The influence of the social environment on a person is... The influence of the environment on a person and his personality. About society and man

(Russian folk proverbs and sayings)

Until a certain stage in the development of my personality, I, like most people, did not attach importance to such an aspect as environmental influence. Many teachers of success and prosperity, in their books and seminars, often mentioned the strong influence of the environment on the individual. However, like everything else in our life, any theory is learned only in practice. Next we will talk about my personal experience influence of the environment on my personality. In the article I used some illustrative examples from your life.

The influence of the environment on a person

At the very beginning of a person's life, he is directly or indirectly influenced by his immediate environment. These could be mothers, fathers, grandparents, social class. We are born at a certain point globe, in a country and family with a certain culture, way of life, foundations and rules. In the first years of life, the only real example for a child is his close people. Young children, already from the first days of life, begin to imitate those they like, copy the antics and behavioral characteristics of the people around them.

I remember my early childhood only in fragments, similar to a dream, and the only feeling that remains is a feeling of joy, a celebration of life and happiness.

In youth, a person is still highly dependent on his home social circle, on family and friends, but gradually influence from outside the family is added to it. Friends, acquaintances, teachers and mentors appear. A particularly strong influence is exerted by people whom one would like to be like; in this case, the so-called mechanism of imitation of desired manners and behavior works.

My youth was spent in constant walks with the neighbor's children in the yard. We actively played all the street games, jumped in rubber bands, hopscotch, ran, playing “Cossacks-robbers”. Then we grew up and there were gatherings in the hallways, beer, cigarettes, songs with a guitar. And all this was because that was my environment. And it was precisely this that dictated how to dress, what music to prefer, how to behave with other people.

I think that at such a tender age it is very difficult for a person to make conscious decisions and choices on his own. Society imposes and dictates its terms.

The influence of the environment on personality

As you grow older, your range of interests changes.

In my case, my awakened interests in music led me to club culture. As a result of my changes, the old companies and my entire society were replaced by a new one naturally and painlessly. The Trance culture that captured me then changed my worldview, unrealistic bright clothes, a passion for music and equipment, stage activity and youthful maximalism appeared.

trans culture, psychedelic

Although now I no longer go to parties and open-air events, my love for this music is still preserved, and the foundations of the subculture have left their indelible imprint on my personality.

In principle, young people almost always fall into informal movements and subcultures, depending on their personal inclinations and preferences, thus trying to distinguish themselves somehow.

As personality develops and acquires life experience, sooner or later the vast majority of people create a family and children. Here, too, the environment exerts its influence directly. It is typical for women to carry a child for 9 months, absorbing information about pregnancy and childbirth, going to clinics and communicating with the same “mothers”. However, in the next 3 years, everything continues approximately the same. I do not take into account the extremes when the expectant mother drinks and goes on walks, although such behavior is also influenced by her environment.

And now you have a family, children. You can even say with accuracy what your level of income, traditions, lifestyles, passions in sports, etc. are, just by looking at your social circle.

By and large, you are an exact reflection of the 5 closest people with whom you communicate. For example, take the average income of 5 people close to you and divide it equally. The amount that comes out will be approximately equal to your income. This also applies to other areas of life. For example, if 5 of your loved ones travel constantly, sooner or later you will start too. Or change your social circle.

As a person grows spiritually, a reassessment of values ​​occurs. A person can no longer communicate with his past friends. His vibration level rises and his paths with many people begin to diverge. Well, imagine: a man worked on himself, got rid of bad habits, began to serve God, and his friends drink beer, swear and are generally atheists. How long can such a friendship last?

By the age of 30, I just had such a reassessment of values. My worldview has changed 180 degrees (360 is a full circle, and 180 is the opposite of the past). In life, I began to be interested only in high values ​​and serving people. I quit smoking, completely eliminated alcohol from my life, switched to live nutrition and taking care of my physical body. Books, videos, training seminars were absorbed in large quantities, I was searching for knowledge, - knowledge devices of the world and man.

You may have a completely reasonable question: “What to do if your own level of spiritual and physical development has increased, but that of your immediate environment has not?”

Gradually, all the past friends “fell off” by themselves, they were unable to resonate with the new wave frequency corresponding to this stage of my development, and the so-called “cognitive dissonance” began in our relationships, which led to their inevitable destruction.I spent a long period of time alone. This made it possible to rethink a lot of things. All the information about self-development played an important role. Gradually, I found new friends and surroundings that suited my spirit, mental development, and goals.

Many mentors recommend surrounding yourself with successful people in the area in which you want to develop. If you want to become rich, communicate with billionaires, if you want a family, communicate with married couples, if you want to travel, communicate with those who travel, etc. There are no problems at all. You need to wait and continue to “stick to your line.” Allow yourself to be yourself, and others to be different. Your family and some friends will gradually accept your new worldview and calm down, but you don’t need to convert anyone to “your faith.” This is fraught and very energy-consuming. What is yours will not go away from you, but what is unnecessary will fall off by itself.

A person becomes a person only in the process of socialization, i.e. communication, interaction with other people. Outside human society, spiritual, social, mental development cannot occur.

Personality socialization is an objective phenomenon; it is multidimensional, and therefore is studied in many sciences. In pedagogy, as the science of education, all aspects of socialization are taken into account and used for knowledge and optimal organization of the transfer of social experience and spiritual values ​​from generation to generation.

In the process of social development, new formations appear in the inner world of the individual - higher mental functions, which include knowledge about social phenomena, relationships and norms, stereotypes, social attitudes, beliefs, forms of behavior and communication accepted in society, social activity.

Socialization distinguishes between cultural and social subsystems. Information about them is located in the zones of potential and proximal development, therefore the success of socialization significantly depends on the student’s social environment and on those people who will explain to him the essence of social activity and relationships, and norms of behavior.

The reality in which human development occurs is called the environment. Personality formation is influenced by various external conditions, including geographical, social, school, family. Based on the intensity of contacts, the immediate (home) and distant (social) environments are distinguished.

Characteristics of the social environment: social system, system of production relations, material living conditions, nature of production and social processes and etc.

The immediate (home) environment – ​​family, relatives, friends. This environment has a huge impact on human development, especially in childhood. As a rule, it is in the family that the first years of a person’s life, decisive for the formation, development and formation, pass. The family largely determines the range of interests of the child and his needs, views and value orientations. The family also provides conditions, including material ones, for the development of natural inclinations. Moral and social qualities are laid down in the family.

The crisis of the family at the present stage, according to experts, has become the cause of many negative social phenomena, and above all the root cause of the increase in crime among minors.

In the family and school, in conditions limited by everyday relationships and cognitive activity, partial socialization takes place. Major social new formations appear in labor and social activities.

Learn effectively social norms behavior and cultural values ​​under the influence of an authoritative adult. Social interaction with him leads to the internationalization (appropriation) of social experience through the actualization (reproduction) of cultural needs and desires, accompanied by considerations of prestige, benefit, and the need for obedience.


The main components of adaptation are a new social environment, a new team, a system of educational relations and a new role, which have a positive and negative impact on the process of adaptation of students. The process of adaptation of students has its own mechanisms and complications.

  • Professional standard of a teacher and quality of training: determinants of modern education
  • Formation of valeological culture of future social work specialists at the university
  • Dichotomy of social responsibility of the intelligentsia: sociocultural analysis
  • The role of parents in shaping a healthy lifestyle for a child
  • Problems of forming patriotic consciousness among the younger generation

Considering adaptation as the process and result of an individual’s adaptation to the environment, it is necessary to note the concept of “environment”.

Environment is:

  • the sphere of human habitation and activity;
  • the natural world surrounding man and the material world created by him.

The social environment is one of the factors in the formation and development of personality; this fact has always been recognized. Psychologists, social workers and teachers for centuries, in the process of development of science, culture, and society, have studied the mutual influence and interaction of the environment and humans. K. D. Ushinsky believed that a person is formed under the influence of the entire complex of influences associated with the environment.

The ideas of the 19th Russian democrats V. G. Belinsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov and others are imbued with a deep faith in man, in his development and improvement. Belinsky’s famous statement is that nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.

The problem of the environment was widely developed in the second half of the 20s - 30s. N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky, S.T. Shatsky emphasized that it is necessary to study all the factors that shape an individual: both organized and spontaneous. The environment and its influence on humans was studied both theoretically and in the form of specific studies of the material, housing, everyday and cultural living conditions of people. There is a relationship between the economic and social status of the family and the level of education; specific features of people’s lives and the impact on their development were identified. Various attempts have been made to bring about certain changes in the environment of people. The study of the environment was carried out from a class position, as evidenced by the terms: proletarian, worker-peasant, socialized, intellectual and other environment.

Since the nature of the influence of the environment depended on quality, the researchers of those years, developing an ideal model of its use, saw the environment as healthy, moral, expedient, rationally organized, etc. It was assumed that this environment should nourish ideals, create good dominants, creativity, develop independence, activity, develop skills of reasonable, disciplined behavior, etc.

From the above, I. A. Karpyuk and M. B. Chernova define the concept of “social environment”.

Social environment is a part of the environment consisting of interacting individuals, groups, institutions, cultures, and so on.

The social environment is an objective social reality, which is a set of material, political, ideological, socio-psychological factors of direct interaction with a person in the process of his life and practical activities.

Main structural components social environment are:

  • social conditions of people's lives;
  • social actions of people;
  • relationships between people in the process of activity and communication;
  • social community.

The natural social environment surrounding a person is an external factor of his development. In the process of socialization of the individual, the transformation of a biological individual into a social subject occurs. This is a multifaceted process, it is continuous and continues throughout a person’s life. It occurs most intensely in childhood and adolescence, when all the basic value orientations are laid, social norms and relationships are learned, and the motivation for social behavior is formed.

The process of socialization of an individual occurs in interaction with a huge number of different conditions that more or less actively influence their development. These conditions affecting a person are usually called factors. In fact, to date, not all of them have been identified, and of the known ones, not all have been studied. Knowledge about the factors that were studied is very uneven: quite a lot is known about some, little about others, and very little about others. More or less studied conditions or factors of the social environment can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  1. Megafactors (mega - very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to one degree or another through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth.
  2. Macro factors (macro - large) - country, ethnic group, society, state, which influence the socialization of everyone living in certain countries.
  3. Mesofactors (meso - average, intermediate) - conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by the area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, town); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, etc.); according to belonging to certain subcultures.
  4. Microfactors are factors that directly influence specific people who interact with them - family and home, neighborhood, peer groups, educational organizations, various public, state, religious, private and counter-social organizations, microsociety.

The socialization of a person is carried out by a wide range of universal means, the content of which is specific to a particular society, a particular social stratum, a particular age of the person being socialized. These include:

  • methods of feeding and caring for a baby;
  • developed household and hygienic skills;
  • style and content of communication;
  • elements of spiritual culture (from lullabies and fairy tales to sculptures);
  • products of material culture surrounding a person;
  • methods of reward and punishment in the family, in peer groups, in educational and other socializing organizations;
  • the consistent introduction of a person to numerous types and types of relationships in the main spheres of his life - communication, play, cognition, objective-practical and spiritual-practical activities, sports, as well as in the family, professional, social, religious spheres.

In the process of development, an individual seeks and finds the environment that is most comfortable for him, so he can “migrate” from one environment to another.

According to I. A. Karpyuk and M. B. Chernova, a person’s attitude to the external social conditions of his life in society has the nature of interaction. A person not only depends on the social environment, but also modifies and at the same time develops himself through his active actions.

The social environment acts as a macroenvironment (in a broad sense), i.e. the socio-economic system as a whole, and the microenvironment (in the narrow sense) - the immediate social environment.

The social environment is, on the one hand, a very important factor that accelerates or inhibits the process of personal self-realization, on the other hand, a necessary condition successful development of this process. The attitude of the environment towards a person is determined by the extent to which his behavior corresponds to the expectations of the environment. A person’s behavior is largely determined by the position he occupies in society. An individual in society can occupy several positions simultaneously. Each position makes certain demands on a person, that is, rights and obligations, and is called social status. Statuses can be congenital or acquired. Status is determined by a person's behavior in society. This behavior is called social role. In the process of formation and development of personality, positive and negative social roles can be mastered. Mastering the personality role behavior ensuring his successful inclusion in social relations. This process of adaptation to the conditions of the social environment is called social adaptation.

Thus, the social environment has big influence on the socialization of the individual through social factors. Here we can highlight the fact that a person not only depends on the social environment, but also modifies and, at the same time, develops himself through his active actions. And the way to harmonize an individual with the environment is the strategy of social adaptation.


  1. Albuhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. Life strategy / K. A. Albuhanova-Slavskaya - M.: Mysl, 1991. - 301 p.
  2. Volkov, G. D. Adaptation and its levels / G. D. Volkov, N. B. Okonskaya. - Perm, 1975. - 246 p.
  3. Georgieva, I. A. Social and psychological factors of personality adaptation in a team: abstract of thesis. dis. Ph.D. psychol. Sci. / I. A. Georgieva - L., 1985. - 167 p.
  4. Zavyalova, E. K. Baltic Bulletin pedagogical academy/ E. K. Zavyalova - St. Petersburg, 2001 - 28 p.
  5. Kovalev, A. G. Psychology of personality. / A. G. Kovalev - M.: Mysl, 1973. - 341 p.
  6. Mudrik, A.V. Social pedagogy: Textbook. for students ped. universities / Ed. V. A. Slastenina. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 200 p.
  7. Psychological Dictionary / Ed. V. P. Zinchenko, V. G. Meshcheryakova. -2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: Pedagogy-Press,

As you know, man is a deeply social creature. In the process of our life, we are constantly in contact with other people, collectively forming a human community, which can also be called a social environment. At the same time, humanity is beginning to fully realize that the absence of certain rules of contact and their non-compliance is fraught with the complete disappearance of us from planet Earth. I mean skirmishes, wars, psychological tension... Thus, social conditions, social circle and family habits have a direct impact on a person, which inevitably affects his health.


Communication with society begins with the family. It is within this small circle of people that those habits and norms are implanted that we often carry throughout our entire lives. Small man all his life he behaves the way he learned from his parents before the age of 6-7... It is clear that the influence of such a social circle can be considered almost decisive in relation to health in the future!

The absence of bad habits among parents certainly has an impact on the health of their children, and the program for the future is laid long before the birth of the child.

Important role The presence in the family of a clear daily routine, certain correct eating habits and hygiene standards also plays a role. All this determines health and prevents the development of problems with the heart and blood vessels, nervous system and metabolic processes.

Since one family is a unit of society, the internal health of its members has a direct impact on the entire population. Therefore, every child from childhood needs to be instilled with certain norms and rules that lay a solid foundation for his health.

Kindergarten and junior school

As a child grows up, his environment changes and he has to come into contact with a large number people, build relationships in the group. All these moments in life cannot but affect your health. So many doctors confirm that the period of kindergarten life is the period of formation of immunity and the quality of a person’s defenses in the future largely depends on how this time passes.

The psycho-emotional environment within the team also plays an important role in the development of health. It has been proven that an unfavorable mental climate in a group, as well as moral or physical violence from educators or teachers, leads to the development of real diseases. Such ailments can be classified as psychosomatic. However, their manifestations and consequences are no different from real diseases. Thus, parents should pay special attention to choosing a social environment for their growing child, because this step is very responsible in relation to his psychological and physical health. It is also worth teaching a child to perceive reality as a temporary reality, which he can change himself depending on his attitude towards it.

Teenage years

As a person grows, his participation in the life of society becomes more and more active. In adolescence, the thirst for leadership and the desire to stand out and prove oneself among peers come to the fore. However, such desires do not always have a good effect on health. It is during adolescence that children most often fall under the influence of others, and from here it is a stone's throw to addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Mental health also suffers from lack of fulfillment, lack of recognition and seeming misunderstanding.

In extreme cases, parents of teenagers are strongly encouraged to seek help from psychologists. It is also worth remembering that in order to create a favorable social environment, it is best to place the teenager in an appropriate group. After all, the desire to stand out, for example, in the sports field is much more useful than the desire to be cooler in the alley.


After teenage tossing and turning, it would seem that there should be peace and quiet. However, the influence of society on health is a constant characteristic that does not go away over the years.

An adult constantly has to exist in a social environment and be part of it. In some cases, this is fraught with a variety of negative consequences for good health. And, perhaps, the main one is the state of constant stress in which most of us live. An unfavorable environment in the team, unloved work and lack of proper rest over time leads to the development of real diseases. Among them are depression, which can be corrected exclusively with medication and under medical supervision, as well as various pathological conditions that affect all organs and systems of the body. In order to somewhat reduce this negative impact, you should be very attentive to correcting your lifestyle, including contacts with society.

It’s better to change a job you don’t like, or learn to ignore its negative impact on your mood and state. It is best to join the team, and for this you can use the help of experienced psychologists. In order to reverse the influence of society on health in positive side, it’s worth spending time with nice people, getting out into nature, going for walks in green areas, attending interesting events. In this case, the social environment will provide exclusively beneficial influence on health status.

I think no one will dispute that the influence of the social environment on human health is great. In order to normalize relations with society, regardless of age and social characteristics, it is worth seeking help from specialists in a timely manner. Your health will thank you!

The human living environment is changeable. The democratic institutions of the state and the political rights of its citizens are changing. Relations between states and, accordingly, the degrees of freedom of individuals are changing. The level of education of performers and managers is changing.

Social environment- these are, first of all, people united in various groups, with which each individual is in specific relationships, in a complex and diverse system of communication.

The social environment surrounding a person is active, influences a person, exerts pressure, regulates, subjects him to social control, captivates him, infects him with appropriate “models” of behavior, encourages, and often forces him to a certain direction of social behavior.

Social environment- a set of material, ​economic, social, political and spiritual conditions ​of existence, formation and activity of individuals and social ​groups.

Social macroenvironment covers the economy, public institutions, social consciousness and culture.

Social microenvironment includes a person’s immediate environment - family, work, educational and other groups.

The social environment has a major impact on the formation of the unconscious (subconscious) in the individual’s psyche, and, as a consequence of such formation, on the manipulation of the psyche. Thus, the emergence in the subconscious of those impulses that are subsequently transformed into impulses of behavior and will have a fairly large impact on consciousness. Consciousness in this case has a subordinate function. And in this case, the environment, the social environment in which the individual currently lives, will be of great importance, as well as the social environment where this individual was born and raised (since it was she who at an early stage influenced the formation of the individual’s subconscious ).

Concept human environment in its most general form can be defined as a set of natural and artificial conditions in which a person realizes himself as a natural and social being. The human environment consists of two interconnected parts: natural and social.

Natural component environment constitutes the total space directly or indirectly accessible to a person.

Public part of the environment a person is made up of society and social relations, thanks to which a person realizes himself as a social active being.

Rice. 1. Components of the human environment and society

The elements of the natural environment (in its narrow sense) can be considered the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, plants, animals and microorganisms. Plants, animals And microorganisms constitute the living natural environment of humans.

The social component of the human environment consists of society and various social processes.

The social environment is, first of all, a cultural and psychological climate, intentionally or unintentionally created by people themselves and consisting of the influence of people on each other, carried out directly, as well as through the means of material, energy and information influence. Such impacts include

ü economic security in accordance with the standard developed by society or a given ethnic, social group (housing, food, clothing, other consumer goods),

ü civil liberties (conscience, expression of will, movement, place of residence, equality before the law, etc.),

ü degree of confidence in the future (absence or presence of fear of war, other severe social crisis, job loss, hunger, imprisonment, bandit attack, theft, illness, family breakdown, its unplanned growth or reduction, etc.);

ü moral standards of communication and behavior; freedom of self-expression, including work activity (maximum contribution of strength and abilities to people, society, receiving signs of attention from them);

ü the opportunity to freely communicate with people of the same ethnic group and similar cultural level, i.e. creating and joining a social group that is standard for a person (with common interests, life ideals, behavior, etc.);

ü the opportunity to enjoy cultural and material assets(theaters, museums, libraries, goods, etc.) or the awareness of the availability of such an opportunity;

ü accessibility or awareness of the availability of generally recognized vacation spots (resorts, etc.) or seasonal changes in the type of housing (for example, an apartment for a tourist tent);

ü provision of a socio-psychological spatial minimum, allowing to avoid the neuropsychic stress of overpopulation (optimal frequency of meetings with other people, including friends and relatives); the presence of a service sector (absence or presence of queues, quality of service, etc.).

The social environment, combining with the natural environment, forms the totality of the human environment. Each of these environments is closely interconnected with the other, and none of them can be replaced by another or be painlessly excluded from common system surrounding a person environment.

The study of a person's relationship with environment led to the emergence of ideas about properties or states environment, expressing human perception of the environment, assessment of the quality of the environment from the point of view of human needs. Special anthropoecological methods make it possible to determine the degree of compliance of the environment with human needs, assess its quality and, on this basis, identify its properties.

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