What do you need to enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Military universities for girls. Physical fitness: standards

Many of our readers are interested in the topic of obtaining higher education, preferably free. Our correspondent, who talked with the head of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya., will tell you how to do this. Kikotya by Police Lieutenant General Igor KALINICHENKO.

Faculty distance learning Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya is a guarantee of high-quality professional education for employees of internal affairs bodies without leaving their service.

Today for Full-time learning is based not on passive learning, but on active independent work listeners, taking into account their practical experience.

Currently, the faculty trains about three thousand students - employees of internal affairs bodies, of which more than one and a half thousand serve in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow.

Training sessions are conducted by the university teaching staff in the form of lectures, seminars, consultations, practical classes, laboratory work. Taking into account its specifics, the faculty of distance learning, together with the departments of the university, strives to make the most efficient use of the time allocated for classroom work.

Everyone who once graduated from the department of correspondence education at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot, to this day remembers with trepidation the moment of farewell to his alma mater, to the place where he lived for several years, friends were found, and a bright outcome a difficult, but worthy path passed - the graduation of faculty students in the Hall of Fame of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill.

- Igor Aleksandrovich, let's look at a typical situation. The young man joined the police. Let's say he works in the patrol service, is ambitious, dreams of becoming an officer and getting higher education. What is the algorithm of his actions?

I see two ways. First: he applies to a civilian university, pays tuition and receives an education. There is a second way, less expensive and more relevant. Apply to our university. We train current police officers completely free of charge. The university has created all the conditions for receiving high-quality professional education without leaving work.

What does this require?

Firstly, the desire to learn. This is the main condition. Secondly, submit a report on being sent to study at your place of service. As soon as the manager signs it, the staff of the personnel department will create an educational file, which must be received by the university admissions committee no later than June 1 of the year of admission. I do not recommend postponing submitting documents until later. This should be done in December-January so that you can slowly prepare for the exam. entrance exams.

Are there any restrictions on length of service or age for candidates for training?

Does our candidate, a PPSP employee, have the right to study full-time?

Yes please. The selection of candidates for study and the preparation of materials, studying data about the candidate are also carried out by the recruiting bodies. If he successfully passes the entrance examination, he becomes a cadet, and he retains the salary paid at his last place of service. But there is just a limitation here. The applicant must not be older than 25 years.

Is a correspondence student called a listener?

What exams will our applicant have to take?

There are four of them. Entrance tests By Unified State Exam results- Russian language and social studies. Additional entrance tests are a history exam and a Russian language exam (exposition).

Is physical training not included in the list of tests?

No. Since he is an active employee, his physical fitness is assessed at his place of duty.

Are Unified State Exam results taken into account?

Necessarily! For persons who have completed their studies in secondary school before January 1, 2009, USE results are not needed, they pass all four exams.

Is passing a military medical commission provided for applicants for distance learning?

No. But in the educational file of a candidate for training, there must be a certificate in form 086-U.

What is the duration of distance learning?

It depends on what specialty the student is studying. For example, in the specialties “Law Enforcement” and “Legal Support of National Security” the training period is six years. Specializing in Pedagogy and Psychology deviant behavior"and some other areas of training - four years, as in accelerated training programs. But it is provided for those who already have a higher, but not specialized education.

So, our virtual candidate firmly decided to apply. But he lost his knowledge. Are you helping with this gap in any way?

Firstly, I invite all potential applicants to come and visit us for a day open doors, which takes place twice a month to get to know the university in more detail, talk with teachers and students. And secondly, we have training courses.

Our PEES student's educational work has been accepted. But for entrance exams you need free time.

This issue has long been worked out in the capital's garrison. On the day of registration, each applicant receives, in addition to the examination paper, a certificate of challenge, giving the right to provide guarantees and compensation to employees combining work with education.

Will they also be released from the unit for the session?

Undoubtedly! In accordance with the schedule of the educational process, each student is annually provided with guarantees and compensation for passing the intermediate certification from forty to fifty days. On these days, classes are held with them: lectures, seminars, consultations. During the same period, students take tests and exams.

Our imaginary policeman did. But he is sent on a business trip to the North Caucasus region for six months. And he can’t get to the session. Will he be expelled?

In no case. If a person has a valid reason for absence, then he is given the opportunity to undergo intermediate certification on an individual schedule. We have such facts, and not rarely.

What do students do during the school year?

Independent preparation. After listening to orientation lectures and receiving writing assignments tests, students master the material at home. During this time they must write from 13 to 18 written tests, coursework and hand them over to the department.

In person or by mail?

Written works are submitted to the office of the Faculty of Correspondence Studies in person or sent by mail.

And by email?

No. Emails are not accepted.

But the learning process requires special literature.

There are no problems with this. The university has an excellent library. The University Information and Library Center is educational library and scientific at the same time. Each listener receives a card with a login and password. He can easily, sitting at home, go to the website and look for what he needs from the catalogue. tutorial and works with it.

Does a correspondence student have the right to visit the university during the non-sessional period to clarify educational issues?

Undoubtedly! He can come at any time convenient for him and receive professional advice from the teaching staff of the departments.

What do you think the benefits of distance learning are?

First of all - knowledge. An employee of internal affairs bodies must have high-quality professional education, meet the demands of the time, be a true professional in your field.

And the last question. How do local managers feel about the absence of their employees, who are part-time students, from work during sessions? After all, fifty days is not enough.

Every leader, especially if he is a competent leader, always sees the future. Perhaps now he will have to be patient, but after some time he will receive a competent, highly qualified specialist who can quickly, based on the norms of the law, solve the problems facing the internal affairs bodies in ensuring law and order in the city of Moscow.

Interviewed by Evgeniy KATYSHEV,
photo by Sergei STRUCHEV

Those distant times are gradually returning when service in law enforcement agencies was considered prestigious. This is largely facilitated by the large number of domestic films and TV series in which the work of servants of the law is glorified. Watching fearless operatives fight crime on TV screens, many teenagers dream of joining their ranks. But how to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs? To do this, you must first graduate from one of the educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It could be a school, academy or university.

Beginning of law enforcement education

Healthy and physically resilient young men who want to devote their lives to serving in the police are accepted to study at the schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can enter the institution after receiving a certificate of completion of 9 classes. It is very important that the document contains good grades, since the academic performance of applicants in such educational institutions is addressed Special attention. If desired, after graduating from school, its graduates can continue their education in higher institutions, preparing employees for law enforcement.

Admission to university: main requirements

All young people who are interested in the question of how to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should know that the selection of applicants here is approached very carefully. People who have completed secondary or higher education can apply to universities of this level. In addition, a person wishing to study at an academy or university under the Ministry of Internal Affairs will need to pass entrance tests, undergo a psychological examination, a medical examination, drug tests and show a high level of physical fitness when passing the standards.

Submitting an application

Before entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the applicant must write an application addressed to the head of the internal affairs agency located at the place of his permanent registration. The document must be submitted before the end of February of the year in which admission is planned. It must indicate the following information: name of the university, faculty and specialty in which the applicant wishes to study. If a person is a law enforcement officer, then instead of an application, he should submit a report at the place of his service.

Educational or personal files of all persons wishing to receive education at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are sent to the educational institutions of their choice, after which all candidates must undergo professional selection. The one who successfully passes all the tests will be enrolled in studies. Age of applicants who did not serve in the ranks Russian army, must be 16-22 years old, and those who have already completed military service at the time of submitting the application must be no older than 24 years old.

Definition of mental and physical health

Anyone who is interested in information about how to enter the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should know that mental stability is the most important requirement for all candidates for study. Persons who have expressed a desire to devote themselves to work in law enforcement agencies are tested by specialists for a tendency to aggression and cruel behavior by conducting a psychological examination.

A medical examination allows you to determine compliance physical health applicant to the requirements of the upcoming work. Before entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person will need to visit a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, and surgeon. In addition to being examined by specialists, the applicant must undergo an examination to determine whether he has taken narcotic substances in the past. The key to successfully passing a medical examination is the absence of serious chronic diseases and mental resistance to stress factors. It is important to take into account that an applicant will be considered fit for study only if he is at least 160 cm tall.

Assessment of physical fitness of future students

When considering the question of how to enter the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one cannot help but disclose information about the specifics of passing the standards. Their list may differ depending on which faculty the applicant wants to study at. Most often, the applicant’s level of physical fitness is determined by the results of performing complex strength exercises, pull-ups on the bar and running short and long distances. In order to successfully pass all the standards, the applicant needs to begin preparatory training several months before admission, having first learned about the requirements for them on the official website of the educational institution.

Admission of women to the university

It happens that representatives of the fair sex are interested in how a girl can enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Women are accepted into educational institutions that train law enforcement officers in limited numbers. They are enrolled in the university for general principles, having passed a psychological examination, a medical examination, testing for drug use and passing the required physical standards.

Educational institutions that train law enforcement officers have a strict approach to student selection. Such strict requirements are explained by the fact that the work that awaits graduates after graduation is particularly specific, requiring excellent physical fitness and stress resistance. Having become familiar with how to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, each person can independently understand whether he is suitable for service in the internal organs or not.

Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya is the largest Federal State educational institution higher professional education. The training of specialists at the University is carried out in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards in the following areas of training (specialties):

Faculty of training staff for operational units, specialty "Law Enforcement", qualification - lawyer; entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of training police officers for public order units , specialty "Law Enforcement", qualification - lawyer, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training of employees for preliminary investigation bodies, specialty “Legal Support of National Security”, qualification – lawyer, Specializations: preliminary investigation by internal affairs bodies; inquiry by the internal affairs bodies. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of International Law, “Legal support of national security”, qualification – lawyer. Specializations: civil law; state-legal; international legal. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training. For those applying for civil law or international law specialization, it is necessary to pass an interview in English;

Faculty of training employees for economic security and anti-corruption departments , specialty "Economic Security", qualification - economist, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: social studies, Russian language, physical training;

Psychology faculty official activities , specialty “Psychology of professional activities”, qualification – psychologist, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, biology. Additional tests: history, Russian language, Physical Culture. Prepares specialists for juvenile affairs units, in their specialty “Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior”, qualification - social teacher, entrance examination based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training specialists in the field of information security , specialty "Security" information technologies in the law enforcement field”, qualification – information security specialist. Specializations: information security technologies; computer forensics in crime investigation. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: computer science and information and communication technologies, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of Forensic Science , specialty “Forensic Expertise”, qualification – forensic expert. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Exam: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Basic requirements for candidates: age up to 25 years, fit for health reasons military service, permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region (temporary registration for a period of at least 5 years is possible), availability of results passing the Unified State Exam according to the subjects required for each faculty and passing scores.

Privilege: Cadets receive free higher state professional education, are provided with a high stipend of up to 24,000 thousand rubles, uniforms, free 2 meals a day, enjoy the benefits of employees of internal affairs bodies, and have a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Upon completion of training, based on the results of the state final certification, a state diploma of appropriate education is issued and the special rank of “police lieutenant” is awarded. All graduates are provided with guaranteed employment in various professions. Opportunity for career growth. Employees receive a stable salary from 45,000 to 80,000 thousand rubles, + year-end bonuses, as well as various incentives for excellence in service. Annual paid leave from 40 to 55 calendar days, free medical care for employees and members of their families. Have the right to receive a one-time payment social payment, for the purchase or construction of residential premises. Pension period begins after 20 years of service.

A correctly chosen profession means success and well-being in life, as well as irreplaceable spiritual comfort. Many high school students, when choosing where to study, try to follow their hearts. Work should bring pleasure and benefit to people. The financial component is also important; why then work if you cannot feed your family with this money?!

Among the many professions special place occupied by people in uniform. This is honor, bearing, dignity. Well, who doesn’t dream of trying on a formal uniform and showing off in front of their friends? And they look especially beautiful and majestic in the form of a girl. There are few men (and even women) who will not pay attention to such a woman.

But how to get to the internal affairs bodies? How can a simple girl get a job in the police? What regulations and documents are needed for this? Perhaps some education is required? Let's figure it out in order, but first let's figure out what work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs gives?

Benefits of working as a police officer

  1. Police officers are required to be insured.
  2. Police officers have many benefits - starting with discounted travel to public transport, ending with free medical care.
  3. Police officers retire after twenty years of service.
  4. If you have been working in the police for more than 10 years, you can take advantage of preferential conditions for purchasing housing - for example, a minimum rate of 7% on a mortgage loan. In addition, you have the right to one-time financial assistance in purchasing housing.
  5. Police officers get more rest than civilians. On average, a police officer's vacation lasts 7 working days more. With length of service, the number of vacation days increases. This is compensation for irregular working hours.
  6. Modern reforms in the state are improving the work and life of police officers. They receive a decent salary, for example, a young officer has a salary of about 30 thousand rubles.

These and other advantages in police work make many people think about connecting their lives with this department.

Who can get a job in the police

So, let's say you are a young girl who dreams of joining the police. But how to do that? Are you suitable for the positions offered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs? So who can join the police?

  1. You can get a job in the police from 18 to 35 years old. If your age is in this range, you have passed the first criterion successfully.
  2. Before you decide to join the police, carefully remember your biography. Not only you, but also your closest relatives should not have a criminal record. Even a minor report to the police can end your police career, which has not yet begun.
  3. In order to get a job in the police, men must have an army behind them. Girls, fortunately, are exempt from this criterion.
  4. Even if they agreed to hire you for a particular position, you will have to pass physical fitness standards. Usually this is shuttle running at speed and strength exercises (pull-ups or push-ups to choose from).
  5. Passing a military medical commission is considered a mandatory condition. There is a myth that to work in the police you need to be in excellent health, like an astronaut. This is wrong. It is enough to pass a physical and mental condition test.
  6. In addition, the person is put into a polygraph and asked various questions. The slightest suspicion of alcohol or drug addiction will deprive you of the chance to get your dream job.
  7. Education also plays an important role. The specialized education for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is considered to be legal. If you have a higher education legal education, you can hope to receive the rank of junior lieutenant upon joining. However, I would like to note that this is not a mandatory condition. Even with secondary education, you can join the police, but the position will be appropriate. But, if you simultaneously study and improve your skill level, climbing the career ladder is quite possible. In addition, there are special specialized educational institutions that are supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The likelihood of working in the police after graduation is very high.
  8. Often, police officers are hired at their place of registration, which means that it is unlikely that you will be able to work far from home without a special referral.

If you meet all these criteria for the internal affairs bodies, you shouldn’t stop, you need to act!

What to do if a girl wants to work in the police

First, you should look at the vacancies of the police department where you would like to work. To do this, you need to go to the HR department and just get acquainted with what is offered. You can also go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and view vacancies online. Don’t forget to find out about the work schedule; it’s unlikely that your boss will be in your position when you need to pick up your child from kindergarten.

A girl who dreams of working in the police needs to decide in which field of activity she would like to realize herself. Usually girls choose work with document management. A lot of girls dream of working in a passport office.

If a position seems attractive to you, compose a competent resume and send it to the specified address. You can try to talk with your future boss - perhaps you can prove to him in a personal conversation that you are determined and definitely want to work in his department. The military values ​​persistence and confident action.

Police work is not an easy job. However, there are people who cannot live without service. They are police officers by vocation, their duty is to protect the peace. If you feel your heart calling and dream of joining the police, go for it.

Video: Police work

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