Online test on alkanes. Alkanes test. Natural gas contains mainly

Testing on the topic "Alkany" option 1.

Part A.

A 1. General formula homologous series alkanes:

A 2. The number of elements in the substance butane is equal to:

    1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

A 3. Homologues are:

    Hexane and hexanal. 2. Hexane and hexene. 3. Butane and pentane. 4.Butane and pentyl.

    Etana. 2. Propena. 3. Butadiene. 4. Pentina.

1. Hexane and butane. 2. Cyclobutane and cyclopropane. 3. Butane and 2-methylbutane. 4. Butane and 2-methylpropane.

    Etina. 2. Isobutane. 3. Etena. 4. Cyclopentene.

A 7. The number of carbon atoms in 5.6 liters of propane is equal to:

    5 . 10 22 2. 1,5 . 10 23 3. 0,1 . 10 23 4. 4,5 . 10 23

    Isobutane. 2. Butadiene -1.3. 3. Propin. 4. Benzene.

    C 3 H 8 2. C 4 H 10 3. C 6 H 6 4. C 5 H 12

A 10. 2-bromo-2-methylbutane reacts with

1. Concentrated sulfuric acid. 2. Nitrogen. 3. Hydrogen chloride. 4. Potassium hydroxide in an alcohol solution.

A 11. Volume (in liters, no.) of a portion of ethane containing 7.224. 10 23 hydrogen atoms, equal to:

    26,88 2. 13,44 3. 4,48 4. 53,2

    Calcium and manganese (II) sulfates. 2. Ethane and propane. 3. Silicon and sulfur dioxides.

4. Ethylene and acetylene.

    Butanol – 1. 2. Bromoethane. 3. Ethane. 4. Ethylene.

A 14. The mass (in grams) of a mixture consisting of 2.24 liters (n.s.) of methane and 1.12 liters (n.s.) of nitrogen is equal to:

    1 2. 2,3 3. 3 4. 4,6

A 15. General formula of the homologous series of cycloalkanes:

    Bromoethane. 2. Propanol. 3. 1,2 – dibromoethane. 4. 2,2,3,3 – tetramethylethane.

    Propane. 2. Butane. 3. Ethane. 4. Ethylene.

A 18. The mass (kg) of carbon tetrachloride obtained from 64 kg of methane with a practical yield of 97.4% is:

    600 2. 300 3. 900 4. 1500

CH 3 – CH – CH 2 – CH 3

    2 – ethylpropane. 2. 3 – ethylpropane. 3. 3 – methylpentane. 4. 3 – methylbutane.

A 20. The mass of hydrocarbon (in grams) obtained by heating 48 g of 2 - bromobutane with 7.67 g of sodium is:

    10 2. 19 3. 38 4.76

Part B.

    Hydrogenation reactions.

    The presence of a π bond in a molecule.

    Reactions with hydrogen halides.

    Combustion in air.

Name General formula

    Pentane A C n H 2n+1

    Butine B C n H 2n+2

    Cyclopropane B C n H 2n

    Ethyl G C n H 2n-2

Testing on the topic "Alkany" option 2.

Part A.

For each task in Part A, several answers are given, of which only one is correct. Choose the correct answer in your opinion. In the answer form, under the task number, put a cross in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

A 1. General formula of the homologous series of cycloalkanes:

    C n H 2n 2. C n H 2n+2 3. C n H 2n-2 4. C n H 2n-6

A 2. The number of elements in the substance pentane is equal to:

    1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

A 3. Homologues are:

    Hexane and hexanal. 2. Propane and butane. 3. Butane and butene. 4.Butane and pentyl.

A 4. Substitution reactions are typical for:

    Etena. 2. Propina. 3. Butadiene. 4. Pentane.

A 5. Structural isomers are:

1. Hexane and butane. 2. Cyclobutane and cyclopentane. 3. Butane and 2-methylbutane. 4. Pentane and 2 - methylbutane.

A 6. In the molecule of which substance there are no π bonds:

    Etina. 2. Butadiene. 3. Etana. 4. Cyclopentene.

A 7. The number of carbon atoms in 11.2 liters (no.) of propane is equal to:

    15 . 10 22 2. 9 . 10 23 3. 0,3 . 10 23 4. 4,5 . 10 23

A 8. A hydrocarbon in which the orbitals of all carbon atoms have sp 3 hybridization is

    Pentin. 2. Butadiene -1.3. 3. Propane. 4. Benzene.

A 9. Mass fraction hydrogen will be greatest in the compound:

    S 4 H 8 2. S 4 H 10 3. S 6 H 6 4. S 5 H 12

A 10. 2-chloro-2-methylbutane reacts with

1. Hydrogen chloride. 2. Concentrated sulfuric acid. 3. Nitrogen. 4. Sodium hydroxide in alcohol solution.

A 11. Volume (in liters, no.) of a portion of propane containing 3.6. 10 23 hydrogen atoms, equal to:

    1,68 2. 13,44 3. 34,48 4. 53,25

A 12. Closest Chemical properties have both substances of the set:

    Calcium and iron(II) sulfates. 2. Propane and butane. 3. Silicon and sulfur dioxides.

4. Ethylene and acetylene.

A 13. In the transformation scheme ethanol → X → butane, substance X is:

    Butanol – 1. 2. Ethene. 3. Chloroethane. 4. Ethane.

A 14. The mass (in grams) of a mixture consisting of 1.12 liters (n.s.) of methane and 2.24 liters (n.s.) of nitrogen is equal to:

    1,8 2. 2,3 3. 3,6 4. 4,6

A 15. General formula of the homologous series of alkanes:

    C n H 2n+2 2. C n H 2n 3. C n H 2n-2 4. C n H 2n-6

A 16. The elimination reaction is not typical for:

    Chloroethane. 2. 1,2 – dichloroethane. 3. 2,2,3,3 – tetramethylethane. 4. Propanal.

A 17. As a result of the following transformations

C + H 2 → X 1 → X 2 → X 3 → X 4 → X 5 the final product (X 5) is formed:

    1 – bromobutane. 2. Butane. 3. 2-bromobutane. 4. 2 – bromine – 2 – methylpropane.

A 18. The mass (kg) of carbon tetrachloride obtained from 32 kg of methane with a practical yield of 94.2% is:

    600 2. 290 3. 400 4. 150

A 19. Name the substance according to the IUPAC international nomenclature:

CH 2 – CH – CH 2 – CH 3

    1,2 – dimethylbutane. 2. 3,4 – diethylbutane. 3. 3 – methylpentane.

    3 – methylbutane.

A 20. The mass of hydrocarbon (in grams) obtained by heating 129 g of chloroethane with 52 g of sodium is:

    105 2. 58 3. 38 4.94

Part B.

The answer to part B can be an integer or a sequence of numbers written in a row without spaces or commas, as well as a sequence of letters. Round fractions to the nearest whole number; do not write units of measurement.

B 1. Select and write down, without spaces or commas, the signs characteristic of methane:

    Hydrogenation reactions.

    Tetrahedral shape of the molecule.

    The presence of a π bond in a molecule.

    Sp 3 – hybridization of the orbitals of the carbon atom in the molecule.

    Reactions with hydrogen halides.

    Combustion in air.

Q 2. Arrange the substances in order of increasing number of bonds in the molecule, writing down the numbers without spaces or commas:

    HCLO 4 2. HNO 2 3. C 3 H 8 4. HBrO 3 5. BCL 3

B 3. When ethane with a volume of 44.8 l (no.) reacts with nitric acid, nitroethane weighing 102 g is obtained and the practical yield (in percent) is ......

B 4. By hydrolysis of aluminum carbide (AL 4 C 3), methane with a volume of 67.2 l (n.e.) was obtained. The mass of aluminum hydroxide formed is (in grams)……

B 5. Match the columns. In strict accordance with the sequence of numbers in the first column, write down the letters of the selected answers from the second column. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without numbers, commas or spaces), for example ABCG.

Name General formula

    Pentane A C n H 2n+1

    Butine B C n H 2n+2

    Cyclopropane B C n H 2n




    Alkanes, Cycloalkanes

    development of test-control in chemistry

    for 10th grade

    Developed by:

    Samokhvalov Andrey Sergeevich ,

    Biology and Chemistry Teacher

    GBOU secondary school No. 336 Nevsky district

    Saint Petersburg



    1). Bonds in an alkane molecule:

    A). double; b). triple; V). one and a half; G). single?

    2). Give the molecular formula of ethane:

    A). C8H18; b). C6H6; V). C6H5CH3; G). C2H6?

    3). Specify the formula of a substance belonging to the class "Alkanes":

    A). C4H10; b). C6H12; V). C6H6; G). C13H26?

    4). General formula of the homologous series of alkanes:

    A). CnH2n; b). C n H 2 n – 2 ; V). C n H 2 n – 6 ; G). C n H 2 n + 2 ?

    5). Natural gas contains mainly:

    A). propane; b). butane; V). methane; G). hydrogen?

    6). Which hydrocarbon is a homologue of butane:

    A). ethylene; b). benzene; V). pentane; G). isobutane?

    7). The methane molecule has the form:

    A). cone; b). Cuba; V). pyramids; G). tetrahedron?

    8). Alkanes are characterized by hybridization:

    A). sp 3 ; b). sp ; V). sp 2 ; G). sp4?

    9). The angle between carbon atoms in alkane molecules is:

    A). 120° ; b). 109°; V). 90° ; G). 110°?

    10). Radical is:

    A). a group of atoms with unpaired electrons;

    b). a group of atoms different from methane by – CH 2 –;

    V). a group of atoms having a positive charge;

    G). group of atoms called functional?

    eleven). The formulas of only alkanes are written in the series:

    A). C 3 H 6, C 2 H 4, C 6 H 14; b). C4H10, C2H6, C3H8;

    V). C 2 H 2, C 3 H 8, C 6 H 6; G). C6H6, C4H8, C2H6?

    12). The reaction leading to elongation of the carbon chain is:

    A). Wurtz reaction; b). Konovalov's reaction;

    V). alkanes isomerization reaction; G). alkene hydrogenation reaction?

    13). During the thermal decomposition of methane with its simultaneous heating to 1500 °C and cooling with water, the following are formed:

    A). C and H 2; b). C 2 H 2 and H 2; V). CO 2 and H 2; G). CO and H 2?

    14). Alkanes are characterized by isomerism: A). multiple bond positions; b). carbon skeleton; V). geometric; G). functional group positions? 15). For alkanesnot typical reaction: A). polymerization; b). isomerization; V). thermal decomposition; G). substitution?

    16). The molar mass of a cycloalkane containing 6 carbon atoms in one molecule is equal in g/mol:

    A). 70; b). 48; V). 86; G). 84?

    17). The following reaction is not typical for cyclohexane:

    A). accessions; b). isomerization; V). substitution; G). combustion?

    18). What bond is characteristic of alkanes and cycloalkanes:

    A). ionic; b). covalent nonpolar; V). hydrogen; G). covalent polar?

    19). The sum of all coefficients in the equation for the combustion reaction of cyclopropane is equal to:

    A). eleven; b). 15; V). 23; G). 25?

    20). When zinc metal acts (when heated) on 1,5-dibromopentane, the following is obtained:

    A). cyclohexane; b). pentane; V). methylcyclopentane; G). cyclopentane?



    "5" – 17 – 19 CORRECT ANSWERS;

    "4" – 14 – 16 CORRECT ANSWERS;

    "3" – 9 – 13 CORRECT ANSWERS;



      Anisimova K.A., Koltsova A.M. Chemistry tests for grades 8 – 11, Ivanovo: IPKiPPK, 2013. – 268 p.

      Gara N.N., Zueva M.V. Collection of tasks for intermediate certification: grades 8 – 11: Book for teachers. – M.: Education, 2013. – 368 p., illus.

      Surovtseva R.P., Guzey L.S., Ostanniy N.I., Tatur A.O. Chemistry tests for grades 10 – 11: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Bustard, 2013. – 126 p., illus.

      Chunikhina L.L. 500 tests in chemistry for grades 10 – 11 (for independent work at school and at home). – M.: Publishing school, 2012. – 86 p.

    Testing on the topic "Alkanes" option 1.

    Part A.

    A 1. General formula of the homologous series of alkanes:

    A 2. The number of elements in the substance butane is equal to:

    1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    A 3. Homologues are:

    1. Hexane and hexanal. 2. Hexane and hexene. 3. Butane and pentane. 4.Butane and pentyl.

    1. Etana. 2. Propena. 3. Butadiene. 4. Pentina.

    1. Hexane and butane. 2. Cyclobutane and cyclopropane. 3. Butane and 2-methylbutane. 4. Butane and 2-methylpropane.

    1. Etina. 2. Isobutane. 3. Etena. 4. Cyclopentene.

    A 7. The number of carbon atoms in 5.6 liters of propane is equal to:

    1. 5 . 1022 2. 1,5 . 1023 3. 0,1 . 1023 4. 4,5 . 1023

    1. Isobutane. 2. Butadiene -1.3. 3. Propin. 4. Benzene.

    1. 1 2. 2,3 3. 3 4. 4,6

    A 15. General formula of the homologous series of cycloalkanes:

    1. Bromoethane. 2. Propanol. 3. 1,2 – dibromoethane. 4. 2,2,3,3 – tetramethylethane.

    1. Propane. 2. Butane. 3. Ethane. 4. Ethylene.

    A 18. The mass (kg) of carbon tetrachloride obtained from 64 kg of methane with a practical yield of 97.4% is:

    1. 600 2. 300 3. 900 4. 1500

    CH3 – CH – CH2 – CH3

    1. 2 – ethylpropane. 2. 3 – ethylpropane. 3. 3 – methylpentane. 4. 3 – methylbutane.

    A 20. The mass of hydrocarbon (in grams) obtained by heating 48 g of 2 - bromobutane with 7.67 g of sodium is:

    1. 10 2. 19 3. 38 4.76

    Part B.

    1. Hydrogenation reactions.

    6. Combustion in air.

    1. HCLO4 2. HNO2 3. C3H8 4. HBrO3 5. BCL3

    4. By hydrolysis of aluminum carbide (AL4C3) methane with a volume of 67.2 l (n.e.) was obtained. The mass of aluminum hydroxide formed is (in grams)……

    Name General formula

    1. Pentane A CnH2n+1

    2. Butine B CnH2n+2

    3. Cyclopropane B CnH2n

    4. Ethyl G CnH2n-2

    Testing on the topic "Alkanes" option 2.

    Part A.

    For each task in Part A, several answers are given, of which only one is correct. Choose the correct answer in your opinion. In the answer form, under the task number, put a cross in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

    A 1. General formula of the homologous series of cycloalkanes:

    1. СnH2n 2. CnH2n+2 3. CnH2n-2 4. CnH2n-6

    A 2. The number of elements in the substance pentane is equal to:

    1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    A 3. Homologues are:

    1. Hexane and hexanal. 2. Propane and butane. 3. Butane and butene. 4.Butane and pentyl.

    A 4. Substitution reactions are typical for:

    1. Etena. 2. Propina. 3. Butadiene. 4. Pentane.

    A 5. Structural isomers are:

    1. Hexane and butane. 2. Cyclobutane and cyclopentane. 3. Butane and 2-methylbutane. 4. Pentane and 2 - methylbutane.

    A 6. In the molecule of which substance there are no π bonds:

    1. Etina. 2. Butadiene. 3. Etana. 4. Cyclopentene.

    A 7. The number of carbon atoms in 11.2 liters (no.) of propane is equal to:

    1. 15 . 1022 2. 9 . 1023 3. 0,3 . 1023 4. 4,5 . 1023

    A 8. A hydrocarbon in which the orbitals of all carbon atoms have sp3 hybridization is

    1. Pentin. 2. Butadiene -1.3. 3. Propane. 4. Benzene.

    A 9. The mass fraction of hydrogen will be greatest in the compound:

    1. C4H8 2. C4H10 3. C6H6 4. C5H12

    A 10. 2 -chloro - 2 - methylbutane interacts with

    1. Hydrogen chloride. 2. Concentrated sulfuric acid. 3. Nitrogen. 4. Sodium hydroxide in alcohol solution.

    A 11. Volume (in liters, no.) of a portion of propane containing 3.6. 1023 hydrogen atoms is equal to:

    1. 1,68 2. 13,44 3. 34,48 4. 53,25

    A 12. Both substances in the set have the closest chemical properties:

    1. Calcium and iron(II) sulfates. 2. Propane and butane. 3. Silicon and sulfur dioxides.

    4. Ethylene and acetylene.

    A 13. In the transformation scheme ethanol → X → butane, substance X is:

    1. Butanol – 1. 2. Ethene. 3. Chloroethane. 4. Ethane.

    A 14. The mass (in grams) of a mixture consisting of 1.12 liters (n.s.) of methane and 2.24 liters (n.s.) of nitrogen is equal to:

    1. 1,8 2. 2,3 3. 3,6 4. 4,6

    A 15. General formula of the homologous series of alkanes:

    1. СnH2n+2 2. CnH2n 3. CnH2n-2 4. CnH2n-6

    A 16. The elimination reaction is not typical for:

    1. Chloroethane. 2. 1,2 – dichloroethane. 3. 2,2,3,3 – tetramethylethane. 4. Propanal.

    A 17. As a result of the following transformations

    C + H2 → X1 → X2 → X3 → X4 → X5 the final product (X5) is formed:

    1. 1 – bromobutane. 2. Butane. 3. 2-bromobutane. 4. 2 – bromine – 2 – methylpropane.

    A 18. The mass (kg) of carbon tetrachloride obtained from 32 kg of methane with a practical yield of 94.2% is:

    1. 600 2. 290 3. 400 4. 150

    A 19. Name the substance according to the IUPAC international nomenclature:

    CH2 – CH – CH2 – CH3

    1. 1,2 – dimethylbutane. 2. 3,4 – diethylbutane. 3. 3 – methylpentane.

    4. 3 – methylbutane.

    A 20. The mass of hydrocarbon (in grams) obtained by heating 129 g of chloroethane with 52 g of sodium is:

    1. 105 2. 58 3. 38 4.94

    Part B.

    The answer to part B can be an integer or a sequence of numbers written in a row without spaces or commas, as well as a sequence of letters. Round fractions to the nearest whole number; do not write units of measurement.

    B 1. Select and write down, without spaces or commas, the signs characteristic of methane:

    1. Hydrogenation reactions.

    2. Tetrahedral shape of the molecule.

    3. The presence of a π bond in the molecule.

    4. Sp3 – hybridization of the orbitals of a carbon atom in a molecule.

    5. Reactions with hydrogen halides.

    6. Combustion in air.

    Q 2. Arrange the substances in order of increasing number of bonds in the molecule, writing down the numbers without spaces or commas:

    2. HCLO4 2. HNO2 3. C3H8 4. HBrO3 5. BCL3

    B 3. When ethane with a volume of 44.8 l (no.) reacts with nitric acid, nitroethane weighing 102 g is obtained and the practical yield (in percent) is ......

    4. By hydrolysis of aluminum carbide (AL4C3) methane with a volume of 67.2 l (n.e.) was obtained. The mass of aluminum hydroxide formed is (in grams)……

    B 5. Match the columns. In strict accordance with the sequence of numbers in the first column, write down the letters of the selected answers from the second column. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without numbers, commas or spaces), for example ABCG.

    Name General formula

    1. Pentane A CnH2n+1

    2. Butine B CnH2n+2

    3. Cyclopropane B CnH2n

    Chemistry Alkane test with answers for 10th grade students. The test consists of 3 options, each with 6 tasks.

    1 option

    1. Alkane structural formula:

    2. The isomers are:

    1) butane and pentane
    2) 2-methylbutane and 2,2-dimethylpropane
    3) 1,3-dimethylpentane and 2-methylpentane
    4) 3,3-dimethylpentane and 2,2-dimethylbutane


    A. As the relative molecular weight increases, the melting and boiling points of alkanes increase.
    B. Methane has a characteristic odor.

    1) only A is correct
    2) only B is correct
    3) both judgments are correct
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    4. In the equation for the combustion reaction of pentane, the coefficient in front of the oxygen formula is equal to:

    1) 2
    2) 4
    3) 6
    4) 8

    5. Synthesis gas is formed as a result of the reaction between:

    1) methane and oxygen
    2) methane and chlorine
    3) methane and water
    4) chloromethane and water

    6. Calculate the mass of aluminum carbide Al 4 C 3 that will be required to produce 112 liters (n.s.) of methane if the volume fraction of the reaction product yield is 80% of the theoretically possible.

    Option 2

    1. Alkane molecular formula:

    1) C 4 H 10
    2) C 3 H 4
    3) C6H6
    4) C 5 H 10

    2. Substances of identical composition and properties are depicted by structural formulas:

    3. Propane:

    1) has no homologs with fewer carbon atoms
    2) is a liquid
    3) is a gas at room temperature
    4) has a lower relative molecular weight than air
    5) has no isomers
    6) dissolves in water

    4. When 1 mole of methane reacts with 3 moles of chlorine, the following is formed:

    1) 1 mole of trichloromethane
    2) 1 mole of trichloromethane and 3 moles of hydrogen chloride
    3) 1 mole of trichloromethane and 2 moles of hydrogen chloride
    4) 3 moles of trichloromethane and 3 moles of hydrogen chloride

    5. Ethane dehydrogenation refers to the reactions:

    1) endothermic
    2) decomposition
    3) accessions
    4) catalytic
    5) exothermic
    6) non-catalytic

    6. Determine the molecular formula of a saturated hydrocarbon, the interaction of 1.74 g of which with bromine produces 4.11 g of a monobromo derivative.

    Option 3

    1. Alkane structural formula:

    2. Homologues are substances whose names are:

    1) 2-methylpentane and 2-methylbutane
    2) 2-methylpropane and butane
    3) 2,2-dimethylbutane and 2-methylpentane
    4) butane and cyclobutane

    3. Are the following statements about the physical properties of alkanes correct?

    A. All alkanes are gaseous or liquid substances.
    B. Alkanes are highly soluble in water.

    1) only A is correct
    2) only B is correct
    3) both judgments are correct
    4) both judgments are incorrect

    4. During the decomposition of methane Not is formed:

    1) hydrogen
    2) ethylene
    3) acetylene
    4) soot

    5. Ethane is characterized by the following reactions:

    1) with hydrogen
    2) with oxygen
    3) with sodium hydroxide solution
    5) with bromine
    6) with concentrated sulfuric acid

    6. Determine the molecular formula of dibromoalkane containing 85.11% bromine.

    Answers to test in chemistry Alkanes
    1 option
    1. 4
    2. 2
    3. 1
    4. 4
    5. 3
    6. 299,52
    Option 2
    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 35
    4. 2
    5. 124
    Option 3
    1. 1
    2. 1
    3. 4
    4. 2
    5. 25
    6. C 2 H 4 Br 2

    Test on the topic: “Alkanes”

    2 lessons of 14 questions

    1. The first representative of a series of alkanes is called:

    a) butane; b) propane; c) octane; d) methane.

    2. General formula of alkanes:

    a) C n H 2 n; b) C n H 2 n+2 ; c) C n H 2 n–2 ; d) C n H n .

    3. The carbon atoms in alkanes are in the state:

    A) sp-hybridization;

    b) pp-hybridization;

    V) sp 3 -hybridization;

    d) in a non-hybrid state.

    4. The bond angle in alkanes is:

    a) 109°28"; b) 180°; c) 90°; d) 270°.

    5. The methane molecule has the structure:

    a) octahedral; b) planar;

    c) tetrahedral; d) hexagonal.

    6. Bonds in an alkane molecule:

    A). double; b). triple;

    V). one and a half; G). single.

    7. Each subsequent representative of the homologous series organic compounds differs from the previous one by a homological difference equal to:

    a) CH; b) CH 3; c) CH 4; d) CH 2.

    8. Natural gas contains mainly:

    A). propane; b). butane; V). methane; G). hydrogen.

    9 . Radical is:

    A). a group of atoms with unpaired electrons;

    b). a group of atoms different from methane to – CH 2;

    V). a group of atoms having a positive charge;

    G). a group of atoms called functional.

    10. To give a name to a radical, it is necessary to replace the -ane in the name of the alkane with:

    a) -in; b) -il; c) -en; d) -diene.

    11. Which of the following substances are isomers?

    1) CH 3 –(CH 2) 5 –CH 3; 2) CH 3 –CH (CH 3) – C (CH 3) 2 –CH 3;

    3) CH 3 –C(CH 3) 2 –CH 3; 4) CH 3 – CH (CH 3) – CH (CH 3) – CH 3.

    a) 1 and 2; b) 1 and 4; c) 2 and 4; d) 3 and 4.

    12. Which hydrocarbon is a homologue of butane:

    A). ethylene; b). benzene; V). pentane; G). isobutane

    13. The substance CH 3 – CH (CH 3) – CH (CH 3) – CH 3 is called:

    a) 2,3,4-trimethyloctane; b) n-hexane;

    c) 2,3-dimethylbutane; d) 3,4-dimethylpentane.

    14. The seventh representative of the series of alkanes is called: a) octane; b) nonane;

    c) dean; d) heptane.

    15 . Alkanes are characterized by isomerism:

    A). multiple bond positions;

    b). carbon skeleton;

    V). geometric;

    G). functional group positions

    16. To name a branched hydrocarbon, you first need:

    a) choose the longest chain of carbon atoms;

    b) indicate the names of radicals;

    c) indicate the class of substances;

    d) indicate the location of the radicals.

    17. The substances CH 3 –CH 3 and CH 3 –CH 2 –CH 3 are:

    a) isomers; b) homologues;

    c) allotropic modifications;

    d) radicals.

    18. Gaseous alkanes are:

    a) CH 4, C 4 H 10, C 10 H 22;

    b) C 3 H 8, C 2 H 6, C 4 H 10;

    c) C 6 H 14, C 5 H 12, C 5 H 10;

    d) C 7 H 16, C 6 H 14, C 10 H 22.

    19. Reaction

    2CH 3 I + 2Na = 2NaI + C 2 N 6

    bears the name:

    a) N.N. Zinina; b) A.M. Butlerov;

    c) Sh.A.Wurtz; d) D.I. Mendeleev.

    20. Pentane Formula:

    a) C 4 H 10; b) C 5 H 10; c) C 5 H 12; d) C 10 H 22.

    21. Formula C 2 H 5 corresponds to:

    a) ethyl radical; b) the dean;

    c) ethane; d) butane.

    22. The interaction of methane with chlorine is the reaction:

    a) decomposition; b) connections;

    c) exchange; d) substitutions.

    23. Carbon tetrachloride formula:

    a) CCl 4; b) CHCl 3; c) CH 2 Cl 2; d) CH 3 Cl.

    24. From the reactions below, select the reaction that occurs via the free radical mechanism:

    a) CH 4 C + 2H 2;

    b) C 2 H 5 OH + HBr C 2 H 5 Br + H 2 O;

    c) CH 4 + Br 2 C H 3 Br + H Br;

    d) CH 4 + H 2 O CO + 3H 2.

    25. Methane monochlorination product:

    a) CH 2 Cl 2; b) CHCl 3; c) CCl 4; d) CH 3 Cl.

    26. During the thermal decomposition of methane with its simultaneous heating to 1500 °C and cooling with water, the following are formed:

    A). C and H 2; b). C 2 H 2 and H 2; V). CO 2 and H 2; G). CO and H 2

    27. For alkanes not typical reaction :

    A). polymerization; b). isomerization;

    V). thermal decomposition; G). substitution?

    28. The sum of all coefficients in the methane combustion reaction equation is equal to:

    A). 2; b).4; at 6; G). 8?

    Evaluation criteria:

    14 points "5"

    11- 13 points "4"

    7-10 points "3"

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