Severe consequences of stress: destruction of every part of the body. Interesting What does the impact on a person lead to?

Psychics do not divide magic into black or white. "Black magic" is a concept ordinary person. For a psychic, magic is a tool, like a knife. You can cut bread with a knife, and with the same knife you can kill a person, and this will not make the knife white or black.

With magic, everything happens about the same. It all depends on the internal limitations and ethics of the magician himself, who uses force for the benefit or harm of other people. Magic that causes harm is popularly called black. And people also have concepts: evil eye, damage, love spell, curse. Let's figure out what it is.

Types of external influence

Evil eye- unintentional damage to another person's aura. In transport or at work, you were shouted at, talked to someone too emotionally, etc. If at the same time you got a headache, stomach, throat, that is, damage to the aura, by the way, there are very severe forms of such unintentional damage.

Damage- deliberate harm to another person, with the performance of various magical spells and rituals.

Love spell- although this action is classified as love magic, for me, it is a special type of damage that changes the consciousness and karmic paths of another person. There are many varieties and side effects from such influence. Illnesses, insomnia, apathy, depression, and aggression towards loved ones appear.

Damn- severe damage that radically changes and destroys the structure of a person’s vital energy. A family curse is the same thing, only the magical inclusion occurs along the family line and affects relatives along a certain blood line. Often drawn from past incarnations. Damage, the evil eye, a curse, a love spell, and much more are called by psychics magical work or magical influence. The word “magical” means that a person did a “dirty trick” to another not with his own hands. He called upon certain spirits or forces of the subtle world, and agreed with them to perform this or that work. The laws are the same everywhere. The magician simply found specialists (spirits) who, for a certain fee, undertook to do what he wanted.

If the negative impact was produced by the person himself, then such an impact is called extrasensory. Typically, extrasensory (destructive) influence comes down to astral impacts of varying degrees of severity.

How to determine whether there is an outside influence on you or not?

Here are some accompanying signs:

  • If you often wake up for no reason between 3 and 5 in the morning and cannot fall asleep, this is an almost 100% sign that magical work is being done on you.
  • Suddenly there is a feeling of stiffness and pressure in the chest area - this usually indicates the penetration of energy that is alien to you into your aura; an attempt at magical or extrasensory influence.
  • The events of your life take on a sharply destructive character. You don't get enough sleep. You have nightmares or suddenly stop remembering your dreams altogether. Perhaps all this is caused precisely by magical influence.
  • Your habits have changed dramatically. The body reacts inadequately to alcohol. You started drinking a lot of water (tea, coffee). There is a persistent feeling of inner restlessness. You don't find a place for yourself. They began to lose weight sharply or, on the contrary, gain weight.
  • Unreasonable deterioration in health. Malaise, weakness, feeling of heaviness throughout the body. Deterioration of skin quality. Apathy, depression, severe headaches. No identified medical reasons.

Children and animals feel negative energy very well. Therefore, if neither one nor the other “loves” you or has sharply changed their attitude towards you (and other signs listed above are observed), then it is better to turn to a healer or psychic.

Signs negative impact many and often very difficult to diagnose. A person always subconsciously feels that something is wrong with his life, and the sooner action is taken, the less consequences there will be.

Many people think about the reasons - why do they do such work? As a rule, this is aimed at draining your energy, your potential for abundance, material wealth, luck, health, abilities, youth, years of life and many other useful and necessary things. It’s easier to “squeeze out” than to work on it.
For your information

Many “black magicians” use photographs posted by you to inflict damage and astral attacks. in social networks: “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, etc., they also find a lot of additional information they need, for example, a birthday.

Based on lectures by Andrey Gorodovoy

Complexes for safe and painless withdrawal symptoms

The first thing you should definitely do is call emergency services. If the patient has not yet lost consciousness, it is necessary to keep him in this state for as long as possible. Constantly talk to the drug addict, ask him various questions, repeat his name. If there is no response or breathing movements are weak, try shaking the person by the shoulders and lightly pinching his ear. If necessary, perform chest massage and artificial ventilation. Do not allow the victim to be left alone. If the person is unconscious and vomiting, turn them on their side to prevent suffocation from vomit entering the respiratory tract. If you have even the slightest suspicion of taking narcotic substances, make an appointment with a narcologist. Do not trust the promises of a drug addict, do not believe that the illicit substance is safe. Timely treatment at the “Narcologist at home 24/7” clinic will allow you to avoid moral and physical degradation of the individual.

What are the effects of radiation on humans?

Many years of experience have allowed doctors to obtain extensive information about the reaction of human tissue to radiation. This reaction turned out to be different for different organs and tissues, and the differences are very large. The magnitude of the dose, which determines the severity of the damage to the organism, depends on whether the body receives it at once or in several doses. Most organs manage to heal radiation damage to one degree or another and therefore tolerate a series of small doses better than the same total radiation dose received at one time. Of course, if the radiation dose is high enough, the exposed person will die. In any case, very large doses of radiation on the order of 100 Gy cause such severe damage to the central nervous system that death usually occurs within a few hours or days. At radiation doses ranging from 10 to 50 Gy for whole body irradiation, CNS damage may not be severe enough to lead to fatal outcome, however, the exposed person will likely still die within one to two weeks from bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. With even lower doses, serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract may not occur or the body can cope with it, and yet death can occur within one to two months from the moment of irradiation, mainly due to the destruction of red bone marrow cells, the main component of the body's hematopoietic system: From a dose of 3 - 5 Gy when the whole body is irradiated, approximately half of all irradiated people die. Thus, in this range of radiation doses, large doses differ from smaller ones only in that death occurs earlier in the first case, and later in the second. Of course, most often a person dies as a result of the simultaneous action of all these effects of radiation. Research in this area is necessary because the data obtained is needed to assess the consequences of nuclear war and the effects of high radiation doses during accidents of nuclear installations and devices. Red bone marrow and other elements of the hematopoietic system are most vulnerable to irradiation and lose the ability to function normally even at radiation doses of 0.5–1 Gy. Fortunately, they also have a remarkable ability to regenerate, and if the radiation dose is not so high as to cause damage to all cells, the hematopoietic system can fully restore its functions. If not the whole body, but some part of it, was irradiated, then the surviving brain cells are sufficient to completely replace the damaged cells. Reproductive organs and eyes are also highly sensitive to radiation. A single irradiation of the testes with a dose of only 0.1 Gy leads to temporary sterility in men, and doses of more than two grays can lead to permanent sterility: only after many years the testes will be able to produce full-fledged sperm again. Apparently the testes are the only exception to this general rule: The total radiation dose received in several doses is more, not less, dangerous for them than the same dose received in one dose. The ovaries are much less sensitive to the effects of radiation, at least in adult women. But a single dose > 3 Gy still leads to their sterility, although even higher doses with fractional irradiation do not in any way affect the ability to bear children. The most vulnerable part of the eye to radiation is the lens. Dead cells become opaque, and the proliferation of clouded areas leads first to cataracts and then to complete blindness. The higher the dose, the greater the loss of vision. Cloudy areas can form at radiation doses of 2 Gy or less. A more severe form of eye damage, progressive cataract, is observed at doses of about 5 Gy. It has been shown that even occupational radiation associated with a number of jobs is harmful to the eyes: doses from 0.5 to 2 Gy received over 10–20 years lead to an increase in the density and clouding of the lens. Children are also extremely sensitive to the effects of radiation. Relatively small doses when irradiating cartilage tissue can slow down or even stop bone growth, which leads to abnormalities in skeletal development. The younger the child is, the more bone growth is suppressed. A total dose of about 10 Gy received over several weeks with daily radiation is sufficient to cause some abnormalities of skeletal development. There appears to be no threshold effect for such radiation effects. It also turned out that irradiation of a child’s brain during radiation therapy can cause changes in his character, lead to memory loss, and in humans they can withstand much higher doses. The fetal brain is also extremely sensitive to radiation, especially if the mother is exposed to radiation between the eighth and fifteenth weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the fetus's cerebral cortex is developing, and there is a high risk that maternal radiation exposure (e.g. x-rays) a mentally retarded child will be born. This is exactly how approximately 30 children who were irradiated in utero during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered. Although the individual risk is great and the consequences particularly distressing, the number of women in this stage of pregnancy at any one time represents only a small proportion of the total population. This, however, is the most serious effect in terms of its consequences of all the known effects of irradiation of a human fetus, although after irradiation of fetuses and animal embryos during and in utero development, many other serious consequences were discovered, including malformations, underdevelopment and death. Most adult tissues are relatively little sensitive to the effects of radiation. The kidneys can withstand a total dose of about 23 Gy over five weeks without much harm, the liver at least 40 Gy in a month, the bladder at least 55 Gy in four weeks, and mature cartilage tissue up to 70 Gy. The lungs, an extremely complex organ, are much more vulnerable, and in the blood vessels, subtle but possibly significant changes can occur at relatively low doses. Of course, radiation at therapeutic doses, like any other radiation, can cause cancer in the future or lead to adverse genetic consequences. Radiation at therapeutic doses, however, is usually used to treat cancer when a person is terminally ill, and since the patients are on average quite elderly, the likelihood that they will have children is also relatively small. However, it is far from easy to assess how great this risk is at the much lower doses of radiation that people receive in their Everyday life both at work, and there are very different opinions among the public on this matter.

Our whole life consists of habits and various actions. A person carries them out on an unconscious level, without reflection. All human habits/predilections are divided into useful and harmful. If beneficial habits are formed gradually and improve human nature, then the formation of harmful ones more often occurs at a young age.

The desire to imitate, to look more mature and successful sometimes leads to sad consequences and deadly addictions. What is the impact of bad habits on human health and why are they dangerous? People become real slaves of formed addictions that harm not only them, but also the people around them.

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on a person’s life

Any human passion (positive or negative) is designed to satisfy the needs of the individual and bring pleasure. This is precisely what psychologists explain the speed of development of addiction and the duration of its impact. Experts classify all bad habits into the following categories:

  1. Illiterate nutrition.
  2. Addiction to drinking.
  3. Addiction to drugs.
  4. Nicotine addiction.
  5. Addictions of a psychological nature.

What is the impact of bad habits on the human body, and what consequences do these addictions lead to? This is what we will talk about in this article.

Unhealthy diet

The problem of illiterate food intake is large-scale and it is especially relevant today. According to statistics, about 90% of the population globe They eat illiterately, which greatly harms their own health.

What does unhealthy eating lead to?

The harmonious functioning of the body depends primarily on the products that make up a person’s daily diet.

What exactly harms the individual? What reasons exist that form an unhealthy habit? First of all, this:

  1. Love for sweets. What to expect from an organism that regularly receives sugar in large doses? Caries, destruction of tooth enamel, serious problems with the skin and cardiovascular system.
  2. Lots of salt. Excessively salty foods provoke problems in the functioning of the kidneys and also lead to degradation of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Fatty foods. Foods rich in carbohydrates are responsible for the development of gastritis and various types of obesity.

And those who like to eat a hearty meal before going to bed subsequently suffer from various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. At first glance, switching to a healthy diet does not seem difficult or impossible. But it is very difficult for people accustomed to such a menu to give up their addiction.

A healthy diet should be balanced and consist of healthy foods

Uncontrolled absorption of food, eating worries, stress, or simply eating for pleasure leads to problems and malfunctions in all internal organs. But strictly limiting oneself in the diet causes no less harmful consequences.

Starvation diets lead to the development of a fatal syndrome - anorexia. In this case, even healthy food that enters the stomach will be rejected by it.

If a harmful food addiction has already been formed, experienced specialists in the field of healthy eating - nutritionists - will help overcome it. You should also listen to the following simple rules:

  • before breakfast on an empty stomach, drink a glass of cool, clean water;
  • the first thing you should do is adjust your own breakfast, then you can begin to competently develop the rest of the meal;
  • transfer yourself to fractional meals, increasing the number of approaches to food, while the usual portions are divided into 2-3 times;
  • give up fried food completely, replacing it with boiled or stewed food;
  • If you feel hungry in the evening or at night, limit yourself to a glass of dairy product.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is one of the most destructive personal habits. Particularly dangerous alcoholic influence of bad habits on reproductive health person. According to some people, alcohol is a completely harmless hobby that brings relaxation to a person. And the only harm is morning sickness in the form of a hangover.

What are the signs of alcohol addiction

In fact, ethyl alcohol, which regularly enters the body, deals a crushing blow to all internal systems and organs. Find out how alcohol affects the body:

Brain. If a person regularly tries to relax with the help of alcoholic drinks, he risks facing irreversible consequences. First of all, the brain functions of the individual are affected. Begins:

  • memory problems;
  • clouding of mind;
  • coordination problems.

The cardiovascular system. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the functioning of the heart muscle (myocardium). The result is global problems with the circulatory system. A heart suffering from alcohol indicates problems with such alarming symptoms as:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • high degree of fatigue;
  • chronic painful cough;
  • development of many heart pathologies;
  • severe shortness of breath even with slight physical exertion.

Liver. The most powerful blow falls on the liver, because it is this organ that works to protect the body from toxins, poisons and harmful compounds. Unable to cope with regular load due to the penetration of ethyl alcohol into the body, the liver begins to malfunction and degrades over time. With the systematic use of alcohol, the following pathologies occur to a person:

  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • hepatitis in acute form.

Ethyl alcohol not only completely destroys human health, it also has a detrimental effect on the psyche. Alcohol is highly soluble in fats and water. When ethyl alcohol enters the body, it instantly spreads throughout all body systems.

What does alcoholism lead to?

You can track the progress of alcohol through the internal organs, noting the manifestation of negative consequences along the “path” of ethanol:

  1. The oral cavity suffers from burns to the mucous membrane.
  2. The gastrointestinal tract is signaled by severe irritation of the esophagus and stomach tissue.
  3. In parts of the small intestine, spasms of nerve endings and a sharp narrowing of blood vessels occur.
  4. The liver is completely poisoned by ethanol breakdown products and toxic toxins.
  5. The urinary system suffers from the destructive effects of ethyl alcohol with various diseases.
  6. The reproductive system reacts by reducing the production of sperm in men; women have problems with the regularity of the monthly cycle.

According to statistics, the life of a drinker is reduced by 20-25 years in comparison with a person who adheres to healthy image life. At the same time, it is possible to overcome this addiction on your own only in the first stages of the development of alcoholism.

Then qualified assistance from various specialists is required. This habit leads to a complete decline in a person’s immunity and the development of many deadly diseases. Children of drinking parents are born with congenital deformities and abnormalities. Alcoholism can also be inherited.

Drug addiction

All bad habits and their impact on human health completely destroy the personality. What can hurt more than drugs? Ruthless killers injure both physical and mental health of a person. Narcotic compounds are dangerous because at first their effects are invisible.

Drug addiction is a global scourge

Symptoms such as minor mood swings, brittleness and dullness of nails/hair and peeling skin usually go unnoticed. Over time, this habit manifests itself with more harmful consequences:

  • persistent complicated colds;
  • long-term healing of even small scratches;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations begin.

The addict is completely immersed in his sick world, in pursuit of the next dose, he stops noticing everything: family, friends, parents, loved ones. In order to receive the already necessary dose, people suffering from addiction are capable of committing any, even the most serious, crime.

The development of this bad habit takes place in a very short period of time. The life expectancy of a drug addict rarely exceeds 10-15 years after the first dose.

It is almost impossible to cope with this attachment on your own. To save a person, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help. In some cases, the drug addict is placed in specialized centers, where treatment takes place under the vigilant supervision of narcologists.

Development of tobacco addiction

Doctors classify this bad habit as substance abuse. More than 2/3 of the world's population smokes. Often, smokers themselves do not even think about the harm they cause to their own body.

Smoking affects not only the smoker himself, but also the people around him

After all, such an addiction can lead to the development of many dangerous diseases that sooner or later lead to death. What problems does smoking cause?

  • blood pressure disorders;
  • tooth decay;
  • difficulties in the respiratory system;
  • development of stomach ulcers and oncological processes;
  • difficulties in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of complicated, prolonged colds and infectious diseases.

As a result, smokers develop various deadly diseases. According to statistics, people suffering from nicotine addiction get sick:

  1. Pulmonary tuberculosis: 93-94% of smokers.
  2. Oncological processes of the lungs: 10-12% of smokers.
  3. Various degrees of pneumonia: 55-60% of tobacco addicts.

Where does this dependence begin? A person often smokes for the first time at a young age out of a desire to appear more mature and experienced. Many people smoke to relax and calm down. And almost all smokers are confident that they are able to give up this habit themselves, in a short moment. But, unfortunately, this is a misconception.

How does smoking affect your health?

Constant inhalation of carcinogenic tobacco smoke causes a very persistent addiction, which is almost impossible to cope with on your own. Nicotine is comparable in its habit-forming power to a soft drug.

It takes about 6-7 years to completely break free from addiction and put your body in order.

People who have a tendency to this bad habit can be distinguished even by external signs:

  • rough voice;
  • yellowness of teeth and nail plates;
  • bleeding gums, weakening of teeth (looseness);
  • morning cough, common to all experienced smokers;
  • early aging of the skin, leading to the appearance of numerous premature wrinkles.

Women who smoke are at risk of premature menopause, and men are at risk of complete impotence. Teenagers who want to become more mature and pick up a cigarette begin to quickly degrade. In a young body, thought processes are disrupted, the level of intelligence and general physical development drops.

Psychological addictions

This type of addiction includes addiction to the computer and Internet games. At first, the situation does not foretell any trouble - the person simply relaxes after a hard day. But over time, the gambling addict becomes truly addicted to his hobby. Such a habit leads to the following sad consequences:

  • high fatigue;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • decreased vision up to the development of cataracts;
  • problems of behavioral reactions - the appearance of irritability, aggressiveness.

The development and formation of such bad habits cannot be completely attributed to congenital bad character and defects in upbringing. This is how a person’s true attitude towards himself and his health is revealed. The main reason for the development of addictions lies in people’s desire to escape from reality and find new experiences, brighter than their usual everyday life.

It’s not for nothing that they say that “human habit is second nature.” The main and very important task of each individual is to find more interesting hobbies. You need to make every effort to make your life useful and full of pleasant events. It is the pursuit of this goal that will make a person’s life healthy and fulfilling.

Electromagnetic fields of natural origin constantly surround humans, or rather, he constantly exists in them. Man and all living things on Earth use them - this is the positive effect of natural EMFs on humans. To synchronize human biorhythms with environment stable frequencies of 1-100 Hz are used. We see because we perceive light waves. Different wavelengths determine a person's extrasensory abilities.

The so-called “useful frequencies” determine the functioning of the entire organism, namely its various systems: receiving, transmitting, analyzing information, formulating commands, creating filters for harmful radiation.

A person consists mainly of biological fluids (blood, lymph, which are electrolytes). That's why man is a conductor of electricity .

Man himself is the source of electricity magnetic field . Physiological processes in organs are accompanied by their electrical activity (process time, period): intestines ~1 min, heart ~1 s, brain ~0.1 s, nerve fibers ~10 ms. On the surface of the body there is a constantly changing (due to changes in the geometry of the body - respiratory movements, etc.) electric charge (several volts), due to the so-called tribocharges , due to friction with clothing (other dielectrics). Electric field The general electrical field of a person also contributes to the heart. Cells of the heart and cerebral cortex generate a magnetic field the human body, which is very small - 10 million - 1 billion times weaker than the Earth's magnetic field. A potential of up to 0.01 V arises between the anterior and posterior surfaces of the retina, indicating that eye enough strong source electric field . From a unit area of ​​human skin of 1 cm2, 60 quanta are emitted per second, mostly in the blue-green part of the spectrum (human glow).

Human's own EMR from the short wave side - optical radiation, from the side of long waves - to radio waves with a length of no more than 60 cm, which are grouped into four ranges :1 - low frequency electric and magnetic field with frequencies below 10 3 Hz; 2 - ultra high frequency radio waves, 10 9 - 10 10 Hz and wavelength outside the body 3-60 cm; 3 - infrared radiation, 10-14 Hz, with a wavelength of 3-10 microns (in this range it is measured in a person with a thermal imager); 4 - optical radiation , 10 15 Hz, with a wavelength of about 0.5 µm.

When exposed to human electromagnetic field other powerful sources of radiation, chaos begins in the body, which leads to deterioration of health.

The impact of EMF on the body is associated with the effect on organ tissue, namely change in natural frequencies of organs: at the heart - 700-800 Hz, kidneys - 600-700 Hz, liver - 300-400 Hz. Frequencies in the range of 3-50 Hz are very dangerous, matching the frequency of the brain.

Disruption of metabolic processes in the cell is associated with the manifestation of a resonant frequency that affects the concentration of ions.

Vibrations of body particles under the influence of an external field are accompanied by the release of energy; the higher the frequency, the more energy is released.

T The thermal effect of an alternating electric field causes heat cartilage, etc., which can lead to overheating. Thermal tissue damage is accompanied by destruction of cell membranes, protein coagulation, burns.

Millimeter EMR signals of living organisms (organs) ensure homeostasis, metabolism, stability of blood, lymph, etc. The biological effects of EMF are due to disruption of homeostasis. The composition of blood and lymph may change, hair loss and frequent headaches are possible.

Constant exposure to mid-frequency EMF with a voltage of 20-140 V/m, high-frequency EMF with a voltage of 8-50 V/m, ultra-high with 6-30 V/m, ultra-high-frequency pulsed intermittent with 10-50 μW/cm 2 - causes changes in the central nervous system.

So, redundant electromagnetic fields lead primarily to disorders in the nervous, immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems of humans. Such disorders such as fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disorders, irritability. Trembling of the limbs and fainting may occur. Shows particularly high sensitivity to EMF nervous system embryo.
Bradycardia, hypotension, palpitations, shortness of breath - this is how the cardiovascular system responds to high-intensity EMF.

Happening stimulation of the pituitary-adrenal system , which leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, blood clotting is activated. The gonadotropic activity of the pituitary gland decreases.WITH strong influence EMF noted on the pineal gland - gland that produces the hormone melatonin. This gland controls the correct human biorhythm.

Electric fields from excess charges on objects, clothing, and the human body also negatively affect the human nervous and cardiovascular systems. Beneficial effects on well-being have been established withdrawalexcess electrostatic charge from the human body (grounding, walking barefoot).

Depending on the duration of stay near the radiation source, e.g. Microwave radiation of more than 100 W/m2 and even 10 W/m2 is observed clouding of the lens in humans, decreased vision, disruption of the endocrine system, increased excitability.

According to the American National Radiation Protection Council, the risk of developing childhood leukemia, brain cancer with prolonged exposure to a magnetic field increases sharply; the reproductive and immune systems suffer.

Tensions of 300-1000 V/cm can have an adverse effect on the body, 5000-10000 V/cm cause the death of animals.

In Sweden along power line routes at a distance 800 m(200, 400 kV) with magnetic field induction above 0.1 µT, in Finland, at a distance 500 m(110-400 kV) with induction above 0.2 µT An excess number of brain tumors and leukemia in the population was recorded.

In the US, the cost of electromagnetic safety measures is $1 billion per year, most of which goes to Scientific research, and implementation of preventive measures to protect the population from possible harmful effects EMF. Work in progress through WHO within International Project for the Study of EMF and their impact on human health in more than 400 countries. Together with WHO, a set of activities is carried out International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) And US National Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Constant magnetic fieldslow intensity under normal conditions they do not pose a danger and are used in various magnetic therapy devices.

In rooms with operating electromagnetic devices the air is saturated positive ions. Being in such an atmosphere, even for a short time, causes headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, and dizziness. It is believed that negatively charged ions have a positive effect on health , and positive - negative.

The paradox is that due to the fact that this impact is remote in nature- a person does not think about and does not even always associate his illness with exposure to an electromagnetic field.

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