Writing names in Chinese. Russian names in Chinese. Origin of the name Svetlana

As a Chinese language teacher, I often encounter the question from students “how to say my name in Chinese?” The logic of this question is quite clear to me, firstly the topic “what is your name?” found in one of elementary lessons, and, quite naturally, the student would like to introduce himself in Chinese. Secondly, most students at the Kitailanguage school have already learned English language and, with relative ease, they picked up English equivalents of the Russian name.

However, choose for yourself Chinese name– the task is more complex than it seems at first glance. There are several ways. You can simply select hieroglyphs that sound as close as possible to the name in the original.

Many online resources offer to translate the name into Chinese.

So Anastasia will become 阿娜斯塔西娅 ā nà sī tǎ xī yà And na sy ta si ya

Sergey 谢尔盖 хiè ěr gài Se er gay

Ekaterina 叶卡特丽娜 yè kǎ tè lì nà E ka te li na

Vladimir 弗拉基米尔 fú lā jī mǐ ěr Fu la ji mi er

Svetlana 斯韦特拉娜 sīwéitèlānà Sy wei te la na

However, from my point of view, this method is far from the best.

To explain why, I would like to make a small digression and talk a little about Chinese names. Chinese full names mostly consist of three characters, the first of which is the surname and the other two are the given name. Each hieroglyph is read as one syllable. For example, Mao Zedong or Deng Xiaoping. It happens that full name consists of only two hieroglyphs. But there are very rare cases when there are more than three hieroglyphs in a name.

So, compared to most Chinese names, translated “long” names sound, at least, strange. If you insist and introduce yourself to the Chinese, for example, as Konstantin Ivanov 康斯坦丁.

伊凡诺夫 kāng sī tǎn dīng yī fán nuò fū, then most likely the Chinese, practical by nature, will immediately give a “nickname” to a Russian acquaintance and he will turn into 小康 xiǎo kāng (little Kan) or something similar.

The second option for purchasing a Chinese name is to ask a Chinese person you know to choose a name for you. In my opinion, this is a smarter approach to choosing your Chinese name.

However, even here there are pitfalls. A lot of students who come to China for language practice receive Chinese names from their teacher. And here there is a chance of getting a beautiful Chinese name from a native speaker. However, it may happen that a busy teacher will not particularly think and carefully choose a name for you. And it may not completely suit you. For example, I was offered to somehow be 马莉 (horse - jasmine). I didn’t really like it; I didn’t really want to be called a horse.

It would not be amiss to do some preliminary work and become familiar with the reading and meaning of hieroglyphs often found in names.

Here are some examples of hieroglyphs for male names

wěi great
hǎi sea
ming clear
guāng light
kǎi triumphal
jiā excellent
de moral
yong endless
hào boundless
耀 yào brilliant
yong brave
shì century, life
dān red, sincere
jìn move forward, go forward
long the Dragon
ze pond, lake
fēng mountain peak
a spear
cháo [imperial] court
zhōng loyalty
run receive favors
hào light
zhēng go on a campaign (war)
xiong leader, leader
yàn highly educated person
yuè jump, rush
yǐn manage
ability, talent
the rising sun; radiant

And women's names

měi beautiful, wonderful
fāng fragrant
shū virtuous
yún cloud
zhēn pearl
juān elegant
xìu flowering
xīn heart
xǔe snow
zhì pursuit
yàn martin
hong red
bǎo jewel
qīng clean, bright
xīng star
yáo best jade
yàn sparks; flame
qín musical instrument qin
Lián lotus
yóu special
fēi princess
long a jade tablet with a dragon carved on it (used when praying for rain)
imposing; majestic
long flexible; mobile
jùn graceful, elegant
court lady
fèng phoenix
é gorgeous
chen chen (fifth cyclic sign of twelve); Dragon sign

If you already have a couple of ideas, it may be easier for your Chinese friend to come up with a name for you.

To choose a surname, I recommend that you refer to the list of “100 most common surnames”. Most Chinese people have surnames from this list.

After you make your choice, I would recommend “testing” your name several times and looking at the reaction of the interlocutor. The fact is that Chinese names are based on historical and cultural heritage country, which is very difficult for a non-native speaker to experience. So, if it seems to you that the reaction to your name is not entirely adequate, perhaps you should reconsider the chosen option.

Examples of real Chinese names can also serve as a basis for inspiration and choosing a Chinese name. Try to choose the one you like and match it with the last name from the list.

Choosing a Chinese name, from my point of view, is not a matter of two or three minutes. But the result - a beautiful Chinese name that is not ashamed to introduce itself to the Chinese and acquaintances from Russia, is undoubtedly worth the effort spent on it.

Russian names in Chinese- the topic of this article. Many students of Chinese are interested in how their variants sound and are written. Russian names in Chinese. How to write your own Russian name in Chinese? Russians names in Chinese characters sometimes they are the most popular and interesting symbolic decoration of the body; nowadays people are very willing to translate their Russian names into Chinese characters, the meaning of which is not always clear to everyone. Many people are interested in how their Russian names are written and sounded. Chinese. When translating Russian names into Chinese, the sounds are transcribed, i.e. sounds that are more similar to the original are selected. Russian names in Chinese are so little similar to Chinese that even in their modified “Chinese” version they seem too long and cumbersome to the Chinese. Russian names in Chinese are written according to their pronunciation. Therefore, those who live, work, study in China often have Russian names in Chinese, which are given more based on character traits rather than phonetic correspondences. In other words, hieroglyphs that sound similar are selected, and therefore Russian names in Chinese do not carry a semantic load. There are also many programs with which you can get your Russian name in Chinese. For example, with the help of some programs you can find more than 100 Russian names in Chinese, some of them are given in both full and abbreviated form. Chinese characters attractive because they also have a hidden magic. Usually, when translating Russian names into Chinese, the sounds of the names are transcribed by selecting those that sound more similar to the original ones. Since the Chinese language has a limited number of sounds, a Russian name in Chinese sometimes sounds little like the original. When transcribing Russian names into Chinese, sometimes hieroglyphs are selected that indicate belonging to the male or female gender. Very often, Russian female names in Chinese use hieroglyphs with meanings such as kindness, beauty and prosperity. In male names, hieroglyphs are more often used to denote wealth, strength and luck. When translating Russian names into Chinese, hieroglyphs are also selected that reflect the most striking character traits of a person. The same sound in Chinese can be written in completely different characters. This means that the same Russian name can be written in Chinese various options hieroglyphs, and you yourself can choose the most suitable option for you. Below we have given a small list of Russian names in Chinese.

Russian names in Chinese


Alexandra (protector) – 保护人 – Bao-hu-ren

Alena (scarlet) - 猩红 – Sin-hun

Alice (noble image) - 高形象 – Gao-hsing-xiang

Alla, Alina (other) 另一种 – Ling-i-chun

Anastasia (resurrected) - 复活 – Fu-huo

Anna (grace) - 恩典 – En-dian

Antonina (spatial) – 空间 – Kun-dzian

Anfisa (blooming) - 開花 – Kai-hua

Valentina (strong) - 强 – Cian

Barbara (cruel) - 残忍 – Tsang-ren

Vasilisa (royal) - 富豪 – Fu-hao

Faith (faith) - 信仰 – Xin-yang

Victoria (winner) - 胜利者 – Shan-li-zha

Galina (clear) - 明晰 – Ming-si

Daria (great fire) – 大火 – Da-huo

Eva (live) – 活 – Hova

Eugenia (noble) – 高贵 – Gao-gui

Catherine (pure) - 净 – Jin

Elena (sunny) - 太阳能 – Tai-yang-Nen

Elizabeth (who worships God) - 敬畏神 – Jin-wei Sheng

Zinaida (born of God) - 从神生 – Tsung-shen-sheng

Zoya (life) - 生活 – Shen-Hova

Inna (stormy stream) – 湍流 –Tuan-liu

Irina (anger) - 愤怒 – Feng-nu

Karina (dear) - 亲爱的 Qin-ai-(de)

Kira (mistress) - 夫人 – Fu-ren

Claudia (limping) - 跛 –Boa

Ksenia (alien) - 陌生人 – Mo-shen-ren

Larisa (seagull) – 海鸥 – Hai-ou

Lydia (sad song) - 悲伤的歌 – Beishan-da-guo

Lily (lily) -百合 – Bai-hee

Love (love) - 爱 – Ai

Lyudmila (sweetheart) - 甜 – Tian

Margarita (pearl) - 珍珠Zhen-zhu

Marina (sea) - 海事 – Hai-shi

Maria (bitter) - 苦 – Kuu

Nadezhda (hope) - 希望 – Si-wan

Natalya (born, native) - 出生 – Chu-sheng, 本机 – Ben-ji

Nelly (clove) 丁香 - Ding-sian

Nina (queen) - 女王 – New-wan

Oksana (hospitable) - 荒凉 – Huang-Lian

Olesya (forest) - 林业 – Lin-e

Olga (saint) – 圣 – Shan

Polina (peacock) - 孔雀 – Kon-chue

Raisa (light) – 容易 – Zhon-ghyi

Svetlana (light) – 光 – Guan

Seraphim (flaming snake) - 火龙 – Huo-long

Snezhana (snowy) – 雪 – Schue

Sophia (wise) - 明智 – Ming-zhi

Tamara (palm) - 棕榈 – Tsong-li

Tatyana (opposing) -反对 – Fan-dui

Ulyana (happiness) - 幸福 – Xing-fu

Julia (July) - 七月 – Qi-yue

Yana (God's grace) - 神的怜悯 – Shen da Lian-ming


Alexander (defender) - 辩护人 – Bian-hu ren

Alexey (assistant) ― 助理 – Zhu-li

Anatoly (east) - 东 – Don

Andrey (courageous) – 男子气 – Nan-qi chi

Anton (competitor) – 竞争 – Jing-chang

Arkady (happy country) – 幸运国 – Xin-gyun guo

Artem (unharmed) - 安然无恙 – An-ran-wu-yan

Arthur (big bear) 大熊 – Da-siun

Bogdan (given by God) -上帝赋予 –Shang-di fu-yu

Boris (wrestling) – 战斗 – Zhan-dou

Vadim (proving) ― 证明 – Zheng-ming

Valentine (healthy) - 健康 – Jian-kan

Valery (cheerful) – 强力 – Qian-li

Basil (royal) – 富豪 – Fu-hao

Benjamin (beloved son) - 最喜欢儿子 – Tsui-si huan-ar-qi

Victor (winner) – 胜利者 – Shang-li zha

Vitaly (life) – 重要 – Zhong-gyao

Vladimir (ruler of the world) – 领主世 – Ling-chu shi

Vladislav (owner of fame) 挥舞荣耀 – Hui-wu run-gyao

Vyacheslav (illustrious) – 杰出 – Jie-chhu

Gennady – (highborn) – 温和 – Wen-hea

Georgy, Egor (farmer) – 农夫 – Nun-fu

Gleb (block) - 块状 – Kuai zhuang

Gregory (not sleeping) - 不睡觉 – Bu Shui-jiao

Daniel (God's judgment) - 法院神 – Fa-yuan sheng

Demyan – (conqueror) – 征服者 – Zheng-fu zha

Denis – (dedicated to wine) – 致力于怪 – Zhi-li you guai

Dmitry (earthly fruit) – 果地球 – Guo di-qiu

Eugene (noble) - 高贵 – Gao-gui

Ivan, Yang – (the grace of God) - 神恩典 – Sheng an-dian

Igor – (fertile) – 富饶 – Fu-lao

Ilya – (the fortress of the Lord) - 丰泽嘉宾 – Fun-tsu dzyabin

Kirill – (lord) - 主 – Zhu

Constantine (permanent) - 永久 – Yun-jiou

Leo (lion) – 狮子 – Shih Qi

Leonidas (son of the lion) – 儿子是狮子 – Ar-qi shi shi-qi

Maxim (very big) - 非常大 – Fei-chan yes

Michael (like god) - 像上帝 – Xian shang-di

Nikita (victorious) - 胜利 – Shan-li

Nicholas (victory of the people) - 人民的胜利 – Ren-min da shang-li

Oleg (sacred) - 光神圣 – Guan Shen-shan

Pavel (small) - 小 – Siao

Peter (stone) - 石 – Shi

Roman (Roman) - 罗马 – Luo-ma

Ruslan (solid lion) - 固体狮子 – Gu-ti shi-qi

But there is nothing to be happy about here. But there is something to be horrified about. The fact is that compared to the United States, China's population is five times larger. Today, the United States consumes a third of the world's energy. This means that the day is not far off when China will catch up with America and together they will begin to consume twice as much energy as they have.

India is only slightly behind China in terms of economic growth and population. Taking into account all other energy consuming countries, we can conclude that in the near future there will be an acute shortage of energy resources. This will happen much sooner with food. Hungry crowds from the poorest countries will rush to still well-fed countries and, above all, to Europe and America. Apparently, the flow of hungry people will not bypass Russia either.

This development of events is fraught with unpredictable consequences. Fear of hordes of strangers, ready to do anything for a handful of food, will inevitably cause a surge of xenophobia - hatred of strangers. From here there is a direct road to the formation of strict authoritarian regimes based on power structures. Forceful methods of conflict resolution will not stop within state borders. And some of the "potential adversaries", such as India and Pakistan, have nuclear weapons at their disposal...

Unfortunately, the likelihood of events developing according to such a scenario is growing day by day. We often hear predictions about the imminent end of the world. Usually it must come from somewhere outside and bothers many people. This fear is quite understandable, because we are afraid of being harmed by forces of nature beyond our control. However, the catastrophic situation unfolding before our eyes is entirely the work of our own, human hands. But it turns out that we are not able to influence here either.

Everyone sees the impending disaster, but no one agrees to limit their desire for enrichment in any way. The responsibility to take specific measures always rests with neighbors. The enlightened world prefers to simply ignore the danger. What will happen to us?

The book of ancient wisdom - the Book of Zohar, hidden for two millennia, was revealed to us not by chance in these days. The book describes the situation of the time when humanity, facing an impending catastrophe, finds itself at a crossroads. For the first time, the people who had become one global family had the opportunity to choose their own destiny. The path to the left is the path of “natural” development. This is the path that led dinosaurs to extinction. They had no other choice. They simply no longer fit into the development program of Nature. Can we avoid their fate?

To do this, you need to choose the path to the right. This will allow us to bring humanity into conformity with the laws of Nature. From an unlimited desire to receive only for oneself and at the expense of others, to functioning in the likeness of a healthy organism, living according to the principle “one for all, and all for one.” Each of the “cells,” that is, each of us, must take responsibility for this transition. Will show us the way to the only right path ancient book Zohar.

Associations for hieroglyphs denoting cardinal directions. I put on the Japanese readings because I remember them, but the Chinese ones confuse me. Moreover, I studied modern Chinese, and the Japanese have both hieroglyphs and what they consider to be Chinese reading them - quite different from what is happening in communist Mandarin. That is, the habit of reading Japanese text in Putonghua is something that must be categorically broken - it seems that a lot is clear, but in fact I read it incorrectly and understand it a little wrong, the meanings are also often shifted.

kita, north
Well, it’s clear that the Chukchi is leaning against a pine tree (the Chukchi is on the right), and his arms are up, because he’s waving his arms and warming himself.

minami, south
Under the lid there is a hieroglyph for “ram”, so I have two associations:
1) the dude stuffed a sheep into his belly and lies there doing nothing, it’s the south, you don’t need to do anything :)
2) since the ram in Mandarin is yang, that is, just like the sun, we can also say that the guy swallowed the southern sun and is happy about it.

higashi, east
A cross on his head - because he is a Christian. In the middle there is a square with a line - narrow-eyed (it also resembles the hieroglyph “eye”). Below there are two legs symmetrically - harmonious. This type of harmonious, deeply religious oriental narrow-eyed person.


nishi, west
A cannon sticks out of the water, pointed to the right (to the east), that is, such a vile salamander, directed forward, crawls out of the ocean and let’s shoot at the harmonious eastern man :). In addition, the bottom resembles hieroglyph 4, that is, “all four cardinal directions will serve the West” (the roof is on top, that is, “under our roof”).

Svetlana's advantages are neatness and sociability. She has a deep, contradictory nature and loves to command.

The name Svetlana itself speaks about its meaning - “bright”.

Origin of the name Svetlana:

The name Svetlana has Slavic roots. It comes from the words “light”, “bright”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Svetlana:

Since childhood, Svetlana has been ambitious and values ​​herself highly. They strive for leadership among their peers. Parents often support these aspirations in them; Svetlana’s houses are often “little princesses”; they are praised and pampered. But Svetlana does not have any special talents; it is difficult to call them very gifted. To succeed in their studies, they require considerable perseverance, which their more talented peers can do without. However, Svetlana knows how to present herself and often receives high marks due to her liveliness and self-confidence. Stands out among friends strong character, quickly ensures that her opinion is taken into account. In his youth he strives to look impressive, but often goes too far.

Svetlana finds herself in social activities and connections with people. She is a good organizer, knows how to command, and is capable of both winning over soft people and irritating strong and independent individuals. A sincere extrovert, she has problems understanding someone else's personal space; she can make the intimate life of strangers the subject of general discussion. She treats discussions of her personality mockingly; gossip does not frighten her.

If Svetlana gets tired at work, she becomes uncompromising, overly demanding and despotic, and sometimes violates her official authority. She is logical and capable of accepting reasoned arguments, admits her mistakes, but does not like to formally apologize. Busy with what she loves, Svetlana is sensitive and diplomatic, plans her time well, knows how and loves to earn a lot. He tries to shift the job he doesn’t like to someone else. She values ​​spiritual kinship and transforms with close people - she becomes soft and gentle.

Svetlana’s personal life always goes well. They know how to attract attention and have no shortage of fans. Sometimes the clothes chosen are flashy, but they rarely descend into outright bad taste. They are mobile and flexible, the secret of their beauty lies in the harmony and attractiveness of their body. In men, Svetlana values ​​\u200b\u200bnot appearance, but character, sexual experience and similarity to herself. She is not influenced by public opinion, she is not afraid of bold relationships and sexual experiments. She is distrustful and does not like to obey, but an intelligent and tactful man can always melt her coldness with hugs and kind words.

Svetlana will never start a family unless she is absolutely sure that it is necessary. She builds her own happiness. If her youthful maximalism has already been replaced by mature diplomacy, she will be able to avoid disputes with her husband and conflicts with her mother-in-law. In the house she likes to control everything - from cooking and repairs to raising children. It is unthinkable that an important family discussion would take place without Svetlana. She rationally plans her budget, not missing the opportunity to once again pamper herself and her loved ones with unexpected pleasant little things.

Igor, Oleg, Evgeniy, Vladimir, Eduard and Bogdan suit her well as partners; marriages with Gleb, Alexander and Stanislav are rarely successful.

“Winter” and “autumn” Svetlanas are balanced and calm. “Spring” people are frivolous, lack taste and sense of proportion, and are always a little “excessive.” Those born in summer have a stormy and complex personal life.

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