A teacher in every home is the law on education. The rights of teachers in the new law on education. Behavior in class

So, today the responsibilities of a teacher will be brought to our attention. The teacher himself, the parents of the students, and the management should know them. After all, for violating or failing to fulfill duties you can bring disaster upon yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the law on education, in which the responsibilities of a teacher are clearly stated. And therefore, in educational institutions, various “showdowns” very often occur between teachers, management, students and parents. To avoid this, let's try to understand what rights and responsibilities teachers have at school.


Let's start with what an employee of an educational institution can count on. Not everyone knows about this. And often the rights and obligations of the teacher are simply violated. It should be noted that, according to the education law, the entire teaching staff can be protected. We are talking about professional honor and dignity.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the fact that any teacher has the right to defend his human honor (do not confuse it with professional honor) if someone tried to slander him. This applies to management, students and parents. That is, if students regularly and unreasonably complain about you, or somehow belittle or insult you, you have the right to protection. The question is different - few people in Russia will deal with such complaints. The rights and responsibilities of a teacher are prescribed by law, but not all of them are respected.


Each teacher can also participate in the management of the school. And for this you don’t have to be, say, a director. True, you should not expect that you will be given a say in solving some school issues.

Why? Participation in school management is regulated by the charter. And it is different in every educational institution. Somewhere the teacher is given such a right, but somewhere not. Practice shows that school management is often entrusted only to distinguished teachers and management. The main thing is to spell it out in the charter. If there is nothing like that, then any teacher can participate in the management of the school.


A teacher's responsibilities (as well as his rights) include the ability to write a complaint against any member of the school's teaching staff or student. True, there is an important point here. All information must be provided in writing and in a sensitive manner. Verbal reports are not welcome, but they do occur.

In addition, each teacher can file a complaint against the education system used at school. There is no need to be afraid of punishment - this is normal. But, as practice shows, teachers are often intimidated. If they write a “denunciation” against someone, they are threatened with dismissal. This And you should not be afraid of such behavior.

Absolute freedom

The teacher includes such an item as drawing up a curriculum. And here the teacher has the right to complete freedom of action. That is, everyone can independently develop a work plan for the coming year at their own discretion. The main thing is that the developments comply with educational standards and do not pose any danger to children and society.

In addition, any teacher has the right to nominate himself for participation in pedagogical councils. For different positions. They can't stop you from doing this. Unless you just hold a vote and don’t elect where you would like to go.

The teacher also has the right to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the workplace. Thus, an educational institution is obliged to provide each teacher with a place suitable for teaching children. If you need something to organize the process, you can ask the school management to provide you with this item.

The teacher’s responsibilities also include choosing methods for assessing knowledge. Here he also has the right to complete freedom. It should be noted that a modern teacher also sets the rules of behavior in the classroom. But there is one nuance here - they should not contradict morality, nor infringe on the rights of students.


The main responsibilities of a teacher are the implementation of activities aimed at teaching school-age children, as well as the delivery of material necessary for the child’s development in a suitable form. In other words, every teacher must teach children. And convey to them information that would serve as an “impetus” for their development.

With all this, it is worth considering that the material must be presented in a convenient form, and also not contradict moral principles. Plus, now there are some standards for drawing up a curriculum for the year. And they regulate the main directions and rules of training. The teaching staff must comply with them.

Moral education

It's no secret that now school is called a second home. And therefore, the job responsibilities of a teacher include such an item as morality and students. This is especially true for primary school teachers. This is where the most attention is paid to this point.

To tell the truth, in this regard everything is not so complicated. After all, the job responsibilities of a teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which include the moral development of the child, as a rule, have a clear list of instructions that will have to be followed. That is, there are norms according to which moral education will take place during a given period of study.


(and in general, any) also includes such an item as maintaining discipline in an educational institution. In addition, the teacher is obliged to teach children the rules of behavior. In other words, develop discipline.

Particular attention is paid to this point in elementary school. It is still possible to explain to such children what can be done and what cannot be done. But in high school it is extremely difficult to comply with this rule. However, do not forget - if a child violates discipline, you are obliged to stop it. But in such a way that your behavior does not infringe on the rights of the student.

The full amount

It is the responsibility of a primary school teacher (just like everyone else) to convey educational material to students in full. That is, you do not have the right to change an already approved training plan, shorten or “lengthen” lessons dedicated to one or another area. It is also prohibited to remain silent and conceal important points for the educational process.

Unfortunately, now not everyone is complying with their responsibilities. Teachers often violate this clause. But in the classroom journal, for control purposes, everything is written as it should be. Some material may not be covered at all in class, but may be assigned for home reading. It is not right. Parents have every right to complain about you. After all, according to the law, every teacher is obliged to fully convey educational material to the student.


But this is not all the requirements for the teaching staff. The thing is that the job responsibilities of a modern teacher are that you must instill in children love for the Motherland and patriotism. And this is all taking into account the absence of imposition of religious views.

In truth, a lot of time is now devoted to this moment. Teachers try to instill love for the country from elementary school. And many succeed. Please note that you cannot conduct propaganda against the Motherland, and also convince that patriotism is bad.

It should also be taken into account that the job responsibilities of a primary school teacher (and others too) include such an item as teaching children tolerance. When you elevate your country and try to instill love for it in your students, you cannot belittle the honor and dignity of other nations. Rather, we will have to teach tolerance and respect.


The responsibilities of a teacher at school also include instilling in children a love of family and family values. Thus, you will have to hold conversations on this topic from time to time. Explain how important family is for a modern person. The main thing is not to go too far. Sometimes children perceive information as a direct signal to unquestioning obedience to parents and older family members.

Physical development

We should not forget about such a point as students. This is also the responsibility of a teacher at school. You need to be able to convey to children how to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as the importance of playing sports.

Practice shows that physical education teachers monitor the physical development of students to a greater extent. But class teachers and other teaching staff should, in turn, simply explain the benefits of playing sports. Various quizzes, relay races and fun starts can be conducted to attract students to exercise.


It's not just about learning something. They also mention the protection of children during school hours. You must ensure their safety. And let you go home only after finishing classes.

During the educational process, all responsibility for the life and health of students lies on the shoulders of the teacher. And therefore it is important to ensure that there is no danger nearby. If a child gets injured during a lesson, parents may complain against you. Of course, you cannot keep track of every child, but you must somehow cope with this. Failure to comply with this obligation will result in punishment. Up to trial and arrest. The only exceptions are those cases when you can prove that the child put himself in danger and did it intentionally.

And one more thing. If a child takes time off from class, you do not have the right to let him go unaccompanied. Only if the student calls his parents in front of you and they allow you to do this. This point also applies to security. After all, if something happens to a student on the way home, then you will be to blame.

Qualifications and connections

But there are also somewhat unusual responsibilities of a teacher. For example, constant professional development and self-improvement. Each teacher must necessarily increase his “baggage of knowledge” from year to year. And if you are sent for advanced training, you should not refuse. Otherwise, you may be accused of failing to fulfill your duties.

In addition, each teacher is obliged to maintain contact with the student’s parents. Or with his official representatives. This can be through calls (telephone conversations), personal conversations or writing messages in the child's diary. You cannot avoid communicating with your parents.

Socialization and culture

Perhaps there is one more area that is included in the job responsibilities of a modern teacher. This is especially true for younger grades. And cases when new students from other schools come to you. What are we talking about?

O Teachers will have to teach it. After all, it is at school that children should learn to communicate, contact each other, find each other, and so on. And the teacher is obliged to facilitate all this. Adaptation of a child to a new class and society is also your responsibility, according to the education law.

As you can see, a modern teacher does not have as many rights as mandatory points. In principle, this does not mean that you will be powerless. Simply knowing what you are entitled to and what you are not is enough. Do not violate parents, observe the school charter, and also educate your students morally and spiritually. Develop and improve. Then you won't have any problems. If your rights are regularly violated, feel free to contact the Ministry of Education. But first, try to resolve the issue within the school. And if this was not possible, stock up on evidence of violation of your rights and feel free to contact the relevant authorities.

So, today the responsibilities of a teacher will be brought to our attention. The teacher himself, the parents of the students, and the management should know them. After all, for violating or failing to fulfill duties you can bring disaster upon yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the law on education, in which the responsibilities of a teacher are clearly stated. And therefore, in educational institutions, various “showdowns” very often occur between teachers, management, students and parents. To avoid this, let's try to understand what rights and responsibilities teachers have at school.


Let's start with what an employee of an educational institution can count on. Not everyone knows about this. And often the rights and obligations of the teacher are simply violated. It should be noted that, according to the education law, the entire teaching staff can be protected. We are talking about professional honor and dignity.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the fact that any teacher has the right to defend his human honor (do not confuse it with professional honor) if someone tried to slander him. This applies to management, students and parents. That is, if students regularly and unreasonably complain about you, or somehow belittle or insult you, you have the right to protection. The question is different - few people in Russia will deal with such complaints. The rights and responsibilities of a teacher are prescribed by law, but not all of them are respected.


Each teacher can also participate in the management of the school. And for this you don’t have to be, say, a director. True, you should not expect that you will be given a say in solving some school issues.

Why? Participation in school management is regulated by the charter. And it is different in every educational institution. Somewhere the teacher is given such a right, but somewhere not. Practice shows that school management is often entrusted only to distinguished teachers and management. The main thing is to spell it out in the charter. If there is nothing like that, then any teacher can participate in the management of the school.


A teacher's responsibilities (as well as his rights) include the ability to write a complaint against any member of the school's teaching staff or student. True, there is an important point here. All information must be provided in writing and in a sensitive manner. Verbal reports are not welcome, but they do occur.

In addition, each teacher can file a complaint against the education system used at school. There is no need to be afraid of punishment - this is normal. But, as practice shows, teachers are often intimidated. If they write a “denunciation” against someone, they are threatened with dismissal. This is a violation of human rights. And there is no need to be afraid of such behavior.

Absolute freedom

The functional responsibilities of a teacher include such an item as drawing up a curriculum. And here the teacher has the right to complete freedom of action. That is, everyone can independently develop a work plan for the coming year at their own discretion. The main thing is that the developments comply with educational standards and do not pose any danger to children and society.

In addition, any teacher has the right to nominate himself for participation in pedagogical councils. For different positions. They can't stop you from doing this. Unless you just hold a vote and don’t elect where you would like to go.

The teacher also has the right to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the workplace. Thus, an educational institution is obliged to provide each teacher with a place suitable for teaching children. If you need something to organize the process, you can ask the school management to provide you with this item.

The teacher’s responsibilities also include choosing methods for assessing knowledge. Here he also has the right to complete freedom. It should be noted that a modern teacher also sets the rules of behavior in the classroom. But there is one nuance here - they should not contradict morality, nor infringe on the rights of students.


The main responsibilities of a teacher are the implementation of activities aimed at teaching school-age children, as well as the delivery of material necessary for the child’s development in a suitable form. In other words, every teacher must teach children. And convey to them information that would serve as an “impetus” for their development.

With all this, it is worth considering that the material must be presented in a convenient form, and also not contradict moral principles. Plus, now there are some standards for drawing up a curriculum for the year. And they regulate the main directions and rules of training. The teaching staff must comply with them.

Moral education

It's no secret that now school is called a second home. And therefore, the job responsibilities of a teacher include such an item as the moral and ethical education of students. This is especially true for primary school teachers. This is where the most attention is paid to this point.

To tell the truth, in this regard everything is not so complicated. After all, the job responsibilities of a teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which include the moral development of the child, as a rule, have a clear list of instructions that will have to be followed. That is, there are norms according to which moral education will take place during a given period of study.


The responsibilities of a primary school teacher (and any teacher in general) also include maintaining discipline in an educational institution. In addition, the teacher is obliged to teach children the rules of behavior. In other words, develop discipline.

Particular attention is paid to this point in elementary school. It is still possible to explain to such children what can be done and what cannot be done. But in high school it is extremely difficult to comply with this rule. However, do not forget - if a child violates discipline, you are obliged to stop it. But in such a way that your behavior does not infringe on the rights of the student.

The full amount

It is the responsibility of a primary school teacher (just like everyone else) to convey educational material to students in full. That is, you do not have the right to change an already approved training plan, shorten or “lengthen” lessons dedicated to one or another area. It is also prohibited to remain silent and conceal important points for the educational process.

Unfortunately, now not everyone is complying with their responsibilities. Teachers often violate this clause. But in the classroom journal, for control purposes, everything is written as it should be. Some material may not be covered at all in class, but may be assigned for home reading. It is not right. Parents have every right to complain about you. After all, according to the law, every teacher is obliged to fully convey educational material to the student.


But this is not all the requirements for the teaching staff. The thing is that the job responsibilities of a modern teacher are that you must instill in children love for the Motherland and patriotism. And this is all taking into account the absence of imposition of religious views.

In truth, a lot of time is now devoted to this moment. Teachers try to instill love for the country from elementary school. And many succeed. Please note that you cannot conduct propaganda against the Motherland, and also convince that patriotism is bad.

It should also be taken into account that the job responsibilities of a primary school teacher (and others too) include such an item as teaching children tolerance. When you elevate your country and try to instill love for it in your students, you cannot belittle the honor and dignity of other nations. Rather, we will have to teach tolerance and respect.


The responsibilities of a teacher at school also include instilling in children a love of family and family values. Thus, you will have to hold conversations on this topic from time to time. Explain how important family is for a modern person. The main thing is not to go too far. Sometimes children perceive information as a direct signal to unquestioning obedience to parents and older family members.

Physical development

Do not forget about such an item as the physical development of students. This is also the responsibility of a teacher at school. You need to be able to convey to children how to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as the importance of playing sports.

Practice shows that physical education teachers monitor the physical development of students to a greater extent. But class teachers and other teaching staff should, in turn, simply explain the benefits of playing sports. Various quizzes, relay races and fun starts can be conducted to attract students to exercise.


A teacher's job responsibilities are not just about teaching something. They also mention the protection of children during school hours. You must ensure their safety. And let you go home only after finishing classes.

During the educational process, all responsibility for the life and health of students lies on the shoulders of the teacher. And therefore it is important to ensure that there is no danger nearby. If a child gets injured during a lesson, parents may complain against you. Of course, you cannot keep track of every child, but you must somehow cope with this. Failure to comply with this obligation will result in punishment. Up to trial and arrest. The only exceptions are those cases when you can prove that the child put himself in danger and did it intentionally.

And one more thing. If a child takes time off from class, you do not have the right to let him go unaccompanied. Only if the student calls his parents in front of you and they allow you to do this. This point also applies to security. After all, if p
If something happens to a student on the way home, then you will be to blame.

Qualifications and connections

But there are also somewhat unusual responsibilities of a teacher. For example, constant professional development and self-improvement. Each teacher must necessarily increase his “baggage of knowledge” from year to year. And if you are sent for advanced training, you should not refuse. Otherwise, you may be accused of failing to fulfill your duties.

In addition, each teacher is obliged to maintain contact with the student’s parents. Or with his official representatives. This can be through calls (telephone conversations), personal conversations or writing messages in the child's diary. You cannot avoid communicating with your parents.

Socialization and culture

Perhaps there is one more area that is included in the job responsibilities of a modern teacher. This is especially true for younger grades. And cases when new students from other schools come to you. What are we talking about?

On the socialization of children. Teachers will have to teach it. After all, it is at school that children should learn to communicate, contact each other, find a common language, and so on. And the teacher is obliged to facilitate all this. Adaptation of a child to a new class and society is also your responsibility, according to the education law.

As you can see, a modern teacher does not have as many rights as mandatory points. In principle, this does not mean that you will be powerless. Simply knowing what you are entitled to and what you are not is enough. Do not violate the rights of students and parents, comply with the school charter, and also educate your students morally and spiritually. Develop and improve. Then you won't have any problems. If your rights are regularly violated, feel free to contact the Ministry of Education. But first, try to resolve the issue within the school. And if this was not possible, stock up on evidence of violation of your rights and feel free to contact the relevant authorities.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and responsibilities of a teacher

The teacher has the right:

1. To protect professional honor and dignity.

2. Freedom of conscience.

3. Express (orally or in writing) in a correct form, without violating the legal space of the teacher, critical remarks about the activities of any employee of the school or education system.

4. Apply individually or as part of a group of people to any higher authorities with statements, suggestions, complaints.

5. Demand that the school administration create conditions for the implementation of the educational process, obtain a workplace equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and labor protection standards, equipped with the necessary aids and other materials

6. To protect human dignity if it is violated by the administration, parents of a student or student.

7. Know about the replacement of lessons in advance.

8. For time off for work on weekends (the number of days off is determined by the school director and the trade union committee).

9. The teacher does not have the right to exclude a student from entering the classroom due to the lack of a special uniform or for any other reason.

10. Require parents to create normal conditions for the child to study at home (workplace, daily routine).

11. Require parents to attend parent-teacher meetings.

12. To protect against unjustified parental interference in the teacher’s professional responsibilities.

13. For creativity, initiative in mastering educational and developmental programs.

14. Require the student to comply with the Rules of school life and respect for the traditions of the educational institution.

15. Involve students in leading a healthy lifestyle.

The teacher is obliged:

1. Respect the human dignity of all participants in the educational process.

2. Be a moral example for your students.

3. Improve your professional level.

4. Respect the child’s right to his own opinion and conviction.

5. Maintain discipline using methods that exclude physical violence, humiliation and insult to the student’s personality.

6. Prevent possible injuries to children.

7. Carry out school duty in accordance with the duty schedule.

8. Be responsible for the life and health of students in your lesson.

9. Post grades in your diary in a timely manner.

10. Do not kick a student out of class, even if he violates discipline.

11. When assigning a grade, take into account the student’s academic progress, without comparing him with others.

12. Don't be late for class.

14. Use modern teaching methods.

15. The teacher is obliged to dismiss the class from the lesson with the bell.

Rights and responsibilities of parents

Parents have the right:

1. To admit children to an educational institution in accordance with the School Charter and the Law on General Education.

2. To familiarize yourself with the Charter of the educational institution and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

3. To participate in the management of the educational institution in which their children study (class parent committees).

4. To become familiar with the progress and content of the educational process, as well as with assessments of the progress of their children.

5. To discuss emerging controversial issues with teachers or school administration.

6. Parents living separately from the child have the right to attend parent-teacher meetings, as well as to receive information about their child, if this does not contradict the law and does not harm the child.

7. With the consent of the administration, get to know the teachers and the lesson schedule before the start of the school year.

8. Demand respect for the rights of the child.

9. For complete information about the educational process.

10. For an additional meeting with the teacher (after school), if the parent believes that there is a reason for this. (Prior agreement with the teacher).

11. Express reasonable criticism of the school at parent-teacher meetings, as well as when meeting with the school principal.

12. For timely information about parent meetings, parent days and meetings of the school’s parent committee.

Parents are obliged:

1. To ensure and protect the rights and interests of their children, without causing harm to their physical and psychological health, moral development, to raise children, excluding neglectful, rude, cruel, degrading treatment, insult, exploitation.

2. Ensure that children under 15 years of age receive basic general education in a comprehensive school or other educational institution equivalent in status.

3. Comply with the Charter of the educational institution.

4. In the case of a student’s academic debt, responsibility for eliminating it during the academic year rests with the parents (legal representatives).

5. Avoid unjustified interference in the work of teachers on issues that, by their nature, fall within the scope of their professional duties.

6. Provide, to the best of your abilities and financial capabilities, the living conditions necessary for the normal development of the child.

7. Provide the child with everything necessary to attend school (stationery, sports uniform, additional teaching aids).

8. Regularly attend parent-teacher meetings, visit school when called by the class teacher or administration.

9. Allow your child to attend extracurricular school activities if the child is healthy.

10. If possible, allocate financial resources for visiting theaters and museums, if required by the class or school program.

11. Follow the internal rules of the school (pick up the child only after the end of the lesson, do not distract the teacher with questions during the lesson).

12. Present identification documents when visiting school.

13. Monitor class attendance, homework completion and the results of the educational process. Check and sign your child's diary weekly.

14. Obtain written permission from the school principal to miss school days for family reasons.

15. Monitor the child’s appearance in accordance with the rules of conduct at school.

Rights and responsibilities of students

General student rights

The rights and responsibilities of the child are protected by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the current legislation of the Russian Federation

Students have the right:

1. To express one’s own views, beliefs and opinions.

2. Freedom to receive information.

4. Be listened to.

5. To freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

6. Respect for human dignity.

7. To receive free education in accordance with state educational standards; to develop your personality, your talents, mental and physical abilities.

8. For home education (for medical reasons) and for family education within the framework of the state educational standard.

9. For additional teacher assistance in individual and group lessons provided for by the school schedule.

10. For an open assessment of the student’s knowledge and skills, receiving a grade in each subject solely in accordance with their knowledge and skills.

11. For advance notification of the timing and scope of control work in accordance with the schedule

12. Be aware of the marks assigned to him in both oral and written subjects.

13. On a request to reschedule tests after absences due to illness, confirmed by medical documents.

14. The amount of time spent on homework should not exceed 50% of the classroom load in the subject.

15. For rest during breaks between lessons and during vacations.

16. To participate in the cultural life of the school and events organized there that are appropriate to the student’s age.

17. To participate in the management of an educational institution in the manner determined by the school’s Charter

General rules of conduct

1. The student comes to school 15 - 20 minutes before the start of classes, clean and tidy, takes off his outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on a change of shoes, takes a workplace and prepares all the necessary school supplies for the upcoming lesson.

2. You cannot bring weapons, explosives and flammable substances, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons onto the school grounds for any purpose and use them in any way.

3. You cannot leave school during class time without the permission of the class teacher or nurse.

4. In case of absence from classes for up to three days, the student must present to the class teacher a certificate or note from parents (persons replacing them) about the reason for absence from classes. In case of absence of more than 3 days without good reason, the student will be subject to internal school supervision. After illness, the student must present a medical certificate to the class teacher.

5. A school student must show respect to elders and take care of younger ones. Schoolchildren give way to adults, older people give way to younger ones, boys give way to girls.

6. School students must respect the dignity of students and school employees.

7. Outside of school, students behave everywhere and everywhere in such a way as not to damage their honor and dignity and not to tarnish the good name of the school.

8. Students take care of school property, carefully treat both their own and other people’s property, and maintain cleanliness and order on the school grounds. In case of damage to school property, parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it.

9. Students should respect the property rights of others. Books, jackets and other personal items in the school belong to their owners.

10. Students who find things that they think are lost or forgotten should hand them over to the administrator or teacher on duty.

11. Disciplinary measures may be taken against students who have appropriated other people’s things, up to and including administrative or criminal prosecution by law enforcement agencies.

12. Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying, attempts at personal humiliation, and discrimination based on nationality or race are unacceptable forms of behavior. The school strongly condemns such behavior.

13. Students should keep a daily record of their homework in a diary.

14. The student is obliged to complete homework within the time limits established by the school curriculum.

15. Students must bring to class all necessary textbooks, notebooks, manuals, tools and writing materials.

16. At the first request of the teacher, students should be presented with a diary.

17. Students are not allowed to chew chewing gum or use iPods or mobile communications during lessons.

Behavior in class

1. When the teacher enters the class, the students stand up and greet the teacher. In a similar manner, students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except while working on the computer).

2. During a lesson, you cannot make noise, be distracted yourself or distract other comrades from classes with extraneous conversations, games and other matters not related to the lesson, since this violates the rights of others to receive the necessary knowledge.

3. If during class a student needs to leave the classroom, he must ask the teacher’s permission.

4. If a student wants to ask a question to the teacher or answer a question from the teacher, he raises his hand.

5. During the lesson, the student has the right to ask questions to the teacher if he did not understand the material during the explanation.

6. During the lesson, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after the lesson. It must be treated with care and precision.

7. The student has the right to appeal the grade if he does not agree with it.

8. During lessons, students are required to turn off mobile phones, players and gaming devices and put them in their bags.

Behavior of students before, during breaks and after the end of the lesson

1. During breaks (changes), the student must:

Bring cleanliness and order to your workplace;

Leave the class if asked by the teacher;

Submit to the requirements of the teacher on duty.

2. Recess time is the personal time of each student.

3. The duty class helps the duty teacher to monitor compliance with discipline during breaks.

4. During breaks, students are prohibited from running on stairs, near window openings and in other places not suitable for games.

7. During breaks, schoolchildren can turn to their class teacher, duty teacher, or administrator for help if illegal actions are committed against them.

Student behavior in the cafeteria

1. All classes have lunch according to their schedule.

2. While eating in the cafeteria, students are expected to maintain good manners and conduct themselves in a decent manner.

3. Students must treat cafeteria workers with respect.

4. You should talk quietly while eating so as not to disturb those eating next door.

5. Consuming food and drinks purchased in the canteen is permitted only in the canteen.

6. Students put away the dishes after eating.

7. The class on duty checks the cleanliness of the dining room at every break.

8. Students treat the property of the school canteen with care.

Responsibilities of the class attendant

1. Duty officers are appointed in accordance with the class duty schedule.

2. The attendants help the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson and clean the classroom as much as possible.

3. During recess, the student(s) on duty ventilates the classroom, helps the teacher hang up educational material for the next lesson, and distributes notebooks at the teacher’s request.

4. The duty officer must provide the teacher with a list of absentees at the beginning of the lesson.

Responsibilities of the duty class at school

1. Students from grades 7 to 9 take part in school duty.

2. Duty officers are appointed in accordance with the school duty schedule.

3. The school duty class comes to school at 8.00.

4. The class on duty takes their positions before the start of the working day at school after instruction by the class teacher.

5. The duty class helps the duty teacher to monitor compliance with discipline during breaks.

6. The class on duty checks the cleanliness of the cafeteria at every break, and at the end of the day helps the cafeteria workers prepare the cafeteria for wet cleaning.

General responsibilities of teaching staff.The general range of the main general responsibilities of teaching staff is presented in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. However, unlike the rights and freedoms of teaching staff, the law does not contain a direct list of such responsibilities. They can be identified only by analyzing the content of the norms of this entire law, first of all, the text of Art. 2 “Principles of state policy in the field of education”, 4 “Tasks of legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education”, 5 “State guarantees of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of education”, 32 “Competence and responsibility of an educational institution”, 56 “Labor relations in the education system ", etc. This approach of the legislator to establishing the legal status of one of the central subjects of the educational system and educational relations in general does not seem entirely successful, since the duties of subjects of law, along with their rights and freedoms, are key elements of such status. In this regard, the authors of the draft General Part of the Code of the Russian Federation on Education did the right thing, highlighting it as an independent article. 60 “The main responsibilities of teaching staff of an educational institution (organization)”, which generally correspond to those currently enshrined in the law. A comprehensive analysis of these two documents allows us to reduce all the main (general) responsibilities of teaching staff into the following list:

The obligation to comply with current Russian legislation, including educational legislation, the Charter and local acts of the educational institution (organization):

The duty to ensure high-quality conduct of the educational and educational process, high efficiency of pedagogical and methodological activities;

The obligation to comply with all requirements for teaching staff in the tariff and qualification characteristics approved in the prescribed manner;

The duty to ensure high-quality mastery of educational programs by teachers and compliance with state educational standards in accordance with the curriculum and class schedule;

Obligation to strictly follow professional ethics;

The obligation to systematically improve one’s professional qualifications;

The duty to develop independence, initiative, and creativity in students (pupils), as well as to provide citizens with disabilities with favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for their education;

The duty to form a healthy lifestyle among students and to prevent bad habits;

The duty to respect, protect and ensure the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the student (pupil) in the educational process, the inadmissibility of arbitrary restrictions on these rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

The obligation to periodically update educational programs and curricula;

The obligation to carry out systematic ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students of an educational institution in accordance with its Charter and the requirements of educational legislation;

The duty to promote the formation and maintenance of a favorable moral and psychological climate among students (pupils) and in general in the team of employees of an educational institution.

Responsibilities of teaching staff in general education institutions. An analysis of labor and educational-professional responsibilities, specifying and clarifying the above-mentioned responsibilities by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, their charters and other local acts, as well as labor agreements (contracts) of teaching staff (school teachers), allows us to identify the following responsibilities:

Carry out job duties conscientiously;

Maintain labor discipline;

Comply with established labor standards;

Strive to improve the quality of work performed, show creative initiative aimed at achieving high results of work;

Comply with labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation (occupational health) and fire safety requirements;

Pass certification once every five years for suitability for the position held;

Systematically improve your theoretical and cultural level, professional qualifications;

Comply with the established procedure for storing material assets and documents;

Undergo periodic free medical examinations.

Carry out training and education of students taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught;

Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that impede or complicate the implementation of the pedagogical process;

To form a general culture of students’ personalities, conditions for informed choice and subsequent mastery of professional educational programs by students;

Implement the educational program and ensure the level of student training that meets the State educational standard;

Participate in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work;

Ensure the protection of life and health of students during the educational process;

Cooperate with colleagues and educational authorities in the interests of students;

Constantly show attention and polite attitude towards children, parents of students and team members;

Participate in activities with students and their parents that go beyond the curriculum of the educational institution.

All teachers should strive to achieve the highest possible standard in all their professional work;

Teachers and teachers' organizations should strive to establish broad cooperation with public education authorities in the interests of students, the development of education and society;

Teachers' organizations should develop a code of ethics for teachers or a code of conduct, because such codes make a significant contribution to ensuring the prestige of the teaching profession and the performance of professional duties in accordance with agreed upon principles;

Teachers must be willing to engage in activities with students and adults that go beyond the school curriculum.

Responsibilities of teaching staff of teaching staff of higher educational institutions do not differ fundamentally from the responsibilities of teachers in secondary schools, although neither the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” nor the Model Regulations on a Higher Educational Institution provide a clear list of such responsibilities. Let’s say, like any pedagogical worker, a higher school teacher is prohibited from using inhumane, as well as dangerous to the life or health of students teaching methods (clause 38 of the Model Regulations on a Higher Educational Institution)

At the same time, in the charters of universities, a number of responsibilities are updated and clarified, based on the specifics of higher education in general and a specific university in particular. Thus, from the provisions of paragraphs 45 and 46 of the Model Regulations, the duties of the teaching staff are clearly implied to be actively engaged in scientific activities, the results of which are assessed to characterize both the individual professional scientific and pedagogical work of each teacher, but also the entire educational institution as a whole. This, in particular, relates to the so-called “grant” scientific activity, the proportion and significance of which for assessing the scientific and pedagogical professionalism of the teacher and the university as a whole in the modern period is increasing.

Clause 49 of the Charter of the state educational institution of higher professional education of the Ural University provides for the following, in addition to the general ones indicated above, responsibilities of the University’s scientific and pedagogical workers:

Contribute in every possible way, through your work and behavior, to increasing the prestige of the University as a scientific, educational, educational and cultural center.

Ensure high efficiency of pedagogical and scientific processes;

To develop in students professional qualities in their chosen field of study (specialty), civic position, ability to work and live in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy;

Comply with the requirements for the protection of state, official and commercial secrets, confidential information, as well as the legal protection of the University’s intellectual property.

Clause 6.25 of the Charter of the Institute of Further Professional Education - a non-state educational institution “The European University in St. Petersburg also provides for such (in addition to general) responsibilities of its teachers as the responsibility to be responsible and creative in their work, as well as to comply with the standards of professional conduct and ethics.

It is appropriate to again quote from the “UNESCO/ILO Recommendation on the status of teaching staff in higher education institutions” (Paris, 1997) listing the responsibilities of higher education teachers. It seems that this list, recognized by the international community, is of exceptionally great importance for the Russian legislator and the country’s universities themselves, as well as for the teachers themselves.



33. It is essential that higher education faculty recognize that the exercise of their rights entails special duties and responsibilities, including the responsibility to respect the academic freedom of other members of the academic community and to ensure that opposing views are discussed fairly. Academic freedom comes with the responsibility to use it in accordance with the scientist's duty to conduct research based on a conscientious search for truth. It is essential that teaching, research and scientific activities are carried out in full accordance with ethical and professional standards and are aimed, where possible, at solving contemporary problems facing society, as well as ensuring the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the world.

34. The individual responsibilities of teaching staff in higher education institutions, inextricably linked with their academic freedom, are, in particular, the following:

1) to educate students effectively within the means provided by the institution and the state, to be fair and just to male and female students and to treat equally students of all races and religions, as well as the disabled, to encourage the free exchange of ideas between teachers and students themselves, and to provide themselves at the disposal of the latter in order to guide the students' studies.

Teaching staff of higher education institutions must, if necessary, ensure coverage of the minimum material in each subject that is provided for in the curriculum;

2) conduct research activities and disseminate their results or, when original research is not required, maintain and improve the level of their knowledge in a particular subject through training courses and research activities, as well as through the development of educational methodology aimed at improving teaching skills:

3) carry out research and scientific activities on the basis of an honest search for knowledge, properly ensuring evidence, impartiality of judgment and integrity in reporting results;

4) comply with the ethics of scientific research concerning humans, animals, heritage or the environment;

5) respect and recognize the scientific work of their colleagues and students, and in particular ensure that the authors of published works include everyone who has made a real contribution to them and shares responsibility for their content;

6) refrain from using new information, concepts, or data originally obtained as a result of access to confidential manuscripts or requests for research or training funds that may have become available through activities such as external peer review, unless cases; when the author gave permission for this;

7) ensure that research activities are carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state in which they are carried out, that they do not violate international legal instruments in the field of human rights, and that all the results and data on which they are based are effectively accessible to scientists and researchers at the host institution, unless; when the information would put respondents at risk or when anonymity is guaranteed;

8) avoid conflicts of interest and resolve controversial issues on the basis of openness and full consultation with the institution of higher education in which they work, in order to obtain the support of this institution:

9) conscientiously use all financial resources placed at their disposal in the interests of institutions of higher education, research and other professional or scientific bodies;

10) be honest and impartial in the professional assessment of their colleagues and students;

11) be aware of their responsibility when speaking or publishing materials outside of scientific channels on issues not related to their professional knowledge, and not mislead the public regarding the nature of their professional knowledge;

12) perform the appropriate duties required for the collegial management of an institution of higher education and professional bodies.

35. Teaching staff in higher education institutions should strive to achieve the highest possible standards in their professional work, since their status largely depends on themselves and the quality of their work.

36. Higher education teaching staff should contribute to the accountability of higher education institutions to public authorities without compromising the degree of institutional autonomy necessary for their work, professional freedom and the advancement of knowledge.

Parents of students often wonder about the relationship between the teacher and his students. In the Russian Federation, the pedagogical segment operates on the basis of a professional charter, which has federal significance. Therefore, education workers - teachers carry out their activities in accordance with its provisions.

What rights and formal responsibilities school teachers have will be discussed below.

What rights does a teacher have at school in 2018?

In any educational organization, a proper education program implies the following preferences for school teachers:

  • receive commensurate monetary remuneration, according to existing qualifications;
  • have all the basic conditions for the provision of educational services;
  • count on assistance in organizing the educational process from the head of the school;
  • enjoy all social and material guarantees calculated by law for the budget category;
  • receive allotted leave in accordance with the work schedule.

Does a teacher have the right to kick a student out of class?

Such a right in relation to a teacher is not enshrined anywhere. If a student systematically violates discipline, or by his actions interferes with the educational process, then the school teacher in these cases will not be able to expel him from the class. This is a violation of the formal job description, which may result in sanctions against the specialist.

Instead of expelling a student from the class, thereby disrupting the educational order, the specialist should call the school management into the class, who will definitely find ways to solve the problem described. Independent educational measures are not allowed here.

Read about the curfew in St. Petersburg for minors

Does a teacher have the right to take away a student’s phone?

Relationships should formally be built on the basis of professional teaching ethics. A school teacher, especially in primary school, must understand that he will have to work in not the easiest conditions. But despite this, it is impossible to apply independent measures of influence towards students. This is stated in the dispositions of methodological recommendations numbered 351-FZ (MoD November 2016). Therefore, you cannot take your phone away, even during class.

In this regard, parents are wondering whether a teacher has the right to take away a student’s phone, does the article provide for liability for this action? First of all, there is no such article. Secondly, the teacher must contact the school management with a description of the current problem.

Is it legal to raise your voice at students?

Parents are also wondering if a teacher has the right to raise his voice at a student? Unlike other grounds, this should not be treated too categorically. If a specialist shouts at a child during the educational process, without getting personal and without direct insults, then this will not be considered a violation.

Instructions on labor safety at school can be studied and downloaded for free

What does a teacher have no right to do in relation to a student?

Actions that are unacceptable within any school are expressed as follows:

  • no offensive remarks should be made;
  • exert physical influence;
  • put in a corner;
  • expel from the classroom;
  • take away (even during the lesson) personal belongings - phones, toys, players, and other devices;
  • shouting while withdrawing from the educational process;
  • show a personal attitude towards the child, bypassing the educational process.
  • A specialist does not have the right to do these actions in any school in the Russian Federation.

Responsibility for insulting a student

Such liability may consist of a one-time disciplinary action. If these violations are already systematic, then the law in this case implies liability in the form of direct expulsion from the school staff.

Therefore, the question as to whether a teacher has the right to insult a student in front of the whole class is in itself inappropriate. Direct insults towards a student are not allowed either in private or in front of the whole class.

Responsibilities of a teacher at school under the new education law

The relevant law (351-FZ) underwent the latest changes in November 2016.

In accordance with them, teachers, as part of their formal activities, bear the following conditional responsibilities:

  • work to transfer knowledge within the scope of their qualifications;
  • evaluate the efforts, diligence, and other qualities of students only according to objective criteria;
  • do not use any subjective knowledge assessment schemes;
  • in case of violations, do not take independent actions;
  • beyond the boundaries outlined in the job description, and immediately contact the management of the conditional school.
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