What does the list of applicants recommended for admission mean? How not to get lost in the ranking list of applicants. Enrollment information

To the question: What do “lists of those recommended for admission” mean at a university? Does it mean that you will definitely pass or not? given by the author Calculate the best answer is Copied for you:
"About rating lists and the list of those recommended for enrollment"
How are rating lists and the list of those recommended for enrollment formed, and why do so many questions arise?
It is well known that after the end of accepting documents from applicants, the university begins to form rating lists, followed by a list of persons recommended for enrollment. Legal basis such work is an order of the Ministry of Education and Science, which states in a separate paragraph that on July 30 on the official website of the university and information stand admissions committee information is posted on persons “who have successfully passed the entrance examinations, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), highlighting lists of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty).” It seemed that everything was simple and clear. However, this is not quite true.
Take, for example, such an important point as the number of applicants included in the list recommended for admission. Should it match the number of remaining budget places, for which the recruitment is made? Rosobnadzor answers yes. However, in practice, you may encounter a situation where the list of those recommended for admission includes ALL applicants who have applied for the relevant specialty. And when you ask the admissions committee how this is possible, you either do not receive an answer at all, or you are at a loss after the vague explanation that is given.
Let's look at another example. Let's say there is a list of recommended ones. What does it mean, and is inclusion in it an unambiguous guarantee of admission (if the applicant, of course, submits the original documents on time) or are options possible here too? Unfortunately, not everything is completely clear about this issue, since there is no clear legal formulation of the term “recommended for enrollment.” Due to this, some universities inform applicants about the relevant guarantees, and thus instill in them a certain confidence in the future, while others do nothing of the kind. Therefore, applicants often have to call almost every university where they have submitted documents in order to clarify this issue. But is the oral response of the nameless interlocutor at the other end of the tube the ultimate truth, that is the question.
However, another important point is vague. It's about on maintaining the integrity of the initial list of persons recommended for enrollment. And indeed, how constant should this list be, and can new candidates be included in it in the interval, for example, between waves of admission? It is also unlikely that you will be able to get an intelligible answer to this topic, because again this question is interpreted differently by universities, and regardless of everything, each of them believes that their point of view is fully consistent with current legal norms. Well, what can we say about this – miracles, and that’s all. All universities seem to be in the same legal field, but only each of them understands it in its own way. And it is the applicants who suffer from all this because they cannot adapt to the ambiguous rules of the game associated with entering a university.
A short conclusion from all of the above - be prepared for anything. You need to focus not only on the list of those recommended for enrollment, but also on the admission plan established for a particular specialty. It is this combination that will avoid many problems.

July 31 - universities begin publishing orders for the admission of applicants entering without entrance examinations(winners and medalists of Olympiads), according to target set, outside the competition, and also post competition lists ranked by the amount of points scored, highlighting a list of people recommended for enrollment in the first wave. What should you pay attention to?

First of all, on the number of remaining vacant places. To do this, you need to take the enrollment plan and subtract from it the number of enrolled Olympiads, target students and non-competitors, which are included in the relevant orders.

It should also be taken into account that the procedure for admission to universities provides for the allocation of a separate list of persons recommended for enrollment in the general competitive list. It can be done in color, font or other way. If this is not the case, please clarify this issue with the admissions committee.

Please read the university website carefully. It is possible that you will find a mention of guarantees for those recommended for enrollment there.

Please note that even being included in the guaranteed recommended lists and timely submission of originals does not mean further enrollment in a specific specialty, because Recruitment can be carried out for enlarged areas of training. Further redistribution within them must be finally recorded in the enrollment order, and any deviations in this regard are illegal.

Remember that many universities are trying to recruit applicants as quickly as possible, and therefore the presence of originals in the applicant’s personal file can facilitate enrollment. Although, to a greater extent, this is an exception rather than an established practice.

It is also important to understand that those recommended for enrollment are required to bring original documents no later than August 4. Otherwise, they are eliminated from the competition.

At the same time, the withdrawal of an applicant from the competition in one area of ​​study does not mean his automatic exclusion from all other areas where he was not recommended. Moreover, this does not apply to other universities where he could also apply.

The civil network "Opora" provides answers to typical questions about the admission of applicants to higher education institutions.
July 31 is the last day for accepting documents from applicants wishing to obtain the educational qualification level "bachelor". And on August 1, admissions committees will publish the first lists of applicants recommended for admission. Those who occupied high positions in the rating lists are recommended for enrollment in government jobs in the first wave. Those in which the scores are a little worse, please be patient. The main thing at this stage is to have a good understanding of the procedures for publishing rating lists, stages of enrollment and deadlines for submitting original documents.

This is a list of all applicants participating in the competitive selection for a specific area of ​​training, formed in accordance with the rating score of applicants - from the highest to the lowest. IN rating list lists applicants whom the university admissions committee recommends to be included in the state order.

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant;
  • competition score;
  • availability of grounds for admission without competition;
  • availability of grounds for admission based on the results of an interview with a note on the results of the interview;
  • availability of the right to priority enrollment.
  • applicants who have the right to be admitted without competition (within the quota);
  • applicants recommended for admission based on the results of the interview;
  • participants in international Olympiads;
  • applicants who are admitted by competition (general competition).

The rating list does not include applicants recommended for admission to places targeted reception. A separate rating list is created for them, which is formed according to the competitive score - from highest to lowest.

The admissions committee decides to recommend admission to study places of state order in three stages: on the first, fifth and eighth days after last day accepting applications. Therefore, the first ranking list of applicants indicating those recommended for admission must be published before 12:00 on August 1.

If not all applicants recommended for admission submitted original documents within the next four days (before the end of the admissions committee’s working day on August 4), the admissions committee adjusts the list and provides recommendations for admission to the next rated applicants. The corrected lists will be published before 12:00 of the next enrollment waves - August 5 and August 8, respectively.

For example. Applicant Andrey came to the university on August 1 to get acquainted with the ranking list. Having found himself in 62nd place, he learned that he was recommended for enrollment, since the state order for this specialty was 50 places. During August 1-4, out of 50 recommended, only 30 brought original documents, the remaining 20 chose to study at other universities. On the morning of August 5, the admissions committees adjusted the lists and, by 12:00, published an updated rating list indicating those recommended for admission. Andrey has now risen 20 positions and is in 42nd place, and therefore next to his name in the rating list there is a note “recommended for enrollment.” According to it, original documents should be brought before the end of the admissions committee’s working day on July 7. If Andrey does not do this, on the morning of August 8, the admissions committee will cancel the provided recommendation for admission and Andrey will only be able to be recommended for enrollment in studies using legal or individuals.

5. Where can I find lists of those recommended for admission?

Rating lists published in other ways (including on the website www.vstup.info (IS "Competition") and on other information sites) are not official.

If the applicant was recommended in the first wave of admission (August 1), the original documents must be brought before the end of the admissions committee's working day on August 4, if in the second (August 5) or third wave (August 8) - before the end of the admissions committee's working day on August 7 and 10 respectively.

7. If I was recommended for enrollment at a certain university with funds from the state budget in the first wave and I submitted the original documents there, or do I take part in the competitive selection at the other universities to which I submitted documents?

So, you take part in the competitive selection for other universities where you have submitted applications for admission.

8. If I am recommended for enrollment in the first wave and I submit the originals, and later I am recommended for enrollment in the second wave at a higher priority university for me, will I be able to pick up the original documents from the first university?

Thus, the applicant has the right to pick up the original documents and submit them to another higher education institution. The admissions committee must consider the issue of returning original documents on the day the applicant submits a written application. Any objections from university representatives regarding the issuance of original documents are illegal and can be challenged. However, from August 11 (after the order for enrollment), the procedure for the university to return the originals will take longer, because the applicant will be given the originals only after the order for his expulsion.

9. If I do not qualify for government jobs in one of the three waves, will they offer me study at the expense of individuals or legal entities (contract)?

Thus, admissions committees offer such applicants training at the expense of individuals or legal entities. The list of individuals or legal entities recommended for enrollment at the expense of funds is formed according to the rating after the applicants have fulfilled all the requirements for enrollment in training under the state order, i.e. from August 11, within the licensed volume.

10. When are applicants admitted?

Enrollment (acceptance of the corresponding order by the head of the university) of applicants on the basis of basic and complete general secondary education at day form training takes place: by state order - until August 11, at the expense of individuals or legal entities - after enrollment in state order places in the relevant field (specialty), but no later than August 25.

11. What does non-competitive admission mean?

Individual applicants have the right to be admitted without competition. For such applicants, each university allocates a certain number of places from the state order, which, according to the Admission Conditions, should not exceed 25% of the volume of the state order for each direction.

For example, for the field of training “journalism” the volume of the state order is 40 places. The university has set a quota for non-competitive admission of 25%. In accordance with the 40 budget places, 10 non-competitive places were allocated. Among the applicants who submitted documents, there are 25 people eligible for non-competitive admission. A competition is formed between these individuals in accordance with their rating points, and only 10 of them will be recommended for enrollment. After these applicants have fulfilled the requirements for admission, the remaining 15 applicants will participate in the competition on a general basis.

12. What does priority admission mean?

The right to priority admission is the right of an applicant to occupy the highest position in the ranking list with the same competitive score as other applicants.

For example, applicants Irina and Oleg have an equal competitive score - 770.3. However, Oleg graduated from school with a gold medal, but Irina did not. Therefore, Oleg will be one position higher in the ranking list of applicants than Irina, because he has the right to priority admission.

Applicants Oksana and Sergey have an equal competitive score - 770.3. Sergei graduated from school with a gold medal, and Oksana is disabled group III. Both applicants have the right to first-choice admission, however, taking into account the order specified in clause 14.1 of the Admission Conditions, Oksana will be one position higher in the rating list.

Universities that operate on a commercial basis and do not have state orders will publish lists of those recommended for enrollment on August 1. The deadline for fulfilling the conditions for enrollment at the expense of legal entities or individuals is set by the university’s admissions committee, but no later than August 25.

Admissions committees will work on August 4 and 5, but we advise you to check the end time of the working day in the specific educational institution(or on the official website of the university).

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Based on the decision of the admissions committee of the HSE Lyceum dated December 20, 2018:

1. Minimum passing scores have been established for the subjects of the comprehensive test:

Russian language – 4 points;

Mathematics – 4 points;

Foreign language – 4 points;

Advanced mathematics – 10 points;

Sociocultural awareness – 10 points;

Biology – 10 points.

2. Passing scores have been established in the following areas:

Economics and mathematics – 36 points;

Psychology – 29 points;

Design – 32 points.

3. The list of applicants recommended for admission as part of the additional admission to vacant seats in the 10th grade of the HSE Lyceum has been approved

4. Enrollment information

At the meeting, you will be able to receive a certificate confirming that you have been recommended for enrollment to be submitted to your educational institution.

Until 12/25/2018 until 15-00 hours at personal account https://asav.hse.ru/lyceum.html#signin it is necessary to select a curriculum.

To enroll in the Lyceum, you must provide documents according to the list (see bottom of the page) to the address: B. Kharitonyevsky lane, building 4, building 1, room. 207. Please provide a complete package of documents.

All applications and consents can only be completed by legal representatives.

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