We are preparing for the holiday on May 9. Preparation for Victory Day. IV. Setting lesson goals and objectives

Traditionally, Russians are united around genuine values. And the one that took place in the past anniversary year became a truly national event. And this is a worthy answer to those who want to rewrite heroic history.

From Sevastopol, Brest, Vladivostok, Derbent and Arkhangelsk at the same time "Star of our Great Victory". More than 30 days on the road, 150 cities, 35 thousand kilometers, and as a result, on the territory of Russia and Belarus, columns of cars will symbolically draw a five-pointed star - the Victory Star.

Veterans present to children and teenagers St. George ribbons so that they can give it to their friends. In all cities of the country, preparations have begun for the celebration of Victory Day and for the holding of the poignant “Immortal Regiment”, which really shook the country last year.

“The Immortal Regiment, which united 12 million people on May 9 last year, both in Russia and abroad. An absolutely honest, sincere project. It should remain that way. And develop freely,” Vladimir Putin emphasized.

It was impossible to hold back the tears of millions of those who took to the streets with portraits of their relatives, and the tears of millions of television viewers could not be held back either. Live broadcast from VGTRK, real, sincere emotions of the victorious people.

“The war took away two sons from our grandfather. He himself returned, but the children could not return,” says a participant in the “Immortal Regiment” action.

“I will definitely take this portrait to his grave. Dad was here. Maybe not himself, but his portrait,” promises another one of the participants in the action.

“The granny walked alone next to us, carrying a portrait of her husband, probably, or her son. And she said: I was sitting at home, doing the kitchen and watching TV. And suddenly I saw that they were coming from the Belorussky station, I heard they were carrying their relatives, relatives “I dropped everything, turned off the TV, caught some photograph somewhere, attached it and carried it,” People’s Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanovoy tells a story from his life.

“My daughter, grandson, great-grandson went. Everyone really liked it. And everyone took a personal part in the Victory. It was a good thing, and we are happy to continue it,” notes retired Army General, President of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences Makhmut Gareev.

In photo studios, people are already bringing photographs of their fathers and grandfathers who fought; the Immortal Regiment communities have gained enormous popularity on the social networks "", Odnoklassniki, and social network, completely dedicated to the “Immortal Regiment” - on the website polkrf.ru you can easily register and create a card on the portal for a veteran - your relative or friend, talk about his feat, find fellow soldiers. According to the creators of the project, this social network will eventually unite 300 million people around the world.

“Love for the Motherland, the spirit of sincerity and cohesion that reigned in society in the anniversary year of the Victory is patriotism. And only by joining forces, consolidating the best practices and initiatives, we will be able to raise generations who know their country and feel a sense of belonging to its fate, responsibility for its future and, most importantly, believe in it,” Putin continued.

There are more and more people who believe. The commander of the airborne forces says that the number of young people aspiring to military schools is already off the charts.

"More than ten people per place, based on the quotas allocated General base"- says the commander Airborne troops Vladimir Shamanov.

- Can’t be compared with what happened in the nineties?

“Of course,” confirms Shamanov. “The situation has changed radically in the other direction.”

The fact that Russians are again proud of their country, that they are proud of their history, clearly does not suit many abroad. Outright distortions, distortions and simply lies about the war are now commonplace.

On the eve of Victory Day, Western information campaigns will obviously only intensify. The desire to touch Russians' nerves intensifies every spring. But Russia, they said in the Kremlin, has something to oppose to this.

Historical truth. It is known and remembered by living witnesses of that time - veterans, they pass it on to new generations. The truth must be defended consistently and at all levels.

“It is necessary to stop any attempts to slander or falsify the past, including to belittle the decisive role of our country in the defeat of Nazism,” Russian President Vladimir Putin set the task.

According to Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, support for Russian resolutions at the UN to combat the glorification of Nazism has grown. In December 2015, it received support from 133 countries. Although a lot and extremely negative examples and signals.

"The developments in a number of areas are of particular concern. European countries the fight against monuments to Soviet citizens who died in the fight against Nazism. The leader in this anti-Russian race was Poland, where last year 30 monuments were desecrated or unauthorizedly demolished, symbolizing not only the liberation mission of the Red Army, but also the Soviet-Polish brotherhood in arms. The Russian Foreign Ministry is taking the necessary steps both on a bilateral basis and through specialized international structures to counter this unacceptable line,” the head of Russian diplomacy emphasized.

It is clear that no matter how hard you try, no one will be able to ruin the holiday. The country will once again celebrate Victory Day on a large scale and with dignity. Hundreds of major events. Participants of the Pobeda organizing committee suggested remembering how entire factories were evacuated during war.

“Modern methods of conducting armed struggle are such that no one will need to move anywhere,” Vladimir Putin recalled. “But to look at how production was organized, especially in the defense sector, of course, this makes sense. We need to understand today that we what to do and how we should do it. So turning to the experience of the past, to positive experience, is never superfluous.”

But there are two key tasks that the president considers important to focus on: to support veterans, including in geopolitical terms - to increase the availability of medical and social services in Russia, regardless of the place of residence of veterans. Putin calls the second task an even wider involvement of veterans in work with young people.


Heading for Victory. Preparations for the national holiday have begun in Moscow

Last week, the first rehearsal of the Victory Parade took place on Red Square. So far, only cars have taken part in it. But temporary yellow markings have already appeared on Tverskaya Street for military equipment that will arrive in the capital on the night of April 27. Moscow is also actively preparing for the “Immortal Regiment” campaign. This year the procession starts from the Dynamo metro station, and not from Belorusskaya, as it was in last years.

On the night of April 20, yellow markings appeared on Tverskaya Street - in the area from Pushkinskaya Square to the Kremlin; tank crews and drivers of military equipment that will be deployed for rehearsals on Red Square will use it to navigate. The kilometer-long section was divided into six lanes, three in each direction. The markings were applied with a special nitro paint yellow color, which is easily removed from asphalt. It will have to be updated on May 7 or 8 due to heavy traffic. The first rehearsal of the Victory Parade with the participation of military equipment will take place on the night of April 27. But rehearsals without the participation of equipment on Red Square have already begun, the first of which took place on April 22. It was attended by Chaika cars from the Minister of Defense's motorcade.

Rehearsals are in full swing, including aerial ones, in Alabino, near Moscow. On April 10 and 21, 72 planes and helicopters took to the skies. The world's largest military transport helicopter Mi-26T, accompanied by four Mi-8s, led the parade formation, followed by attack helicopters Mi-28N, Mi-35 and Ka-52.

The air parade was completed by six Su-25s - they passed in the sky with smoke the color of the Russian flag.
Also in Alabino they are rehearsing the festive fireworks, which will be given in Moscow on May 9 from 16 points. Preparations for the parade are also underway on the Internet. The Ministry of Defense has published a complete electronic map of the Victory Parades with detailed information on the number of military personnel and the amount of military equipment. Using the interactive application, site visitors can familiarize themselves in detail with the route of the pedestrian parade squads, the order of passage and the composition of the mechanized parade columns. The Victory Parade on Red Square will traditionally take place on May 9 at 10.00. Mechanized and foot columns, as well as aviation, will take part in it. This year, for the first time in the history of the parade, Arctic military equipment will appear on the square. In addition, a column will take part in the parade for the first time military police Armed Forces Russian Federation. In total, more than 90 thousand military personnel will take part in military parades across the country. In the capital, more than 10 thousand people will walk along Red Square, 118 military vehicles will pass, and 72 planes and helicopters will fly over.

The capital is also preparing for the now traditional “Immortal Regiment” campaign. “This year the procession will take place from the Dynamo metro station to Red Square. The procession will begin at 15.00. We expect from 700 thousand to one million participants. If more Muscovites come than last year, the action will be extended for an hour and a half,” said Nikolai Zemtsov, co-chairman of the Immortal Regiment patriotic public movement. This year, the organizers of the event will improve the musical accompaniment. War songs will be played for participants along the route. Unlike last year, the field kitchen will not be open. Water, like last year, will be available along the entire route. Along the route of the event, screens will be placed that will broadcast the Victory Parade. In addition, as the press service of the public service centers said, in e-book More than 170 thousand names of war heroes are included in the memory of the “Immortal Regiment - Moscow”. This year, as before, any resident of the capital can contact any of the “My Documents” offices and bring photographs or other documents relating to their loved ones - participants in the Great Patriotic War. MFC employees will scan the papers on site and return the originals to the owner. And you can print out the photo for free for the procession or enter information about your heroic relatives yourself on the website of the Immortal Regiment - Moscow project.

How the capital will be decorated
From April 27, Moscow will begin to transform for the holiday. The capital will be decorated with more than 1.1 thousand thematic posters and digital billboards. Muscovites will see black and white portraits of famous military leaders - Marshals Georgy Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Alexander Vasilevsky, Alexander Golovanov, Fleet Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov, Army General Alexei Antonov and others. Posters with military footage, including the parade on Red Square, will also be placed on the city streets.
1945. On 130 billbeards you can see children's drawings on the theme of the Great Patriotic War with the motto “We are the heirs of Victory.” 240 posters will depict participants in the Immortal Regiment action.

Anna Levchenko

Preparations for the celebration of Victory Day in the city have already begun. Educational and cultural institutions host large-scale holiday concerts and all sorts of thematic events. A lot of work is being done to improve the city's territory; community cleanup days are being held. How will the victory celebration be organized, and what other events are being prepared for this day?

Raisa Virts – Deputy Head of Administration

“It is important for us that the 70th anniversary is such a milestone anniversary for the country, because there are fewer and fewer real veterans and combatants left; in our city today there are 39 of them.”

As Raisa Sergeevna says, the realization that there are fewer and fewer veterans makes me want to be most reverent, most solemn and most grateful to those who are alive, and to honor the memory of those who are no longer around. It is thanks to them that Russia has lived without war for 70 years. Therefore, Lesosibirsk is preparing responsibly for the anniversary.

“On May 9, active festive life will begin at 9 o’clock in the morning, young people will work at sites near the city’s universities, events will be held, there will be concerts, there will be songs, there will be dances, that is, young people will thank the participants of the Second World War, at 11 o’clock near the Yuzhny store we will begin build columns"

It is worth saying that this year for the first time in our city an immortal regiment is taking part in the column. To date, more than six hundred people have already registered. Therefore, the festive column will be many times larger than usual on May 9. Military-patriotic clubs of the city are especially preparing for participation, which will take pride of place after the immortal regiment.

“We will carry a copy of the victory banner, as will the participants of the Second World War and those equated with them. Therefore, veterans are also preparing for this and are very worried. And they want to carry this banner themselves. This is also very important; at 11.30 a.m. the procession will begin at Pobeda, and the reporting from the podium will begin at exactly 12 o’clock. There will be a parade, just like last year, soldiers of the military unit from Yeniseisk, cadets, and police will take part in the parade.”

Also, all enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city are preparing for the solemn procession in a column. In a word, all those who are not indifferent to the greatest holiday of our country. After all, it unites people of all nationalities. In addition, many events are already taking place in the city to mark the anniversary of the victory. “Give a ride to a veteran”, “St. George’s Ribbon” and others. On the eve of the holiday, on May 8, a big musical event will be held near the Komandor store for all citizens. A children's choir of about three hundred people will sing wartime songs. The same choir, only an adult, will also perform military songs on May 9 before the start of the parade.

“After the march, we all go to a rally; there will be a rally on the Embankment at half past twelve. At which all enterprises will have the opportunity to lay wreaths at the monument, which is located on the city embankment"

By May 9, the monument will be put in order; more than 400 hundred thousand rubles have been allocated from the local budget for repair work. After the rally near three monuments on the Embankment (this is a monument to Efim Belinsky, the soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War and near the monument to those killed in hot spots), city school students will demonstrate musical cards and flash mobs. On observation deck A military reenactment club will be operating on the Yenisei embankment from 9 a.m. with its performances.

“After the rally is over, a wartime model car with a propaganda team, a car and a field kitchen will drive around the city to remote parts of the city to attract other children and residents of our city to this event.”

Also traditionally on this day there will be two runs, one at 9 am from the monument to Babkin, on Pirogov, to pedagogical institute. And after the run at 11 o’clock the city’s annual relay race dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory will begin. This day will be full of other events for the city. There will be two field kitchens serving soldiers’ porridge on Pobeda Street, and at the end of the rally, a large festive concert of the city’s creative groups will be held near the Komandor store.

Explain the meaning of words related to the topic, work on remembering important dates;

Foster respect for the older generation and veterans;

Develop speech, continue work on enriching vocabulary;

To cultivate love for the Motherland and respect for the history of Russia;

Develop Creative skills students;

Activate cognitive activity students, develop independent work skills;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Be able to express your thoughts and argue your point of view.

Planned results:

. Students must learn the history of the origin of the holiday, remember memorable dates;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards elders and veterans.

Equipment: PC, projector, dictionary, photo hometown, list of hero cities, presentation on the topic, table of important dates ( cm.), recordings of songs from the war years, the film "Stalingrad", a candle.

Interdisciplinary connections : literature, history, music.

During the classes

I. Org. Moment

II. Update

Introductory talk:


What time of year is it outside? (Spring)

What does the expression “red day of the calendar” mean? (Holiday)

Holidays are different: state and family, religious and city. For example, March 8 is a national holiday, we celebrate it throughout the country. Easter is a religious holiday because it is associated with the church calendar.

But we have a holiday that is both state and family. This is the holiday that is called "a holiday with tears in our eyes." This is Victory Day.

What do you know about this holiday? What does the date "May 9" mean? (This is Victory Day. On May 9, 1945, our soldiers won the war against the Nazis.)

III. Preparing to understand the topic

Teacher: Our country has experienced greatest tragedy- war. What does "war" mean? How do you understand this word? (Horror, death, fear, loss, hunger, tears, grief)

This is what our great writer L. Tolstoy said about war: “War is the greatest misfortune that a person could invent.”

IV. Setting lesson goals and objectives

Teacher: You and I live in a wonderful country, at a wonderful time. The sky over our country is peaceful. And this is happiness, because worse than war there is nothing in the world! And you and I live because in those distant forties our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers sacrificed themselves.

Now it is our duty to remember this, not to forget those terrible years when millions of residents of our country demonstrated incredible fortitude, courage and bravery, courage and desperate bravery. When millions of people went to their death so that you and I could live.

V. Explanation of the topic

Teacher: Today I invite you to take a walk into the past. It won't be an easy walk. But we need it so that we can see for ourselves what war is and what victory cost us.

VI. Application

Working with the application:

  • Material: download presentation
  • Table: watch the application
  • Music in the presentation: Chopin - E Minor Prelude

The melody of the waltz "School graduation" sounds

Teacher: It was the summer of 1941. On June 21, high school students celebrated graduation in all schools across the country. Laughter and happiness, dreams of a wonderful future, dancing until the morning, fun. And suddenly! At dawn an ominous sound sounded...

Recording the sounds of flying airplanes and explosions.

On June 22, 1941, the fascist invaders invaded our Motherland. The war has begun. Thousands of boys and girls went straight from their prom to war.

The table begins filling ( cm. )

The table can be completed on the interactive whiteboard.

An excerpt from the song "Holy War" is played.

The defenders of the border city of Brest were the first to take the blow.

Write down the names of cities on a separate sheet. The list is updated as the conversation progresses. The list should be called "Hero Cities"

About the feat of soldiers who served in Brest Fortress, composed a lot of poems, and are still making films. In memory of those who were the first to stand up for the defense of the Motherland, the poet S. Shchipachev wrote.

1) Working with a dictionary :

On the board are the words: Nazi invaders, Great Patriotic War, country, Motherland, Fatherland.


. Why was the war called Patriotic? (People defended the Fatherland)

. What does Fatherland mean? (Motherland, Fatherland)

. Who are the Nazi invaders? What did they want? (These are fascists who wanted to enslave our people, force them to work for themselves. They did not recognize anyone except their nation).

. How do you understand the expression “Hero City”? (A city famous for its heroic defense in the Great Patriotic War).

Continuation of the conversation:

Teacher: Our soldiers fought to the death. But the Nazis were well prepared for war, they had more weapons, more soldiers. Despite desperate resistance, our troops retreated further and further.

The Nazis hoped for a quick victory. They began to attack in three directions at once: towards Kyiv, towards Moscow and Leningrad, towards cities near the Black Sea.

2) Conversation:

. Why do you think the Nazis sought to immediately capture Moscow? (This main city our country, the capital of the state)

. What is the name of the city of Leningrad now? (Saint Petersburg)

. Why did the Nazis want to cut off the route to the Black Sea? (They wanted to destroy the fleet)

Continuation of the conversation:

But we could not allow fascists to walk the streets of our capital. And everyone, young and old, stood up to defend Moscow. In September 1941, when the invaders were already close to Moscow, the words of commander V. Klochkov spread throughout the country: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us!” They defended it.

An excerpt from the song "March of the Defenders of Moscow" is played.

The Nazis could not defeat Leningrad either. And for a long 871 days they chained the city in a blockade ring.

3) Working with tables and dictionaries:

A blockade is the isolation of a city in order to cut it off from the world.

Continuation of the conversation:

And on the shores of the Black Sea bloody battles broke out for every piece of land, for every ship. In this series there are many cities that made a significant contribution to the future victory: Kerch and Sevastopol, Odessa and Novorossiysk.

In 1943 a turning point came. And it all started with the battle of Stalingrad. First Soviet troops managed to win such a significant victory.

Filling out the list of "Hero Cities" and the table of important dates

The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle in human history. About 2 million people died in this battle. But it was our victory. And since then, February 2 is celebrated as the Day military glory Russia.

Screening of an excerpt from the film "Stalingrad"

. What is the name of the city of Stalingrad now? (Volgograd)

. What war films have you watched?

Continuation of the conversation:

From now on, the victorious offensive of our troops begins on all fronts. The fascists began to retreat to the borders, and then our soldiers drove these conquerors through the cities of Europe, liberating them from the fascists.

An excerpt from the song "Road to Berlin" is played.

And then the spring of 1945 arrived. Our soldiers drove the Nazis all the way to Berlin. Our banner soared above the main building of the fascists - above the Reichstag. On May 9, 1945, Victory was declared!

People greeted the first day of peace with jubilation. Everyone poured out into the street. Strangers hugged each other and congratulated. They cried with happiness.

And at midnight fireworks went off in Moscow. 30 salvos from 1000 guns announced to the world that the bloodiest and most brutal war in the world was over. And it ended with our Victory!

An excerpt from the song "May Waltz" is played.

The teacher lights a candle. (If safety precautions require it, you can use a slide with the Eternal Flame)

Teacher: Look at this candle. What does fire look like? What does it symbolize?

There is a fire that symbolizes memory. Look at the photo "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow." There is always a fire burning near this grave. And every day a guard of honor is formed. And the post is called "Post No. 1". He is the most important and the most honorable.

. Where does the name come from: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

. Why does fire always burn near such graves?

. Why are there always fresh flowers near these graves?

. Is there a grave of the unknown soldier in our city?

. What monuments in our city are erected in honor great Victory?

. What does the inscription “Your feat is eternal” mean?

More than 20 million Soviet people died during the war. We will never forget those who defended our Motherland in these terrible days. In memory of all those who died, I ask you to stand. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.

The metronome sounds

Teacher: 69 years have passed since then. There are few people left who fought, who lived and worked in the rear. These are our veterans. They are heroes. It is to them that we owe the fact that we live peacefully and happily in such a beautiful country. They won our freedom.

The song "Victory Day" is playing

VII. Securing the topic. Blitz survey


1) Name important dates Great Patriotic War

2) Why is the title “Hero City” awarded?

3) List these cities.

4) What streets in our city are named in honor of the Victory? What monuments have been installed?

An excerpt from the song "Let's bow to those great years" is played.

VIII. Reflection

. What new did you learn in class today?

. How will you congratulate our veterans?

IX. Homework

1) Add to the list of hero cities.

2) Learn a poem about the war.

3) Creative task: Write a letter to an unknown soldier.

A very important holiday is approaching for all residents of our country - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. It is needed so that people do not forget about the feat of their ancestors. It is especially important to tell children about the war. They must know at what cost the Victory over fascism was achieved. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, all schools hold events dedicated to this event. Many teachers prefer formal classes, class hours or concerts. But the problem is that in recent years it has become increasingly difficult to spend May 9th at school.

The Great Patriotic War is perceived by modern children as a very distant event about which they know little. By 2017, there were almost no members alive, children are not interested in old films, and they are reading books less and less. Traditions of celebrating Victory Day are often formal. Therefore, many teachers try to organize something unusual to interest children. But the May 9 scenario should be solemn, this is not an entertaining event.

Holiday objectives

The main thing that teachers need to achieve when organizing festive events is to awaken in children a sense of pride in their people, who defeated the Nazis and survived such difficult times. All conversations cool watch and even concerts should encourage students to become interested in the past of their homeland, look for material and read books. Each military themed event has the following objectives:

  • to cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland;
  • make children understand what the war meant for each person;
  • introduce historical facts;
  • give an idea about real life people during the war;
  • instill a sense of gratitude and respect for war heroes.

Preparation for the holiday

To ensure that the event is not formal and is memorable for children, they must be involved in its preparation. It is advisable to discuss the scenario with them and choose an option for holding the holiday.

You need to prepare for Victory Day in advance, several months before the event. In order for children to understand how important it is to honor the memory of the soldiers who died defending their homeland, they should not limit themselves to one concert or lineup. Of course, it is desirable that there be a serious event, but besides this, other methodological techniques can be used.

  • Watching war films, listening to songs and memorizing poems.
  • Preparation of individual stories about family members who participated in the war. It would be good if they were accompanied by a demonstration of photographs or some surviving items from the war years.
  • Making an album together with the whole class. For it, you can use personal military photographs or cut out from magazines.
  • IN primary school You definitely need to pay attention to making crafts. These can be paper flowers, postcards or drawings. You can make an exhibition or donate these crafts to surviving veterans.
  • Senior school children can participate in the design of not only the classroom, but also the school. They can draw posters and wall newspapers, create an exhibition of books or photographs.
  • It is very good if, on the eve of the holiday, a teacher takes the children of his class to a museum of military glory, if there is one in the city.
  • If it is not possible to invite veterans to school, elementary school students can write letters to them. Children must express in their own words what they feel on Victory Day, describe their attitude towards the war.
  • And teachers must talk as much as possible about the war, Victory, and heroism. Soviet soldiers. You should not overload your children with dry information, dates and numbers. It is better to tell about the fate of ordinary people, about the significance of the victory for all subsequent generations.

Holiday decoration

It is very important that the concert held on the eve of May 9 is properly organized. In order for children to feel the atmosphere of those years and the solemnity of Victory Day, the hall or classroom needs to be decorated with posters, wall newspapers and collections of photographs. When staging a performance or theatrical performance, it is advisable to use costumes and decorations that are as close as possible to the realities of the war years. You need to find tunics, caps, flasks, rifles and pistols.

To make the event more interesting, it is advisable to use a multimedia projector. Using a computer, you can display footage from films, documentaries and newsreels of the war years. All this should be accompanied by music.

The most commonly used songs are “Victory Day” and “Holy War”. But depending on the holiday scenario, you can take other songs or their fragments: “Dark Night”, “Buchenwald Alarm”, “Cranes”, “We need one victory”, “At a nameless height”.

It is also good to use songs and music from famous films: “Officers”, “Only Old Men Go to Battle” and others. You can include the sounds of bells, the drone of airplanes, bomb explosions and Levitan's voice in the concert.

How to spend Victory Day

The scale of organizing the holiday depends on the capabilities of the school and its location. In the city it is easier to find and invite veterans and visit the museum. In a small rural school You can hold a celebration for all residents or visit a local monument. But in any case, you shouldn’t limit yourself to one concert or lineup.

In order for Victory Day to touch the soul of every child, you need to approach its organization responsibly. It is advisable to hold various conversations, competitions, classes and themed evenings within 1-2 weeks before the holiday. And on May 7 or 8, the culmination should be a concert or performance. What event options can be used?

  • Class hour is the easiest way to celebrate Victory Day at school. Children must prepare for it in advance: collect material for reports, learn poems and songs. Between presentations, the teacher can show slides or play a soundtrack of military songs.
  • More interesting option holiday is a quiz, competition or sports competition. Questions related to dates, names and the most important events of the war years are more suitable for older students. IN primary school It's better to have a competition with war games.
  • The best way to let children feel the full scale of Victory and the horror of war is to talk with veterans. True, lately it has been difficult to find survivors. If there is such an opportunity, the meeting should be solemn. The veteran needs to be presented in such a way that children understand that this is a real hero. After congratulations and presentation of gifts and flowers, the veteran talks about the war and Victory. Such meetings teach children to respect their elders and appreciate their feats. As an option, you can use a theatrical production: a sketch in the form of a conversation between a grandfather and his grandson.
  • A concert is the most common scenario for a holiday. It is desirable that as many children as possible be involved in it and that they are not passive spectators. If this event is organized formally, it will not be remembered and will not fulfill its goal - to awaken in the child’s soul respect for the dead and an understanding of the value of victory.
  • A more interesting option is a stage production. Organizing such a musical performance is more difficult. But it can awaken in children a desire to learn more about the war and ordinary people who died for their homeland. Even elementary school students can participate in small skits. For them, this particular form of celebration is more interesting. You can take a ready-made script or create one. There is also another option - to invite professional artists.

When preparing the script, teachers need to pay attention to ensure that the performance is primarily for children, and not for other spectators. All students should have fun at the holiday, so it is better to abandon the traditional performance of poems and songs on stage.

  • It is best if the performance is thematic, for example, based on the works of one of the poets.
  • For junior schoolchildren Performances that reflect the fate of children of war will be more interesting. For them, you should not use long poems in a concert.
  • For older children, it is important to include a recording of a radio announcement about the beginning of the war; you can use an episode with young men seeing off to the front.
  • To make the performance memorable, it is advisable to find military uniform those years, use the decorations of a dugout, trench or fire. It is important that all actions are accompanied by music and war songs. It’s good if you manage to film the concert on video - it will be a memory of the holiday.

You need to end any concert or performance on an optimistic note. Victory Day is still a holiday, albeit a sad one. We need to make it clear to children that it is the feat of their ancestors that allows them to live peacefully and happily. At the end you can give it to everyone St. George's ribbons so that the memory of these ancient events remains in our hearts for a long time.

Unusual holiday scenarios

  1. A historical game for middle and high school students, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. It broadens the horizons of schoolchildren, helps them better remember the material and fosters patriotic feelings. The game involves two teams who come up with names related to the realities of the war years, a motto and an emblem. Participants take turns answering questions and earning points. To make the game more exciting for children, you can take popular shows as a model: KVN or “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Questions should include major events wars, the names of commanders and heroes, names of cities and places of the most important battles.
  2. A very interesting concert will be based on the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle.” Participants in the performance must wear tunics. Periodically, a soundtrack with episodes from the film is played. Between the songs and the words of the film's characters, children talk about real people who sacrificed their lives, about those who did not lose their presence of mind during these difficult years. You can tell about war correspondents, postmen, nurses, about artists who performed even on the front line, about women on whose shoulders all the hardships of the war fell.
  3. The theatrical performance “At the Monument to War Heroes” can be performed together with students of both senior and junior classes. Two brothers, who came to lay flowers at the monument to the heroes, are watching from the side of the picture of the past. This can be achieved by changing the lighting of the scene. They approach the monument different people in wartime clothes. Each of them puts flowers and tells their story. It could be a nurse, a little girl who lost her whole family in besieged Leningrad, or a young fighter. At the end, modern children may come up and say that they are grateful to the heroes and will never forget their feat.
  4. A performance based on letters from the front will also be of interest to children, especially if someone still has real yellowed triangles. Concert participants dressed as soldiers read letters. Between them there is music or poetry. You can also include in this concert letters from modern children addressed to their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers.
  5. For younger schoolchildren, you can organize a performance of short scenes based on famous poems. It is easy to act out the following works: S. Mikhalkov “We ​​Are Warriors Too”, Y. Drunina “Zinka”, A. Tvardovsky “The Tankman’s Tale”, excerpts from M. Aliger’s poem “Zoya”.
  6. In high school, it will be interesting to stage a dramatic performance about the graduates of 1941, who after the school prom went straight to the front. Stories about their peers will help teenagers feel the tragedy of war. The performance can be decorated with music, poetry, scenes of boys and girls saying goodbye, and real facts.
  7. It would be a good idea to hold an event in elementary school dedicated to children who participated in the war. Before him, students must read several works about little heroes. At the holiday, we need to talk not only about the boys and girls who fought at the front or with the partisans. It is important to mention how difficult it was for the children in the rear. Be sure to include a story about besieged Leningrad, for example, excerpts from Tanya Savicheva’s diary.

Victory Day is a holiday that cannot be approached formally. It is necessary to organize such events at school so that children feel the importance of the feat of their ancestors. It is necessary that the new generation does not forget what this war was like.

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