5 countries by territory size. Video about the largest countries

There are about 250 countries and territories around the world. Some of them occupy a very small area, while others are spread over several million kilometers. What are the largest countries by territory? Where are they located, and how many people inhabit them? All this will be discussed below.

It's no secret that most of the planet's territory is covered by oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. In total, they occupy about 71% of the Earth, with the remaining 29% being land inhabited by humans. Moreover, more than 40% of the land is the area occupied by large countries of the world. There are 10 of them on the planet.

List of large countries

  1. So, Russia is at the head of the largest countries. Its territory is several times larger than the territory of many other countries and amounts to 17,075,400 km2. At the same time, there are very few bodies of water in the country and 16,995,800 km2 is land. Consequently, 12.5% ​​of the Earth's landmass is in Russia alone;
  2. In second place on this list is Canada. Its area is almost 2 times smaller than Russia - 9,984,670 km2. Of these, about 9 million square kilometers are land. Therefore, it occupies 6.1% of the earth's landmass;
  3. The third place of honor belongs to China. This amazing country owns 9,596,960 km2, of which only 200 thousand are water sources, and the rest is land. Therefore, China makes up 6.26% of the Earth's land area. But at the same time, almost 1.5 billion people live in this territory;
  4. Large countries by area include the United States of America. They occupy the fourth stage and have an area of ​​9,518,900 km2. Of this, land accounts for approximately 9,162,000 km2, which means that America occupies 6.15% of the Earth's territory. But if we talk about the size of the American population, then the United States is in 3rd place;
  5. Next comes Brazil. Its area is slightly more than 8 million square kilometers, or more precisely 8,511,965 km2, on which almost 200 million people live. The country of carnivals occupies 5.67% of the earth's land area;
  6. The next country is Australia. Its uniqueness is that it is a separate continent and completely constitutes its territory, which extends over 7,686,850 km2. Of these, only about 67 thousand km2 fall on water sources. Therefore, Australia occupies 5.1% of the entire planet's landmass;
  7. India rightfully took seventh position. Its area is 3,287,590 km2, of which 2,973,190 km2 is land. Consequently, 2% of the earth's land falls on this eastern country;
  8. Next comes Argentina. It accounts for 1.8% of the Earth's territory because the countries have an area of ​​2,776,890 km2;
  9. In penultimate place is Kazakhstan. Just like the previous country, it occupies 1.8% of the earth's land and has an area of ​​2,717,300 km2;
  10. And finally, Sudan closes this list. Its area is 2,505,810 km2, which corresponds to 1.6% of the planet's land mass.

The Russian Federation is located on the Eurasian continent and occupies a significant part of it - almost a third of the continent. The country ranks first in terms of territory, but in terms of population density it ranks only 9th. The most populous city in Russia is its capital, Moscow. The country is divided into territories and regions, as well as into republics and autonomous okrugs. There are 46 regions in Russia, 22 republics, 17 autonomous subjects and districts. Russia has beautiful nature, many rivers and lakes. Some rivers are famous all over the world, such as the Amur, Don or Volga. The length of each of them is at least 10 km. On the territory of the Russian Federation there is also the deepest Lake Baikal, filled with the purest water and attracting tourists from all over the world. The nature of Russia is diverse. Here you can soak up the sunny beach, plunge into the warm southern sea or see never-melting glaciers, feel the frost in summer time years and watch northern lights.

Russia is a neighboring country for 19 states, the border between them runs both by land and sea

China's population density is the highest, and the country is not only among the top three as the largest by area, but it is also one of the most densely populated.

China is located on the Eurasian continent, here its border touches the borders of 14 countries, and on the other side it is washed by waters Pacific Ocean. China is divided into 31 territorial entities. Of these, 22 provinces, 5 autonomous okrugs and 4 cities of central subordination. The capital of China is Beijing.

The country is the largest on the continent of South America and shares common borders with all countries located on it. On the eastern side of Brazil is the Atlantic Ocean. The name of the country's capital is very easy to remember, since it bears the name of its state - Brazil.
Brazil is the world's largest supplier of sugar, oranges, wheat and soybeans. The state cooperates and exports agricultural products to countries such as Russia, the USA, China, Indonesia and others.

The main attraction of Brazil is, of course, its colorful carnivals. To watch this celebration, many people come from far corners of the planet. The scope of the festival is amazing: a riot of colors, feathers, sparkles - all this remains in the memory forever.

The symbol of Brazil is the statue of Christ the Savior, it is located in the city of Rio De Janeiro on the top of Mount Corcovado

It ranks second in area in South America. The country's layout is oblong and runs from north to south. Argentina is diverse in its climatic conditions, and this is not surprising! On large territory various natural areas are located. The south of Argentina is cold and has deserts with harsh weather conditions; the north of the country has a subtropical climate. In the west along the border - mountain system The Andes, and on the eastern side Argentina is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The most big city Argentina is Buenos Aires, which is also the capital of the state


The main part of the country's territory is the Darfur and Kordofan plateaus, surrounded by the Central African Highlands to the south and the Ethiopian Highlands to the east. The main waterway of Sudan is the famous Nile River.

The capital of Sudan occupies approximately 120 km² and, in fact, consists of three cities - Khartoum, North Khartoum and Omdurman, united into one large city, the settlement took the common name - Khartoum.

Now the question of which is the largest country in the world should not arise. This list represents the ten largest countries by territory. If we were talking about population, it would be completely different. After all, for example, in China, more than a hundred people live on one square kilometer, while in Russia there are only about a dozen.

If we talk about which is the largest country in Europe, then of the above countries, a significant part of Europe is occupied, of course, by Russia, but since it is located only partially on its territory, the first place rightfully belongs to Ukraine.

Answer from Orkoff[guru]
1. Russia 17,075,400 sq. km
After the breakup Soviet Union, Russia, which was part of it, remained the most big country in the world. In area it is second only to the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans and allocated in 2000 by the International Hydrographic Organization to the Southern Ocean. Russia occupies 17,075,400 square meters. km, of which 16,995,800 sq. km is on land. This represents approximately 11.41% of the earth's total land mass, or 12.5% ​​of the land inhabited by humans.
2. Canada 9,984,670 sq. km
In second place on the list of most large countries Canada is located in the world. It occupies approximately 40% of the North American continent - 9,984,670 square meters. km. Of this, land accounts for 9,093,507 sq. km, which corresponds to 6.1% of all earth's land. In other words, Canada is approximately 1.7 times smaller than Russia. By the way, it is on the territory of this country that the northernmost locality in the world - the Canadian Forces Alert station, located just 834 kilometers from the North Pole.
3. China 9,596,960 sq. km
The People's Republic of China covers an area of ​​9,596,960 square meters. km, including 9,326,410 sq. km of land areas. This is equal to approximately 6.26% of the planet's total land area. China is the most populated country in the world. According to 2009 data, approximately 1 billion 339 million people live in it. There is also a version according to which the United States is considered the third largest country in the world.
4. United States of America 9,518,900 sq. km
Domestic sources call the United States the fourth largest country on Earth, and indicate an area of ​​9,518,900 square meters. km or, according to other sources, 9,522,057 sq. km. However, according to a number of English-language sources, including the CIA The World Factbook website, the area of ​​this state is approximately 9,826,630 square meters. km, of which 9,161,923 sq. km are on land (6.15% of the earth's land), which makes it the third largest. The United States of America ranks third in terms of population. In addition, this country ranks first in the world in terms of gross domestic product and tenth in terms of per capita income.
5. Brazil 8,511,965 sq. km
It is the largest and most populous country South America. It occupies almost half of the continent. Brazil's area is approximately 8,511,965 square meters. km. 8,456,510 of the country's territory is land, which corresponds to 5.67% of the earth's total land area. This state is also one of the most populous in the world: according to 2009 data, it is home to approximately 198.7 million inhabitants.
6. Australia 7,686,850 sq. km
In sixth place on the list of the largest countries in the world is Australia, the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. The area of ​​this state is 7,686,850 square meters. km, including 7,617,930 sq. km of land, that is, approximately 5.1% of all land areas of the Earth.
7. India 3,287,590 sq. km
India is in seventh place in the list of largest countries. Its area is 3,287,590 square meters. km, of which 2,973,190 sq. km is on land. In other words, it occupies almost 2% of the entire earth's landmass. In addition, India ranks second in the list of the most populous countries on the planet: about 1166.1 million people live in it.
8. Argentina 2,776,890 sq. km
It is the second largest and most populous state in South America. It covers an area of ​​2,776,890 square meters. km, 2,736,690 sq. km of Argentine territory is on land. Thus, the land territories of this country account for slightly more than 1.8% of the entire surface of the Earth not occupied by the sea. The number of inhabitants of Argentina by 2009 reached 40.9 million people.
9. Kazakhstan 2,717,300 sq. km
The total territory of Kazakhstan is 2,717,300 square meters. km, 2,669,800 sq. km of them is land. This corresponds to almost 1.8% of the planet's land area. Most of this country, 58%, is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts.
10. Sudan 2,505,810 sq. km
In the northeastern part of Africa is the largest state of this continent - Sudan. Its area is 2 505 8

The top five most populated countries is completed by Brazil with a population of 210,147,125 people.

Brazil's urban population is 84%, rural - 16%. The famous Rio de Janeiro is home to 11 million people, and Sao Paulo is home to 19 million. These are the two largest federal centers in the country.

A special feature of the Brazilian population is the fact that 50% of Brazilians are first or second generation foreigners. In the north of the country there is a greater influence of immigrants from Portugal and representatives of African tribes. The more favorable south and southeast are inhabited by Brazilians with German, Italian and Japanese roots.

The Republic of Indonesia ranks fourth in the ranking of the most populous countries in the world with a population of 266,357,297 people.

It is located in South-East Asia, the country's territory is spread over 13 thousand islands. Many small islands don't even have names! The most populous of them are Java and Madura. 58% of the country's residents are concentrated here, with every sixth resident in Java. There are about 300 in the Republic ethnic groups, the most numerous are the Javanese, Sundas, Minangkabau, Toba-Batak and Acehnese (Sumatra Island), Balinese (Bali Island).

The structure of the Indonesian family is curious. Since the country has a huge number of different ethnic groups, family traditions have fundamental differences. If an ordinary family The Javanese consist of two parents and children, show independence in everyday life and do not maintain contact with relatives, while the Balinese, on the contrary, hold close family ties in high esteem. The Balinese family is complex structure: in addition to the parents, it includes the families of several brothers with wives and numerous children.

As of 2018, the population of the United States of America was 325,145,963 people. It is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of territory, and the third in terms of population. America's population is a mixture of different ethnicities and races. They speak here various languages, profess all world religions, you can talk endlessly about the diversity of nationalities of US residents.

Initially, the indigenous people, the aborigines of the country, were Indians, of whom there were more than 3 million. In the XVI- XVII centuries The first colonies of Europeans appeared, mainly the British, Scots and Irish. Later representatives from Sweden, France and others appeared European countries. At the same time, representatives of African Americans (blacks) appeared as slaves.

Today the United States is a multinational country, home to 80% of the white race, 12% of African Americans, and the remaining races (Asians, Indians, Eskimos) account for 5%. Every year, the US population increases by 0.5 million people who come in search of better life. The USA is the most urbanized state, the share of city dwellers in the total population is 77%.
One of interesting facts is the number of Russian-speaking residents - 700 thousand people!

Trends recent years They say that China may lose its lead in population to India by 2030. As of July 2013, the population of this country is 1,220,800,359 people. Over the past hundred years, India's population growth has exceeded China's by 50 million people!

Considering that the territory of India occupies only 2.4% of the world's area, it concentrated 17.5% of the planet's population, that is, this share of such states as the USA, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, and Japan in total. India's population density is almost 8 times the world average!


The current population of India is very young: more than 50% of Indians are under 25 years of age. India's birth rate is the highest among countries in the world. For every thousand inhabitants there are 22 births of children, and the mortality rate is no more than 6 people.

The most recent data gives a figure of 1,430,075,000 people who inhabit the People's Republic of China. This number suggests that every fourth inhabitant of the planet is of Chinese origin.

Why are the Chinese the most populous nation?

Let's start with the fact that China has more than 5,000 years of existence. The traditions of many nations value large families. But only in China, since the time of Confucius, raising many children in a family (especially boys) was elevated to a cult and was considered the main achievement and happiness for a man.

Since coming to power communist party, this principle received active support. The party leadership relied on enormous labor resources. In 1980, demographic problems worsened in China, and the birth of a second and subsequent children was severely punished at the state level (the fine was more than $3,500).

Today, the country's population has slowed down the rate of growth, and the imbalance has begun in the other direction - it has noticeably aged. A single child cannot provide a decent old age for his aged parents and 4 grandparents (a very limited circle of people receive pensions in China). This sad fact violates the centuries-old traditions of China.

The top five most populated countries is completed by Brazil with a population of 210,147,125 people.

Brazil's urban population is 84%, rural - 16%. The famous Rio de Janeiro is home to 11 million people, and Sao Paulo is home to 19 million. These are the two largest federal centers in the country.

A special feature of the Brazilian population is the fact that 50% of Brazilians are first or second generation foreigners. In the north of the country there is a greater influence of immigrants from Portugal and representatives of African tribes. The more favorable south and southeast are inhabited by Brazilians with German, Italian and Japanese roots.

The Republic of Indonesia ranks fourth in the ranking of the most populous countries in the world with a population of 266,357,297 people.

It is located in Southeast Asia, the country's territory spreads over 13 thousand islands. Many small islands don't even have names! The most populous of them are Java and Madura. 58% of the country's residents are concentrated here, with every sixth resident in Java. There are about 300 ethnic groups in the Republic, the largest are the Javanese, Sundas, Minangkabau, Toba-Batak and Acehnese (Sumatra Island), Balinese (Bali Island).

The structure of the Indonesian family is curious. Since the country has a huge number of different ethnic groups, family traditions have fundamental differences. If an ordinary Javanese family consists of two parents and children, shows everyday independence and does not maintain contact with relatives, then the Balinese, on the contrary, hold close family ties in high esteem. The Balinese family is a complex structure: in addition to the parents, it includes families of several brothers with wives and numerous children.

As of 2018, the population of the United States of America was 325,145,963 people. It is the fourth largest country in the world in terms of territory, and the third in terms of population. America's population is a mixture of different ethnicities and races. Various languages ​​are spoken here, all world religions are practiced, and one can talk endlessly about the diversity of nationalities of US residents.

Initially, the indigenous people, the aborigines of the country, were Indians, of whom there were more than 3 million. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the first colonies of Europeans appeared, mainly the British, Scots and Irish. Later, representatives from Sweden, France and other European countries appeared. At the same time, representatives of African Americans (blacks) appeared as slaves.

Today the United States is a multinational country, home to 80% of the white race, 12% of African Americans, and the remaining races (Asians, Indians, Eskimos) account for 5%. Every year, the US population increases by 0.5 million people who come in search of a better life. The USA is the most urbanized state, the share of city dwellers in the total population is 77%.
One of the interesting facts is the number of Russian-speaking residents - 700 thousand people!

Trends in recent years indicate that by 2030 China may lose its lead in population to India. As of July 2013, the population of this country is 1,220,800,359 people. Over the past hundred years, India's population growth has exceeded China's by 50 million people!

Considering that the territory of India occupies only 2.4% of the world's area, it concentrated 17.5% of the planet's population, that is, this share of such states as the USA, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, and Japan in total. India's population density is almost 8 times the world average!


The current population of India is very young: more than 50% of Indians are under 25 years of age. India's birth rate is the highest among countries in the world. For every thousand inhabitants there are 22 births of children, and the mortality rate is no more than 6 people.

The most recent data gives a figure of 1,430,075,000 people who inhabit the People's Republic of China. This number suggests that every fourth inhabitant of the planet is of Chinese origin.

Why are the Chinese the most populous nation?

Let's start with the fact that China has more than 5,000 years of existence. The traditions of many nations value large families. But only in China, since the time of Confucius, raising many children in a family (especially boys) was elevated to a cult and was considered the main achievement and happiness for a man.

Since the Communist Party came to power, this principle has received active support. The party leadership relied on enormous labor resources. In 1980, demographic problems worsened in China, and the birth of a second and subsequent children was severely punished at the state level (the fine was more than $3,500).

Today, the country's population has slowed down the rate of growth, and the imbalance has begun in the other direction - it has noticeably aged. A single child cannot provide a decent old age for his aged parents and 4 grandparents (a very limited circle of people receive pensions in China). This sad fact violates the centuries-old traditions of China.

Indications ratings of the largest countries in the world The area occupied may vary from source to source. For example, we can often see China ranked 3rd and the US ranked 4th. This is due to the fact that some sources include the area of ​​overseas and subordinate territories in the total area of ​​the state, others do not.

1. Russia

The largest country in the world. Area - 17,098,242 km2. Russia is ranked as occupying approximately one-eighth of the Earth's landmass, stretching across Eurasia and spanning nine time zones. Russia shares borders with 18 other states (including two partially recognized ones), including the EU, CIS and Far East. Russia has a federal structure and includes 83 constituent entities. One of the world's largest exporters natural resources. Despite such a huge area, Russia ranks only ninth in the list of countries by population (143.2 million people).

2. Canada

Area – 9,984,670 km2. Canada has only one land border - with the United States. The Canada-US border is the longest in the world. Canada is bordered by the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and also has maritime borders with Greenland and France (via the French overseas community of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, located 20 km south of Newfoundland). Canada is a bilingual country (Canadian English and French) and is administratively divided into 3 territories and 10 provinces. In terms of population, Canada ranks 39th (33.7 million people).

3. USA

Area – 9,826,675 km2. The US shares land borders with Canada and Mexico, and sea ​​border with Russia. The USA is washed by the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans and has a number of island territories under its control. Administratively, the United States includes 50 states, one federal district and dependent territories. The USA, like Canada, has the unofficial status of a “country of immigrants”. This explains the great linguistic diversity. The most common languages ​​are American English and South American Spanish. In terms of population, the United States ranks 3rd in the world (315.1 million people).

4. China (People's Republic of China)

Area – 9,596,961 km2. China is located in East Asia, bordered by 14 countries, and washed by the Pacific Ocean to the east. Despite its huge area, the entire country is located in one time zone, called the Unified Chinese Time Zone. China is the first country in the world in terms of population (1.3 billion people), army size, number of industrial products, and volume of goods exports. China holds half of the world's foreign exchange reserves. Administratively, China is divided into 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 2 special administrative district, 4 municipalities.

5. Brazil

Area – 8,514,877 km2. The largest state in South America by area. It ranks 5th in the world in terms of population (192 million people, the vast majority profess Catholicism, which makes Brazil first in the world in the number of adherents of this religion). Consists of 26 states and one capital district. Considered the most developed country in South America, it has the eighth largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP. Official language– Portuguese (Brazilian version); also, due to immigration from other South American countries, South American Spanish is common. It borders on 10 countries and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the east and north.

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