How are conjunctions written? Integrated and separate writing of prepositions and prepositional combinations. Cause of spelling errors

Merged and separate writing unions easy theme. To avoid mistakes, these auxiliary parts of speech should be distinguished from other parts found in the text. Rules and examples are presented in the article.

Integrated and separate writing of conjunctions section of spelling. It is dedicated to the rules of consumption in writing of auxiliary parts of speech. They are often mistaken for combinations of pronouns and particles or other elements of language. Hence the mistakes.

Both 1st and 2nd are created to embody the connection homogeneous members speech or component of a complex sentence.

The combined and separate writing of derivative conjunctions causes particular difficulties. Functional parts of speech of this type are formed by combining other parts. And therefore errors often appear. Derivatives conjunctions are the following types of combinations:

  • two non-derivative conjunctions (and, because, supposedly);
  • demonstrative word, preposition and alliance (so that, in order to);
  • pronoun, preposition and word with a general meaning (until that time, while).

Thus, the combined and separate writing of conjunctions is a topic that is difficult to understand without having an idea of ​​the types of auxiliary parts of speech. Non-derivatives often found in writing (a, and, but). Derivative conjunctions are used less frequently; they are formed from other parts of speech and are written separately. There are other systematizations of unions. Eg:

In the first case we're talking about O service units that make connections between words with similar grammatical features. In the 2nd about conjunctions found in complex sentences. We won't go into more detail. systematization. The combined and separate writing of conjunctions must be considered using certain examples.

It is often confused with combination particles and pronouns. Especially in this case, if this element comes after a comma, and the subordinate clause begins with it. In order to distinguish an alliance from such a combination, you should try to rearrange the particle to another place in the sentence. Examples:

  1. There is no remedy to relieve his pain.
  2. There is no remedy that would ease his pain.

There is an error in the first option. If the element so can be separated without loss of meaning, then this is nothing more than a combination of a pronoun and a particle. If in meaning so is equivalent to so that this is an alliance. Examples:

  1. The editor invited the creator to sign a contract.
  2. The director called the parents to inform them.

But the combination that occurs not only in subordinate clauses proposals. It can be found in an ordinary narrative or interrogative sentence. Separate writing in similar cases is of course:

Available in Russian language elements that can be classified as different categories. For example, it can supposedly be both a particle and a conjunction. The same can be said about let, same, as if. But there are combinations educated from two elements (as if, if, as if). They act both as a union and as a particle. They are written separately. Let's look at the use of these words with examples. Sentences in which both combined and separate spellings of conjunctions and particles occur:

  1. He dreamed that he was supposedly walking along a country road and met yesterday’s stranger.
  2. Only the lazy did not talk about her in the village. She was supposedly a witch and flew out of the chimney every night on a real broom.
  3. He did not remember yesterday's events, as if nothing had happened.
  4. We would have managed to finish what we started if you had not interfered with your advice.
  5. His gaze seemed to ask: Why are you telling me about this?

Pronouns combined with a particle are written separately. And it is important not to confuse them with too and also, which are synonymous with the connecting conjunction and. The above combination is often followed by the word most. It is one of the confirmations of separate writing. Other signs are the presence of the conjunctive word that, the adverb how. For example:

  1. Every day he repeated the same thing.
  2. The same can be said about last book author.
  3. The family spent the summer the same as the previous one.
  4. The teacher did the same as his colleagues.

Often, without access to the broader context, it is difficult to understand which option is correct. Examples:

  1. The rest of the children began to squeal and run around the room (The other children began to do what the others did).
  2. The other children also started running around the room and screaming (And the other children started running around the room and screaming).

It is also written together as a particle. For example: I’m also a professional!

Unions, however, are never written separately. They must be distinguished from combinations of pronouns and prepositions. For example: at what, in addition, for that. The combined and separate writing of prepositions and conjunctions sometimes causes certain difficulties. In order to find the correct option, you should analyze part of the sentence.

  1. The experiment was not carried out successfully, and for the first time (in addition to this).
  2. This speech was informative and, at the same time, interesting.
  3. What do you have to do with your claims?
  4. At that enterprise there was a small printing house.
  5. The excursion lasts the whole day, but it is interesting and very educational.
  6. He then came to ruin the festive evening (for some purpose).
  7. He came for what he had been looking for for many years.
  8. Why (for what reason) do you always judge people poorly?
  9. By what (what signs) do you determine changes in his mood?

Spelling errors are often caused by inability to recognize what part of speech the word belongs to. Exists union so. But there is also a combination of this in the texts. Its components are adverb and conjunction. Below are sentences in which there are combined and separate spellings of conjunctions and adverbs.

  1. And so he reasoned for a very long time, until everyone heard long-awaited phrase: So, let's summarize.
  2. And the meeting was going so sluggishly that he was already hoping to avoid uncomfortable questions, when suddenly the chairman’s menacing voice was heard: So, let’s return to the main topic.

As already mentioned, in a separate sentence it is sometimes difficult to understand whether the conjunction is used correctly. Separate and continuous writing in almost all cases the context determines. Sometimes a double interpretation is possible. For example:

The first sentence refers to a person who is engaged in useless occupation. In the 2nd about writing texts with little content. There are also colloquial constructions that deviate from the general rules.

What else do you need to know about the rules included in such a section of spelling as combined and separate spelling of conjunctions? The examples given above include the basic, most complex cases. But there is in written and oral speech also conjunctions designed to clarify one of the small passages of text. These include: in other words, that is. Such conjunctions are always written separately. For example:

  1. He spoke that evening as usual, that is, a lot.
  2. Three days ago, in other words last week, I met this man at staircase site at a fairly late hour.

And finally, complex conjunctions in order to, because they are never written together.

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Conjunctions and pronouns with prepositions in front of them, as well as conjunctions with particles

1) but for this:
He spoke too briefly but bright and artistic (the meaning of opposition, union but).
She didn't forgive him for that that he did not help her (meaning of indication, pronoun That in the form of V.p.).

2) then - after that:
The head teacher read the text, then the class began to write a statement (tense meaning: union then, synonym Then).
Pharmacy then building, go straight, there you will see (meaning of indication, pronoun That with a preposition).

3) and so and so:
, he came to Moscow (summarizing the above, the union So).
He's wet So froze that I had to return home (degree meaning, combination So - union And and adverbs So).

4) because - because:
She felt happy because of everyone around was smiling (meaning of reason, union because of).
From that at home you can walk through the yard and shorten the road (meaning of indication, pronoun That with a preposition).

5) why - from what:
I don't know why
I'm sad today (meaning of reason, conjunction from what).
From what Do you expect greater results: from studying in a circle or from studying independently? ( interrogative pronoun What with a preposition)

6)since - since:
Because the
half the class was sick, the teacher had to postpone the explanation new topic(meaning of reason, conjunction because the).
"Because the since I have to repeat the same thing?" - the mother was angry (meaning of quantity, pronoun with a preposition).

7)therefore - according to this:
Before leaving the house the phone rang. It was an important call That's why I had to stay late (meaning of consequence, conjunction That's why).
That's why about don’t bother me anymore (the meaning of an indication, a noun with a preposition and a pronoun as a definition).

8) besides - besides:
He started doing business besides successfully (unions and And besides synonyms, they can be easily replaced with each other).
The mother enrolled her son in the sports section while club where she herself practiced swimming (meaning of indication, pronoun That with a preposition).

9) what does it have to do with:
He completed the task quickly and correct (conjunctions and And besides synonyms, they can be easily replaced).
He didn't understand what does it have to do with here he is, what is his fault (relative pronoun What with a preposition).

10) also - also:
you need to pay more attention to mathematics (meaning of addition, conjunction Also).
, like a year ago, he studied hard and was the best in class (meaning of comparison, adverb So with a particle same).

11) too - the same:
I Same I am interested in biology (meaning of accession, conjunction Same).
I try to do Same, like others, but I just can’t do it (meaning of indication, pronoun That and particle same).

12) so that - what would:
don’t get sick, dress for the weather (meaning of goal, conjunction to).
She was thinking to wear tonight (object meaning, relative pronoun What and particle would, would may be omitted).

13 ) so that - whatever:
Get busy to pass the exam better (goal meaning, conjunction to).
Whatever happened, don’t be sad (meaning of condition, combination with relative pronoun whatever).

  • Union to written together as opposed to a pronoun combination What with a particle would; in the latter case a particle would can be rearranged to another place in the sentence. For example:

    b) To Can you think of anything else like that?(cf.: What something else like that would come up with?); To no matter what happens, I will not leave him in trouble; I have no idea, to he did it in my place.

    Note. Combination through thick and thin written in six words.

  • Unions Same And Also written together as opposed to combinations Same(pronoun and particle) and Also(adverb and particle); both conjunctions are synonymous with the union And. Wed: You Same Have you vacationed in the Caucasus? - You Also Have you vacationed in the Caucasus? – AND Have you been on holiday in the Caucasus?

    When combined Same often stands for pronoun the most(a combination is formed the same), For example: The same thing happened every day.

    Behind the combination Same often follows allied word What, For example: Today is the same as yesterday. Behind the combination Also often followed by an adverb How, For example: We decided to spend the summer the same as last year(particle same can be omitted: We decided to spend the summer like last year).

    Note 1. Only in a broader context can one distinguish some sentences with combinations also - the same, also - the same. Wed:

    Rest Same shouted loudly(“and the others shouted loudly”). – The others screamed loudly Same (“they shouted the same thing loudly”).

    Teenagers Also Also– “and teenagers took part in the fight against the fascist occupiers”). – Teenagers Also bravely fought against the fascist occupiers(with an intonation pause after the word bravely- “they fought with the same courage”).

    Note 2. It's written smoothly Same as a particle, for example: Also my advisor!

  • Unions and And besides are written together, unlike combinations of a preposition with a pronoun: what does it have to do with And while.

    The indicated conjunctions have a connecting meaning (“in addition to this”), for example: The experiment was carried out successfully, and first; The speech is informative and besides interesting in form.

    Combination what does it have to do with used in interrogative sentences, for example: What does it have to do with is he here with his claims?

    Combination while defines the following noun, for example: Moreover the publishing house has a small printing house.

  • Union but, adverbs why, then, why, because, why, because, therefore, therefore, how much are written together in contrast to their consonant combinations of prepositions with pronouns. Wed:

    The climb up the mountain here is steep, but the road is beautiful. – The workers received a bonus for that that the repairs were completed three days ahead of schedule.

    For what raise vain hopes? – For what if you go, you will find it(proverb).

    He didn't talk about it then (not for that) to arouse our simple curiosity. – Following then a shot rang out(in combination after that three words).

    Then and came to get the information I needed(came for some purpose). – Then and came what I was looking for(came for some object).

    From what (Why) I love you, silent night?(Polonsky). – Was from what sadden(i.e. there was a reason, an object for this state).

    Misunderstandings often occur that's why (That's why), that people don't understand each other. – What happens next depends from that how the circumstances will turn out.

    Why (for what reason) Do you judge people so badly? – Why (by what criteria) do you judge the weather change?

    I just didn't recognize familiar places That's why that I haven't been here for a long time. – Changes in life cannot be judged only That's why what you see fleetingly.

    How much (at what price) Are potatoes on the market now? – Beaten for what horrible.

    Note 1. The question of continuous or separate writing in the case under consideration is sometimes determined by the context.

    Thus, the relationship between the question and the answer matters. Wed:

    A) For what did he come here? – To get the information you need(a goal expressed by an adverb For what);

    b) For what did he come here? – For the necessary information(an object that is expressed by a pronoun in combination with a preposition behind).

    In other cases, the answer is given by the correlation of homogeneous members. Wed:

    From regulars winds And that's why that it rarely rains in these places, the soil here is noticeably weathered(homogeneous circumstances of the cause; that's why– adverb);

    b) From the performance speaker and from that, what will be added in the debate, you can expect a lot of interesting things(homogeneous additions; from that- combination of a preposition with a pronoun).

    Note 2. In some cases, double interpretation of the text and double spelling are possible. Wed:

    A) That's why what he says(engages in conversation) of little use;

    b) From that what does he say(the content of his statements), of little use.

    Note 3. IN conversational style speeches there are constructions with spellings that deviate from the rule, for example: Why are you mad at me? - Yes That's why himself(separate spelling is explained by the presence of the word himself, acting as an intensifying particle).

  • Union So(in meaning introductory word“therefore”) is written together as opposed to a combination So(conjunction and adverb), for example: So, everything is over(Pushkin). – So every show ends.
  • § 62. Separate writing of conjunctions

    1. Explanatory conjunctions are written separately (without a hyphen) that is, I mean, For example: We drank as usual that is so many(Pushkin); The third day I mean this week, I tell the headman...(Sleptsov).
    2. Complex conjunctions are written separately because, since, so, in order to, whereas and etc.

    >>Russian language grade 7 >>Russian language: Integrated and separate writing of conjunctions

    Spelling conjunctions

    Conjunctions as, as if, because, that is, are written separately (in two words).
    Pay attention to the spelling of simple conjunctions and words homonymous with them.
    Conjunctions are also written together so that
    The same words are written separately (the same pronoun and the same particle)

    the same (adverb so and particle the same)

    that would (pronoun that and particle would)

    for that (preposition for and pronoun that)

    Explain the spelling of the highlighted words. What parts of speech are they?
    Remember: conjunctions too, also so that you need to distinguish from homonymous combinations the same, just as, in which particles can also be omitted. Unions too and can also be replaced by the union and, and the union so that - by the union in order to. Compare: The rain stopped, the wind also died down (... and the wind died down). - Complete the same task.
    1. The son was silent, the mother also looked at him silently. 2. Knowing and being able to are not the same thing. 3. Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster? Because he praises the Cuckoo (I. Krylov). 4. Now Marusya’s sad smile
    became as dear to me as my sister’s smile (V. Korolenko). 5. Just like an hour ago, snow was falling and the wind was whistling. 6. What should I sing to you? 7. There is nothing in the world that could separate me from my Motherland. 8. I came to talk. 9. There are few acacias in the school garden, but there are many fruit trees.

    Restore the sentences, place punctuation marks.
    ... but we saw the sunrise.
    ...for that tree.
    ... because it was very hot.
    ... along that path... .
    ... for a good harvest.
    ... no matter what they tell me.

    Write it down by opening the brackets and inserting the correct letters. Underline the conjunctions and explain their spelling.
    I have always loved and love the heat of our (short-term summer... It’s a sultry (mid) day. A wide pond, filled with grasses, (as if) sleeping in its sloping banks. Reeds ( s/n) stand (immobile), (because) there is complete (n/nn) silence around.
    The channels, clear of grass, shine like mirrors, but the rest of the water space is permeated with layers of (variably) shaped walls. Either (bright) green or (dark) colored leaves spread across the water. White and yellow water lilies, (that is) simply water lilies, stick out above the leaves and diversify the green carpet covering the surface of the pond.
    The fish seems to be standing under the shade of the grass, as it is so hot for it. Seeing tasty food, only for a moment it floats out to clean places, pierced sun rays, grab(s/e)t the prey and hurry(s/e)t under their green canopies.
    (According to S. Aksakov)

    Make it oral or written morphological analysis dedicated unions.
    In a birch grove
    In the birch grove it feels like spring. The white trunks of young trees shine brightly in the sun, and this makes everything around even brighter.
    The trees have not yet covered with leaves, but have already awakened. This is easy to verify. If you carefully cut a birch branch with a knife, light drops of sap will run out. This means that the roots of the trees have already begun to draw life-giving moisture from the soil and send it up the trunk to the branches.
    Soon the buds will swell at the ends of the branches, and then the trees will bloom and turn green with the first greenery of spring.
    (G. Skrebitsky)

    Morphological analysis of the union
    I. Part of speech. General meaning.

    II. Morphological characteristics:
    a) coordinating or subordinating,
    b) simple or compound.

    III. Syntactic role:
    is not part of the sentence.

    Sample parsing
    The shafts rustle and foam, and the forest grumbles (A. Pushkin).
    Oral analysis
    I. And - union; connects homogeneous members of a sentence.

    II. Coordinating, connecting, simple.
    III. Not a member of the proposal.

    Written analysis

    1. And - union.

    II. Op., com., simple.

    III. Not appearing member etc.

    N.F.Balandina, K.V. Degtyareva, S.A. Lebedenko, Russian language 7th grade

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    1. Union to written together as opposed to a combination to (pronoun and particle), for example: The editor met with the author and to (in order to) agree on changes made to the manuscript; Important, to people understood this; But: What ́ would Can you think of anything else like that?; What ́ would no matter what happens, I will not leave him in trouble; I have no idea, What ́ would he did in my place. Per pronoun What The logical stress falls, the conjunction so is unstressed.
    Note. Combination through thick and thin written in six words

    2. Unions Same And Also written together as opposed to combinations Same (pronoun with particle) and Also (adverb with particle); both conjunctions are synonymous with the union And. Wed: You Same Have you vacationed in the Caucasus? - You Also Have you vacationed in the Caucasus? - AND you were on vacation in the Caucasus!
    When combined Same often there are words - the most (a combination is formed the same) or one (a combination is formed same ), For example: Repeated daily Same (most) - Every time you have to listen to one thing and Same.
    Behind the combination Same often followed by a conjunctive word What , For example: Repeat Same, What you spoke yesterday.
    Behind the combination Also often followed by an adverb How , For example: We decided to spend the summer Also, How last year(particle same can be omitted: We decided to spend the summer So, How last year).
    Note. It's written smoothly Same as a particle, for example: Same my advisor!

    3. Unions and And besides are written together, unlike combinations of a preposition with a pronoun: what does it have to do with And at that.
    The indicated unions have a connecting meaning ( "in addition to this" ), For example: The experiment was carried out successfully, and first; The speech is informative and besides interesting in form.
    Combination what does it have to do with used in interrogative sentences, for example: What does it have to do with is he here with his claims?
    Combination while defines the following noun, for example: Moreover The publishing house has a small printing house.

    4. Union but, adverbs why, then, why, because, why, because, therefore, therefore, how much are written together in contrast to their consonant combinations of prepositions with pronouns. Wed:
    The climb up the mountain here is steep, but the road is beautiful. - The workers received a bonus for that that they exceeded the plan.
    For what raise vain hopes? - For what if you go, you will find it(proverb).
    He didn't talk about it then(not to) arouse simple curiosity in us. - Following then a shot rang out(in combination after that three words).
    Then and came to get the information I needed(came for some purpose). - Then and came what I was looking for(came for some object).
    From what (Why) I love you, silent night!(Polonsky). - Was from what sadden(i.e. there was a reason, an object for this state).
    Misunderstandings often occur that's why (That's why), that people don't understand each other. - What happens next depends from that how the circumstances turn out.
    Why (for what reason) Do you judge people so badly? - Why (by what criteria) do you judge the weather change?
    I just didn't recognize familiar places That's why that I haven't been here for a long time. - Changes in life cannot be judged only That's why that you see fleetingly.
    How much (at what price) Potatoes are on the market now! - Beaten for what horrible.
    Note 1. The question of continuous or separate writing in the case under consideration is sometimes determined by the context.
    Thus, the relationship between the question and the answer matters. Wed:
    A) For what he came here- To obtain the necessary information (the goal, which is expressed by the adverb For what);
    b) For what did he come here?- For the necessary information (the object that is expressed pronoun combined with a preposition behind ).
    In other cases, the answer is given by the correlation of homogeneous members. Wed:
    A) From constant winds and that's why that it rarely rains in these places, the soil here is noticeably weathered(homogeneous circumstances of the cause; that's why - adverb);
    b) From the speaker's speech and from that, what will be added to in the debate, you can expect a lot of interesting things(homogeneous additions; from that - combination pretext With pronoun ).

    Note 2. In some cases, double interpretation of the text and double spelling are possible. Wed:
    A) That's why, what he says(engages in conversation) of little use;
    b) From that, what he says(the content of his statements), of little use.

    Note 3. In the colloquial style of speech there are constructions with spellings that deviate from the rule, for example. - Why are you mad at me? - Yes That's why himself(the separate spelling is explained by the presence of the word itself, which acts as an intensifying particle).

    5. Union So (in the meaning of the introductory word "hence" ) is written together as opposed to a combination So (conjunction and adverb), for example: So, everything is over(Pushkin). - So ends every time.

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