Technological Institute of Food Industry. Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry Kemerovo Food Institute

KemTIPP traces its history back to 1972.

The initiator of the opening of the new university was A. Eshtokin (1st Secretary of the Kemerovo Regional Committee of the CPSU). Justifying the feasibility of opening a technological institute in the Kemerovo region, he noted that since the second half of the 1960s, the light and food industries have been developing quite quickly in the region: the volume of production of consumer goods increased from 650 million rubles in 1965 to 1025 million rubles in 1970 However, the activities of existing enterprises and the commissioning of new production facilities were difficult due to the lack of specialists with higher education. Thus, in food industry enterprises there are only 8 engineers per 1000 employees (for example, in ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry enterprises - 39 and 38 people, respectively). Therefore, a university where one could obtain a qualification as a food industry engineer was necessary for Kuzbass.

At the time of the opening of the institute there were three faculties: mechanical, technological, evening and distance learning. The Faculty of Mechanics began training engineers in two specialties: “Machines and apparatus for food production”, “Refrigeration machines and compressor units”. At the Faculty of Technology, 5 specialties were opened: “Technology of bakery, pasta and confectionery production”, “Technology of meat and meat products”, “Technology of milk and dairy products”, “Technology of fermentation production” and “Technology of organization Catering».

In the early years, the institute received a lot of help from central universities. Teachers who completed graduate studies at the Moscow Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry, the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry, and the Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry came to work at KemTIPP. In March 1974, 18 departments were already organized and permission from the ministry was received to open 4 more departments. In 1976, KemTIPP already had 30 departments, 7 of which were graduate departments.

In June 1977, the defense took place diploma projects the first graduates of our institute. The chairmen of the State Examination Committee were the most famous specialists in the Kuzbass food industry. As a result, 294 food and meat and dairy industry engineers in the first graduating class received a start in life. The first graduation of specialists was an important stage in the development of the institute. KemTIPP successfully passed the path from the first admission of applicants to the first graduation of specialists - it was a kind of exam for the entire staff of the institute. As the institute developed, the number of graduates increased.

Changes in the socio-political situation in the country also entailed changes in the organization of KemTIPP activities. New specialties were opened at the university. In 1982, enrollment began in the specialty “Fat Technology”, in 1985 - “Automation of Production Processes and Automated Control Systems”, in 1988 - “Economics and Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex”.

During the restructuring of the university in the 1980s. they started talking about a closer connection between education, production and science. To implement these ideas, a program of targeted intensive training of specialists was developed. In January 1989, the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR issued a decree on the implementation of this program in the universities of the republic, which included our institute. KemTIPP entered into agreements with the Tomskmolagroprom production association, Barnaul Dairy Plant, Zarinsky Cheese-Making Plant, Kemerovo Dairy Plant and Meat Processing Plant. The agreements provided for targeted intensive training of mechanical and process engineers for the named enterprises.

The graduating departments of the university organized branches at enterprises of the relevant industries, where classes on educational and research work, laboratory, practical classes, industrial practice were held, and diploma projects were defended.

From year to year, the quality and volume of published educational literature is improving and increasing. Thus, since 1999, the number of textbooks published by KemTIPP with the stamps of various ministries and departments (i.e., approved for use in all universities) has increased from one publication per year (1991-1998) to seven.

An important stage in the development of the university was the introduction of a multi-stage education system aimed at graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions, whose continuous professional training involves the sequential completion of three stages of training: skilled worker, technician, engineer.

To organize training according to a multi-stage scheme, the Center for Continuing Education was created at the institute on June 28, 1990 vocational training specialists. The center included the faculty of multi-stage training, as well as educational institutions (lyceums and technical schools) that are not departments of the university - associated members of the center. In 1994, the Secondary Technical Faculty became part of the Center for Continuous Professional Training: on the basis of an order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education, the Kemerovo Mechanical and Technological College was reorganized into a structural unit of KemTIPP as a Secondary Technical Faculty.

Also since the early 1990s. in KemTIPP in the areas of “Food Technology”, “ Technological machines and equipment”, “Economics”, training of bachelors and masters began. For this purpose, the Faculty of Multilevel Training was opened in 1992.

KemTIPP today


Over the years of its existence, KemTIPP has grown into a multidisciplinary educational complex, providing high-quality training for specialists in a number of technical, technological, economic and managerial specialties.

Today it is a leading center for training personnel for food processing enterprises and a number of other industries in Siberia, Far East, Urals and CIS countries. KemTIPP confirms its status as one of the best higher educational institutions in Kuzbass at the Russian level, occupying worthy places in the rankings of universities in the country.


The university has an impressive staff. The number of teachers is 450 people, including about 70% with degrees and titles.

Of the professors working at the institute, 13 are members of the Russian social and professional academies and a number of international academies. Among the teachers are honored figures of science and technology of the Russian Federation, as well as other fields of activity. In addition, there are those awarded the “Honorary Worker” badges higher education", "Honorary Chemist", "Honorary Worker of the Higher vocational education».

Material base

The material base of KemTIPP is constantly increasing and improving. Currently, the university has an extensive fleet of the latest computer equipment, 5 academic buildings, scientific and technical library, canteen, cafe, sports complex, 4 student dormitories with comfortable hotel-type rooms. In one of the dormitories there is an interuniversity sanatorium-preventorium “Yunost”.


When training specialists, KemTIPP pays great attention to organizing all kinds of practices. To undergo practical training, students travel to enterprises in the Siberian region, as well as beyond its borders, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  • Department of Technology of Food Products from Plant Raw Materials
  • Department of Technology and Catering Organization
  • Department of Animal Food Technology
  • Areas of training

      Bachelor's degree
    • 03/19/01 Biotechnology

      profile "Food biotechnology"

    • 19.03.02 Food products from plant materials
      • Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta
      • Fermentation technology and winemaking
      • Technology of canned food and food concentrates
      • Technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products
    • 03/19/03 Food products of animal origin
      • Technology of meat and meat products
      • Technology of milk and dairy products
    • 03/19/04 Product technology and catering organization
      • Technology for organizing the production of public catering products
      • Technology and organization of restaurant service
      Master's degree
    • 04/19/01 Biotechnology

      program “Technology, quality and safety of biotechnological products for the food industry, technology and project management”

    • 04/19/02 Food products from plant materials
      • Modern technologies bakery, confectionery and pasta products
      • Engineering and safety of beverages, food concentrates and canned products
    • 04/19/03 Food products of animal origin

      program “Competitive technologies for meat and dairy products”

    • 04/19/04 Product technology and catering organization

      program “Innovative management of food industry enterprises”

    About the Institute

    The Technological Institute of Food Industry was founded in 1980 year from two faculties: the Faculty of Technology of Meat and Meat Products and the Faculty of Food Production.

      The following main directions are being implemented by teachers and staff of the institute: scientific research:
    • creation of new types of products, including functional ones, using microbiological synthesis, biocatalysis, genetic engineering and nanobiotechnologies;
    • development modern methods to increase the efficiency of use of raw materials, introduce waste-free and low-waste technologies for processing raw materials;
    • improvement of technological processes in order to obtain food additives, new enzyme preparations and biologically active substances

    A significant place in research is occupied by the problems of using local and non-traditional raw materials in various sectors of the food industry; theoretical research in the field of primary stages of photosynthesis, magnetic and spin effects in chemical reactions and theoretical issues of magnetic resonance.

    For future young specialists, scientists from Europe and neighboring countries give lectures on the topics of the main areas of scientific research conducted at the institute.

    The departments of the institute work in close contact with industry research institutes and educational institutions of the relevant profile.

    The research work of students begins in the junior years and actively continues in the graduating departments. Every year, about 20% of students complete final qualifying research papers, which are recommended by the state examination commission for publication and implementation.

    The educational process at the institute is constantly being improved. In addition to traditional lectures, laboratory and practical classes are carried out business games, elements of game and problem-based learning are introduced with the solution of situational problems. This allows you to quickly adapt to your future workplace.

      The institute operates schools:
    • “School of Confectionery Art and Design”, where students receive professional skills in working with various confectionery masses, artistic decoration when decorating cakes and pastries;
    • MIP "School of Restaurant Business", which allows students to improve their qualifications and gain practical skills in organizing the restaurant business.

    Teachers and staff of the institute maintain constant business contacts with food enterprises various forms property of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East to provide advisory assistance, conduct seminars, etc. This expands the opportunities for practical training and further employment of graduates of the faculty.

    Upon completion of training, graduates can work at various food processing enterprises and workshops of all forms of ownership; V research and regulatory organizations.

    The knowledge gained enables graduates to work as a technologist, head of a production laboratory, or production manager in both large and small enterprises. The knowledge gained allowed many graduates to open their own small businesses.

    Graduates who want to engage in science and have shown significant success in their studies and research activities, after graduating from the master's program, have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

    Legal address

    650056, Kemerovo, br. Stroiteley, 47

    Website Coordinates: 55°20′06″ n. w. /  86°10′16″ E. d. / 55.335; 86.171 55.335° N. w. 86.171° E. d.(G) (I)

    K:Educational institutions founded in 1972 Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry (University) (KemTIPP)

    - higher educational institution Kemerovo. Founded in 1972. It is a center for training personnel for food processing enterprises and a number of other industries in Siberia, the Far East, the Urals and the CIS countries.

    General information

    From the history of the creation of the university

    KemTIPP was founded in 1972; in just 4 years, 30 departments were formed at the institute (7 of them were graduate departments).

    In 1974, construction of the main building began, construction of the building on Krasnoarmeyskaya was underway.

    In 1977, the first defense of diploma projects of KemTIPP graduates took place, as a result of which 294 engineers of the food and meat and dairy industry received a start in life. In the 1980s - early 1990s, work was actively carried out to create branches of departments of scientific and scientific research and development, promoting the connection between theory, science and real life production, which made it possible to combine interests educational process

    with scientific and production activities. In 2002, the institute acquired the title of laureate “ Golden medal

    “European quality” in the category “100 best universities in Russia”. In 2011, KemTIPP won the grant “Support for the strategic development of state educational institutions

    higher professional education." In 2012, the institute received support under international program

    European Union Tempus. KemTIPP also becomes a member of the European Association for the Integration of Food Sciences and Engineering Knowledge in the Food Chain ISEKI Food.

    Current state of the institute

    Currently, about ten thousand students are studying at the institute.

    In the future, within the framework of the Kuzbass higher education program until 2020, it is planned to create a regional flagship university on the basis of KemTIPP and KemSU.

    • Rectors
    • Razgildeev, Gennady Innokentievich (1975 - 1978)
    • Aret, Valdur Aulisovich (1978 - 1987)
    • Kozhevnikov, Albert Ivanovich (1987 - 1993)
    • Yustratov, Vladimir Petrovich (1993 - 2012)
    • Prosekov, Alexander Yurievich (2012 - January 2016)
    • Kirsanov, Mikhail Pavlovich (since January 2016 (as acting))



    As of 2016, the institute has 8 faculties and 33 departments:

    Faculty of Additional Professional Education (FDPE)

    Dean: Popov Anatoly Mikhailovich(Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor)

    Correspondence Faculty (ZF)

    Year of formation: 1972

    Dean: Korotky Igor Alekseevich(Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor)

    Faculty of Master's and Postgraduate Studies (FMiA)

    Year of formation: 2014 (Based on the Faculty of Multilevel Training and the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies)

    Dean: Kozlova Oksana Vasilievna(candidate of technical sciences, associate professor)

    Faculty of Mechanics (MF)

    Year of formation: 1972

    Dean: Maitakov Anatoly Leonidovich(candidate of technical sciences, associate professor)

    • Automation of production processes and automated control systems
    • Life safety
    • Higher mathematics
    • Machines and apparatus for food production
    • Applied mathematics and computer science
    • applied mechanics
    • Heating and cooling technology
    • Technological design of food production

    Faculty of Multistage Professional Training of Specialists (FMPPS)

    Dean: Kiteleva Olga Mikhailovna(Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor)

    Secondary Technical Faculty (STF)

    Year of formation: 1994 (based on the Kemerovo Mechanical and Technological College)

    Dean: Vozhdaeva Lidiya Ivanovna(candidate of technical sciences, associate professor)

    • Mathematical and natural science disciplines
    • General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines
    • Technology of catering products
    • Food technology
    • Technological and refrigeration equipment
    • Branch of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit

    Faculty of Technology (TF)

    Year of formation: 1980 (based on the Faculty of Food Production and the Faculty of Meat and Meat Products Technology)

    Dean: Kiseleva Tatyana Fedorovna(Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor)

    • Foreign languages
    • General and inorganic chemistry
    • Fermentation and canning technology
    • Fat technology, biochemistry and microbiology
    • Technology of milk and dairy products
    • Technology of meat and meat products
    • Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta
    • Physics
    • Physical education

    Faculty of Economics (EF)

    Dean: Miroshnik Vladimir Alexandrovich(candidate of historical sciences, associate professor)

    • Analytical Chemistry and Ecology
    • Biotechnology
    • Accounting, analysis and audit
    • Russian history
    • Marketing
    • Organization and economics of food industry enterprises
    • Technology and organization of public catering
    • Merchandising and quality management
    • Philosophy and political science
    • Economics and Management


    Regional representative offices of KemTIPP

    • Altai College of Industrial Technologies and Business (Biysk, Sovetskaya St., 219/5)
    • Altai Mechanical and Technological College (Altaiskoe village, Sovetskaya st., 189)
    • KemTIPP Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk, Planirovochnaya St., 5)
    • Mariinsky Forestry College (Mariinsk, Kotovsky St., 19)
    • Educational school No. 9 (Tashtagol, Pospelova str. 4)
    • Omsk College of Meat and Dairy Industry (Omsk, Solnechnaya St., 25)
    • Vocational school No. 2 (Prokopyevsk, Shakhterov Ave., 8)
    • Vocational school No. 15 (Strezhevoy, Kommunalnaya str., 40)
    • Vocational school No. 17 (Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Tekstilshchikov Ave., 4)
    • Vocational school No. 62 (Mezhdurechensk, st. 50 let Komsomol 11)
    • Vocational school No. 86 (Belovo, Morozova St., 5)
    • Sverdlovsk Regional Vocational Agro-Industrial School (Ekaterinburg, Eskadronnaya St., 4)
    • Seversk State Technological Institute (Seversk, Kommunistichesky Ave., 65)
    • Siberian Research and Design and Technological Institute for Processing Agricultural Products, SibNIPTIP (Krasnoobsk village)
    • Tomsk Technical and Economic Lyceum No. 1 (Tomsk, Belentsa St., 11)
    • Zlatoust, st. Kovshova, 7)
    • Trade and Economic College (Kurgan, Alekseeva St., 11)
    • Trade and Economic College (Novokuznetsk, Kutuzova St., 84)
    • Tyazhinsky Professional Lyceum No. 79 (Tyazhinsky)
    • Khakass national boarding school named after. N. F. Katanova (Abakan, Krylov St., 35)
    • Shymkent secondary school No. 30 named after Oraz Zhandosov (Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Pshenichnykh St. 32)
    • Yurga Technological College (Yurga, Zavodskaya str., 18)

    The science

    • D 212.809.01
      • 05.18.04 – Technology of meat, dairy and fish products and refrigeration production
    • D 212.089.02
      • 05.18.15 - Technology and merchandising of food products and functional and specialized purposes and public catering
      • 05.18.12 - Processes and apparatus of food production (technical sciences)

    student life

    The institute has a student newspaper “Sobytie”, a KVN team “Cambridge” (KemTIPP team), which played in the semi-finals of the KVN Major League, a joint student council, a student club, and student teams. The concert program of the “Student Spring” of KemTIPP (directed by L.S. Bulova) repeatedly took first place at the regional festival “Student Spring” in Kuzbass in 2008, 2010 and 2011.

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    An excerpt characterizing the Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry (university)

    With happy, exhausted faces, the living, seasoned wolf was loaded onto a darting and snorting horse and, accompanied by dogs squealing at him, was taken to the place where everyone was supposed to gather. Two young ones were taken by hounds and three by greyhounds. The hunters arrived with their prey and stories, and everyone came up to look at the seasoned wolf, who, hanging his forehead with a bitten stick in his mouth, looked at this whole crowd of dogs and people surrounding him with large, glassy eyes. When they touched him, he trembled with his bound legs, wildly and at the same time simply looked at everyone. Count Ilya Andreich also drove up and touched the wolf.
    “Oh, what a swear word,” he said. - Seasoned, huh? – he asked Danila, who was standing next to him.
    “He’s seasoned, your Excellency,” answered Danila, hastily taking off his hat.
    The Count remembered his missed wolf and his encounter with Danila.
    “However, brother, you are angry,” said the count. – Danila said nothing and only smiled shyly, a childishly meek and pleasant smile.

    The old count went home; Natasha and Petya promised to come right away. The hunt went on, as it was still early. In the middle of the day, the hounds were released into a ravine overgrown with young, dense forest. Nikolai, standing in the stubble, saw all his hunters.
    Opposite from Nikolai there were green fields and there stood his hunter, alone in a hole behind a prominent hazel bush. They had just brought in the hounds when Nikolai heard the rare rutting of a dog he knew, Volthorne; other dogs joined him, then falling silent, then starting to chase again. A minute later, a voice was heard from the island calling for a fox, and the whole flock, falling down, drove along the screwdriver, towards the greenery, away from Nikolai.
    He saw horse-dwellers in red hats galloping along the edges of an overgrown ravine, he even saw dogs, and every second he expected a fox to appear on the other side, in the greenery.
    The hunter standing in the hole moved and released the dogs, and Nikolai saw a red, low, strange fox, which, fluffing its pipe, hurriedly rushed through the greenery. The dogs began to sing to her. As they approached, the fox began to wag in circles between them, making these circles more and more often and circling its fluffy pipe (tail) around itself; and then someone’s white dog flew in, followed by a black one, and everything got mixed up, and the dogs became a star, with their butts apart, slightly hesitating. Two hunters galloped up to the dogs: one in a red hat, the other, a stranger, in a green caftan.
    "What it is? thought Nikolai. Where did this hunter come from? This is not my uncle’s.”
    The hunters fought off the fox and stood on foot for a long time, without rushing. Near them on chumburs stood horses with their saddles and dogs lay. The hunters waved their hands and did something with the fox. From there the sound of a horn was heard - the agreed signal of a fight.
    “It’s the Ilaginsky hunter who is rebelling with our Ivan,” said the eager Nikolai.
    Nikolai sent the groom to call his sister and Petya to him and walked at a walk to the place where the riders were collecting the hounds. Several hunters galloped to the scene of the fight.
    Nikolai got off his horse and stopped next to the hounds with Natasha and Petya riding up, waiting for information about how the matter would end. A fighting hunter with a fox in torokas rode out from behind the edge of the forest and approached the young master. He took off his hat from afar and tried to speak respectfully; but he was pale, out of breath, and his face was angry. One of his eyes was black, but he probably didn’t know it.
    -What did you have there? – Nikolai asked.
    - Of course, he will poison from under our hounds! And my mousey bitch caught it. Go and sue! Enough for the fox! I'll give him a ride as a fox. Here she is, in Toroki. Do you want this?...” said the hunter, pointing to the dagger and probably imagining that he was still talking to his enemy.
    Nikolai, without talking to the hunter, asked his sister and Petya to wait for him and went to the place where this hostile Ilaginskaya hunt was.
    The victorious hunter rode into the crowd of hunters and there, surrounded by sympathetic curious people, told his exploit.
    The fact was that Ilagin, with whom the Rostovs were in a quarrel and trial, was hunting in places that, according to custom, belonged to the Rostovs, and now, as if on purpose, he ordered to drive up to the island where the Rostovs were hunting, and allowed him to poison his hunter from under other people’s hounds.
    Nikolai never saw Ilagin, but as always, in his judgments and feelings, not knowing the middle, according to rumors about the violence and willfulness of this landowner, he hated him with all his soul and considered him his worst enemy. He now rode towards him, embittered and agitated, tightly clutching the arapnik in his hand, in full readiness for the most decisive and dangerous actions against his enemy.
    As soon as he left the ledge of the forest, he saw a fat gentleman in a beaver cap on a beautiful black horse, accompanied by two stirrups, moving towards him.
    Instead of an enemy, Nikolai found in Ilagin a personable, courteous gentleman, who especially wanted to get to know the young count. Having approached Rostov, Ilagin lifted his beaver cap and said that he was very sorry for what happened; that he orders to punish the hunter who allowed himself to be poisoned by other people's dogs, asks the count to be acquainted and offers him his places for hunting.
    Natasha, afraid that her brother would do something terrible, rode not far behind him in excitement. Seeing that the enemies were bowing in a friendly manner, she drove up to them. Ilagin raised his beaver cap even higher in front of Natasha and, smiling pleasantly, said that the Countess represented Diana both by her passion for hunting and by her beauty, about which he had heard a lot.
    Ilagin, in order to make amends for the guilt of his hunter, urgently asked Rostov to go to his eel, which was a mile away, which he kept for himself and in which, according to him, there were hares. Nikolai agreed, and the hunt, having doubled in size, moved on.
    It was necessary to walk to the Ilaginsky eel through fields. The hunters straightened out. The gentlemen rode together. Uncle, Rostov, Ilagin secretly glanced at other people's dogs, trying so that others would not notice, and anxiously looked for rivals for their dogs among these dogs.
    Rostov was especially struck by her beauty by a small pure-dog, narrow, but with steel muscles, a thin muzzle and bulging black eyes, a red-spotted bitch in Ilagin’s pack. He had heard about the agility of the Ilagin dogs, and in this beautiful bitch he saw his Milka’s rival.
    In the middle of a sedate conversation about this year's harvest, which Ilagin started, Nikolai pointed out to him his red-skewed bitch.
    - This bitch is good! – he said in a casual tone. - Rezva?
    - This? Yes, this is a good dog, it catches,” Ilagin said in an indifferent voice about his red-spotted Erza, for which a year ago he gave his neighbor three families of servants. “So you, Count, don’t boast about threshing?” – he continued the conversation he had started. And considering it polite to repay the young count in kind, Ilagin examined his dogs and chose Milka, who caught his eye with her width.
    - This black-spotted one is good - okay! - he said.
    “Yes, nothing, he’s jumping,” answered Nikolai. “If only a seasoned hare ran into the field, I would show you what kind of dog this is!” he thought, and turning to the stirrup man said that he would give a ruble to anyone who suspected, that is, found a lying hare.
    “I don’t understand,” Ilagin continued, “how other hunters are envious of the beast and the dogs.” I'll tell you about myself, Count. It makes me happy, you know, to take a ride; Now you’ll get together with such a company... what’s better (he again took off his beaver cap in front of Natasha); and this is to count the skins, how many I brought - I don’t care!
    - Well, yes.
    - Or so that I would be offended that someone else’s dog catches it, and not mine - I just want to admire the baiting, right, Count? Then I judge...
    “Atu - him,” a drawn-out cry was heard at that time from one of the stopped Greyhounds. He stood on a half-mound of stubble, raising his arapnik, and once again repeated in a drawn-out manner: “A—tu—him!” (This sound and the raised arapnik meant that he saw a hare lying in front of him.)
    “Oh, I suspected it,” Ilagin said casually. - Well, let's poison him, Count!
    - Yes, we need to drive up... yes - well, together? - Nikolai answered, peering at Erza and the red Scolding uncle, two of his rivals with whom he had never managed to match his dogs. “Well, they’ll cut my Milka out of my ears!” he thought, moving towards the hare next to his uncle and Ilagin.
    - Seasoned? - Ilagin asked, moving towards the suspicious hunter, and not without excitement, looking around and whistling to Erza...
    - And you, Mikhail Nikanorych? - he turned to his uncle.
    The uncle rode frowning.
    - Why should I meddle, because yours are pure marching! - in the village they pay for the dog, your thousands. You try on yours, and I’ll take a look!
    - Scold! On, on,” he shouted. - Swearing! - he added, involuntarily using this diminutive to express his tenderness and hope placed in this red dog. Natasha saw and felt the excitement hidden by these two old men and her brother and was worried herself.
    The hunter stood on the half-hill with a raised arapnik, the gentlemen approached him at a step; the hounds, walking on the very horizon, turned away from the hare; the hunters, not the gentlemen, also drove away. Everything moved slowly and sedately.
    -Where is your head lying? - Nikolai asked, approaching a hundred paces towards the suspicious hunter. But before the hunter had time to answer, the hare, sensing the frost by tomorrow morning, could not stand still and jumped up. A pack of hounds on bows, with a roar, rushed downhill after the hare; from all sides the greyhounds, who were not in the pack, rushed at the hounds and the hare. All these slowly moving hunters are screaming: stop! knocking down the dogs, the greyhounds shout: atu! guiding the dogs, they galloped across the field. Calm Ilagin, Nikolai, Natasha and uncle flew, not knowing how or where, seeing only dogs and a hare, and only fearing to lose sight of the course of the persecution even for a moment. The hare was seasoned and playful. Jumping up, he did not immediately gallop, but moved his ears, listening to the screaming and stomping that suddenly came from all sides. He jumped ten times slowly, allowing the dogs to approach him, and finally, having chosen the direction and realizing the danger, he put his ears to the ground and rushed at full speed. He was lying on the stubble, but in front there were green fields through which it was muddy. The two dogs of the suspicious hunter, who were closest, were the first to look and lay after the hare; but they had not yet moved far towards him, when the Ilaginskaya red-spotted Erza flew out from behind them, approached a dog's distance, with terrible speed attacked, aiming at the hare's tail and thinking that she had grabbed it, rolled head over heels. The hare arched his back and kicked even harder. Wide-bottomed, black-spotted Milka came out from behind Erza and quickly began to sing to the hare.

    Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry
    International name

    Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology


    Technology of success

    Year of foundation



    Prosekov, Alexander Yurievich



    Legal address

    650000, Kemerovo, br. Stroiteley, 47


    Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry (KemTIPP)- higher educational institution Kemerovo. Founded in 1972. The initiator of the opening of the new university was A. Eshtokin (1st Secretary of the Kemerovo Regional Committee of the CPSU).

    It is a center for training personnel for food processing enterprises and a number of other industries in Siberia, the Far East, the Urals and the CIS countries.

    The number of teachers is 450 people, including about 70% with degrees and titles. Of the professors working at the institute, 13 are members of Russian social and professional academies; There are those awarded with the badges “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education”, “Honorary Chemist”.

    - higher educational institution Kemerovo. Founded in 1972. It is a center for training personnel for food processing enterprises and a number of other industries in Siberia, the Far East, the Urals and the CIS countries.

    First building of KemTIPP


    • Rector - Prosekov, Alexander Yurievich, doctor technical sciences, professor, laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology, head of the department of "Bionanotechnology"
    • Vice-Rector for educational work- Kirsanov, Mikhail Pavlovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
    • Vice-rector for scientific and innovative work - Popov, Anatoly Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
    • Vice-Rector for Economics and social issues- Maslennikov, Pavel Vasilievich, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Management.
    • Vice-rector for administrative and economic work - Frolov, Sergey Vladimirovich.

    Faculties and departments


    • Automation of production processes and automated control systems
    • Life safety
    • Higher mathematics
    • Machines and apparatus for food production
    • Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
    • Applied mathematics and computer science
    • applied mechanics
    • Food production processes and apparatus
    • Theoretical mechanics and theory of mechanisms and machines
    • Heating and cooling technology
    • Technology of metals, food and refrigeration engineering
    • Technical Mechanics and Packaging Technologies


    • General and inorganic chemistry
    • Organic chemistry
    • Fermentation and canning technology
    • Fat technology, biochemistry and microbiology
    • Technology of milk and dairy products
    • Technology of meat and meat products
    • Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta
    • Physics
    • Physcolloid chemistry
    • General electrical engineering and electrical equipment
    • Foreign languages
    • Physical education


    • Analytical Chemistry and Ecology
    • Biotechnology, Commodity Science and Quality Management
    • Accounting, analysis and audit
    • Russian history
    • Marketing
    • Organization and economics of food industry enterprises
    • Technology and organization of public catering
    • Economics and Management
    • Philosophy and political science
    • Economics, accounting and analysis
    • Economic theory

    Multi-level training

    • Food of animal origin
    • Commodity research
    • Quality control
    • Biotechnology

    Multi-stage professional training of specialists

    • Economy
    • Management
    • Product technology and catering organization
    • Refrigeration, cryogenic technology and life support systems
    • Technological machines and equipment
    • Plant-based food products
    • Food products of animal origin"

    Regional representative offices of KemTIPP

    • Khakass national boarding school named after. N. F. Kotonova (Abakan, Krylov St., 35)
    • Altai Mechanical and Technological College (Altaiskoe village, Sovetskaya st., 189)
    • Vocational school No. 86 (Belovo, Morozova St., 5)
    • Altai College of Industrial Technologies and Business (Biysk, Sovetskaya St., 219/5)
    • Sverdlovsk Regional Vocational Agro-Industrial School (Ekaterinburg, Eskadronnaya St., 4)
    • Zlatoust, st. Kovshova, 7)
    • Siberian Research and Design and Technological Institute for Processing Agricultural Products, SibNIPTIP (Krasnoobsk village)
    • Trade and Economic College (Kurgan, Alekseeva St., 11)
    • Vocational school No. 17 (Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Tekstilshchikov Ave., 4)
    • Mariinsky Forestry College (Mariinsk, Kotovsky St., 19)
    • Vocational school No. 62 (Mezhdurechensk, st. 50 let Komsomol 11)
    • Trade and Economic College (Novokuznetsk, Kutuzova St., 84)
    • KemTIPP Novosibirsk (Novosibirsk, Planirovochnaya St., 5)
    • Omsk College of Meat and Dairy Industry (Omsk, Solnechnaya St., 25)
    • Vocational school No. 2 (Prokopyevsk, Shakhterov Ave., 8)
    • Seversk State Technological Institute (Seversk, Kommunistichesky Ave., 65)
    • Vocational school No. 15 (Strezhevoy, Kommunalnaya str., 40)
    • Educational school No. 9 (Tashtagol, Pospelova str. 4)
    • Tomsk Technical and Economic Lyceum No. 1 (Tomsk, Belentsa St., 11)
    • Tyazhinsky Professional Lyceum No. 79 (Tyazhinsky)
    • Yurga Technological College (Yurga, Zavodskaya str., 18)

    student life

    KemTIPP has its own student newspaper “Event”, the KVN team “Cambridge” (KemTIPP team), a student club, a student council, and many socially significant projects. The concert program of “Student Spring” by KemTIPP (directed by L.S. Bulova) took first place at the regional festival “Student Spring” in Kuzbass in 2008, 2010 and 2011.

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