§32. Sentences with homogeneous members. Homogeneous members of sentence 3 sentence with homogeneous sentences

423. Read. Find and underline the main parts of the sentences. Ask them questions.

How do the second and third sentences differ from the first? And the second from the third?

What has changed in this proposal compared to previous ones? What question arises?

The second and third sentences differ in that they each have two predicates.
The fourth sentence is different in that it has three subjects. The question arises: can a sentence have two or even three predicates and what can they be called?

424. Read. Find and underline the main members in the sentences. Ask them questions.

Compare offers. What is the difference? What conclusion can you draw?

Check in explanatory dictionary meaning of the adjective homogeneous. Why do you think these parts of the sentence are called that?

Sentences 2,3,4 have several predicates, they are separated by commas and connected by the conjunction and. we can conclude that a sentence can have several predicates with one subject or several subjects with one predicate. A sentence with several subjects or predicates is called a sentence with homogeneous members. In the explanatory dictionary, the word homogeneous is interpreted as follows: identical, belonging to the same group (genus, category).

425. Read an excerpt from G. Sapgir’s poem “Wonder Forests.” What parts of the sentence does the forest song consist of? Read it with the intonation of enumeration. Are there any homogeneous members in this passage? How should this sentence be read? Write a forest song.

The forest song consists of subjects. This passage also contains homogeneous predicates: let’s sit down, let’s sing. When reading this poem, you need the intonation of enumeration.

426. Read the text to yourself. What words should be read with enumeration intonation? Read aloud, observing the intonation of the enumeration.

Prove that ancient Russian names speak about the richness of the Russian language. Have you come across these names? Where? Tell. What surnames do you think were formed from these names?

According to the child's character: Besson, Molchan, Nesmeyana, Neulyba, Dobr, Smirnoy. According to the feelings that children evoked in their parents: We love, Lyubava, Milava, Nechay. These names are found in the surnames that came from them: Belyay - Belyaev, Molchan - Molchanov, Bulgak - Bulgakov, Smirnoy - Smirnov, Lyubim - Lyubimov, Nechay - Nechaev, Chernyay - Chernov, Nekrasa - Nekrasov.

427. Write down the sentences. Find and label the main terms. Are any of them homogeneous? Show graphically which parts of the sentence are homogeneous. Read sentences with homogeneous members. Don't forget about the intonation of the enumeration.

428. Write down the text. Find and underline the main members in each sentence. Show graphically homogeneous members.

Underline familiar spellings and explain the spelling.

Consider again the schemes of sentences with homogeneous members. What sign separates homogeneous members in a letter?

429. Read. Determine which scheme corresponds to each sentence. Write in the order of the diagrams.

At night, birch and spruce trees sleep in the fields to the tunes of a blizzard.

A bull stands in the yard and chews his tongue.

The sun will come out again and look into our windows.

430. Write down the sentences based on the diagrams.

Geese and swans nest on the lake.

Geese and swans swim, splash, dive.

In the summer, robins and nightingales sing so wonderfully.

431. Write down the text. Place a comma between homogeneous terms where necessary. Show graphically homogeneous members.

432. Compose and write down sentences using diagrams.

The Volga and Oka flow into the Caspian Sea.

White lilies and yellow water lilies bloomed in the pond.

The bright stars twinkled, shone, shone.

433. Compose and write sentences that contain: 1) two homogeneous subjects with one predicate; 2) three homogeneous subjects with one predicate; 3) two homogeneous predicates with one subject; 4) three homogeneous predicates with one subject. Place punctuation marks correctly. Spelling underlines.

434. Read the text. What is it the main idea? List the punctuation marks that you know. Which of them are placed only at the end of the sentence, and which - only inside the sentence?

The main idea of ​​the text: punctuation marks, like intonation, allow you to more accurately understand the text, help convey what cannot be conveyed only in words. Punctuation marks: period, question and exclamation marks, ellipses. You can put a comma or a dash in the middle of a sentence.

435. What can punctuation marks tell us about the meaning and intonation of these sentences?

Make up and write down sentences based on these diagrams. What are these sentences in terms of the purpose of the statement and intonation?

436. Read. What questions do the highlighted words answer? Which parts of the sentence do they belong to? Which parts of the sentence are the highlighted words - main or secondary? What conclusion can you draw about homogeneous members of a sentence?

Write down the text and underline the grammatical basis in the sentences. Graphically show homogeneous parts of the sentence.

437. Write it down. Underline the main members. Graphically designate homogeneous members of the sentence. What are they - main or secondary? Explain why a comma is or is not placed between homogeneous terms.

What are these sentences in terms of the purpose of the statement and intonation? Underline the spellings in words and between words. Explain the spellings.

438. Read. What signs come at the end of a sentence? Which sentence should be read with the intonation of enumeration? Why? What signs should be put in this sentence?

Write down the second and third stanzas. Open the brackets and insert the missing letters.

Show graphically homogeneous members.

Matryoshka dolls carry iodine,
Bandages, bags of cotton wool.
And Vanka suddenly gets up
With a roguish smile.
- believe me, I'm alive!
And I don't need a babysitter!
It's not the first time we've fallen -
That's why we are Vanka - Vstanka!

439. Dictation with preparation. Read it. Underline and explain the spellings. Underline the main parts of the sentences with a simple pencil. Show homogeneous members. Place commas where necessary. Close your textbook. Write from dictation.

Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence

Homogeneous members of the sentence:

  1. Answering the same question
  2. Depend on the same word
  3. Pronounced with enumerative intonation

Homogeneous members of the sentence- these are members of the same name that are connected to each other by a coordinating connection and perform the same syntactic function in a sentence, that is, they are united by the same relationship to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members can be connected by coordinating conjunctions and pronounced with “intonation of enumeration.” In the absence of conjunctions and when they are repeated, homogeneous members are also connected by connecting pauses.

Details in the video:


Firstly, homogeneous members of a sentence are NOT ALWAYS the same part of speech. The most important thing is that they answer the same question and depend on the same word!

Secondly, ANY MEMBERS of a sentence can be homogeneous: the subject, the predicate, the attribute, the complement, and the circumstance.


Let us denote a homogeneous term by ?.


Homogeneous sentence members can be used
no unions with single unions with repeated conjunctions with double conjunctions

Roses, lilies, and chamomiles bloomed in the garden.

connecting conjunctions, yes (= and), or

Suddenly a storm cameANDfrequent hail.

The garden is fragrant with autumn freshness, leaves and fruits.

adversative conjunctionsa, but, yes (= but), but, however

The heart is not opened with an iron key, but with kindness.

or or

or either

not that... not that

1) and?, and?, and?

or?, or?, or?

I'm imaginingTHATnoisy feasts,THATmilitary camp,THATcombat fights.

Do not you hear me ,ORDo not understand ,ORjust ignore it.

Blizzards ANDblizzard, coldANDdarkness did not prevent the polar explorers from landing on the ice floes.

not only but


if not...then

not so much as


A comma is placed before the second part of the conjunction!

not only but?

how?, so and?

You can remember these normsHOWmasters of sports,SO ANDfor beginners

Trap #1!

A sentence may have several rows of homogeneous members, so distinguish between constructions with homogeneous members of the sentence connected by repeating conjunctions, and constructions with several rows of homogeneous members that are connected within a row by a single conjunction.

Trees and grasses in summer and at the very beginning of autumn are lush and fresh.

(This is a sentence with three rows of homogeneous members: two homogeneous subjects, two homogeneous predicates and two homogeneous adverbials)

There are no commas anywhere!

Thin rain fell on forests, fields, and the wide Dnieper.

This is one series of homogeneous members, so they depend on one verb “sown”, answer one question - Where? and are circumstances, therefore a comma is placed as in repeated conjunctions.

Trap #2!

Phraseological phrases(stable combinations of words, no comma inside them):

  • Out of the blue
  • And day and night
  • Both old and young
  • And laughter and grief
  • And here and there
  • Neither back nor forward
  • Neither yes nor no
  • No way about anything
  • Neither fish nor fowl
  • Neither light nor dawn
  • Not a word or a breath

Algorithm of actions.

1) In each sentence, find homogeneous members of the sentence (see three signs of homogeneous members at the very beginning of the chapter).

2) Determine how many rows of homogeneous members there are in the sentence. Consider each of the rows separately from each other.

3) Mark what kind of unions they are connected with: without a union, single, repeating or double union.

4) Build a diagram and place commas.

Analysis of the task.

Specify a sentence in which you need to put one

1) Along the sides of the path, rose hips stood like high and steep walls and bloomed with scarlet and damp fire.

2) Only the tops of the trees and the winding edge of the opposite bank were visible.

3) His hand and face and blue overalls were shiny with soot and machine oil.

4) In the atmosphere secret societies Pushkin's life passed both in St. Petersburg and later in the south.

Answer option #1.

Read Trap #1 again.

We find homogeneous members of the sentence. There are three rows here: tall and steep(which ones?, depend on the word « walls » ),stood and bloomed(what did you do?), scarlet and wet(which way?, depend on the word “fire”). Three rows of homogeneous members of a sentence, each of which is connected internally by a single conjunction AND, so no commas are required.

Answer option No. 2.

The sentence has one row of homogeneous members: tops and edges(what?, depend on the word “were visible”). They are connected by a single union Yes in meaning And

Answer option No. 3.

The sentence has two rows of homogeneous members. Firstly, hand and face and overalls(what?, are subjects) that are connected by a repeating conjunction And. We place commas after each homogeneous member of the sentence: His hand, and his face, and his blue overalls. Secondly, from soot and oil(from what?, depend on “glossy”), they are connected by a single conjunction And, so no comma is required.

Answer option No. 4.

One row of homogeneous members of a sentence: both in St. Petersburg and in the south(where?, depend on the word “passed”). They are bound by a double alliance both... and, therefore we will place a comma only before the second part of the union, that is: both in St. Petersburg and in the south.

Thus, the correct option is answer No. 4.


1. Specify the sentence in which you want to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Official medicine opposes self-medication and treatment with untested means.

2) The northern regions turned out to be unequal both in terms of population and economic development opportunities.

3) Sometimes medicinal plants completely lose their medicinal properties or retain them to a small extent.

4) The swans swam majestically along the river or circled over the water or rested near their house.

2. Specify the sentence in which you want to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) On the same lilac bush I saw yellow leaves and buds that began to swell.

2) The gander talked to himself in a hoarse bass voice and picked up the spilled seeds.

3) Our culture is strong not only and not so much by figures from the capital, but by residents of the outback.

Sentences with homogeneous members are widely used in oral and writing. After reading the article, you will learn what it is, become familiar with the peculiarities of using homogeneous members of a sentence, as well as the rules of punctuation when writing them.

What are homogeneous members of a sentence?

Homogeneous members of the sentence- these are sentence members that perform the same syntactic function. In a sentence they refer to the same word and answer the same question. Homogeneous members of a sentence can be represented by any independent part speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) and indicate an object, sign, action or circumstance.

Sentences with homogeneous members are classified as complex sentences.

Which parts of a sentence can be homogeneous?

Any members of a sentence can act as homogeneous ones. The table shows examples of the use of homogeneous sentence members with different syntactic roles.

Sentence Member

What question is being answered?



Masha, Sasha And Vitya walked in the yard.

They live at my house kitty And puppy.


What to do? What to do?

Today in class we squatted, ran And jumped.

Anya good is reading, writes And speaks in English.


Which? What?

I bought yellow, red And blue balloons.

This table is not big, A small.


Questions about oblique cases

Grandma fed chickens And ducklings.

In the painting the artist depicted field And lake.


How? Where? Where? Where? When? For what? Why?

in winter And in the spring you need to eat more vitamins.

The path went up, That down.

In some cases, homogeneous members of a sentence can be represented in different parts speech, phrases, phraseological expressions or phrases that perform one syntactic function ( He answered in class(How?) confident, on business, having thought it through well ).

How to find homogeneous members of a sentence?

To find homogeneous members in a sentence, you must:

  • Identify the main and minor members of the sentence;
  • Determine which members of the sentence answer one question and relate to one word;
  • Check whether they are connected by a coordinating or non-conjunctive connection (whether they are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration).

Example: Woman embroidered a flower and a bird. Flower And bird- additions, answer the question What?, refer to the word embroidered; connected by a coordinating connection, between them there is coordinating conjunction And.

Sometimes several members of a sentence can be homogeneous at once. Sentences of this type are more often used in written speech.

Examples: Me and him talked and joked yesterday(homogeneous members of the sentence: me, him(subjects) and talked, joked(predicates)).

Punctuation for homogeneous sentence parts

In sentences, homogeneous members can be united by union and non-union connections.

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Type of communication


Punctuation rules


Connecting or separating single (and, or)

There is no comma between homogeneous members of a sentence

I prepared a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Single adversatives (ah, but, yes), concessive (Although)

A comma is placed before the conjunction

He was late, but he came.

Repetitive ( this - that, and - and, or - or, neither - nor, yes - yes and etc.)

The second and subsequent conjunctions are preceded by a comma

It snows or rains.


There is always a comma between homogeneous members

He admired paintings and sculptures.

If a generalizing word is used before homogeneous members of a sentence, a colon is placed after it; if a generalizing word comes after homogeneous members of a sentence, then a dash is placed in front of it (I love different fruits: apples, bananas and oranges. About joys, about failures, about love - about everything was in this book).

Homogeneous members of a sentence are studied in Russian language lessons in 4th grade.

What have we learned?

  • Homogeneous members of a sentence have the same syntactic features, answer one question;
  • Homogeneous members of a sentence can be represented by any part of speech, phrase, phrase;
  • In writing, a comma, a conjunction, or a comma and a conjunction can be placed between homogeneous members of a sentence.

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