Euler circles philosophy. Logical problems and Euler circles. Relationships between sets

Each object or phenomenon has certain properties (signs).

It turns out that forming a concept about an object means, first of all, the ability to distinguish it from other objects similar to it.

We can say that a concept is the mental content of a word.

Concept - it is a form of thought that displays objects in their most general and essential characteristics.

A concept is a form of thought, and not a form of a word, since a word is only a label with which we mark this or that thought.

Words can be different, but still mean the same concept. In Russian - “pencil”, in English - “pencil”, in German - bleistift. The same thought in different languages has a different verbal expression.


Concepts that have in their content general signs, are called COMPARABLE(“lawyer” and “deputy”; “student” and “athlete”).

Otherwise, the concepts are considered INCOMPARABLE(“crocodile” and “notebook”; “man” and “steamboat”).

If, in addition to common features, concepts also have common elements of volume, then they are called COMPATIBLE.

There are six types of relationships between comparable concepts. It is convenient to denote relationships between the scopes of concepts using Euler circles (circular diagrams where each circle denotes the scope of a concept).

EQUIVALITY (IDENTITY) The scopes of the concepts completely coincide. Those. These are concepts that differ in content, but the same elements of volume are thought of in them. 1) A - Aristotle B - founder of logic 2) A - square B - equilateral rectangle
SUBORDINATION (SUBORDINATION) The scope of one concept is completely included in the scope of another, but does not exhaust it. 1) A - person B - student 2) A - animal B - elephant
INTERSECTION (CROSSING) The volumes of two concepts partially coincide. That is, concepts contain common elements, but also include elements that belong to only one of them. 1) A - lawyer B - deputy 2) A - student B - athlete
COORDINATION (COORDINATION) Concepts that do not have common elements are completely included in the scope of the third, broader concept. 1) A - animal B - cat; C - dog; D - mouse 2) A - precious metal B - gold; C - silver; D - platinum
OPPOSITE (CONTRAPARITY) Concepts A and B are not simply included in the scope of the third concept, but seem to be at its opposite poles. That is, concept A has in its content such a feature, which in concept B is replaced by the opposite one. 1) A - white cat; B - red cat (cats are both black and gray) 2) A - hot tea; iced tea (tea can also be warm) I.e. concepts A and B do not exhaust the entire scope of the concept they are included in.
CONTRADITION (CONTRADITIONALITY) The relationship between concepts, one of which expresses the presence of some characteristics, and the other - their absence, that is, it simply denies these characteristics, without replacing them with any others. 1) A - tall house B - low house 2) A - winning ticket B - non-winning ticket I.e. the concepts A and not-A exhaust the entire scope of the concept into which they are included, since no additional concept can be placed between them.

Exercise : Determine the type of relationship based on the scope of the concepts below. Draw them using Euler circles.

1) A - hot tea; B - iced tea; C - tea with lemon

Hot tea (B) and iced tea (C) are in an opposite relationship.

Tea with lemon (C) can be either hot,

so cold, but it can also be, for example, warm.

2)A- wood; IN- stone; WITH- structure; D- house.

Is every building (C) a house (D)? - No.

Is every house (D) a building (C)? - Yes.

Something wooden (A) is it necessarily a house (D) or a building (C) - No.

But you can find a wooden structure (for example, a booth),

You can also find a wooden house.

Something made of stone (B) is not necessarily a house (D) or building (C).

But there may be a stone building or a stone house.

3)A- Russian city; IN- capital of Russia;

WITH- Moscow; D- city on the Volga; E- Uglich.

The capital of Russia (B) and Moscow (C) are the same city.

Uglich (E) is a city on the Volga (D).

At the same time, Moscow, Uglich, like any city on the Volga,

are Russian cities (A)

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Leonard Euler Leonard Euler, the greatest mathematician of the 18th century, was born in Switzerland. In 1727 by invitation St. Petersburg Academy sciences, he came to Russia. Euler found himself in the circle of outstanding mathematicians and received great opportunities to create and publish his works. He worked with passion and soon became, according to the unanimous recognition of his contemporaries, the first mathematician in the world. One of the first to use circles to solve problems was the outstanding German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716). In his rough sketches, drawings with circles were found. This method was then thoroughly developed by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783). (1707-1783)

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From 1761 to 1768, he wrote the famous “Letters to a German Princess,” where Euler talked about his method, about depicting sets in the form of circles. That is why drawings in the form of circles are usually called “Eulerian circles”. Euler noted that the representation of sets as circles “is very suitable to facilitate our reasoning.” It is clear that the word “circle” here is very conditional; sets can be depicted on a plane in the form of arbitrary figures.

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After Euler, the same method was developed by the Czech mathematician Bernard Bolzano (1781 - 1848). Only, unlike Euler, he drew not circular, but rectangular diagrams. Euler's circle method was also used by the German mathematician Ernst Schroeder (1841 – 1902). This method is widely used in his book Algebra Logic. But graphical methods reached their greatest flowering in the works of the English logician John Venn (1843 - 1923). He outlined this method most fully in his book “Symbolic Logic,” published in London in 1881. In honor of Venn, instead of Euler circles, the corresponding drawings are sometimes called Venn diagrams; in some books they are also called Euler–Venn diagrams (or circles).

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Euler depicted the set of all real numbers using these circles: N-set natural numbers, Z – set of integers, Q – set rational numbers, R is the set of all real numbers. Well, how do Euler circles help in solving problems? R Q Z N

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Euler circles This is a new type of problem in which you need to find some intersection of sets or their union, observing the conditions of the problem.

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EULER circles are a geometric diagram with which you can depict the relationships between subsets for a visual representation.

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Solving the problems "Inhabited Island" and "Hipsters" Some guys from our class like to go to the movies. It is known that 15 children watched the film “Inhabited Island”, 11 people watched the film “Hipsters”, of which 6 watched both “Inhabited Island” and “Hipsters”. How many people have only watched the movie “Hipsters”?

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Solution We draw two sets in this way: we place 6 people who watched the films “Inhabited Island” and “Hipsters” at the intersection of the sets. 15 – 6 = 9 – people who watched only “Inhabited Island”. 11 – 6 = 5 – people who watched only “Hipsters”. We get: Answer. 5 people watched only “Hipsters”. 6 “inhabited island” “Hipsters” “inhabited island” “Hipsters” 9 6 5

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“World of Music” 35 customers came to the “World of Music” store. Of these, 20 people bought the singer Maxim’s new disc, 11 bought Zemfira’s disc, 10 people did not buy a single disc. How many people bought CDs of both Maxim and Zemfira? Solution Let us represent these sets on Euler circles.

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Now let’s count: In total, there are 35 buyers inside the large circle, and 35–10 = 25 buyers inside the two smaller ones. According to the conditions of the problem, 20 buyers bought the new CD of the singer Maxim, therefore, 25 – 20 = 5 buyers bought only Zemfira’s CD. And the problem says that 11 buyers bought Zemfira’s disc, which means 11 – 5 = 6 buyers bought both Maxim’s and Zemfira’s discs: Answer: 6 buyers bought both Maxim’s and Zemfira’s discs.

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Consideration of the simplest cases of Euler–Venn circles a) Let a certain set be given and property A indicated. Obviously, the elements of this set may or may not have this property. Therefore, this set splits into two parts, which can be denoted by A and A*. This can be depicted in two ways in the figure. The large circle represents the given set, the small circle A represents that part of the elements of the given set that has property A, and the ring-shaped part A* represents that part of the elements that do not have property A.

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b) Let a certain set be given and two properties indicated: A, B. Since the elements of a given set may or may not have each of these properties, then four cases are possible: AB, AB*, A*B, A*B*. Consequently, this set splits into 4 subsets. This can also be depicted in two ways: in the form of circles or diagrams. In the first figure, circle A is a subset of those elements of a given set that have property A, and the area outside the circle, i.e. area A* is a subset of those elements that do not possess property A. Similarly, circle B and the area outside it. In the second figure, subsets A, A*, B*, B are depicted differently: subset A is the area to the left of the vertical line, and subset A* is the area to the right of this line. B and B* are depicted similarly: area B is the upper semicircle, and area B* is the lower semicircle.

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c) Let a certain set be given and three properties indicated: A, B, C. In this case, this set is divided into eight parts. This can be depicted in two ways.

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Problems solved using Euler circles Problem No. 1. How many natural numbers from the first ten are not divisible by either 2 or 3? Solution. To solve the problem, it is convenient to use Euler circles. In our case, there are three circles: the large circle is a set of numbers from 1 to 10, inside the large circle there are two smaller circles intersecting with each other. Let the set of numbers that are multiples of 2 be set A, and the set of numbers that are multiples of 3 be set B. Let’s reason. Every second number is divisible by 2. This means that there will be 10:2=5 such numbers. 3 is divisible by 3 numbers (10:3). Those numbers that are divisible by 6 are divisible by 2 and 3. There is only one such number. Therefore, set A consists of 5-1=4 numbers, set B – 3-1=2 numbers. It follows that the first ten contains 10-(4+1+2)=3 numbers.

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Problem No. 2. Problem solved using the Euler–Venn diagram. The guys were tasked with making cubes. Several cubes were made from cardboard, and the rest from wood. The cubes came in two sizes: large and small. Some of them were painted green, others red. This made 16 green cubes. There were 6 large green cubes. There were 4 large green cardboard cubes. There were 8 red cardboard cubes. There were 9 red wooden cubes. There were 7 large wooden cubes, and 11 small wooden cubes. How many cubes were there in total? Solution. Let's do the drawing.

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Preparation of problems of practical importance. Problem 1. There are 35 students in the class. 12 of them are in the math club, 9 are in the biology club, and 16 kids do not attend these clubs. How many biologists are interested in mathematics? Solution: We see that 19 children attend clubs, since 35 - 16 = 19, of which 10 people attend only a math club (19-9 = 10) and 2 biologists (12-10 = 2) are interested in mathematics. Answer: 2 biologists. With the help of Euler circles it is easy to see another way to solve the problem. Let's depict the number of students using a large circle, and place smaller circles inside. Obviously, in the general part of the circles there will be the very biologists-mathematicians about whom the problem asks. Now let's count: Inside the large circle there are 35 students, inside circles M and B: 35-16 = 19 students, inside circle M - 12 guys, which means that in that part of circle B, which has nothing to do with circle M, there are 19-12 =7 students, therefore, there are 2 students in the MB (9-7=2). Thus, 2 biologists are interested in mathematics. 1)35-16=19(persons); 2) 12+9=21 (persons); 3)21-19=2(persons). Answer: 2 biologists.

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Fill out the diagram. 1) We must start with the subset for which three properties are indicated. These are large green cubes made of cardboard - there are 4 such cubes. 2) Next, we look for a subset for which two of the listed three properties are indicated. These are large green cubes - 6. But this subset consists of cardboard and wood. There were 4 cardboard ones. So, 6-4 = 2 wooden ones. 3) There are 7 large wooden cubes. Of these, 2 are green. This means that there will be 7-2=5 red ones. 4) 9 red wooden cubes, 5 of which are large. This means that there will be 9-5=4 small red wooden cubes. 5) There are 11 small wooden cubes. Of these, 4 are red. So, there are 11-4 = 7 small green wooden cubes. 6) Total green cubes are 16. Green cubes are placed in a ring-shaped part consisting of four parts. This means there are 16 small green cardboard cubes - (4+2+7) = 3. 7) The last condition remains: there were 8 red cardboard cubes. We don’t need to know how many of them are small and how many are large. 8) We count: 2+5+8+4+4+7+3=33. Answer: A total of 33 cubes were made.

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"Mathematical Encyclopedia". To prepare this work, materials were used from the site krugi_ehjlera/0-18

Logics. Tutorial Gusev Dmitry Alekseevich

1.6. Euler circle diagrams

1.6. Euler circle diagrams

As we already know, in logic there are six options for relationships between concepts. Any two comparable concepts are necessarily in one of these relations. For example, concepts writer And Russian are in relation to intersection, writer And Human– submission, Moscow And capital of Russia– equivalence, Moscow And Petersburg– subordination, wet road And dry road– opposites, Antarctica And mainland– submission, Antarctica And Africa– subordination, etc., etc.

We must pay attention to the fact that if two concepts denote a part and a whole, for example month And year, then they are in a relationship of subordination, although it may seem that there is a relationship of subordination between them, since the month is included in the year. However, if the concepts month And year were subordinates, then it would be necessary to assert that a month is necessarily a year, and a year is not necessarily a month (remember the relationship of subordination using the example of the concepts crucian carp And fish: crucian carp is necessarily a fish, but fish is not necessarily crucian carp). A month is not a year, and a year is not a month, but both are a period of time, therefore, the concepts of month and year, as well as the concepts book And book page, car And car wheel, molecule And atom etc., are in a relationship of subordination, since part and whole are not the same as species and genus.

At the beginning it was said that concepts can be comparable and incomparable. It is believed that the six options of relations considered are applicable only to comparable concepts. However, it is possible to assert that all incomparable concepts are related to each other in a relationship of subordination. For example, such incomparable concepts as penguin And heavenly body can be considered as subordinate, because a penguin is not a celestial body and vice versa, but at the same time the scope of concepts penguin And heavenly body are included in the broader scope of a third concept, generic in relation to them: this may be the concept object of the surrounding world or form of matter(after all, both the penguin and the celestial body are different objects of the surrounding world or various shapes matter). If one concept denotes something material, and the other – immaterial (for example, tree And thought), then the generic concept for these (as it can be argued) subordinate concepts is form of being, because a tree, a thought, and anything else are different forms of being.

As we already know, the relationships between concepts are depicted by Euler's circular diagrams. Moreover, until now we have schematically depicted the relationship between two concepts, and this can be done with big amount concepts. For example, relationships between concepts boxer, black And Human

Mutual arrangement circles shows that concepts boxer And black person are in relation to intersection (a boxer may be a black man and may not be, and a black man may be a boxer and may not be one), and the concepts boxer And Human, just like concepts black person And Human are in a relationship of subordination (after all, any boxer and any Negro is necessarily a person, but a person may not be either a boxer or a Negro).

Let's consider the relationships between concepts grandfather, father, man, person using a circular diagram:

As we see, these four concepts are in relation consistent submission: a grandfather is necessarily a father, and a father is not necessarily a grandfather; any father is necessarily a man, but not every man is a father; and, finally, a man is necessarily a person, but not only a man can be a person. Relationships between concepts predator, fish, shark, piranha, pike, Living being are depicted by the following diagram:

Try to comment on this diagram yourself, establishing all the types of relationships between concepts present on it.

To summarize, we note that the relations between concepts are the relations between their volumes. This means that in order to be able to establish relationships between concepts, their volume must be sharp and the content, accordingly, clear, i.e. these concepts must be definite. As for the indefinite concepts discussed above, it is quite difficult, in fact impossible, to establish exact relationships between them, because due to the vagueness of their content and blurred volume, any two indefinite concepts can be characterized as equivalent or intersecting, or as subordinate, etc. For example, is it possible to establish relationships between vague concepts sloppiness And negligence? Whether it will be equivalence or subordination is impossible to say for sure. Thus, the relations between indefinite concepts are also indefinite. It is clear, therefore, that in those situations of intellectual and speech practice where accuracy and unambiguity in determining the relationships between concepts is required, the use of vague concepts is undesirable.

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Euler circles are a special geometric diagram necessary for searching and more clearly displaying logical connections between concepts and phenomena, as well as for depicting the relationship between a certain set and its part. Thanks to their clarity, they greatly simplify any reasoning and help you quickly find answers to questions.

The author of circles is the famous mathematician Leonhard Euler, who believed that they were necessary to facilitate human thinking. Since its inception, the method has gained wide popularity and recognition.

Leonhard Euler is a Russian, German and Swiss mathematician and mechanic. He made a huge contribution to the development of mathematics, mechanics, astronomy and physics, as well as a number of applied sciences. Wrote more than 850 scientific works in number theory, music theory, celestial mechanics, optics, ballistics and other areas. Among these works are several dozen fundamental monographs. Euler lived half his life in Russia and big influence for the formation Russian science. Many of his works are written in Russian.

Later, Euler circles were used in their works by many famous scientists, for example, the Czech mathematician Bernard Bolzano, the German mathematician Ernest Schroeder, the English philosopher and logician John Venn and others. Today, the technique serves as the basis for many exercises for the development of thinking, including exercises from our free online program “”.

What are Euler circles for?

Euler circles have practical significance, because with their help you can solve many practical problems involving the intersection or union of sets in logic, mathematics, management, computer science, statistics, etc. They are also useful in life, because by working with them, you can get answers to many important questions and find a lot of logical relationships.

There are several groups of Euler circles:

  • equivalent circles (Figure 1 on the diagram);
  • intersecting circles (Figure 2 on the diagram);
  • subordinate circles (Figure 3 on the diagram);
  • subordinate circles (Figure 4 on the diagram);
  • contradictory circles (Figure 5 on the diagram);
  • opposite circles (Figure 6 on the diagram).

Look at the diagram:

But in exercises for the development of thinking, two types of circles are most often found:

  • Circles describing combinations of concepts and demonstrating the nesting of one within another. Look at the example:

  • Circles describing the intersections of different sets that have some common characteristics. Look at the example:

The result of using Euler circles is very simple to trace in this example: when considering which profession to choose, you can either think for a long time, trying to understand what is most suitable, or you can draw a similar diagram, answer the questions and draw a logical conclusion.

The method is very simple to apply. It can also be called universal - suitable for people of all ages: from children preschool age(in kindergartens, children are taught circles starting from the age of 4-5) to students (problems with circles are, for example, in Unified State Exam tests in computer science) and scientists (circles are widely used in the academic environment).

A typical example of Euler circles

To help you better understand how Euler circles work, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with typical example. Please note the following picture:

In the figure, the largest set is marked in green, representing all variants of toys. One of them is constructors (blue oval). Construction sets are a separate set in themselves, but at the same time they are part of the overall set of toys.

Wind-up toys (purple oval) also belong to the set of toys, but they have nothing to do with the set of construction toys. But the wind-up car (yellow oval), although it is an independent phenomenon, is considered one of the subsets of wind-up toys.

According to a similar scheme, many problems (including tasks for the development of cognitive abilities) involving Euler circles are constructed and solved. Let's look at one such problem (by the way, it was this one that was included in the demo in 2011) Unified State Exam test in computer science and ICT).

An example of solving a problem using Euler circles

The conditions of the problem are as follows: the table below shows how many pages were found on the Internet for specific queries:

Problem question: how many pages (in thousands) will a search engine return for the query “Cruiser and battleship”? It should be taken into account that all queries are executed at approximately the same time, so the set of pages with the search words has remained unchanged since the time the queries were executed.

The problem is solved this way: using Euler circles, the conditions of the problem are depicted, and the numbers “1”, “2” and “3” indicate the resulting segments:

Taking into account the conditions of the problem, we compose the equations:

  1. Cruiser/battleship: 1+2+3 = 7,000;
  2. Cruiser: 1+2 = 4,800;
  3. Battleship: 2+3 = 4,500.

To determine the number of requests for “Cruiser and battleship” (the segment is indicated by the number “2” in the figure), we substitute equation 2 into equation 1 and get:

4,800 + 3 = 7,000, which means that 3 = 2,200 (since 7,000-4,800 = 2,200).

2 + 2,200 = 4,500, which means that 2 = 2,300 (since 4,500-2,200 = 2,300).

Answer: The search for “Cruiser and battleship” will return 2,300 pages.

This example clearly demonstrates that using Euler circles you can solve complex problems quite quickly and easily.


Euler circles are a very useful technique for solving problems and making logical connections, as well as a fun and interesting way to spend time and exercise your brain. So, if you want to combine business with pleasure and use your head, we suggest taking our “” course, which includes a variety of tasks, including Euler circles, the effectiveness of which is scientifically substantiated and confirmed by many years of practice.

If you think you don't know anything about Euler circles, you're wrong. In fact, you've probably encountered them more than once, you just didn't know what it was called. Where exactly? Schemes in the form of Euler circles formed the basis of many popular Internet memes (images circulated online on a specific topic).

Let's figure out together what kind of circles these are, why they are called that and why they are so convenient to use to solve many problems.

Origin of the term

is a geometric diagram that helps to find and/or make logical connections between phenomena and concepts more clear. It also helps to depict the relationship between a set and its part.

It’s not very clear yet, right? Look at this picture:

The picture shows a variety of all possible toys. Some of the toys are construction sets - they are highlighted in a separate oval. This is part of a large set of “toys” and at the same time a separate set (after all, a construction set can be “Lego” or primitive construction sets made from blocks for kids). Some part of the large variety of “toys” may be wind-up toys. They are not constructors, so we draw a separate oval for them. The yellow oval “wind-up car” refers both to the set “toy” and is part of the smaller set “wind-up toy”. Therefore, it is depicted inside both ovals at once.

Well, has it become clearer? That is why Euler circles are a method that clearly demonstrates: it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Its merit is that clarity simplifies reasoning and helps to get an answer faster and easier.

The author of the method is the scientist Leonhard Euler (1707-1783). He said this about the diagrams named after him: “circles are suitable to facilitate our thinking.” Euler is considered a German, Swiss and even Russian mathematician, mechanic and physicist. The fact is that he worked for many years at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and made a significant contribution to the development of Russian science.

Before him, the German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Leibniz was guided by a similar principle when constructing his conclusions.

Euler's method has received well-deserved recognition and popularity. And after him, many scientists used it in their work, and also modified it in their own way. For example, Czech mathematician Bernard Bolzano used the same method, but with rectangular circuits.

The German mathematician Ernest Schroeder also made his contribution. But the main merits belong to the Englishman John Venn. He was a specialist in logic and published the book “Symbolic Logic”, in which he outlined in detail his version of the method (he used mainly images of intersections of sets).

Thanks to Venn's contribution, the method is even called Venn diagrams or Euler-Venn diagrams.

Why are Euler circles needed?

Euler circles have an applied purpose, that is, with their help, problems involving the union or intersection of sets in mathematics, logic, management and more are solved in practice.

If we talk about the types of Euler circles, we can divide them into those that describe the unification of some concepts (for example, the relationship between genus and species) - we looked at them using an example at the beginning of the article.

And also those that describe the intersection of sets according to some characteristic. John Venn was guided by this principle in his schemes. And it is this that underlies many popular memes on the Internet. Here is one example of such Euler circles:

It's funny, isn't it? And most importantly, everything immediately becomes clear. You can spend a lot of words explaining your point of view, or you can just draw a simple diagram that will immediately put everything in its place.

By the way, if you can’t decide which profession to choose, try drawing a diagram in the form of Euler circles. Perhaps a drawing like this will help you make your choice:

Those options that will be at the intersection of all three circles are the profession that will not only be able to feed you, but will also please you.

Solving problems using Euler circles

Let's look at some examples of problems that can be solved using Euler circles.

Here on this site - Elena Sergeevna Sazhenina offers interesting and simple problems, the solution of which will require the Euler method. Using logic and mathematics, we will analyze one of them.

Problem about favorite cartoons

Sixth graders filled out a questionnaire asking about their favorite cartoons. It turned out that most of them liked “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “SpongeBob SquarePants,” and “The Wolf and the Calf.” There are 38 students in the class. 21 students like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Moreover, three of them also like “The Wolf and the Calf,” six like “SpongeBob SquarePants,” and one child equally likes all three cartoons. “The Wolf and the Calf” has 13 fans, five of whom named two cartoons in the questionnaire. We need to determine how many sixth graders like SpongeBob SquarePants.


Since according to the conditions of the problem we are given three sets, we draw three circles. And since the guys’ answers show that the sets intersect with each other, the drawing will look like this:

We remember that according to the terms of the task, among fans of the cartoon “The Wolf and the Calf”, five guys chose two cartoons at once:

It turns out that:

21 – 3 – 6 – 1 = 11 – the guys chose only “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

13 – 3 – 1 – 2 = 7 – the guys only watch “The Wolf and the Calf.”

It remains only to figure out how many sixth-graders prefer the cartoon “SpongeBob SquarePants” to the other two options. From the total number of students we subtract all those who love the other two cartoons or chose several options:

38 – (11 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 7) = 8 – people only watch “SpongeBob SquarePants.”

Now we can safely add up all the resulting numbers and find out that:

cartoon “SpongeBob SquarePants” was chosen by 8 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 17 people. This is the answer to the question posed in the problem.

Let's also look at task, which in 2011 was submitted to the Unified State Examination demonstration test in computer science and ICT (source -

Conditions of the problem:

In search engine query language to denote logical operation"OR" uses the symbol "|", and for the logical operation "AND" the symbol "&".

The table shows the queries and the number of pages found for a certain segment of the Internet.

Request Pages found (in thousands)
Cruiser | Battleship 7000
Cruiser 4800
Battleship 4500

How many pages (in thousands) will be found for the query? Cruiser & Battleship?

It is assumed that all questions are executed almost simultaneously, so that the set of pages containing all the searched words does not change during the execution of queries.


Using Euler circles we depict the conditions of the problem. In this case, we use the numbers 1, 2 and 3 to designate the resulting areas.

Based on the conditions of the problem, we create the equations:

  1. Cruiser | Battleship: 1 + 2 + 3 = 7000
  2. Cruiser: 1 + 2 = 4800
  3. Battleship: 2 + 3 = 4500

To find Cruiser & Battleship(indicated in the drawing as area 2), substitute equation (2) into equation (1) and find out that:

4800 + 3 = 7000, from which we get 3 = 2200.

Now we can substitute this result into equation (3) and find out that:

2 + 2200 = 4500, from which 2 = 2300.

Answer: 2300 - the number of pages found by request Cruiser & Battleship.

As you can see, Euler circles help to quickly and easily solve even quite complex or simply confusing problems at first glance.


I think we have managed to convince you that Euler circles are not just a fun and interesting thing, but also a very useful method for solving problems. And not only abstract problems on school lessons, but also quite a lot of everyday problems. Choice future profession, For example.

You will probably also be curious to know that in modern popular culture Euler's circles are reflected not only in the form of memes, but also in popular TV series. Such as “The Big Bang Theory” and “4Isla”.

Use this useful and visual method to solve problems. And be sure to tell your friends and classmates about it. There are special buttons under the article for this.

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