Authors of historical novels about ancient Rus'. The best books in the genre “Historical Novels. Do you want me to tell you what you read?

The history of Russia is no less exciting, important and interesting than the world. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Why do we study Russian history? Who among us did not ask this question as a child? Not finding an answer, we continued to study history. Some taught it with pleasure, some taught it under pressure, some did not teach it at all. But there are dates and events that everyone should know about. For example: October Revolution 1917 or Patriotic War 1812...

Knowing the history of the country in which you were born or live is vital. And it is precisely this subject (history), along with the native language and literature, that should be given as many hours as possible in school education.

Sad fact - our children today decide and choose for themselves what books to read, and often their choice falls on well-promoted brands - literature based on the fruits of Western fantasy - fictional hobbits, Harry Potter and others...

The harsh truth — books and textbooks about the history of Russia are not so promoted, and the circulation is not so huge. Their covers are modest and their advertising budgets are usually non-existent. Publishers have taken the path of maximizing benefits from those who still read something. So it turns out from year to year that we read what is inspired by fashion. Reading is fashionable today. This is not a necessity, but a tribute to fashion. The trend of reading with the aim of learning something new is a forgotten phenomenon.

There is an alternative in this matter - I don’t like it school program and history textbooks, read fiction, historical novels. Today there are not many truly cool, rich and interesting historical novels, largely based on facts and reliable sources. But they exist.

I will highlight 10, in my opinion, the most interesting historical novels about Russia. It would be interesting to hear your lists of historical books - leave comments. So:

1. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

  • It’s difficult to call it a novel, but I simply couldn’t not include it in this list. Many people think that it will be very difficult for a “newbie” to read Karamzin, but still...

“History of the Russian State” is a multi-volume work by N. M. Karamzin, describing Russian history from ancient times to the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the Time of Troubles. The work of N. M. Karamzin was not the first description of the history of Russia, but it was this work, thanks to the high literary merits and scientific scrupulousness of the author, that opened the history of Russia to a wide educated public and contributed most to the formation of national self-awareness.

Karamzin wrote his “History” until the end of his life, but did not have time to finish it. The text of the manuscript of volume 12 ends at the chapter “Interregnum 1611-1612,” although the author intended to bring the presentation to the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty.

Karamzin in 1804 retired from society to the Ostafyevo estate, where he devoted himself entirely to writing a work that was supposed to open up national history for Russian society...

  • His initiative was supported by Emperor Alexander I himself, who, by decree of October 31, 1803, granted him the official title of Russian historiographer.

2. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"Peter I"

“Peter I” is an unfinished historical novel by A. N. Tolstoy, on which he worked from 1929 until his death. The first two books were published in 1934. Shortly before his death, in 1943, the author began work on the third book, but managed to bring the novel only to the events of 1704.

This book contains such a powerful impulse of pride for the country, such strength of character, such a desire to move forward, not giving in to difficulties, not giving up in the face of seemingly insurmountable forces, that you inevitably become imbued with its spirit, join its spirit so that it is impossible to tear yourself away.

  • IN Soviet time"Peter I" was positioned as the standard of the historical novel.

In my opinion, Tolstoy did not lay claim to the laurels of a chronicler-historian. The novel is magnificent; whether it corresponds to historical reality is not a primary issue. Atmospheric, incredibly interesting and addictive. What else do you need for a good book?

3. Valentin Savvich Pikul


“The Favorite” is a historical novel by Valentin Pikul. It sets out a chronicle of the times of Catherine II. The novel consists of two volumes: the first volume is “His Empress”, the second is “His Tauris”.

The novel reflects the most important events national history second half of the 18th century. In the center of the story is the image of the favorite of Empress Catherine II Alekseevna, commander Grigory Potemkin. Many pages of the novel are also devoted to other major historical figures of that time.

  • Work on the first volume of the novel began in August 1976, the first volume was completed in November 1979. The second volume was written in just one month - in January 1982.

Palace intrigues, the decline of morals at the Russian court, great military victories over Turkey and Sweden, diplomatic victories over almost all of Europe... the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev, the founding of new cities in the south (in particular Sevastopol and Odessa) - an exciting and rich plot of this historical novel. Highly recommend.

4. Alexandre Dumas

Fencing teacher Gresier gives Alexandre Dumas his notes made during a trip to Russia. They tell how he went to St. Petersburg and began teaching fencing lessons. All his students are future Decembrists. One of them is Count Annenkov, the husband of Gresier’s old friend, Louise. Soon a rebellion breaks out, but is immediately stopped by Nicholas I. All the Decembrists are exiled to Siberia, among them Count Annenkov. Desperate Louise decides to follow her husband and share the hardships of hard labor with him. Gresier agrees to help her.

  • In Russia, the publication of the novel was prohibited by Nicholas I due to its description of the Decembrist uprising.

In his memoirs, Dumas recalled what Princess Trubetskoy, a friend of the Empress, told him:

Nicholas entered the room while I was reading a book to the Empress. I quickly hid the book. The Emperor approached and asked the Empress:
- Did you read?
- Yes, sir.
- Do you want me to tell you what you read?
The Empress was silent.
- You have read Dumas’s novel “The Fencing Teacher”.
- How do you know this, sir?
- Here you go! This is not difficult to guess. This is the last novel I banned.

Tsarist censorship especially closely monitored Dumas's novels and prohibited their publication in Russia, but despite this, the novel was widespread in Russia. The novel was first published in Russia in Russian in 1925.

Imperial Petersburg through the eyes of foreigners... - very worthy historical work, especially from such a master storyteller as Dumas. I really liked the novel, it's easy to read - I recommend it.

5. Semenov Vladimir

This book was written by a man of unique destiny. Captain of the second rank Vladimir Ivanovich Semenov was the only officer of the Russian Imperial Navy who, during the years Russo-Japanese War had the opportunity to serve on both the First and Second Pacific squadrons and participate in both main naval battles- in the Yellow Sea and at Tsushima.

In the tragic Battle of Tsushima, while on the flagship of the Russian squadron, Semyonov received five wounds and, after returning from Japanese captivity, lived only a short time, but managed to supplement his diaries, which he kept during the hostilities, and publish them in three books: “Reckoning”, “Battle” at Tsushima", "The Price of Blood".

During the author’s lifetime, these books were translated into nine languages; they were quoted by the triumphant Tsushima himself, Admiral Togo. And in his homeland, Semenov’s memoirs caused a loud scandal - Vladimir Ivanovich was the first to dare to write that the battleship Petropavlovsk, on which Admiral Makarov died, was blown up not by a Japanese mine, but by a Russian one, and, contrary to public opinion, he very highly assessed the activities of Admiral Rozhestvensky.

After the early death of V.I. Semenov (he died at the age of 43), his books were undeservedly forgotten and are now known only to specialists. This novel is one of the best memoirs about the Russo-Japanese War.

6. Vasily Grigorievich Yan

"Genghis Khan"

“To become strong, you must surround yourself with mystery... boldly follow the path of great daring... not make mistakes... and mercilessly destroy your enemies!” - this is what Batu said and this is what he, the great leader of the Mongolian steppes, did.

His warriors knew no mercy, and the world was choked with blood. But the iron order that the Mongols brought was stronger than the horror. For many centuries he shackled the life of the conquered countries. Until Rus' gathered its strength...

Vasily Yan’s novel “Batu” not only gives a broad idea of ​​the historical events of the distant past, but also captivates with a fascinating narrative about the destinies of different people, among whom are princes, khans, simple nomads, and Russian warriors.

The cycle “Invasion of the Mongols” by Vasily Yan is for me the standard of a historical epic. Well, “Genghis Khan” is a brilliant start to the trilogy.

The personality of Genghis Khan is incredibly attractive for a historical novelist. One of the many Mongol princes, who was a slave in his youth, created a powerful empire - from Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea... But can a man who destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives be considered great? It should be noted right away that the author is of little interest in the formation of Mongolian statehood. And Genghis Khan himself appears in the novel somewhere after the 100th page. And for Ian, he is, of course, a person, and not the Dark Lord from fantasy. Kulan Khatun loves his young wife in his own way. Like most people, he is afraid of senile infirmity and death. If he can be called a great man, then he is, of course, a genius of evil and a destroyer.

But by and large, Vasily Yan wrote a novel not about a great tyrant, but about time, about people who happened to live in an era of great upheaval. This book contains many colorful characters, grandiose battle scenes, and an amazing atmosphere of the East, reminiscent of the fairy tales of “1001 Nights.” There are plenty of bloody and even naturalistic episodes, but there is also hope, age-old wisdom that allows you to believe in the best. Empires are built on blood, but sooner or later they fall apart. And even those who consider themselves the ruler of the world cannot escape from death...

7. Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov

"Ice House"

I.I. Lazhechnikov (1792–1869) is one of our best historical novelists. A.S. Pushkin said this about the novel “The Ice House”: “... poetry will always remain poetry, and many pages of your novel will live until the Russian language is forgotten.”

“The Ice House” by I. I. Lazhechnikov is rightfully considered one of the best Russian historical novels. The novel was published in 1835 and was an extraordinary success. V. G. Belinsky called its author “the first Russian novelist.”

Turning to the era of Anna Ioannovna’s reign—more precisely, to the events of the last year of her reign—Lazhechnikov was the first of the novelists to tell his contemporaries about this time. In a fascinating narrative in the spirit of Walter Scott...

8. Yuri German

"Young Russia"

“Young Russia” is a novel by Yu. German, telling about the beginning of changes in the era of Peter the Great. The time described in the book is dedicated to the struggle of the young power for access to the Baltic Sea. The novel was published in its first edition in 1952.

The novel takes place in Arkhangelsk, Belozerye, Pereslavl-Zalessky, and Moscow. The author describes historical events through the lives of the main characters - Ivan Ryabov and Sylvester Ievlev, reveals the relationship between the state and the church, shows the character of the era through detailed descriptions life and way of life of the Russian North and the capital.

A very historical and very relevant novel for all Russian patriots.

9. Sergei Petrovich Borodin

"Dmitry Donskoy"

One of best novels Sergei Borodin.

“Dmitry Donskoy” is the first work in a series of historical novels on the history of medieval Moscow about the struggle of the Russian principalities under the leadership of the Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich against the yoke of the Tatar Golden Horde, the end of which was marked by decisive battle on the Kulikovo field in 1380.

One of those historical books that I read as a child, anticipating game battles on relevant topics. It is clear that now it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out how it really was there; history is not an exact science, but, nevertheless, the aesthetic and artistic value of the book in question cannot be taken away. One of distinctive features of this work, stylized as Old Russian, the language of the narrative and, in particular, the language of the characters’ dialogues. This simple technique helps the author create the effect of a more complete and deeper immersion of the reader into the historical context of what is happening.

10. Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov

"The Living and the Dead"

K.M. Simonov’s novel “The Living and the Dead” is one of the most famous works about the Great Patriotic War.

The work is written in the genre of an epic novel, story line covers the time interval from June 1941 to July 1944. One of the main characters is General Fedor Fedorovich Serpilin (according to the novel, he lived in Moscow at 16 Pirogovskaya Street, apt. 4).

I enjoyed reading this masterpiece. The book is easy to read and makes a lasting impression. This is undeniable brilliant work, which teaches you to be honest, believe in yourself, and love your homeland...

My historical list fiction not that big. However, I chose some of the most striking and memorable works that I personally liked. History will always be the most interesting genre of fiction, and historical novels will always be the most interesting bookshelf in my library. I look forward to your lists in the comments. Love the history of your country, read the books you need.

In these books, against the backdrop of famous historical events Exciting adventures are happening! Military battles, crime dramas, passionate stories love, mystery and investigation - and the main characters are our ancestors, the ancient Slavs. Do not miss!

Have fun reading!

She grew up far from Kyiv, in a remote corner, where young girls were still given to the bear prince, and their fate was controlled by an old witch, whose hut stood on the border of the world of the living and the dead. The niece of Oleg the Prophet, who conquered the rich Constantinople, she was an enviable bride, and therefore they planned to use her hand for political purposes. But the girl took after her uncle in character and stubbornness and decided everything in her own way. A little more, and Olga’s name will become known not only throughout all Slavic lands, but also far beyond their borders.

The few witnesses to the fatal wound of Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich, the son of Ivan the Terrible, flatly refuse to testify. The best detective of the Robbery Order, Trofim Pyzhov, who is going to Sloboda as if for execution, must investigate the crime. And yet…

Adventures, investigations, love! “Seal of Vladimir” Ancient Rus', 1070. The keeper of the library of Prince Vladimir Monomakh was found murdered and robbed. Vladimir's personal seal has disappeared. The prince’s advisor, warrior Artemy understands that the librarian’s death is somehow connected with the treasures of the ancient tribe... “Treasures of Byzantium” For the wedding of Prince Vladimir, the guests prepared rich gifts, the most expensive of all were Byzantine jewelry with diamonds and rubies. But on the eve of the celebration, disaster struck: the beautiful Nastasya was found poisoned, and the Byzantine jewelry disappeared without a trace. Princely advisor Artemy must find out what happened...

The best historical series about the struggle of the Slavs against the predatory Varangians two centuries before Prince Rurik! An exciting action thriller from the bestselling author of “Skald. Vikings" and "The Spell of the Magi. Vikings! If the Norman squad rules our lands, if newcomers from the West violate the Truth, treating the Slavs as slaves, young and old rise up against the invaders, and even women take up the knife.

The famous historical epic novel about the events of the 13th century - a very difficult period in Russian history. Two of the most outstanding figures of their time - Daniil Galitsky and Alexander Nevsky - continue to inspire generations living many centuries later.

Date: 01/25/2015 at 09:04

Advance notice.

For a long time, regular readers of this site asked me to compile a kind of bibliographic guide in the “100 books” format on the history of the Russian Middle Ages. Despite the great difficulty of this work, I eventually took on it and completed it with quality, which is for the readers to judge.

When compiling the list, I was guided by very simple principles. First of all, I wanted his end-to-end reading to give the reader a holistic and predominantly scientific picture of Russian history in the 9th-17th centuries. Therefore, emphasis was placed on scientific monographs with factual overviews of historical events or analyzes of major historical phenomena that set the background for understanding the events.

Generalizing works on Russian history were completely excluded from the review - Karamzin, Solovyov, Klyuchevsky, Vernadsky, etc., since usually, having undertaken to study Russian history using such works, the reader gets stuck on the first volume and this is where his studies end.

Also, editions of sources were completely excluded from the review, since compiling a list of books and editions of sources requires compiling another hundred (which I, perhaps, will do one day), and interspersing sources in a tiny amount does not make sense.

Preference was given the latest works, the last word in historiography. Although it was not possible to observe this principle everywhere, it is generally followed.

Unfortunately, not all of the major Russian historians had the gift of writing in such a way that their presentation was simple, understandable and, at the same time, factually rich and conceptually interesting. Some were carried away by historical fantasy, others plunged into scholasticism (primarily Marxist) until they completely dried out. Therefore, some of the names of historians who have written and are writing more interestingly are repeated throughout the list more than once, while other major and noteworthy researchers are not present at all, which does not mean a derogation of their scientific merits.

Involuntarily, I had to abandon some of the most interesting layers of literature - regional studies, works on the history of law, literature, and most of the cultural studies. Otherwise, the list would finally burst at the seams.

On the other hand, biographies are abundantly presented, since biography is the most convenient way for initial study historical events. Therefore, the “ZhZL” series is represented abundantly, perhaps even too much. What can you do - vivid and at the same time scientifically sound biographies of many historical characters are presented in it. At the same time, however, I ruthlessly cut off all fictionalized biographies, leaving room only for scientific works where sources are presented and certain conclusions are substantiated (and not replaced by artistic imagination).

Of course, there are also no collections of scientific articles. Although it is in them, as any even a novice historian knows, that all the most interesting things are collected.

Wherever possible, I have provided the book description with links to its online publication in order to make the work of the reader who does not have access to first-class libraries as easy as possible. However, it was not possible to find this electronic version everywhere. This applies to both newly published books and some scientific classics. For some reason, the Russians themselves suffered the most among the Soviet historians - M.N. Tikhomirov and K.V. Bazilevich.

In general, the compiler's choice may seem subjective and biased. Sometimes it borders on tastefulness. When a serious historiographical tradition is compressed into another 100 numbers on the list, this is almost inevitable. I readily admit this and leave it to critics to undertake their own work and publish its results, which, of course, will differ from mine.

I hope that the presented guide will at least partially help the good Russian people in overcoming ignorance in the history of their native people and their native country, which, sometimes, takes on frightening proportions in our country.

E. Kholmogorov. 10/15/2014

An extensive and factual study of the confrontation between the Russian principalities and the German crusaders in the struggle for control of the Baltic states. The book was actually the first to remove the flair of unilateral “defencism” in the spirit of which Russian policy in the Baltic states was portrayed. It is shown that Russian princes and cities, primarily Novgorod and Pskov, sought to maintain control over the Baltic lands and perceived the German order and bishops as rivals. The scales have tipped more than once or twice to one side or the other in this struggle.

A monograph devoted to the policies of the first Moscow princes, showing that the accusations of the Moscow princes of baseness and intrigue for the sake of obtaining the Great Table are unfounded. Moscow was generally distinguished by a more non-aggressive, rational, and “within its means” policy than Tver. A main role The close ties between the princes and Russian metropolitans, who strongly supported Moscow in the dispute over the Great Table, played a role in the rise of Moscow. Despite the exoticism of a number of hypotheses (like the supposed Russian-Mongolian dynasty of the descendants of Yuri Danilovich and the sister of Uzbek Khan Agafya) and the trust in Tatishchev’s news, the work is very valuable. A slightly more literary and much more accessible paper version of this monograph is the book in the ZhZL series “Ivan Kalita”.

A very unusual book - a biography (as far as this is possible given the paucity of information) of the first Russian military engineer, clerk Ivan Vyrodkov - the builder of Sviyazhsk, a siege fortification during the capture of Kazan, a port on the Baltic. Vyrodkov died during the oprichnina years, like many other talented people who served the Russian state.

57. I. Grail. Ivan Mikhailov Viskovaty. Career statesman in Russia of the 16th century. M.: Radiks, 1994

A book by a Polish researcher about one of the prominent figures in the first decades of the reign of Ivan the Terrible - clerk and de facto head of Moscow diplomacy I.M. Viskovat, executed during the oprichnina years. Viskovaty became famous not only for his activities as a diplomat, but also for the famous dispute about new icons, which he started at the Stoglavy Cathedral. Dyak categorically spoke out for classical Byzantine writing and against the confusing symbolism of images in the new Western fashion. In this the clerk dared to contradict even Metropolitan Macarius. Unfortunately, the book is not available on the Internet.

Collection of works of an outstanding historian on the history of the Russian boyars. Many common myths about the boyars as an anti-state rebellious force, about localism as a brake in political development Russia. Specific boyar clans are studied, including the Ratshichi clan from which A.S. comes. Pushkin. Based on this book, it is easy to refute the fiction that often appears in journalism and political demagoguery that the Russian aristocracy is predominantly of Tatar or other foreign origin. Usually such origins are traced only within the framework of fictional ceremonial genealogies. The study of the topic can be supplemented by the works of A.A. Zimin “The Formation of the Boyar Aristocracy in Russia in the Second Half of the 15th and the First Third of the 16th Century” (M.: Nauka, 1988) and V.B. Kobrin “Materials of the genealogy of the princely-boyar aristocracy of the XV-XVI centuries.” (M., 1995). Also worthy of attention is Veselovsky’s study of the non-noble administrative elite of the Russian state: “Clerks and clerks of the 15th-17th centuries.” (M., Nauka, 1975).

February 1917. The rebellion in Petrograd was suppressed by troops loyal to the throne. The Petrograd Soviet was defeated, Alexander Kerensky died in battle. The worst page of Russian history has been crossed out and completely rewritten. There will be neither a powerless Provisional Government, nor a Bolshevik coup, nor the obscene Brest Peace. In the spring of 1917, the Russian army - for the first time since the beginning of the war, abundantly supplied with everything necessary, not corrupted by defeatist propaganda - was preparing for a decisive offensive on all fronts, and Black Sea Fleet- to the Bosphorus landing...

Rus' - The Road from the Depths of Millennia, When... Valery Shambarov

The historical and journalistic works of Valery Shambarov captivate the reader with little-known topics and interesting facts, lively presentation of the material and bold author's hypotheses. Earlier in this series, his book “White Guard” was already published, presenting the complete history White Movement in years civil war. And the work “Rus: a road from the depths of millennia” brought to your attention, which was published in 1999 and was immediately recognized as a bestseller, is dedicated to a much more distant period of our past. Based on rich documentary material,…

Where are you from, Rus'? Sergei Paramonov

The book by Sergei Paramonov (Lesnoy is his pseudonym) “Where are you from, Rus'?” was published in the mid-60s in Canada with a circulation of only 2000 copies; in the USSR, during all these more than a quarter of a century, it was never reprinted. Moreover, in Soviet historiography it was kept silent for a long time, and then was subjected to unsubstantiated criticism. The work is devoted to the study of a little-studied period in the history of Ancient Rus' - pre-Olegov time. The author paid a lot of attention to the analysis of materials related to the so-called “Vlesovaya Book” - the chronicle of pagan Rus'. The scientist builds...

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Red Rus' Elizaveta Dvoretskaya

XII century. The westernmost land of Ancient Rus' - Red Rus' - is forced to continuously fight with enemies, defending its independence. The young prince Rostislav, who grew up in military campaigns, rushes to the rescue of his neighbors - the treacherous and greedy Berestey prince Yuri Yaroslavich planned to take the city of Turov from his father-in-law. On the way, Rostislav meets the beautiful Pryamislava, the young wife of Yuri and the daughter of the Turov prince, and no forces in the world can separate these destinies... The book is addressed to everyone who loves history, who is not indifferent to the past, which means...

Roald Amundsen Alexander Yakovlev

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In Search of Ancient Treasures Wilbur Smith

1860 Brother and sister Ballantyne travel from London to the jungles of Africa. They will face grueling hikes through waterless terrain, deadly battles with wild animals and natives, searching for treasures in the mysterious cities of the dead ancient civilization. The heroes are constantly on the verge of death: they have to fight bloodthirsty pirates and greedy slave traders, experience the pangs of hunger and the treachery of the leaders of African tribes.

The Ancient Wisdom of Annie Besant

The books of A. Besant, as a direct follower of H. P. Blavatsky and the second president of the Theosophical Society, have long become theosophical classics. In her work "Ancient Wisdom" figurative in simple language the foundations of theosophy are outlined, which are a coherent spiritual, philosophical and ethical concept. The work reveals the essence of the laws of reincarnation, karma and Sacrifice, describes the process of human ascension, and gives an idea of ​​the structure of the Cosmos.

Panic-upgrade. Blood of the Ancients Alexander Mazin

Oleg Sayanov was lucky in life. Unlucky people are usually unable to buy islands in the tropics. However, luck is a very picky lady. The lucky owner of a tropical miracle will very soon be convinced of this. Revived myths, truly pagan death and primordial animal passion in a magnificent and ruthless world, where the right to life can only be given by one thing - the true blood of the Ancients.

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Isabel Henderson, one of the best experts on the history of the Picts, talks about the most mysterious people in the history of ancient Britain, replete with mysteries. The small tribe is believed to have fought fearlessly against the Romans, but everything connected with the Picts before and after this period is shrouded in obscurity. There are no written documents left of them, but a huge number of monuments of monumental art have been preserved, containing complex and completely incomprehensible symbolism. Henderson offers various hypotheses that recreate the image...

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Satyananda Saraswati

This balanced manual (in three volumes) is developed by the Bihar School of Yoga. It uses different directions of yoga - hatha yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and kriya yoga, offering a consistent system for mastering yogic mastery, verified by many years of practice, which is the most effective and safe. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on the practice and application of yoga in Everyday life. This is a complete presentation of the ancient teachings of Kriya Yoga, structured in such a way as to acquaint the reader in as much detail as possible with the various practices...

Ancient tantric techniques of yoga and kriya... Satyananda Saraswati

This balanced manual (in three volumes) is developed by the Bihar School of Yoga. It uses different directions of yoga - hatha yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and kriya yoga, offering a consistent system for mastering yogic mastery, verified by many years of practice, which is the most effective and safe. In this case, special emphasis is placed on the practice and application of yoga in everyday life. This is a complete presentation of the ancient teachings of Kriya Yoga, structured in such a way as to acquaint the reader in as much detail as possible with the various practices...

Ancient tantric techniques of yoga and kriya... Satyananda Saraswati

This balanced manual (in three volumes) is developed by the Bihar School of Yoga. It uses different directions of yoga - hatha yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga and kriya yoga, offering a consistent system for mastering yogic mastery, verified by many years of practice, which is the most effective and safe. In this case, special emphasis is placed on the practice and application of yoga in everyday life. This is a complete presentation of the ancient teachings of Kriya Yoga, structured in such a way as to acquaint the reader in as much detail as possible with the various practices...

Supermemory: ancient mnemonic technique Yu. Sheikh-Zadeh

Mnemonics, or the art of memorization, first appeared in ancient Greece and has survived to this day in the form of special techniques, the authors of which solved this problem in different ways. The brochure by Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu. R. Sheikh-Zadeh provides a uniquely simple mnemonic technique, with the help of which in 2 hours you can become the owner of an amazing version of memory. Along with this, the author describes in detail the nature and methods of improving ordinary memory. The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers - from schoolchildren to specialists in various fields.

Story ancient Russian state from the middle of the 9th century to the beginning Tatar-Mongol yoke. A most interesting era, which was studied by a large number of not only Russian, but also foreign historians. Books about ancient Rus' tell about the history of its development, the reign of the great princes, internecine struggle and the fight against Tatar raids, the baptism of Rus', pagan mythology, rites and customs common at that time. The section of the book about ancient Rus' contains not only popular science literature, but also historical novels.

Primordial Rus' - Valentin Ivanov
6th century AD e. Byzantium and Ancient Rus'. The decline of one and the birth of another. Poverty, bureaucracy, and intrigues of Byzantium are contrasted with loyalty to duty and family, and the fortitude of the Slavs. The author talks about their life, military campaigns, rituals and family relationships, beliefs.

Olga, Queen of the Rus - Boris Vasiliev
Historical novel - telling about the life and reign of Olga, who became the first ruler to accept the Christian faith. Her fate was tragic: a marriage of convenience, hatred of her beloved son Svyatoslav, for whom she did a lot, and love doomed to separation.

Ancient Rus' and the Great Steppe - L. N. Gumilyov
The book tells about the relationship between the ancient Russian state and the nomadic tribes of the Great Steppe, based on the theory of passionary ethnogeesis developed by the author. The book reconstructs pictures of life and the history of many states of the 11th-14th centuries AD.

From Rus' to Russia - L. N. Gumilyov
Geographical location, people (ethnicity) and timeline are the three fundamental factors of history. And it is created by passionaries - people who gravitate toward action. It is from this point of view that Gumilyov considers the history of the Russian state over a very long period of time

Grand Duke Rurik. Let there be Rus'! — Savinov M.A.
Everyone knows about the call to Rus' Varangian prince Rurik. Nestor testifies to this in the Tale.... Controversy about this historical figure have not stopped to this day. Who was? Where did you come from? Savinov answers in a very unconventional way: he believes that Rurik did not exist at all.

The beginning of Rus' - Ilovaisky D.
These studies are in the field of the history of the ancient Russian state and its origin, which are very different from the generally accepted ones. The author believes that the chronicles cannot be considered a reliable source, since they were written to please the princes, and puts forward his own very bold theories.

Great Rus' - Valentin Ivanov
Historical chronicle novel telling about the difficult time when East Slavs, united in Kievan Rus, are beginning to actively enter the political arena of Europe. The author paints reliable pictures of people's lives during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh

Rus': a road from the depths of millennia - Shambarov V.E.
A new, different from the “official”, view of the history of our state is offered by V. Shambarov in this book. He examines the period of the birth of the Russian state, starting with the biblical flood, and argues that the ancestors of our people were not only the Slavs.

Part of Europe. Story Russian state. From origins to Mongol invasion— Boris Akunin
A superbly designed publication by B. Akunin on the history of the ancient Russian state. It is characterized by the author's unconventional view of some fundamental issues. Vividly, figuratively, briefly, he describes the history of Ancient Rus' from its origins.

Rus' and the Horde - Mikhail Karateev
A historical novel, combining fiction and reliable facts, by the emigrant historian M. Karateev. The plots of his works are related to the history of the Middle Ages, the development of Russian statehood and the participation of Russians (princes and ordinary people) in the life of the Golden and White Hordes.

The collapse of the damned Ig. Rus' against the Horde (collection) - Natalya Pavlishcheva, Viktor Porotnikov
A collection that includes 3 historical novels telling about the struggle of the Russian people against the Tatar-Mongol yoke. It is a kind of tribute to the memory of the heroes who liberated Rus' from the centuries-old oppression of the Golden Horde. 100-year struggle from the Battle of Kulikovo to the stand on the Ugra

Primordial Rus' without lies. What historians are silent about - Natalya Pavlishcheva
A book that presents an unconventional view of the history of primordial Rus', refuting the version of the calling of the Normans to reign by answering the questions: Who were the ancestors of the mysterious Rrik. Who invented it? Why did he need Novgorod? From which sea did the Varangians come?

Tales of Ancient Years - Valentin Ivanov
The historical novel vividly and plausibly describes the events taking place in Ancient Rus' in the 9th century: the unification of Slavic tribes in order to create a state for protection from the brutal raids of nomads and Vikings who ravaged their villages.

We are Slavs! — Maria Semenova
An illustrated book about the life and everyday life of the ancient Slavs, a kind of encyclopedia in which the author, based on archival ethnographic and archaeological materials, talks about the way of life, activities, beliefs, traditions, clothing, jewelry, as well as wars and weapons.

Sky of the Slavs. Velesova Rus - Natalya Pavlishcheva
The history of our country traditionally begins with the Varangian prince Rurik. But before his arrival, the Slavs lived for more than one millennium. Where did they come from? Who were their ancestors? How did the Russian language and the beliefs of the ancient people, who began to be called Slavic, arise?

The Slavic world in faces. Gods, heroes, people - Putilov B.
A book by a famous philologist, which can be called a real encyclopedia of the epic and mythology of the Slavic tribes. Its chapters are dedicated to deities, gods, heroes of oral and book epics, people who were revered, praised and feared in pagan, dual-faith and Orthodox Rus'. Contains black and white illustrations.

A Word about Igor's Regiment - D. S. Likhachev
Historical and literary essay by Academician D. S. Likhachev about one of the most famous works of ancient Russian literature “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, in which the author traces the connection between “The Tale...” and the historical and aesthetic ideas common in this era.

Rus' against Khazaria. 400 Years War - Vladimir Filippov, Mikhail Eliseev - Baltic Slavs. From Rerik to Starigard - Andrey Paul
400 years of war. Short breaks to gather new strength. The future of the Russian people was decided here. Rus' and Khazaria. But were the Khazars the fiends of hell that they were portrayed as? Maybe those who spoke of Khazaria as a kingdom of flourishing culture are right...

Great secrets of Rus'. Story. Ancestral homelands. Ancestors. Shrines – Alexander Asov
In his book, the author sets out to tell about the history of Ancient Rus', not the Medieval one, which Nestor, one of the first chroniclers, writes about, but the earlier pre-Christian one. Fortunately, evidence about her remains, intricately mixed with epics. Great Empires of Ancient Rus' - Valery Shambarov
We know practically nothing about the deep past of Rus', about the states that existed on its territory, about the ancestors of the Slavic tribes, their beliefs, customs, and culture. V. Shambarov in his book describes the initial period of the history of our country, starting from the time of the Great Flood

Four capitals of Ancient Rus'. Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod, Kyiv, Vladimir. Legends and monuments - E. Nelidova
A reissue of E. Nelidova’s book, published before the revolution, talks about cities that different time were the capitals of Ancient Rus', the legends associated with them, their rulers and monuments preserved from those times. The book contains drawings and photographs taken at the beginning of the 20th century.

Ancient Rus'. From Rurik to Ivan the Terrible - Yu. K. Shkolnik
A book for children about important events history of the ancient Russian state and its little known facts. It examines wars, the struggle for power, the development of culture and writing, paganism and Christianity, the life of great princes, kings and prominent political figures

Rus. The true history of the Great Russian-Horde Medieval Empire - Anatoly Fomenko, Gleb Nosovsky
An illustrated book that continues the research of A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky in the field of New Chronology (NC). It sets out the foundations of the history of our state, seen through the prism of NH, which are very different from those known to most readers.

Prophetic Oleg - Boris Vasiliev
A historical novel telling about the bloody and merciless struggle for power that unfolded in the ancient Russian state. Rurik, an intelligent, cunning ruler, has a rival - his pupil Oleg, who will be nicknamed the Prophetic. But the weak prince is not going to give up without a fight.

Red Rus' - Elizaveta Dvoretskaya
Historical romance novel. What fate awaits the young prince Rostislav, who decided to act according to his conscience and help his neighbor, the prince of Turov, whose son-in-law is going to war against him? After all, the girl he fell in love with turns out to be the wife of his enemy.

Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko - Boris Vasiliev
By reading this book, you will get acquainted with the stories of ancient Rus', learn many interesting historical facts, which are not even mentioned in school course history, you will be transported to the distant year 988, the time of the reign of Holy Prince Vladimir - the baptist of pagan Rus'

Prince Svyatoslav - Boris Vasiliev
A historical novel about the life and work of a talented commander who defeated the Khazars and successfully resisted Byzantium, a good diplomat - Prince Svyatoslav, who remained a pagan until the end of his life. His fate was tragic, and his bitter thoughts about the fate of Rus' did not leave him until his death.

Wind from the Varangian Sea - Elizaveta Dvoretskaya
Fate plays strange games with people. To marry the daughter of a merchant, Sneulv goes to work, and returns among the warriors of Eirik, the Norwegian jarl, who came to kill people and plunder Russian lands. Now he is an enemy, and besides, he has a very dangerous rival

Unknown land - Boris Tumasov
Terrible events took place in Rus' after the death of Grand Duke Vladimir. Having decided to capture Kyiv throne, Svyatopolk kills his two brothers Gleb and Boris, and the Novgorod prince Yaroslav - the third brother - is going to remove him with the hands of the Polish king.

Ivan the Terrible - Skrynnikov R.
A book by the famous scientist R. Skrynnikov, specializing in the history of Russia in the 16th century. His work consists of two parts. The first one talks about recent years the reign of Tsar Ivan the Great, and the second is dedicated to the decrees and laws issued during his reign.

Olga — Svetlana Kaidash-Lakshina
Roman about Grand Duchess Olga. She was a faithful wife and loving mother. Having taken the throne after the death of her husband, Olga took revenge on the Drevlyans for his death. Cruel, uncompromising and merciless towards her enemies, she did a lot to unite the principalities and the emergence of a state.

Princess Olga - Alexander Antonov
Historical novel, his main character- Duchess Olga. The famous writer A. Antonov talks about her childhood, marriage, reign after the death of her husband, and raising her only son, reproducing historically accurate pictures of life, everyday life and military campaigns of that time.

Princess Olga - Svetlana Kaydash-Lakshina
A historical novel about a woman during whose reign the Baptism of Ancient Rus' took place. She was a wise and at the same time tough ruler, for which she was later called the Great. It was she who, taking the reins of government into her own hands, stood at the origins of the creation of Orthodox Rus'.

Princess Olga - Natalya Pavlishcheva
This novel talks about one of the most significant figures of the ancient Russian state - Princess Olga. It combines real facts of the princess’s biography, gleaned from chronicles and documents that have survived to this day, and the author’s assumptions and fantasies.

Rus' against the Varangians. “The Scourge of God” - Vladimir Filippov, Mikhail Eliseev
A book that dispels the myth that the Varangians created Russian state. Robbers and murderers who held all of Western Europe in fear, cruel and greedy, they came to Russian soil, but unexpectedly met worthy resistance. So why did Rurik manage to become the prince of Novgorod?

Ancient Russian history from the beginning of the reign of Rurikov to the death of Yaroslav the First - Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov
The book by M. Lomonosov - the first world-famous Russian scientist, an encyclopedic educated person - was the first attempt in history to study and tell the reader about history Kyiv State. It is based on information about that era known in the 8th century.

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