
Lesson on repeating actions with decimals. II. Oral work “Think and imagine” Municipal budget educational institution

municipality "City of Arkhangelsk""Average

comprehensive school

No. 51 named after F.A. Abramov"

Lesson summary


in 5th grade

on the topic "Prepared by:


Lyubov Vasilievna,


mathematic teacher « Arkhangelsk Subject: »

Repetition. Actions with decimals

Class: 5th grade Form:

business game - a gaming method of active collective learning.

The purpose of the lesson:

developing the skill of performing operations with decimal fractions, solving examples and problems of the types studied.


1. To consolidate the application of the rules for performing actions with decimal fractions in mental calculation, when solving problems, equations, and in applied tasks;

2. introduce students to the history of the Pioneer organization;

3. develop teamwork skills, develop children's ability to analyze, compare, generalize; 4. develop skills and abilities

social interaction

and communication, individual and joint decision-making skills;

5. cultivate a sense of love and respect for the history of one’s homeland;

6. promote awareness of the value of the subject being studied.

During the classes.

Lesson stage

    Teacher activities

Student activities

ORG. moment.

Start of the lesson. The sound of the bugle “For formation.”

Who knows what instrument was playing now?

You heard the sound of the bugle “Formation”.

    Today we have no ordinary lesson. And it is unusual not only because today we have guests in our lesson, but also because today in our lesson we will return to the last century, my guests and I will remember Soviet childhood, and you will find out what it was like, and even try it on yourself some roles.

Students speak out.


A task to develop attention and memory.

Attention to the screen. Watch, remember 1 minute, get ready to answer my questions. 0.5 P 0.1 I ABOUT 0.25 N E 0.75

0.125 Р 0.2

(Slide 1)

Name decimal fractions and ordinary fractions.

Name pairs of equal fractions. How many are there?

How many letters were in the text? What word do they make?

Who is a pioneer? (slide 2)

PIONEER - a researcher, a pioneer of something, a person who was one of the first to penetrate a new, unexplored area, who paved new paths in science, technology, and art.

Read the text about the pioneer organization.

Why did I decide today to remember the pioneer organization?

How old was the pioneer movement yesterday?

- What was the basis of the All-Union Pioneer Organization?

I invite you today to play the role of pioneers.

The Pioneer organization accepts schoolchildren aged 9 to 14 years. Having joined the Pioneer organization on the Pioneer line, makes the Solemn Promise of a Pioneer Soviet Union. A communist, Komsomol member or senior pioneer gives him a red pioneer tie and a pioneer badge.

(Slide 4.5) The motto of the pioneers.

Your class, detachment 5 “B” will be part of the pioneer squad of school No. 51. I will play the role of chairman of the squad council. Usually the units were named after either pioneer heroes or heroes of the Second World War.

And the groups into which you and I are divided are units of the detachment. 1st link, 2nd link... 5th link. Select those responsible in the group - these are the links.

To make the members stand out in the group, I suggest our guests tie ties for them.

Students memorize for 1 minute and answer the teacher’s questions from memory.

Definitions of the word pioneer are given.

Students read the text.

Answer teacher questions

Solemn promise 1 person.

Guests tie team ties.

Horn sound

    Motivation. Updating students' knowledge

The pioneer organization of school No. 51 on the council of the squad represented by the chairman identified your class for open lesson on the topic "Actions with decimals." I am announcing a competition to determine the right flank link. Each link takes upon itself the obligation to be collected, attentive, not waste time and repeat the actions with decimal fractions. I will give out stars for the work performed by the unit. Based on the number of stars, we will determine the right-flank link. And the team members will appreciate the pioneers of their team. Accounting sheets on the tables.

Pioneers to review the topic “Actions with decimals, be prepared!

1 task (3 minutes)

On the sheets, draw up reference diagrams for performing actions with decimal fractions:

1st link – addition and subtraction;

2nd link – multiplication;

3rd link – division;

4th link – multiplication and division by 10, 100...

5th link – multiplication and division by 0.1; 0.01

1 lesson represents the reference diagram and rule.

Always ready!

Work in groups, the hymn “Let the fires rise...” sounds.

    Work in groups. Verbal counting.

Task 2 (5 minutes)

Determine the main attributes of a pioneer organization.

Verbal counting:


0,94 – 0,21

0,3: 100

0,05 1,8

8: 0,4

25: 0,1

4 – 1,5

0,4 80

(0,4) 2












Do the tasks on the sheets,

Enter the answers into the tables.

Star for completed task

    Operations with decimals

Task 3 (5 minutes)

The pioneers had their own laws, their own rules, mandatory for everyone who wears a red tie.


You will determine 5 more laws by solving examples and arranging the cards in ascending order.

Students complete tasks by distributing examples among themselves.

Star for completed task

    Physical education minute

Physical education minute

The sun looked into the notebook 1,2,3,4,5

We all do exercises. We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider 1,2,3,4,5

Bend over – 3.4

And jump on the spot

On the toe, then on the heel. We all do exercises.

The bugle sounds


Walking in place


Hands to the side



Walking in place

    Problem solving.

Pioneering means troop training, fun hikes, night bonfires in pioneer camps., pioneer game “Zarnitsa”, competitions - shows of drummers, banner groups, buglers, pioneer rooms.

The pioneers took part in the Great Patriotic War, and in the rear they stood at the machines, collected ears of wheat in the fields, many became Heroes of the Soviet Union, today they are veterans of war and labor. IN post-war period The pioneers collected scrap metal and waste paper and worked in labor teams.

Problem solving:

Over the summer, one gopher destroys about 0.12 centners of bread. In the spring, the pioneers exterminated 1,250 ground squirrels on 37.5 hectares. How much bread did the schoolchildren save for the collective farm? How much saved bread is there per 1 hectare?

The pioneer brigade weeded 4.2 hectares of beets on the first day, 3.9 hectares on the second day, and 4.5 hectares on the third. Determine the average output of the team per day.

Three pioneer detachments collected 555.5 kg of waste paper. Squad 2 collected 2 times less than squad 1, and squad 3 collected 55 kg less than squad 1. How many kg of waste paper did each squad collect?

Boys from two pioneer detachments collected scrap metal. 1 squad collected 150 kg of scrap metal, which amounted to 60% of the total collection. How much scrap metal did the guys from the pioneer units collect?

Independent work of students.

Students choose problems and solve

Lesson summary, reflection.

Let's sum it up

The team members prepare accounting sheets and count the stars.

The right flank unit is declared to be ..., the flight unit ...

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Oh, children's holy faith!

And a clean, bright, childish look.

I was once a pioneer

And he believed what they said.

Worn with dignity and honor

Piece of flag on chest

And I was happy with that very news,

What communism awaits ahead...

Other times have come

We are on the threshold of new eras.

A little tired of the changes.

But in my heart I am that pioneer.

I still believe it, I believe it sacredly

In the Creator and in happiness and in yourself.

I live with hope, guys!

I live as in childhood – loving life! (A. Edman)

You deserve to bear the title of pioneer. Persistently overcome difficulties in studying mathematics, stay focused on excellent results, and write a good final report. test in math, be prepared!

Horn sound



Make up a problem with decimal fractions about the activities of the pioneers. On a separate sheet.

Annex 1

Cards for individual work at the board.

Card 1

    Formulate the rule for adding and subtracting decimal fractions


12,31- 4,711; 2,131+3,79

Card 2

    Formulate the rule for multiplying a decimal fraction by a natural number


3,17 ; 4,18

Card 3

    Formulate the rule for dividing a decimal fraction by a natural number


13,5 ; 14,81

Appendix No. 2

Tasks for working in groups.

Group 1

    At least two errors were made in calculating the following amounts. Find them.

    Without spending accurate calculations sums (1.2347 + 0.3455 + 2.13547), eliminate incorrect answers:

    37,15671; 2) 3,71567; 3) 2,61504; 4) 5,61504

    How would you check the solution to any addition and subtraction example?

Group 2

    Check the solutions to the examples. Correct errors and think about the reasons for their occurrence.

    10,25 – 3 = 10,22

    9,234 – 5,679 = 3,555

    9,234 – 4,536 = 4,698

    25,78 – 0,2 = 23,78

    4,676 – 0,03 = 4,673

The work is used for display on the screen using a multimedia projector.

Subject : operations with decimal fractions.

Lesson objectives:

Creating a favorable, friendly environment.

  1. consolidate the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division by natural numbers.
  2. develop logical thinking, attention, memory
  3. cultivate kindness, independence, teach mutual assistance.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher introduces himself. (slide 1) “Hello guys. My name is Tatyana Ivanovna. I heard that you have the most inquisitive and friendly children in your class. And I really wanted to get to know you better. And good old fairy tales will help us with this.

Hurry up because the days are passing

You are visiting a fairy tale again

Don't count on help

Remember: everything is in your hands.

And I would like the last lines to become the motto of all our work.

Teacher: “Guys, do you believe in wizards? I believe it.

And today a good sorceress will come to visit us (slide2) for our Good work the sorceress promised to give everyone a gift.

2. Oral work:

To do this, we need to solve examples. (Slide 3). Guys, each row has its own task. But to complete it, you must pay attention to the number that is attached to your desk. This is the number of your example.. Having received the answer, find it in the alphabet a letter that corresponds to this example. And only by collecting all the letters together will you guess who came to us. Now we will find out whose row will complete the task faster. Check (slide 3, click)

Teacher: “Well done guys! Cartoon characters came to visit us (slide 4)

3 . Repetition of what has been covered.

Music plays (slide 5), Dunno appears (click on slide 5)

Teacher: “Guys, Dunno was in a hurry to come to our home. I wanted to show that he knows how to add and subtract decimal fractions. (Slide 6) But he got caught in the rain and the droplets washed away all the commas from the assignments. I heard that you are very attentive and kind. And I think that you can help Dunno place the commas.

We successfully completed the task. Look how happy Dunno is.

Oh, and someone else came to visit us.

Teacher: “Music sounds (slide 7) and Winnie the Pooh appears (click on slide 7)

Teacher: “This is Winnie the Pooh. He is a big fan of solving interesting examples and also brought us unusual examples. Shall we show him how we can solve examples?

Students complete the task independently, then change sheets and check the answers on the slide. (slide 8)

And Winnie the Pooh is a big fidget and he prepared us an unusual warm-up as a gift. Get up from your seats. Don’t say yes and no, but show with your hands. (slide 9)

Well done.

And another guest is already rushing to us. Who is he? Pinocchio really loves difficult tasks. And he prepared a test for you. Having solved each task, circle the letter of the answer option. By putting together a word from the letters, you can find out how each of you worked today? (time to work)

Well? How did the guys do in the first draft? What about the second option?

Our road was difficult

But you coped with it, friends.

What talented kids!

I see in the ninth school.

And here is our sorceress. (slide 10), (slide 11)

5 Relaxation.

Guys, I leave you in a very good mood. Show me, and with What mood are you leaving in?

I give you these funny faces. And I hope that you will always go to mathematics lessons with this mood.

Thanks for the interesting introduction.

Student workbook.

(fragment workbook for one lesson)


Solving problems using equations.


4x + 3x = 77,




Answer: x=11.



16x =133-5,




Answer: x=8.







3a +17+ 3a +14=6a+31

k +35+ 4k +26=5k+61


Let the mass of one part be x kg

Water – 7 kg

Milk fat – 2 kg 4400 kg

Sugar – 2 kg

Let's create and solve the equation:





400 kg – mass of one part.

7*400=2800(kg) – mass of water

2*400=800(kg) – fat mass

2* 400=800(kg) – mass of sugar

Answer. 2800kg, 800kg. 800kg.

- repetition and generalization of skills in performing actions with decimal fractions, - development of mathematical outlook, thinking and speech, attention and memory, - nurturing interest in mathematics and its applications, - ability to work collectively, in pairs, individually.
Lesson format:
- traditional with the use of new information technologies, - frontal, - work in pairs,
Lesson equipment: computer, multi-projector, presentation for the lesson, cards with test tasks, forms for self-control,
Lesson structure:
1. Organizational, motivational and orientational: explanation of students’ educational activities.
2. Preparatory: actualization background knowledge.
3. Basic: performing specially selected tasks.
4. Monitoring the acquisition of knowledge and skills: test work on individual cards.
5. Final: summing up the general results.

During the classes:
I. Organizational moment (1 min.): 2 slide:
Hello guys. Sit down. Today we will repeat and summarize our skills in performing operations with decimals. Good work in class and excellent grades.
Open your notebooks and write down the number. On your desks you have pieces of paper with a table in which you will enter points for each correct answer, and at the end of the lesson, after counting the points, you will give a grade.

II. Updating basic knowledge (3 min.):

1. Frontal survey: 3 slide:
1. What fraction is called a decimal?
2. How to add decimals?
3. How to subtract decimals?
4.How to round a decimal?
Each correct answer to a question puts 1 point in the “theory” table.

2. Oral counting (3 min.): 4 slides
1. calculate: 2. solve the chain:
1. 14,2 + 3,5 4, 2-2,8+5,6-3,8+1,7-0,7
2. 15,32 – 2,2
3. 17,35 * 10
4. 5,2 * 3
5. 7,2: 8
6. 7 – 5,2
7. 5,6: 100
8. 3,7 * 0,2
The most active ones put 1 point in the “oral count” table.

3.Historical background (2 min.): 5 slide
“Fraction” - from the verb “to split” (8th century). In the first mathematics textbooks there were “broken numbers”. Decimal fractions are used more often than ordinary fractions. This is due to the simplicity of the calculation rules. The rules for calculations with decimal fractions were described by the famous medieval scientist al-Kashi. Al-Kashi wrote down decimal fractions in the same way as is customary now, but he did not use a comma: he wrote down the fractional part in red ink or separated it with a vertical line. In Russia, the doctrine of decimal fractions was presented by Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky in 1703 in the first mathematics textbook.

4. Completing tasks (13 min.): 6 slide
1. Round decimals:
a) to tenths:
b) to hundredths:
0,526 ≈
c) up to tens:
d) up to hundreds:

2. Calculate examples: 7 slide:
Calculate the product: 28 * 34 (952).
Using the result obtained, write down the meaning of the expressions without performing the actions indicated in them.
2,8 * 34 =
28 * 0,34 =
952: 34 =
95,2: 34 = 95,2

3. Solve the equation: 8 slide:

A) 7x – 365.72 = 47.28
b) (x – 73.5) * 6 = 57
4. Task: 9 slide:
How far will the car travel in 3.5 hours if its speed is 85.5 km/h?
The one who quickly and correctly completed the tasks puts points in the table “equation, examples, problem”

4. Physical education minute (3 min.):

5. Independent work with self-test in pairs and self-assessment (10 min.)
handouts: (task cards)
1 option
1. Calculate: 550.8: 27-5.3;
A 15.1 B 16.1 C 15.2 D 16
2. Solve the equation x: 3.5= 1.12;
A 3.29 B 3.92 C 3.12 D 1.23
3. A concrete pillar 9.6 m high was driven into the bottom of the river so that 3.4 m was in the ground and 1.8 m above the water. What is the depth of the river at this place?
A 6.2 B 7.4 C 4.4 D 5.2
Option 2
1.Calculate: 0.35∙30.5-5.35;
A 5.33 B 5.23 C 3.52 D 5.325
2. Solve the equation: 75x = 172.5;
A 3.2 B 22.3 C 2.3 D 3.22
3. Pupils of class 5 “A” collected 215.7 kg of apples, and class 5 “B” collected 23.6 kg more. How many kilograms of apples did you collect together?
A 455 B 239.3 C 192.1 D 407.8
Children decide on the options, then exchange solved tasks and check each other using the keys. The inspectors put points in the table " independent work».

6. Lesson summary (2 min.).
What rules have we established today?
What caused the difficulty?
What points remain unclear?
7. Homework.
№ 1260, №1263.

7. Reflection (3 min).
For the full text of the material General lesson in mathematics on the topic: “Actions with decimal fractions”, see the downloadable file.
The page contains a fragment.

Math lesson in 6th grade. (FSES)

Subject.Operations with decimal fractions. Repetition.

Lesson type. A lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge on the topic “Decimal Fractions”, repeating what was learned in 5th grade.

Goals: formation of UUD.:


Respect for the individual and his dignity,

stable cognitive interest,

the ability to conduct dialogue on the basis of equal relations and mutual respect,

sustainable cognitive interest;


Read decimals, compare decimals, add and subtract decimals, use commutative and combinational laws in calculations, multiply decimals, use commutative and combinational laws in calculations, use division of decimals in problem solving

    Metasubject. Formation of universal educational actions.

Regulatory UD.

Set goals for activities in the lesson,

Plan ways to achieve the goal;

Make decisions in problem situations based on negotiations;

Cognitive UD.

Possess general techniques for solving problems, performing tasks and calculations;complete tasks based on the use of the properties of ordinary fractions.

Communication UD. Use speech adequately to plan and regulate your activities,formulate your own opinion, argue and coordinate it with your partner’s position.

Educational activities students.

Formation of meta-subject universal educational activities.




I Organizational stage

Motivation for studying the lesson topic

Goal setting

introduction teachers.

What fractions are we learning?

What actions can we perform with them?

The teachers are listening.

Answer questions.

Under the guidance of the teacher, lesson goals are set.

They plan ways to achieve them.

Repeat previously acquired knowledge.

children name familiar concepts.

Children offer possible answers.

Students express their opinions.

They learn to behave correctly, listen to the teacher, raise their hand, listen to a friend.

Express their thoughts orally.

II. Repetition. Verbal counting

    The task is to calculate examples orally. We monitor the answers of our classmates and signal with cards (with natural numbers and decimals)

Students learn to control their actions.

They learn to adequately assess the correctness of actions and make the necessary adjustments as the actions progress.

Students complete assignments and check the correctness of their answers.

Monitor actions

III. doing exercises.

Listen, write down.

Analyze the conditions of this problem, comment on the initial and final data.

Students remember and answer.

They adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities.

IV. oral work

Performing oral exercises and working from ready-made drawings

Children express their opinions.

They make a decision based on negotiations with the teacher.

Children look for answers to questions posed by the teacher

They learn to listen carefully to a friend and respectfully accept his point of view.

VI. problem solving

Independently analyze ways to solve the problem. Complete tasks in a notebook.

Calculate in notebooks.

Check for correct execution.

Are planning general methods activities. Establish a working relationship as a couple

Exercise control. correction of the partner's actions.

VI I. Reflection

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

    What did they repeat?

    What did you remember?

    What caused the difficulties?

What hindered, what helped?

They learn to adequately assess their capabilities in achieving goals and the level of implementation of assigned tasks.

Students analyze their activities in the lesson.

Adequately use linguistic means to display their thoughts and feelings, motives for actions.

VI II . Information about homework, instructions on its implementation

The teacher offers homework.

№14, 15, 25

The teacher gives grades. Thanks for your help with the lesson

The guys write down their homework.

Have questions?

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