Passing score for Gomel Pedagogical College. Gomel State Pedagogical College named after. hp Vygotsky (ggpk). Satisfied with the quality of training

The college is not bad, I came here to prepare for admission to higher education. Here this happens much more thoroughly than if you stay for the last two years at school to finish your studies.

No problems with employment

EE "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" I won’t over-praise, the college has room to grow, but the most important thing is that there are excellent teachers and competent leadership. There were classes that we liked more, some less, but in each we were given useful knowledge. A lot of attention is paid to practice here. We went through it in different institutions, it was not easy, but the experience we gained was invaluable. After receiving my diploma, I easily found a job and am satisfied with my employment.

Satisfied with the quality of training

EE "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" The first acquaintance with this college was at the Open Day. After that, I decided to submit documents here. I definitely don’t regret my decision; all conditions for comfortable learning have been created here and the teachers are excellent. With each course, we went deeper and deeper into our specialty, and we were also provided with bases for practice. The administration is responsive and often organizes various events for students. We studied in cozy classrooms, a dining room, an assembly hall, and a well-renovated gym. In general, if you come here you definitely won’t go wrong.


EE "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" I also enjoyed studying here, and what I also liked was that they sent us to internships and, upon completion, also helped us with finding a job. The first year was really difficult, because I entered after the 9th grade and immediately entering a new rut was not so easy. I know for preschool education last year there was a competition for budget places of 1.9 people per place, since my sister was admitted here.

I studied with great pleasure.

EE "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" For me personally, my time studying here flew by very quickly. And that’s just because it’s really cool here. I was an activist at school and participated in public life, so here, too, I never wasted my time. Student life is quite vibrant here. The teachers, I would say, are all excellent, although I heard that there were some who were always complaining about. I will say this: if you have a desire to learn, you will not look at anyone, but gradually move towards your intended goal.

My sister is studying here now, she really wanted to enroll, she adores children, and since childhood she could not imagine herself in another specialty. Now we are constantly singing odes of praise to this educational institution. She really likes it, the teachers are very friendly towards all students, they study the most advanced teaching methods. Very good specialists are trained here.

  • Region: Gomel region
  • Locality::Gomel
  • Ultrasound type: SSUZ
  • Type of ultrasound: Education
  • Address:

    246001, Gomel, st. Proletarskaya, 69

  • Phones:

    (8-0232) 74-21-77 - reception; 74-11-40 (admissions committee)

  • URL:
  • Email:[email protected]

Educational institution “Gomel State Pedagogical College named after. L.S. Vygotsky" is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus. It originates from the Polesie Teachers' Seminary, founded in 1914 with the aim of training teachers in the Polesie region.
In 1919, the teacher's seminary was reformed into short-term pedagogical courses, which lasted until September 1921, when a pedagogical college with a 6-year period of study was opened on their basis.
In 1926, the technical school received the name Belorussian. In addition to the technical school in the 30s, one-year school and preschool courses, preschool evening and correspondence departments also operated on its basis. Belpededtechnicum in 1936 was renamed Gomel Pedagogical School.
During the Great Patriotic War the school did not function. It resumed its work in February 1944.
In connection with the opening of the music department in 1958, the pedagogical school was renamed into music pedagogical school.
In 1969, the cultural education department was opened. In 1978 - a preschool department, in 1981 - a correspondence preschool department. In 2001, the department of the specialty “Physical Education” was the youngest.
In 1995, the music pedagogical school was renamed the music and pedagogical college. And in 1996 it was named after Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. Since 2002, the institution has been called “Gomel State Pedagogical College named after. L.S. Vygotsky."
During its existence, the college has trained more than 16,000 qualified specialists.
Today the college employs 126 teachers, the number of students is 870 people.
The college has created creative groups: a brass band, an ensemble of folk instruments, a dance group, an opera studio, a children's musical theater, a group of drummers, an ensemble of folk music and songs “Sustracha”.
College graduates can continue their studies at various universities across the country using a shortened program.

Based on general basic education (9 grades)

Training of specialists on the basis of general basic education in full-time education.
"Preschool education". Specializations: Rhythmics and choreography. Creative activity. Qualification: Preschool teacher.
"Elementary education". Specializations: Rhythmics and choreography. Creative activity. Qualification: Teacher.
"Musical education". Specializations: Rhythmics and choreography. Creative activity. Qualification: Teacher. Music director of a preschool institution.
"Physical Culture". Specialization: Physical education and health work. Qualification: Teacher.
The duration of training for all specialties is 3 years 10 months.

Based on general secondary education (11 grades)

Training of specialists on the basis of general basic education via correspondence courses.
"Preschool education". Specialization: Creative activity. Qualification: Preschool teacher.
The duration of training is 3 years 6 months.

Educational institution “Gomel State Pedagogical College named after. L. S. Vygotsky."

Educational institution “Gomel State Pedagogical College named after. L.S. Vygotsky" is one of the oldest educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus.

It originates from the Polesie Teachers' Seminary, founded in 1914 with the aim of training teachers in the Polesie region. In connection with this event, the seminary received its first gifts, and to this day a valuable relic is kept in the college - 76 volumes of the Efron and Brockhaus encyclopedia.

In 1919, the teachers' seminary was reformed into short-term pedagogical courses, which lasted until September 1921. As archival documents testify, on the basis of pedagogical courses in 1921, a pedagogical technical school was opened, with a 6-year duration of study. The technical school curriculum included the study of the Russian language, mathematics, history, geography, political economy, logic, general and experimental psychology. In total, 190 people studied at the technical school.

These years in the history of the Gomel Pedagogical College are closely connected with the name of the world-famous psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, who created a psychology office in 1923. Together with students L.S. Vygotsky conducted scientific research into the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children. Research conducted at the pedagogical college formed the basis of his scientific theories, on which modern pedagogy of personality development is built.

In 1926, the technical school received the name Belorussian. In addition to the technical school, in the 30s, one-year school and preschool courses, preschool evening and correspondence departments also operated on its basis.

Belpededtechnicum in 1936 was renamed Gomel Pedagogical School.

During the Great Patriotic War, the educational institution was evacuated to the city of Ruzaevka (Bashkiria, Russian Federation) for three years. And many teachers and students went to the front, fought the enemy in partisan camps and underground groups. In the fall of 1943, the Pedagogical College returned from evacuation to Gomel, and classes resumed there in February 1944.

Since 1958, the pedagogical school was renamed into music pedagogical school, in connection with the opening of the music department. In 1969, the cultural education department was opened. In 1978 - preschool department, in 1981 - correspondence preschool department. In 2001, the department of the specialty “Physical Education” was the youngest.

In 1995, the music pedagogical school was renamed the music and pedagogical college. And in 1996 it was named after Lev Semenovich Vygotsky.

Since 2002, our institution has been called “Gomel State Pedagogical College named after. L.S. Vygotsky."

Educational institution “Gomel State Pedagogical College named after. L.S. Vygotsky" concluded cooperation agreements with higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus: Gomel State University named after F. Skorina, Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after. I.P. Shamyakin, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after. M. Tanka, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, Mogilev State University named after. A. Kuleshova, Grodno State University. Y. Kupala, Polotsk State University, Baranovichi State University.

The college trains specialists in the following specialties: “Primary education”, “Preschool education” - full-time and part-time forms of study, “Music education”, “Physical education” - full-time and part-time forms of study.

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