Continents of the Earth and parts of the world: names and descriptions. How many parts of the world are there on Earth? What are the “Old and New Worlds”

1. This country is one of the main maritime powers in the world. It occupies the western and northern parts of a large peninsula. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. A small, ethnically homogeneous population professes Christianity (Protestantism). Most of the territory is occupied by mountains, cut by narrow valleys containing rivers and lakes. In terms of indicators such as electricity generation per capita, oil, gas and aluminum exports, the country occupies one of the leading places in the world.

2. This island state is located in the eastern part of the sea, washing the coast of three parts of the world. In the past, this country was a British colony. It is one of the top ten countries in the world in terms of the size of its merchant fleet. One of the country's main exports is citrus fruits. International banks are active here. The country attracts a large number of tourists.
3. Small European country by type government structure is a federal republic. The largest city by population that is not the capital of the country, the headquarters of many international organizations are located. The country is multinational. There are several official languages European languages. Deprived of natural resources of industrial importance, this country has long relied on the skills of its artisans and traders. This country, one of the first in the world, began to use picturesque natural landscapes to develop the tourism business.
4. This highly developed country has access to Atlantic Ocean. It borders by land with only one state. A profitable EGP creates the opportunity for economic cooperation with many countries of the world. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. A peculiarity of its nature is the marine type of climate. The area of ​​new development in this country is the shelf zone of one of the seas washing its territory, where oil production is carried out. The largest urban agglomeration in the part of the world where this country is located has formed around the capital.
5. This country is located entirely in the Western Hemisphere and has access to three oceans. On the mainland where the country is located, it is the first in area and third in population. The country has well-developed sectors of both the mining and manufacturing industries. In the international geographical division of labor, it acts as a supplier of products from the mechanical engineering, metallurgy, fuel, chemical and forestry industries.
6. The territory of this country is located in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It is one of the top ten in terms of population largest countries peace. The predominant religion is Islam. In the international geographical division of labor, the country is represented as an exporter of oil and natural gas, light industry products, valuable types of wood, palm oil and natural rubber. International tourism is developing. Tourists from all over the world are attracted here not only by beautiful beaches with white sand, but also by formidable volcanoes and impenetrable jungles inhabited by exotic animals and birds.
7. This highly developed country is one of the largest countries in Europe. Of the mineral resources, it is most abundant in iron ore, bauxite, and uranium raw materials. The structure of its electric power industry is dominated by nuclear power plants. Natural conditions favorable for agriculture, which is characterized by the development of crop production and livestock production to the same extent. Growing wheat, sugar beets, and grapes are industries of international specialization.
8. This country, home to approximately 2% of the world's population, is one of the main centers of economic power modern world: It accounts for about 14% of global GDP. Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy. One of the world's largest importers of mineral raw materials and fuel resources. The country occupies one of the first places in the world in the production of many types of mechanical engineering products, and is among the leading countries in the production of electricity, chemical products, and steel smelting. One of the world's largest urban agglomerations has formed around its capital.
9. This country is washed by the waters of two oceans. Most of its territory is occupied by high plateaus, turning into mountains in the south and southeast. In the central part and in the west of the country, where the climate is the driest, there are deserts. The country has largest reserves mineral raw materials, about 80% of which are exported. The country ranks first on the continent in terms of basic economic indicators, but there are many socio-economic problems. One of them is the low average life expectancy: approximately 46 years.
10. This country has access to the seas of two oceans. In terms of population, it is the second on the mainland on which it is located. Both the mining and manufacturing industries are developing in the country. Continues to play a significant role in the economy Agriculture, whose main export crop is cotton. The main sources of foreign exchange earnings are the export of natural gas, international tourism and the operation of its international sea canal connecting the two oceans.
11. This federal republic has access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The country's topography is dominated by plains, with the exception of the extreme south: mountains rise here. The country is located in a temperate climate zone. There are reserves of hard coal (the largest coal basin in the region) and brown coal, and potassium salts. The country contains one of the largest urban agglomerations in the part of the world in which this country is located.
12. The territory of this country is washed by the waters of two oceans. The natural landscape - humid equatorial forests - alternates with agricultural plantations, where rice, hevea and other tropical crops are grown on fertile soils fertilized with volcanic ash. The country's population exceeds 200 million people. The country actively participates in the international geographical division of labor, being a member of OPEC.
13. A Latin American country with a federal form of administrative-territorial structure. It is one of the world's largest oil producers and the only country in its region that is part of OPEC. Recently, oil refining, petrochemistry, and metallurgy have been developing dynamically. The country is systematically implementing a regional policy aimed at developing “new development” areas.
14. This country is located in two parts of the world, its territory is washed by the waters of the seas belonging to two oceans. Most of its territory is occupied by deserts. The country has its own oil reserves. One of the largest hydroelectric power stations on the continent was built here. The capital is the largest city in the country.
15. This country is located in the Southern Hemisphere. It is landlocked. A large river flows through its territory, which divides the state into two almost equal parts - western and eastern. Official language– Spanish. The main exports are cotton, soybeans and vegetable oils. The country's main trading partners are Argentina and Brazil, with which it borders.
16 . This country is one of the ten largest countries both in terms of area and population. Difficult ethnic composition population is the result of a mixture of local residents, African blacks and European immigrants. Almost half of the total population lives within a narrow coastal strip in the east of the country. The development of its economy is facilitated by a good supply of natural resources - forest and water, hydropower, reserves of iron, manganese and aluminum ores. Its own oil reserves are also significant. Despite the stable positive rates of economic development, in terms of GDP per capita, the country lags 3–4 times behind economically developed countries.
17. This country is located in Asia. The relief is predominantly mountainous and therefore almost the entire population is concentrated in the coastal lowlands and river valleys. It is one of the ten largest countries in terms of population and has one of the highest levels of urbanization in the world. The country is a leader in the production of many types of manufacturing products, which form the basis of its exports.
18. The significant extent of the country along the Pacific coast from north to south determines the presence of natural zones on its territory from deserts to mixed forests. The country's main mineral wealth is copper, which is exported to the world market.
19. This peninsular state is a constitutional monarchy in form of government. It is one of the economically developed countries, but is not among the top ten countries in terms of total GDP. It has a modern diversified industry, and favorable agroclimatic resources contribute to the development of agriculture, the basis of which is subtropical agriculture. Varied recreational resources attract numerous tourists from all over the world.
20. This country has land border with Russia. The population has a homogeneous national composition and professes mainly Catholicism. In the economy, along with mechanical engineering, chemistry and textile industry, great importance has a coal industry.
21. This country was a colony of Spain for a long time. Currently, it is one of the leaders among developing countries in many socio-economic indicators. Despite the fact that the country has a rich raw material base for industrial development, there are almost no world-scale deposits here. The natural basis for the development of the country, located in three climatic zones, was rich land resources. The country is one of the major exporters of wheat, corn, and meat.
22. The country's territory extends in the meridional direction for more than 3.7 thousand km and is located in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones. The level of urbanization is very high (86%), with a third of the country's population living in the capital. It acts as a major supplier of food and agricultural raw materials on the world market.
23. July is the height of winter in this country. One of the characteristic features of nature is the widespread occurrence of deserts. The capital is not the largest and not the “oldest” city. The average population density is less than three people per 1 sq. km. One of the directions public policy carried out for the purpose of sustainable development, is the implementation of uniform population distribution throughout the country.
24 . The peninsular state is a kingdom in form of government. In terms of economic structure, it is an agricultural country with intensively developing industry, whose share in GDP is almost a third. Priority industries: electronics, light. Wonderful sea coasts, protected islands, palaces and Buddhist temples attract foreign tourists here.
25. This country is the largest on the continent in terms of population. Its capital is not the largest city in the country. The main wealth of the country is oil. The country is part of OPEC.
26. The country is entirely located in the Southern Hemisphere. A significant area of ​​territory and varied terrain (mountains in the west and plains in the east) determine the diversity of landscapes. The capital, located in the eastern part of the country on the Atlantic coast, is the center of one of the world's largest urban agglomerations. The country has a developed modern industry, but in the international geographical division of labor it is represented, first of all, as one of the largest exporters of agricultural products and Food Industry.
27. It is one of the most densely populated countries in Europe. Half of its territory lies below sea level, and only in the south does the terrain rise to 30 meters or more. The coastline is formed by alluvial dunes. Behind them come lands that were once reclaimed from the sea, called polders and protected by dunes and dams from sea waters.
28. This country is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is the most populous of the Spanish-speaking countries. Moreover, in some areas they speak more than 50 Indian dialects. The population is more than 100 million people, of which more than 10 million people live in the capital, which is one of the largest agglomerations in the world. The south of the country is the cradle of one of the greatest cultures in the history of mankind - Maya.
29. This peninsular state is home to many ancient civilizations. Even in ancient times it was the center of important trade routes. Until the mid-twentieth century it was a colony of the British Empire. Having gained independence, it has achieved significant success in economic development, but approximately 25% of the population lives below the poverty level. Only about 30% of the population are urban residents.
30. This country is economically developed and located in the Southern Hemisphere. It is one of the largest territories on the mainland where it is located. Its depths are rich in a variety of minerals: diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, iron ores, coal, etc. The leading sectors of its specialization are the mining industry, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry.
31. This African country, a former colony of France, is located on the sea coast. But despite this, the climate in most of it is hot and dry. The form of government is a republic. The country's economy is based mainly on the extraction of hydrocarbons; there are also significant deposits of iron, zinc, lead, copper, arsenic, mercury, and phosphates. In addition, the country has developed the cultivation of wheat, oats, as well as fruits, in particular citrus fruits, and vegetables. The capital of the state is consonant with the name of the country.
32. This state is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Official language- English. The capital of the state is not the largest city in the country. Most of the territory is occupied by vast deserts and low-lying areas. At the same time, the country has a large number of lakes, which are located in basins that are filled with water only after rains. The main natural wealth of the country is mineral resources. The country occupies one of the leading places in the world in reserves of bauxite, zirconium, and uranium (1/3 of the world). It has significant reserves of coal, manganese, gold, iron ores, and diamonds. At the same time, the extraction of natural resources accounts for only 5% of GDP. Agriculture accounts for 3% of GDP. The services sector, which includes tourism, education and banking, accounts for 69% of GDP.
33 . A state in Africa that was a former colony of France and Spain. On its territory there is a large deposit of phosphorites, which it exports to the world market.
34. This country is located on a peninsula. It is one of the largest countries in terms of area on the continent on which it is located. Most of its territory is occupied by a plateau. Desert landscapes dominate here. Huge oil reserves are concentrated in the depths. One of the features is the low average population density - less than 10 people per sq. km.
35. This country is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of territory and population. It has access to three seas of one ocean. Two great rivers flow through its territory. The country is home to many cultivated plants: rice, millet, soybeans, tea. Coal, iron ores and many non-ferrous metals are mined.
36. It is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of population and area. It is located in the south of the continent, in the subequatorial belt. The main part of its territory is occupied by a plateau, which to the north turns into a lowland composed of sediment from two rivers. To the northeast of the lowland stretches the greatest mountain system.
37. This country has no access to the World Ocean, and the main feature of the climate is the sharp continentality of the climate. Its largest river flows into the deepest lake in the world. 4/5 of the country's territory is occupied by pastures. The main occupation of the population is nomadic animal husbandry. The population density is one of the lowest in the world - about 1 person per 1 sq. km.
38. This small country is an archipelago. The terrain is predominantly mountainous, so almost the entire population is concentrated in the coastal lowlands and river valleys. In terms of population, it is one of the ten largest countries. 80% of the population lives in cities. The country is a world leader in the production of steel, marine vessels, televisions, and computers, most of which it exports abroad.
39. This is a country of ancient culture and many achievements of civilization. According to the government system, it is a federal republic. The country's economy is industrial-agrarian in nature. Currently, from a country of light and food industry, it has turned into a country with developed heavy industry. Agriculture employs 2/3 of the country's active population. Agricultural products occupy an important place in exports: the country supplies rice, tea and spices to the world market.
40. This peninsular state of Europe is a republic in form of government. It is one of the economically developed countries, one of the top ten countries in terms of total GDP and has a modern diversified economy. Favorable agroclimatic resources contribute to the development of agriculture, the basis of which is subtropical agriculture. Numerous cultural heritage sites attract tourists from all over the world.
41. This island state is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is one of the most economically developed countries. Population growth is largely due to migrants. The terrain is predominantly mountainous and hilly. Approximately 51% of the country's territory is occupied by pastures and arable land. Agricultural products account for more than half of exports. The main agricultural products include meat, dairy products and wool.
42 . This economically developed capitalist country is inland in geographical location. Its capital is located on the Danube, ½ of the territory is occupied by young mountains, the slopes of which are covered with coniferous, oak, beech and ash forests. It has 500 lakes, which is why this country is called the lake region.
43 . Despite the fact that industry and the service sector predominate in this economically developed country, agriculture not only provides the population with food, but is also an export industry. However, the contrasts between the agricultural specialization of the north and south of the country are significant. In the north they grow wheat, corn, and rice; in the south, viticulture predominates, allowing the country to be one of the largest wine producers in the world.
44. This country owns archipelagos in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, which have now become famous resorts. The country ranks second in the world in the total number of tourists and in the production of grape wines, and first in the production of olives. The once powerful maritime power is now a moderately developed capitalist country with an industrial-agrarian economy.
45. This country is a republic in terms of its form of government, a unitary state in terms of its territorial-administrative structure, and an island state in terms of its geographical location. Located in the northern part of the ocean, near the Arctic Circle. Almost the entire territory of the country is a volcanic plateau. The basis of the economy is fishing. Most of the electricity is generated in geothermal power plants. The national composition is homogeneous. The population density is low, but the standard of living is very high.
46. This country is a monarchy in terms of its form of government, a unitary state in terms of its territorial and administrative structure, and a peninsular state in terms of its geographical location. The northwestern part of the territory is occupied by flat-topped mountains, the main natural area– zone of coniferous forests. Basic Natural resources countries - timber, iron ore, hydropower resources. The main industry is automobile manufacturing, the leading agricultural sector is dairy farming.
47. This country is a monarchy in its form of government, a unitary state in its territorial-administrative structure, and has a land border with only one state. The main mountain range is the Pieniny Mountains, all rivers belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin, high tides are observed on the coast. In the Middle Ages the basis economic activity The country was made up of sheep farming; today it is a powerful industrial country with a predominance of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, coal and textile industries.
48. This state belongs to Eastern Europe and is inland in geographical location. Most of the territory is plains surrounded by a ring of low mountains. The country's capital is located on the Vltava River, which is a major tributary of the Elbe River. On the world market, the country is known for its glass, beer, and cars.
49. The main mineral resources of this country are potash and rock salts, peat. Most of the territory is occupied by a low plain, 1/3 of the territory is swampy. Pine and birch forests alternate with numerous lakes; Numerous rivers (Neman, Berezina, Dnieper, Western Dvina) formed wide floodplains covered with oak forests. On the territory of this country there is a unique reserve where part of the nature characteristic of Eastern Europe of the medieval period is preserved.
50. This country is a constitutional monarchy, a kingdom. It is located on peninsulas, the southern part is washed by the sea from the west, and by the bay from the east. The main territory is occupied by mangrove and variable-humid forests and thickets, in the north-west there are mountains. The national composition is diverse, Buddhism predominates. The mining industry is developed: mining of tin, lead, tungsten, and precious stones; mechanical engineering: consumer electronics; agriculture: rice and rubber, tourism is also developed. The harvest is harvested several times a year. Member of ASEAN.
51. This is the state South-East Asia, former English colony. A large river flows through the territory of the state, originating in Tibet and belonging to the basin Indian Ocean. Over millions of years, alluvial deposits filled the valley, which produces three crops of rice a year. A large number of tame elephants work in logging. In the capital of the country there is the world's tallest golden Pagoda, which is 2.5 thousand years old.
52. This state of South-West Asia is a sultanate, absolute monarchy. Like many Gulf countries, it has significant oil reserves. However, this country is not a member of OPEC. In addition to oil and petroleum products, gold, silver and edged weapons are supplied to the world market.
53. This is the state Central Asia is part of the CIS. The climate here is continental, with sharp temperature changes. Most of the country is occupied by dry steppes and semi-deserts of the temperate zone. A large amount of mineral resources allows the development of mining, fuel industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy here. The country occupies a leading position in the CIS in the production of uranium (40%), chromium (97%), and lead (70%). Agroclimatic conditions allow the development of sheep breeding, camel breeding, and horse breeding. One of the main areas of specialization is astrakhan sheep breeding.
54. This state of South-West Asia is located at the junction of several civilizations - Christian, Muslim, Buddhist. Since the 19th century, the country has become the object of struggle between Great Britain and Russia, and since the mid-50s of the 20th century - the USA and Russia. Currently, it is one of the poorest countries in the world, where small-scale agriculture (pomegranates, apricots, quiche grapes, almonds) and the mining industry (precious stones, gas, oil) are developed. In addition, in the shadow sector of the economy, the main source of income is funds from the sale and transportation of drugs to Europe.
55. This Asian country is a monarchy, a federation; occupies part of a peninsula and a large island, divided by the sea. According to the UN classification, it belongs to developing newly industrialized countries. Currently, the manufacturing industry is rapidly developing here, and many transnational corporations are investing in the country's economy. According to some parameters, the state has taken first place in the world in the production of microprocessors and household air conditioners, the mining of tin ores, and the production of palm oil.
56. This country West Africa is located on the Atlantic coast. The territory is covered with humid equatorial forests. This is one of the wettest places in Africa; in some years it rains for seven to eight months. Hevea plantations, brought here from Brazil, lie on fertile lands. About 20% of the world's tanker fleet flies under the flag of this country. The country ranks first in Africa in iron ore production.
57 . This African country is a former colony of Belgium. Located in the center of the mainland, it has a narrow exit to the Atlantic Ocean. Most of the territory is located in a flat depression occupied by humid equatorial forests. The country is multinational, the most numerous people are Bantu. The republic occupies one of the leading places in the world in the production of cobalt, germanium, and industrial diamonds; ranks first in Africa in reserves of copper, zinc, and tin. Agricultural export crops: coffee, cocoa, natural rubber. Despite its rich mineral resources, the country belongs to poorest countries peace.
58. This state is called the cradle of human civilization. It is known primarily for its huge monuments of ancient culture dating back to the 2nd – 3rd millennium BC. Currently, it is a developing country, known in the world market as a major producer of long-staple cotton, a supplier of oil and phosphate rocks to the world market, and a major tourist center.
59. This African country is located between the Limpopo River and Lake Nyasa and is crossed by largest river Indian Ocean basin - Zambezi. This is a typically agricultural country with primitive agriculture; since the beginning of the 19th century, it began to attract the attention of foreign capital: large deposits of copper and cobalt were found here, the production of which this state ranks third and second in the modern world.
60. In terms of its geographical location, this state of South America is inland. The country speaks two languages ​​- Spanish and Guarani (the language of the Indian tribe that lived here before colonization by Spain). The main wealth of the country is its forests, where many valuable trees grow. For example, the wood of the Quebracho tree is harvested here, from which the tannin necessary for processing leather is produced. This is where mate tea, so popular in Latin America, comes from; this is where the unique wax palm grows, the leaves of which are covered with a thick layer of wax.
61. This Latin American country is part of the southern wheat belt and is one of the largest suppliers of wheat to the world market. In addition, export products include meat, sunflower oil, soybeans, grapes and grape wines. Over the past decades, there has been a qualitative leap in the production of industrial products, and industries such as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and energy began to develop. The capital of the country is one of the largest cities in Latin America and contains about half of the country's population.
62. This Latin American country is a member of OPEC and is the largest oil exporter. Its territory, located in the subequatorial belt, is covered with wet tropical forests and savannas, called here llanos. In the impenetrable forests of the country, on one of the tributaries of the Orinoco, there is the highest waterfall on our planet.
63. This highly developed American state is the largest importer of oil, gas, and iron ore. There are arctic and subtropical deserts, vast forests and endless steppes. By resource consumption and emissions carbon dioxide the country ranks first in the world in terms of the share of undernourished people, one of the last places.
64 . This state is located in the Caribbean Sea and is the largest exporter of bauxite. In 1670 it became an English colony and the largest slave market in the region. Having gained independence (1962), the country remained in the Commonwealth, and British capital still plays a large role in the development of its economy. Currently, this small state is known not only for bauxite and alumina, but also for large supplies of rum, sugar, tobacco and fruit.
65 . The territory of this country has access to one of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. On its territory is the northernmost point of the continent on which this country is located. The country's nature is diverse: here you can see desert landscapes, olive and orange groves, and evergreen Mediterranean forests. The country has a land border with only two countries. The name of the capital coincides with the name of the country.
66. This is the northernmost country in the world after Iceland. At least a third of this country is located beyond the Arctic Circle. This is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in Europe. More than two thirds of its territory is covered with forests with many lakes. The “Lake District” covers the eastern and central parts of the country. The climate is moderate continental, with mild snowy winters and fairly warm summers.
67. Feature geographical location This federal republic has access to the Atlantic Ocean. The country is characterized by high natural population growth. The population of this country is multinational and multi-religious. The country has one of the ten largest urban agglomerations in the world, but more than half of the country's population are rural residents. The country is a member of OPEC and is one of the world's most important oil producers and exporters.
68. This small African country, the name of which coincides with the name of its capital. It has a variety of mineral resources, including iron, lead-zinc ores, and phosphorites. It also produces oil, but the country is not a member of OPEC. Its diverse recreational resources, unique monuments antiquity (the legendary Carthage was located on its territory) and the warm sea contributed to the transformation of tourism into the leading industry of its economy.

  1. Switzerland
  2. Great Britain
  3. Canada
  4. Indonesia
  5. France
  6. Japan
  7. Egypt
  8. Indonesia
  9. Venezuela
  10. Egypt
  11. Paraguay
  12. Brazil
  13. Japan
  14. Spain
  15. Poland
  16. Argentina
  17. Argentina
  18. Australia
  19. Thailand
  20. Nigeria
  21. Argentina
  22. Netherlands
  23. Mexico
  24. India
  25. Algeria
  26. Australia
  27. Morocco
  28. Saudi Arabia
  29. China
  30. India
  31. Mongolia
  32. Japan
  33. India
  34. Italy
  35. New Zealand
  36. Austria
  37. Italy
  38. Spain
  39. Iceland
  40. Sweden
  41. Great Britain
  42. Czech
  43. Belarus
  44. Thailand
  45. Myanmar
  46. Kazakhstan
  47. Afghanistan
  48. Malaysia
  49. Liberia
  50. DR Congo
  51. Egypt
  52. Zambia
  53. Paraguay
  54. Argentina
  55. Venezuela
  56. Jamaica

66. Finland

67. Nigeria

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Today, when answering the question about the number of parts of the world, we automatically answer: six. Yes, in geography lessons at school more than one lesson is devoted to this.
Currently, there are traditionally 6 parts of the world:
- Europe;
- Asia;
- Africa;
- North America;
- South America;
- Australia and Oceania;
- Antarctica.

IN last years Some scientists propose to distinguish Oceania into a separate part of the world. If this is officially approved, then there will be 7 parts of the world on Earth.
But if you ask the question about the time when people began to divide the land known to them into parts of the world, then few will answer this question. The maximum that can be heard in response is: “It happened historically.” And from this it follows that answers to the question about the time of division of land into parts must be sought in history.
Turning to historical chronicles, in search of an answer to the question “How many parts of the world are there on Earth, and when did they begin to be divided?” you can find out the following:
1. The ancient Greeks were the first to divide the land into parts of the world. They divided the landmass known to them along cultural and political lines. At the same time, they considered Greece itself the center of the world.
2. In VI BC. Ancient Greek philosophers divided the part of the Earth they knew into two parts. They called the land that lay to the west Europe, that is, the land of Sunset. The landmass east of Hellas was given the name Asia, which translated from the Assyrian language means “east”. The use of the Assyrian name was due to the fact that to the east Ancient Greece The ancient state of Assyria was located and Assyrian words were popular among the ancient Greeks and then among the Romans.
3. A century later, in the 5th century BC, the father of history, Herodotus, singles out Libya and Ethiopia lying behind it as a separate part of the land. The Romans called this land Africa when they went to conquer Carthage. The name comes from the name of the Afarik tribe who lived in those places. But there is a second version of the origin of the word “Africa” - Arabic. The Arabic word "Ifriqiya" translates to "Separated".

The ideas of the Greeks about dividing the world known to them into parts of the world were formalized in writing by Claudius Ptolemy in his work on geography, which supplemented the already existing parts of the world: Europe, Asia and Africa - also “Terra incognita” - with unknown lands.
At this point, the process of dividing the land into parts of the world temporarily stopped. The ancient era with its desire to understand the world was replaced by the era of the early Middle Ages, which fully deserves the title Dark Ages. During this historical period, people were not interested in the question “How many parts of the world are there on Earth?”
But everything comes to an end, and the period of decline was replaced by the Renaissance. People again began to strive to gain new knowledge and explore the world.
Christopher Columbus, in search of a route to India, sailed from the Spanish port of Palos de la Fontera in 1492. This voyage ended with the discovery of a new continent for Europeans, named after Amerigo Vespucci, who predicted its existence.
North and South America began to be divided at the end of the 19th century after the construction of the Panama Canal, which divided the American continent into two parts.
Dutch navigators discovered Australia in the 17th century - “Terra Australis Incognita”. This is how a fifth of the world appeared - Australia and Oceania.
The last, sixth continent, Antarctica, was discovered by the expedition of Russian navigators Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820. The discovery of Antarctica was completely completed by the beginning of the 20th century, when it received its name, meaning “Opposite to the Arctic.”
The process of dividing land into parts of the world began in ancient times, and was completed almost today. But now the question about the time of the beginning of the division of land into parts of the world can be answered quite specifically.

Recently a funny thing happened to me. He is connected with my nephew, a six-year-old “why”. He is a curious and inquisitive boy, with his questions he forces adults to distract themselves from everyday problems and plunge again into the “ocean of knowledge.” So, he asked me about what “light” is and, when I had already begun to tell him about sunlight, added with a serious look that he was interested in “the new and the old world.” So I realized that the child wants to learn about the geographical concept of “part of the world.”

What is a part of the world called?

Since ancient times, our globe has been called the “circle of light.” The word “light” itself in the ancient Slavic language is interpreted as “earth, world, universe.”

In geographical science, a part of the world is a region consisting of the mainland or most of it with adjacent islands.

However, the concept of “part of the world” is more historical and cultural than geographical.

What parts of the world are there on the planet?

The number of parts of the world changed as man explored the Earth. The ancient Greeks believed that there were only three parts of the world on the globe. With the discovery of new lands, the number of parts of the world increased to six and became constant, because the geography of the planet was fully studied, all its parts were mapped.

Today on Earth it is customary to distinguish six parts of the world:

  1. Europe.
  2. Asia.
  3. Africa.
  4. America.
  5. Australia.
  6. Antarctica.

We must remember that parts of the world are not continents! After all, the continent of Europe or America cannot be found on the map. Part of the world Europe is located on the continent of Eurasia, and such part of the world as America includes both American continents.

What are the “Old and New Worlds”

And now about what my nephew so wanted to know.

As you know, America was discovered in 1492. And at the beginning of the 16th century, when one of the historians published a work about Columbus’s voyage to the shores of America, he called the discovered land “New World.” This name was assigned to the fourth part of the world and is still used today.

The parts of the world that were known before the discovery of America are called the "Old World", and they refer to Europe, Asia and Africa.

Largest part of the world (about 43.4 million km2)

Alternative descriptions

The largest and most populated part of the world

The largest and, as many believe, the most uncivilized part of the world

The Land of Light - the birthplace of the peacock

What does the yellow ring on the Olympic emblem symbolize?


Part of the world

The cardinal direction is the birthplace of the peacock

In which part of the world are the highest basins located?

In which part of the world are the highest mountain ranges located?

Which continent does the yellow ring on the Olympic emblem symbolize?

Part of the world is the champion in terms of population

Siamese twin of Europe

Europe's neighbor

Neighbor of the Old World

Densely populated part of the world

India, China, Japan, Siberia

Shares the continent with Europe

The largest part of the world

Its population is 4 billion people

Europe's continental neighbor

Region of slanted eyes

On the other side of the Urals and the Caucasus

China, Laos, Mongolia, Kazakhstan

Close to Europe

She is inseparable from Europe

Expanses from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean

East of Europe

From Kamchatka to the Urals

Small, Front or Middle

Europe's eastern neighbor

Actress Argento

British supergroup

On the right side of the Urals

Shocking continent

Yellow Olympic Ring

The most populated part of the world

Part of the world

The part of the world that is washed by all the oceans of the Earth

Myndra Lyudmila Nikolaevna
geography teacher
Tatarintseva Lyudmila Andreevna
geography teacher
Municipal educational institution ASOSH No. 3 with UIOP
Voronezh region, town. Anna

Target: To promote interest in studying the geography of different continents, countries, and peoples.

1) To acquaint students with geographical objects, cultural monuments, outstanding people Old and New Worlds;
2) Develop the intellectual and creative skills of students, the desire to know more, curiosity;
3) Foster a tolerant attitude towards the traditions, customs, and religions of other peoples.
Form: correspondence excursion with elements of a theatrical performance.
Equipment: slide presentation, auction items, musical accompaniment.
Handout: booklets

Scenario of the “Geographical Ball of the Old Parts of the World”

Geography teacher's opening speech:
Science geography
Invites guests to the ball
To all continents of the world
Our hall applauds
Here is Asia and Africa
Greatness is full
And the beauty of Europe
Everyone here is amazed;
And the New World, with envy
Looks at the Old World -
Everyone has their own dignity
Everyone has their own important look!

Dear guests! Today you are attending an unusual event - a geographical ball of the old parts of the world.
At any ball there are always stewards. At our ball the stewards are the Geographer …….. and the Geographess ……….
Video guides will be…….
Forward geographer and geographer!”

Geographer and Geographess:“Mistress Europe (a high school student in a ball gown) is invited to the geographical ball blue color to the music of I. Strauss, accompanied by a fifth-grader in a formal suit).
Dear Asia is invited to the ball (in a dress yellow color to oriental music)
Beautiful Africa is invited to the ball (in a black dress to African music)
Geographer and Geographess: (slides run against the background of words) “The legend tells: the Phoenician king had a daughter named Europa. Almighty Zeus fell in love with the girl. He transported her to the island of Crete. There Europe first set foot on the land of that part of the world that has since come to bear its name. Over the course of many centuries, the borders of Europe changed. Only in the 18th century did they finally agree that the Urals would share it with Asia; Europe is the smallest part of the world. Its area is 10.5 million square meters. km. It is washed by the waters of two oceans: the Arctic and Atlantic. The coastline is heavily indented and rich in islands. The relief is dominated by plains. The largest is Eastern European. The most high mountains- Alps. The climate is temperate and subtropical. The longest river is the Volga (3688 km). Cultural landscapes predominate. There are minerals: oil, coal, Fe ore. More than 700 million people live in Europe. 95% of the population belongs to the Indo-European language family. Christianity predominates. There are about 40 countries in Europe. The smallest state in Europe and the world is the Vatican (44 hectares). The floor is given to Europe."
Europe: “I, Europe, have made a huge contribution to world civilization, which began in the era of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, was continued into the Renaissance and the Great geographical discoveries, then in the era of industrial revolutions and social revolutions and to the present day. I have left my European imprint on all parts of the world. I, Europe, am the center of an enlightened and educated world. Beneficial rays emanate from me to all ends of the globe. Dear present, let us together remember my sons - great Europeans.
Assignment for teachers: 1) listen to the beautiful music of great European composers and determine who it belongs to. (First concert of P. I. Tchaikovsky; Beethoven “Moonlight Sonata”; Bach “Joke”.)
2) Let's admire the paintings of great Europeans and identify the brushes of which artists they belong to. (“La Gioconda” - Leonardo da Vinci; “Sistine Madonna” - Raphael; “The Last Day of Pompeii” - K. Bryullov.) (slides)
Europe is the birthplace of the waltz, and the king of the waltz is the Austrian Johann Strauss, a composer, violinist, and conductor.
(Viennese Waltz performed by high school students)
Assignment for students: you must talk about what contribution the following great travelers made to the history of Earth exploration (slides):

  1. F. Magellan.
  2. Thor Heyerdahl.
  3. Raoul Amundsen.

95% of the population in my part of the world speaks languages ​​of the Indo-European language family. 4 languages ​​are taught at your school. Let's listen to the beauty of the sound of these languages.
Russian language is a Slavic language group (O. Mandelstam’s poem “Europe”).
French - Romance language group (fairy tale and song performed by the teacher French)
English and German– Germanic language group.
(Goethe's poem in the original; song from the repertoire of the Beatles)
The most ancient state Europe, Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games. Most of the winter and summer Olympiads took place in European countries. An example is the last XX Winter Olympic Games in Turin (Italy). Maybe that's why Europe is also the birthplace of many sports games. Fans of the most popular game not only in Europe, but also in the world - football - are also in your school.
(football players show how to handle the ball).
Thank you all for knowing and appreciating my great European sons.”

Geographer and Geographess: “The name Asia is associated with the word “asu”, meaning “sunrise”. The largest part of the world by area (44 million sq. km.), washed by the waters of all four oceans. The average height is about 1 km, the maximum is Mount Chomolungma or Everest (8848 m). This is also the highest point on planet Earth. The lowest point is the Dead Sea (-392m). Mountains and plateaus occupy 75% of the territory. The climate is extremely varied. Asia lies in all climatic zones, from Arctic to equatorial. Here is the pole of cold northern hemisphere– Oymyakon (“Fierce Frost”) – 71 degrees. Within the Himalayas, in the northeast of India, the town of Cherrapunji receives 12 thousand mm. precipitation - the wettest place on the globe. The largest and longest river is the Yangtze. Among the lakes of Asia, the largest in area is the Caspian Sea-lake, and the deepest is Lake Baikal. Asia lies in all natural zones, from arctic deserts to humid equatorial forests. This part of the world is rich in minerals. Here are more than half of the world's oil reserves, large reserves of coal, Fe ore, table salt, manganese, tin, copper, gold, and diamonds.
Asia is the most populous part of the world, with a population of more than 3 billion people. National composition is complex – 9 language families, more than 600 various languages. The largest peoples of the world are the Chinese, Hindustanis, Bengalis, and Japanese. On political map 46 states. Many of them are among the oldest in the world. Giant countries in terms of area include China, India, and Russia. The floor is given to Asia."

Asia: “I, Asia, am the cradle of world culture, both material and spiritual. Let's remember what material and spiritual values ​​I gave to the world.
(Students list material and spiritual values)
The treasury of world spiritual culture includes the immortal creations of my outstanding thinkers, poets, and scientists. Let us remember the ancient Indian epic works Ramayana and Mahabharata, the wonderful philosophical poems of Omar Khayyam and Ibn Sina.
The history of such forms of art of my people as Indian dances goes back centuries. They occupy an important place in the religious practices of Hindus. Dancers in traditional costumes, with painted faces and special body movements and gestures can tell a whole story about Hindu deities and act out scenes from ancient legends. They have perfect control of their body to perform numerous movements with their hands and fingers, each of which has its own meaning.
(Indian dance).
I, Asia, is the birthplace of all world religions, which for many centuries and even millennia have had a huge influence on politics, economics, spiritual culture, population reproduction, and customs of peoples. Religion has found wide application in material culture– Muslim mosques, Hindu temples, Buddhist pagodas and monasteries. And even today its influence on all aspects of people’s lives remains very great. I am Asia - homeland Arabic numerals, chess, Arabian tales "A Thousand and One Nights", Tibetan medicine, cosmic philosophy, martial arts.
(Fragments of demonstration performances by school karatekas)
I thank you for being well aware of my contribution to the world’s spiritual and material culture.”

Geographer and Geographess:
“The heart of Africa is full of singing and burning,
And I know that if we see sometimes
Dreams for which we cannot find names,
It is the wind that brings them, Africa, yours!

Africa is the second largest part of the world after Asia. Its area is more than 30 million square meters. km. It is washed by the waters of two oceans: the Indian and the Atlantic. The largest island off the coast of Africa is Madagascar. The coastline is slightly indented. Highest point– Kilimanjaro volcano (5895m). The relief is dominated by high plains. The world's largest rift, the Great African Rift, runs through eastern Africa. Africa is the hottest continent. The highest temperature on the globe was recorded here - +58 degrees near the city of Tripoli. The longest river in the world, the Nile (6695 km), flows through Africa. The rivers of Africa are rapids. They have many waterfalls. The most famous is Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River. This part of the world is located almost symmetrically on both sides of the equator. 40% of the area is occupied by the natural savannah zone, which is rich in diverse fauna. In the north is the largest desert on the globe - the Sahara. Africa is exceptionally rich in a variety of mineral resources. The ores of gold, copper, aluminum, manganese, lithium, iron, cobalt, diamonds, platinoids, uranium, phosphorites, oil, and gas are of world importance. Africa's population is more than 800 million people. Representatives of all three human races live here. There are 55 countries on the political map of Africa. The largest country by area is Sudan (2.5 million sq. km.), and the largest city is Lagos (more than 10 million people.
Africa gives the floor.

Africa: “There is every reason to believe that it was I, Africa, who was the “cradle” of man, who settled from my equatorial forests to other continents. My cultural heritage very large. This is oral folk art– folklore is monumental architecture that originated in Ancient Egypt, it is decorative and applied art that preserves the traditions of ancient rock paintings. Almost every nation of mine has its own musical culture, retaining the characteristics of singing and dancing, and musical instruments. Since ancient times, there have been theatrical ceremonies, rituals, and ritual masks. Having met face to face with me, you will believe in the verisimilitude of implausible legends and tales, in the authenticity of fairy tales that have captured the imagination since childhood. And today, attending this ball, I, like any lady, would really like to hear compliments addressed to me and from your lips, which will begin with the words “the only one” or “the best”.

Geographer and geography: Beautiful Africa! A song from the movie “Little Red Riding Hood” as a gift. (Song plays)

Africa: “Dear those present! In no other part of the world are there as many objects of the same name as mine. Young geographers, please me with your map knowledge.
(Chunga-Chang dance).
Thank you guys for the gift, compliments and knowledge about my part of the world.”

Final word from the geography teacher: “ So the geographical ball of the old parts of the world has come to an end.
You are convinced that Europe, Asia and Africa have made a great contribution to the development of world civilization, they have amazing nature, unique natural objects, but each of them has its own unique face. We are directly related to two parts of the world, since our country Russia has a Eurasian position. There are few such countries in the world. I hope we will meet new parts of the world next year.”

Supplement to the “Geographical Ball of the Old Parts of the World”
R. Amundsen- Norwegian traveler of the 19th-20th centuries. His main achievement is that he was the first to reach the South Pole in 1911 on December 14th. The round trip took 99 days. In 1926, he also visited the North Pole. He was the first person for whom there were no insurmountable obstacles.
Thor Heyerdahl- Norwegian traveler, navigator, scientist, public figure of the 20th century. For the first time in the history of science, he conducted an experimental test of the hypothesis about the settlement of the Polynesian islands by the inhabitants of South America. An exact copy of an ancient Indian raft with a straight sail and an image of the Sun God Kon-Tiki was made. This was in 1947. The voyage took 101 days and covered a distance of 8 thousand km. Then there were voyages on the sailing boat “Ra” and “Tigris”, and the crews were international. Including a doctor from Russia Yuri Senkevich. All of T. Heyerdahl's voyages contributed to the rapprochement of different countries and peoples.
Ferdinand Magellan - Portuguese navigator, was in the service of the Spanish King Charles 1 . On 5 ships with a crew of 265 people, in 1519 he set off to search for the western route to India. In 1522, the smallest ship, Victoria, with a crew of 17 people, returned to Spain. This was the first trip around the world. Magellan's merit is that he was the first to practically prove that the Earth has spherical shape, the first to cross a new ocean, which was called the Pacific, islands were discovered in this ocean. The expedition found that the oceans occupy a larger area than land and are interconnected.
O. Mandelstam (1914).

Like a Mediterranean crab or a sea star,
Was thrown out last continent,
I’m used to wide Asia, to America, -
The ocean is weakening, washing Europe.

Its living shores are cut up,
And the peninsulas are aerial sculptures,
The bays have a slightly feminine outline:
Vizcaya, Genoa lazy arc...

Conquerors' ancestral land -
Europe in rags Holy Alliance:
Heel of Spain, Italy Medusa
And Poland is tender, where there is no king.
Europe of Caesars! Since Bonaparte
Gusinoye was directed by Metternich, -
For the first time in a hundred years and before my eyes
Your mystery card is changing!


You are the only continent that is crossed in the middle by the equator and lies in all 4 hemispheres.
You are the only continent over which the Sun is at its zenith 4 times.
You are the hottest. Maximum temperature +58 degrees.
The largest desert in the world, the Sahara, is located on your territory.
You have the longest river in the world - the Nile, and the Congo River is the only river in the world crossed twice by the equator.
You are the birthplace of humanity.
The largest rift is located on your territory earth's crust- The Great African Rift.
You have the most big number states

Objects of the same name

  1. The state of Algiers is the capital of Algeria.
  2. The state of Tunisia is the capital of Tunisia.
  3. The Sahara Desert is the state of the Western Sahara.
  4. The Niger River is the state of Niger.
  5. The Senegal River is the state of Senegal.
  6. Congo River - State of Congo.
  7. Lake Chad - State of Chad.
  8. The island of Madagascar is the state of Madagascar.
  9. Mozambique Channel - Mozambique Current - Mozambique.
  10. Somalia Peninsula - Somali Current - state - Somalia.
  11. The Ethiopian Highlands is the state of Ethiopia.
  12. Gulf of Guinea - state of Equatorial Guinea.
  13. Lake Victoria - Victoria Falls.


Material and spiritual values
Dear Asia!
Allow me, on behalf of all humanity, to express my gratitude to you for giving the world porcelain, a compass, silk, gunpowder, and an umbrella.
You are the birthplace of the bed farming system and the birthplace of tea, coffee, rice, spices, orange, and other agricultural crops. Thank you, Asia!

Auction items: rice, French perfume, coffee, umbrella, Hochlaend cheese, tea, cocoa, Czech jewelry, compass, bananas, fan, dates, Volvo car model, souvenir pyramid, olive oil, etc.

Scenario of the “Geographical Ball of New Parts of the World”

Science geography
Invites guests to the ball
To all continents of the world
Our hall applauds
Here is Asia and Africa
Greatness is full
And the beauty of Europe
Everyone here is amazed;
And the New World, with envy
Looks at the Old World -
Everyone has their own dignity

"Dear guests! With these verses, about a year ago, an unusual event began - the Geographical Ball of the Old Parts of the World.
Today you are again present at the geographical ball, but this time in new parts of the world.
At any ball there are always stewards. At our ball the stewards are the Geographer……. and Geographess.
Video guides will be…….
Go Geographer and Geographess!

Geographer and Geographess: America (in a red dress to Latin American music), Australia (in a green dress to country music), Antarctica (in a white dress) are invited to the ball.

Geographer and Geogafina: “America is the first part of the world that is part of the New World, the only one consisting of two continents - North and South America. America stretches from north to south across the entire Western Hemisphere, its total area is 42,225 thousand km. It is washed by the waters of three oceans: the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic. In the west are the world's longest mountain ranges, the Cordillera and Andes, with a maximum height of 6960m - Mount Aconcagua. The eastern parts are dominated by plains.
The largest river in the world, the Amazon, flows through this part of the world. North America is rich in lakes: the Great American Lakes, the Great Bear Lake, and the Great Slave Lake. South America is the wettest continent on Earth.
America lies in all checkpoints from AP to EP, some are repeated twice. There is a whole range of natural habitats here, from arctic deserts to humid equatorial forests.
America today is more than 50 countries - states and possessions, where 920 million people live. The most economically developed country in the world is located here - the USA.
Indigenous people - Eskimos and Indians belonging to the American branch Mongoloid race, settlers - Europeans, Africans, and East Asian peoples.
America gives the floor."

America: “I, America, was discovered by the great Christopher Columbus in 1492. October 12, in the first years of the Great Geographical Discoveries. But it is named after the Italian navigator Amerigo Vispucci, who was the first to prove that this is not India, but new lands called the New World.
The northwestern and western shores were discovered and studied by Russians: Ivan Fedorov, Mikhail Gvozdev, Vitus Bering, Grigory Shelikhov, Chirikov.
Listen to the story Great love Russian traveler, diplomat Count Nikolai Rezanov and daughter of the Spanish colonist Governor of San Francisco Maria Conchita Arguello (story, song “I will never forget you” from A. Rybnikov’s musical “Juno and Avos”).
I, America is part of the world of many natural records. I ask the participants of the ball to please me and name these records (slides, name objects)
Another unique thing about me is the mixture of races and peoples: local and foreign. As a result of this, new peoples and civilizations arose (Aztecs, Mayans, Incas), which made a huge contribution to the development of humanity.
I, America is the birthplace of many world famous people: George Washington, Henry Ford, Dale Carnegie, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Steven Spielberg, Michael Jackson, Walt Disney (slides, story about Disney)

My part of the world is the birthplace of hockey and basketball, rugby and baseball
(basketball game – show).
Great football players live and work in the countries of Argentina and Brazil: Pele, Ronaldo, Maradona.
I gave the world dances: Charleston, tango, lambada, samba. Samba is danced for 4 days and 4 nights during the Brazilian Carnival. The most important thing during Carnival is the parade of samba schools.
Brazilian Carnival
I am very glad that you know my history, culture and nature well.”
Geographer and geography: “Australia was discovered in 1606. Dutchman V. Janszoon and 1770 south coast D. Cook.
Area - 7.7 million km2 - the smallest of the new parts of the world. It is washed by the waters of two oceans - the Pacific and the Indian. In the west and in the center there are plains, in the east there are low mountains - the Great Watershed Range with the Kosciuszko peak 2230m.
Lies in sub-EP, TP, sub-TP belts. The main and deepest river is the Murray, and its longest tributary is the Darling. The most famous is Lake Eyre. Most of Australia is occupied by deserts, the northern part is savannah, and forest areas are in the east. Organic world unique and unique: 75% of plant species and 95% of animal species are endemic.
Rich in minerals: coal, iron and aluminum ores, oil, gold, etc.
On the territory of Australia there is one state - the Commonwealth of Australia with its capital Canberra. Population - 17.7 million people. Indigenous people are aborigines. The official language is English.

Australia gives the floor.
Australia: “I, Australia, means “southern” in Latin. I am the smallest in size in the New World. But, despite the size, the names of my geographical objects contain the word “big”. I ask young geographers to remember these objects (name the objects).
And now I invite you to go on an excursion to the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef (slides, story about the BB Reef).
I am the lowest part of the world; There are no young mountains or active volcanoes on my territory
I am the driest of all parts of the world, so half of the area is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. My coloring is dominated by reddish tones (slides). But I am known primarily for the fact that animals and plants from past geological eras have been preserved on my territory. On other continents they had long since disappeared, but I was isolated and removed from other parts of the world.
Particularly amazing animal world- oviparous mammals: platypus and echidna (slides);
among birds: lyrebird, cassowary, green parrots, emu (slides)
marsupials: kangaroo, koala, wombat, squirrel, wolf (slides, story about a kangaroo).
Forests on my territory are rare and are dominated by eucalyptus trees. There are at least 500 species. It is a soil-draining, fast-growing medicinal plant (slides).
Residents of my part of the world take care of their plant wealth: every major city has its own botanical garden, each state of the Commonwealth of Australia has its own botanical emblem. Australians also love their unique animals. Some representatives are depicted on Australian coins. And the extremely popular emu and kangaroo are depicted on the country's national emblem. And the choice of these animals is not accidental: they symbolize progress, movement forward, since neither emu nor kangaroo can move backward.
My historical past is complex and difficult. I was first a convict prison, then a British colony, experienced several “gold rushes”, and at the beginning of the 20th century. became a dominion of Great Britain.
The Commonwealth of Australia is very rich in mineral resources and is the world's leading mining nation. But the national industry is sheep farming (slides, story about sheep farming).
The largest city Sydney amazes with its architectural structures (slides). I am grateful to everyone present for knowing my part of the world.”

Geographer and geography:“Part of the world, Antarctica lies almost entirely beyond the Antarctic Circle. Discovered on January 28, 1820 by the expedition of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev.
The area of ​​Antarctica is 14 million km2. This is the highest part of the world. The average height is more than 2000 m. It differs from other parts of the world in its enormous glaciation; Only 0.4% of its territory is not covered by glaciers. Eat active volcano Erebus.
Antarctica lies in the AP and subAP. The average temperature in winter is -50-70°, the average temperature in summer is 0 to -30°. The absolute minimum is -89.2°. Sediments are only in solid form. Katabatic winds are typical, with speeds reaching 90 m/s. Lies in the Antarctic desert. There is no permanent population. There are about 40 active here scientific stations, which belong to 16 states.
In 1959, an International Treaty was signed, according to which this part of the world will be used only for peaceful purposes.
The floor is given to Antarctica."

Antarctica: “I, Antarctica or anti-Arctic, polar region, lying on the southern side of the globe opposite the Arctic. I, the land of snow and ice, shine dazzlingly in the rays of the polar day and are shrouded in clouds and whirlwinds of the blizzard in the darkness of the polar night.
People looked for me for a very long time, but for the first time Russian sailors saw my shores - participants in the expedition led by F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev on the ships "Vostok" and "Mirny". This was in January 1820. They refuted D. Cook's assumption that southern continent does not exist. The expedition spent 751 days on the voyage, the ships covered 92 thousand km. This was a great discovery of the 19th century, because... was open whole part Sveta. Glory to the Russian sailors and the Russian fleet. Almost a hundred years after my discovery, I was conquered South Pole. In December 1911 The southernmost point of the Earth was reached by the Norwegian Roald Amudsen, and in January 1912. - Englishman Robert Scott.
I am a continent of images. I ask the ball participants to select these images and comment on them (the images and slides speak).
My symbol is a penguin.
(Song “Ice floes in Antarctica”)
I invite you to visit me, and you will never forget the great silence of the icy desert, painted in the morning hours in delicate blue, lilac and pink pastel tones, cold flashes of the polar lights, cozy lights of winter quarters.”
After presenting all parts of the world, they (the parts of the world) form mini-teams of students and teachers and make a presentation of the products of the parts of the world.

Final words from the geography teacher: “The geographical ball of new parts of the world has come to an end.
You are convinced that America, Australia and Antarctica, as well as Europe, Asia and Africa, have made a great contribution to the development of world civilization, they have amazing nature, unique natural objects, but each of them has its own unique face.
Thank you all for your attention and participation, see you again."

Applications: Event scenarios (.doc), 2 flyers (advertising sheets) (.pub), Presentation “Geographical Ball of the Old Parts of the World” (.ppt) - 57 slides and Presentation “Geographical Ball of the New Parts of the World” (.ppt) - 102 slides - 38 MB

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