What carries in. What does the concept of “Ego” mean and how does it differ from the concept of “I”. Orange color in psychology

This wise thought very accurately describes the controversy surrounding the work of the Itinerant artist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Yaroshenko.
The modest “Student” caused a strong reaction in society

N. Yaroshenko. Student student, 1883. Fragment

When Nikolai Yaroshenko’s painting “Student Girl” appeared at the 11th exhibition of the Peredvizhniki artists in 1883, the reaction was mixed: reviews in the press ranged from enthusiastic to angry. What could outrage the artist’s contemporaries in the image of a modest girl with a bunch of books under her arm?

Group of initiators of organizing Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg

The controversial reaction to The Student was a reflection of the public struggle for women's right to receive higher education. This painting was the first image of a Russian woman studying. The fact is that in those days higher education was absolutely inaccessible to women: in the early 1880s. Higher courses for women were under constant threat of ban. In 1881, the Commission on the issue of strengthening supervision over student youth directly demanded the dissolution of the courses, and in 1882, women's medical courses were abolished - “a cesspool of anarchic infection.” The “Course Girl,” which appeared in 1883, exuded a spirit of protest.

Anna Konstantinovna Chertkova

The prototype for the heroine of “The Student” was the wife of the artist’s friend, Anna Konstantinovna Chertkova (Diterichs). While painting the picture, she actually attended the Higher Women's Courses. However, Yaroshenko did not create a portrait of an acquaintance, but a collective image of female students. There is not a single decoration in her costume, which reflects the general contempt for everyday life among the progressive youth of that time. The girl's outfit is simple and uncomplicated. Her cheerful gait testifies to her determination and even stubbornness in her choice.

N. Yaroshenko. Student student, 1883. Two versions of the painting

They say that I. Kramskoy, having seen the original version of the painting, said that it “does not highlight the full significance of the women’s movement”: the girl is too tender and fragile. Yaroshenko listened to the criticism and decided to correct the work. In fact, there are two versions of “The Student,” and both were written after a conversation with Kramskoy, and the differences between these versions cannot be called significant. Apparently, Kramskoy saw some early, unsurvived version of the painting in the artist’s studio. Be that as it may, the fragility and femininity were preserved in the final version. Apparently, these traits were meant to contrast with the girl’s unyielding determination in her desire to learn.

Smolny Institute. Medicine Lesson, 1889

One of the most favorable was the review of Gleb Uspensky, who published an essay in Otechestvennye zapiski, which said: “Such girls “with a book under their arm,” in a blanket and a man’s round cap, each of us has seen and sees every day and for many years in a row... And so the artist, choosing from this whole crowd of “running with books” one very ordinary, ordinary figure, furnished with the most ordinary accessories of a simple dress, a blanket, a man’s cap, cropped hair, subtly notices and conveys it to you, the “viewer”, “the public” “, the most important thing... This is the main thing: purely feminine, girlish facial features, imbued in the picture, so to speak, with the presence of youthful, bright thoughts... This is the most elegant, not fictional and, moreover, the most real fusion of girlish and youthful features in one face, in one figure, overshadowed not by a woman’s, not by a man’s, but by a “human” thought, it immediately illuminated and comprehended the cap, the blanket, and the book, and transformed it into a new, born, unprecedented and bright human image.”

Students of the Higher Women's Architectural Courses of E. Bagaeva in St. Petersburg

However, not all reviews were so enthusiastic. In particular, critics who opposed the idea of ​​female education wrote angrily about the girl depicted: “Running at full speed, a disheveled, antipathetic girl, with bulging eyes, with her hat askew…”, and the picture itself was called “a poorly written sketch.” It is unlikely that such reviews can be considered related to art - rather, it was an open expression of rejection of the very idea of ​​women's equality.

Shared rooms at the Bestuzhev Higher Women's Courses

Not only journalists of tabloid newspapers, but even respected teachers of higher education educational institutions spoke with such responses as Professor Tsitovich: “Admire her: a man’s hat, a man’s cloak, dirty skirts, a torn dress, a bronze or greenish complexion, a forward chin, everything in her dull eyes: aimlessness, fatigue, anger, hatred, what -that deep night with the reflection of a swamp fire - what is it? In appearance she is some kind of hermaphrodite, but in her interior she is a genuine daughter of Cain. She cut her hair, and not in vain: her mother so marked her Gapok and Broadswords “for sin”... Now she is alone, with grave cold in her soul, with oppressive anger and melancholy in her heart. There is no one to feel sorry for her, no one to pray for her - everyone has abandoned her. Well, maybe it’s better: when he dies from childbirth or typhus, there won’t be a scandal at the funeral.”

M. Nesterov. Portrait of N.A. Yaroshenko, 1897. Fragment

If you have a family that loves you, a few good friends, food on the table and a roof over your head, then you are richer than you think.

And if the winter is long, don’t forget, the window to summer is always nearby, it’s in your own soul.

Al Quotion

Don't try to look for those to blame.

There are no “guilty in fate”.

Someone just got something

But this is what you got.

To the question “Why?” no answer.

Just know that you have enough strength for it.

God always gives us the cross within our strength.

Try to convey it...

Lyubov Petova

The illusion of unity with the world is likely. It seems that the whole world is at our feet, we can do with it what we want, manage it. One forgets that one must ask the permission of space for any action. See not only what you want, and do what you want. And to feel how others react to our actions. What do we carry within us: Light or destruction.

Different opposite sides of one phenomenon may be seen, but the puzzles are not assembled into a single image, into a picture. In our vision of the situation, extremes turn into grotesque, caricature. Black humor is born. There are people who want to put on a jester costume and escape from reality in a strange way. Hide the feeling of hopelessness behind a fake smile.

Sometimes someone may want to escape from problems into another world, be it computer games or into workaholism to the point of loss of sensitivity.

(+) Someone who is ready for this may have a vision. It will become possible to foresee events. But new opportunities should be approached carefully. You shouldn’t make a show of your abilities; you can embarrass yourself by bragging. This is given to solve more important problems.

From the great to the ridiculous there is one step.

It is punishable to laugh and disdain Faith and the desire for the Good and Eternal, even if from the outside it looks naive. Everyone is at their own level. It is worth realizing and understanding and accepting what level we ourselves are at. What to do with comparing yourself with others for the better.

Provocation: throwing pearls before swine. We present information in the form for which we are ready. And when we find ourselves on the other side, we don’t ridicule what we don’t understand.

This Ophiuchus, a 2nd magnitude star, is Arabic for “going ahead.” Star white, is located 84 light years away.

Servants: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter.

(+) A great time to study and research various issues that interest us. We are observant and remember important information better than usual. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with the subject; let’s leave time and energy for family and friends and for solving everyday issues.

Do not shock others with information that they are not ready to hear. And at the same time, we do not make premature judgments on a subject that we do not know well enough.

We may become too emotionally involved in the information we are learning or the events that happen to us. Forgetting what is in this moment not in our sphere of attention. We respect traditions.

How to easily learn anything?

Last year I became a morning person and learned foreign language and read it 5 times more books than I could manage before. At first glance, I put a lot of effort into achieving these results. But in fact, I didn’t do anything supernatural or complicated.

These 4 principles helped me.

1. Don’t rush headlong into the pool: do everything gradually.

When I started self-improvement, I made one big mistake. I always set a fairly high bar for myself: get out of bed no later than 6 in the morning, read at least one book a week. And the difference between what I wanted to achieve and what I succeeded in was so great that every day I was closer and closer to giving up.

But then I discovered that progress comes from small victories. And she developed a strategy. It consisted of focusing on repeating a specific action every day - while trying not to pay attention to how effective it would be. In other words, quantity comes first, and only then quality.

That's where I started.

Reading: one page before bed

At first, I read only one page before going to bed (often it was more, but if I managed to get through only one, I already considered it an achievement). Once this habit took hold, I set a timer and read for 15 minutes. I ended up reading for half an hour before bed and another half an hour in the morning.

For comparison: in 2013 I read 7 books. In 2014 - 22. In 2015 - 33. And this is almost 5 times more than in 2013.

Learning a new language: one lesson every morning

At one time I studied French, but I treated it somewhat superficially. When I decided that I wanted to improve my knowledge, I began to master one lesson on the Duolingo website during my morning coffee.

One lesson only takes 5 minutes, and the tasks are not difficult. Then I wanted to study more - two, three, sometimes even four or five lessons, if I was in the mood. I did as much as I could, but one lesson was a must.

Now, according to Duo, I speak about 41% French. And this is a huge achievement if you think that at the very beginning I devoted 5 minutes a day to this language.

2. Focus on one thing at a time.

Almost the hardest thing for me is not to get carried away. I always have so many grandiose plans, so much enthusiasm, and so much I would like to succeed in. But every time I tried to instill several habits in myself at once, it all ended in failure. The thing is that it is difficult for our brain to concentrate on several things at the same time.

Therefore, I had a new rule: only when I had brought the skill to automatism, could I take on something new. For example, only after I got used to reading before bed did I start studying French intensively. And when completing French assignments became no problem, I focused on teaching myself to get up early.

Sometimes it takes a long time for a skill to take hold. The thing I struggled with the most was getting up at 6 am. For four months (a whole four months!) I tried to find the right approach for myself, tracked my progress and told my friends about my successes, whose help was simply invaluable.

Now I'm a morning person - I wake up early without any alarm clocks. Achieving such results was not easy, but it was worth it.

It is believed that in general it takes plus or minus 66 days (that is, about 2 months) to develop a new habit.

3. Remove barriers: Everything you need should be within reach.

I noticed that it was much easier for me to cope with daily tasks when the things needed to complete them were nearby. For example, I always took my phone with me for morning coffee - this is how I taught myself to regularly practice French.

Or it was much easier for me to motivate myself to read a page before bed when my book was on the bedside table.

One of my plans for 2017 is to play the piano more often. Now I sit down with it whenever I'm in the mood, but that's not enough to make visible progress. However, I noticed that I was drawn to play when the piano was nearby. Now I have placed it in the living room next to the door that leads to the kitchen. Now I can play while I'm waiting for food to cook or when I walk into the kitchen for an afternoon snack.

Back in 2016 I would like to do more sports. Again, I noticed that if I'm wearing my workout uniform in the morning, I feel like going for a run. Therefore, in the evening I need to prepare the clothes that I will put on when I wake up.

4. Accumulate habits: let new ones be added to existing ones.

An action performed automatically should become a kind of trigger and encourage you to take on something new. For example, when I get out of bed in the morning, the first thing I do is go to the kitchen and make coffee. While the coffee is preparing, I start studying French. My habit of brewing coffee, which I have developed over the years, is precisely what motivates me to do the exercises. And when I get ready to go to bed, I immediately open a book: thus, the moment I climb into bed, my trigger mechanism goes off, and I remember what I need to read.

Now acquiring new habits has become something of a hobby for me. And I am inspired by the very thought of how much more can be learned by moving in small steps.

(found on the Internet)

You can contact me: mail [email protected] Phone +79030926142

- 3231

Let's talk about what the image of the “rising of RA-M-Khi” carries in itself. As is known from various sources, at the beginning of EVERYTHING there was the Word. It is clear that we are talking about the Image, and not about any specific word. The Old Slovenian Initial Letter gives the following interpretation of this image.
S-L-OVO: “this is the directed transfer of a collected set (wisdom, information) from one sphere to another.” There is a rune “Word”: ϟ - radiation of information; materialization of ideas and its transmission, etc. In the physical sense, the Word is sound, vibration, i.e. energy + information (EIP), which became the initiator, the detonator of what the Vedas call the “rising of the Great RAMKh”, and science - “ Big Bang" In the “Book of Light” it is written about this: “Once upon a time, or rather, when there were no times yet, There were no Worlds and Realities perceived by us, people, There was, without incarnating, only the Great RA-M-HA .
He manifested himself into the New Reality and from the perception of the New Boundless Infinity Illuminated with the Great Light of Joy.
And then the Infinite New Eternity appeared, born in the New Reality, and an Infinite number of its manifestations appeared. This is how what we, people, perceive as the spaces of the Worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule appeared. As soon as the Great RA-M-HA manifested itself into the New Reality, a super-great Absolute Something appeared in the Infinite New Eternity, and since it was not what the Great RA-M-HA is, that super-great absolute Something concealed within itself the beginning of evil, For everything with highest point from the view of the All-perfect imperfectly, Is a relative evil. And when the Great RA-M-HA was illuminated by the Great Light of Joy, the Great Stream of England, the Primordial Living Light, flowed from him, i.e. His unspeakable BREATH, the unspeakable Light gushed out and sounded into Something Great…. The Primordial Living Light drove before it the darkness of the Super-Great Absolute Something, the Divine Lightless, and in some places it pierced it without leaving a trace; Shined in other places the brightest Light, the great Spaces were flooded, And the Stream of dazzling Light flowed further and further..."
In order to adequately understand and evaluate the information given to us, it is necessary, naturally, to understand the ancient Images of those processes and phenomena spoken of in the “Book of Light” in their modern reflection. Let's start with the basics. RA-M-HA: initial energy flow (ra) – transmission (m) –
creating energy-informational structure: life-giving England, “living Light”, positive energy (ha). That is, practically, we are given in images the algorithm of the Creation of Worlds. And our Ancestors understood that in this image there is a hidden process, and not a specific naming of the Creator of the Universes, prescribing it exactly as “RA-M-HA”: a disembodied, unknowable (on an explicit level) Supreme Essence, emitting the Primordial Life-Giving Light of Joy and Primary Fire Universe - England. That is, she did not have a carnal body in our New Reality, but manifested herself as the Higher EIP, which we figuratively call “more than the streams of creation” (GOD).
RA-D-OST: light, radiation (ra) multiplication (d) basis of form (awn), i.e. a certain form of multiplication of light energy. N-E-CH-T-O: our (n) Being (f) feature, boundary (h) approved, created (t) form, structure (o). The approved form (located) beyond the line of our Existence. The lesson commenting on this passage from the “Book of Light” states that “something” is “a clot of darkness.” Then what is “M-R-A-K-Ъ”? We interpret it as “two-row” (from right to left). Ъ-KA-R-M: created (b) that has absorbed (ka) light (p) transmitted form (m). Gloom is dark matter. Among the Turks, the word “kara” means “black, dark.” IN modern science There is a concept of “dark mater” - dark matter. Let's interpret further. Reality: repetition (part of) completeness (reality). This is what we can perceive as Living being. Reality is what actually is; something that exists independently of our individual perception. The Universe (all-field, all-space) is all galaxies and clusters in numerous realities. Energy (strength) - algorithmized potencies. Information: another (in) form (form) is (tion – this). Connection of algorithmized potencies (energies). Time is a measure of movement.
Space is a condensation of a measure of motion (time) along a vector.
Eternity is an indefinite or constant declination vector of a measure of motion (time). Infinity is a transition from the infinitely large to the infinitely small due to the hyperintegration of energy and time in the zero vector. We can ask the question: where did this “new Reality” come from, in which the Highest Essence, unknown to us, “manifested” from the “old Reality” in the form of EIP? On the “body”, figuratively speaking, “old Reality”. Everything is cyclical. And the embryo of the “new Reality” matured in the previous cycle with the same parameters of the Reality (“old Reality”), and the next one is sprouting in ours. Only dimensions and forces - energies - are preserved, but the scenario of the new Creation depends on the level of development of the inhabitants of our Reality, but not people (material bodies), but Souls endowed with Freedom and Will, which can change variable input data, thereby changing the entire course of the scenario. “Big Bang” - “Rise of RA-M-Hi”, this does not look like an explosion, for example, of a bomb, but is more like the formation of foam in a bath of water when liquid soap is added to it, and with the application of an external energy source (shaking ), where each bubble of foam is a reality containing billions of realities. Only in contrast to the given example with the bathtub, the edge boundary of Reality is in the center of the foam (like a donut), when its “hole” is equal to 10 to the minus 33 degrees, and EVERYTHING through this “hole” turns out at a speed of 10 to 44 times per second . The so-called “life of the Gods” has gone - the original Streams appear - the Highest Gods of Rule. Worlds exist in a state of Plasma, which moves and expands, creating Space and Time. As already mentioned, during the “BV” not only our Universe arose (in our dimensions, energies and algorithms), but also many other Universes (foam in the bath). Their borderline interactions began to cause “bad incidents” over time (foam bubbles merging or bursting upon contact). Plasmas in their movement sometimes intersect with each other, and this is the end of everything that exists. There is a principle that any stable system must contain an element of instability, otherwise it loses the gradient to development and self-destructs due to entropy, i.e. In any “plus” there should be a little “minus” and vice versa. And this “minus” for our “donut” is another “donut”, in which everything is the other way around, created by the anti-entropy mechanism and anti-Plasma. These two “donuts” rotate in one place, without intersecting, but having only points of redistribution of “instability elements”. These “dots” are “black holes”, only they are actually “white” in the extra-photon spectrum due to neutrino annihilation.
In Slavic cosmogony, this “minus donut” is called Otherworld (another World) - “Antiworld” in a modern way. If we, for example, have “Awareness”, then there will be “Unconsciousness” or “Unconsciousness”. The Radiance of RA-M-HY is ultimately “Awareness of All by All.” In the anti-worlds – “Unconsciousness”. To stop this mutual replacement (anihilation), after which Everything will return to its original state (like water in a bath, when all the foam bubbles burst), the Gods created a “buffer zone” between the border Worlds and inside the Plasma Reality itself, which is called “MAT ER” And YA” is a special state of information, energy and gravity - time (Interworld)), which separates us from the Otherworld on the one hand, and on the other from the UNCONSCIOUS state of the Plasma itself (SMART and SMART predominance of the algorithm over Information), which Christians call “Hell, devils,” - Dark Nav (Nav). Among the Rodnovers (reenactors), plus and minus are roughly inserted into the concept of “Nav” on equal, undivided and indistinguishable conditions, i.e. without distinction, both facets merged into one under the single concept “Nav”, making differences only in the terms “Belobog” and “Chernobog” that they misunderstood, although they are both Light Gods by the nature of their Awareness. What they ended up with was some kind of porridge, in which everything was mixed together without any distinction. Among us Old Believers, there is a light Nav (Slav) and a dark Nav (Nav) with all their levels, i.e. the principle of awareness and unconsciousness is observed. In general, this gradation of Reality-Eternity looks like this:
Otherworld - Interworld - Rule - Interworld - Glory - Reveal - Interworld - Nav - Interworld - Otherworld. (Slav is a zone of awareness. Reality is a zone of displacement, transition. Nav is a zone of unconsciousness, cleverness). This System works, and we are on Midgard - there are border guards. Whoever wins, that’s how we live: some are non-human, some are residents, some are human, and some are Human, because there is a “transition zone” where everything is mixed together.
Hence the Slavic Path is a way out into the Light, into Awareness. He who does not have his own Path - “pathless”, means “smart” and, at the same time, “ignorant”. His path, after the death of his body, is in Nav (without Christian horrors, mostly). The “grays”, after the body has become obsolete, follow to the Otherworld for annihilation.

Let's summarize. The main purpose of the coming era of the Heavenly Wolf, following the era of Mary the Fox, is: to bring into this World and into the Consciousness of people the quality of Distinguishing all of Our true from the false, illusory and superficial period of the Night. To have the quality of discrimination means to be able to distinguish, i.e. to see the Essence of any phenomenon, any person, any knowledge. The presence or absence of this quality will separate, divide, sort us all, regardless of whether we realize it or not; whether we know about the Wolf or not, although, of course, it’s better to know and remember about it. Mother MAKOSH, figuratively, acquires from the Rasichs in the top of the head above the forehead, therefore, IF AT LEAST ONE OF THE RACE activates its ninth “circle of radiance” (frontal chakra), having made its way to Makoshi, then the WOLF will receive the first channel for coming into this World. Midgard in some religions is called “hell”, because... it is the only place on the Svarog Circle where it is possible to experience the delights of Light and the abominations of Darkness. Souls of “different qualities” come here to determine their further Path: into Light or into Darkness. The Revealed World is a tough “school” in which we must go through our Lessons: learn to perceive the Revealed World as it really is. Learn to distinguish, i.e. see the ESSENCE. The gods are not given this, because... They live according to CON. And if, as a result of incarnation, the Soul remembers its goal, then its further Path is Light, and if not, then to Dark Nav, again according to its own Freedom and personal Will. Yes, they will help us to “clean up” (purify ourselves), but it is possible that many of the Race may give preference to the priorities of Darkness, turning away from the Light, some will not “wake up” at all, others will go straight into the Light of God. Like filtering, it turns out! Our Conscience is a unique thing, it can survive and develop only if people grow in their deeds, not in theory, but in unity with their Ancestors in the Services. Conscience - it is Faith and Life that I am. And any act when a Person is in Conscience can be called Service. But before conscience one still needs to acquire the Spirit, and the Soul to understand and hear, and the body, at least a little, to be studied. All this is inside us, but there is also an external World that relates to our Life. Spirit is Freedom, which owes nothing to anyone. To be in the Spirit means there are no Tasks, because... Everyone is free to move in the Spirit in the way they consider correct (“The Spirit breathes where it wants”). Because the Spirit is the “place” of Rule in manifest life (a particle of God), and any decision in the Spirit is CORRECT. The spirit is immeasurable (huge) in all manifestations and non-manifestations. And in order to reach the Spirit and Conscience in the Darkness, there is no more reliable way of Awareness than Services at points of Power with a fire. However, returning to the Spirit, to Conscience is an individual matter for everyone, there are no common cripples. “To each his own” - so be, so you are and so you will be, otherwise, neither in Life, nor in Faith, nor in anything else there will simply be any meaning and Essence in relation to Reality and Reality. Just one Person would be enough. The Grays managed to create a certain algorithm that fills the cellular structures around the Heart and blocks, like a “marsh swamp” (figuratively), the possibilities of interaction between the Soul and the Heart in resonance with the frequencies of the upcoming Dawn of Svarog through the disfigurement of the language of the Slavs, through the destruction of the foundations of the Tribal system, through separation from Rituals, incl. Services are also required at bonfires. This leads to the fact that the pulsations of information coming from Svarga cannot trigger the perception of this information by Souls in the same rhythm. The Grays, at the moment, know how the life of the Race on Midgard works. They understand that the path of information to Awareness, Consciousness, Understanding and Reasoning goes from the Soul to the Heart, blood, bone marrow, and then to the Brain itself. Knowing the Laws, how and why a person thinks, they set a goal: to prevent the ability, even with an increase in the power of the Light Streams and explicit information about this, to harmoniously resonate in the blood and bone marrow with these Streams, to prevent the Images from passing into the Word in the Brain. This opposition leads to a phenomenon that is often observed among those “waking up”: bursts of Light with very rapid attenuation (in the “swamp”) - the Image reached, a flash of Joy from discovering the Father’s information, caught on and went out, as it was before (in most cases). Streams (Gods) fly by unperceived. This barrier to Interconnection should be removed by ourselves. Consciously walk through Fire - Semargl; connecting to the Mother Raw Earth, giving her the opportunity to “lose” her Fields and help her enter into resonance with the Slav’s blood with the Streams of the Light Gods, standing barefoot on her body near the Krada of Semargl-Agnibog. You need to understand that the Soul of a Slav is multidimensional and embraces the entire Creation. Therefore, egregors and meditations - transfers of consciousness - are not required. This is not ours. When the Soul “sleeps” under the influence of external factors, then it needs to return to Reveal to the Heritage that Our Ancestors and Gods left us. There were tales, commandments, hymns, rituals and services to the Gods and Ancestors, etc. And perceive this not mechanically, by rote, but in such a way that it touches the Soul and Heart! Then the Soul will wake up, restoring Creative thinking and Worldview. The Gods of Glory (differentiated by principle and task - Parts of the Greater General EIP (Rule)), which directly organize mutual understanding - mutual circulation of EIP between the real World of Reality and the World of Rule (universal EIP). Our souls, Spirit and Conscience are “derived” particles of Glory, her children. That is why we are called “slavine”. And from this it follows that at the moment only the “slavs” are able to comprehend directly Our Gods, who are part of the Energy-Information Flow of the Rule. This is in fact the Russian “homegrown truth” that is talked about so much!
Everything is in us, in our blood, which is the carrier of memory. There are three questions left to answer: how to open it? How long to open? And what to open under and what base to rest on? Here are two words: understanding and leading. It's not the same thing. No power (energy) support is needed to conduct. Look, listen, and the attitude (and therefore the meaning) and sensory fullness will emerge without much difficulty, because everything is inside. But the consumption of knowledge with access to knowledge is not given in vain, because on initial stage you have to deal with images and words. And this is only the “entrance”, but not the very essence of knowledge. The understanding of Verskoye needs support, I.E. ENERGY INVESTED INTO A WORD IN WHICH KNOWLEDGE IS DISPLAYED. And this is where problems arise. How can we extract Strength from what we know in order to place it in support of the Spirit and Conscience? And in Light and for Love. But nowhere is there information on how to properly enter the transition for Chad or Race, how to preserve and increase what. There are no clues in legends about how to live from 2012 to 2029. And the year 2012 is Versky for the children of the Race on Midgard, but not for the World, it’s already a year in the yard (this is the wisdom of Perun and Veles). There are no instructions, and no one will put them on our table,
The old ones (guardians) also do not know. So it turns out: some go to the forest, some get firewood! That is why there is a sieve for sifting flour to select the Essence and Cola (being) of this sieve. And everything that is is as it is!
It was said that the Gods in Reveal are weaker than Chad until Chado himself deals with the Support. He will understand - Strength to the Gods and Children.

Quotes from famous people in photos with cats

The beauty of a woman is not in her clothes, figure or hairstyle. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives. - Audrey Hepburn

We learned to fly in the sky like birds. We learned to swim in the ocean like fish. Now all that remains is to learn to live on earth like people. - George Bernard Shaw

“We do not see the world, but the contents of our mind.”

We see things not as they are. We see things as we are.
- Anais Nin

A person notices in the world only what he already carries within himself.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Know that while you are being praised, you are not yet on your own path, but on a path pleasing to others.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

People who cannot find time to rest will sooner or later find time to be sick.

Smart people do not so much seek solitude as they avoid the fuss created by fools.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Nothing happens in vain. If you did something, it means that at that specific moment in your life, at that specific stage of your development, there was meaning in this action. And if it seems to you that you could have acted differently, know that you could not.
- Hank Moody

Everyone goes their own way. But all roads still go nowhere. This means that the whole point is in the road itself, how you walk along it... If you walk with pleasure, then this is your road. If you feel bad, you can leave it at any time, no matter how far you go. And it will be right.
- Carlos Castaneda

If you want to praise someone, do it immediately, but if you scold, put it off until tomorrow: perhaps you will decide that this is not worth doing.
- Maksim Gorky.

A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach.
- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Usually those who throw mud at others draw this mud from their souls. But here’s the paradox: this doesn’t make their soul cleaner and the dirt in it doesn’t decrease.

Your home is where your thoughts are calm. - Confucius

If you do something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices, don’t be upset: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time. - John Lennon

If you feel and act as if you are in love with the whole world, then everything around you will be in love with you...

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think negatively.

What are you thinking about now? Look at what you are thinking about now, this will become your future. Think about good things, about love, success, luck, abundance and joy. And enjoy it in the future.

Remember: you attract to yourself what you believe in.

Feel like today what you want to become tomorrow.

Your thoughts are your children. You must make each of them beautiful.Every thought should be a creative force aimed at good. Always remember that the power of thought is very great. Prepare to use it to help the world.

There are only those things in your life that are important to you. If something is not in your life yet, it is only because it is not important to you.

What we are today is a consequence of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind.
We attract into our lives everything we think about.
Watch your thoughts.

It is only his thoughts that make a person unhappy or happy, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

In your life, what is most in your soul always prevails.

How will we not have a pleasant home until we let fresh air into our rooms and sunlight, so our body will not be strong, and our face will not be happy and clear, until our mind is open to good thoughts.

James Allen

How much time do you think about good things?
That's exactly how much good you'll get.

There are no weak people.
We are all naturally strong.
Our thoughts make us weak.

Act as if failure is simply impossible and success is certain. Get rid of the thought that you will not achieve your goals, no matter material or spiritual. Be bold and don't hold back your imagination. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. You will never be the same again.

What you Feel is what you Radiate.

What you Emit is what you Receive.

The voice in your mind is like a wild horse that takes you wherever it wants. Once you tame a horse, you can ride it, and then knowledge becomes a tool to take you where you want to go.

Miguel Ruiz

Your mind is what creates your heaven and your hell. He creates happiness, he creates suffering. Once you realize the power of your own mind, your life will begin to change. Be responsible for what you fill your mind with, this is what your life will be filled with.

As soon as we get rid of negative and harmful thoughts, the whole world will soften towards us and will be ready to help.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.

Jubran Hamil Jubran

No one can cure the illnesses of the body better than a cheerful thought; goodwill is an incomparable comforter, dispelling all traces of grief and sadness.

James Allen

You can say emphatically, “This is a wonderful Universe, it brings me only good things. The universe is at one with me in everything. The universe supports me no matter what I do. The universe responds to my needs immediately.” Feel that the Universe is friendly to you.

Rhonda Byrne. Secret

Do you know about the Cosmic Law -

Richard Bach


Your relationship with life is always mirror-like -

how do you feel about life,

This is how life will treat you too.

And why is this so?

Because you and her are One.

In reality, there are two magicians - nature and our desires.

Limitations exist only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.

Thoughts are the main source of your good mood. Clear your thoughts - and all adversity will go away.

Everything that happens to you is a change in your internal states. Try to understand that their manifestation depends entirely on how you set yourself up.

Joy and suffering depend on your mind, on your interpretation. They do not come from outside, from others. All happiness and all suffering are created by you, by your own mind. Lama Zopa

When people say: “I am limited, I am suffering, I am unhappy,” they do it without any difficulty. However, no one says: “I am free! I am immortal!”... Whose fault is this? Whatever you say, whatever you think, it will happen. Tomorrow or now your wish will be fulfilled. And if you think, “I am free,” then you are free.

If you change yourself, the outside world changes with you - there are no other changes.

Everything you need is already within you. I believe that people create their own heaven and their own hell. This is a personal choice... Karl Logan

Your thoughts always come back to you like a boomerang.

If you work on something constantly with your whole soul, it will happen, because that is the function of the mind - to make things happen. Nisargadatta Maharaj

Your thoughts become your life.

Wherever you go, you will find only what you brought with you.

It doesn’t matter what world you live in, what matters is what world lives in you, because inner world will become the birth of the external world.

Heaven is not a place. This condition...

What you get from life is what you give to life.

If you believe, it is; don't believe me, no...What you believe in is what it is... Maksim Gorky

What you pay attention to is what will grow. If you pay attention to the fact that something is missing, the lack of it will increase even more.

Say mentally and out loud only those words that should become the seeds of what you sow.

1) Your imagination creates your reality;

2) All your thoughts are things;

H) What you think about grows and becomes denser;

4) You become what you think about;

5) Your thoughts or assumptions shape your world. Therefore, always keep your mind on what you want and don’t think about what you don’t want;

6) You can change the world by transforming your thoughts;

7) If you cannot change a situation, you can change its impact on you by changing your attitude or assumption about it. And, in the end, you may be able to change this situation.

It's all in the thoughts. Thought is the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And therefore, the main thing to improve is to work on thoughts.Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Everything that we are is created by our thoughts.

The whole world is inside a person - outside is only his reflection.

With every thought, ask only one question: “Will this thought, if I follow it, make me noble or will it make me cruel? Will it turn me to stone or will my scent be all over the world? Will it give me the strength to make people happy or will she make those around her unhappy?

The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. When you are unhappy with the world, it turns away. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world comes forward.

Cultivate in yourself an unshakable belief in your strengths and capabilities. With the power of your thoughts you determine your own destiny. Just as clouds are the main source of rain, mastering your own thoughts is the source of sustainable prosperity. You yourself become your own friend or enemy. Swami Sivananda.

“If I see, I will believe,” the man said.
“Believe it, you will see,” said the Universe...

The grain is invisible in the ground, and from it grows a huge tree. Thought is also imperceptible, and from thought grow the greatest events of human life.

What you carry in your mind, what you see in the world around you, is what you attract to yourself.

We ourselves provoke failures in our lives. What you fear will happen to you. Think positively, attract happiness.

Everything begins inside you, and then everything external reciprocates with you...

Light is in a person. AND the world a person is illuminated by his own, inner Light. The world around us is the way we make it. Man is a kind of lantern. His inner Light, his love and true kindness is the force that illuminates the world around him. And around each of us there is always exactly as much Light as we gave it. The more you open up, the brighter everything around you becomes.

Thoughts are material. Our consciousness is everything. You become what you think about.If a person speaks or acts with evil thoughts, he is haunted by pain. If a person speaks or acts with pure intentions, happiness follows him, which, like a shadow, will never leave him. To live correctly, you need to fill your brain with the “right” thoughts. Right thinking will give you everything you want; wrong thinking is an evil that will ultimately destroy you.

We get from life what we believe in. You believe that life is wonderful - and it is wonderful. You believe that she is terrible - she is terrible. You believe that there is no way out, and you won’t find a way out. If you believe that there is a way out, you will definitely see it. You are waiting for trouble - it will definitely come. If you are afraid of getting sick, you will get sick. If you believe in success, you will create it. You are waiting for happiness - it is already on the way to you! Our faith creates our reality.

You are where your thoughts are.

Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.

Whatever you focus your attention on becomes more powerful in your life.
Everything that you deprive of your attention fades, collapses and disappears.

This is the tyranny of exhausted thinking. People who think in the same categories every day - most of them negative - are captive of bad mental habits.

Instead of focusing on all the good things and thinking about how to make things even better, they became hostage to their past. Some worry about lost relationships or financial problems. Others suffer, remembering their less than perfect childhood. Still others sadly reflect on much more trivial things: about the unfriendly notes in the voice of a salesperson in a store or an employee at work. Those who think this way allow worry to destroy them. They themselves block the enormous potential of their spirit, deprive it of the ability to work miracles and bring into their lives the possibility of fulfilling any desires. These people don't realize thatto manage your mind is to manage your life.

If you don't understand yourself well, you won't understand anything in this world. Because the world is you. Mikhail Weller

Only that which corresponds to your inner state is attracted to you and comes from you.

Always expect the best - because you always get exactly what you expect.

Thoughts rule the world

Thought is energy whose power has no limits. Our Universe was created by the thought of an entity that many call God. The same thought created man, who was given the power of the Creator - Thought.

Your thoughts are much more powerful than you realize, and every mental image is a real force that can affect your life.

Thought is energy whose power has no limits. Dreams always come true if a person believes in the power of his own thoughts. Thought + Belief = Intention. Intention is born from a thought, which gives a command to the subconscious, which in turn begins to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of thought in the physical world.

The time of thought materialization depends on the speed of thought of the person creating the intention. The speed of thought of the intended person depends on the amount of his personal power (Spirit) - the energy of the person’s Soul. This energy is gained throughout a person’s life through his chakras, food and air. If a person lives in harmony with the Universe, he accelerates the process of gaining energy. If a person lives inharmoniously, he loses energy.

Your world is just a reflection of yourself.Stop looking for flaws in the reflection.Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The Universe is a projection of our own “I”, our likeness, which is no more real than the reflection of our face in the mirror, but - like this reflection - has a certain form, which cannot be changed without changing ourselves. Aleister Crowley

Remember: you attract to yourself what what you believe and what you think.


You have much more powerful ability to create and influence your life than you may realize. In fact, at every given moment you create your life with the thoughts you choose for yourself. Your thoughts and beliefs are not just internal perceptions and attitudes, but physical vibrations of energy, as real as the floor under your feet. They are the main life-giving forces that shape your existence and determine what will happen in your future. Simply stated, your thoughts are the most important factor in your life, and the only one over which you have complete and complete control. And yet, most of us give our thoughts minimal attention, if any at all.

All your complaints, all your problems happen only because you think about it. They keep manifesting because your thoughts materialize, they become your reality. When you accept everything as it is, accept your identification with the physical form, your life situation can make a quantum leap. We always come back to the same question. Who wants to know all this? Who says all this? Who is this story teller? Who is the king of tragedy? Who is the questioner, who is the doubter? Look at him and he will disappear. Then all these tragedies, stories, fairy tales will disappear. You, as a person, will dissolve. Your sense of individuality, your sense of ego, will dissolve. And then you are happy. Caesar Teruel

The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the greatness of the spirit looking at it.
The good one finds his paradise here on Earth, the evil one already has his hell here.

Heinrich Heine

Lifestyle begins with mindset. Everything else is tools.

What we see depends on how we look

With an effort of will and thought, it turns out that one can influence the metabolic process in a living organism, the treatment of wounds, and the growth of plants. And this parapsychological phenomenon has a name - telekinesis - “movement carried out at a distance.” It can appear as a result of injuries, diseases, stress. But you can also develop these abilities in yourself. For example, it is recommended to try to “conjure” according to a certain pattern - until fatigue appears - with a glass saucer filled with water in which a needle floats. It is believed that each such training is a step towards mastering telekinesis. By the way, there is a concept of “second wind”, according to which a person at a certain moment becomes exhausted, loses strength, but then suddenly switches to a backup source of energy, manifested in parapsychological abilities.

In order for our life to become harmonious and beautiful, our ideas about it must be harmonious and beautiful, because everything that happens to us is rooted in the soul and grows outward from there.

If you are upset about something external, then it is not the thing itself that depresses you, but your judgment about it. But eliminating the latter is in your power. If something in your own mood upsets you, then who is stopping you from correcting your way of thinking? Marcus Aurelius

Thoughts are the wings of the soul.Christian Nestel Bovey

Time paints the soul the color of our thoughts. Marcus Aurelius.

Watch your thoughts - they become words.
Watch your words - they become actions.
Watch your actions - they become habits.
Watch your habits - they become character.
Watch your character - it determines your destiny.

Brain cells develop in response to strong desires. Where there is no desire, there is no development. Orison Marden

What you managed to achieve in life, you attracted with your mind. Your efforts were preceded by a thought. The mental plan was ahead of your achievements. Orison Marden

In fact, we are surrounded by an atmosphere emitted by ourselves. Little do we realize the extent to which we are psychically poisoned by the radiation of our own careless and impure thoughts. Dion Fortune

Man is a materialized thought; he is what he thinks. To change his nature from a mortal to an immortal state, he must change his way of thinking; he must stop clinging in his thoughts to that which is illusory and subject to extinction, and cling to that which is eternal. Paracelsus

The difference between success and failure depends on what you think about most of the time. Dean Francis

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