How to cure chronic bronchitis without drugs: we analyze the psychological causes of the disease. Psychosomatics bronchitis lis bourbo Bronchitis mental causes

Bronchitis is a widespread disease, and most of it affects children. It should be noted that not every patient develops bronchitis after suffering from a cold or viral illness. It happens that a psychological pattern is clearly visible in its appearance.

In this article we will talk about the psychosomatic causes of bronchitis.

general information

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease that involves the membranes of the bronchi. Most often, the inflammatory process begins in the upper respiratory tract - in the throat or nasopharynx, and gradually moves down to the bronchi. The job of the bronchi in the body is to conduct light air, which is already sufficiently warmed and moisturized so as not to damage the lung tissue. When the lining of the bronchi becomes inflamed, their conductivity is disrupted, breathing becomes difficult, and there is even a risk of developing pneumonia if the infection goes even lower - into the lungs themselves.

Bronchitis has characteristic clinical symptoms: First, a child or adult develops a dry cough, then it changes its character to a wet one, the temperature rises, breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears, the patient experiences severe general weakness, has a headache and sleep disturbances. In children, against the background of a painful cough, the gag reflex is often activated.

Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. The acute form (catarrhal) with timely and correct therapy recedes in a couple of weeks, the bronchi are restored in about a month. In the chronic form of the disease, inflammation is constantly present, periods of remission are followed by periods of exacerbation. Bronchitis that lasts more than three months is considered chronic. Gradually, not only the functional work of the bronchi suffers, but also their structure.

Obstructive bronchitis is a separate issue. It is associated with swelling of the bronchi and serious breathing problems, often some of the bronchi become clogged with mucus.

In traditional medicine, the main causes of bronchitis are considered to be infections that are associated with a viral disease (for example, ARVI), bacterial infection of the respiratory tract.

It is believed that the disease is favored by certain hereditary factors, weak immunity, smoking, and living in regions with very polluted air.

Psychosomatic reasons

Psychosomatics respects official medical explanations of the causes of bronchitis in children and adults, but looks at the problem somewhat more broadly - not only taking into account anatomy and physiology, but also taking into account the mental state of a person.

To understand why a person developed bronchitis, and why it is difficult to treat with traditional medications, you need to clearly know what exactly the bronchi do - they are the routes for transporting air into the lungs. Along the way, the inhaled air is moistened and warmed. The bronchi can also regulate how much air enters the lungs due to their natural ability to expand and contract.

It is this unique ability of the bronchi that is regulated in the body by the parasympathetic nervous system, and it is in close connection with the mental and emotional state person. Bronchi in psychosomatics symbolize vital forces.

If a person is depressed and passive in life, his bronchi relax and also begin to work only at half their strength. Breathing loses depth, becomes more superficial, the lumens of the bronchi remain in a narrowed state, and the likelihood of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa increases.

The bronchi, according to psychosomatics, act as “intermediaries” between a person’s personal world, as he sees it, and the world around him, as it essentially is. Any problems in the interaction of the two worlds immediately affect the health of the respiratory system. If a person accepts the world and the people in it and events with a positive and benevolent attitude, then usually he does not have problems with breathing.

People who are sensitive to the outside world, who do not trust it, who see it as a threat to themselves, limit their breathing deeply, and on a psychological level cause narrowing of the bronchi, disruption of their lumen, blockage, and, as a result, bronchitis.

Psychotherapists have long noticed that respiratory diseases are more often suffered by people who do not want to be open to the world. They isolate themselves, close themselves off, and make sure that no one or anything from the outside can violate the personal boundaries they have built. The parasympathetic system, receiving a signal that it is dangerous outside, limits the lumen of the bronchi, which increases the likelihood of illness. Obstructive bronchitis is most often associated with a person’s constant, almost panicky fear for his own safety.

That is why adolescents and children suffer most often from bronchitis; among adults, vulnerable and impressionable people predominate in the group of patients. inclined to dramatize the events and actions of other people, as well as their own experiences.

A child may respond with bronchitis to the need to get comfortable in a new society - at the beginning of the visit kindergarten or schools. At first, the baby may experience discomfort or even resentment towards the parents for being sent to someone else’s team, which on a physical level will manifest itself as an accumulation of sputum, which the child can get rid of only in one way - by coughing.

If the grievances are great, and the difficulties with communicating with the outside world are also impressive, then the volume of sputum begins to exceed the child’s ability to remove it, and an inflammatory process develops in the bronchi.

In adults, bronchitis is often a consequence of selfishness, laziness, and unwillingness to accept the demands of society. Adults with chronic forms of bronchitis are usually very leisurely people with high self-esteem and a desire to relieve themselves of responsibility for any important decisions. They are comfortable with others making decisions because if they fail, the responsibility can be shifted to those others.

The very thought of taking control and doing everything as you want frightens such people and causes them to reject them. They have great difficulty accepting everything new - be it a new boss at work or new products technical progress. They breathe only half the volume of their lungs, their breathing is usually very superficial, shallow, which is what the therapist states at the appointment, where a person comes with enviable regularity on the occasion of another exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.

Researchers' opinion

Psychologist and researcher in the field of psychosomatics Louise Hay argued that the main cause of bronchitis lies in the family - quarrels and loud, frequent scandals and disputes create a difficult environment and force a child who grows up in such circumstances to close themselves off from the world, which leads to protracted and chronic diseases, including bronchitis.

Canadian writer and psychologist Liz Burbo emphasizes the close connection of the psychosomatic meaning of the bronchi with family, relatives, and family tree (the bronchi look like a tree). She is sure that the basis of childhood bronchitis is always the child’s feelings about what is happening in the family. As for adults, chronic or acute bronchitis is typical of those who cannot put up with what is happening in the family, but at the same time do not have the opportunity (strength, courage) to enter into open confrontation, express their opinion, indicate their position, rebel against.

Psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov sees the main cause of childhood bronchitis in the excessive authoritarianism of his parents, while the child’s personality is actually suppressed by his loved ones, and he cannot formulate and express his own opinion. Negative words that ripen in the child’s head, a speech of protest in this case is formed, but is not expressed, and comes out with a cough. The psychology of the disease implies the reversibility of processes - eliminating the root cause relieves symptoms and leads to complete recovery.

1. BRONCHITIS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Stormy family life. Arguments and screams. Sometimes withdrawn into oneself.

I proclaimed (proclaimed) peace and harmony in myself and around me. Everything is fine.

2. BRONCHITIS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

A tense atmosphere in the family. Arguments and swearing. Sometimes boiling inside.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I declare peace and harmony within me and around me.

3. BRONCHITIS- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Large bronchi carry air into the lungs, small bronchi (bronchioles) carry out more complex function: contracting and expanding, they regulate the working volume of the lungs. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi.

Emotional blockage

Mental block

If you suffer from bronchitis, it's time for you to start approaching life more joyfully and simply. You shouldn’t worry so much about what’s happening in your family. You must understand that there are no families in which absolute harmony would always reign. Your family members' views may differ from yours - this is quite normal. Instead of taking what is happening too personally, try to live the way you see fit and do not be influenced by other people, even if they are members of your family. You should not be discouraged, but resist, and without the slightest feeling of guilt. You must take your place, your territory. At the same time, try to respect the right of other people to live the way they want. (See also explanation " features of inflammatory diseases».)

4. BRONCHITIS- (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

In essence, bronchitis is a reflection of unspoken anger and complaints.

There is a very nervous atmosphere in the family, there is no peace and harmony. Arguments, swearing, screaming. A rare calm. In such cases, children are very sensitive indicators of the atmosphere in the family. They immediately react with upper respiratory tract diseases.

One man came to see me with his 5-year-old son. Every month the child has inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, cough.

- Who do you live with? - I ask him.

- Besides me, my wife and child, my mother still lives with us.

- What is your relationship with your mother, what is the atmosphere in the family?

- Terrible! - the man answers. - She is constantly dissatisfied with something. I am unhappy that I am not working now, but my wife is working. He believes that we are raising our child incorrectly. We, especially me, have constant conflicts with her. There is a lull only when the child gets sick. That’s when we all unite around the sick child.

- It turns out that the child’s illness helps you achieve a truce at least for a while? - I ask him.

- It turns out like this. “But you’re absolutely right,” the man replies. - I never thought about it like that.

- That's when you learn to find mutual language with your mother, then the disease will not be needed.

- But shouldn’t the mother herself change? - he is perplexed.

“I should,” I answer. “But it’s you, not your mother, who is in front of me now.” If you change, she will change.

“Yes, it will be difficult to do,” the man sighs, “but I’ll try.”

“Try,” I say. - After all, your child’s health depends on your efforts.

Three months later I met this man’s wife, she worked as a secretary with my friend.

“You know,” she said, “since my husband visited you, my son has never been sick, and there is now peace and tranquility in the family.” We are very grateful to you.

Greetings, dear readers!

Cough is an unpleasant symptom that is familiar to everyone. Most often it is triggered by colds, viral or bacterial diseases. A psychosomatic cough is more rare. This is a symptom that occurs as a result of stress, nervous breakdowns. Various researchers of the human psyche have different assessments of the causes of discomfort. If you have a cough, psychosomatic phenomena may well be present.

Experts' view

The symptoms of psychosomatic cough have been studied by several specialists in the field of psychology and human energy. They expressed similar opinions about what psychological reasons could cause the cough.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay is an American psychologist who studies the psychosomatics of various diseases, including cough. Her work is based on stereotypes that the human psyche internalizes. These stereotypes can significantly affect our lives.

What does Louise Hay see as the causes of cough?

  • Strong and dry - a person certainly wants to be noticed and appreciated, thereby subconsciously trying to attract attention to himself.
  • Regular, occurring periodically - criticism of your entire environment.

For treatment, an American psychologist suggests repeating affirmations that affirm a benevolent attitude towards the world.

Liz Burbo

Another psychologist who deals with the psychosomatics of diseases. She is the author of Listen to Your Body. The publication describes more than 500 different diseases from a psychological point of view.

Cough is considered from the point of view of three blockages:

  1. Physical – coughing expresses a desire to clear the airways.
  2. Emotional – internal criticism, irritation with oneself.
  3. Mental – self-criticism and irritation at the level of thoughts.

The cause of internal irritability and self-criticism can be both external and internal factors. It is important not to eliminate them, but to change your attitude towards them.


Russian homeopathic doctor Valery Sinelnikov also examines the basis of psychosomatic cough. He compiles his own table of diseases, where each disease corresponds to one or more hidden emotions.

To understand the causes of cough, it is worth making a definitive diagnosis, i.e. consult a doctor. Cough is a symptom of many diseases. A medical diagnosis will tell you how to navigate the table. But the patient’s cough will be treated at the energy level.

  • Bronchitis, including in children, is an indicator of a nervous situation in the family and at work. A child living in a family where the relationship between the parents is strained will often get sick, as this is for him the only way express your feelings and unite parents.
  • A cough without any parallel symptoms is a sign of a desire to express oneself to the world, to be heard. However, for some reason a person is afraid to do this. His cough speaks for him, attracting the attention of others.
  • Asthma is suppressed tears. If a healthy child suddenly develops asthma, this is a sign of a conflict in which the baby is unable to express his emotions. In children, asthma is a fear of life, a fear hidden in the soul.
  • Tuberculosis – depression, sadness, aggression. Such a person cannot live fully, breathe deeply.
  • Throat diseases. This is suppressed anger, emotions. People with a constantly sore throat find it difficult to express what they want or ask for something.

These are the main causes of cough according to Sinelnikov. The basis of every disease is emotion, thoughts. If they are negative, it means that the person is engaged in self-criticism, destroying himself and the world around him.

If you follow this theory, it turns out that diseases need to be treated first in the emotional sphere. And there are no incurable diseases if you completely change your life.

How to treat?

Stress, anxiety, unpleasant surroundings, aggression and shock affect our well-being. They are also reflected on the physical plane. Treatment, if you want it to be effective, should begin with your own thoughts and feelings, getting rid of the source of negativity.

But the whole problem is that a person often does not know what is going on inside him. Hypnosis sessions, self-analysis, and a conversation with a psychologist come to the rescue. As a result, the patient turns to his subconscious, and facts emerge to the surface that become the basis for future beliefs.

Thus, Sinelnikov in his books analyzes in detail fragments of the lives of his patients in order to understand what part of their path could influence the formation of their worldview.

Having established the exact cause of the disease, Sinelnikov begins a course of treatment aimed at expelling negativity and replacing it with a positive attitude towards life.

This can be achieved in many ways. Louise Hay suggests repeating affirmations to reinforce a positive attitude toward life in your brain.

Sinelnikov, on the contrary, strives to conduct sessions of hypnosis and self-analysis with the patient. As a result, the patient remembers what long-forgotten events caused his current failures at the subconscious level.

You should not think that with homeopathic or psychological treatment you should completely abandon medications. However, from negative thoughts(resentment, self-criticism) should be gotten rid of. This can be done through constant self-analysis and control of your own thoughts.

Our body is a reflection of the soul. If the soul is sick, it is reflected in the body. In diseases, not only physical but also physical factors play a role. psychological factors, which official medicine does not yet fully recognize.

Can psychosomatics be the cause of bronchitis?

In respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, developmental psychosomatics require detailed study. It indicates the root cause of the disease, the elimination of which in most cases leads to the patient’s recovery.

With bronchitis, a person has problems breathing normally. Many people feel as if someone is pressing on their chest and preventing them from relaxing. Every breath turns into a challenge.

Prerequisites for bronchitis

Each of us is susceptible to colds, against which bronchitis can progress. And yet Louise Hay and her supporters are of the view that the problem lies not only in reduced immunity; Even patients in excellent health are susceptible to respiratory diseases.

With frequent bronchitis, a person is usually given a chronic diagnosis and is not subject to more detailed examinations. This approach is doomed to failure. If the disease constantly reminds itself of itself, and from time to time it gets worse, then you should think about the psychosomatics of the disease. It is not uncommon for people to suffer from constant pain in the respiratory tract due to severe emotional distress. Such reasons cannot be eliminated by using, even strong, immunomodulators. The patient requires more serious help - a professional psychologist.

Study of the psychosomatics of bronchitis

In the process of studying the psychosomatics of respiratory diseases, the specialist carries out extensive work. His main task is to reveal the root causes of the disease and understand the essence of the patient’s conflict. According to Liz Burbo, the first thing you need to do is change own attitude to what is happening around. Once you do this, the disease will go away on its own. Most often, the psychosomatics of bronchitis lies in serious conflicts that occurred within the family.

Experts are sure that you should not avoid conflicts and close yourself off; this can result in more serious illnesses. It is necessary to learn to find a solution to a controversial situation, to get through it without taking everything to heart. Qualified psychologists work with each patient with bronchitis individually and teach them to realize that in life not everything depends on us, anything can happen.

Why do conflicts in the family provoke the development of bronchitis in adults and children? The fact is that close family ties are very strong. The patient cannot break them or brush aside the conflict as if we're talking about about a random passerby.

The doctor identifies the psychosomatics of bronchitis by conducting frank conversations with the patient. In most cases, the problem turns out to come from distant childhood, when a serious conflict occurred with parents or loved ones. People hold subconscious grudges for many years, as a result of which their own health suffers. As Sinelnikov says, it is necessary to realize the offense and understand why this situation happened to the patient, what he did to deserve such an attitude. If this is not possible, then you need to accept what happened and come to terms with the fact that all people are absolutely unique and can act differently in the same situation.

In life, we will never meet people who will offend us, but this should not be taken too seriously. Your own health should be put first. We cannot change the human essence, but we can eliminate the causes of chronic bronchitis by changing our perception. There is a whole theory, developed by Louise Hay, about the localization of inflammation depending on a person’s anxieties and grievances.

Louise Hay's theory

Louise Hay worked for many years on the theory that every physical manifestation of illness has a psychosomatic basis. This is what the treatment of the disease is based on. According to Louise, bronchitis develops against the background of a nervous atmosphere in the family, where screaming and arguing constantly reign. As a rule, scandals are replaced only by rare periods of calm. To fight a disease using the Hey method, you need to convince yourself that you are developing in peace and harmony, that everything is fine around you. In some cases, pain in the lungs can also be caused by fear for one’s own safety. To overcome phobias, it is enough to say out loud every day that you love life in its various manifestations and are safe.

Louise has a detailed table about all common diseases of the human body and settings that will help get rid of them. (Fig.1) B last years All large quantity people suffering from chronic illnesses are immersed in the study of this theory.

Psychosomatics Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo believes that all processes in the human lungs can be divided into two groups. Large bronchi are responsible for delivering air to the lungs, and small ones provide regulation of the working volume of the lungs. This is possible due to the contraction and straightening of the small bronchi. When the bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed, we can talk about the development of bronchitis.

From a metaphysical point of view, the bronchi have a direct relationship with family relationships. As soon as serious difficulties arise in the family, we can talk about the development of bronchitis. If a person is not ready to enter into an open conflict with his loved ones and solve the problem, he gradually becomes despondent, experiences a feeling of fatigue and guilt. To get rid of bronchitis, you need to get out of a depressed state. A person must realize that problems can arise in any family; one should not worry so much about them. Liz Burbo assures that the views of your family members may differ significantly from your own, and this is not considered a deviation from the norm. To eliminate the likelihood of developing bronchitis, you need to defend your position without guilt and respect the point of view of loved ones.

Valery Sinelnikov's theory

Valery Sinelnikov is a famous psychologist, homeopathic doctor and author of several books. At his appointments, he teaches patients to treat their own illness with love.

According to the theory of Valery Sinelnikov, bronchitis is a consequence of the accumulation of unspoken claims and anger. The disease progresses if a nervous situation persists in the family for a long time. The most sensitive indicator of what is happening is the child. Children are the first to suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases.

To recover from an illness, according to a specialist, you need to look at the atmosphere in your own home from the outside.

Video recording of a radio broadcast about psychosomatic diseases:

Think about how often conflicts occur in your family, who initiates them and for what reason. Try to change so that your loved one does not experience discomfort and maintains his/her peace of mind. Valery Sinelnikov is convinced that as soon as you change your attitude towards the problem, your family members will also change. This will help create a favorable atmosphere in the house. You will immediately notice that the symptoms of bronchitis will begin to subside.

Causes of cough according to Sinelnikov

According to the data official medicine, cough occurs in response to irritation of the corresponding receptors due to inflammation, foreign objects, or the growth of a space-occupying formation. But some experts argue that, first of all, cough is associated with a person’s mental state. Valery Sinelnikov is one of them.

Cough according to Sinelnikov

According to V. Sinelnikov, a cough for a person is a means of expressing oneself, attracting the attention of family and friends or simply those around him.

It can also be a manifestation of hidden anger, anger and resentment. When a child or adult is unable to openly confront an opponent, he develops a sore throat, which then turns into a cough.

Frequent recurrences of this symptom in children without other signs may indicate discord in the family. In this way, the child tries to switch the attention of mom and dad to himself and distract them from constant quarrels.

Valery Sinelnikov is not the discoverer of this pathology. Many doctors, especially psychotherapists and psychiatrists, talk about this. Diseases that develop in response to a person’s internal conflict with himself are called psychosomatic.

Diagnosing them is difficult and often difficulties arise with treatment, since traditional antitussives and antibiotics will not help in this situation. However, the patient will quickly recover if his psychological problems are resolved.

And yet we should not forget that psychosomatic cough is a diagnosis of exclusion. First you need to check all the physical causes of this unpleasant symptom.

Differential diagnosis

Most often, cough is caused by the following reasons:

  • Colds, ARVI.
  • Inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Enlarged thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
  • Foreign body in the respiratory tract.
  • Tumors of the bronchi, lungs, and larynx.

Physical causes of cough can be excluded using chest radiography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, and endoscopic examination of the bronchi.

In some cases, trial therapy is carried out - anti-inflammatory or antibacterial. With the rapid disappearance of symptoms, the physical causes of the cough are confirmed.

However, if this symptom is observed for a long time or with frequent relapses, and the examination does not reveal the cause and there is no response to treatment, most likely it is a psychosomatic cough. It often occurs in children aged 6–10 years, in adolescents, and in women.

If the doctor suspects that the cough is not physical in nature, he should recommend that the patient consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. This is especially true when an obsessive cough appears in children.

Bronchitis is understood as a disorder of the respiratory system, in which the bronchi take part in the inflammatory process. Today, this disease is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical help.

The most common triggers for bronchitis are bacterial and viral infections, to eliminate which antiviral drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.

As a complication of the acute form, the patient often develops chronic bronchitis. Often the cause of chronic bronchitis is also exposure to a non-infectious irritant, for example, dust.

A serious complication of bronchitis is considered to be blockage of the bronchi caused by swelling of the mucous membrane. If the cause of bronchitis is blockage of the bronchi, the disease is called “obstructive bronchitis.”

What are the psychological causes of bronchitis?

Exploring the metaphysics of bronchitis, it should be noted that this disease is directly related to family and family relationships. Bronchitis often occurs during serious quarrels between relatives and loved ones; it becomes a consequence of a person’s deep emotions, feelings of anger and irritation.

The quarrels that occur are often of such a global nature that a person suffering from bronchitis wants to end the relationship with the family member opposing him in the dispute, but he cannot do this because of the feeling of guilt that arises.

The main psychological cause of bronchitis is suppression of anger and dissatisfaction. The person wants to swear, but does not do so. As a result, all his dissatisfaction unconsciously manifests itself in attacks of coughing and choking.

How to eliminate metaphysical causes of bronchitis

To eliminate metaphysical causes, the patient must show willpower and not be afraid to enter into open confrontation with his relative. As soon as a person defines his position, gets rid of anger, takes his place in the family, he will experience relief from the symptoms of bronchitis, and the disease will begin to quickly recede.

Patients with bronchitis should try to approach life and life situations easier and more joyful. We must strive not to take to heart the experiences associated with family relationships. Remember that there are no ideal families; all families have disagreements from time to time.

Now you know the metaphysics of the disease bronchitis, so it will not be difficult for you to recover from the disease. To speed up your recovery, repeat stimulating phrases to yourself daily:

  • “I don’t suppress my feelings and I’m not afraid to express them in front of others.”
  • “I approach life with joy.”
  • "I'm optimistic."
  • “I am my own person who has my own opinion.”
  • “All quarrels are temporary phenomena that should not be taken to heart.”

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One of the most common psychosomatic causes of bronchitis is a lifestyle where a person overworks, overexerts himself, and experiences a long period of stress. A person carries a large amount of guilt, regret or resentment within himself, cannot let go of them and clings to them.

Perhaps the person in this case even believes that all his negative life experience made him stronger. This “survivor strength” based on how much hardship you have endured is just an illusion of strength. In fact, such “power” comes at a price in the form of a huge overvoltage.

Also, a person with psychosomatic bronchitis has difficulties with. For him, forgiving someone means giving up his power. And then forgiveness is seen as weakness.

This picture is often accompanied by the person feeling overwhelmed by the difficulties of life. He tried so hard. He gave his all to his projects and goals. And at the same time, in reality, he felt a great need for praise and recognition. But instead of praise, I was met with rejection or a very unsatisfactory neutral reaction. The person feels emotionally exhausted and unappreciated. He feels like he can't do anything right and is ridiculed for not meeting the expectations and demands of significant others.

A person whose psychosomatics gives rise to bronchitis does not allow himself to explore his emotions. Instead, the person suppresses sadness and the need for acceptance. A person suffering from bronchitis fears that if he allows himself to feel emotions, he will lose control of himself and, instead of having an even character, will show people the volcano that is boiling inside him and which he hid for a long time from people.

His attitude is: to express himself and express his needs and to receive punishment from people.

If bronchitis occurs, a person has long and severely abused himself due to the unconscious need to be loved and to alleviate old grief. This is the result of self-punishment and self-sabotage.

Bronchitis often appears after a long period of conflict between the sick person and the person who brought him a lot of grief, stress, anger and rage.

What to work on first when dealing with the psychosomatics of bronchitis:

  1. Explore events and trauma associated with sadness. Work on letting go/living sadness.
  2. Explore periods of life in which there was powerlessness and the inability to change circumstances.
  3. Get rid of the habit of suppressing emotions. Start expressing them. Give yourself permission to cry.
  4. Explore current and past regrets.
  5. Consider whether there is self-punishing behavior. Are you overloaded with projects and tasks?
  6. Process birth traumas.
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