Presentation on the topic simple future tense. Presentation in English "ways of expressing the future tense." Future simple tense

Lesson Plan

1.Lesson topic: "The Future Simple Tense".

2.Lesson type: repetition and generalization of the studied material.

3.Purpose: development of grammatical skills.

4. Repetition of lexical units.

Affirmative sentences in Future Simple Tense

To compose affirmative sentences, we use the auxiliary verb - will.

For example:

I will go to school tomorrow

(I will go to school tomorrow);

He will play tennis next week

(He will play tennis next week)

Interrogative sentences in the Future Simple.

We use the verb will, but we put it on first place in a sentence.

For example:

Will you go to school tomorrow?

(Will you go to school tomorrow?)

Negations in the Future Simple

To form a negation, we add the particle not to the auxiliary verb will.

Will + not = will not \ won’t

For example:

He will not play tennis next week

(He won't play tennis next week)

I won't go to school tomorrow

(I won't go to school tomorrow)

Form affirmative sentences

1.I (to go) to school tomorrow.

2.She (to play) chess tomorrow.

3.They (to play) football next week.

4.He (to read) a book tomorrow


Teacher, snake, collect, unexpectedly, because, can't wait for the trip, wait, letter, travel, camp, collection, zoo, cave, river, mountain, lake, station, forest, stadium, go shopping, sweater, jeans, umbrella, shorts.

  • Will, Bob, football, play, tomorrow.
  • go, He, will, to school.
  • I, go, will, Russia to.
  • will, She, stay, at home.

  • 1.I will stay at home.
  • 2.She will read this book.
  • 3. He will do your homework.
  • 4. They will go to the theater tomorrow.

  • M n o u t a n i
  • O o z
  • F o s r e t
  • R i e v r
  • C v a e
  • J a e n s
  • U m r b e l a l



4th grade

MBOU gymnasium No. 44, Ulyanovsk

Maltseva Tatyana Sergeevna

When is it used? Future Simple is used to express one-time or successive actions in the future.

How is it formed?

Subject(who/what performs the action)

main verb(without changing shape)

How to translate? Will it is possible to translate into Russian, as I will, I will, I will, however, its translation into Russian is not always necessary. I will go to school with my friend. I will go to school with my friend. I will go to school. I'll go to school.

Future Simple satellite words: Circumstances of the time - tomorrow - tomorrow - the day after tomorrow - the day after tomorrow - Next ... – to the next(next week - next week, next month - next month, next year - next year, next Monday - next Monday) - In a day - every other day (in a week - in a week, in a month (year) - in a month (year) In three days - in three days In ten days - in ten days

Affirmative form: Kate will go to school tomorrow.


Auxiliary verb WILL

Semantic verb in I form


circumstance of time

Negative form: Kate won't go to school tomorrow.


Semantic verb in I form


circumstance of time

Auxiliary verb WILL

Shortened forms of Future Simple:

Affirmative form:

Negative form:

will = 'll

will not = won't

I will go = I'll go

I will not go = I won’t go

We will go = We'll go

We will not go = We won’t go

You will go = You'll go

You will not go = You won’t go

He will go = He'll go

He will not go = He won’t go

She will not go = She won’t go

She will go = She'll go

It will go = It’ll go

It will not go = It won’t go

They will not go = They won’t go

They will go = They'll go

General question: Will Kate go to school tomorrow?


Auxiliary verb WILL

Semantic verb in I form


circumstance of time

A short answer to a common question: Will Kate go to school tomorrow? Yes, she will. / No, she won’t.

Special questions: Who? - Who? /Where? - Where? Where? / When? - When? / Why? Why? / How? - How? / What? - What? Which? When will Kate go to school?


Auxiliary verb WILL

Semantic verb in I form


Question word

Task 1: Place the words in the correct order, following the rule for forming the Future Simple: 1. go to school/ I/ will/ tomorrow. 2. will / next week / dance / you. 3. he / the day after tomorrow / play chess / will. 4. on Monday /will/ skip/ we. 5. will/ they /next Tuesday/ sing.

Task 1: Answer: Task 2: Write the short form of the verb will in the sentences you make up.

Task 3: Make up negative sentences in complete and short form: 1. I will go to school tomorrow. 2. You will dance next week. 3. He will play chess the day after tomorrow. 4. We will skip on Monday. 5. They will sing next Tuesday.

Task 3: Answer: 1. I will not go to school tomorrow. / I won’t go to school tomorrow. 2. You will not dance next week. /You won’t dance next week. 3. He will not play chess the day after tomorrow. /He won’t play chess the day after tomorrow. 4. We will not skip on Monday. /We won’t skip on Monday. 5. They will not sing next Tuesday. /They won’t sing next Tuesday.

Task 4: Ask general questions and write short answers to the questions: 1. I will go to school tomorrow. 2. You will dance next week. 3. He will play chess the day after tomorrow. 4. We will skip on Monday. 5. They will sing next Tuesday.

Task 5: Ask specific questions (use different question words for each question): 1. I will go to school tomorrow. 2. You will dance next week. 3. He will play chess the day after tomorrow. 4. We will skip on Monday. 5. They will sing next Tuesday.

Task 6: 1. I'll go to the cinema tomorrow. 2. He will play the guitar tomorrow. 3. Lena will sing songs next week. 4. They will read books next Saturday. 5. We will be swimming next month. 6. Max and Alex will play football in 2 days. 7. She will do homework day after tomorrow. 8. Mike will go to school tomorrow.

Task 6: Answers: 1. I will go to the cinema tomorrow. 2. He will play guitar tomorrow. 3. Lena will sing songs next week. 4. They will read books next Saturday. 5. We will swim next month. 6. Max and Alex will play football in two days. 7. She will do homework the day after tomorrow. 8. Mike will go to school tomorrow.

Task 7: Translate from Russian into English: 1. Will you listen to music tomorrow? 2. Will she write a letter next Saturday? 3. What will he do in two days? 4. Where will they go next week? 5. When will Anya clean her room? 6. How will Anya help her mother? 7. Will you go to school tomorrow? 8. Will he read a book next Friday?

Task 7: Answers: 1. Will you listen to music tomorrow? 2. Will she write a letter next Saturday? 3. What will he do in two days? 4. Where will they go next week? 5. When will Ann clean her room? 6. How will Ann help her mother? 7. Will you go to school tomorrow? 8. Will he read a book next Friday?

Task 8: Translate from Russian into English: 1. We won't go to the forest next Saturday. 2. He won't swim tomorrow. 3. Lena and Alex will not go to the park next week. 4. She won't read the book the day after tomorrow. 5. I won't eat after six. 6. We won't play tennis tomorrow. 7. You won't drink orange juice.

Task 8: Answers: 1. We won’t go to the forest next Saturday. 2. He won’t swim tomorrow. 3. Lena and Alex won’t go to the park next week. 4. She won’t read a book the day after tomorrow. 5. I won’t eat after 6 p.m. 6. We won’t play tennis tomorrow. 7. You won’t drink apple juice.

The Future Simple tense is formed using the auxiliary verb will ( distinguishing feature all tenses of the Future group) for all persons and numbers of the infinitive of the semantic verb without the particle to: auxiliary verb of the infinitive I will work. We will work. You will work. He (she, it) will work. They will work. To form the first person Future Simple, you can also use the auxiliary verb shall. But now this auxiliary verb is used less and less. I shall work. We shall work.

It is formed using the auxiliary verbs shall (in the first person) and will (in the second and third person). In the American version of the language will is used in all persons. In modern British language, it is acceptable to use both shall and will in the 1st person. More often they are not distinguishable, since in speech and writing they are shortened to “ll. I shall/will go (I`ll go); He will go (He`ll go); She will go (She`ll go); Example : We shall/will talk about it tomorrow = We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Formed by adding will to the auxiliary verb (in the first person shall) negative particle not/n"t: I shall/will not go (I`ll not go, I shan`t/won`t go); He will not go (He`ll not go, He won`t go); Example: He won`t get the job = He won't get the job.

Tomorrow - tomorrow; next week - next week; next year - next year; in a week - in a week; in a few days - in a few days; some day - someday; one of these days - the other day (in relation to the future). For example: I shall be free tonight = I will be free tonight.

Future Simple is used to express a one-time action in future Simple is used when the decision to do something is made right at the moment of conversation, i.e. was not planned (otherwise the turn to be going to or Present Continuous) Also, the Future Simple is often used in the following situations: - when we offer to do something - when we agree or refuse to do something - when we promise to do something This is important to remember! !! The Future Simple is NOT used in subordinate clauses conditions or time. In these cases, the Present Simple is used, but translated into the future tense: When I come to the country I shall go to the river = When I come to the village, I will go to the river

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