Personal development of preschool children presentation. Modern comprehensive and partial programs for the social and personal development of preschool children, presentation on the topic. Stages of development of self-awareness

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Modern comprehensive and partial social programs personal development children preschool age Performed by Bushaeva M.V.,

Social and personal development social - relating to society, associated with the life and relationships of people in society; personal – relating to the individual, to the subject; development is the process of transition from one state to another, more perfect one

Social and personal development is implemented through an educational program - a document indicating the goals, content preschool education, types of children’s activities, representation of components of social experience, its distribution by program sections and ages

Comprehensive (general developmental) programs include all the main areas of child development, promote the formation of various abilities, the formation of specific types of children's activities; partial - (specialized, local) include one or more areas of child development

“Rainbow” program Authors’ team of the Preschool Education Laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute T. N. Doronova, V. V. Gerbova, T. I. Grizik, E. V. Solosheva and others. Designed for work with children from 2 to 7 years old. There is no section “Social and personal development”; tasks for the social and personal development of children are partially integrated into other sections. this does not allow solving the entire complex of problems defined by this direction GS DO project. the program does not involve monitoring the level of social and personal development of the child.

Program “Childhood” Authors’ team of teachers from the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen. The program is focused on the social and personal development of the child, fostering a positive attitude towards the world around him. Section: “The child enters the world social relations”, subsection “The child’s attitude towards himself” (self-knowledge). .

Program “Childhood” Clear formulation of tasks for each age group. Three levels of social and personal development of children of each age are described (low, medium, high). The objectives of the section are clearly formulated, defined for each age and correspond to the draft state standard of preschool education under the section “Social and personal development of the child. 6 lessons per month with children in the “Social World” section (unlike other programs). Detailed guidelines for teachers to work on the social and personal development of the child

“Origins” Authors: T.I. Aliyeva, T.V. Antonova, E.P. Arnautova and others. “Social development”: a list of progressively more complex tasks and working conditions to develop a child’s communication skills with adults and peers; developing a positive attitude towards oneself in the child; three levels of social and personal development of children of each age (low, medium, high);

“Origins” of various types of children’s activities as important conditions for the emergence of social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment interpersonal relationships; methodological recommendations for teachers to work on the social and personal development of a child; “The world in which we live”: the formation in a child of a sense of belonging to a certain culture, the cultures of other peoples, involvement in the events taking place in the country, city, town.

"Community" Authors: Kirsten A. Hansen, R.K. Kaufmann, K.B. Walsh. Features: - Focus on a specific child. - Section “Philosophy of the program”: general tasks social and personal development. Children's activities are carried out in activity centers: “Role-playing game”, “Construction”, “Outdoors”.

“Community” - The main guidelines by age are placed in the diagram of normal development. - Special emphasis on social skills. Methodological recommendations for teachers on the social and personal development of a child. The program involves creative use.

“I, you, we” Authors: R.B. Sterkin, O. Knyazeva. Goal: formation of the emotional sphere and development of the child’s social competence. A set of educational tasks related to the development of moral standards of behavior, the ability to build relationships with children and adults, respectful attitude towards them, a worthy way out conflict situations, in oneself, the ability to adequately assess one’s own capabilities.

“I, you, we” Sections: “Self-confidence”; - “Feelings, desires, views”; - “Social skills.” Offers varied lesson scenarios using a set of educational and visual aids for children’s independent activities.

“I am a man” Author S.A. Kozlova. Goal: introducing the child to the social world. Sections: “What I know about myself”, “Who are adults”, “Man the Creator”, “The Earth is our common home”. Contains: requirements for the level of mastery by section, methodological recommendations, workbooks for children. Intended for educators and parents.

“Moral education” Authors: S. Yakobson and others. Addition to the “Rainbow” program. Goal: development in various ways resolving conflict situations, developing skills to establish contacts, developing a positive attitude of the child towards himself. The program contains methodological recommendations for educators..

“Discover yourself” Author E.V. Ryleeva. Goal: individualization of the personal development of children two to six years old and the inextricably linked task of developing self-awareness in preschoolers through speech activity. Addressed to: preschool teachers, teachers of educational institutions such as “Primary school - kindergarten”, psychologists, tutors, parents. The basis of the program is the principles of humanistic psychology and the author’s technology based on them, which allows you to personalize educational content, make it more flexible, adequate to the needs and interests of children with different levels of personality development and abilities.

“Discover yourself” Covers the leading areas of the state standard of preschool education. Has: block structure (“I am like this”, “World of people”, “World not made by hands”, “I can”); concentric layout educational material; possibility of active inclusion in pedagogical process parents of pupils. availability of a list of literature for preparing teachers for classes and books that contain a system of developmental activities for parents with children and methodological recommendations for their implementation.

When choosing educational programs To ensure social and personal development, it is necessary to focus on the child, on his full development, on the desire to help him enter into modern world, to join its values.

“Person-centered learning” - Goal Russian education currently. Methods of assimilation and processes of thinking. Features of the person-centered approach. Student-centered education includes the following approaches: Differences personality-oriented lesson from the traditional one. Multi-level Differentiated Individual Subjective-personal.

“Socio-pedagogical support” - This type of relationship TOTALLY fixes the type of positions “STRONG-weak”. Support as a cultural phenomenon. Theory, practice, implementation problem. Model of social and pedagogical support. Limitations of the model of socio-pedagogical support for the child (custody-care-protection model). Fixation of the type of relationships and positions in social practice.

“Formation of personal competencies” - Applications. Provides integration into the surrounding reality. Aimed at mastering methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-improvement, self-regulation, and self-support. Aimed at preserving mental and physical health. Pedagogical project. Increasing the level of subject competence.

“Socio-economic development of Russia” - The law on the plan is adopted in the National Assembly. Interdependence of regional development and electricity needs. It is necessary to take into account the long-term plan for geological research in the General Scheme. The government is preparing final version plan. Levels of indicative planning. “industry” contract; balance method; CDS method.

“Personally-oriented technologies” - Values ​​of personality-oriented education. A child is a unique individual. Model of personality-centered education. Results. Homogeneous groups. Stage 3 – development design. Algorithm for introducing person-oriented technology. Culture. Stage 1 - diagnosing each child; Stage 2 - observation and study.

“Lessons on social and everyday orientation” - Low. Rustic. Brick. Brick. House made of bricks -. Logs. Panel. Builders. Small. High. Log. Big. Urban. A house is a person's dwelling. House made of panels -. Log. Panels. Lesson on social and everyday orientation. Builder. Panel. Bricks. Which? House made of logs -.

1. Theoretical approaches to studying the problem
personality development in preschool age.
2. Main directions of development of the child’s personality
a) development of internal ethical authorities
(moral consciousness);
b) development of the moral-need sphere;
c) development of the child’s self-awareness.
3. Gender identification as one of the mechanisms
personality development of a preschool child.

Theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of personality development in preschool age in domestic psychology

L.S. Vygotsky
Idea systematic approach in personality development
Main neoplasms:
first general ideas about nature, about myself,
an image of a child’s worldview appears;
For the first time, the child develops internal ethical
authorities as generalized ideas about norms
the interests and needs of the child are restructured, which
begin to be determined by the meaning of the given situation,
meaning, knowledge that the child puts into this

A.N. Leontyev
Preschool childhood is a period of actual
formation of personality, period of development
personal mechanisms of behavior.
Main neoplasms:
subordination of motives (hierarchy of motives);
arbitrariness of behavior.

D.B. Elkonin
For a more complete understanding of the formation process
individuals in preschool age must be placed in
center for considering the issue of the child's attitude and
In preschool age, the adult stands out as a model,
for the first time the opportunity arises to act and act as
adult. This is a new relationship between the child and
adults, in which the image guides actions and
the child’s actions serve as the basis for all new formations in
personality of a preschooler.

A.V. Zaporozhets showed the importance of social emotions
in the formation of a child’s personality.
In early preschool age they appear at the end
activity after the act has been committed.
In middle preschool age - arise in the process
performing activities.
By the end of preschool childhood they arise before the beginning
activities, acting as motives.
The main new formation is empathy (compassion,
sympathy, assistance)

L.I. Bozovic
She identifies the stages of personality development in
ontogenesis, which the author associates with crises
mental development
Main neoplasms:
♦ infancy – affect colored
♦ early age – “I” system;
♦ preschool age – internal position.

V.S. Mukhina examined the features
self-awareness of preschoolers, revealed
patterns in its development.
She studied some mechanisms
personality development of a preschooler

Main directions of personality development
preschool child:
1) development of moral consciousness;
2) development of motivational needs
3) development of the child’s self-awareness.

Development of moral consciousness

J. Piaget moral development is a process
adaptation of the child to the requirements of the social environment
between intellectual development
child and the development of his morality
there is a certain correspondence
at the basis of the development of cognitive and emotional
areas lies in changing behavior patterns.

schemas in the child's relationship to objects
child's activities with objects
schemas in a child's relationship with people
the child’s relationships with peers and adults

J. Piaget identified two main stages in the development of moral judgments in children

The first is the stage of “objective responsibility”,
based on "moral realism":
- “partiality”, lack of generalization;
- constraint of moral judgment by the external side of things.
The second is the stage of “subjective responsibility”. Consists of
in evaluating actions based on motives and intentions
human, is associated with the formation of “autonomous morality”.

A.V. Zaporozhets

Studied the peculiarities of the formation of moral ideas,
judgments and assessments when children perceive preschool
age literary works.
Younger preschoolers are not yet sufficiently aware of motives
their attitude towards the characters and simply evaluate them as
good or bad.
At older preschool age, children are already more
reasoned approach to character assessment.
The transition from an unmotivated assessment of a child to
motivated moral assessment, is associated with the development of
preschool children empathy and assistance to
heroes of literary works.

L.P. Knyazeva

Levels of development of moral ideas:
1 – characterized by the fact that children’s moral ideas
diffuse, poorly adequate, children do not differentiate one
quality from another, but only global assessments are used
(good bad).
2 – characteristic identification of 1-2 features, i.e. occurs
elementary differentiation.
3 – characterized by the fact that at this level children generalize
based on the enumeration of several specific characteristics.
4 – characterized by the fact that the child generalizes based on
typical behavior. Children's knowledge takes on character

R.R. Kalinina, N.V. Melnikova

level of cognitive development
moral development component
the development of the emotional component occurs
following the cognitive one, develops along the way
expanding the range of moral concepts and
situations to which emotional
development of the behavioral component in preschool
age goes in the direction of expanding situations,
in which it manifests itself moral behavior, And
inclusion of a wider range of people in these

During preschool age they develop
the following needs:
in cognition,
in activities,
in communication,
to be accepted by adults and peers,
to be recognized and loved, etc.

In preschool age, new, typical
age motives:
associated with interest in the adult world;
interest in the content and process of new things they are mastering
types of activities (for games);
motives for personal achievements, desire for
self-affirmation and self-expression;
competitive motive: to win, to win;
cognitive motives;
moral motives on the basis of which

G.N. Avkhach

The purpose of the study is to study the features
children's behavior in situations of dual motivation
So that the child can subordinate the “I want” motive to the motive
“must”, the teacher must take into account 2 conditions:
motivate the child’s activities, that is
emphasize the social significance of the fact that he
have to do;
Be sure to evaluate with your children what you have done

Stages of development of self-awareness

stage - 7 months. The child begins to separate himself from
surrounding people. There is a reaction to someone else's
human - fear. At this age the child is not yet
separates himself from his mother.
Stage II - 1g. – 1 year 2 months A body diagram is formed.
The child can show parts of the body that are not
Stage III – 1 year 6 months. - 2 years. The child becomes aware of himself
subject of action, that is, can control
by your actions.
Stage IV 2 years – 2 years 6 months. Assimilation of a name that
takes on personal meaning. The child secretes
itself as something whole, different from others, goes
learning the pronoun “I”.

Stages of development of self-awareness

Stage V
- 3 years Primary reproductive system is formed
identity. The first rudiments develop
Stage VI - 4 – 5 years. Further development sexual
identification, that is, assimilation of samples
behavior inherent in a given gender through
imitation of parents of the same sex.
Stage VII - 6 – 7 years. In the mind of a child
the main links of the structure are presented
self-awareness: claim to recognition, awareness
gender identity, self-awareness
time, attitude towards one’s rights and

The structure of self-awareness

V.S. Mukhina
I have
There is

R.B. Sterkina, N.E. Ankudinova

typical for preschool children
inflated self-esteem, which with age
is becoming more complete, detailed and
A preschooler's self-esteem is largely determined by
the nature of the activity in which the child
evaluates. (N.E. Ankudinova)
The condition for the development of self-esteem in children is
availability of training, adequate and developmental
adult assessments of the child.

The genesis of sexual identification in preschool childhood was studied by A. I. Zakharov and N. V. Plisenko

The period of pronounced gender identification in
girls are represented by ages from 3 to 8 years, and in
boys 5-7 years old.
An important condition for the development of gender identification
have emotionally warm relationships with
parents of both sexes.

Factors that positively influence
development of gender identity:
parents' positive gender orientation
child, their awareness of issues
psychosexual development of children,
presence of communication, emotional warmth
relationships between parents and children.

Factors that negatively affect the development of gender identity:

violation of the gender roles of parents in the family, when
the leader in the family is the woman, and the man
loses authority in the eyes of children;
inappropriate attitudes towards gender
a newborn child;
bad relationship between parents, presence
frequent conflicts have a negative impact on
development of gender identity in girls,
boys are indifferent to such situations.

Indicators of disorders in the development of gender identity:

when in a game a child takes on a role characteristic of
representatives of the other sex;
when, in response to a teacher’s request to draw a person, a child
draws a representative of the other sex;
the theme of children's drawings (if a girl draws
construction, wars - an alarming fact);
violation of children's behavior when a girl prefers
communication with the father and his friends communication with the mother,
at the same time behaves like a representative of the other sex:
categorically, decisively, does not like to be hugged,
kiss and vice versa;
when a child sees himself in his fantasies and dreams
representative of the other sex.

Directions of work of teachers on the development of gender identity

general pedagogical direction is more developed and
consolidation of general hygiene skills, conversations about
personal hygiene, health, hygiene of clothing and care
her, work on the prevention of early childhood anonism,
regular exercise, etc.;
formation of biological and anatomical ideas about
man: the first ideas about the bisexuality of the world,
clarification of ideas about procreation. Need to
tell the truth about his birth, but at every age
your own truth;
historical and cultural direction – formation
moral ideas;
socially significant direction (sex role-playing games and
dramatization games - models of standards
family relationships).

Personal developments

Internal ethical authorities;
The beginnings of worldview and perestroika
interests (L.S. Vygotsky);
arbitrariness of behavior and subordination
motives (A.N. Leontyev);
Self-esteem and those formed on its basis
“internal position” (L.I. Bozhovich).

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Presentation slides

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Documents ensuring the content of FGT (federal state requirements) for preschool educational institutions:

Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009). 2. Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education (under approval). 3. Approximate basic general education program preschool education (developed by an authorized federal government body on the basis of FGT, currently being tested). 4. Approximate basic general education program of preschool education for children with disabilities health (developed by the authorized federal government body on the basis of FGT).

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Conceptual foundations of FGT:

Developmental education; unity of educational, developmental and training tasks; Scientific validity and practical applicability (compliance with fundamental principles developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy; cultural-historical, activity-based, personality-oriented approaches to child development); Integration educational areas(interaction of the content of educational areas to ensure the integrity of the educational process); Complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process (availability of topics, motivation); Organization of the educational process using age-appropriate forms and types of activities (the leading type of activity is play);

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Physical development

Cognitive and speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Social and personal development

"Physical Education" "Health"

"Communication" "Reading to Children" fiction"Cognition"

"Music" "Artistic creativity"

“Socialization” “Labor” “Safety”

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formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life; formation of the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world)

developing a positive attitude towards work

mastering initial ideas social nature inclusion of children in the system of social relations

“Socialization” “Safety” “Labor”

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development of children's play activities; familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones); the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.

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Preschooler's portfolio

A portfolio is a so-called “dossier of success”, which reflects everything interesting and worthy that happens in a person’s life.

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Portfolio functions

diagnostic - records changes and growth (mental and physical) over a certain period of time; goal-setting – supports educational goals; motivational – encourages the results achieved by the child; meaningful - reveals the entire range of work performed; developmental - ensures continuity of the learning and development process from year to year; rating - shows the range of skills and abilities.

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In order for the portfolio to achieve its goal, a number of conditions must be met:

Voluntariness. The portfolio creator must be interested in creating it. The child must select the material independently. And if he does not agree to place any material in the portfolio folder, then there is no need to do so. Clearly understand the purpose of collecting information, the purpose of creating the portfolio itself. It can be different: - to collect achievements that reflect the results of work in a certain area (for example, achievements in the fine arts, sports achievements, etc.) - cumulative, when information is collected over a certain period. Thus, you can see the child’s development path over a certain period of time (for example, from birth to 3 years, from 5 to 7 years, etc.) - a thematic portfolio; compiled based on the topic. For example, my pet, summer is a fun time, etc. The number of sections and headings, their topics are determined individually for each case. All collected material must be systematized and stored so that it is convenient to use. The structure and content of the portfolio is determined either by the teacher or family members (the child’s opinion must be taken into account). Systematicity in collecting information (replenishment and analysis of available materials; determine in advance the frequency of work (for example, at least once a week, once a month, once a quarter, etc.

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Types of portfolio

Electronic portfolio. It's pretty the new kind systematization of information. It is he who most attracts older preschoolers. An electronic portfolio is always a colorful, vibrant sight, with many interesting effects. . Portfolio coloring book. This type of portfolio is also attractive to a child. After all, he can color the pages himself. It is also possible to paste ready-made images here. But we must remember that the content of the headings must be filled with information. A printed portfolio is one of the most traditional. Created in the form of folders, filing cabinets. .

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"Meet me." The section is updated with birth data, zodiac sign, information about which celebrities were born on this day. You can post information about what the child's name means. And also a family tree. "I'm growing." This section can be divided into two: This is how big I am: weight, height, you can draw a child’s palm at different age stages What I learned: the skills and abilities that the child acquired during last year. For example, I learned to pronounce the sound -r, count to ten, etc. “My family”: photographs of family members, drawings of the child are placed. Each image comes with a story. “My friends”: similar to the heading “My family” “The world around us”: photos or children’s drawings of travel, family vacation, walks, hikes. "Golden Hands" This section may contain children's handmade works or photographs if they are voluminous. The date and topic of the work must be written down. “Tell about me”: stories about what the child is like in the opinion of parents, kindergarten teacher, friend, etc. “Thinking out loud”: statements from children, interesting turns of phrase, words, reflections. “My achievements”: certificates, letters of gratitude, etc.

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Algorithm for working on a portfolio

Goal setting: the author must understand why it is necessary to create a portfolio. Determine the type of portfolio. Determine the time period during which information will be collected. Determine the structure of the portfolio: quantity, title of sections. Portfolio presentation.

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By working on a portfolio, parents and children not only maintain a constant interest in cognitive activity. At the same time, they gain invaluable experience working with a portfolio, which may be useful to them already in primary school, and at the middle level it will be simply necessary. A preschooler's portfolio can become not only a source of pride, but also an instrument of self-knowledge, the most important point of contact in the interaction between child and parents. And the work on compiling it is a most interesting spiritual mutual enrichment. Having taken its rightful place in the family archive, the portfolio will give you many tender memories and will bring no less pleasure than a family photo album or video library.

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formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them; familiarization with the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around them; transferring knowledge to children about safety rules traffic as a pedestrian and passenger in a vehicle; developing a cautious and prudent attitude towards situations that are potentially dangerous to humans and the natural world.

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development of labor activity; fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results; formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person

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Types of child labor


Manual labor Self-service Labor in nature

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organization of children's work in kindergarten


duty (individual and joint)


assignments (individual and joint)

Episodic (short-term)



For dining and classes

For dining and activities and a corner of nature

4-6 children 6-20 children junior senior

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types of organization of labor activities in kindergarten

Individual work

Collaborative work nearby

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Questionnaire for parents “Child at home”

Can your child dress himself? Always dresses himself Dresses at the request of an adult Dresses with the help of an adult Can do it, but doesn’t like to do it on his own Doesn’t know how Does your baby have any household responsibilities (put away toys, straighten the bed, arrange tea cups, etc.)? Yes No Does your child show a desire to help in any way? Yes No How do you feel about being asked to do something to you? I accept the offer Sometimes I allow it I refuse help

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Forms of work

Conversation about the importance of the work of duty officers Game “What kind of helper” In classes on modeling and drawing, making gifts for duty officers Joint production of a wall newspaper “We are on duty” Holding a holiday for duty officers Presentation of the wall newspaper “We are on duty” Evening entertainment “How we help adults.”

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“One of the provisions of the Federal state requirements... is the following: The program must be based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process” O.A. Skorolupova, N.V. Fedina Sr. “On the comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process in preschool education” in the heading “Federal requirements. Comments" D.V. No. 5, 2010, p.40

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Comprehensive thematic planning of educational work with children will improve the quality of the educational process in a preschool institution, make the life of children in kindergarten more interesting, and educational process– motivated, and also free up more time for children’s play.

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comprehensive thematic planning

theme-forming factors

"contagious" events

holidays real events

imaginary events

"simulated" events

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The basis for the implementation of the complex thematic principle of constructing the Program is an approximate calendar of holidays, which provides: social and personal orientation and motivation of all types of children's activities during the preparation and holding of holidays; “living” the content of preschool education by the child in all types of children’s activities; maintaining the child’s emotional and positive attitude throughout the entire period of mastering the Program; technological effectiveness of the work of teachers in implementing the Program (annual rhythm: preparation for the holiday - holding the holiday, preparation for the next holiday - holding the next holiday, etc.); variety of forms of preparation and holding of holidays;

Program "Success"

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1. Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills. 2. Curious, active. 3. Emotionally responsive. 4. Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. 5. Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions based on primary value concepts, observing basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. 6. Capable of solving intellectual and personal tasks (problems) that are age appropriate. 7. Having primary ideas about himself, family, society (the nearest society), state (country), world and nature. 8. Mastered the universal premises educational activities: the ability to work according to the rule and model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions. 9. Mastered the necessary skills and abilities.

Curious, active

Emotionally responsive

Independently performs cultural and hygienic skills, procedures and follows the rules healthy image life

Shows interest in regional knowledge and people's nationalities. Asks questions about Russia, its social order, other countries and peoples of the world, their characteristics. Asks moral questions. Initiates communication and joint activities with adults and peers. Organizes role-playing, theatrical, and director's games

Reacts emotionally to the surrounding reality. Sympathizes, empathizes, rejoices. Feels pride in the achievements of individual Russians and Russia as a whole, love for the “small” and “big” Motherland.

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Able to manage one's behavior and plan one's actions

Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age

Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers

initiates communication in the correct form; achieves success in establishing contacts with adults and children in various types activities and communication; participates in group games and activities, observes basic moral norms and rules of conduct; helps another

has a positive attitude towards the requirements of compliance with moral norms and rules of behavior, carries out self-service processes without reminders, independently monitors and evaluates the quality of the result, complies with basic rules safe behavior in standard hazardous situations

establishes constructive role and real social relationships with adults and children; knows how to plan his own and general (collective) work; selects more effective ways actions.

evaluates himself positively. Has an idea of ​​some types of dangerous situations, ways of behavior in them, providing self-help and helping another person. Has an understanding of the different types of adult work,

is able to perceive and retain a composite instruction for performing a cognitive and research task, for choosing a method for completing it, describing the process of completing the task, conducting self-analysis, and giving self-assessment of the results. Able to act according to his own plan.

masters all types of child labor (self-service, household labor, labor in nature). Selectively mastered certain types of manual labor in accordance with his own gender and individual needs and capabilities

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