Bastions in the shape of a star. Starry medieval bastions. Fortress of St. Anna, Rostov region, Russia

All the beauty of these unusual structures, which began to be built back in the 16th century, can only be truly appreciated from a bird's eye view... And although many of them are empty or have long since turned into ruins, you just need to rise a little above the ground...

Structures in the shape of a “star” began to be erected in the Middle Ages - this form of building a fortress was the most practical from the point of view of defense... One of the most famous star fortresses is the fortified city of Palmanova - one of the outposts of the Venetian Republic...

The Bourtange Fortress Museum is located in the north-eastern part of Holland... The fortress appeared during the Eighty Years' War, when William of Orange tried to seize control of the only road between Germany and Groningen, controlled at that time by the Spaniards.

Currently, about 300 people live in Bourtange...

...Almost all of them, in one form or another, are employees of the open-air museum...

Since the 17th century, it served to protect Portuguese territory from the Spaniards...

The Island of Re is one of the most beautiful islands of the Atlantic coast... Its main port was protected by the bastions of the fortress of Saint Martin, built in the 17th century by the architect Vauban...

In 1627, the fortress was destroyed by the troops of Cardinal Richelieu - in those days La Rochelle was a hotbed of Protestantism

Why were star-shaped fortresses built all over the world?
What is the mystery and the main essence of their architecture?
Meet alternative researchers' versions of history and artifacts.

The more I look at the fortresses of the star configuration, the more a feeling of unity arises, the feeling that they were all built according to the same project within the framework of a single world state. There are no such fortresses only in Antarctica. There are no such fortresses left in Australia today either, but... I decided to conduct an experiment. Having studied the architecture of the city of Sydney, I came to the conclusion that this ancient city, therefore must have an asterisk. All my attempts to find this fortress or at least a hint of it on Google maps yielded nothing. So I found a city plan from the early 19th century, and what do you think?

So how? Coincidences?

The question is spinning in my head - from whom to defend within the framework united empire? The orientation of the fortresses is so different that you cannot understand which side the enemy was on. For example, on the island of Malta, all the fortresses with the main part of the defensive structures and walls are directed DEEP into the mainland. It’s no different that the separatists from Donbass visited there - they love to fire at themselves. And if you take into account the orientation towards the pole, then it turns out interesting:

So where was the enemy?
Officially, this whole “star sickness” began with a star-shaped fortress, which, according to legend, was designed by Michelangelo himself. Without geodesy and other sciences that no one needs. But these are ideal geometric figures, equilateral four, five, six and octagons. It was as if someone from above took the surface of the earth like a drawing sheet, made a marking and then built walls along it and poured shafts.

And in general, these fortresses are real megalithic structures, for example, the mass of the famous fortress - the star of Bourtange, according to the scientist Alexander Kushelev, whom I respect, is about a million tons. And, as he noted very well, there is not a single image of the area before the construction of the star, there are also no documents or estimates - absolutely NOTHING. And this applies not only to Bourtange, but to all similar fortresses. Many were rebuilt, many adapted into forts, but the basic star configuration was retained.

For example, Fort of the Three Kings in Natal, Brazil. The old gray masonry below and the newer white masonry with loopholes are clearly visible.

By the way, about the loopholes. 90 percent of the stars do not have any at all, and 10 percent are clearly rebuilt or add-ons were made on old walls. Loopholes were replaced by embrasures as a more convenient solution with the advent of artillery.

You can only shoot in one direction. Someone "hit" the target - you need to shoot quickly before he runs away. Deviate slightly from the given direction - the projectile will hit the embankment and cover you with pieces of earth. The direction of shooting in Naarden is also interesting

Did you shoot at the next wall? Or could someone have sailed into the inner channel on a boat or ship, and it had to be destroyed? Again the question is - WHERE IS THE ENEMY?

There is no need to talk about protection here at all. Of course, I’m not a military man, and forgive my amateurish thoughts, but in my opinion this is all very impractical. Replace simple high quadrangular walls, which are 3 times cheaper than star walls, with low, but thick, almost without any protection, complex megalithic objects due to the appearance of artillery.

Before half XVI century, the Italian method of fortification prevailed in the Netherlands, but at that time the War of Independence had just begun, and the old fences of Dutch cities were not able to resist Spanish troops. There was neither money nor time to build new fortresses according to the Italian method, with stone robes and cavaliers, but the resourcefulness of Dutch engineers and local conditions helped the matter.

Economic conditions and lack of time forced the Dutch first of all to abandon stone walls and casemates. The high groundwater level forced the resort to low ramparts (no more than 5.5 m high), but instead to wide water ditches, which ensured safety from an assault. The nature of the struggle (the war for independence was fought with bitterness, not to the death, and, moreover, by armed “civilians”, poorly trained and disciplined), which required tenacity of defense, forced to defend the fortifications step by step to strengthen the bastion arrangement with a number of auxiliary buildings, from of which the first place was occupied by the fossebreya, that is, a lowered shaft in front of the main one, which, together with the main one, delivered a two-tier rifle defense and a cannon defense, from the shaft, along the surface of the glacis and a covered path.

We got out of it again. For example, in Zaporozhye, ditches and ramparts were dug and filled in 10 days. Don't believe me?

Colonel Wilem von Fredesdorf was appointed commandant of the newly built Line.
On August 13, a large convoy with a battalion of soldiers, with a mass of working and family people, with children and all sorts of belongings, moved through Samara to the Moskovka River.

On August 15, the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Fredesdorf was already on the Moskovka River and, having occupied the Minikhovsky retranjament and several Zaporozhye winter quarters that were here, set up camp.

The construction of the fortress was carried out quickly, so already on August 25, von Fredesdorf in his papers mentioned the Aleksandrovskaya fortress as an existing object. Ditches were dug and the outer contours of the fortification were outlined.

The scheme is the same - the prisoners build, in record time, despite economic and other problems, they managed somehow. Where is the engraving report, gentlemen?
Well, how can we not remember the description of such “builders” by foreigners?

"To them, these simple men in torn sheepskin coats, there was no need to resort to various measuring instruments; having inquisitively looked at the plan or model indicated to them, they accurately and gracefully copied them..., despite winter time And 13 - 15 degrees below zero, work continued even at night.

Holding the lantern ring tightly between your teeth, these amazing workers, having climbed to the top of the scaffolding(must have been for coconuts and bananas - Lev the Thin clarification), they diligently did their job. The ability of even ordinary Russians in the technique of fine arts is amazing."

Taken from Lev Khudoy's blog

Here is a normal fortress, Khotinskaya. High walls, towers, everything is as it should be, it protects perfectly.

And here is the fortress of Bourtange, engraving from the 17th century. Notice the height of the walls and the height of the buildings in the city.

The height of the walls is clearly visible

Parachute core fffiiiiu broads thousand.

I have always been surprised by the complexity of the design of such fortresses. For example, why build “mergs” that are half the size of the main wall? What is their function? In the top picture you can see two such teeth.

Or here are some old city plans. FOR WHAT?

A very good proof that all these stars were built long before Michelangelo and any enlightened European kings is the five-pointed star in the city of Smolensk. Quote

It is noteworthy that the star fortress is crossed by the Smolensk fortress wall, erected (according to official history) under Tsars Fyodor Ioannovich and Boris Godunov in 1595-1602. on the site of an older fortress, built (as it is believed) under the Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavovich in 1142. Whether the star fortress in Smolensk is the fortress of the Grand Duke or not is a question. But it is a fact that Boris Godunov’s fortress wall stands ON the star fortress, crossing it from north to south and dividing it into two parts - the two eastern rays of the star are inside Godunov’s wall, and the three western rays are outside it. Conclusion - the star fortress was built EARLIER than the fortress of Boris Godunov, i.e. long before 1595, perhaps this is the fortress of Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavovich from 1142. If so, then such fortresses have come from the territory around the world Ancient Rus', and not from Western Europe, as is commonly believed now. It is possible that it was the Russians who built all these hundreds of fortresses.


But if these were not fortresses, then what were they? The answer to this question will seem more incredible than we think.

*subconscious* All these stars were huge solar power plants that provided energy and electricity to the entire city. Almost every house in such a city was a conductor of electricity. By means of an electrical impulse (wireless system, such as Bluetooth), all the charge accumulated during the day by the power plant was transferred to the central cathedral, and then distributed throughout the city *subconsciously*

For those who don’t yet know, my method for determining Truth:

Perhaps we need to start with the fact that humanity has known electricity for a long time, and much better than we imagine.

Electricity in ancient Egypt

Something very similar to a generator

Many are destroyed beyond recognition, some can hardly be considered stars at all, but the artifacts clearly speak for themselves, especially when assembled into the overall picture.

Why does history not pay attention to the same fortresses all over the Earth? They would have blamed everything on the “Roman Empire” if they had extended it to Japan or the Hawaiian Islands...

Take a closer look, maybe you also live next to one of these mysteries?

many are VERY difficult to recognize

UPD from comments:

I live in the center of such a multi-beam fortress - in the former Koenigsberg.

"City life flowed as if in two different layers - in one of them ordinary people were born, married, worked and died, without the slightest idea about the other, secret life of Koenigsberg. In this other life, witches turned into cats every night and rode on small boats along the muddy waters of Cat Creek.

There, in a network of underground passages left, according to legend, by the pagans, black magicians, witchers and necromancers worked their mysterious deeds. There, in the center of the island of Kneiphof, according to legend, there was a miraculous passage to another world, where occultists ended up of their own free will, and a lost passerby could get there by accident."

The city was completely destroyed by American aircraft, but its power is successfully used to this day by mystics and occultists of all stripes and levels.

“During the Eastern Economic Forum, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Igor Shuvalov said that the Russian government is discussing the possibility of creating offshore zones in the Kaliningrad region... the implementation of this project will begin no earlier than 2019. After this, in his opinion, the region will become an international financial In this case, the center of the offshore zone may become Oktyabrsky Island."

Oktyabrsky Island is closely adjacent to Kneiphof Island - the mystical center of money - big money...

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, and at each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to obtain information autonomously)

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As we already know, there are some patterns associated with “ancient” cities. These are several identical signs that cast doubt on what year the city was actually built. These are the signs:

The presence of one or more columns, the top of which is crowned either by the goddess of victory Nike, or by Octavian Augustus with prostrate right hand. In most cases, Octavian was filmed, and instead of him they put either some hero of the era in which the city was supposedly built, or they didn’t put anything at all. As a rule, the nickname was left, tying the symbol of victory to some event of the era in which the monument was “installed.”

Availability Arc de Triomphe in honor of the same Augustus, at the top of the arch they usually placed the goddess Nike or Octavian in a chariot drawn by four or six horses. The arch should be built in a typical "antique" style, the interior decoration or recesses in the form of squares along the entire internal plane of the arch or octagons. You can see these on the arch in Brussels, in the Mitchell Library in Sydney, Australia at the train station in Washington or in the Baths of Diocletian.

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The presence of a cathedral, church, temple or other religious building with a dome in the very center of the city, or closer to the center with characteristic architecture. As a rule, they are aimed at the old North Pole - Greenland.

- "Checkerboard" layout of cities according to the type of Greek city policies - straight lines, parallels and perpendiculars.

The presence of a stone obelisk. Sometimes even with Egyptian hieroglyphs

The presence of a pyramid (in very rare cases pyramids have survived to this day, but they still existed).

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The presence of statues of griffins, lions, lions with wings and other animals that were revered in old times.

And of course, the presence of a STAR-SHAPED FORTRESS either around the city or as a separate fortification. All these elements fit together perfectly, and one cannot exist without the other.

The more I look at the fortresses of the star configuration, the more a feeling of unity arises, the feeling that they were all built according to the same project within the framework of a single world state. There are no such fortresses only in Antarctica. There are no such fortresses left in Australia today either, but... I decided to conduct an experiment. Having studied the architecture of the city of Sydney, I came to the conclusion that this is an ancient city, therefore it should have an asterisk. All my attempts to find this fortress or at least a hint of it on Google maps yielded nothing. So I found a city plan from the early 19th century, and what do you think?


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So how? Coincidences?

The question is spinning in my head - from whom to defend within the framework of a single empire? The orientation of the fortresses is so different that you cannot understand which side the enemy was on. For example, on the island of Malta, all the fortresses with the main part of the defensive structures and walls are directed DEEP into the mainland. It’s no different that the separatists from Donbass visited there - they love to fire at themselves. And if you take into account the orientation towards the pole, then it turns out interesting:


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So where was the enemy?
Officially, this whole “star sickness” began with a star-shaped fortress, which, according to legend, was designed by Michelangelo himself. Without geodesy and other sciences that no one needs. But these are ideal geometric figures, equilateral four, five, six and octagons. It was as if someone from above took the surface of the earth like a drawing sheet, made a marking and then built walls along it and poured shafts.


And in general, these fortresses are real megalithic structures, for example, the mass of the famous fortress - the star of Bourtange, according to the scientist Alexander Kushelev, whom I respect, is about a million tons. And, as he noted very well, there is not a single image of the area before the construction of the star, there are also no documents or estimates - absolutely NOTHING. And this applies not only to Bourtange, but to all similar fortresses. Many were rebuilt, many adapted into forts, but the basic star configuration was retained.

For example, Fort of the Three Kings in Natal, Brazil. The old gray masonry below and the newer white masonry with loopholes are clearly visible.


By the way, about the loopholes. 90 percent of the stars do not have any at all, and 10 percent are clearly rebuilt or add-ons were made on old walls. Loopholes were replaced by embrasures as a more convenient solution with the advent of artillery.


You can only shoot in one direction. Someone "hit" the target - you need to shoot quickly before he runs away. Deviate slightly from the given direction - the projectile will hit the embankment and cover you with pieces of earth. The direction of shooting in Naarden is also interesting


Did you shoot at the next wall? Or could someone have sailed into the inner channel on a boat or ship, and it had to be destroyed? Again the question is - WHERE IS THE ENEMY?

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Without any hints)



There is no need to talk about protection here at all. Of course, I’m not a military man, and forgive my amateurish thoughts, but in my opinion this is all very impractical. Replace simple high quadrangular walls, which are 3 times cheaper than star walls, with low, but thick, almost without any protection, complex megalithic objects due to the appearance of artillery.

Until the middle of the 16th century, the Italian method of fortification prevailed in the Netherlands, but at that time the War of Independence had just begun, and the old fences of Dutch cities were not able to resist Spanish troops. There was neither money nor time to build new fortresses according to the Italian method, with stone robes and cavaliers, but the resourcefulness of Dutch engineers and local conditions helped the matter.

Economic conditions and lack of time forced the Dutch first of all to abandon stone walls and casemates. The high groundwater level forced the resort to low ramparts (no more than 5.5 m high), but instead to wide water ditches, which ensured safety from an assault. The nature of the struggle (the war for independence was fought with bitterness, not to the death, and, moreover, by armed “civilians”, poorly trained and disciplined), which required tenacity of defense, forced to defend the fortifications step by step to strengthen the bastion arrangement with a number of auxiliary buildings, from of which the first place was occupied by the fossebreya, that is, a lowered shaft in front of the main one, which, together with the main one, delivered a two-tier rifle defense and a cannon defense, from the shaft, along the surface of the glacis and a covered path.

We got out of it again. For example, in Zaporozhye, ditches and ramparts were dug and filled in 10 days. Don't believe me?

Colonel Wilem von Fredesdorf was appointed commandant of the newly built Line.
On August 13, a large convoy with a battalion of soldiers, with a mass of working and family people, with children and all sorts of belongings, moved through Samara to the Moskovka River.

On August 15, the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Fredesdorf was already on the Moskovka River and, having occupied the Minikhovsky retranjament and several Zaporozhye winter quarters that were here, set up camp.

The construction of the fortress was carried out quickly, so already on August 25, von Fredesdorf in his papers mentioned the Aleksandrovskaya fortress as an existing object. Ditches were dug and the outer contours of the fortification were outlined.


The scheme is the same - the prisoners build, in record time, despite economic and other problems, they managed somehow. Where is the engraving report, gentlemen?
Well, how can we not remember the description of such “builders” by foreigners?

"To them, these simple men in torn sheepskin coats, there was no need to resort to various measuring instruments; having inquisitively looked at the plan or model indicated to them, they accurately and gracefully copied them..., despite winter time And 13 - 15 degrees below zero, work continued even at night.
Holding the lantern ring tightly between your teeth, these amazing workers, having climbed to the top of the scaffolding(must have been for coconuts and bananas - Lev the Thin clarification), they diligently did their job. The ability of even ordinary Russians in the technique of fine arts is amazing."

Taken from the blog ]]> Lev Khudoy ]]>
Here is a normal fortress, Khotinskaya. High walls, towers, everything is as it should be, it protects perfectly.


And here is the fortress of Bourtange, engraving from the 17th century. Notice the height of the walls and the height of the buildings in the city.


The height of the walls is clearly visible


Parachute core fffiiiiu broads thousand.

I have always been surprised by the complexity of the design of such fortresses. For example, why build “mergs” that are half the size of the main wall? What is their function? In the top picture you can see two such teeth.

Or here are some old city plans. FOR WHAT?






A very good proof that all these stars were built long before Michelangelo and any enlightened European kings is the five-pointed star in the city of Smolensk. Quote

It is noteworthy that the star fortress is crossed by the Smolensk fortress wall, erected (according to official history) under Tsars Fyodor Ioannovich and Boris Godunov in 1595-1602. on the site of an older fortress, built (as it is believed) under the Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavovich in 1142. Whether the star fortress in Smolensk is the fortress of the Grand Duke or not is a question. But it is a fact that Boris Godunov’s fortress wall stands ON the star fortress, crossing it from north to south and dividing it into two parts - the two eastern rays of the star are inside Godunov’s wall, and the three western rays are outside it. Conclusion - the star fortress was built EARLIER than the fortress of Boris Godunov, i.e. long before 1595, perhaps this is the fortress of Grand Duke Rostislav Mstislavovich from 1142. If so, then such fortresses around the world came from the territory of Ancient Rus', and not from Western Europe, as is commonly believed now. It is possible that it was the Russians who built all these hundreds of fortresses.


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But if these were not fortresses, then what were they? The answer to this question will seem more incredible than we think.

*subconscious* All these stars were huge solar power plants that provided energy and electricity to the entire city. Almost every house in such a city was a conductor of electricity. By means of an electrical impulse (wireless system, such as Bluetooth), all the charge accumulated during the day by the power plant was transferred to the central cathedral, and then distributed throughout the city *subconsciously*

For those who don’t know yet, my method for determining the Truth: ]]> ]]>

Perhaps we need to start with the fact that humanity has known electricity for a long time, and much better than we imagine.

Electricity in ancient Egypt

Ancient socket


Something very similar to a generator


Light bulbs




Lighting device



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High voltage pole?

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Remote Control.



The famous battery from Baghdad


But what kind of things were done by the “wild” nomads - the Scythians. Scythian pectoral




This thing conducts electricity PERFECTLY, you don’t even need any experiments! This is a super conductor, not just a decoration! Moreover, the heads of the Scythians are attached to the hoop with something like soldering, the work is exquisite and amazing. But... it was not the Scythians who did this, as it turns out. This was done... by the Greeks by order of the Scythian nobility. It turns out that nomads may have “knowledge.” Hey, maybe stop talking nonsense already?

Wire from the collection of the State Historical Museum

St. Andrew's Kurgan. 1-2 c. BC. Hryvnia. a gold bracelet


Bracelet (such bracelets were worn on the sleeves of clothing). Caucasus, 1st millennium BC

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Eastern Transcaucasia. I millennium BC Spectacle-shaped pendants.


Zarubinets culture (1st century BC - 1st century AD) Pins, brooches.

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East Slavs. Bracelets in different techniques, including a bracelet braided with “Viking” weaving


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Modern coaxial cables.

In general, there is a person who should be erected a monument for the fact that he was the first to raise the issue of the use of electricity among our ancestors, not only in everyday life, but also in architecture and military affairs. This man's name is Dmitry An, and his blog is a whole universe useful information and information: ]]> ]]> .

It's hard to believe at first, but the more you dig, the more you discover.

For example, according to Dmitry, the crosses on the domes are antennas or signal transmitters. Now look here


Pay attention to the number of antennas. These are not crosses, but antennas. All of Moscow was essentially a huge radio! Moscow speaks and shows!

Another such person - Vladimir Mamzerev.]]> ]]> .

And the third hero who claims to be immortalized during his lifetime is the already mentioned Alexander Yuryevich Kushelev, the chief curator of the Nanomir laboratory. He was the first to suggest that the stellar configuration is a source of energy, a huge resonator, with the help of which water was evaporated and precious metals were extracted. Here is his model of the Bourtange fortress, built in the HFSS program



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As you can see, the maximum energy is concentrated at the edges of the “teeth”.



Fractal antennas ]]>

Knowing what's going on at the ends maximum amount energy, the builders installed some kind of fuse. As for the purpose of that thing on the side - the question is open, tell me, who knows)
Absolutely all fortresses were built near water bodies, and if there were none nearby, artificial canals and ditches were dug. And this is not just like that. Water is the best grounding agent for such a huge source of energy. Here is the experience of grounding through a well: ]]> ]]> . But well 8 of the Kovno fortress in the city of Kaunas, Lithuania


We see an iron beam as a grounding conductor and characteristic gentle steps.
But what is hidden behind the masonry.


Do you know what this is? This is silicon.
Silicon deposit in Australia


And what does silicon have to do with it - you ask.

Silicon-based solar cells (SB) currently account for about 85% of all solar panels produced. Historically, this is due to the fact that in the production of silicon-based SBs, an extensive technological reserve and infrastructure of the microelectronics industry was used, the main “workhorse” of which is also silicon. As a result, many key technologies of the microelectronics industry, such as silicon growing, coating, and doping, have been adapted for the production of silicon batteries with minimal changes and investment. In addition, silicon is one of the most common elements earth's crust and, according to various sources, amounts to 27-29% by weight. Thus, there are no physical limits to producing a significant fraction of the Earth's electricity with existing Si reserves.

And finally - the antenna on the jumper in Naarden.


Well, that seems to be all. The charge was transmitted in waves, without wires, like modern wi-fi or bluetooth. All that remains is to “dig” the embankment and reveal what served as a sensitive photocell and accumulated solar energy. It turns out that you just need to raise your head, and the MAIN source of energy will show its miraculous power on you.
Health and sober mind to everyone)

Mikhail Volk

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Today I just want to admire the beauty of these fantastic structures!!


Throughout the planet, many fortified cities of the so-called star configuration have been preserved. There are hundreds of them. They are found in abundance in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. All of them are built in different time, but most of them are in the Middle Ages. All the beauty of these unusual structures can only be truly appreciated from a bird's eye view. And although many of them are empty or have long been turned into ruins, you just need to rise a little above the ground and you will see something incredible... Everyone is surprised by the Nazca Lines, but these fortified cities are absolutely correct form no less amazing. This is how they planned and built it all? You’re just amazed when looking at their pictures, how symmetrical and unmistakably everything is done! But the result can only be assessed from a great height.

One of the most famous star fortresses is fortified city of Palmanova- one of the outposts of the Venetian Republic. The city was founded in 1593, its construction was organized by the government of Venice.

As you can see, the outlines of the city from the old image completely coincide with the modern one, made using aerial photography.

One of interesting places The Netherlands, which clearly stands out on Google satellite images - Naarden fortress. The fortified city of Naarden is interesting and notable for two things - firstly, for its amazingly beautiful symmetrical shape, and secondly, for the excellent condition of the fortifications. In plan, the fortress is an intricate figure, reminiscent of a six-pointed star with arrow-shaped shapes at the edges.

The fortress is located on a man-made island and has 6 symmetrical bastions.

Bourtange. Another 16th century star fortress in the Netherlands.

It was built in 1593 by order of William I of Orange to control the only road between Germany and Groningham during the Eighty Years' War.

In 1851, the fortress was dismantled and a peasant settlement grew in its place. Only a few buildings still remember the glory of yesteryear. In the 60s of the 20th century, it was decided to restore the Bourtange fortress. The plan was implemented from 1967 to 1992. The ramparts were raised again, canals were dug, and barracks were rebuilt.

Kastellet, Copenhagen, Denmark.This structure is in the shape of a pentagonal star, one of the most powerful and fortified in Northern Europe.

The fortress was built on an artificially created island in the shape of a regular five-pointed star (I wonder how? It’s impossible to even imagine the scale of this work). In 1663, a citadel that has survived to this day appeared on the island, in which the headquarters of German troops was located during the Second World War.

Landskrona, Sweden.

Daugavpils, also known as Dinaburg Fortress, Daugavpils, Latvia.

According to Wikipedia, its construction began in 1810 by order of Sovereign Emperor Alexander I on the eve of the war with Napoleon I in order to strengthen the western border Russian Empire.

Dinaburgskaya fortress at the beginning of the 20th century

Alba Iulia, Romania , a fairly large industrial city in the very center of the country. But in this city there is a huge fortress called Alba Carolina, based on various sources, which is the largest fortification in Europe.

Erected from 1714 to 1738 Italian architect Giovanni Visconti, the fortress served as General Staff throughout Transylvania, but was never attacked by the enemy. The importance of Alba Iulia for the Romanians lies not so much in the military as in the political plane. It was here that on December 1, 1918, the National Assembly of All Romanians of Transylvania declared the whole of Transylvania to be the territory of Romania.

The fortified city of Almeida in Portugal.

The defensive structures of the village, when viewed from above, have the shape of a 12-pointed star according to the number of bastions. The perimeter of the fortress is 2500 meters. This fortress was built in the 17th and 18th centuries around medieval castle in a strategically important place from the point of view of defense of the region on a plateau 12 kilometers from the Spanish border, established by the treaty of 1297 between Portugal and Spain. According to the same treaty, Almeida went to Portugal.

Neuf-Brisach is a city in Alsace with an ideal octagonal configuration, the construction of which began in 1698.

Alessandria- a city in the northwestern part of Italy. This city grew out of a fortress founded in 1168 by the Lombard League to protect northern Italian cities from the encroachments of the Holy Roman Empire.

FortressPillau, Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region.

Fortification structure from the 17th-18th centuries. Fort located in the city of Baltiysk. Previously, the city was called Pillau (German), so the fortress bears his name. This unique fort was founded in 1601, possibly by the Swedes. By 1670, the Germans had thoroughly rebuilt the fortress in stone. Subsequently, it was redesigned, completed and improved many times. The fortress was actively used during the Great Patriotic War, And German troops occupied it until April 1945. The fortress was taken, but with very heavy losses. Apparently this building was made well, conscientiously. Currently there is a military unit located here.

Leopoldov, Slovakia.

Leopoldov was founded in 1665 at the behest of the Austrian Emperor Leopold I


Pokrovskaya fortress, Omsk region.

Very little can be learned about this unique object from official sources. For example, founded in 1752. It was built in 1752-1755. This guard fortification of the Tobol-Ishim line, located in a village on the northern shore of Lake Pokrovskoye, is a historical monument.

The octagonal fortress occupied an area of ​​6 hectares. The fortification is reinforced by earthworks, a ditch and bastions, which, like arrows, are pushed far forward, providing flanking approaches. The width of the ditches was 13 m, the depth was 2.5 m. On the territory of the fortress there was a gunpowder magazine, a provisions store, officer houses, barracks, a vestibule, a stable, a storage barn, a guardhouse, and a bathhouse.

IN early XIX century, with construction railway, the fortress lost its military purpose.

And it's all. Who, when and why destroyed this fortress - history is silent.

Fortress of St. Anna, Rostov region, Russia

The fortress was founded by decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna in 1730, construction lasted 3-4 years. Today, only large earthen ramparts and ditches or satellite photographs speak of this former structure.

In general, there are many such fortresses in Russia, but the only one that has survived is Peter-Pavel's Fortress in St. Petersburg.

The Netherlands again

Even in Vietnam there is)

In Sri Lanka: It is believed that the Portuguese built it in 1618.

Great Britain




Fort Goryokaku in the city of Hakodeit on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.

This is the first and largest fortress in Japan, built in 1866. At the beginning of the 20th century it was transformed into a park, now famous for its magnificent flowering cherry trees.Gorykaku was developed in 1855 by Takeda Hisabur. His plan was based on the work of the French architect Vauban. It has the shape of a five-pointed star. This allowed for more firing points on the walls than a traditional Japanese fortress, and reduced the number of blind spots where the cannons could not fire.



Kharkov, Ukraine

To protect against Tatar raids, a large number of fortresses were built, which are located on the territory from the Northern Donets to the Dnieper. The surviving defensive line stretches for more than 200 km.

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