Why among the Negroid race. Mediterranean race. Negroid race. The Negroid complex includes

Negroid race- population share is about 10%.

Characteristic features are curly black hair, dark brown skin, brown eyes, weak or moderate development of tertiary hairline, moderately prominent cheekbones, strongly protruding jaws (prognathism), a slightly protruding wide nose, often transversely, that is, parallel to the plane of the face, located nostrils, thickened lips.

Addition from Wikipedia

The term "Negroid" is often used to refer to all people with black or chocolate skin color. Some researchers attribute the Negroid race to the equatorial (Negro-Australoid) race. A number of authors [ Who?] names representatives of the Negroid race congoids in order to distinguish them from representatives of other darkly pigmented African races: capoids, pygmies and Ethiopians.

Antiracist Elizabeth Martinez proposed to move the term congoid to all representatives of the Negroid race, following the example of naming other races by geographical location. However, this word did not catch on

Characteristic signs

Characteristic: different heights, elongated limbs (especially arms), dark skin (especially rich in melanin), curly hair, poor beard and mustache growth, wide flat nose, thick lips, large brown eyes, large ears, prognathism.


Appeared around the 5th millennium BC. e. in the territories of southern Sahara and from there they settled in central and southern Africa, displacing the Pygmies and Bushmen.

[edit] Spreading

Black soldier of the Brazilian army.

The main region of settlement is the area of ​​historical formation of the race: Africa, south of the Sahara. Also to the Negroid population on beginning of XXI century includes a significant part of the population of Brazil, the West Indies, the USA and France.

In Russia until the 20th century there were practically no representatives of the Negroid race, however, according to the Metis Foundation, over the years of assistance Soviet Union In developing countries, about 70 thousand blacks remained in the USSR. The most famous blacks in Russia are the ancestors of A.S. Pushkin. According to estimates from the Institute of African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 40 thousand children were born from mixed marriages with blacks in the USSR and Russia over the last few decades of the 20th century.

Almost all inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa belong to the Negroid race, which includes three minor races.

The Pygmies, who traditionally live by hunting and gathering in the equatorial forests, represent the Negrillian race. They are distinguished by their small stature (on average about 140 cm), thin lips and wide nose. Representatives of the pygmy race are quite small in number.

The San (Bushmen) and the Khoikoin (Hottentots) in South Africa form the Khoisan race. Their skin is lighter and wrinkled than that of Negroids, rather yellowish. Other features of the Khoisan are epicanthus (Mongolian eyelid), steatopygia; This is the name given to the body’s tendency to form a thick layer of fat on the thighs and buttocks. Now the Khoisan are small in number and live mainly in Botswana, Namibia, southern Angola and Zambia, but they once occupied much large areas- apparently, the entire southern half of Africa.

The most numerous of the Negroid minor races is the Negro. Its representatives are distinguished by dark skin and eye color, curly hair, wide noses with low bridges, and thick lips. But within this race the differences are also very great: for example, the peoples living in the upper reaches of the Nile are very tall, thin-boned and have very dark skin; the inhabitants of the Guinea coast of West Africa are more squat and stocky...

The inhabitants of Ethiopia, the Western Sudanese Fulani people, as well as some peoples living on the southern border of the Sahara, are classified as a mixed Negroid-Caucasoid race. Madagascar was inhabited by Mongoloids from South-East Asia mixed with Negroids. The Berbers and Arabs who roam the Sahara and live along its southern border belong to the Mediterranean variety of the Caucasian race.

race Caucasian Sub-Adriatic Falski


The Caucasoid race is divided into a number of types: Nordic, Atlanto-Baltic, Sub-Adriatic, Falsky, East Baltic, Central-East European, Mediterranean, Balkan-Caucasian, Western Asian, Caspian, Indo-Afghan types.

Nordic type

Widely distributed among the population Northern Europe- northern Russians, Kashubians, Komi, northern Karelians, western Estonians, western Latvians, southwestern Finns, Swedes, most of the Norwegians, Germans from the northwestern regions of Germany, the Dutch, the English, the Irish, northern French and etc.

Characteristic features: cephalic index - mesodolichocephaly, body type - leptosomal, normosseous, height - tall, hair structure - straight wavy, hair color - blond ash-blond golden blond light brown dark blond, nape - convex, face -- leptoprosopia, forehead -- high, somewhat slanted, eye location -- horizontal, eye shape -- long eye shape is characteristic, eye color -- blue/gray, nose -- long, narrow, straight, protruding, base of the nose -- high, the tip of the nose is horizontal, sometimes raised, pointed, the lower jaw is deep, the lips are thin, the chin is narrow, angular, protruding, the growth of the beard and mustache is developed, the growth of body hair is normal, the skin is thin, white with a pinkish tint.

Atlanto-Baltic type

Distributed in the UK, Scandinavian countries, Latvia and Estonia. It is characterized by very light pigmentation of the skin, eyes and hair, long nose, mesocephaly, strong development of tertiary hair, and tall stature.

Subadriatic (Norian) type

The type identified by some anthropologists, called sub-Adriatic (I. Deniker) or Norian, or Noric (the name was given by V. Lebzelter), from the Roman province of Norik, is close to the Dinaric type, the Balkan-Caucasian race.

I. Deniker described this type as subbrachycephalic, less often brachycephalic, of medium height, with brown hair, an average height of about 166 cm and a cephalic index of 82-84. It is distributed in Champagne, Franche-Comté, Luxembourg, the Dutch province of Zeeland, the Rhine provinces, the north of the Grand Duchy of Baden, eastern Bavaria and south-eastern Bohemia; found among the Slovenes, and in one part of Lombardy and the Venetian region.

K. Kuhn described the Noric type as a light-colored brachycephalic with a flat nape, often found in southern Germany and other places in central Europe. He considered this type to be a Nordic type, brachycephalized with Dinaric admixture.

Falsky type

Characteristics. The Fal race is characterized by the tallest stature among Caucasians, a very hypersthenic (stocky) physique, mesodolichocephaly, broad shoulders, a wide massive lower jaw with a “strong-willed” chin, rather high cheekbones by Caucasian standards, a wide and low face, developed brow ridges and occipital protuberance, low rectangular eye sockets, gray or blue eyes and coarse wavy blond hair of reddish shades.

Spreading. Characteristic of Westphalia (hence the name of the race); its representatives are also found in Scandinavia, mainly in southwestern Sweden, where the Ertebølle culture existed in ancient times. As you move further inland from the southwestern border, the percentage of people of this race decreases greatly.

East Baltic type

According to G. Gunter's classification

G. Gunther noted that in terms of body proportions, the East Baltic race is large-boned and short, strong people. Men have wide shoulder width. All parts of the body are rough and stocky: a wide, short neck, short arms and fingers, short thick calves, a heavy and large head.

The East Baltic race is short-headed and broad-faced; its skulls are coarser, bony, heavy and, above all, more angular than the eastern ones, they have more thickenings and tubercles. But what is most characteristic of the East Baltic race is the large facial part of the skull compared to the brain part. The cranial index is slightly smaller than that of the Eastern race, the Eastern Baltic skulls are less short. The Eastern Baltic skull is more convex at the back of the head than the Eastern one. This skull has a broad, ridged forehead, its width especially noticeable at the top of the forehead.

In profile, the massiveness of the facial part, especially the lower jaw, is noticeable, even in women. The face is higher than that of the eastern race. The angle of the lower jaw is greater than that of other races, approaching right angle. The forehead slopes back, but not as much as that of the Nordic race. The bridge of the nose is flatter than that of the Eastern race, but the nose protrudes more in the middle and lower parts. The bridge of the nose is concave, the nose is upturned at the bottom. The chin goes back and is even less pronounced than in the Eastern race. The forehead is flatter than that of the eastern race and wide. The eyebrows are slightly arched upward. The distance between the inner corners of the eyes is relatively large. The nose usually has a fairly wide and flat bridge and widens greatly downwards. The nostrils are mutually located under obtuse angle. The lower part of the nose is more fleshy than that of the eastern race. The nose of the East Baltic race is turned up more than that of other European races, with the exception of the Sudeten.

The cheek bones are more massive than those of other races and are slightly inclined outward and downward. The average facial index is 85. The lower jaw is massive and wide, short and high. The lower part of the face forms a triangle, the sides of which meet at the chin at a very obtuse angle. The width of the face in the cheek area is determined not by fat deposits, but by the width of the lower jaw. The folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth are strongly pronounced. The mouth is wider than that of other European races, with the exception of the Phalian.

The eyes appear small due to the relatively short and low slits, which rise slightly at the outer ends. The skin is light, with a gray tint that can become so strong that the skin is no longer perceived as light. This skin can also be “olive-gray”. Tanning makes this skin just a little darker. The hair on the head is coarse, light, and usually has a gray tint. The Nordic race can be called golden-blond, the Eastern Baltic - ash-blond. The eye color is light, rarely actually blue, usually watery blue. Gray eyes are common.

According to G. Gunther, the East Baltic race predominates in northeastern Europe. The East Baltic race is strong in Finland, with the exception of the south and southwest, and in central and northwestern Russia, with the exception of the areas adjacent to the Baltic states. The peoples of the Baltic states have a strong East Baltic admixture.

Mediterranean type

Characteristic features: characterized by varying, often short stature, asthenic physique, usually a tall face, dark or predominantly dark hair and almond-shaped eyes, more or less dark skin, a long nose, thicker lips than those of northern Caucasians and dolichocephaly.


Most of the population of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain), southwestern France, southern and central Italy, southern and eastern Greece, islands Mediterranean Sea, as well as North Africa. Representatives of the Mediterranean race were the Sumerians, bearers of the Capsian culture, as well as the Minoan civilization of the island of Crete.

Western Asian type

The original carriers of this type were Alarodia (ancient Sino-Caucasians). The type formed the basis of some types of the Indo-Iranian-Arabian branch (mixing of the Near East Asians with the Proto-Mediterraneans, and in some areas with the Mongoloids and Australoids). Described in 1911 by von Luschan. In many respects, the Forward Asians are similar to the Caucasians and Dinarics (Balkans), but differ in their short stature, the shape of the nose and the flatness of the back of the head. Other names for this type: Armenoid, Alarodian, Syrian-Zagros, Semitic, Pontic-Zagros, Hittite (Anatolian), Assyrioid, Taurian. Deniker called this type Assyrioid and believed that it was characterized by a straight, narrow nose. The frequency of occurrence of a straight bridge of the nose has no geographical reference; this is due to the frequent miscegenation of Armenians and Jews with other peoples (mainly if representatives of another people profess Judaism or Gregorianism, since religious affiliation to a monoethnic religion is often identified with ethnicity). Albinos are found, usually within the central cluster - Western Asian features plus blond hair and eyes. Some of the alternative names for the Near Asian type are used to designate related types, for example the Assyrioid type, common among the Kurds and Assyrians, is characterized by less brachycephaly and a straight, narrow nose. The Semitic-Arabian type is often called Semitic.

For the peoples of the Western Asian type, the second blood group is characteristic.

Entire countries in Central and South America and other parts of the world are inhabited by peoples formed by mixing the features of three large races at once - Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid. A reliable classification of these groups has not yet been carried out, although such attempts have already been made by anthropologists. We can talk about the emergence of several mixed race literally over the last few centuries. And several more races can now be observed in the process of their formation!

The modern population of the entire African Mediterranean coast is anthropologically quite homogeneous. In general, these are typical Caucasians, black-haired and dark-eyed, with a dolicho-mesocephalic skull. On average, their height is 165-170 cm.

Some anthropologists, in particular Deniker, tried to establish the presence of two races in North Africa - Arab and Berber. They assumed that in the 8th century. n. e. The Arabs who conquered the Maghreb countries - Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, settled in the valleys, displacing the Berbers, the ancient population of the country, into the mountains. Thus, from the time of the Arab conquest, in their opinion, two races, or two physical types, must have coexisted. Arabs, according to Deniker, are somewhat taller and have longer heads. Their face is elliptical, while the Berbers are angular. The Arabs have a convex nose, while the Berbers have a straight or concave nose. But Deniker himself points out that among both the Arabs and the Berbers there are representatives of both of his “races.”

Many anthropologists, studying the population of North Africa, classified the population that spoke Arabic as Arabs, and the Berbers considered the population that preserved Berber languages. But division based on language cannot serve as a basis for defining an anthropological type.

As history shows, the conquest of North Africa did not significantly change the composition of the population. It is believed that in the 7th century. n. e., when North Africa was conquered by the Arabs, its total population was about 10 million. The total number of conquerors, including the resettled Beni-Hilal and Beni-Sulaym tribes, did not exceed 200 thousand, i.e., amounted to only 2% . The current “Arabs” are the indigenous inhabitants of North Africa, the Berbers (formerly Libyans) who adopted the Arabic language and Arabic culture.

Anthropologists classify the population of all Atlas countries of Libya and Egypt as the Caucasian race, more precisely, as a Mediterranean or Mediterranean-Balkan racial group. Within it there are many local options. For example, those living on the island of Djerba and in nearby areas of Tunisia have greater brachycephaly than in other areas. Some tribes living in the Atlas Mountains have light pigmentation, gray or blue eyes and even brown hair. Some anthropologists thought that these tribes were descendants of the Vandals, but the Greeks, and before them the ancient Egyptians, observed fair-skinned and even blond Libyans among the population of North Africa 1 .

The distribution of the Caucasoid type in Africa is limited to its extreme north and the Sahara, where the Tuaregs live, who by their origin constitute the southern group of Berbers.

In North Africa, in particular in the cities of southern Morocco, southern Algeria and Tunisia, the physical type of the population clearly shows Negroid features - the result of the mixing of the indigenous population with Negro slaves brought here in the recent past.

In Kordofan, Darfur and other areas of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, most of the population belongs to the Negroid race. Among them live Arab tribes who migrated to the steppes of Sudan with their herds; such, for example, are the Arabs of Shoa. Their way of life, beliefs and customs are purely Arabic, they speak Arabic, but in their physical type they differ little from the surrounding Negroids.

Among some of the peoples of Sudan (Teda, Kanuri, partly Hausa, etc.) there is probably an admixture of dark-haired Caucasians. They are characterized by lighter skin than Negroids, less curly hair, a lower nose, and prognathism is rare.

Negroid race

South of the desert belt, which are united under the general name of the Sahara, the bulk of the indigenous population of the entire Western and Central Sudan, the upper Nile, the entire Congo Basin, the entire Eastern and South Africa constitute the peoples of the Negroid race. In the region of Western Sudan and Western Tropical Africa the Negroid type was formed.

The main features of the Negroid anthropological type ( dark color skin, curly hair, etc.) owe their appearance to the influence of the environment in which it was formed. The dark color of the skin depends on the presence of melanin in it, which colors the inner layers of the epidermis and is deposited both in the cells themselves and between them. Melanin prevents the penetration of a significant portion of ultraviolet rays into the body, delaying rays ranging from 280 to 313 jjljjl, protecting blood vessels and nerve endings in the skin from their harmful effects and overheating. The distribution of melanin on the surface of the body is uneven. The skin on the back and back of the head is especially dark, covering the most important parts nervous system from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Curly hair has the same meaning. The hair on the head is like a covering that protects the head from overheating. Thick curly hair, where each individual hair is twisted into a spiral, retains an air layer and serves as protection from the rays of the scorching sun. Obviously, all these protective features of the body could only be developed as a result of a long process of adaptation to environment for many generations. Consequently, the formation of the Negroid type occurred in a hot climate.

The modern population of the Niger and Congo basins is considered the most typical representative of the Negroid race. It is characterized, as has been said, by very dark skin, sharply curly hair, the presence of prognathism, a wide nose with a low bridge and swollen lips. The head is dolicho-mesocephalic, sometimes moderately brachycephalic, with a straight forehead and a poorly developed eyebrow.

The main population of Africa - the Negroid race - has been studied much less well than other anthropological groups and racial types. Representatives of the Negroid type differ among themselves in skin color, the presence of prognathism, lip thickness, height, etc. Residents of the extreme west of Africa, in particular Senegal and Guinea, have very dark skin color. Quite dark skin color was also noted among the peoples of the upper Nile. In contrast, light brown skin color distinguishes the peoples of Southeast Africa. The differences in prognathism are also quite significant: in West Africa, among the peoples of Western Sudan, it is very pronounced, in the population of South Africa it is sometimes almost never found.

There are very significant fluctuations in growth. Suffice it to say that the average height varies between 165 and 185 cm. separate groups The following values ​​are noted:

Height (cm)


Height (cm)

French West Africa


East Africa"



Banyankole. . . .


Banyarwanda. . . .




Wanyamwezi. . . .






Mine. . *............





Zulus n Xhosa. . .






Belgian Congo



Equatorial Africa







The greatest brachycephaly was observed among residents of the forest region (head index 78-80). The South African Bantu, in particular the Zulus, are dolichocephalic (74-75 in the Zulus). Extreme dolichocephaly was noted in the Great Lakes region among the Bahim (72-73) G.

Some anthropologists tried to connect the anthropological characteristics of individual population groups with the spread of languages. Based on the fact that the peoples of Sudan are linguistically different from the peoples living south of Sudan and speaking Bantu languages, anthropologists have distinguished the Sudanese type and the Bantu type. However, there is no special anthropological Bantu type, just like a single Sudanese type. The spread of languages ​​does not always coincide with the spread of a certain physical type.

It is quite obvious that the study of the physical type of the African population must be based on a systematic and massive study of the population, since only observations carried out on a large scale can provide firm grounds for conclusions. This is a matter for the future. So far we have very insufficient data. There is no doubt, however, that there is no single Negro type. Researchers who have been more involved in the classification of the Negroid race than others have tried to establish the following types. In the region of Western Sudan, in its steppe part, there are three groups, namely: Senegalese (type: Wolof), Nigerian (type: Mandingo), Chadian (type: Hausa); in the region of Central Sudan - two groups: Saharan (type: Sara), Nile (type: Dinka); in the region of Upper Guinea and Western Tropical Africa, the Congo Basin and Ogowe - forest type; in the region of East and South-East Africa - the Kaffir type.

This classification is the result of the only attempt to date to establish the presence various types within the Negroid anthropological group and cannot be considered generally accepted. In any case, we have to assume that this group includes several anthropological types: Sudanese, East African, etc., which have yet to be defined. Among them, the Nilotic type stands out sharply.

The peoples living at the sources and in the upper and middle reaches of the Nile (Dinka, Shilluk, Nuer and many others) differ from the peoples of Eastern and Central Sudan by their exceptionally tall stature, very dark skin color, mild prognathism and a narrower nose. All researchers unanimously note the exceptional height, which in some groups averages 182 cm, and in some individuals reaches two or more meters. Many peoples living in the Great Lakes region retain undoubted features of the Nilotic type. They are distinguished by their tall stature (about 180 cm), narrow face and narrow nose. These types are found especially often among the Barundi, Bahima and some others. The Nilotic type is characterized by a very dark skin color. Apparently this is the most darkly pigmented anthropological type in all globe. Pigment spots are found among Nilotes on the mucous membrane of the mouth and on the tongue. According to the cephalic index, Nilotes are extremely dolichocephalic (71-74). The southeastern and northern neighbors of the Nilotes (Nubians Barabra, Barea, Kunama, etc.) are distinguished by slightly less dark skin color, shorter stature (169-174 cm), less dolichocephaly (head index 73-75) and less curly hair. They can be classified as representatives of the Ethiopian anthropological group.

Millions of people live on our planet. Each has its own characteristics and original appearance. All people can be roughly divided into races. In this case, these groups will differ in basic characteristics, i.e., skin color, eyes, hair. Such differences are passed on from parents to children. They can change, but this process is very complex and lengthy.

The emergence of racial characteristics

Today there are only a few races. This is the Negroid race. They are the most numerous at present. In ancient times, their number was tens of times greater.

The question of the emergence of races is akin to the question “where did people come from?” Despite the achievements of science, these topics still remain relevant and not fully understood. Many scientists are inclined to believe that the division into races occurred under the influence climatic conditions. The peoples who once inhabited the continents were exposed to various external factors. For example, dark skin color among residents of hot countries appeared as a result of constant exposure to the sun. The specific shape of the eyes of the Mongoloids protected them from the steppe wind and sand.

These changes were felt most by the Negroid race. It is believed that the features appearance entrenched at the very beginning of the existence of its representatives. They originally lived on the African continent. Other peoples could not penetrate these territories. They were hampered by vast distances, seas, oceans and mountain ranges. All this made possible the emergence of obvious differences between people.

Negroid race: signs

Representatives of this race are distinguished by dark skin (brown or black), slender figure, long legs, curly dark hair, wide lips and nose, and dark eyes. The Negroid race is divided into African and Oceanic (Papuans, Australians, Vedas, Melanesians). In the first case, people have virtually no facial hair. In the second case, the beard and mustache grow abundantly.

Today, many blacks represent a significant portion of the American population. They are descendants of the blacks who inhabited these places after the discovery of the continents.


Until some time ago, every nation was dominated by representatives of some race. Nowadays one can observe their mixing. For example, representatives of all races can live in one country. In addition, such mixing often results in the emergence of new racial types. For example, Russians are representatives of the Caucasian race. However, among them there are very often people with narrow eyes and wide cheekbones. These are the consequences associated with mixing with

The Negroid race spread across all continents. As a result, Europeans developed very and Because of this mixing, mulattoes appeared, of which there are many on the American continent and Australia. Some peoples of America are mestizos. They inherited the features of both the Caucasian and Mongoloid races.

The emergence of new subspecies of races is still possible today. IN modern world people have the opportunity to move any distance, to any point on the planet. This provides an excellent opportunity to create a new, unique appearance for a person.

) the race is characterized by very dark skin, hair and eyes, curly hair, an elongated body with elongated limbs. Representatives of this race are characterized by wide eyes, a wide flat nose, thick lips, narrow hands and feet. They have developed prognathism (jaws protruding forward), the lower jaw lacks a chin protrusion, and their beard and mustache grow poorly. Among Negroids, there is quite a large phenotypic diversity; there are several racially transitional types (Ethiopian, Malagasy).

Historically, the Negroid population lived on the African continent south of the Sahara (Tropical Africa). Subsequently, as a result of the slave trade, a large number of inhabitants of Tropical Africa were exported to the countries of the Arab East, and in the 17th-19th centuries. there was a massive export of slaves from the Atlantic coast to the North and South America. As a result, to date the Negroid population makes up the majority of the population of the islands of the West Indies (Jamaica, Bahamas, Haiti, Trinidad, Barbados, Grenada, Martinique, Guadeloupe, etc.) and a significant part (more than 10%) of the inhabitants of the USA, Cuba, Brazil, Panama and several other Latin American countries. Among the most populous countries with a predominant black population are Nigeria, Ethiopia, Congo, Tanzania, and South Africa. The total number of representatives of the large Negroid race in the world is about 1 billion people (15% of the Earth's population).

As in other big human races, in the Negroid there is significant internal variability. The main types (small races) of the large Negroid race are:

Sudanese (Guinean)- common in states West Africa sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, Mali, Ghana, Guinea, Senegal, Ivory Coast

  • Western Bantoid - peoples language group Bantu living in Congo, Angola, Gabon and other Central African countries;
  • eastern banthoid - typical for inhabitants of savanna woodlands of Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe;
  • South African - population of Namibia, South Africa, Botswana;
  • pilot - population of South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda.

This is interesting!

If the Nilotic tribes are the tallest people on Earth (the average height in their population exceeds 180 cm), then the pygmies of the equatorial forests of the Congo River basin are not only a separate racial type of the Negroid race, but also the shortest inhabitants of the planet. The average height of adult pygmies does not exceed 144-150 cm.

Certain types of the large Negroid race include Ethiopians 1 and Malagasy (Malagasy). If the first racial type is transitional from Negroid to Caucasoid, then the population of Madagascar has many Mongoloid features, which is due to the participation of immigrants from the territory of modern Indonesia in the settlement of the island in ancient times.

The most controversial is the inclusion of the Khoisan peoples in the Negroid race. The arid regions and deserts of Namibia, Botswana and South Africa are home to very distinctive groups of people who amazed those who arrived here in the 17th century. Europeans with their appearance and clicking tongue. This Bushmen, Hottentots And mountain damara. The number of special characteristics among representatives of these peoples is so great that they are often classified as a special large race - Khoisan

People of the Khoisan race are short in stature, have a rather flat face with a small lower jaw, making the face look almost triangular. They have short, spirally curled hair that is tangled on the head into small tufts, although the length of the hair is longer than that of neighboring Negroid peoples. The nose of the Bushmen and Hotentots, in comparison with the Negroids, is narrow, the bridge of the nose is very flat. Special signs are increased and early wrinkling of the skin, a peculiar pattern of the auricle, with geatopygia in women, pronounced lumbar lordosis, etc. Signs such as epicanthus and relatively light yellowish-brown skin color resemble the Mongoloid racial type. However, this similarity is very superficial, and the anthropological type of the Khoisan peoples, judging by the paleoanthropological remains, originally developed in Africa. Moreover, earlier it was distributed much further to the north, but already in historical time Bantu-speaking Negroid groups drove the Bushmen and Hotentots into the arid regions of southern Africa.

Modern research in the field of inheritance on the Y chromosome has established that among the Bushmen the original (characteristic of the first people) genotype (haplotype A1) has been preserved, indicating that, perhaps, the first representatives of the genus Homo sapiens belonged precisely to this anthropological type. Some features of the Khoisan race were preserved in a number of other regions of Africa (East Africa, Tunisia, Algeria), which confirms the version of it as an ancient population of the African continent. The total number of representatives of the Khoisan race in the world today does not exceed several hundred thousand people.

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