The population of the village is Vinzili. Head of Vinzilinsky municipality

Village Vinzily is in Tyumen region, 29 kilometers from Tyumen. The village is located on the left bank of the Pyshma River. In the middle of Vinzili lies the round lake Tyulkino, and several other similar reservoirs are scattered in the surrounding area. A branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway and a section of the Tyumen-Omsk federal highway pass through Vinzili.


According to one version, the bends of the river were called monograms, for which the Pyshma River is famous in this area. Another version says that the toponym is of Turkic origin and means “wreath”.

In 1913, the Trans-Siberian Railway was laid here. The village began with a bridge over the river, a switchman's hut, a water tower, and the houses of a forester and a guard on duty. Nowadays this is Vokzalnaya Street - the oldest in Vinzili. After the Civil War, the development of the timber industry began here, and a settlement grew around the railway platform.

In the 1930s, a brick and sleeper factory, as well as a school, were opened. After the war - a timber processing plant, a silicate products plant, a glass factory, and infrastructure facilities.

Vinzilinskoe municipal district

Administration address

625530, Tyumen region, Tyumen district, Vinzili village, lane. Oktyabrsky, 2
Email: [email protected]

Coat of arms

About Vinzilinsky municipal district

total area municipality, which includes one locality- the village of Vinzili, is 8,787 hectares. About 13 thousand people live here. The village is located 27 km southeast of Tyumen, on the banks of the Pyshma River. Within the village there is Lake Tyulkinskoye, and in the forest zone of the Moscow Region there are two more - Bugrimskoye and Kartyma.

At the beginning of the last century, there was a pine forest on the territory of modern Vinzili. In 1913, a road was built through the centuries-old forest. Railway Trans-Siberian Railway, the whistle of a steam locomotive, breaking the silence, announced the birth of the village. In a short time, a railway bridge across Pyshma, a switchman's hut, a wooden water tower, a house for the guard on duty and a forester were built. The first streets of the village were Vokzalnaya and Zheleznodorozhnaya.

Vinzili's very favorable location and rich forests predetermined the development of the timber industry. The timber was floated down the river, pulled ashore by hand, and then transported on horseback to the platforms - fortunately, the railroad was nearby. The nightmares are over civil war, the country needed steel highways, and sleeper-cutting machines were installed on the banks of the Pyshma, and subsequently a sleeper plant was formed.

In 1935, 250 people lived in Vinzili. The sleeper plant worked in three shifts, producing up to a thousand sleepers per day. In 1937, a small brick factory appeared. And a year before that it was built Primary School(previously the children studied in the village of Kilkee). In 1940, a seven-year school opened its doors, which during the war became Lesosplavskaya Secondary School.

In 1946, a timber mill was put into operation in Vinzili. In 1958, it was already a reputable timber plant, producing timber, boards, furniture, and building panel houses: it was necessary to provide housing for the developers of hydrocarbon deposits in the Tyumen North.

The region is developing dynamically, construction is underway everywhere - sand-lime brick is needed. High-quality sand and clay were found near Vinzili. In 1965, the silicate products plant (ZSI) produced its first products. Five-story brick houses appear in the village, high school for 920 places, a dormitory for factory workers, kindergarten, new shop. In 1970, patients were admitted to the new building of the Vinzilinsky district hospital.

In 1975, a glass factory came into operation, two years later - a vocational school with a dormitory. In 1981, an expanded clay gravel plant started operating, a little later - a ceramic wall materials plant (VZKSM), the Tyumennerud enterprise was formed, which began to develop sand and clay quarries. In the early 90s, three eight-story boarding houses were built for workers of ZSKiD (as the Pyshminsky timber plant became known).

As of January 1, 2017, the population is 12,920 people.

The population employed in the economy is 5,945 people.

The number of pensioners is 3,571 people.

The number of students is 1,489 people.

Head of Vinzilinsky municipal formation

Osipova Elena Vladimirovna
Born on March 9, 1974 in the village of Antipayuta Tazovsky district Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Tyumen region.
In 1991 she graduated from school No. 13 in the city of Tyumen.
In 1994, he graduated from medical college with a degree in obstetrics.
In 2000 - Faculty of Biology of Tyumen state university majoring in Biology, qualification - biologist.
In 2004, he graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Tyumen State University with a degree in Psychology, qualification - psychologist, teacher of psychology.
In the Tyumenneftegaz medical unit as a nurse.
At the Tyumen Bureau of Forensic Medicine, he worked as a laboratory assistant in the forensic biological department, then in the genetic department.
In open (shift) school No. 79 in Tyumen as a teacher-psychologist.
Since 2001, he has been a teacher-psychologist at the Antipayutinskaya boarding school in the Tazovsky district of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
In 2004, she joined the Tyumen regional branch of the All-Russian political party “United Russia” as the chief specialist of the public relations and media department.
In January 2006, she was hired by the administration of Tyumen municipal district Head of the Media Relations Department of the Information Policy Department. She worked in the district administration for almost 10 years.
On October 27, 2015, she was elected head of the Nizhnepyshminsky municipal formation.
On November 1, 2017, she was accepted to the position of deputy head of the administration of the municipal formation of the village of Vinzili, and from November 3, acting head.
On April 26, 2018, she was elected by deputies of the Duma of the Vinzili Municipal District to the position of head of the administration.
In October 2019, she was elected head of the Vinzilinsky municipal district.
Medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations “For Diligence”, certificates of honor and letters of gratitude from the Head of the Tyumen region
He has the title “Honorary Donor of Russia”.
Married, has a daughter.

IO A country Russia Russia Subject of the federation Tyumen region Municipal district Tyumen district Rural settlement Municipal entity Vinzili village History and geography Based 1948 First mention Village with 1948 Square 8,787 ha km² Timezone UTC+5 Population Population ▲ 12,989 people (01/01/2017) Digital IDs Telephone code +7 8 3452 Postal codes 625530 OKATO code 71 244 555 OKTMO code 71 644 416 101

Vinzili- a village (in 1948-2009 - an urban-type settlement) in the Tyumen district of the Tyumen region. Located on the Pyshma River, 29 km from Tyumen, the railway station of the Sverdlovsk Railway.

As of January 1, 2017, the population is 12,989 people.


At the beginning of the last century, there was a pine forest on the territory of modern Vinzili. In 1913, the Trans-Siberian railway was built through the centuries-old forest; the whistle of a steam locomotive, breaking the silence, announced the birth of the village. In a short time, a railway bridge across Pyshma, a switchman's hut, a wooden water tower, a house for the guard on duty and a forester were built. The first street was named Vokzalnaya in 1912. Here, among a dense pine forest, stood a stone house and a wooden water tower for refueling steam locomotives

Vinzili's very favorable location and rich forests predetermined the development of the timber industry. The timber was floated down the river, pulled ashore by hand, and then transported on horseback to the platforms - fortunately, the railroad was nearby. The nightmares of the civil war ended, the country needed steel highways, and sleeper cutting machines were installed on the banks of the Pyshma, and subsequently a sleeper plant was established.

In 1935, 250 people lived in Vinzili. The sleeper plant worked in three shifts, producing up to a thousand sleepers per day. In 1937, a small brick factory appeared. And a year before that, an elementary school was built (previously, the children studied in the village of Kilkee). In 1940, a seven-year school opened its doors, which during the war became Lesosplavskaya Secondary School.

In 1946, a timber mill was put into operation in Vinzili. In 1958, it was already a reputable timber plant, producing timber, boards, furniture, and building panel houses: it was necessary to provide housing for the developers of hydrocarbon deposits in the Tyumen North.

The region is developing dynamically, construction is underway everywhere - sand-lime brick is needed. High-quality sand and clay were found near Vinzili. In 1965, the silicate products plant (ZSI) produced its first products. Five-story brick houses, a secondary school with 920 places, a dormitory for factory workers, a kindergarten, and a new store appeared in the village. In 1970, patients were admitted to the new building of the Vinzilinsky district hospital.

In 1975, a glass factory came into operation, two years later - a vocational school with a dormitory. In 1981, an expanded clay gravel plant started operating, a little later - a ceramic wall materials plant (VZKSM), the Tyumennerud enterprise was formed, which began to develop sand and clay quarries. In the early 90s, three eight-story boarding houses were built for workers of ZSKiD (as the Pyshminsky timber plant became known).

origin of name

There is a version that the name comes from the Turkic “monogram”, or “vinzili”, which means wreath. There is also a version that the village received its name due to the fact that the Pyshma River makes more than 40 bends in the village. They used to be called monograms.

Coat of arms

Coat of arms of Vinzilinsky rural settlement.

“In the green-azure field, dividing it is a narrow lenkavitsa with pointed loops at the ends. The shield is crowned with a crown of the established pattern.

The silver belt, repeatedly broken, with loops at its tops represents a winding river, “flowing like a monogram.” Through its similarity with monogram monograms, this figure can also be considered as a vowel in relation to the name of the MO. Blue color The fields are taken from the coat of arms of the Tyumen district, and the greenery symbolizes natural purity and agriculture."


  • Average annual air temperature - 2.7 °C
  • Relative humidity - 68.5%
  • Average wind speed - 3.1 m/s
Climate Vinziley
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Average temperature, °C −13,7 −13,2 −7,2 3,0 12,4 18,7 20,2 17,1 10,7 3,4 −7,3 −12,6 2,7
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