Yagodkin N technique of memorizing 100 foreign words per hour. Nikolay Yagodkin: methodology, technology and features of learning English and reviews about it. Listening to information

Learning a foreign language is always a promising and relevant matter. However, when it comes to the learning process itself, not everyone can handle it. Few people like to spend precious time on endless cramming, and, as it turns out, even this does not always bring the desired result. Therefore, the majority of those who want to study any foreign language prefer a variety of high-speed learning methods. For example, Nikolai Yagodkin offers just such techniques. We'll talk about this in more detail later.

Brief information about Nikolai

Not so long ago, no one knew anything about Nikolai. He was an ordinary student, distinguished by an extraordinary thirst for knowledge. Now he is one of the most famous Russian experts specializing in special teaching technologies. According to his methods, anyone can master any material, including foreign languages. Moreover, all this can be done in the shortest possible time.

Nikolay Yagodkin is an active lecturer, trainer and regularly conducts thematic seminars. In addition, it was he who became the founder (and now the director) of one of the largest training clubs in St. Petersburg - Advance.

General information about Nikolay's training club

Advance is a huge center located in St. Petersburg. Nikolay himself positions it as a large and promising project, the task of which is to help reveal and develop as well as increase the personal effectiveness of students.

The main goal of the project teachers is to teach simple and effective techniques for quick memorization any information. The highest priority type of methods in this case is the technology of Nikolai Yagodkin, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Among the areas of the center it is worth highlighting the following:

  • development of students’ intellectual capabilities and their memory;
  • training in methods of working with data received for memorization;
  • learning ways to learn effectively and quickly;
  • learning English in just three months.

English in three months: fact or fiction?

During his seminars, Yagodkin shares own knowledge and skills in the field of learning foreign languages. According to him, the quality of the material studied does not depend at all on the time spent. The whole secret is to learn the language correctly. And, of course, Nikolai Yagodkin’s special technique comes to the rescue with this.

So, the whole secret lies in the proper distribution of time that is supposed to be spent on learning the language. For example, when learning English, you spend about 80% of your time every day cramming foreign words. The lecturer suggests abandoning this usual method of teaching, switching to a less gentle memorization schedule and teaching no more than 3000 new words in one month.

By this time, you will be able to easily watch films without Russian dubbing and read the English press without Google translator. This is exactly what Nikolai Yagodkin proposes to do. English in 3 months, according to him, is not fiction, but reality. That is, with this approach, it is possible to learn a language in just 2-3 months. His paid courses of the same name are based on the same approach.

What can you learn in the “English in 3 months” courses?

While studying the courses, business coach Yagodkin gives an extensive overview of the most effective teaching methods, shares the secrets of current technology for the correct development of speaking skills, writing and reading, and understanding. He also talks about where you can find the materials and sources you need to study information, and gives practical advice.

What is Yagodkin’s technique based on?

According to the lecturer himself, in his author’s methodology he took several mnemonic techniques as a basis. One of them is the system of associations. As an example, consider a real demonstration of the method that Yagodkin uses during lectures. So, Nikolai’s successful student is called from the audience; he is given a list of 150-200 words written in random order by the seminar participants; then the chosen one leaves and returns after a while with the words already learned. Moreover, it took him no more than 8 minutes to remember.

And he did it very simply. The fact is that the subject must associate each word with something. For example, the word “beet” can be remembered by imagining a palette with dark burgundy paint. “Snow” is associated with sugar or cotton wool, “dove” with a light feather, etc. Moreover, each of the students will have their own variants of associations. You can learn about this at the lecturer’s seminars. Nikolai Yagodkin’s courses will provide the same information.

Where is the association technique used?

The technique, according to Yagodkin, can be used to study absolutely any material. For example, it could be a foreign language. To do this, you first need to select and then write down the words that you plan to learn, and next to them indicate those objects or objects for association. So, near the word “king” you can depict a crown, throne or scepter.

In addition, Nikolai Yagodkin suggests learning English based on the TV series and films you have watched. At the same time, it is your favorite characters or bright moments from the series that can be used to create associations. For example, the aforementioned “king” goes well with Peter Jackson’s adventure film “King Kong.” And the English word “red” can be associated with the name of one of the wonderful characters in the movie “Gone with the Wind,” Rhett Butler.

How does the Yagodkin technique work?

Yagodkin's method works very simply. For example, you decide to learn Spanish. To do this, it is enough to allocate at least an hour of free time a day. According to Nikolai, you need to choose a place where you will not be distracted by anyone or anything. Afterwards, you should prepare a list of words (for convenience, it is recommended to use paper cards), write their translation and associations.

And then all that remains is to learn these notes by heart. The next day you need to learn the same number of words as the first time. However, the time for preparing the material and memorizing it will be slightly reduced. The fact is that during the allotted hour it is necessary not only to master new words, but also to repeat old ones. And if you do everything correctly, says Nikolai Yagodkin, learning 100 words per hour will not be difficult at all.

How to learn tenses in English in three hours?

For example, according to Yagodkin’s promise, if you manage your time correctly, you can learn it in just 2-3 hours. The meaning of such training comes down to the following actions:

  • you need to download the proposed text of the rules;
  • print it or transfer it to a Word document
  • take a sheet of paper and cover part of the text with it, leaving only sentences in English and their translation;
  • read aloud the visible text and its translation;
  • move the sheet down one line to remember the rule;
  • complete the first 7-15 sentences in this way;
  • return to the first one and repeat the previous steps;
  • repeat the learned 7-15 sentences 3 times.

Nikolai Yagodkin assures that in this way you can learn all the tenses that exist in the English language in 2-3 hours.

What role does listening comprehension play in the technique?

In addition to associations, Yagodkin suggests using and developing a person’s ability to perceive information by ear. In particular, when studying, for example, in English he recommends spending a certain amount of time watching films and TV series without translation. What does this give?

Firstly, Nikolai Yagodkin believes, a memorization technique based on the development of auditory perception of information will speed up the learning process. The fact is that when watching films, a person not only listens to the dialogues spoken by the acting characters, but also remembers them.

Secondly, when working with video materials, students connect and remember the actions, emotions that certain words evoked, and also look at the lips of the actors, trying to catch the exact pronunciation. And thirdly, as mentioned earlier, visual associations arise when viewing.

Nikolay Yagodkin: memorization technique 100

Another memorization option that Nikolai Yagodkin offers his students is the 100 memorization technique. According to the topic of this course, everyone will be able to learn 100 foreign words in one hour. And this can be done completely different ways, which the trainer talks about during the seminar.

For example, before starting training, it is necessary to take as a basis some text written in a foreign language. Let it be French. So, take the text and skim through it. Find out two main points:

  • are there any words in it that are familiar to you?
  • do you get the essence of it?

Next, you need to take a marker and highlight in bright color all the words that are unfamiliar to you. After that, look over them, starting with the first one. Look up its meaning in the dictionary and remember exactly in what context it was used in the text. By analogy, it is worth doing with other unknown words. During such studying, you can easily memorize up to 50 in an hour. You can easily remember the rest of the words using the method of listening comprehension and the system of associations. It is these simple exercises that Nikolai Yagodkin recommends. Reviews of his work can be found in our article.

What role does finger gymnastics play?

In addition to a variety of proprietary and other teaching methods, Yagodkin actively uses the so-called She is known to many mothers, since it is she who promotes the development of fine motor skills and facilitates the further training of children in the art of Russian speech.

According to Nikolai, this gymnastics not only helps improve grasping reflexes and improves reactions, but also allows you to activate two hemispheres of the brain at once. As it turns out, they are both needed to improve the learning process. Nikolai Yagodkin also uses this theory. You will read reviews about it below.

Exercise 1: “Where the air blows, there is smoke”

Before starting the exercise, it is recommended to rub both palms with force. Then extend your arms forward and form a fist with your fingers. After this, make a muzzle out of your fingers, and then immediately raise your thumb up and show “class.” Start doing this exercise with one arm first, then repeat with the other. Finally, do it with both hands at the same time.

Exercise 2: “back and forth”

Place one hand with fingers closed and pointing forward in front of the other. After this, bend your index and middle fingers. Straighten them while simultaneously bending your little and ring fingers. Perform first with one and the other hand, and then repeat with both.

Exercise 3: “ducks are flying”

Place both palms together. Then cross your thumbs, straighten them, cross them again. Smoothly move to the index, middle, ring and little fingers. Repeat the cross motion several times, starting from your thumbs.

What do people say about Yagodkin’s methods?

People who were lucky enough to be trained by coach Yagodkin say different things about him. For example, some of them are delighted with the courses and claim that with their help they were able to achieve tangible results. Others thank Yagodkin for the fact that after learning the language using his method, they were lucky to get a prestigious job. Still others, on the contrary, express a note of distrust, as they consider the courses “another drain of money” and a “useless waste of time.”

In a word, decide for yourself whether to use these courses in your practice or not. Remember that it is never too much. And excellent memorization helps when studying any material that interests you, including foreign languages.

Knowledge of one, or better yet several, foreign languages ​​is now not a luxury, but a necessity. Globalization creates its own laws that force people to work harder on themselves. However, studying someone else's grammar is a difficult task, if not for modern techniques that work wonders. The author of one of these is Nikolai Yagodkin, a talented and generous man. The recent student is now famous and popular. Thanks to his method, a huge number of citizens have not only mastered foreign languages, but also improved their memory. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

A few words about the author of the methods

Nikolai Yagodkin is a very educated young man. He has two degrees higher education, issued by the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen. He also has several certificates from the Institute. Bekhterev, Russian Psychotherapeutic Association. These are serious organizations that do not hand out documents just like that. Now Nikolay Yagodkin is the head of the Advance Center for Educational Technologies, which teaches English. All courses follow proprietary methods and receive well-deserved gratitude from students. In addition, Nikolai is engaged in lecturing activities. He speaks to students of domestic universities. For some time he taught at the South Korean University of Kyemyong Dae. Center educational technologies Nikolai Yagodkin is an authoritative institution. People come here who have lost hope that they will be able to learn at least a few English words, and self-confident “polyglots” leave. The last word is in quotation marks because not everyone needs knowledge of several foreign languages. Citizens are often content to speak English.

Idea of ​​the technique

Nikolai Yagodkin’s technology is explained quite simply. Psychologists have long discovered that it is easier to remember a word if you create an association for it in your head. By the way, most people with superpowers talk about exactly this way of working with numbers or terms. A person who can instantly multiply six-digit numbers associates each with a specific color. He sees not numbers, but a palette, so he is able to immediately give the correct answer. Nikolai took this method of work as the basis for his methodology. He invites students to create an association in their heads for each new word. This should be done based on the feeling that is born when pronouncing the term. For example, one person associates snow in his imagination with cotton wool, another with salt, and a third immediately imagines skiing down the mountain. By repeating a word several times and accompanying it with an association, the student creates a chain of neurons in the brain, which is difficult to destroy. In principle, it is fixed forever. That is, the method is not difficult to understand. There is nothing fantastic about it. The idea of ​​associative memory is not new. But only Nikolai Yagodkin decided to use it so widely and, importantly, effectively.

Give people opportunities

Most people work to earn a living. This is how our world works. And only a few work not for profit, but for others. Nikolai Yagodkin's courses are an excellent example of this state of affairs. The author of the technique did not try for himself. He created and is now improving his system so that ordinary, not the most talented people do not experience discomfort during travel, foreign business trips and similar events. How many of the students at the Advance center managed to arrange their personal lives? Unfortunately, no one keeps such statistics. Nikolai gives, albeit not freely, hope, helps to believe in oneself. After all, many citizens refuse to study foreign languages ​​not due to lack of ability, but on the basis of negative experiences gained at school. The teacher, often not having really mastered the subject himself, does not provide the necessary foundation to the children. And this leaves a negative imprint on the rest of your life, causing you to constantly experience uncertainty. It is this situation that Nikolai breaks by helping people.

How are classes going at school?

Let's give an example of how classes are conducted. Students are happy to share their achievements in reviews. Imagine a hall in which many people want to learn English have gathered. The teacher chooses one person and invites the rest to write any words on a piece of paper. Then the list is handed over to the daredevil who decides to take part in the experiment. He leaves the room for a few minutes, holding in his hands a sheet of paper with 150 to 200 words written on it. After 8 minutes, that student returns and is given a mini-exam. Naturally, he passes it successfully. All words have been learned and reproduced correctly. If we use Nikolai’s developments, then such an experiment no longer looks surprising. The memorization technique allows you to work with large amounts of unknown data and master it very quickly.

Nikolay Yagodkin: English in 3 months - a myth?

Anyone unfamiliar with modern memory developments is skeptical about the promises of the Advance Center. At school we struggle with grammar and tenses for years, but here in just three months you can understand, master and start using everything? Skeptics live without knowledge, while optimists write letters of gratitude and rave reviews. Nikolai Yagodkin’s school keeps its mark by graduating people who have mastered the subject to the stated level.

Are there failures? And what would happen without them, of course. There is a small percentage of people who do not understand the meaning of associations and are unable to create or define them. This is a disadvantage nervous system. They will have to learn the language in a classical way. But there are very few of them, literally a few. Everyone else can learn to speak English, for example, in three months.

What to do to achieve success?

Let’s say right away that we are not revealing any secrets. Nikolai Yagodkin’s technique is based on scientific achievements available in the public domain. The author claims that in one hour a person can learn up to a hundred words. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • On separate cards, write down the word, translation, association.
  • Read them carefully in order, trying to catch and consolidate the connection.
  • Repeat the process several times.

The lesson should be carried out in a place where no one will disturb or distract you. Any third-party information will disrupt the construction of associative chains. Therefore, you should retire, turn on the TV, computer, radio and the like. Even the first lesson will show that the technique works great. Anyone who wants to learn a foreign language is recommended to conduct a similar experiment on their own.

Listening to information

The next exercise is also not secret. It is easier to navigate foreign speech when you perceive it by ear. By the way, this is exactly what all students want to achieve; they strive to master spoken language. From the first day of classes, you are encouraged to watch programs and films of the corresponding country of publication. At first, most likely, you will not understand anything. But you shouldn’t stop studying, because after a while some words will become understandable, later you will be able to recognize phrases, and so on. Listening to information contributes to faster learning of a foreign language. The fact is that the brain resists at first and refuses to work with unfamiliar data. When the words become familiar and become familiar, understanding will come. The work on mastering a foreign language will go faster.

Working with unfamiliar text

Another exercise for development. Print out any foreign text, preferably more complex ones. Look through it to identify familiar words. Analyze how clear the entire text is. Highlight unfamiliar words. Now begin to get acquainted with their translation in the dictionary, immediately finding out the meaning of the piece of text where they are written. The work is double. On the one hand, you learn a new word, on the other hand, you look in what context it is used. Such exercises with unfamiliar texts should be carried out daily.

The brain is connected to the fingers

There is one more additional direction. As science assures and Nikolai Yagodkin confirms, memory is directly related to the development of hands. Children in the first grade are forced to work with their fingers so that they learn the wisdom of writing. Exercise also affects memory development. They are suggested to be done while mastering foreign languages. Oddly enough, the more students work with their palms, the faster they remember new words. Here are some exercises.

Let's twist the figs

Be positive. Now we will answer all the critics of your talent! Rub your hands well, anticipating the pleasure of their sour faces. Then extend them forward and clench your fists, showing your enemies that their skepticism will not stop you. Imagine how these people laugh, show them the cookie. Then quickly change the position of your fingers to the "class" sign, throwing your thumb up. This already applies to your self-confidence. Perform the exercise first with one hand, then with the second, then with both hands together. Warning: works without the emotional elements included in the description.

Bowing with fingers

Straighten your palms and tense them. Place them parallel to each other. Synchronously bend (as far as possible) the index and middle fingers of your left palm. Straighten them while simultaneously bowing with your ring and little fingers. Repeat everything listed with the fingers of your right palm. Then do this with both hands at the same time. The exercise should be repeated at least ten times.

Show it to a person and he will forget.
Explain it to a person, and he won’t remember.
Do it with him and he will understand.
P.S. Wisdom of the American Indians

I think about Nikolai Yagodkin, promoted on the Internet and on television, with his technologies for improving memory and his desire to give 50,000 rubles. for more effective ways training, we've all heard it before. But, if anyone hasn't heard yet, there are search engines that will give better information than I can. I'm just reporting its existence and the rather interesting things it talks about extraordinary person. In general, look for yourself and draw your own conclusions:

The main thing the author of these techniques relies on is visual associations that force the part of the brain that is responsible for images and emotions, and not for logic and language, to work. Those. makes the right hemisphere of the brain work more intensively, and not just the left. What the author talks about and gives as an example of a child who, becoming an adult, switches all his powers of thinking and reasoning to the logical part, i.e. to the left hemisphere of the brain. Although in its capacity for memorization, the right hemisphere is much more powerful than the left and is capable of storing gigantic amounts of information in the form of visual images. What evidence shows about young children's ability to remember and learn. Yes, and our long-term memory in the form of images. Moreover, the younger the child, the better and faster he learns.

This article will analyze the principles of the sensational technology for learning 100 foreign words per hour throughout the Internet and will provide a tool that contains most or even all of these techniques at once. Of course, I could be wrong, according to publicly available data, but that’s why there are comments on Habré in which you can correct me or tell me something that I didn’t know about before or simply didn’t realize.

To activate the right hemisphere of the brain in memorizing foreign words (for example, English), it is necessary to associate each word with some picture or image as a whole. And to remember the spelling of words, you need to look up at the ceiling and imagine how the word is spelled in red, spelled out with its meaning. The same technique will also help you learn words for pronunciation when you read written information to yourself in the form of recalling a virtually written text.

But it’s not so simple here; to associate words with pictures or memories, you need to use bright and memorable images, otherwise they will go out of your head. Some words can be remembered with the help of bright pictures, which also evoke feelings, and some are best remembered using associations, by analogy with the words of two languages ​​(the English word and its translation) and their meanings. For example, the word LAMP is a lamp or lamp. We take and add in our heads in green to the letters LAMP written in red, the letter A. And then, remembering the word, we will understand its meaning and know its spelling. Let's take the word EYE as an example. Note that the word is symmetrical and the letter Y resembles a nose. So, we need to imagine the word as two eyes made from the letters E and a nose Y, which is similar to a face. Let's highlight one eye in the head. For example, in red, so that the brain itself distinguishes what is needed and what to pay attention to. After a while, the color red will automatically be associated with the marker, similar to using a colored marker to highlight important text on a paper page. As a result, looking at this word, we will immediately have an image of a face with a red eye, and the brain itself will give out its meaning, paying attention to the red color of the eye. And vice versa, when we want to use a word, we remember about this person and its spelling and pronunciation immediately pops up.

Nikolay Yagodkin uses for memorization large number words in a short time - ordinary cards, in the form of empty sheets of paper the size of a badge. These leaves are easily made from A4 printer paper.

On these pieces of paper, one English word is written on one side and an association is immediately made using the first letters with a similar Russian word. And then on the other side of the card, the translation is written, and an association is invented for this translation. These pictures are selected from the first association that comes to mind, when reading the first letters of an English word and then when reading a Russian word, another association is invented.

A word in English is pronounced three times and each time an image is associated - a picture (association) that combines two images: a separate image for the English word and a separate image for the Russian word (translation). Those. a general image-picture is created from two separate images. In this case, you need to raise your eyes upward for better perception of the image and to access your visual memory for images. Then you need to realize the properties of the image: color, smell, sound, hardness, material, feelings, emotions, etc. And all this should be done instantly, without unnecessary guesswork. Those. there is a word, then its image according to the first letters, then translation, then the image of translation, then a single image, composed of two separate ones, then the properties of a single image. This is necessary for the primary strong connection between two words.

For example "table". Russian word- this is a “table” (we do not take the meaning of the word “table” in order to explain the example more easily). When pronounced, "table" sounds like a table (to me). I am linking an image of a desk and an Excel spreadsheet (again, this is my image). For example, the legs of a table move apart and it turns into a table cell or something similar to the “#” (hash) symbol resembling a table cell. Here I am, linked...

If the English word is long, you need to take the first 3-4 letters to associate with the Russian word. It is important! Those. from the word clergyman, you need to take cler. And associate it with eclair (what first came to mind). Although at first everything looks quite complicated and it seems that it will take a lot of time to memorize each word, but this is only at first glance. Having understood the technique, associations are selected instantly in a few seconds and then automatically pop up in memory for some time, until the word begins to be used automatically along with words from the native language. This happens quite quickly.

Although Nikolai Yagodkin, in many free webinars aimed at attracting an audience, talks about words being remembered forever the first time and from this the conclusion is automatically drawn that they are memorized forever the first time, but this is not entirely true... Yes, words are remembered as described above techniques, but they are forgotten after a while. Therefore, they need to be repeated more than once so that they move from short-term memory forever into long-term memory. What you can learn about in the future in courses or read on the Internet. There is information about this.

In continuation of the above, the next stage is repetition by sorting through the cards. If you completely know the word from Russian to English and vice versa and know the pronunciation, then the card is removed to the very end. If you don’t know the translation, or the pronunciation, or both, then put it in the center after listening to the word and looking at the translation. And so on until the stack passes 3 times, i.e. until the last card placed at the end appears 4 times.

Then we carry the cards with us for several days (4-5) and go through them without turning them over. First, the side was only in English, then only in Russian. Thus, we transfer the words into long-term memory. Everything should be instant. If you think for more than 2 seconds, put the card in the center.

Of course, all of the above is logical and understandable, but it is so effective that Nikolai Yagodkin offers 50,000 rubles if he is informed more effective technique training. So, simplicity is the key to success.

Everything written above can be applied to my EngCards application (iOS: download and Android: download) + the application uses the technology of decreasing frequency of word repetitions (this technology in itself is an excellent tool for learning). Moreover, the application itself will do all of the above, but in a different, much more convenient and enjoyable gaming version. You just need to play it more often. But you can improve your results and get the maximum effect by mixing types of learning (i.e., applying effort for better memorization), following a few simple rules:

1) In the memorization exercise, spend some time, not just a moment, memorizing the word and its associated pictures.

A picture and an English word appear, we look at the word and use the first letters to come up with an association, as described earlier. We see the word Small - that means we can take the word “resin”.

To come up with the image images yourself and for the meaning of an English word in Russian, you need to use the EngWords application (the application can be found on my page with iOS applications: link and Android: link). In EngWords, instead of a picture, everywhere there is the meaning of an English word in Russian (you can, as in EngCards, choose another one of your own native language out of 79 available in the application).

2) Let's move on to the test. As soon as a picture appears with variants of English words, we first of all remember what this picture means in Russian. If you can’t remember, click on the picture and look at the meaning. Then we remember the English word and only at the end choose it from the options. If we don’t remember, we still choose the most correct one. Pay attention to the highlighting of the word after selection and remember the English word again.

3) In the dictation exercise, you need to carefully listen to the pronunciation of the word and peer at the picture to consolidate the figurative and auditory association, before writing the word. Then write the word. When you write a word yourself, the brain will begin to reconstruct it in fragments and will force you to remember the restoration process, which significantly improves the process of memorizing and entering the word into long-term memory. The rule that is written at the beginning, in the Indian proverb, will just begin to apply.

The dictation will not allow you to start writing the next letter of the word until the letter is written correctly. If you really can’t write a word, you need to skip it (click on the forward arrow) and really focus on it to remember it, after it is displayed in red letters.

4) In the “Write” exercise, if a word is written incorrectly, it turns red and a characteristic sound is played. Force your brain to focus and take a picture of the word written in red when you hear the error and immediately remember the associated association. And do this constantly with the sound of an error and red text, causing everything around to freeze as if by focusing on the red word and reproducing an invented image associated with the presented picture, combining two other images. Then the brain will do this itself, and the words will begin to be remembered immediately. By the way, this technique is called “anchor” in NLP. If you don’t yet know what an “anchor” is, be sure to look it up on the Internet and read it.

This was the first stage of training or step - “Step”. In the application it is called the “Study” step. Words after being correctly written in “Write” moved to “Step 1” and disappeared from training for 2 hours. Returning to the exercises after 2 hours, the words in the training will appear again. After completing training with these words again, they will move to step 2 and disappear for a day and so on. Until they disappear from training altogether. This is the technique of decreasing frequency of word repetition. You can return words to learning or manage the stages of learning words (steps) by selecting the desired dictionary or dictionary category in the dictionary management section (the “DICTIONARY” button on the main screen).

If you don’t like the font color or background image, you can set your own font color and background image in the application settings.

P.S. This is how Nikolai Yagodkin’s many hours of confusing talk about crazy and “super-mega-effective” technology fit into a small post on Habré.

Please tell us about your experience in teaching foreign languages ​​and effective teaching technologies that have been tested “with blood and sweat.”

You will learn to memorize foreign words at a speed of 100 words per hour,
which will reduce the time to master any language by at least 2-3 times.

Buy a course

“My speed of memorizing new words was very funny, I think about 30 words a week:) With your method, I memorized more than 300 new words in just 3 days (1 hour a day + 10-15 minutes for repetition in the “funnel” mode) . Thank you for the technique and faith in your strengths and abilities!”
Ilya Dudinsky

Then training on memory technology
foreign words for you!

I can’t help but brag :)) I returned home and started practicing... Voila, with breaks (for tea, lunch) I learned 100 new Italian words in an hour and a half or two... (I made a video and tested myself... the result is one caveat due to quick reading).
Daryana Homenia

After completing the training, you will be able to easily remember:

  • 30-70

    new words
    in one trip
    In the underground

  • 200-500

    new words
    per evening

  • 500-1000

    new words
    for the whole day

Buy a course
“Relevant, useful, incredibly interesting training! I had no idea that learning English vocabulary could be so much fun!!! And most importantly, everything works 100%..."
Diana Nasibullina

Guaranteed result

You will gain memorization skills:

Buy a course

Channel One report about one of the proprietary technologies
Nikolai Yagodkin:

Advance ideologist. Author of technologies.

Nikolay Yagodkin

The most famous specialist in teaching and learning technologies in Russia.
Teacher (2 higher teacher education), specialist in innovative teaching methods
Holder of coaching certificates of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association (RPA) and the Institute named after. Bekhterev
Conducted dozens of lectures and webinars at the largest universities in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg State University, FINEK, ITMO, SZAGS, Polytechnic University, etc.), taught in South Korea (Kemyong Dae University), at the presidential management training program
Stories about his methods were shown on Channel One, NTV and other channels
More than 30,000 people have completed its full programs, and more than 100,000 have attended free seminars.
There are more reviews on the Internet about him and his technologies than about all other authors in this field.

How is the training going?

By purchasing a course, you get access to a step-by-step platform with lessons,
each of which forms a specific skill,
necessary for memorizing words.

    All completed
    You send
    , which
    them carefully
    checks and gives
    You have access
    to the next

    Each lesson consists from the video,
    technology explanations
    in text format,
    tasks and exercises,

    performing which you and
    purchase the necessary
    skills at the required level.
    Also available to you
    computer programs,
    accelerating and simplifying
    performing exercises.

    All technologies
    and exercises
    are described in detail,
    and if arise
    - You can
    ask them to the curator
    and get prompt
    reply by mail or
    by phone.

Buy a course
I memorize 100 words every day. In 12 days I learned 1200 words. I still remember everything. And if the first hundred were difficult, then I learned the last one with ease... The technique is amazing and the easiest to master.
Andrey Plekhanov

Why Online Platform
Is it much more effective than face-to-face training?

  • you pass
    step by step course,

    to the next
    occupation only
    all necessary
    and worked out.
    This guarantees
    results with
  • IN online course
    with full-time
    in several
    times more

    and exercises
    and assimilation
    is happening
    better - due to
    step by step
  • You can
    lessons in any
    there is Internet,
    and carry out
    even with
    and the Internet.
  • For any of your
    question if
    he appeared
    You are getting
    who themselves
    1000 words each
    for one day!
  • you pass
    course with any
    convenient for you

    You can
    complete the entire course
    in a few
    days studying
    all day,
    can you stretch it?
    for a few
    weeks of studying
    V free time,
    for example on the road
    or breaks on

During the course you will remember from 1000 to 5000 new words,
and in the last lesson you will meet the standard: memorize 300 words in 3 hours!

Join an effective learning format
the most effective technology for memorizing words!

Indeed, everything ingenious is simple! 3 days have passed since the training, and I learned 150 without straining. german words, despite the fact that there have always been problems with memorization. Thank you)
Evgenia Derkach
Cost of training packages

Register and get the most powerful tool,
speeds up learning any language significantly!

Technology inspires! It inspires hope and really works, I learned 100 Italian words in about a couple of hours, but it’s still slow, and once upon a time it was a task that would take more than one day! The worldview has changed radically; now we can do a lot!!!

For residents St. Petersburg registration for face-to-face training is below.

For residents other cities — Internet broadcast

Registration for online broadcast

Watch a short video about the training

If you are learning any foreign language, then80% of the timedevelopment takesmemorizing words, which usually boils down to “cramming” – a lengthy, routine and extremely ineffective process. Flaw vocabulary prevents us from learning a living language through conversation, reading, watching films. Memorizing even 20-30 words a day is not enough - because they often not only do not enter the active dictionary, but are also not recognized in the text and are quickly forgotten without constant cramming.

Memorizing words is ballast that forces you to learn a language not even for months, but for years, which makes the process routine, uninteresting and ineffective. And this is how most people learn the language.

Now imagine that for the first week learning a language you could easily remember 800 words- minimum sufficient for communication on common topics and learning the language would immediately turn into a lively and interesting process. A per month, devoting just an hour a day, you would learn 3000 words and started reading books and watching films in the target language, which will instantly improve your grammar and understanding of speech.

Don't believe this is possible?

Having attended our training, using a unique author’s methodology, You will learn remember foreign words any language with pronunciation, spelling and meaning at the speed of 100 words per hour into long-term memory , which will reduce the time to master any language by at least 2-3 times.

Technique for memorizing 100 words per hour accessible to everyone after just a few hours of practice, it starts working from the very first word. Right during the training, we will remember several dozen English words and medical terms in Latin, as well as 40-60 korean words to show the versatility of the technique.

During the training you:

.Master it mnemonic method of memorizing foreign words at a speed of 100 words per hour

.Find out the most effective methods quick acquisition of vocabulary (including highly specialized ones)

.Learn remember not only the pronunciation, but also the spelling of words

.Rememberseveral dozen English words, medical terms in Latin, and 40-60 Korean words

.Master it a technique with which in a matter of days you can spell 100% accurately several thousand words that you already know by pronunciation

Guaranteed result:

Memorize any words in any language

At the level of automaticity (reflex reproduction)

To long-term memory

With pronunciation, meaning and spelling

At a speed of 100 or more words per hour

Nikolay Yagodkin

  • Teacher(2 higher pedagogical education), business trainer, specialist in innovative teaching methods
  • Holder of coaching certificates Russian Psychotherapeutic Association (RPA) and the Institute named after. Bekhterev
  • Conducting lectures and seminars in the largest universities in St. Petersburg (SPbSU, FINEK, ITMO, SZAGS, Polytechnic University, etc., teaching in South Korea (Kemyong Dae University), at the presidential management training program
  • Among private students: professors and rectors of universities, Olympic champions, directors of Russian and international companies, winners of All-Russian Academic Olympiads
  • Director the largest training club in St. Petersburg
  • Author of programs on effective teaching technologies that have passed more than 10,000 people


We give ABSOLUTE guarantee for training - if you do not like the process or you are not sure that you can now memorize 100 words per hour - we will return your money.

Date and time: 28 September 19.00 – 22.30

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