Biography of Queen Elizabeth 2. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the royal family. Princess at War

One of Britain's crowned centenarians, 87 years oldElizabeth II, Queen of Englandattracts the views of the world press and the enthusiastic sympathies of millions of people around the planet. Today, the person of this long-lived British royal family evokes approximately the same amount of response in the press as the world's best show business stars.

In terms of popularity, Elizabeth 2 surpasses such eminent fellow countrymen as David Beckham and Paul McCartney! Recent events associated first with the 85th anniversary of Her Majesty, and then with the 60th anniversary of her reign, were greeted by the British with amazing warmth and sympathy.

What caused, firstly, such a long healthy reign, and secondly, the preservation of civic activity of this most popular figure on the shores of Foggy Albion?

Queen of the Commonwealth of Nations, record holder

Elizabeth 2, like all other members of the ruling monarchical stratum, belongs to the glorious Windsor dynasty. She was born on April 21, 1926 in London. She received the highest royal title in 1952, and to this day, judging by the press, she is not going to part with it. The Queen ascended to the British throne on February 6, when she was 25, after the death of her father, King George VI.

Here it is necessary to emphasize that her kingdom extends not only to Great Britain itself, as such, but also to 15 other states that are independent of England. This English part of the world includes residents of Canada and Jamaica, New Zealand and Australia, Barbados and Grenada, Tuvalu and Belize, as well as countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia, Papua New Guinea, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Solomon Islands and the Bahamas.

By status, the Queen serves as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of England. In addition, she holds the title of head of the Anglican Church.

However, if we talk about the duration of the reign of the heroine of our story, then here she still yields the palm. Despite her record in age among all representatives of the British monarchy in the history of England, Her Majesty yields the record for the longest reign to Queen Victoria.

But that's in the past. And at the present time, Elizabeth 2 is in second place among the royalty of the world. The first is held by King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand.

And yet, her era is too great and obvious not to talk about it separately. First of all, this is the completion of decolonization (the above are all states that are, nevertheless, members of the Commonwealth of Nations) and the final collapse of the Empire of a state that, despite this, bears the proud name of Great Britain.

This should also include the conflict with the Irish living in the northern part of the island, which is still actively discussed in the press (and in cinema). And during her reign, the queen gave her go-ahead for wars with the Falkland Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan.

For which she received repeated charges of criticism both from the same media and from the public, and also, of course, Republican Party, which maintains a fairly strong position on the shores of Foggy Albion.

King George VI, his wife Elizabeth and their daughters:
Elizabeth (right) and Margaret

Family tree and girlhood

The family tree of the royal dynasty is quite extensive. Elizabeth 2 is the eldest daughter of the Duke of York (he was still Prince Albert when she was born), and her mother was Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.

The Queen can also be proud of her more distant ancestors - grandfathers George V and Claude George Bowes-Lyon, Earl of Strathmore, as well as grandmothers - Queen Mary, Princess of Teck and Cecilia Nina Bowes-Lyon.

The Mistress of England herself has two more names - Alexandra and Maria (Mary). Thus, it is not difficult to trace that she received her first name from her mother, the third from her grandmother, and the second from her great-grandmother. It is interesting that the future monarch, and then only the prince and the daughter’s father, insisted on a different first name, and in general the family wanted her to be Victoria. But then they changed their minds.

The Queen of Great Britain was born in London at number 17 Brewton Street, which at that time was the residence of the Strathmores. This area of ​​the capital of England is called Mayfair; unfortunately, the house has not survived to this day, but there is a corresponding memorial plaque.

The christening of the future queen took place on May 25, it was Buckingham Chapel, which was then destroyed by the Nazis. Her only sister was Margaret, born in 1930.

Elizabeth 2, having received a fairly good education, was rather a humanist, versed in the history of the constitution, jurisprudence, religious studies and art history. The future British queen studied French on her own. Her interests as a girl also included horses in general and horse riding in particular. Since then, this has become her hobby for many decades to come.

Mayfair - Queen Elizabeth II was born in this area in 1926

On the way to the crown

It is interesting that initially the future ruler of England was not considered at all as an heir to the throne. As soon as she was born, she was immediately given the title Duchess of York, and she automatically fell into the third line in terms of probability of ascending to the royal throne. Ahead of her loomed such persons as her uncle Edward, the Prince of Wales and her father.

But his uncle, who soon became Edward VIII, renounced the coveted possession of the British throne, and the king turned out to be the father of the heroine of our story. Thus, after him, the queen was supposed to ascend to the throne, and then only Princess Elizabeth, but only if the pope did not leave behind an heir besides her. In the 40s, the public life of the future monarch began.

She dedicated her first radio address to the population of England to children who suffered from the outbreak of the Second World War. Officially, in 1943, she appeared in public, paying a visit to the Guards Grenadiers. A year later, she was added to the list of five people who could perform royal functions in the event that something happened to her father. And per year Great Victory In her work biography, a working specialty appeared - a mechanic-driver of a Red Cross vehicle. And the military rank of lieutenant.

During World War II, the future Queen of England
worked as a simple driver on an ambulance

At the age of 21, Elizabeth 2 linked her future fate with 26-year-old Philip Mountbatten. This is the great-great-grandson of that same Queen Victoria, he came from the royal families of Greece and Denmark, and in those years was an officer in the British navy. Having married the princess, Victoria's great-great-grandson became the owner of the ducal title, and was now called Philip of Edinburgh.

Newsreel of the royal wedding:

A year later, the future mistress of England gave birth to Charles, and two years later, Anna. Then her father George VI died, having received the long-awaited highest title, the queen was then with her husband in Kenya, where she was proclaimed the first person of the British state. The ceremony, however, took place the next year, in Westminster, that is, according to all canons.

Family of Elizabeth II. 1972
From left to right: Anna, Charles, Edward, Andrew, Elizabeth, Philip

Already from this time, the formation of a very powerful positive image began, which Elizabeth 2 has preserved to this day. The fact is that the ceremony was broadcast on TV, which, in turn, thanks to such a powerful PR move, itself gained worldwide popularity.

Her Majesty, the Queen

After this, the queen spent a whole six months on an almost world tour of the states that are members of the Commonwealth of Nations. She was the first British royal to visit such remote corners of the Empire as Australia and New Zealand. In 1957, she made an official visit to the other side of the Atlantic, to the USA and Canada; she is still the queen of the latter.

Since then, Elizabeth 2 has very wisely devoted a lot of time to various kinds of official ceremonies. This testifies to the active work of the first person of the state in terms of establishing interaction with all the heads of the major world powers, and such communication experience helped her repeatedly make the right decisions at key times in British history.

She courageously endured a series of assassination attempts on the royal family by Irish terrorists and other everyday vicissitudes. And she remains, in spite of everything, the active and smiling First Lady of Britain.

The modern Queen of England Elizabeth 2, whose biography is a description of the life of a person who witnessed a variety of eras, has been on the throne since 1952. Her reign is the longest in British history.

Family and childhood

On April 21, 1926, the future Queen of England Elizabeth 2 was born. It is difficult to imagine the biography of a member of the ruling dynasty without her pedigree. The girl was the daughter of the duke and his wife Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. The child's father was the son of King George V.

When the monarch died in 1936, the throne was inherited by his eldest son, Edward VIII (Elizabeth's uncle). However, he ruled for only a few months. According to the laws of the state, he had to marry a person equal to him in belonging to an aristocratic family. However, the king chose to tie the knot with a divorced woman from a non-royal circle - Bessie Simpson. It was the fact that she had already been married twice that outraged the government, which invited Edward to abdicate the throne. He really renounced power, and the throne unexpectedly passed to his younger brother, who took the crown name

This castling made ten-year-old Elizabeth heir to the world's largest British Empire. If George had had a boy, the title would have passed to him, but this did not happen. The future Queen Elizabeth 2 was in the center of public attention as a child as a representative of the new generation of the ruling Windsor dynasty.

Heir to the throne

The early biography of Queen Elizabeth 2 of England was consistent with her status as Princess of York. She lived with her parents in Kensington. One of her main hobbies since childhood was horse riding. The queen was faithful to this hobby throughout her youth. At the same time, the girl was taught a full range of sciences. Wide-ranging knowledge was a mandatory attribute for members of the Windsor dynasty, as they personified the best that the monarchy could give to the state. Particular emphasis in Elizabeth's education was placed on the humanities: religious studies, jurisprudence and art history. The child showed remarkable interest in French, which was encouraged by teachers.

The biography of Elizabeth 2 took a sharp turn when she became the heir of her father, the king. She and her parents moved to Buckingham Palace. Three years later the Second began World War, and the carefree life ended with the first salvos of German guns on the continent.

Great Britain supported Poland and, together with its main ally France, declared war on the Third Reich. Despite the fact that the main political decisions were made by the government and parliament, it became an important symbol of the unity of the nation in the face of the growing Nazi threat. As a child, Elizabeth 2 faced completely unchildish dangers and experiences that all her peers had to endure.

During the Second World War

Despite the fact that Hitler never decided to send ground troops to the British Isles, his aircraft carried out regular bombing of English cities. The raids were especially persistent and frequent in the first years of the war, when the Wehrmacht victoriously occupied almost all of Europe. Elizabeth's father regularly visited the troops. Already in 1940, the heiress made her first public speech to her compatriots addressed to the children of the country.

The future Queen of England Elizabeth 2 grew up in such an atmosphere. The biography of the child became an indicative cast of the era. In 1943, she visited the troops for the first time, visiting a grenadier regiment. A few months before the surrender of Germany, Elizabeth joined the army and became a mechanic-driver of an auxiliary ambulance in the women's self-defense unit. The princess received the rank of lieutenant, and since today she is the current monarch, her military rank remains valid. This means that Elizabeth is the last non-retired World War II veteran in the entire world.

Wedding with Philip

With the advent of peace, the future Queen of England Elizabeth 2 also returned to her standard duties. The biography of the princess in 1947 was marked by her wedding to Philip Mountbatten.

In the first half of the 20th century, all the ruling European dynasties were closely intertwined. Philip was the grandson of the Greek King George I, as well as a member of the Danish royal family and a descendant of the British Queen Victoria. The newlyweds met as children in the 30s. After his marriage, Philip received the honorary title of Duke of Edinburgh. Despite the fact that he was born back in 1921, he is still in good health and regularly fulfills his dynastic duties. It is interesting that the Queen’s husband did not accept the title of Prince Consort, which was customary for his position, and remained Duke of Edinburgh.

Philip and Elizabeth had four offspring: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. All of them today have children and grandchildren, who, in turn, make up the extensive royal family of Great Britain. Charles, as the eldest son, became his mother's heir in 1952, when she took the royal throne, and remains so to this day.


Queen Elizabeth 2 came to the throne under unusual circumstances. In 1952, she and her husband went to Kenya, then a British colony, on vacation. It was in this exotic country that the heir to the throne received the sad news of the death of her father George V, who ruled the country for sixteen years.

It took several months to organize the coronation, which would symbolize the beginning of the reign of the new monarch. The ceremony was held in its traditional place - Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth 2 became the new queen. When the young 25-year-old ruler ascended the throne, the eyes of the whole world were turned in her direction in the literal sense of the word, because it was then for the first time at such an event that cameras were used to broadcast the event.

First years of reign

The British Queen Elizabeth 2 traveled a lot in her youth. She did not abandon this habit from the first days of her reign. With her accession to the throne, the ruler visited the countries that were part of the Commonwealth of British Colonies. In the 50s and 60s, the process of granting independence to these states, located in all parts of the world, began. Most of them were in Africa. In addition, for the first time in history, a British monarch visited Australia and New Zealand. This person turned out to be Queen Elizabeth 2. The ruler’s fascinating biography was superimposed on her unique status, which attracted the attention of the whole world to her person.

The queen did not forget about internal affairs at home. She regularly met with parliamentary representatives and discussed the agenda. In 1957, the first political crisis broke out in the ruling party during its time on the throne. Back then they were conservatives. Prime Minister Anthony Eden resigned. Since the party did not have established mechanisms for electing its leader, the queen had to take responsibility into her own hands.

In her first steps in power, Elizabeth often consulted with the legendary Winston Churchill. After consultations with the venerable politician, it was decided to propose the candidacy of Harold Macmillan, which was accepted. He became the 65th Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1957 to 1964.

Relations with the Commonwealth of Nations

Even in my youth it became clear that further fate Queen Elizabeth 2 will be associated only with serving her native country. She became a ruler in an era when in other countries the power of monarchs was either swept away by revolutions or became only a decorative appendage.

In Great Britain the situation was different. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were several empires that were somewhat similar to its state structure. For example, Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary. In all these countries, monarchical institutions of power were dismantled after bloody wars. Great Britain avoided this.

However, after the Second World War it was clear that the imperial consciousness would have to be abandoned. Even under Elizabeth's father George VI, India, the jewel of the British crown, gained independence. Now the young ruler had to consistently abandon the remaining remnants of the past imperial era.

The most important tool for realizing this goal was British diplomacy did everything to establish friendly relations with its former colonies, while giving them a platform for conversation on equal terms. There were especially many problems in the African region, where revolutions and civil wars began after the departure of the British authorities.

Traditionally, Elizabeth devoted a lot of time to her country's relations with Canada. Until 1982, the British government had some say in domestic decision-making. After the reforms, such a system became a thing of the past, which was another step towards abandoning the previous British policy of interference in the affairs of its former colonies. However, Elizabeth remains the nominal Queen of Canada today. In 1976, she, as a monarch, opened the Olympic Games held in Montreal. Many years later she will take part in the same ceremony in London. The opening of that Olympics took place in 2012.

As for the current state of the Commonwealth of Nations, Elizabeth remains the head of this system today, although all organizational matters can be decided without her participation, while the queen is a symbolic figure.

Tragedies of the Royal Family

Over the years, the personal life of the royal family, of which Elizabeth is the head, has become surrounded by more and more unpleasant and shocking news. In 1979, terrorists from the Irish Republican Army killed Prince Philip's uncle Louis Mountbatten. He was not only a close relative of the Queen, but also an important statesman even under George VI, in particular, he was the last Viceroy of India.

Mountbatten was on his yacht when a radio-controlled bomb planted by terrorists exploded on it. Several of his relatives and an Irish boy who worked on the ship died along with him. On the same day, the radicals' massacre was complemented by their organized attack on British soldiers, which killed 18 people.

A couple of years after this terrible tragedy, the heir to the throne, Elizabeth's son Charles, married Diana Spencer. The Princess of Wales enjoyed great popularity among the people due to her charitable and social activities.

The couple had two children - William and Harry. The eldest son is the next contender for the royal title after his father. However, the family life of Charles and Diana still failed. They had a difficult relationship. In the early 90s, the prince began dating another woman. This state of affairs was unacceptable for Elizabeth, who believed that the couple’s complicated personal life cast a shadow over the entire royal family. On her initiative, Charles and Diana divorced in 1996. This gave rise to a huge social scandal.

Before the passions had time to subside, in 1997 the UK was shocked by the shocking news of Diana's death in a car accident in Paris. A few years after this event, Prince Charles married his longtime girlfriend for the second time. The wedding took place in 2005, when his children from his first marriage had already grown up and lived independent lives.


Despite the scandals and tragedies that rocked Buckingham Palace from time to time, Elizabeth successfully carried out her royal duties for several decades. The British monarch, by tradition, was also the head of the Anglican Church, which was formed during the Reformation in the 16th century.

In the old days, there was a long conflict smoldering between Catholics and Protestants. In a new era, the time has come for a historic reconciliatory meeting of the heads of the two churches - the Pope and the British Queen. John Paul arrived in London in 1982. He was met by the Queen of England herself. Photos of these people spread all over the world.

At the same time, a conflict broke out between Great Britain and Argentina. The Queen did not make any formal decisions related to tactics and strategy. However, this conflict could not pass her by. Younger son Elizabeth - Andrew - served in the British Army during this conflict and was a member of the helicopter crew.

The war began due to the uncertainty of the ownership of the Falkland Islands, located off the coast of Argentina. After almost three months naval battles Great Britain was victorious and retained this archipelago.

Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher

While Elizabeth made no decisions related to the war, the burden fell on the shoulders of another influential British woman, Margaret Thatcher. She was the country's leader and prime minister from 1981-1990. For her tough character and determination, the politician received the nickname “Iron Lady.” Thus, in the 80s, a female tandem was formed, which was at the head of the British state.

According to laws and traditions, the head of government held a working meeting every week, which was attended by Elizabeth 2. The Queen of Great Britain and her dynasty maintained close relations with Thatcher. From time to time, rumors spread throughout the country that fundamental differences had arisen between the Prime Minister and the monarch in internal and foreign policy. These conversations were actively discussed by the press. Despite this, Thatcher herself and Elizabeth’s official representatives each time refuted such judgments.

At the same time, in the 80s, British society was not experiencing the most simpler times. This was primarily due to the tense social situation. Due to the policies of austerity, privatization and monetarism, of which Thatcher was an adherent, the country was wandering on the brink of an economic crisis. Such measures were necessary for government reforms. The Queen, due to her status, usually found herself on the sidelines from the wave of public criticism.

Diamond Jubilee of the reign

In 2012, the Diamond Jubilee of the reign came (60 years), which was celebrated by the Queen of England. Photos of the country's celebrations made it onto the front pages of newspapers around the world. Elizabeth became the second after Queen Victoria to live to see this significant date.

The climax of the holiday was a parade of several hundred ships descending the Thames in London. According to statistics, this is the largest water procession in history. June 4 at the walls Buckingham Palace A gala musical concert took place. The Queen was personally congratulated by such legendary British performers as Paul McCartney, Elton John and others.

A year before, the biography of Elizabeth 2 and the entire royal family was marked by another joyful event. The ruler's eldest grandson and heir, William, got married. His wife was Catherine Middleton. In 2013, Elizabeth became a great-grandmother for the third time. William had a son and heir to the throne, George.

Modern status of the queen

The eventful biography of Queen Elizabeth 2 of England is an example of the life of a monarch who, over the years, increasingly renounced his former privileges and became a state figure performing representative functions. Today, the ruler continues to follow the traditions of her tenure on the throne. Once a year she organizes a speech before parliament.

The Queen also regularly meets ambassadors and diplomatic delegations. In previous years, she often traveled to various parts of the planet, but with age, the intensity of travel decreased. However, most recently, in 2011, Elizabeth went to Ireland. It was a historic visit. Great Britain and its western neighbor have been in conflict for centuries. In the 20th century, the Irish struggle for independence (including Northern Ireland) took the form of terrorist attacks, which Elizabeth 2 herself witnessed. England, however, overcame this crisis and improved relations with Dublin.

Over the decades on the throne, the ruler has acquired her own style in dealing with parliament. As a rule, she tries to stay away from political fights between parties and supporters of different programs.

But it was the cold-blooded and unapproachable queen who had to accept important decisions when crises occurred in parliament. For example, this happened in 1957 and 1963. In both cases, the prime minister resigned, and the ruling party could not decide on a successor. Then the queen herself chose the speaker of parliament. Each time this helped defuse the situation in Downing Street.

Today in Great Britain, every resident of the country knows about everything that Queen Elizabeth 2 of England is connected with. Biography, full name and other facts from her life are well known to everyone. She managed, despite the changeability of the modern era, to maintain the authority of the monarchy.

She is a woman of the 20th and 21st centuries, ruler of the British Commonwealth of Nations and 15 independent states, queen regnant from 1952 to the present day. Who is this? Of course, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, who also holds the title as the longest reigning monarch in British history. What interesting facts are known about this unique and strong woman.

1. Queen's Birthday

Elizabeth II celebrates her birthday twice: on April 21 (born 1926) with her family, and officially in early June.

2. When Elizabeth ascended the throne

In 1937, Elizabeth became the heir apparent after her father, George VI of the House of Windsor, was crowned. And on February 6, 1952, at the age of 25, she ascended the throne.

3. Queen's Education

During the war years, Elizabeth joined women's self-defense units, where she was trained as a driver. As strange as it may sound, the Queen in her younger years drove an ambulance and a truck. She later received her water lifeguard certification.

4. Who is the husband of Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II's husband, Philip Mountbatten, is an exiled Greek prince and a first lieutenant in the British navy. In addition, he is also Elizabeth's fourth cousin. The couple first met when they were 8 and 13 years old. So the age difference is 5 years. The wedding took place in 1947, when Elizabeth was 21 years old. We add that the parents of the future queen opposed the marriage with Philip, since he did not have a fortune. It sounds funny, but at that time Elizabeth was given as many as 200 additional coupons for sewing a wedding dress.

5. How many children does Elizabeth have?

The Queen has four children: Prince Charles, Andrew, Edward and Princess Anne. In addition, the Queen is a grandmother, great-grandmother and godmother of many children: she has 30 godchildren and goddaughters. That's who got really lucky.

6. What powers does Queen Elizabeth have?

Despite her high status, the queen reigns, but does not rule the country: she officially does not influence foreign and domestic policy in any way, but nevertheless, all decisions in the state are made on her behalf.

7. How much money does Queen Elizabeth II have?

It is not customary to talk about the Queen's property, but there are rumors that she is one of the richest people on earth. However, the queen never carries money with her. Basically, why are they needed if you are the Queen. In addition, the queen does not have a passport; everyone recognizes her anyway.

The Queen is also not obliged to disclose the status of her personal accounts. Moreover, despite the fact that the royal art collection is estimated at 10 billion pounds, this is not the queen’s personal fortune, nor are the palaces and castles in which the queen and her relatives live. All of this property is owned by the state or is owned by the Crown Estate (the independent commercial enterprise that manages the royal estate).

8. What awards does the Queen of Great Britain have?

9. What does the Queen of Great Britain drive?

The royal fleet is enviable: Bentley, Rolls-Royce Daimler, Jaguar and Land Rover. In addition, Elizaveta is a first-class driver and easily controls the steering wheel of the car.

10. The Queen's Pets

The Queen loves dogs very much. She gives particular preference to the corgi breed. Today there are about 30 corgis at the royal court. Elizabeth II also loves horses: despite her age, she constantly goes horseback riding.

11. Where Queen Elizabeth II likes to relax

But Her Majesty likes to spend her holidays at the Scottish estate of Balmoral. When the Queen has breakfast, a bagpiper walks around the castle and plays folk melodies.

12. Main residence of British monarchs

Buckingham Palace is the main residence of all British monarchs, where Elizabeth II still holds official meetings.

13. What does the Queen of Great Britain like to wear?

Elizabeth II gives preference only to British designers; her wardrobe includes bright outfits, and the queen can only appear in black during mourning. The monarch loves to carry handbags from the British brand Launer London with short handles. But what is contained in the royal handbag is a secret behind seven locks. The handbag also serves as a signal for the Queen to signal to the servants: if Her Majesty is about to leave the meal, she places the handbag on the table.

And the main highlight of the royal look is the hat; it’s difficult to count how many of them there are in Elizabeth II’s wardrobe. Rumor has it that it is more than 5 thousand.

As for shoes, these are low-heeled shoes with a rounded toe from Anello & Davide. The Queen is very careful about shoes and therefore tries to change shoes less often and add heels more often. But new shoes for the royal person are worn by the so-called Cinderella, whose feet are the same size as Elizabeth II.

And a few more interesting facts about Elizabeth II:

  • No one except the husband has the right to touch the Queen in public. History knows only 4 violators who allowed themselves to do this: Michelle Obama, Canadian cyclist Louis Garneau and two Australian prime ministers, Paul Keating and John Howard;
  • the queen never raises her voice, even if she is furious, and never gives interviews.

How long Elizabeth II will reign is an open question, since the queen is not going to give up her throne in favor of her heirs, and considers her reign to be her life’s work, and for many British people she is a “bastion of stability” for the state.

Who in the world does not know this little woman with a beautiful smile and a 1000-year history behind her. Elizabeth II carries on the grueling royal mission with a great sense of dignity and respect for her own people. Try to live next to her for at least one day and you will understand how exhausting visits of a political, religious or social nature can be, and you must always be on top and impeccable. No matter how the world views her, two-thirds of the British people love their queen and would like the monarchy to continue in their country.

Queen Elizabeth has 4 children, three of them she witnessed divorce, but she also endured these trials, because she simply glows with happiness when she sees her 8 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Her husband is now 90 years old and they are a true example of mutual understanding for all married couples. As people who have worked next to her for decades say: “The Queen has an excellent memory, is very insightful in her judgments, never imitates anyone, is capable of harsh actions, but still remains sweet and unusually feminine at 85 years old.” .

Sir Roy Strong decided to tell about the ten most important character traits of Queen Elizabeth in order to reveal the secret of everyone's favorite royal person.

1. The Queen is quite shy

Her Majesty has reigned for 60 years, but she is still a shy person at heart. She is quite modest and resembles her late father in character. And thus, she is a true representative of her most restrained nation in the world.

2. Her smile is sincere

It's amazing how happy the Queen looks. Her family has endured many adversities over the past decade, but she has proven herself to be a strong woman. Especially now she is very happy, because the Duke of Edinburgh is next to his wife, and they have wonderful grandchildren.

3. She has a sense of humor

The Queen can be quite funny, but this part of her is rarely seen. She more than once showed a sense of humor, subtle and spontaneous.

4. Faith is at the core of her life philosophy

The Queen is the head of the church. But sometimes they forget that she herself is a deeply religious person. She was a regular parishioner and found support in her faith during the difficult times of her reign.

5. She is thrifty

The Queen has never been an extravagant person. This is probably why she loves Kate so much, who is not shy about wearing the same dress twice. They are clearly not the type to spend a lot.

6. She loves children

The way the Queen bends down to accept flowers from small children suggests that she views them as equals. At this moment she looks so touching, as if this is happening for the first time.

7. The Queen takes her duty seriously

She felt keenly the sacrifice made by her people in Afghanistan and Iraq. And, of course, it was no coincidence that she granted Wootton-Bassett a Royal Charter as a sign of her deepest appreciation.

8. She has a kind heart

It's not often mentioned, but the Queen has a good heart. Caring for others is an admirable quality in a monarch. Martin Charteris served her for many years, as her assistant private secretary and then private secretary, and did so much for her that even as a young monarch, Elizabeth visited him repeatedly until his death in 1999.

9. Elizabeth loved her “palace on the water”

The Queen was very sad as she bid farewell to Royal Yacht Britannia. She loved this yacht very much because it was the only home created especially for her. It was on this ship that Elizabeth felt true freedom.

10. Animals are very important to her

This woman is known for her love of animals, in particular her corgis. This affection for dogs may be due to her shyness, but many say that the British are the best animal lovers, and therefore their Queen is a true symbol of her nation.

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