus to which we come!

Stylization technique.

The toast is given a stylized form - antique, newspaper style, antique hexameter or the style of speech of a character.

The technique of pseudo-profound thought.

If you're good with scientific terminology, try writing a toast by playfully introducing scientific terminology and complex word structures into complete nonsense. The toast is pronounced in the style of General Mikhalych.

Reception of the drawing.

Prank toasts on behalf of someone give great pleasure. unknown person, an old peasant, a character in a masquerade mask.

Acceptance of toast thesis proof.

Argumentation has a humane nature because it recognizes the other as a free person. I want to propose a toast to the beauty of life and give reasons for it.
My proof consists of seven parts. In the first part we will look at a man relaxing on a green lawn near the sea. He sees blue sky and blue sea. Then he turns on the other side and sees a small blade of grass and a drop of dew on it. And he rejoices in all this.

In the second part of the toast, we will take the person to a fun party, where charming girls, interesting interlocutors have gathered, and where there is good wine on the table. And the person also rejoices.

Now, omitting the third, fourth, fifth and sixth parts of my toast, we will immediately move on to the seventh - the conclusion. So, a blue sea, a blue sky, a blade of grass, a drop of dew, charming girls, interesting conversationalists and good wine - this is all part of the charm of life, its richness, its fullness. So let's drink to the beauty of our life!

A technique for unexpected lexical interpretation of a word.

You can compose a toast by giving an unexpected interpretation, meaning to a word or using an abbreviation. And since everything is done for fun, it is not at all necessary to be strictly accurate.

The technique of humorous typology.

It is known that pensioners are divided into three categories: camels - those who continue to work; on shepherds - those who graze their grandchildren; other than sadists, i.e. gardeners. Let's drink to us sadists!

A technique of playing on literalisms or proper and metaphorical meanings of names.

I raise a glass to N and his charming girlfriend! He flies around the sky so much that he managed to grab the brightest star from the sky.

Techniques of classification, enumeration, generalization.

The object class in question lists groups or single objects.

Meetings can be different: random and expected, friendly and unfriendly, pleasant and unpleasant. Meetings can take place on the street, at a party, on a train, in a restaurant, in a museum, in a theater. Meetings can be fun and interesting. And today I experienced great pleasure from our meeting and raise a glass to everyone present.

Reception of parallels, comparisons in toast.

We are present today at the birthday celebration of a sweet and talented woman, and on this occasion she was presented with a bouquet of gladioli. These flowers are not just a tribute to recognition and our love for her. They also symbolize the three virtues of our heroine. First of all, these flowers are beautiful; secondly, they have an exquisite originality: nature seemed to show a creative impulse when creating them; and thirdly, these flowers are very persistent and unfading. Let us wish her to always be as beautiful, unfading, extraordinary as she is now...

Device of metaphor or association.

A good metaphor or association can brighten up a toast, adding newness to even a banal toast.

Our life is a mountain. Don't be surprised by this metaphor. Indeed, the first half of life is an ascent, the second half is a descent. Let's drink to keep us on top longer!

Toasts of mercy and affirmation of moral truths.

In a narrow informal circle, where there is no pressure from the official mentality, a word that carries deep moral meaning and what comes from the heart sinks into the soul, such toasts are simply necessary.

For us to look directly and honestly into each other's eyes!

Acceptance of using addresses, telegrams, telephone messages.

An address is a written greeting to commemorate an anniversary or other event.

Highly and deeply respected hero of the day! We strongly congratulate you on reaching the middle age of 60 years. We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, including the most unrealistic ones. 60 years old is not yet old. Appreciating your high professionalism, human charm and decency, we want to work next to you for many, many years to come. Do not stop at the high successes achieved, but make them even higher. We dedicate a friendly epigram full of adoration to you, an assistant professor, a talented mathematician and a brilliant performer of an ancient romance. In spring, nature awakens and is reborn, buds bloom on the trees and small leaves appear, flowers bloom, everything comes to life, blooms and nature becomes beautiful. So let's drink to promiscuity!

Reception of allusion.

This is a stylistic figure, the essence of which is in the mention, reference to historical event or literary work, for example: Pyrrhic victory, Demyan’s ear. Let's give an example of a toast to a guest with a guitar or by the name Orfeev.

One Orpheus went down to hell to look for his Eurydice, another Orpheus came up to us to find admirers of his talent. Let's drink to Orpheus and his songs.

Toast stories.

You can tell anything that will amuse you: an incident from life, a memory, a fantasy, interesting story from the life of a celebrity, etc. Such a story should not be very long, and you need to carefully monitor whether the company is bored. You should also not occupy the company with uninteresting topics or the conversation of two or three guests among themselves on purely personal topics, when the rest are silent with disinterest.

The technique of reflecting the profession of the hero of the occasion in a toast.

I would like to highlight one of the sides of N’s bright personality. He is an electrician by profession. An electrician can cut out all sorts of numbers: if he wants, he will turn on the light, if he wants, he will turn off the light, he can lengthen a short circuit, or shorten a long circuit. Without electricians, who will say: “Let there be light!” So let's drink to our electrician never running out of matches!

The technique of reinforcing a toast with a poem.

There is such a song “In the field there was a birch tree, in the field there was a curly tree, there was a lyuli-lyuli tree.” Let's drink to Lyuli-Luli, she is standing in the field, standing in bad weather, in the wind, rain, snow, poor thing!

Personal toasts.

They say something nice or humorous, but certainly complimentary and elevating the person - about his merits, character traits, professionalism. This is usually done by the toastmaster or host, introducing his guests.

Toast ditties composed for the occasion.

They can be sung and spoken.

How to make toasts correctly

The word “toast” comes from the English name for a piece of toast, which, according to etiquette, was served to speakers. The table speech appeared thanks to the ancient ritual of offering to the gods for good luck and prosperity at home. A little was poured onto the ground, accompanying the action with wishes of good luck and prosperity.

Now the ritual roots of the tradition have been lost. According to etiquette, while words of congratulations are being said, everyone falls silent, and the guests briefly interrupt the meal, sincerely hoping for a favorable course of circumstances. A short table speech is made before each glass drunk. A skillful speaker can turn it into a bright speech with warm parting words and wishes.

Reasons for toasts

The topic and basic wishes of the table etiquette speech should correspond to the occasion of the meeting. The reason for the celebration could be the conclusion of a successful deal, an anniversary, or.

The ability to correctly fit into the course of the evening according to etiquette, to grasp the general mood behind, and to correctly express thoughts will definitely be useful to the speaker. An expression of grief will require special delicacy and the absence of falsehood when pronouncing a toast, while a joyful holiday or a long-awaited meeting of friends will require cheerful goodwill.

At the table, according to Russian etiquette, it is important to follow a certain order of toast topics. The first glass is raised to the hero of the day, newlyweds or other heroes of the occasion. Then they drink successively to their parents, friends, and remember the dead.

A little about the contents of toasts

A simple topic for toasts will be the occasion of the meeting. A short speech about joy, success or sadness can be prepared in advance. At friendly gatherings for no particular reason it will be a little more difficult, especially if you have to join an unfamiliar company. The ability to feel your interlocutors will come in handy here. It is important that the resulting speech is not banal, but that it is interesting to listen to.

The toast structure includes:

  • You can address everyone present or a specific person according to etiquette.
  • Introduction. A few words about the connection between the reason for the speech and what is happening at the table.
  • An incident or circumstance of the past.
  • Description of what is happening now.
  • Wish.

Traditional order of toasts

The order of toasts is determined by the status of the event participant.

  1. According to etiquette, the eldest family member or boss speaks first. He can personally greet the guest of honor, announce the reason for the celebration, and show cordiality and respect for those gathered.
  2. Then they give the floor to the hero of the occasion and the rest of the guests, starting with the closest ones.
  3. It is customary to respond to toasts with a personal address or a compliment immediately, without observing the order; the sequence in terms of status is not important here. The participant thanks for the words in his honor, expressing wishes for further friendship or cooperation.

What toast to say: examples of toasts and their sequence

Some expressions have become part of the Russian table tradition. These are standard words that evoke certain associations due to their use at every celebration.

For the meeting

The phrase traditionally begins a meeting. The words denote greeting and joy of meeting. They are supplemented by an assessment of the circumstances and reasons for gathering. Used in informal settings. Unites the company, helping newcomers or people who have not communicated for a long time get comfortable faster.

Toast to parents

Used as a tribute to the parents of the owner of the house or the hero of the occasion. An unspoken rule governing the order of pronunciation makes the toast second for any meeting.

For love

Pronounced as a wish for a successful personal life or simply as beautiful phrase. The words are popular at the wedding table and on love dates. Not used in official settings.

For those who are no longer around

Sad words to honor the memory of the dead. Guests with a glass in their hands remember departed relatives and close comrades. They drink afterwards in complete silence. It is not customary to clink glasses when making a toast.

For those who are absent and those who are alive today

Recommended for friendly gatherings. Allows you to speak about friends or colleagues who could not come to the party. Initially, the phrase was used as a sacred phrase. It was pronounced so that wanderers would return home soon.

Toast etiquette in different countries

The tradition of toasting is gradually dying out, and the custom of clinking glasses is considered old-fashioned in many countries.

  • Residents of European countries use table speeches only at official events to say words of greeting or congratulations. Often only once per evening. At feasts, a standard word is said to indicate the clinking of glasses.
  • When raising a glass of drink, Americans usually say the short “cheese.”
  • Residents of China accompany a glass of local alcohol with the advice to drink to the bottom. They demonstrate fulfillment of wishes literally by turning the glass over.
  • In Muslim countries it is not customary to drink alcohol.
  • The countries of the East are famous for their long ornate table speeches.

Toast etiquette rules in Russia

Russians are familiar with the sound of table performances accompanied by the clinking of glasses. There are several rules and features of etiquette characteristic of the post-Soviet space.

  • When touching glasses, it is customary to look into the faces of your neighbors. It is impolite to avert your eyes or turn away.
  • You cannot interrupt during toasting.
  • After congratulations, according to etiquette, the hero of the occasion should wait until all the guests take a sip, and then drink it himself.
  • Give a speech that is appropriate for the event and the gathering. Strange jokes and comments about the personal lives of guests should not be used.
  • It is not recommended to draw unnecessary attention to yourself with frequent, lengthy speeches. According to etiquette, there should be few words so as not to tire those present.
  • It is not necessary to completely empty the glass or wine glass. Drinking one glass throughout the celebration is quite acceptable.
  • It is impolite to force guests to offer compliments and congratulations.
  • According to etiquette, it is worth taking at least a symbolic sip after addressing the people present. If you are intolerant to alcohol, you can drink non-alcoholic drinks.
  • A married couple can say common words for two.

The tradition of making toasts will make the party more lively. A short, skillfully composed speech will emphasize a friendly atmosphere. Sincere words sound better without unnecessary flattery.

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