The grievances will pass and be forgotten over the years. Beautiful quotes. Short statuses about life in verse

The grievances will pass over the years. Even faces will be forgotten. You can’t be good to everyone, even if you have to say goodbye to someone. Don't you dare regret the past. Who should be there will be there! You can’t be good to everyone, and most importantly, you don’t have to!

Expect only good things. Anticipate the beautiful. Discover new things. Get the best of everything.

She lived in other laws from distant worlds, she wrote her life, but took other people's sheets.

She dreams of disappearing into the starry sky, she dreams of becoming free, like a summer evening.

I want to understand who I am. Who am I without all these masks and feigned feelings, without all the forced smiles and sweet chatter at the moment when I really want to fall into the abyss. I just want to understand who I really am. Who am I without all this falsehood?

I want to sit next to you on the balcony, wrapping my feet in a blanket, drinking coffee and listening to the rain. To feel you breathing into my ear and to understand that everything that happened before you was empty and ridiculous.

But there are no chance meetings. This is either a test, or a punishment, or a gift of fate.

But in fact, we are all equal! There is no one better or worse. It’s just that no one needs us. And we have struck a chord with someone!

And a man should leave as gracefully as he came. That is, forever.

Do you want me to tell you a secret? One such tiny secret? Know that people do not meet by chance. There are no coincidences, believe me, in life. Do not believe? Well, then listen. Don't be afraid - I won't deceive you. Imagine that there are souls tuned to one string. Like stars in the infinity of the Universe, they wander along hundreds of roads in order to meet one day without fail, but only when God wants.

Inhale chocolate and vanilla, it's good for you. Sweet crumbs fall on the bed as always. What does my hair smell like? Fresh breeze and wildflowers? No. They smell like cigarettes and unfulfilled dreams

All great stories have great female leads.

We all get offended sometimes. Sometimes we hate our Mothers. But they feel everything and hold back their tears. Let's try not to upset them, because a mother's smile is more valuable than all the smiles in the world!

All the most important things come into our lives precisely at the moment when we manage to free ourselves from less significant things, but which take away a lot of strength and attention.

Everything that surrounds us once seemed like a magical dream.

All our lives we are shrouded in chains that we forge for ourselves.

Life is a game, play it with dignity. And if you lose, don’t cry and don’t run! After all, everything in the wild is useless: fear and sadness and everything that lies ahead.

You might like green eyes. Gray eyes can be charming. You can fall in love with blue eyes. And only brown eyes can drive you crazy.

Do you know what's the worst thing? No, not unrequited love. No, not betrayal of a friend. The worst thing is when mom cries.

You know, I want to open my eyes one day and understand that you don’t just mean something to me, but you are everything to me.

And I closed the gates to my soul. Some people simply cannot understand me. People often tell me that I am beautiful. I would like to exchange beauty for happiness.

How pleasant it is to wake up in the morning, not from the sun, not because you have to go somewhere, but to wake up from his tender kiss.

How often do we repeat the same mistakes - we trust too much, get too angry, love too much, be too friendly, without looking back, without brakes, without a sense of proportion. Stop, think, evaluate the situation - make the right decision.

How often it is easier for us to write what in life we ​​do not risk saying.

When you fly off a bridge, you realize that all your problems can be solved. Except one. You're already flying off the bridge.

When you learn to let go. And not to hell, but with God. You will feel a slight grace. From what is unnecessary beyond the threshold.

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.

Love is like cheese, sometimes hard, sometimes soft, But when love is real, it is melted!

People come into my life, people leave my life, and I just turn the music up on my headphones.

The small world in your hot heart burns with ice again. Your dreams, you look at the ring, and your heart fills with warmth.

Respect is when you take out both headphones to greet someone. And when you turn off the player, it’s already love.

Alas, happiness was not given to us for long.

It’s better to be someone in this life than not to be in this life.

It's good when it's beautiful. It's good when words are not empty. When dreams are colorful, jokes are funny, the wind is soft, memories are pleasant. It's good when there is a mystery that arouses interest. When the lips are soft, and the touches are gentle, when it feels good. When there is a future and it smells of vanilla and caramel.

I want warm sunshine, flowers blooming, butterflies flying, music sounding in my soul, and a smile on my face!

I want him to sit on my knee and say: “Will you marry me?” I would answer: “I don’t even know.” And he would take my hand, put on the ring, and say: “Who’s going to ask you!”

There is not a single man in the world who can be content with only the soul of a woman for a long time.

We must learn to live for today and not turn it into a meaningless past, but remember that yesterday it was our future, and so it is every day.

Why are statuses in verse so popular?

Poems attract us with rhythm and rhyme, which highlight very favorably main idea author. Of course, mostly humorous poems are used in statuses. But the quality of the idea’s presentation is also important for humor. At the same time, rhyme attracts attention and makes irony or parody more successful. Statuses in poems always attract attention. On our website you will always find interesting statuses with meaning in verse. When you are in a lyrical or cheerful mood, you can use on your page social network funny statuses in verse, consisting of small quatrains or couplets. And our beautiful statuses in verse will allow any of you to confess your deepest feelings for your loved one. Isn’t it wonderful how simple and beautiful it is to say “yes”!

Short statuses about life in verse!

Life does not stand still, it is changeable, like the weather. So that your loved ones and friends are always aware of your affairs, our statuses about life in verse will allow you to tell them about the most important thing with one keystroke. Often we are unable to find words to express our thoughts. There are many phrases spinning in my head. But when you start talking, you confuse yourself and confuse your partner. Short statuses in verse on Statuses-Here will help you in solving this problem. It’s so easy to tell others in a small couplet everything that worries or pleases you.

Beautiful statuses in poems about love!

The most wonderful feeling in the world - love! It lifts a person to the pinnacle of bliss. But it can descend into the very depths of despair. After all, everyone knows that a broken heart is difficult to mend, and a bleeding wound is difficult to heal. But poetry can help even in the most hopeless cases. It's good if things are different for you. You love and are loved! Then our statuses about love in verse are for you! And even though love has many shades, on Statuses-Here you can find statuses in verse that are right for you!

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Don't get into your soul

Don’t get into your soul, don’t savor:
"Who? With whom? When? And why?",
After all, someone else’s life is a dense forest:
You can trip yourself.
And don’t judge - you are not Gods -
Envy is still black.
Everyone has their own path,
And everyone has their own life!
Don't get into your soul, you're superfluous there,
Moreover, it was not given to you.
Think about your thoughts
About the personal essence of being.
Why torment yourself with doubts,
Why make up lies?
Nobody teaches you this:
Strive to understand everything yourself.
Other people's thoughts and dreams,
Someone else's word is of no use.
And don’t repeat yourself as an excuse,
That you create silence.
That silence, which is unlikely
An alien soul will believe
In which everything is somehow secret
Try to get into it slowly.
Live your life better.
She is closer and dearer to you
And don’t try to describe it as reality
One of the harmful ideas.
And to understand the essence in yourself.
Don’t meddle in someone else’s soul:
Don't be afraid to lose in life,
What you are suffering for nothing.

I think…

It seems to me, but it seems that they are being baptized...
And I went obediently to the wondrous temple.
To pray for everything that seems to me,
Usually at night or in the morning.
I think you're leaving, honey.
You're leaving, probably for good.
And my hateful love is of no use,
And I can’t hold you back with anything.
It seems to me that my friend is the only one
Hiding something from me again.
He always seemed so sincere to me,
And then suddenly he looked like a rebel.
I feel like I'm going slow at times
I'm going crazy from these troubles.
Now I look at life very windily,
At least he doesn’t look like drunkards and revelers.
There is a reason, the reason lies somewhere:
Left without a woman, without friends.
But there is hope - everything will still work out,
When I begin to understand people myself.


Don't learn life from books:
Learn from life...
The longer and more joyful life is -
The wiser and more correct the thought.
Don't blindly believe in other people's teachings,
Let them fly by like moments.
Life is only given once
And it will not be taken away from you.
You will figure out your own life.
With your head - you will achieve success.
Well, what if the roof was blown off,
So there was some bad luck somewhere.
Nothing will come back:
Being a fool is also a talent!

Tell me a secret...

My friend, tell me a secret,
What did you think and dream about?
What advice did you follow?
And what I learned from life.
Tell me, what's going on in your soul?
Tell me, what kind of sadness oppresses?
What else could suddenly happen?
And who is telling lies?
Remember from the very beginning,
When I extended my hand.
Your look is mysteriously sly
My hopes were not disappointed.
We parted and met:
You filled your glass with wine...
Then we enjoyed each other
Chatting something about yourself.
From the side I saw looks
I heard reproaches addressed to me,
But I didn’t even try to think,
To suddenly break up with you.
Me as an object for discussion:
Don't strain your mind.
No - this is not an eclipse at all,
Since I’m ready to give everything to you!

Brave man

You are, of course, a brave man!
And I am pleased to look at you!
Only anyone can undress a lady!
It's a pity, not everyone is able to wear...
Being a man is not that important.
Being loved is much more difficult
So that the heart does not become paper -
Get rid of stupid ideas.
You are, of course, a man, what we need!
And there is a mistress and a wife...
Only your feelings for reward
Give to one in full.
So that the woman who is nearby
I did not know deception and lies.
If you love, fill me with falling stars,
If you're lying, then let him go.
I'm just like you, I'm a sinner somewhere.
And I can’t count my mistakes...
I seemed inconsolable in myself,
Without delving into where honor or flattery is.
These are men's stories,
There is truth and some lies in them.
You are certainly a brave man
And perhaps similar to many.


It’s as if everything in life has turned upside down:
The sun's rays splashed into my face.
And, as then, spring returned to me,
And my soul became light.
There is still snow in the fields and the forest is gloomy,
It turns black in the distance.
And that night, cool and moonlit,
The stars shine brightly above.
Now, after frosty days and cold,
Bird voices ring on the branches.
March outside the window will warm people's souls
And the frozen river will come to life.
Streams run and my heart skips a beat,
On the eve of the expected spring.
And again love returns to someone
Dreams numb since winter.
How many springs have you lived through over the years?
I am both happy and sad at times.
But something happened to us again
And again March disturbed my peace.
But it’s still spring! And isn’t this a miracle!
The dormant earth came to life.
And it’s not at all difficult for me to understand you,
When I see your smile.
Let the meadows be filled with flowers again
And a beckoning ringing sound will sound around,
And cute birch trees along the clearing
They will give you their deepest bow.


The grievances will pass over the years.
Even faces will be forgotten.
You can't be good to everyone:
Let someone have to say goodbye.
Don't you dare regret the past...
Who should be there will be there.
You can't be good to everyone
And most importantly - it’s not necessary!

I don't wish

How deafeningly I can remain silent...
Is silence always golden?
Sometimes you have to scream deafeningly,
But there is simply not enough strength for this.
How can I dream like that in my mind?
And think about some imaginary feelings,
But I don’t want to hide these feelings
And I scream out loud in hysterics of madness.
I can't take it all in
What fate offers me on a grand scale.
I choose only mine,
Only what my heart accepts.
I don't want to love just like that
I don't want gold and fame.
And I know that it’s too early for me to leave
To where angels fly overhead.
I remember those who were faithful to life
And I didn’t lose myself in hangovers from fate.
I will not forget those I loved...
And those who were not ashamed in their revelations.

Thank you

Thank God! Thank you heavens!
For having her smile and eyes!
Because I look in them like in a mirror...
Because I love and love myself!
Thanks to everyone who knew or neglected
Thank you everyone for what I was able to do in life.
I never turned to those gods
Which I never understood.
But I loved as I wanted to love:
In debauchery I had no shame and happiness,
But I never tried to change there,
Your desires one day overnight.
I lived as I knew, without recognizing fear!
And he never let anyone get close.
Thank you Lord, thank heavens,
That I'm not flying quite that low.
Thank you everyone for not closing your eyes,
For those pranks that were committed by me,
But I didn’t betray my love,
Comparing it with a sweet dream.
Your eyes, smile - forever!
And may one day time separate us.
I will return to the Lord and to heaven,
To repeat wonderful moments!


It wasn’t a year, it was just hell...
Frost, sealed windows.
And endless snowfall
With the blockade, beating on the windows.
There is no heat here... There is no food here...
And death comes in an embrace with life.
Three years of furious war
And a city with a ghostly thought.
Blockade, fear, fire and death:
Everything was absorbed into the hearts of the people.
But Leningrad is ready to endure,
Losing lives year after year.
And let them talk about the war,
Let them say whatever they want:
Here Leningrad was burning in flames
And he survived the torment of the people.
Whoever is alive is a feat for the country,
And who died an innocent death
And I didn’t wait for that spring:
Now in the eternal granite - the firmament.
Here is Leningrad and for him -
Such a punishment for victory...
I look out the frozen window
And I can't find the answer...

Let them think

Let them think - I'm swimming in joy,
Let them take life as a game.
I fall and rise again!
Only I know the price.
Who thinks fame is sweet:
Life is so windy all around.
I will object with gratifying judgments,
Where my feelings and thoughts merged.
Let them think that life is a simple thing,
Especially those who write at night.
I'll tell you - separation would be better
She accompanied me here and there.
You shouldn't envy those realities
Which are on the neck, on the shoulders….
I chose that sad cross for myself,
And now it shines for me at night.
Don't think that I'm swimming in joy,
Don't think I'm turning up my nose.
Sometimes I smile through my strength,
Feeling with annoyance how this has grown into the pool.
But I don’t regret anything that happened -
Fate was not in my hands.
But I try to disgrace this cross
Carry a bright candle like a god.

Summer rain

Muddy puddles all around.
You call but I don't hear
And I'm still standing in the rain.
I'm waiting for the clouds to pass away,
The sun will cast rays.
On the road, under your feet
The streams will run again.
And the birch washed itself
Warm summer rain.
You were waiting for me
On this sad gray day.
Sparrows swimming in puddles
They fought among themselves.
They need birds too
This rain is torrential.
Thunder and arrows of lightning struck
Lighted up the sky.
And the free wind exploded,
Spinning your round dance.
Summer rain knocks on the roofs,
The wind drives the clouds.
Rain runs down the glass,
Like a transparent tear.
But bad weather is not a hindrance:
Between me and you.
Summer is raging outside,
What do we care about torrential rain!

Thank you life

Thank you, life, for this happiness - to live!
Climb, crawl, and strive upward,
And go deep into the earth with roots,
To breathe, to exist, and to be, and to last.
Thank you, life, for the joy - to feel
The warmth of the rays and the breath of the breeze,
And freeze, trembling with all my heart,
Suddenly, something for which there is no name.
Thank you, life, for taking your time,
On the earthly journey through troubles and losses,
Growing up, the soul learns
To love immensely, to believe without looking back.
Thank you, life, for your main lesson,
The wisest of all cherished rules -
“Live - but you must leave everything here,
When the time comes for you to leave."


Sometimes a day is worth more than a year.
Sometimes a year is not worth a day.
Something happens somewhere...
It just doesn't happen.
There are times when a friend is more valuable than life.
There are times along the way,
And I throw away my thoughts.
And I'm waiting for what's to come.
There is inspiration somewhere,
There are tears and love...
There are moments of joy
Which excite the blood so much.
There are meetings and confessions,
There are simply evil lies.
But I don’t look for an excuse for that -
Not believing in the nonsense of imaginary dreams.
It happens that everyone is happy,
For simply living.
I'm not looking for someone worthy.
And somehow I get by with this!

Love and feelings

Don't associate love with appearances,
Even if it looks like there are no relatives.
Love comes - along with tenderness,
And he dies - only with her!
It’s not difficult to betray her at all,
You don't need much intelligence
You come as a guest one day
And stay forever.
Do not associate love with a person -
She's like you, she's like me.
It’s not difficult to love even with vulgarity,
But you can’t live life like that.
Love is an earthly feeling:
Love her, love him...
There is no other recklessness here,
When love is like a triumph.

The poem “Love and Feelings” was written in 2011. First published in Le Parisien magazine. France.


I don't remember yesterday
I don’t know what will happen tomorrow.
I live a real life,
The one that is destined for me.
May today give me
Everything that I wished for myself.
But I don't want one day
I have lost something in my life.
And tomorrow will be tomorrow.
Yesterday - what happened is gone.
I'm here now, why go back?
I feel good here today!

Essa. 1995

Don't live sadly...

Don’t live sadly, don’t regret what happened...
Don't guess what will happen, take care of what you have!
God himself will judge everything, maybe he will condemn -
Life is such a thing - there are countless sins in it.
Somewhere I stumbled, somewhere I missed...
Maybe fell in love or lost...
And someone just smiled sweetly,
Or he frankly didn’t trust himself.
Don't live sadly, there's no need for sadness!
Don’t guess what will happen, take care of what you have….
We were not promised ease in life,
Or else there will be, where is love and honor!

I will give you spring...

I will give you spring...
With rays of sun and rain.
You're waiting for me to come to you
And enjoy your nights.
I'll give you love
That very early spring...
So that the lark sings to us again
And you didn’t pass by.
Tell me what do you want from me?
That spring day and evening.
I can't forget you:
I'm waiting for spring, I'm waiting for turmoil...

Four seasons of the year

You have four of them, soul.
In the spring we drink carelessly, on the go,
Fine from a full ladle.
And in the summer, enjoying from the heart -
Sometimes we look for something for ourselves.
With happiness we fly to the heights,
Fascinated by this strange game.
And again autumn is a sad time!
And the heart skips a beat.
There's a wonderful game of leaf fall,
That seems to fulfill all wishes.
Well, when the cold comes
And my nose freezes from the unbearable cold -
We understand that winter has come
And we see the snowstorm swirling everywhere...
Four different times of the year...
My soul changes, as if...
I will not find another miracle in my life:
I live here, which means I will be here.

Live, country...

Connection of generations and times,
And fiery destinies are an element!
With a double-headed golden eagle:
Live the country, live Russia!
We preserve history for centuries,
Which was accomplished by the grandfathers -
Descendants will keep it in their hearts
All their sacred victories.
For all the suffering and glory,
For joy and for the bitterness of tears:
I thank my country,
Living in the web of dreams.
Let the tricolor be autocratic
Shines over a large country.
And her coat of arms and her vainglorious hymn,
Keep the holy land in peace!

Don't judge!

Don't judge those who offended you
And remember all those who helped you:
We are not given the opportunity to foresee everything in advance -
Perhaps this was a valuable lesson...
We don't understand what the authorities wanted,
We do not understand the planetary cycle.
We are partly on earth and in heaven,
We persistently make our turn in life.
Don't judge those who once
Betrayed, or turned away from you.
In their hearts there was then a paper ship,
Which dissolved forever.
Let flattering speeches sound everywhere -
Look into your eyes and you will see a lie in them!
In their false, imaginary, endless words
Someday you will find peace for yourself.
Don't judge those who offended you:
This is empty - life says so.
Seek tirelessly for that abode,
The one that attracts you so much.
And those scum that flash around
Both rejoicing and angry in spite of...
Let them always get sick and suffer
From those who were able to do something in this life.

Gala ball

This noisy gala ball...
Where the orchestra played tirelessly.
I first met you:
It turned out very funny there.
You weren't spinning with me then,
And when she left, she didn’t hide her feelings.
And in the cart I pressed my cheek,
To the hand that hugged you.
The cheerful driver drove us
Into my secrets that are kept in my heart.
And an abundance of sweet dreams
That night they were only visible to us.
The candles burned dimly in silence,
You were sitting over a glass of wine
And with a smile my fairy tales
I wanted to listen to everything for a long, long time.
And in the morning in my arms
I woke up to the sound of a pipe
And I didn’t think about others
In a snow-white and warm bed.
Do you remember the wonderful gala ball?
That orchestra and bright faces.
I wasn't looking for you there at all,
But the wish dared to come true.
And now I hear your breathing.
The heart beats with stubborn hope.
This ball was the most beautiful
Becoming my long-awaited dream.


Don't cling to the past
Don't live off grudges.
Remember the good things -
Don't envy anyone.
Everything that heaven has sent you -
Take it for granted.
Everything that has been done is for the better,
No matter how difficult it may be for you.
Don't live by losses
And live in hopes.
Don't be a little ashamed
Tender smiles...
Tell it like it is
Let not everyone understand you,
But, and the one who understands -
He will be doubly happy.
The poem was written in 1993. Published in Neon magazine in 2001.

What a pity…

What a pity that time is fleeting
And the years rush somewhere into the distance.
Nothing in life will last forever,
Only joy and sadness.
I remember everything how it was:
Your loved ones and relatives,
And in the evenings my heart ached,
About those who are no longer alive.
My turn will come, I know
But for now I’m here and still breathing.
And I trust in myself,
And I’m still waiting for something in life.
Let them say - years of wealth,
What is reflected in me.
I don't want to be called grandfather
And those years are of no use to me.
Maybe someone is proud
That he lived for so many long years,
And I, as before, dream about childhood
And I keep a secret about that.
To start my whole life over,
And everything, as before, repeat,
It would be better if my mother scolded me,
Why should I scold my grandchildren now?
What a pity that time is fleeting...
Wealth of years is of no use to me.
I'm not going to live forever
But I’ll get a second life.
I'll write more stories
Poems and stories, not even one.
I won't listen to your stories,
What am I and why...


I want to grind you into powder.
And I dream of bringing it to a boil...
But you also have a sin:
I don't spend the night watching you.
And even though I don’t sleep well for weeks:
But, coffee, how I love you!
You let me come to my senses
From those nights in which you and I.

Ray of a little star

I don't need tears and suffering.
And why talk about sad things...
I want obstinate desires
Implement it into your life, as before.
Don't look at me slyly:
Everything you want you will find in me.
And don't be afraid that it's too early
My glances are thrown at you.
You are such a young creature
And you burn like a big fire.
But on our first date
You don't go in violation of the agreement.
I will endure, forgive and everything in the world
I’ll forget, contrary to my thoughts.
And then I will hear your speeches
About love, separation and longing...
And every time we meet again:
You and I are like angels in the night.
I will light the celebratory candles,
To see cute features.
I'll be waiting for you at dawn,
Listen to your passionate speeches.
You are alone in this world,
Like the ray of a small star.


A ray of sunshine, a breeze, a cape behind the forest...
A cozy garden, a dozen books...
And the meaning...
I'll take it with me on the road
Your dream, your love.
But I will give it to a few:
I won’t say loving words to everyone.
Does this make sense? No I dont know,
But I believe in my heart:
When it forgives me -
I can't argue with him.
When it beats in alarm -
I know everything is predetermined...
And no other questions
I don't have one for him.
You don't need much in life:
But the main thing is that it makes sense!
Let there be some anxiety somewhere,
But when there is meaning, then there is thought...

There's a blizzard outside the window

There's a blizzard outside the window
And the frost gets stronger.
Why are you sad, friend?
Is your heart missing again?
The cat is quietly dozing
On your lap.
Little baby
He has been sleeping in bed for a long time.
The snow is spinning white,
Falls on the branches.
Someone late at night
Will appear to a neighbor.
Knock on the sly
He's in her window
And he will enter as a mystery,
Sit for a while.
It's sad on the table
The candle burns out.
Only a lazy shadow
Walking along the wall.
There are whirlwinds over the fields:
The birch tree is leaning.
The bullfinches have become silent,
They are crying from the cold.
Only somewhere in the heart
Desire lies hidden
What's coming my dear
On a date again.
But dear white
From snow and blizzard,
No one is visible
Except winter boredom.
And a stingy tear
Resentment pours out.
Only the blizzard is evil
Laughs at you.

Where is the shine and glory

There was splendor and wealth - the power of the throne...
Worldwide glory, praise and honor...
And King Solomon had a ring:
There was an inscription on it: “All this will pass!”
It has passed and the kings are forgotten,
But in life there are cooler people,
Who simply destroy altars,
For imaginary faith and well-being.
Only gods should shine in this world,
Which are eternal in their tales.
Who were strict with us somewhere,
But they never bothered others.
Believe me, fame is like punishment
Which a person can carry.
It's like the truth or a nightmare.
It is forever, not for a year, but forever.
Believe me, being famous is gratifying.
Believe me, this is a deception for the soul.
Let them love and honor - it will be pleasant,
But life tells us something completely different.
Solomon's Ring, like God's reward,
For becoming like this in this world.
One day you'll feel the signs of hell
But perhaps you will become loved by someone.

Just in case

Love is not an art - it is a feeling...
But those who do not have this feeling
Who do this skillfully
And suddenly they wish for something in the darkness...
You can't learn to love from books -
They are not about you - don’t be equal to them -
And don’t try to lure
Those images from paper are your happiness.
Look for yours and rejoice in it
What is prepared and what he is capable of.
Don't talk about your feelings to anyone
Communicating with those who deserve you!
He or she will appear:
Don't be afraid of revelations and dreams.
Love is like eternal spring,
And that means this is the essence of your desires.

There is nothing more expensive...

There is nothing more expensive than warmth -
Relatives, attentive friends...
May their care and kindness -
Life becomes brighter every day!
There is nothing more precious than that love
Which we keep for children...
And how offensive it is, looking into emptiness,
Find out from them that you are blacker than the night.
When they once betrayed me jokingly,
When one day everyone turned away -
Let these drops of lying rain
Destiny will boomerang for them.
I'm not talking about those who could make a mistake,
I'm talking about specific vile and enemies...
Even God won't help you,
Who live among fools!
I never asked for forgiveness
Only because he knew his worth.
And those who have accumulated meanness in themselves -
Let him pray in meaningless supplication….

Spring worries

Spring shook the dull forest.
The streams have woken up and are running.
And only the miserable snow is hateful
It no longer chills the soul.
I don’t remember the frost and cold,
It was like there was a snowstorm outside the window.
The ice has turned into just puddles
Icicles in ringing drops.
And let the grass not smell yet,
And the flowers in the distance are not colorful.
But the upcoming fun
They drove me crazy for a long time.
And the heart beats with renewed vigor,
And something is trembling in my chest.
And I’m in a hurry to meet my sweetheart,
Give your hugs.
When spring flowers
You will weave a wreath of love for me.
I know everything that will happen to us
When spring comes.
And your lips that spring
They will only whisper about love.
I'll open my heart for you
And I will open the gates of the soul.

Like the waves...

Many people are like waves
But there are also shores...
Some to you for seconds -
Others are with you forever.
Friends are like rocks:
They will surround you and save you.
Dear ones, gently like the waves
They always caress and wait.
But there is among the waves and storms,
Which can explode...
All those shores where there is a miracle
I could meet you.
So I'm wary
I even enter a quiet bay.
But I’m waiting for something to happen with the waves
An influx of love will come.
Let the waves roll through life -
The tide comes and goes:
All people are full of hope
And they hear a spiritual motive.
Many people are like waves...
Among the shores of friends:
Even if their souls are silent,
But they are betrayed by their strength.
Seoul. South Korea. year 2013.

Essa's collection of poems includes a number of poems he wrote while visiting South Korea. This country is special for the author and is reflected in many of his works. It is enough just to remember his novel “SS501” and many notes and stories about this amazing paradise. South Korea became especially close when Essa met a gorgeous young man, Kim Sang Bum. This is probably where the weight started... There are moments in life that change your whole life... - this is what happened to the author. Kim Sang Bum, a simple guy from Seoul, became a world star, but Essa never highlighted this, trying to align his existence with ordinary people. However, this young man went even further and became the one that millions are now talking about. How and under what circumstances their friendship began is shrouded in mystery, but in some of Essa’s works some moments related to their acquaintance appear. It is only known that the author at one time helped the aspiring star a lot.

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