Travel stories in English with translation. Description of the trip in English: So many countries, so many customs. Here are a few reasons for this reaction:

Traveling: the basis of storytelling

Like any story, a travel topic should have a certain plan or plot. We recommend following the following:

  1. A few words about the journey in general (introduction is always welcome).
  2. Basic information. Here you can talk about what it is, what types there are, why people prefer to travel around the world, etc.
  3. Your personal experience. This part should include your impressions, emotions, etc. In short, express your interest in the topic.
  4. A small summary as a conclusion.

And now let’s go through each point in more detail in order, if possible, to more fully reveal the topic of “travel” on English language.

Choose your direction!

Do you like to travel around the world?

Many people prefer traveling to any other way of spending their leisure time. They like to visit new picturesque places, go to different countries and learn more about traditions, cuisine and what not. Traveling gives us a lot of interesting chances and wonderful possibilities. And do you like this fantastic occupation?

Every nationality is sure to have its own peculiarities that reflect in customs, clothes, food and other things. It is very exciting to get acquainted with them by contacting with foreign people. That is why traveling is the best way to learn more about different cultures. Visiting museums and galleries, sightseeing and taking photos can be really entertaining.

One of the reasons for traveling is said to be an idea of ​​changing surroundings, that is why city-dwellers are fond of going to the country or having their rest somewhere at the seashore. They look forward to bathing and lying in the sun. Their only dream is to communicate with nature.

As for me, I prefer so-called active travel. No matter what it is, traveling by car, train or plane. Each way has advantages and disadvantages. But all of them let me visit new places, mixing with foreigners and get interesting experience. Here my camera is the best friend and helping hand. Video clips and photos always remind me of bright colors of holidays.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that trips and excursions, voyages and exotic tours are sure to broaden your scope and fill your life with new impressions. It might be an excellent way of escaping from our every day routine.


Many people prefer traveling to other ways of spending their free time. They like to visit new scenic places, travel to different countries and learn more about traditions, cuisine and things like that. Traveling gives us many interesting chances and wonderful opportunities. Do you like this fantastic activity?

Of course, people of each nationality have their own characteristics, which are reflected in customs, clothing, food and other things. It is very exciting to get to know them by communicating with foreigners. Therefore, traveling is the best way to learn more about different cultures. Visiting museums and galleries, sightseeing and taking photographs can be really fun.

They say that one of the reasons for traveling is the idea of ​​​​a change of environment, so city residents like to go to the village (outside the city) or relax somewhere on the sea coast. They look forward to swimming and sunbathing. Their only dream is to communicate with nature.

As for me, I prefer so-called active travel. It doesn’t matter how you travel, by car, train or plane. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. But they all allow me to visit new places, communicate with foreigners and gain interesting experiences. Here my camera is my best friend and assistant. Videos and photos always remind me of bright colors holidays

In conclusion, I would like to say that all types of travel (hiking, excursions, cruises, exotic tours), of course, broaden your horizons and fill your life with new experiences. This must be a great way to escape our daily hustle and bustle.

English words on the topic "travel" (Vocabulary)

Traveling - travel

To spend – spend (time)

Leisure time - free time

Picturesque - picturesque

Cuisine - kitchen

Occupation - occupation

Nationality - nationality

Peculiarity – feature

Exciting - fascinating

To get acquainted - to get acquainted

Sightseeing - sightseeing

To take photos - take photographs

Entertaining – entertaining, interesting

To change surroundings - change the environment

City-dwellers - city dwellers

At the seashore - on the sea coast

To lie in the sun - sunbathe in the sun

Advantages and disadvantages

To get interesting experience – get an interesting experience

A trip - journey

An excursion – excursion

A voyage – travel (sea), cruise

To broad one’s scope - expand your horizons

NB! A few phrases for wider use:

An idea of ​​(+ gerund) – idea

What not - all that (colloquial), trifles

To be fond of (+ gerund) – to be carried away by something

To look forward to (+ gerund) – look forward to

As for me - as for me

A helping hand – assistant

In conclusion - in conclusion

Take it with you on the road!

The text and thematic dictionary presented above will help you create your own statement on the topic of “travel”. If your task is to write a lengthy essay in English, use this “base” and “dilute” it with experience of personal travel abroad, a description of impressions, etc. In any case, a start has been made, and a good start.

Inspiration in proverbs and sayings

Use these quotes when thinking about the topic of travel: they will be useful when discussing both the advantages and disadvantages.

There is no place like home. - Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Youth likes to wander. – Young people like to travel.

Who goes and returns makes a good journey. “He who leaves and comes back makes a wonderful journey.”

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. – The world is a whole book, and those who do not travel will read only one page.

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. – No one will understand the beauty of traveling until he returns home and lies down on his old favorite pillow.

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. – All journeys end in a mysterious place that no one suspects.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

We hope you now have enough food for thought on the topic of Traveling. Let this English topic seem to you as exciting, bright, and interesting as any wandering around the world. Get to know new places, share your travel impressions, try to do it in a foreign language more often. Good luck!

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The Nature Of Tourism And Travel

Tourism simply refers to travel for leisure, business or recreational purposes. From this point of view it is clear that tourism and travel go hand in hand. One cannot talk of tourism without travel, and also cannot talk of travel without tourism. Tourists usually travel and stay away from their normal areas or rather environment for some time with an aim of getting involved in business, leisure or other purposes.

Those tourists who travel for leisure tend to target the wildlife and also other natural sites. The tourists who travel for business tend to target conferences.The tourists normally help in uplifting the economies of those countries they visit. Apart from that tourism tends to make the world to be more interactive and a better place for everyone.

Tourism is known to be the world’s largest industry, where a lot of money is made. It is very crucial area. Many countries around the world spend a lot of money, billions and billions of dollars in tourism in order to ensure that it continues. As a major player in economies of many countries, tourism provides employment especially in the service industry in areas involving transportation, accommodation and entertainment.

Tourism knows no borders.It involves even the locals in what is called local tourism. So apart from tourists coming from other parts of the world, the local tourists also find time to tour their own native country. These locals also find time to tour other countries, and in the process tourists from other countries also tend to find time to tour other countries as well, apart from the country of their own. This is just in a broad way how tourism operates.

Countries like the United States, Russia, Germany, China and Brazil are known to spend heavily on tourism. This is just an indication that tourism is not an area that can easily come to an end. In addition, even some modified or rather artificial areas tend also to attract tourists a lot. Tourists can go to any length to ensure that they are comfortable where they visit. Conclusion.

Tourists spend as much money as possible just to achieve their intended targets. So they give a better reason for tourism to thrive and continue. This confirms the better level of tourism.

Essay in English tourism with translation

Tourism is becoming more and more popular. It’s one of the best ways to spend a holiday. It’s also a well-developed business nowadays. There are so many means of traveling around the world, such as jet-planes, express trains, cruise liners, comfortable buses, personal cars and else. We can choose what's best for us. I’m glad that tourism has more become available because I love travelling. I have already visited several nearby countries, such as Ukraine, Abkhazia, Turkey, Belarus, Poland and Czech Republic. My parents often take me to other countries and cities on holiday. They also let me travel with school group to Europe by bus. Last year we visited Poland and Czech Republic.

I should say it was a great trip and we saw lots of famous sights. I think people travel for various reasons. Some want to visit the places of interest, others want to swim and sunbathe at the sea shore. Some want to go on cruise while others want to work or study in foreign countries. There are people who simply want to make new friends. There are also cases when sick people need treatment in other countries. Tourism has made all these aims achievable.

I think tourism has almost no disadvantages, except making people less patriotic. With the development of international tourism, people have become less interested in culture and the attractions of their native country. In fact, our country has a great number of wonderful places to offer.

Tourism is becoming more and more popular. This is one of the best ways to spend your holidays. Currently it is also a well-developed business. There are so many ways to travel around the world, such as jet planes, express trains, cruise ships, comfortable buses, cars, etc. We can choose what is best for us. I'm glad that tourism has become more accessible because I love to travel. I have already visited several nearby countries such as Ukraine, Abkhazia, Turkey, Belarus, Poland and the Czech Republic. My parents often take me to other countries and cities during the holidays. They also allow me to travel with my school group to Europe by bus.

Last year we visited Poland and the Czech Republic. I must say it was a great trip and we saw a lot of famous sights. I think people travel for different reasons. Some want to visit the sights, others want to swim and sunbathe on the seashore. Some want to go on a cruise, while others want to work or study in foreign countries. There are people who just want to make new friends. There are also cases where sick people require treatment in other countries. Tourism has made all these goals achievable.

I think that tourism has virtually no disadvantages, except that it makes people less patriotic. With the development of international tourism, people have become less interested in the culture and attractions of their native country. In fact, our country has a huge number of places of interest.

For some people there is nothing so exciting as traveling, and I"m not an exception. And I"m happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my first journey wasn't the last one.

First I bought a ticket for plane. Many people think that nothing can be compared with traveling by air, because it is the most comfortable, and, of course, the quickest way of moving. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train of another to streamer and then to another train. But booking tickets in summer is a problem. The air-fare is quite expensive and not all people can afford it.

Then I continued my way by the train. This kind of transport has also many advantages. With a train you have a comfort and speed combined. From a comfortable corner seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of a countryside. If you are hungry you can have a meal in the dinning-car and if the journey is long one can have a bed in a sleeper.

But I believe that there is no travel so fine as by ship. It"s wonderful to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face, hear the cry of the sea-gulls. Of course, the voyage isn't exciting for those who are sea-sick when the sea is a little bit rough.

Many people say:If you want to see the place, go on foot. And it is not surprising. The walker leaves the dull, broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can"t go. He takes mountain paths through the heather, he wonders by the side of quiet lakes and through the shades of woods. He sees the real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest, he feels the quietness and calm of nature. And besides, you are saving a lot of money by traveling on foot. No one can deny that walking is the cheapest. method of traveling.

My journey

For some people, there is nothing as exciting as travel, and I am no exception. I am happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my first trip was not my last.

First I bought a plane ticket. Many people believe that nothing can be better than travel by air, because it is the most convenient, and, of course, the fastest way to get around. No dust or dirt railway or a car trip, one of the hassles is not transferring from one train to another. But booking tickets in the summer is also a problem. The cost of air tickets is quite high, and not all people can afford it.

Then I continued my journey by train. This type of transport also has many advantages. On the train you have combined comfort and speed. From your comfortable seat in a railway carriage you have an excellent opportunity to contemplate the beauty of nature. If you want to eat, you can get food in the dining car, and if the trip is long, then a berth in the sleeping car.

But I believe that there is nothing more beautiful than traveling by sea. It’s wonderful to feel the deck of the ship under your feet, see the rise and fall of the waves, feel the fresh sea wind blowing in your face, hear the cry of the seagulls. Of course, the flight will not be exciting for those who suffer from seasickness when the sea is a little rough.

Many people say: If you want to see a country, travel on foot. And this is not surprising. The pedestrian leaves the dull, wide highway and moves along small winding paths, where a car cannot go. He chooses mountain roads overgrown with heather, he thinks near quiet lakes and in the shade of forests. He sees a real country, where wild flowers, young birds in their nests, deer in the forest, he feels the silence and tranquility of nature. And besides, you save a lot of money by traveling on foot. No one can deny that walking is the cheapest method of travel.

We can’t image our life without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. And I’m sure that it’s great to feel a million miles away from your problems and daily routine.

Speaking about my first journey I should say that it was the longest journey I had ever undertaken — it lasted 31 hours. It was a trip from the Ukraine to Bulgaria five years ago. That was a remarkable journey during which I crossed the borders of three countries. My mother and I were traveling together to a seaside resort.

That was a coach journey and to our delight, the coach was fitted with certain comforts, such as: air condition (conditioning), self-reclining seats, TV entertainment and etc. On the way we had to pass passport and customs control several times which required at least an hour in each case.

In Bulgaria we stopped in a wonderful five-star hotel. Our room was tidy and very comfortable! From the balcony we had a magnificent view of the sea. Speaking about the food, it was delicious and variable (diverse). But most of all I loved our warm and clean pool. It was big, with sea water. The sea was also warm. I made sandcastles at the seaside and collected shells.

One more thing that I really liked was the picturesque mountains. Their view was breathtaking.

In fact it’s rather difficult to speak about my impressions, because they are too numerous. But I hope that in the future I’ll visit the most famous and beautiful places.


We cannot imagine our life without travel. Thousands of people travel every day for business or pleasure. And I think it’s very cool to feel thousands of miles away from problems and everyday routine.

Speaking about my first trip, I must say that it was one of the longest trips of my life and lasted 31 hours. It was a trip from Ukraine to Bulgaria five years ago. It was an unforgettable journey, during which we crossed the borders of three states. My mother and I were traveling to the sea coast.

The bus was a passenger bus, and fortunately for us, it was equipped with everything necessary: ​​air conditioning, adjustable seats, TV, etc. Along the route, we went through customs and passport control several times, which took about an hour in each case.

In Bulgaria we stayed in a wonderful five-star hotel. Our room turned out to be cozy and comfortable. Our balcony had a stunning view of the sea. Speaking of food at the hotel, it was delicious and varied. But most of all I liked the warm and clean pool. He was big, with sea ​​water. The sea was also warm. I built sand castles and collected seashells.

What I also liked were the picturesque mountains. Their appearance was marvelous and breathtaking.

In fact, I cannot tell you about all my impressions, there are too many of them. But I hope to visit the most beautiful and famous places in the future.

Useful expressions:

to travel for pleasure- travel for pleasure

to pass passport and customs control– undergo passport and customs control

a magnificent view of the sea– magnificent sea view

to make sandcastles- build sand castles

picturesque mountains– picturesque mountains

breathtaking- breathtaking

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Nowadays traveling is a popular activity among people. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People like traveling and they travel a lot. They can travel for pleasure or on business.

There are different methods of travel. You can travel by plane, by ship, by train or by car. Some people travel on foot. You can go along little lanes where the fast car can’t go. You can wander through meadows, pass quite lakes and wonderful woods. Also you can see wild animals and flowers in the forest. You can feel the beauty of nature. But I think, it’s not a very comfortable way of traveling, because you can get tired very quickly.

I’m very fond of traveling and I prefer to travel by train. I think it’s very pleasant. Especially if you have a comfortable seat in a railway carriage you can have a splendid view of the countryside. If the journey is long, you can sleep and have a good rest. Moreover, I consider, big railway stations are quite excited places. There are crowds of people, the porters pull the luggage along the platforms, and hungry hurry passengers to the refreshment rooms.

Some people prefer to travel by plane. I can say it is, of course, comfortable and convenient method of travel. And it is much quicker than any other method, but, I think, it’s more dangerous. Moreover nowadays there are a lot of accidents and plane wrecks.

For a change you can travel by ship. During such voyage you can enjoy the sea or the ocean. It’s very exciting to watch the rise and fall of waves, to feel the fresh wind and hear the cry of the seagulls. But everything will be pleasant on board if you are not sea-sick.

Tours by car are also very popular. The main advantage of this method is that you are quite independent. You don’t have to watch a timetable or buy any tickets. You can stop at any place you like and see sights at a short time. And you can drive in any direction.

I think that if you go abroad you should know foreign languages, because they can help you to communicate with people in a foreign country, and you will feel more comfortable.

Today, traveling is a popular hobby among people. It is very interesting to see new places, other cities and countries. People like to travel and do it often. They may travel for pleasure or for work.

Exist various ways trips. You can travel by plane, ship, train or car. Some people travel on foot. You can walk along small paths where a fast car cannot pass. You can wander across lawns, pass tranquil lakes and beautiful forests. You can also see wild animals and flowers in the forest. You can feel all the beauty of nature. But I think this way of traveling is not very convenient because you can get tired very quickly.

I absolutely love traveling and prefer to travel by train. I think it's very nice. Especially if you have a comfortable seat in the carriage, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the area around you. If you have a long trip, then you can sleep and have a good rest. Moreover, I believe that large railway stations- quite impressive places. There you can find crowds of people, porters carrying luggage along the platform, and hungry passengers rushing to the rest rooms.

Some people prefer to travel by plane. I want to say that this is, of course, a convenient and practical way of transportation. And it's faster than any other method, but I think it's more dangerous. Moreover, today there are many accidents and plane crashes.

Alternatively, you can travel by ship. During this trip, you can enjoy the sea or ocean. It is very exciting to watch the waves sway, feel the fresh wind and hear the cry of the seagulls. But all this will be great on board the ship if you don't get seasick.

Tours by car are also very popular. The main advantage of this method is that you are independent. You don't need to keep track of the schedule or buy tickets. You can stay anywhere you want and see the sights in a short time. And you can move in any direction.

I think if you are traveling abroad you should know foreign languages, because they can help you communicate with people in another country and you will feel more comfortable.

Presentation on the topic block Alexander Alexandrovich

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