Stories about professionals. Mysterious cases with cosmonauts and astronauts

Half a century has passed since earthlings began to explore space. However, he remains the Great Unknown. This is once again proven by the mysterious surprises in its vast expanses, evidence of which does not appear in open sources.

They say that on March 26, 1991, a descent capsule with American astronaut Charles Gibson, who supposedly flew into space back in 1963, splashed down in the Atlantic.

After NASA's radio contact with him was lost and his Gemeni spacecraft disappeared from orbit, Gibson was presumed dead under unclear circumstances. When the capsule was caught and opened, it turned out that the astronaut was alive! How he survived for 28 years on a ship with a supply of oxygen and food for only six months and where he disappeared from Gemini orbit remains a mystery to this day.

After returning to Earth, Gibson underwent quarantine and medical rehabilitation at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Both the astronaut and Gemini were carefully studied by scientists and specialists in various fields, but this did not clarify what happened to them. Therefore, the NASA representative limited himself to a very vague message:

Charles Gibson is physically well, but he is completely disoriented. He is not aware of his long absence from Earth. The astronaut’s mental state leaves much to be desired, and his words cannot be connected into one whole. When asked where he had been for so many years, Gibson invariably answers only something incomprehensible: “Never again, never again!”

The second such incident, which occurred with astronaut John Smith, was allegedly reported by the popular British newspaper The Sun.

In October 1973, Smith went into space on a ship that was disguised as another satellite launched by order of the Pentagon, allegedly to study near-Earth space. The first three days of the flight went quite normally, but then the ship’s maneuvering and orientation system malfunctioned.

As a result, the astronaut found himself in the zone of action of the so-called radiation belts, which negatively affect not only living organisms, but even equipment. NASA management intended to make attempts to save John, but communication with him suddenly stopped.

After what happened in space, NASA was in a state of shock for several days. The management was the first to come to its senses and strictly ordered all employees, under threat of dismissal, to forget about the cosmic tragedy that had occurred, as if it had never happened. At the same time, the launch of the spacecraft piloted by John was noted in the documentation simply as unsuccessful, and the astronaut was written off as having died as a result of an accident during a training flight.

But the story of the mysterious incident did not end there; on the contrary, it received a new and unexpected continuation. At the end of 2000, an amateur astronomer from the Fiji Islands accidentally recorded an unknown cosmic body in an orbit at an altitude of 480 km and immediately reported his discovery to NASA. There, experts immediately pointed radars at the indicated area of ​​the sky and, after rummaging through the archives, came to an unexpected conclusion: this is nothing more than the once-missing Smith ship, which appeared out of nowhere.

In addition, the ship gradually descended, but did not respond to radio requests. Then NASA decided to remove the object from orbit when it dropped to an acceptable altitude. At the beginning of 2001, the operation to return him to Earth was carried out during the next flight of the Endeavor shuttle.

The returned object was immediately opened, and, to the surprise of everyone present, it contained a safe and sound Smith, but only in an unconscious state, because the temperature inside the ship was close to absolute zero. When they began to gradually raise her, the astronaut began to show obvious signs of life. Specialists in cryogenic medicine were urgently called. They slowly but surely revived the astronaut.

And it soon became clear that it was not John Smith who returned to Earth, but someone who was exactly like him. The first suspicions arose among doctors who, after checking the patient’s condition with his medical record, were surprised to notice significant discrepancies. It, for example, recorded traces of a rib fracture that John received as a child, but the astronaut under study had nothing of the kind. It was also well known that Smith had some difficulty with higher mathematics, and the patient under study was quite fluent in extracting cube roots from 18-digit numbers.

A physiological anomaly was also discovered, namely: the “new” Smith’s heart turned out to be displaced to the right side of the chest, which the real John did not have. Other oddities also emerged. In particular, in the personal notebook that is given to each astronaut before departure, only half of the 100 sheets remain. Moreover, for some reason the imaginary John covered 50 pages with strange small symbols, not similar to oriental hieroglyphs, nor to ancient ideographic writings, nor to the letters of any modern alphabet. IN

As a result, experts came to the conclusion that it was not John Smith who returned to Earth, but a certain humanoid creature who replaced the astronaut. Who did this and why is unknown. And a few days later, the vigilantly guarded alien allegedly disappeared without a trace. Searches for him did not yield any results. However, it is possible that US official circles simply kept the mysterious incident strictly classified and isolated its hero from communication with scientists.

Paranormal investigators believe they know the answer to both cases: both the first Gemini with astronaut Charles Gibson and the second ship with John Smith fell into the so-called time whirlpool.

It is known that our world exists in time and space. With the second, everything seems to be clear. But we have little idea what it means to exist in time. Meanwhile, this is not so difficult: you just have to imagine a stormy river carrying various objects, including houses and people washed away by it. We can say that they exist precisely in this river. So we exist in the flow of time.

But the smooth flow of the river of time, like any stream, can be disrupted. Whirlpools sometimes arise in it, in which the passage of time is distorted. People and objects caught in such anomalies find themselves, figuratively speaking, drawn into the depths of this river, where there is no current, that is, time stops. Then, after some interval, the “prisoners” are thrown to the surface, that is, back to our time. It is possible that cardinal psychophysical changes occur in their bodies. This is exactly what happened to both astronauts.


In 1985, when the Soviet space program was on the rise and people preferred not to report emergency incidents in space, orbital station The unexpected happened at Salyut 7. It was the 155th day of the flight. A crew of three cosmonauts - Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov and Leonid Kizim - was engaged in the planned experiments and observations. A series of medical experiments was about to begin. Suddenly, the station was flooded with a brilliant orange light, blinding the astronauts. It was not an explosion or fire at the station itself. It seemed that the light penetrated into it from the outside, from space, through the completely opaque walls of the Salyut.

Fortunately, my vision returned almost immediately. The astronauts rushing to the porthole could not believe their eyes: on the other side of the heavy-duty glass, seven giant figures were clearly visible in the orange luminous cloud! They had human faces and bodies, but, in addition, behind their backs they could see something translucent, similar to wings.

All three cosmonauts were people with a strong psyche, who passed all kinds of tests during training. There was no question of religious superstitions. However, they all had the same thought: angels were flying in space next to them! For 10 minutes they accompanied Salyut 7 at the same speed, repeating the ship’s maneuvers, and then disappeared. The orange glowing cloud also disappeared. Having regained consciousness, ship commander Oleg Atkov, cosmonauts Vladimir Solovyov and Leonid Kizim reported what had happened to the control center.

They demanded a detailed report of what they saw. When the flight directors got acquainted with it, the report was immediately classified as “secret”, and the astronauts became interested in the ground team of doctors. So, instead of medical experiments, the station crew began studying the state of their own health, both physical and mental. Tests showed normal. Therefore, it was decided to consider the incident a group hallucination due to overwork during the five-month flight.

However, the unexpected happened. On the 167th day of the flight, three colleagues joined the first crew: Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov. And again the orbital station was illuminated with orange light and seven “angels” appeared. Now all six cosmonauts reported that they saw “smiling angels.” The version of group insanity due to overwork could be safely rejected, since the second crew arrived just a few days before the second “angelic vision”.

Of course, you can attribute what happened to the human factor. You never know how being in space can affect your psyche. However, in the West, a sensation was caused by several photographs taken by the Hubble orbital telescope, which ubiquitous journalists somehow obtained from the American Jet Propagation laboratory. There, in strict secrecy, experts studied the mysterious anomalies captured by Hubble. Seven flying angel-like figures were clearly visible in the photographs! Scientists have not yet been able to establish their true essence.

However, in orbit, astronauts encounter not only mysterious visual visions, but also equally mysterious cosmic voices. The first to report the mysterious phenomenon in October 1995 was cosmonaut-researcher Sergei Krichevsky, senior researcher at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu.A. Gagarin and the Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and also a candidate technical sciences and full member Russian Academy cosmonautics named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

His report states that “all information about fantastic visions accompanied by a cosmic voice is the property of a very narrow circle of people... The cosmonauts transmitted and continue to transmit information about them exclusively to each other, sharing information with those who will soon make the flight.”

They heard various sounds, including the speech of other creatures, and it was understandable - they were learned immediately, without training. A characteristic point in this case is that the astronaut begins to perceive a flow of information coming from somewhere outside, but when the flow ceases, it still unexpectedly disappears. That is, there is a feeling that someone powerful and great outside is transmitting some new and unusual information for a person.

It also happened, with a very detailed forecast, and anticipation of future events - with a detailed “showing” of threatening dangerous situations or moments that - as if with an inner voice - were especially highlighted and commented on. At the same time, they heard: they say, everything will work out, it will end well. Thus, the most difficult and dangerous moments of the flight program were anticipated in advance.
There was a case that if not for such a “prophetic vision”, the astronauts could have died.

The accuracy and detail of dangerous moments is also amazing. Thus, the voice predicted the mortal danger that awaited the astronauts upon entering open space. In the prophetic vision, this danger was shown several times and commented on by voice. In a real exit, when working outside the station, all this was absolutely confirmed, but the cosmonaut was already prepared and saved his life (otherwise he would have flown away from the station).

There is no point in guessing who is the intelligent entity that the astronauts come into contact with. There is no necessary data for this yet. We can only quote the words of one of the astronauts who heard someone else’s voice: “Space has proven to us that he is certainly intelligent and much more complex than our ideas about him. And also the fact that our knowledge today does not allow us to understand the essence of most of the processes occurring in the Universe.”

Ivan Chipurin

Having been born on April 1, these “ghosts” should have melted into thin air the very next morning. Ah, no! They continue to live to this day, constantly appearing here and there, recruiting more and more new supporters and admirers.

On the other hand, there are not so many “phantom astronauts”, who are called “April Fools”. But what kind!

I already spoke about the “cosmonaut-chekists” in the seventh chapter of my book, about “Yuri Sergeevich Sh.” and “flight engineer Lelechka” - in the previous chapter. Here are a few more examples of oral art related to April Fools' Day. I will cite here only three “episodes” that “went” beyond the time interval allotted to them and became independent characters in folklore. In the first case we're talking about about the flight of German cosmonauts, in the second - about the flight of an American, in the third - about the flight of a Soviet man.

On April 2, 1990, a sensation spread around the world: American sailors picked up Atlantic Ocean a flying vehicle carrying three Nazi cosmonauts sent into space 47 years earlier for unclear purposes. They spent the entire flight in a state of suspended animation. A report about this was published by the American magazine National Geographic.

The crew members, when they came to their senses and were able to more or less coherently express their thoughts, reported that they had been personally selected by Adolf Hitler and launched from the territory of the secret Peenemünde missile site. With their flight they were supposed to “stake out” Germany’s priority in space flights. The German cosmonauts also reported that they knew nothing about the events that occurred after 1943 - they were supposed to be returned to Earth after the “banner of the Third Reich had risen all over the planet.”

According to reports in the world press, more precisely, those newspapers and magazines that “understood” the hint of an authoritative “primary source”, the spacecraft on which the astronauts returned to Earth was an improved version of the V-2 ballistic missile. An unnamed “NASA representative” commented on the incident: “This is incredible! We could never imagine anything like this. The very fact that the Germans had space technology during the war already overturns all our ideas, but the flight of the German cosmonauts can be considered a real miracle.”

“The incredible adventures of the Germans in space” could have remained a joke if... April of that year had long ended, it was replaced by May, then June, July, August. The April Fool's joke began to be gradually forgotten, but in October they began to write about it again. Maybe the new is the well-forgotten old, or maybe in some countries April Fool's Day is celebrated not in the spring, but in the fall. But newspapers in many countries again flashed reports about the astronauts of the Third Reich. Moreover, they already wrote about it quite seriously. True, the bulk of publications came from the “yellow press”. But quite serious publications also “noted” themselves - most of them were awarded this “feat” by the fact that they referred to National Geographic, a magazine that is difficult to suspect of publishing obvious nonsense. And they quickly forgot about the publication date. Moreover, the magazine is monthly, and the publication date is very quickly forgotten.

Nowadays they write about Hitler’s astronauts quite often. Usually those journalists and writers who are still trying to find traces of manned space exploration during the Second World War. This is not the first time I have the urge to name the names of these “amateurs,” and I once again restrain myself, believing that it would be too much honor for them. Or maybe it is necessary to list them in order to discourage the creation of “ghosts” in the future. Since the end of the book is still far away, relatively speaking of course, I will have the opportunity to do this if I change my point of view. In the meantime I will continue...

German "cosmonauts" became the first "April Fool's cosmonauts", but not the last. The next hero of this chapter appeared in the “phantom chronicle” exactly a year later. What the press wrote in April 1991 (sorry, but years ago I forgot the name of the newspaper that was the first to create a new myth, but it was a fairly well-known publication) was very reminiscent of the story of the “landing” of the German cosmonauts. True, this time US Coast Guard ships picked up the capsule spaceship Gemini with American astronaut Charles Gibson. True, he was sent into space in 1965, that is, the mission lasted much less than the Germans. And the task of this “secret expedition” was, simply, to observe the territory of a potential enemy (read - the territory of the USSR). The flight was unsuccessful, it was not possible to return the ship to Earth and Gibson “had to lie down in a special chamber” in which he fell into a state of suspended animation.

And again they referred to certain “NASA employees” who confirmed the “reliability” of the information given in the newspapers. And again there were reprints in other publications. The further publications about Gibson's flight moved away from the April Fools' date, the more serious they became, and at some point it was completely forgotten when the astronaut was “born.”

Much less has been written about Gibson than about his German predecessors. And even today he is rarely remembered. But Charles Gibson still managed to become a “phantom astronaut,” although his story was no longer original and not as attractive as the year before.

The first two “experiences” of creating “April Fools’ astronauts” were so successful that one could expect the appearance of new “conquerors of the Universe” with enviable regularity. However, this did not happen. Since initially humorous publications appeared in reputable newspapers and magazines, they were probably simply afraid that their hooligan articles would be taken seriously again. That's why we decided not to continue this topic. Well, publications of “lower rank” were unable to “support” the tradition.

The theme of “April Fools’ astronauts” was returned to at the end of the twentieth century, and not in America, but in Russia. “Flight engineer Lelechka” from the previous chapter became the “founder” of this category of “phantom cosmonauts” in the Russian-language press. As before in foreign funds mass media, Lelechka’s “success” stopped others Russian newspapers and joke magazines of this kind. But then television got involved...

One of the cohort of “April Fools” cosmonauts that I can talk about is the “Soviet engineer” Nikolai Novitsky. He owes his birth to a program that was broadcast on the night of April 1-2, 2002 by the Russian TV channel ORT (now the Rossiya-1 channel). The demonstration did not begin on April Fool's Day, but 30 minutes after its legal end. This was probably done to give the plot credibility, so that not every viewer would guess from the very first frames about the humorous nature of the film. Well, to further intrigue those who were glued to the television screen at such a late hour, inserts of old newsreels and supposedly archival documents classified as “secret” were used. Making them using modern computer technology was not difficult. As the future showed, all these “tricks” did their job, and Novitsky confidently entered the list of “phantom cosmonauts.”

What did the ORT people tell you that night?

According to their “version,” there lived a talented engineer Nikolai Novitsky in the 1930s in the Soviet Union. He was one of that breed of geniuses with whom the Russian land is full, and for whom it does not matter what to invent: an iron or a sewing machine, atomic bomb or a time machine. True, Novitsky did not study either the first, or the second, or the third, or the fourth. And I give a list of his “possibilities” only to make it easier for the reader to imagine the scale of the “personality” of the hero of the TV show.

Novitsky devoted most of his life to creating a device that later became known as an underground boat. This was such a “revolutionary” “invention” for its time that, naturally, the work was carried out in absolute secrecy. According to legend, Novitsky managed to design, build and test a device that moved underground at a speed slightly less than a submarine.

By the way, since we are talking about this, a little about the underground boat. Any reader, even if he does not know special technical education, but remembers some of school curriculum in physics, will understand that it is in principle impossible to create such a device. But this does not mean that they did not try to do it. We tried! Not only in the USSR, but also in Germany and the USA. Perhaps in other countries too. Funds were allocated for this work and, admittedly, considerable ones. Naturally, no one succeeded. Perhaps Nikolai Novitsky, to whose history I will return.

So, when the inventor received the first positive results, he was “remembered” in the Kremlin. It was then that the construction of the Moscow metro began. But Novitsky was not tasked with creating a metro named after L.M. Kaganovich (later named after V.I. Lenin), but a certain secret branch that would allow the top Soviet leadership to move around Moscow. The work took more than two years and was successfully completed by the 20th anniversary October revolution. If you plot the stations of this alternative metro on a map of Moscow and connect them with straight lines, then on the plan of the capital you can see two letters“NN”, that is, Nikolai Novitsky. Please remember that I am retelling the television version of events and not presenting the real facts.

By the time Joseph Stalin first traveled underground from the Kremlin to his nearby dacha in Barvikha, Novitsky had already lost all interest in creating an underground boat. He was fascinated by the idea of ​​​​flying to the moon, which he did somewhere in the Moscow region. The launch of the rocket built by the inventor took place on April 1, 1938 in the presence of party and government leaders. Novitsky took a place in aircraft, turned on the engines and a moment later the roaring monster disappeared into the clouds. High-ranking spectators peered up with curiosity for some time, and then, looking at each other with disappointment, they began to sit down in the cars that were taken from Moscow.

Nothing is known for certain about the results of Novitsky’s expedition. Maybe he made it to the moon, maybe his rocket burned up in the earth's atmosphere. But many years later, when to our natural satellite The first human-made automatic stations rushed in, and when the first photographs of the lunar surface were received, researchers were able to see two giant Latin letters “NN” on Selena’s face.

Fascinating story. Very plausible, if you don’t know that the first satellite appeared only in 1957, and the first man went into space four years later.

There were few people who would believe in the real existence of Novitsky. But they were. The story of the flight to the Moon in the 1930s was also republished by several foreign newspapers.

In fairness, I note that they believed in Novitsky incomparably less people throughout the world than in the German astronauts who traveled in orbit for 47 years. We won’t believe it either, but there will still be a place for him on the list of “ghost cosmonauts”.

And the very last thing I will write in this chapter. The April Fools' jokes didn't end with Novitsky. They appeared later too. But they did not bring glory to either their creators or their “heroes.”

In certain circles it is rumored that in 1991, a flight capsule splashed down in the Atlantic, inside which was an astronaut from the United States, Charles Gibson. The most interesting thing is that he allegedly flew into space in 1963.

Gibson flew away on the Gemini spacecraft in 1963. After entering orbit, communication with him was lost. NASA employees considered him missing. Moreover, the astronaut's ship soon disappeared from radar, which means he was not in orbit. But when the descended capsule was opened in 1991, it turned out that the person in it was alive! How was he able to live for more than 20 years on a primitive spacecraft, the supplies of which were designed for only 6 months?

It is known that after returning to home planet, the astronaut passed medical examination and other necessary procedures. His capsule and himself were carefully studied by specialists from various fields of science. Despite this, it was never possible to find out what happened to Gibson, and how he managed to survive without food or water for 28 years in space.

NASA, in turn, issued a terse and odd statement:

Gibson is feeling great. Unfortunately, this only applies to his physical condition, since he remains completely disoriented. He doesn't realize how long he's actually been away from Earth. His words remain unintelligible; he cannot string them together into sentences. When we asked him where he had been for so many years, he answered only one thing - never and never again!

There is another similar case in history

In 1973, John Smith was sent into Earth orbit on a secret mission. His ship was disguised as an ordinary satellite. Initially, John's flight was normal, but it did not last long - only three days. Then his ship lost orientation, and the system responsible for maneuvering also failed.

Later it turned out that the astronaut fell into the zone of “radiation belts”, which have a detrimental effect not only on technology, but also on all living things. Therefore, the Pentagon, under whose leadership Smith’s flight project was, considered the astronaut dead. The leadership of NASA tried to save the astronaut, but it was too late - they lost contact with his ship.

For some time, most of NASA (except for those who did not know about the incident) was in a state of shock for several days, after which it strictly forbade all eyewitnesses to talk about the incident. They decided to forget him as quickly as possible, along with the pilot, who seemed to have died during an unsuccessful test of a new spacecraft.

At the beginning of 2001, an amateur astronomer noticed a strange object in orbit. He immediately reported his discovery to a certain service, after which rumors about it quickly reached NASA. After NASA sent radars towards the object, it turned out that it was Smith's ship, which went missing back in 1973. The ship gradually lost altitude, but it was not possible to establish communication with it.

Having waited until the ship had descended to a certain height, the above-mentioned agency decided to send a catcher after it, and then lower it to Earth. After opening the ship, it turned out that the half-dead astronaut Smith was on board. He is unconscious because he flew in space at an ultra-low temperature that was approaching absolute zero.

When the temperature inside the apparatus began to slowly increase, the hero-astronaut began to show barely noticeable signs that he was alive. Cryomedicine specialists were immediately called in and quickly resuscitated Smith. After this, the astronaut was provided with all the necessary medical care. After a full examination, it turned out that it was not John Smith who was delivered to his home planet, but some other human being in his body.

The first to notice the difference were doctors who checked the data in the astronaut’s medical record with the new ones they received after the examination. The real Smith suffered a broken rib as a child, the scars of which remain for life. The new Smith had no such marks. The doctors also knew that the astronaut did not have any special knowledge of higher mathematics. The new Smith was a genius at this science: adding multi-digit numbers in various ways without a calculator and all that kind of stuff. The heart of the arriving astronaut turned out to be displaced - located on the right side. Smith didn't have this before.

Each astronaut receives a notebook before departure, which he uses as a diary. Of their 100 sheets, only half remained in Smith’s notebook, and it was covered with incomprehensible tiny symbols of unknown origin.

After some time, the astronaut disappeared without a trace. NASA and intelligence officials claimed that he was under 24-hour security, so this could not have happened to him. But, to their surprise, there was no trace left of the astronaut. Adherents of the conspiracy theory then said that the government was deliberately hiding Smith, not wanting to reveal his secret to ordinary people.

What could have happened?

Ufologists believe that the same thing happened to both astronauts - they were exposed to a time whirlpool. We and everything that surrounds us exist in time and space. Regarding the first concept (time), we know little. To understand what happened to Smith and Gibson, you have to think of time as a river. We normally exist in this flow, in which whirlpools and other anomalies sometimes occur. When we fall into a whirlpool, we are pulled into the depths of the river-time. For us at this moment time stops, but on the surface outside the whirlpool it continues to flow at the previous speed. At a certain moment, we may be thrown out of the whirlpool, after which we will again find ourselves on calm waters - in our time.

"Angelic" visions

In 1985, the USSR space research program was particularly successful. They tried not to talk about various difficulties and inexplicable cases at all, so as not to undermine trust ordinary people to the authorities. It was then that something special and anomalous happened at the Salyut7 orbital station.

Then the Salyut7 crew consisted of three people: O. Atkov, V. Solovyov and L. Kizim. It was day 155 of their flight. They, as usual, were engaged in research activities - taking readings from on-board instruments, experimenting and observing various phenomena. Suddenly, the room they were in was filled with bright orange light. The astronauts thought that a fire or some other disaster had occurred at the station, but it turned out that this light came from outside. Moreover, he made his way through the opaque walls of the station. The shocked astronauts rushed to the window and were even more shocked after what they saw. In outer space, absolutely empty and cold, 7 tall figures stood in front of the station. These creatures had human faces, were incredibly beautiful, and behind their backs there was transparent matter, which the astronauts compared to the wings of angels.

By the way, all the astronauts listed earlier underwent mental tests and all kinds of medical tests before the flight. They were not found to have any mental or other abnormalities. They also did not take drugs.

The “Angels” accompanied the station for ten minutes, after which they maneuvered around it and disappeared without a trace. The astronauts immediately reported what they saw to the Control Center. The center's employees demanded a detailed report, and after receiving it, they immediately classified the case. The astronauts were forced to undergo a second medical examination, but it did not show that they were mentally ill. That's why official version What happened was a group hallucination.

On the 167th day of the flight, something strange happened. It was then that three more cosmonauts joined the crew: S. Savitskaya, I. Volk, V. Dzhanibekov. On the same day, mysterious creatures approached the station again. As in the previous case, there were 7 of them. They all glowed brightly and, as it seemed to the astronauts, were smiling. Now the control center could not so easily attribute everything to a mass hallucination, since the “angels” were seen by 6 people at once, and three of them had just arrived at the station.

It should be noted that “angels” in space were once recorded by the Hubble telescope. Before all these photographs were classified and hidden, journalists managed to see 7 distinct figures flying in the same direction.

Answer from Yovyatoy spirit[guru]
the passage of time is not disrupted, but slows down in proportion to the speed of the object. and everywhere and always, including the earth

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: On March 26, 1991, a capsule splashed down in the Atlantic

Answer from About_tail[guru]
Actually, according to the Gemini program carried out in the USA, the first launch was not in 1963, but in 1964 and was unmanned, as well as the second, which was in 1965.
The first manned one was Gemini 3, also launched in 1965, with a crew of 2 people. as well as on Gemini -4 and 5, etc. By the way, Neil Armstrong flew on Gemini 8 with David Scott. The Gemini ship itself was a two-seater
Besides. On the NASA website I could not find any mention of astronaut Charles Gibson, not alive. neither missing nor dead, there are only Gibson Robert Lee and Gibson Edward George. Neither of them flew on Gemini. the first flew on shuttles several times, the second was on an expedition to Skylab.
Considering the existing information laws in the United States, this follows. that such an astronaut most likely never existed. or NASA directly violates these laws. There is also a possibility that I was just looking poorly. But this is not my first day on the Internet and on the NASA website either.
One way or another, the name Charles Gibson in combination with Gemini is found on the Internet only on sites with clearly dubious content. In addition, it often indicates not 1963, but 1965, and the time during which he was supposedly absent was not 28 years, but 26.
After digging around a little more. I found out that the first report about this astronaut appeared in the press on April 1, 1991.
So this is the so-called April Fool's astronaut. And not the only one.
At this point, I stopped studying the question of the possibility of the existence of such an astronaut. What would I advise everyone else?
Regarding the issue of time. Then look special theory relativity, everything is written there. In particular, that too. What if you suddenly decide to speed up and acquire some speed relative to my clock. . then your watch will lag behind mine. The more speed you gain, the greater the lag will be. What if you suddenly reach the speed of light, which, however, is impossible for objects with rest mass. then your watch will stop completely for me.
Another option is described by the general theory of relativity. It consists in the fact that if you decide to go anywhere. where the gravitational field is stronger than on Earth. then again your watch will lag behind mine. when I'm lying in my bed at my computer in Russia. located on the third planet in solar system in the Milky Way galaxy.
The lag will be even greater. the larger the gravitational field is where you will go. And if you choose an object called a black hole as such a place, then when you cross its event horizon (again, this is impossible for you), your clock (assuming I could see it, which is also impossible in reality) would stop for me. In addition, I would stop receiving any signals from you.
Unfortunately, even if you could get beyond the event horizon (Stephen Hawking, who is also the head of holes, says that this is impossible for you), then return from there by modern ideas we never could.
However, there is a funny way to return. but I don’t see any point in discussing it here. It is based on the idea of ​​​​rotating axes. Described in a couple of rather boring science fiction stories written by some physicist).
There are other options for “time travel to the future” arising from both general relativity and alternative theories, but I will not discuss them here, there is not enough space.
By the way, no matter how strange it may seem to you or anyone else. Some of the modern and not refuted (by the way, quite well confirmed) theories also allow travel into the past. At least for elementary particles. I read that work is being carried out at some accelerator with the goal of finding such a phenomenon among the mass of events of beam collisions that have been and are being carried out there. There is a model calculated on the computer. But will they find...

Answer from Pilot in time[guru]
and where did you find the duck?

Answer from Nickname[guru]
I remembered the movie, the guy fell into a deep hole and couldn’t get out for a day, when he got out it turned out that 20 years had passed and the fact that his relatives buried him a long time ago and the fact that his younger brother lived longer than he did :) maybe someone remembers this film?) I can’t remember the title , it seems there was still a UFO there

Charles Gibson is an American television host and journalist. He was the host of ABC's "Good Morning America" ​​and a columnist on "World News with Charles Gibson."

Charles Gibson's professional career lasted 44 years, from 1965 to 2009. He started out as a newscaster at Princeton University's student radio station, a producer at RKO, and a local news reporter for small television stations. In 1975, Gibson became a reporter and Washington correspondent for the ABC news program until he was asked to host Good Morning America in 1987. He hosted the morning show from 1987 to 1998, then left and returned for another seven years, from 1999 to 2006. Then, in 2006, Gibson appeared on screens throughout the country as the host of the program “World News with Charles Gibson”, and 3 years later he retired.

Gibson was born March 9, 1943, in Evanston, Illinois, and grew up in Washington. He attended Sidwell Friends School, then a private school in Washington. In 1965, Gibson graduated from Princeton, one of the most respected and prestigious universities USA, where he was director of the student radio station and a member of the Princeton Tower Club lunch club.

In 1966, Gibson joined RKO General as a producer and later worked as a reporter and anchor for the company's Virginia affiliate. In 1970, he transferred to the ABC affiliate in Washington, DC. In 1974, Gibson joined the TVN news team, and it was for TVN that he covered the Watergate scandal and the resignation of President Richard Nixon. In 1975, Gibson moved to the ABC news department. He worked as a White House correspondent from 1976 to 1977, then as a general journalist, and from 1981 to 1987 was a correspondent in the lower house of the US Congress. He also reported for "World News Evening with Peter Jennings" and filled in as a late-night anchor. In 1987, Charles Gibson first became one of the hosts of the popular morning show Good Morning America. From 1985 to 1995, this program topped the ratings of morning programs on American television. In 1990, Gibson was the host of documentary film"Lucky Number" dedicated to the problem of gambling. In 1998, when the channel's management replaced Gibson with a new presenter, ratings " Good morning" began to plummet, viewers preferred programs of competitors, in particular NBC's The Today Show. Gibson returned in 1999. In April 2005, Gibson replaced World News columnist Peter Jennings when Jennings was diagnosed with lung cancer, and he needed treatment. On August 7 of the same year, it was Gibson who announced the death of Peter Jennings, who had been the presenter of the program for 22 years. The next day he was offered to continue moving to World News on a permanent basis, but he did not agree until the summer of 2006. In 2009, Gibson was offered a contract extension, but he chose to quit and was replaced by Diana Sawyer at World News.

Charles Gibson is married to Arlene Gibson. His wife was a lifelong educator and recently retired as principal of The Spence School in New York City. The Gibsons have two daughters, Jessica and Katherine. On March 14, 2006, Jessica gave birth to her first child.

Since 2006, Charles Gibson has joined the board of trustees of his alma mater, Princeton University. In 2007, he donated $75,000 to the college in Schenectady, where his father graduated in 1923, to establish a scholarship for needy students. In 2006, Gibson donated $85,000 to Shenando University in Virginia to establish a scholarship in his brother's memory.

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