Examination session. What is a session and how to experience it. Educational program for freshmen Test session

Sessions in PHP or as data about a user or customer who visits a site are saved when moving between pages of a site without much difficulty. The lesson is very important. Relevant for creating 95% of websites.

What is a session in php

Sessions are used to store temporary data (for example, that a user has visited a site) when navigating between pages of the same site. When using sessions, data is stored in temporary files on the server.
Most often, sessions (and cookies, by the way) are used when creating online stores, forums, message boards, in social networks, blogs and other resources. The convenience of the session system is to store temporary information of the logged in user/customer, data about which is quickly accessible for a certain time. The session has a natural expiration date - until the browser is closed. If you close only the page, then when you open the site, data about the user/customer will still be available.

Session logic

Session (or session) is a kind of temporary data storage. I warn you right away that saving a small amount of data is worth it. For example, the login and password of the visiting user or his serial number in the database.

Example of work
1. The user enters his login and password and enters the site
2. Data with login and password are saved in a session of one of the site pages:

File index.php

Session_start(); // each file in which you want to use session data must contain a "start session" command at the beginning of the code

$login = "admin";
$password = "pass";
$_SESSION["login"] = $login; // save a variable containing login
$_SESSION["password"] = $password; // save a variable containing the password

3. When you go to another page of the site, this data will also be available:

File example.php(or any other page)

Echo "Your login ".$_SESSION["login"]; // will display "Your login is admin", although we did not record any data on this page!
See, it's simple!

4. If you want to clear session data, then all you need to do is:

File example.php

Session_start(); // "start the session" again

Unset($_SESSION["login"]); // this is how the variable was unregistered or “destroyed”
echo "Your login ".$_SESSION["login"]; // will display "Your login". Since we destroyed it in the last line, there is no data

Session_destroy(); // destroy the session. All data, including $_SESSION["password"] is no longer there. When requesting them, an error will be displayed
In general, such a transfer is similar to the POST method, but you no longer have to write a lot of unnecessary code, and all data transferred from page to page is stored in temporary files on the server. I repeat, sessions should contain small amounts of data, so they are suitable for storing login/password, shopping cart and other small volumes.

Passing a value or array using a PHP session

You can write not only a string, but also an array of data to a session. Just don’t overdo it with the volume of the array, as all this will affect the speed and occupied space on the server.

We again use a certain start page index.php


$r = array("one", "two", "three");

$_SESSION["arr"] = $r;

To the page where everything will be displayed
We saved the data in the session and follow the link to another page, where we will display all the data.

Destination file, page test.php where we open the array

// will print
=> one
=> two
=> three
You might want to brush up on the lesson on . In general, everything should be clear.

Other functions for working with sessions

session_unregister(string)- the session forgets the value of the specified global variable;
session_destroy()- the session is destroyed (for example, if the user left the system by clicking the exit button);
session_set_cookie_params(int lifetime [, string path [, string domain]])- using this function you can set how long a session will live by setting a unix_timestamp that determines the time of death of the session.

List of functions for working with sessions in php
session_cache_expire - returns the expiration of the current cache
session_cache_limiter - Gets and/or sets the current cache limiter
session_commit is an alias for session_write_close()
session_decode - decodes session data from a string
session_destroy - destroys all data registered for the session
session_encode - encrypts the current session data as a string
session_get_cookie_params - gets session cookie parameters
session_id - gets and/or sets the current session id
session_is_registered - determines whether the variable is registered in the session
session_module_name - gets and/or sets the current session module
session_name - gets and/or sets the name of the current session
session_regenerate_id - modifies the current session id with a newly generated one
session_register - registers one or more variables for the current session
session_save_path - gets and/or sets the path to save the current session
session_set_cookie_params - sets session cookie parameters
session_set_save_handler - sets user level session storage functions
session_start - initializes session data
session_unregister - unregisters a variable from the current session
session_unset - releases all session variables
session_write_close - writes session data and end of session

Examples of session work

Counter of page views during a session. A clear example of work. However, after closing the browser, the countdown will begin again.

Counter of visits to one page within one session

// A simple example of using sessions without Cookies.
$_SESSION["count"] = @$_SESSION["count"] + 1;


You have opened this page in your current browser session
Close your browser to reset this counter.
Click here to update the page!
With each transition the counter will increase by 1)

Thank you for your attention! Good luck in your endeavors!

The first session – the first exams, the first fear, the first “failures” and “excellence”. The most important thing is the first experience, on which a lot depends on your education and your future. You can learn from your mistakes, repeating them over and over again, or you can rely on the experience of previous generations, isolate the most important things from it, apply it to yourself and not be sad every time before the session. Go.


No matter how strange it may sound, this is the very first, most important, indisputable advice: study in order to gain knowledge, and not for show, that is, for evaluation. Obviously, if you know the subject well, there will be no problems with passing the exam/test.

It doesn’t even matter which teacher takes the exam and how loyal he is to you. Even if he is considered the most terrible teacher at the university, he will see that the student knows the subject (even if not perfectly) and, most importantly, strives to honestly master this knowledge. And he won’t blame the poor fellow.

In addition, if you are going to continue to do what you are studying for, to earn money from it, to study truly and honestly, you will have to - there are no options. Competition in the labor market today is very strong and, first of all, real specialists are valued, and not mama’s boys who bought a crust.

Teach in advance

Let's say the first rule has been learned, and you understand: I will teach, not score. But this is not enough. Now understand the following: you need to learn everything in advance, and not leave it for later. There is a proverb that a student will learn Chinese the night before the session. Forget it - life is not like that.

The secret is actually simple. When you learn in advance, this knowledge is stored in your memory even when you start learning the next topic, but feel like you have completely forgotten the previous one. No - you will remember what you have learned at the most opportune moment, when, completely unexpectedly, the teacher asks what would seem (it seemed to him, of course) a tricky question. And here you will understand that it’s still good that you learned this topic a long time ago. And not on the night before the exam - then you’ll definitely forget. Well, almost exactly.

Discipline and responsibility

It is clear that university is not the army or even a job, like your parents, and you still have so many years that sometimes (often, really) you want to be bold like a student, like in the movies. However, these qualities will be useful to you throughout your future life, from the first days of studying at university. If, of course, you really want to become a successful person and a competitive specialist.

In practice, discipline and responsibility in your case means regularly attending lectures and other classes, completing homework on time and in full, writing and submitting coursework and tests on time.

Important: teachers notice how responsibly students treat their studies. During the session, they will repay you with a good dose of loyalty. People who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes higher education, they argue: such an attitude towards learning (read: towards one’s own future life) smooths out the difficulties of “these” days by a good half.

By the way, you will have to get used to discipline in any case: for violating it you can be kicked out of the university and this can be done quite easily.

Put down your textbook

Don't completely forget about him, but don't get your hopes up too much. This is not a school: the most important knowledge You will most likely acquire it not from textbooks, but from other sources:

Lectures. The teacher will always tell you more than just what you can already read in the textbook. He will definitely remember a couple of dozen cases from life on the topic of the subject being studied, talk about different options practical application knowledge. This will not only enrich you with valuable knowledge and other people's life experience, but it will also help a lot: the teacher will ask you all sorts of things during the exam about what he talked about in lectures and which, quite possibly, is not in the textbooks.

Additional literature. Read more on all subjects. When you show off your additional knowledge to the teachers at the first session of exams and tests, you will receive a certain head start, so to speak, for the future in the form of an additional portion of loyalty.

Seminars. If possible, attend them and be active in them: ask questions, prepare topics and speeches, we will teach the eyesore that you really strive to become a good specialist. Here you can even fake a little interest in the subject. The main thing is not to overact: insincerity can be felt a mile away.

Grow up

Keep in mind: no one will run after you, remind you or even persuade you to study the subject and take the exam. Immediately find out and learn the exam schedule, the schedule for passing and retaking, make a schedule, look at it several times a day and don’t forget anything.

Take notes correctly

It is not always possible to keep up with the teacher's speech. From the very first lectures, learn to isolate the most important thing from what is said, and focus on this. You may have to develop your own system of encryption and decryption - a system of abbreviations that will be clear to you without any additional effort. This will be a great help in preparing for the session.


Yes - with a question. It would seem that the 21st century is just around the corner, why not press the record button and not bother too much with taking notes? Not always and not entirely.

Firstly, many teachers do not like all these modern gadgets. Secondly, transcribing an audio recording - transferring what is recorded from an audio file into ordinary written text - is quite labor-intensive; it requires perseverance, which many students cannot boast of. And thirdly, this is also important - this method of note-taking is suitable for auditory learners, that is, those people who best perceive and remember information by ear.

Become a scout

In a roundabout way or in some other way, try to collect information about the teachers, collect a kind of dossier. Firstly, you need to know your enemy (crossed out) by sight, even those teachers who don’t teach you anything. And don’t forget to say hello, by the way! Secondly, find out and keep in mind what you learn: the teachers’ hobbies, tastes, preferences in clothing, food and drinks, know their manner of communication, the presence and extent of a sense of humor. Know it and use it as intended. Just don't overdo it!

Submachine gunners

Try to get “machine guns” as much as possible. Of course you have to try! This advice is not suitable for slackers - that's for sure. There is also such a thing as “semi-automatic”. This is when, for merit and educational zeal, the teacher allows you to use the “50/50” hint. Joke. This means that the teacher will allow you to choose only one of the two questions on the ticket.

Turn on the boss

If you have the ability to administer, manage people and have the opportunity to do some kind of administrative (managerial) work at a university (department) - please do not miss this opportunity. First of all, it's experience. Secondly, you will communicate with the teaching staff more often than others, and do it almost on equal terms!


Re-read the previous advice and replace the word “administrator” with the word “journalist”: if you know how to write, show yourself in the student newspaper, on student television or radio, work on institute social networks. The exhaust will be the same as described above.

If you are talented, and at the university there is some kind of amateur artistic activity - theater, KVN - there is probably no need to say, yes, that you literally have to go there from the first day?

Common mistakes

From the first days of study, students tend to commit typical mistakes, which will lead to complications during the session, including expulsion. Try to avoid them.


Stepping out of the school where you were looked after and encouraged classroom teacher, teachers and parents, the student is literally left to his own devices. No one runs after him, no one reminds him of anything, no one forces him. This can noticeably cool you down. This cannot be allowed. Get your act together!

Time management

More precisely, its absence. Learn to plan your day and your time wisely. Choose shortest way from home or dorm to university, clearly define and allocate time for classes, work and play. You will soon realize that 24 hours a day is not much at all. But if you plan and occupy them correctly, these hours will be enough for you to do everything. Otherwise, kick yourself at the very first session.


Lectures can be boring - that's true. It is much better and more enjoyable to spend this time in some other way. This is a big mistake! Especially in the first courses. Teachers take note of who goes to lectures and who skips. They may well remember it at the session. What can we say – they’ll definitely remember it at the first session! Especially if you start stuttering.


Some try to impress teachers: with fashionable and expensive clothes, exclusive outfits, tons of perfume poured on themselves, deep necklines (this, of course, is good, no doubt! But not this time!). Be more modest. A modest, business-like style of behavior and clothing is more appropriate. And to show yourself in all your glory - you will have more than enough such opportunities.


Or excessive or even demonstrative modesty is the other end of the stick called “Epatage”. Don’t be afraid to ask again what you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to make new acquaintances - it will come in handy when you need to take lectures from someone that you missed.


Study is study, but at university there is always another life that is not directly related to lectures, sessions and cramming. This is some kind of public life, extracurricular, as it was at school. Take part in this life, do not deny yourself small pleasures.


There is no need to be afraid of the session, as most first-timers do. Remember a very important principle of life: what you are afraid of will most likely happen to you. The law of meanness, Murphy's laws - that's all. And in general, look at those who study in the second, third, and so on years - they somehow completed their studies. So you can too! “Nissa!”, as they say on VKontakte.

Good luck with your first session!

As a rule, no more than five. There must be a set period of time between exams to prepare for the exam: usually at least three days.

The “test week” precedes the session, and students are admitted to the session if they have passed all tests, coursework and projects provided for the current semester. Students who have not received all the credits by the end of the test week are not admitted to the session until the debts on all tests are cleared by them (as a rule, in order to submit such a debt, the student must come to the teacher with a referral from his dean’s office). In some universities, students may be admitted to the session with one or two failed tests.

After the main examination session there is a period during which students can retake failed examinations. In most universities, retakes are officially allowed only after the session and no more than three times (the third time before the commission), but in practice this rule is often not observed. Having passed all exams and tests, the student “closes the session” - submits his record book to the dean’s office for verification and goes on vacation. In some universities, retakes are allowed if no more than two exams were not passed the first time in one session. If the student fails the third exam the first time, he may be expelled.

After the session, students who did not close the session on time are expelled. Therefore, the session is the most stressful time for students. Students who do not pass the exam on time will lose their scholarship and may be expelled.


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Session is the most difficult period of study for any higher education student. educational institution. At this time, the knowledge and skills of students accumulated throughout the semester are tested. A lot depends on whether the exams are passed successfully: the possibility of continuing studies, prospects for receiving a scholarship or

What is a session

A session is the period of passing exams in disciplines taught during the academic semester. The main goal is an intermediate assessment of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. If the exams are passed successfully, the student receives the right to continue studying.

The academic year of a full-time student includes two sessions - winter and summer. The number of exams is determined by the training plan: usually there are no more than six certification tests. Before each of them there must be at least three days of preparation.

How long does the session last?

The average duration is about 20 days, it depends on the regulations and curriculum establishments. When the summer session for students begins and ends, each institute and university determines independently, but usually it begins in the second week of June. Things are also variable in winter: full-time students begin taking exams in mid-December and finish by the New Year or from the second week of January.

The examination period is usually preceded by a test week, which includes the submission of essays, laboratory work, tests, practice reports, and course projects. Only those students who do not have debts are allowed to take the exams.

If all exams are not passed within the time allotted for the summer or winter session, the university provides time to retake (a total of no more than three times for one subject - the first unsuccessful attempt is taken into account). After passing all tests and exams, the student goes on vacation. Those students who have not closed the session are subject to...

Correspondence session

The deadlines for taking exams for correspondence students differ from the regulations established for full-time students. The beginning of the session also depends on the university curriculum and is determined by educational institutions independently. In most universities, in winter it falls in January-February, in spring - in April. The session for first-year correspondence students, as a rule, begins a little earlier - at the end of November or beginning of December.

Installation and test-examination session

For part-time students, there are two types of sessions:

  • installation (one to two weeks) - during this time students become familiar with the features of the subject, receive basic knowledge about the disciplines of the current course, a list of references, methodological manuals and tasks;
  • test or laboratory examination: during this period, students must prepare and submit all assignments received at the orientation session.

The duration of the break between the installation and examination periods ranges from two to six months. If the session is not closed, then with the permission of the dean of the faculty, a retake is scheduled, which must be completed before the next test and examination period.

Often kick-off session for the new semester begins immediately after passing the exams.

Current terminology

Most often, the duration of the test week and examination period is determined by each university independently. You can view the study plan on the educational institution’s website or in the dean’s office. In order to fully understand the official schedules, it is necessary to take into account that the concepts of “pre-session test week” and even “session” in the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating university educational process, does not exist. Passing or retaking tests and exams, as well as other control tests in the official curriculum usually grouped under the concept of “interim assessment”.

Successful study at a university is impossible without timely passing of tests and exams. But life circumstances do not always develop in such a way that a student cannot meet the time frame allotted by the university for intermediate certifications. In such cases, or may help.

A session (from Latin - sessio - meeting, English - session) is a period of time covering the user’s work on the Internet from the moment the first link is opened to the last. Calculated as the time difference between the initial and final requests. However, the last page may take a different amount of time to be viewed by the user, which consequently makes measuring the time between two requests more difficult.

How is a session related to the HTTP protocol and COOKIES?

What a session is can be explained based on the HTTP protocol. By itself, this protocol does not have a way to save state between two operations. That is, simply put, by opening one page and then moving from it to another, HTTP will not be able to establish that both requests belong to the same user. And here it comes to the rescue special method tracking – managing sessions (our sessions).
Hence, answering the question of what a session is, we can say that it is an auxiliary logical object that facilitates the transfer of data between successive HTTP requests from one user.
Cookies, like sessions, store information about the user as he navigates through different pages and improve the performance of the protocol. But unlike the second, where the data is stored in temporary files on the server, they save it on the user's computer in the form of small fragments.

What are sessions for?

The use of sessions becomes indispensable when working with sites such as forums, message boards and online stores, because in this case it is necessary to save data about the user over several pages.

Session stages

The entire session can be divided into three stages:

  • session opening (when the user starts working with a specific site),
  • accounting of session variables (when going to different pages),
  • end of the session.

Due to the fact that session data is saved on a third-party server, it is best not to store large amounts of information in them, but to use cookies.

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