Field check ending. Stressed and unstressed endings of singular nouns. Case endings in surnames and titles

E.A. Makovey, Russian language teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Adygeisk,
A.I. Arkhipova, professor of Kuban State University

§ 4. Spelling endings

Ending - this is a variable part of a word that forms the form of a word and serves to form a connection between words in a phrase and sentence.

4.1. Spelling unstressed endings of nouns

The choice of an unstressed vowel at the end of a noun depends on the type of its declension.

In China.., in Kore.., in Germany.., in the Arctic.., in amazement..

To find out the spelling of the ending of a noun, follow these steps:
1) put the noun in the initial form (who what?);
2) determine the type of its declination from the table;
3) substitute a test word in its place for of this type declination (this word in different cases has a stressed ending, which will indicate the desired vowel).

Special group of nouns*

-and I

the consignment

(test word for r.p., d.p. and p.p.)

1st declension
(except for words in -iya)

-a (m.r./f.r.)

I (m. b./f. b.)

a country

(test word)

2nd declension
(except for words starting with -й, -ь)

Zero ending (m.r.)
-o (s.r.)
-e (s.r.)


(test word)

3rd declension

-ь (f. r.)


(test word)

*A special group of nouns includes indeclinable nouns, as well as nouns of 1st and 2nd declension with special endings (so-called nouns in -ee, -ee, ee).
In China - (China, 2 pages, in the table).
in Korea - (Korea, 1st book, in the wall).
in Germany - (Germany, esp. gr., on the way).
in the Arctic - (Arctic, 2nd volume, in the table).
in amazement - (amazement, special gr., on the way).

Remember that nouns like gallery, assembly, alley, museum, etc. should not be classified as a special group. They are inclined according to the first and second declension. Wed:
In the collection (special group) - in the gallery (1 volume).
In the planetarium (special group) - in the museum (2 classes).

Rememberthat nouns like doubt And doubt, Maria And Marya lean differently:
about Marya (Marya, 1st text about the wall);
about Maria (Maria, special group, about the path).

Remember that the rule does not apply to indeclinable nouns and to nouns indeclinable as adjectives.
On a pony (pony is an indeclinable noun).
About the manager (manager - noun, inflected as an adjective).

4.2. Spelling unstressed endings of adjectives and participles

Unstressed endings of adjectives and participles are checked by the stressed ending of the test word.

In a flying plane; changing opinion; powerful voice.

You can determine the ending by the test word - what question? (he will suggest a stressed vowel at the end):
in a rotating cylinder (which one? - ending -om / -em) in rotating;
with the changing wind (with which one? - ending -y/-im) with changing;
a worried mother (which one? - ending -th/s) a worried mother;
on a sinking ship (on what ship? - ending -om / -em) on the sinking

in the form of the nominative (accusative) case m.r. units The ending of the adjective (participle) should be remembered: -Y / -YY.
The Lost Man; curling smoke.

4.3. Spelling of unstressed personal verb endings

The choice of an unstressed vowel in the personal ending of a verb depends on the type of its conjugation.

We are c..m; you; they are fighting...

To find out the spelling of the ending of a verb, follow these steps:
1) put the verb in indefinite form (what to do / what to do?);
2) determine the type of conjugation from the table;
3) substitute the test word (the stressed ending of the test word will prompt the desired vowel).

We glue ... m (glue, II conjugation, we say) - glue
You (hear, II conjugation, you speak) - hear
They are fighting (to fight, I conjugation, they take) - they are fighting

Sometimes the type of conjugation is difficult to determine because the unstressed suffix of an indefinite form sounds unclear ( glue, quarrel, sow, melt, winnow, soar, hope, start and etc.).
Such suffixes should be remembered.

When putting a verb into an indefinite form, you should ensure that the verb retains the same verbal form.
You will force (Soviet v.) - force (Soviet v.), and not force (non-sov. v.).

Verbs like y hear, lay etc. (formed with the help of prefixes from verbs - exceptions) belong to the same type of conjugation as the exceptions themselves.
They WILL drive away (to drive away, as well as to drive away, is a verb of the II conjugation).
They are making (to lay, as well as to lay, is a verb of the first conjugation).

Verbs like shave, hold on etc. (formed with the help of the suffix -СЯ from verbs - exceptions) belong to the same type of conjugation as the exceptions themselves.
They're racing (to pursue, as well as to drive, is a verb of the II conjugation).
They SHAVE (to shave, like to shave, is a verb of the first conjugation).

In a flying plane (which one?).
Changing opinions (which ones?).
Mighty voice (excl.).

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the method of checking unstressed endings of nouns using test words for nouns of the first declension –"hand" , for nouns of the II declension –"shoulder" and for nouns of the III declension –"breast; develop analytical-synthetic thinking, stability of attention, speech, memory; improve skills in determining spelling in words and searching for a test word; cultivate the ability to clearly express one’s opinion and the ability to listen carefully to the opinions of one’s comrades.


1). Organizational issue.

2). “Buzzing” reading of a book according to the method of L.V. Zaitsev (3 minutes)

3). A minute of penmanship.

On the board are the words:

Holiday, l...tso, st...face, heart...tse, ur...zhay, ch...nil, s...tank, gr...noy, star...ny.

If you divide these words into three groups, you will find out what letters we will write during the penmanship minute.

(letters "d", "o", "i")

Let's remember how to check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word and how to check an unpronounceable consonant at the root of a word, and before we do the exercises for a minute of penmanship, we will define test words for these words.

(children remember the rules and select test words)

On the desk:


Determine the order in which the letters are written in this row.

(After each letter, write another lowercase letter “a”)

Today we will return to this letter, but for now write this row, observing the correct connections of the letters.

4). Vocabulary work.

On the desk:

Alley, passenger, back, horizon, agronomist.

What is this word?

Which word is missing? Why?

(the extra one is “horizon” because it doesn’t have the unstressed vowel “a”)

Write down this word, highlight the unstressed vowels, remember its spelling.

Look carefully at the rest of the words and try to remember them.

I erase the words from the board.

Remember and write down vocabulary word– noun of the 2nd declension.

The child writes down at the blackboard:

Passenger, agronomist,

Why did you decide that these are nouns of the second declension?

Remember and write down the noun of III declension.

The next child continues the recording:

Passenger, agronomist, alley,

Why did you decide that this is a noun of the 2nd declension?

Remember and write down the noun of III declension. (there is no such noun)

What word was left unwritten?

The third child writes down at the board:

Passenger, agronomist, alley, back.

What part of speech does this word belong to? (adverb)

5). New topic.

Today we will continue to study the noun and our science laboratory is faced with the question….

On the desk:

How to check the unstressed ending of nouns?

Do any of my research assistants already know the answer to this question?


Then let's determine together what needs to be done, what to check, how to write the unstressed ending of a noun, because the topic of our today's lesson sounds like that. Checking the unstressed endings of nouns of the I, II and III declensions.

A). Together with the children (they are in the notebook, the teacher is on the blackboard) nouns of the first declension are declined hand, mom.

In each case, the endings of these nouns are highlighted and it is determined whether it is stressed or unstressed.

Then the following questions are asked:

1. What declension noun did we change by case?

2. How do the endings of these nouns differ?

3. Do nouns of the same declension have the same or different case endings?

4. Are stressed or unstressed difficult to write?

5. Which of these words should you check when writing? ( Mother )

Which word will be the test word? ( hand )

The word is posted on the board"hand" on a piece of paper.

This word will be a test word for a noun of the first declension.

b). By analogy with the noun of the 1st declension “mother” and “hand” we decline the nouns of the 2nd declension shoulder, lake

Using the same questions, we determine that for nouns of the second declension the test word will be a noun"shoulder".

c) we also decline nouns of III declension chest, area and determine that for nouns of III declension the test word is the word"breast".

6). Physical education moment.

If you hear a word with a stressed ending, sit down, if with an unstressed ending, bend forward.

At my sister's, in the yard, up to the grove, in the thicket, in the camp, from the water, near the pier, in the oil, on the slope.

7). Exercises to consolidate the material covered.

a) On the board:

Apartment renovation..., ran up to the horses..., talked about business..., the harvest from the apple trees..., glowed in the sky..., addressed the youth..., floated along the river... .

Using test words, try to determine the endings of these nouns.

b) Independent work by cards.

8). Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Was our science lab able to answer the lesson question?

So how can you check unstressed endings nouns?

9). Grading.

10). Recording homework: p. 85, exercise No. 187.

Which unstressed endings need to be checked, and which ones you just need to remember. You need to check the unstressed endings -е, -и in nouns of the genitive, dative, and prepositional case. You should remember unstressed endings in nouns in the instrumental case.

1st declension: -th reminder(s), village.

2nd declension: -th year, field.

To check the correct definition of the unstressed ending of a noun, you must determine the case. Then determine the declination. Next, we remember the ending of the noun of a certain declension in the required case.


In the summer the children swam in the lake.

The guys were swimming(where? in what?) In the lake, which means it is the prepositional case.

Lake(it, mine) is a neuter noun, has the ending -o, which means it belongs to the second declension. A noun of the second declension in the prepositional case ends in -e. So, let's write down:

The guys were swimming(where? in what?) PP 2nd class, -e) In the lake.

Another way to check the ending of a noun is to insert instead of a noun with an unstressed ending, substitute a noun of the same declension and in the same case, but with a stressed ending: the guys swam in the river, in the lake.

Now let's look at the spelling of unstressed endings of nouns in all cases.

The declension of a noun is determined by nominative case .


A noun in the genitive case answers questions whom? what? (from where? where?). Prepositions used: from, to, from, without, at, for, about, with.


1st declension: -i, -s.

2nd declension: -а, -я.

3rd declension: -i.

Example: The sheep has soft long wool. → Wool(who?) at the sheep- 1st declension.


A noun in the dative case answers questions to whom? what? (where? where?). Prepositions used: to, by.


1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -у, -у.

3rd declension: -i.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: The boy ran to the lake. → fled(where? to what?) to the lake- 2nd declension.

In the genitive case, nouns of the first declension have the ending -i, in the dative case - the ending -e.

Nouns of the third meaning in both cases have the ending -i.


A noun in the accusative case answers questions whom? What? (where? where?). Prepositions used: in, on, for, through, about.


1st declension: -у, -у.

2nd declension: -а, -я.

Example: You can often find a heron in the swamps. → Meet(whom?) heron- 1st declension.

Nouns in the genitive and accusative cases can be distinguished by prepositions. In the first declension, the nouns in these cases differ in endings.

Instrumental case.

A noun in the instrumental case answers questions by whom? how? (where? where?). Prepositions used: with, behind, under, over, between.

1st declension: -оу(-и).

2nd declension: -om(-em).

3rd declension: -yu.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: Fish is caught with a fishing rod. → They catch(how?) fishing rod- 1st declension.


A noun in the prepositional case answers questions about whom? about what? (Where?). Prepositions used: o (about), in, on, with.

1st declension: -e.

2nd declension: -e.

3rd declension: -i.

It plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence.

Example: We talked about autumn. → They talked(about what?) about autumn- 3rd declension.

It will help you understand the spelling of case endings of nouns. this article. Below are tables showing examples for each case and declension; The tables are distributed taking into account the number category of the named object. In addition to everything, we will tell you how to correctly write unstressed case endings.

Spelling case endings of nouns

The case endings of nouns are represented by a system of endings (inflections), indicating the grammatical relationship of nouns to other words in sentences and phrases. Case endings depend on the number, gender, declension and animateness (inanimateness) of the noun. Peculiarities of spelling case endings of nouns are studied in 4th grade.

Singular case endings for nouns

Case endings of nouns are presented in the table with examples:

Case I declension II declension III declension
graduation examples graduation examples graduation examples
Nominative -and I water A, young man A, earth I , -o, -e man, house, window O, decisions e night, lie, daughter
Genitive -s, -i water s, young man And, earth And -and I Human A, house A, window A, decisions I -And night And, false And, daughter And
Dative -e water e, young man e, earth e -u, -yu Human at, house at, window at, decisions Yu -And night And, false And, daughter And
Accusative -u, -yu water at, young man at, earth Yu , -a, -i, -o, -e Human A, house, window O, decisions e night, lie, daughter
Instrumental -oh (oh),
water Ouch, young man to her, earth to her -om, -eat Human ohm, house ohm, window ohm, decisions eat -yu night yu, lodge yu, daughter yu
Prepositional -e about water e oh young man e oh earth e -e, -i oh man e oh home e, about windows e, about the decision And -And oh night And oh lie And oh daughter And

Case endings for plural nouns

Case I declension II declension III declension
graduation examples graduation examples graduation examples
Nominative -s, -i mountains s,

roads And,

uncle And

-a, -i, -s, -i lakes A, table s, con And, student And -And step And, oven And, lan And
Genitive , mountains, -ov, -ey, lakes, table ov, con to her, student ov -to her step to her, oven to her, lan to her
Dative -am, -yam mountains am,

roads am,

uncle yam

-am, -yam lakes am, table am, con yam, student am -yam, -am step yam, oven am, lan yam
Accusative -s, -i, mountains s,

roads And,

-a, -i, -s, -i, her, -ov lakes A, table s, con to her, student ov -and, -ey step And, oven And, lan to her
Instrumental -ami, -yami mountains ami,

roads ami,

uncle yami

-ami, -yami lakes ami, table ami, con yami, student ami -ami, yami step yami, oven ami, lan yami
Prepositional -ah, -yah about the mountains Oh,

oh dear Oh,

oh uncle I

-ah, -yah about the lakes Oh, about the table Oh oh con I, about student Oh -ah, -yah o step I, about the stove Oh oh lan I

Spelling of unstressed case endings

The spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns depends on their declension. To determine the unstressed ending of a noun, follow these steps:

  • Put the noun into form singular I. p.
  • Determine the type of its declination.
  • Determine the necessary endings of the noun by case, replacing it with the corresponding test word, as shown in the examples in the table.
Declension Test word Examples
1st declension wall crown (wall) e/crown e– D. p.)
2nd declension table knight (table at/knight Yu– D. p.)
3rd declension steppe mouse (oh step And/o mouse And– P.p.)
A special group of nouns starting with -мя, -ь, -я path (for R. p., D. p., P. p.) time (put And/times And– R. p.)

amazement (oh put And/about amazement And– P.p)
Germany (put And/Germany And– D. p.)

Lesson on the topic: Unstressed endings of nouns

1). Org. moment

The bell rang - our lesson begins.

Guys, what are you in the mood?

Turn to each other, smile at each other and say: “ I wish you well. You wish me well. If it gets difficult, we will always get through it together».

Writing a number

Before writing, let’s remember how to sit at a desk correctly:

“I’ll sit straight, I won’t bend, I’ll do a great job.”

Open your notebooks, write down the number and Classwork

2. A minute of penmanship. Self-determination for activity.

What season is ruling the earth now?

What associations does this word evoke? What do you imagine?

This is the north the clouds are catching up,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The sorceress winter is coming.

Who owns these lines? Pushkin

With whom does the poet associate winter? What does he call her? (Sorceress.)

Indeed, a lot of fabulous and magical things happen in winter. And the most magical holiday - New Year.

Write the first letter of the word sorceress.

What sounds does the letter “v” represent? What can you tell us about them?

V denotes a soft consonant sound.

Name the syllables in which the letter V denotes a hard consonant sound.

Write these syllables beautifully. ( walk around the class and see who writes how and point out the shortcomings out loud, then show one of the best notebooks under the camera. Look, here... the syllables are written very beautifully and neatly, the sizes of the letters are observed, the letters are connected correctly)

3. Vocabulary work.

We have already said that winter is k...nki, , val...nki, p...lto,,wind...r, m...rose ,

What kind of words did I use? Why are they called dictionary?

From these words, select and write:

Option 1: those words that name things that can be worn

Option 2: those words that characterize the weather in winter.

Now, exchange notebooks, pick up pencils, and we’ll check.

What did you write in option 1?, what letters did you insert?

What did you write in option 2? What letters did you insert?

Well done! We did it almost without errors!

4. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

From the earth from the hut

By water on the road

On the wall at a party

From the wilderness to the steppe

How are these groups of words similar? (endings e, i)

How are groups of words different? (in column 1 there are words with stressed endings

In column 2 with unstressed endings)

The topic of our lesson“Spelling unstressed case endings of nouns”

What will we learn in class? (We will check unstressed vowels at the end)

What is the purpose of the lesson?

Strengthen knowledge of checking unstressed case endings of nouns .

5. Working on the topic of the lesson.

What is called declination? ( Changing the endings of nouns according to questions is called changing by case or declension.)

- How many declensions are there in Russian?

What nouns belong to the 1st declension? Give examples

(Nouns masculine and female, which in initial form have the ending -a or -ya.)

What nouns belong to the 2nd declension? Give examples

( Nouns male with a zero ending in the initial form and neuter nouns with endings –о, -е or –е.)

What nouns belong to the 3rd declension? Give examples

( Feminine nouns with a zero ending in the initial form with a soft base and with a hard base in w, sh.)

Remember the algorithm for correctly writing unstressed endings of nouns. To do this, let's turn to the textbook on page 37

Well done! Now we can complete the following exercise without errors.

So, we write with comments on the spot.

Task: insert endings, determine declension and case.

without error.., on the ship..., in the floor..., near the square..., in Rosh..., to the groves...

Smart girls! Let's conclude, how can we check the unstressed endings of nouns? What do I need to do?

6. Physical education minute.

You are probably a little tired, let’s rest, and then we’ll start writing again.

7. Consolidation.

Let's consolidate our knowledge by completing the exercise in workbook p. 29, exercise 44.

You need to compose and write down 2 word combinations from the words of each group. Use verbs in the singular form of the past tense, indicate the case and declension of the nouns in brackets.

Tell me what questions the past tense verb answers?

1 person per board, with commenting.

Next we are asked to compare the endings of nouns 2 skl and 3 skl in P.p. What can you say? What is the peculiarity of the spelling of endings in 3rd class nouns? What do you need to know in order not to make a mistake in choosing the endings of nouns 2 and 3?

Now let's divide into groups. I will give each group a specific task, which they must complete within 5 minutes, then 1 person from each group will come forward with the correct answer at the board.

Each group has a text on their tables in which the endings in the words are missing.

The 1st group needs to find and write down nouns in R.p.

2nd group in D.p.

3rd group in P.p.

4th group in R.p.

5th group in D.p.

6th group in P.p.

Everyone's texts will be different.

Time has expired, I ask the 1st group to respond. (comes to the board, underlines the words on the slide, and explains his choice), etc.

So, tell me again, what needs to be done to correctly write the unstressed case ending of nouns?

Well, the last task, after completing which I will find out how accurately you understood our topic today, whether you learned to correctly write unstressed endings of nouns.

In front of you are pieces of paper with words in which the endings of nouns are missing. In 2 minutes, you will have to fill in as many of these endings as possible and correctly.

Time has passed. Time has expired, put the pieces of paper on the edge of the table, at the end of the lesson you will hand them over to me.

8. Homework.

Well done, you all did a great job today! The time has come to ask you homework.

1. repeat the endings of the nouns in each case.

2. textbook page 37, repeat the algorithm for writing unstressed noun endings.

3. perform pack. 64 on page 38. Here you need to use the repeated rules, correctly enter the endings of nouns, determine the declension, case and highlight the endings.

9. Summary of the Lesson.

To sum up our lesson, I will ask you to continue with your sentences.

I learned ____________ in class today

I learned__________________________

I repeated______________________________

I liked it the most_________________

I worked in a ______________ mood

I had difficulty when ________________

Thank you for the lesson!

View presentation content
"unstressed endings of nouns"

Vocabulary work

K...nki,, val...nki, p...lto,, wind...r, m...rose, .

Vocabulary work

TO O nyki, in e th, shaft e nki, p A lto, with A P O gi, vet e r, m O roses, m e tel.

From the earth from the hut

From the wilderness to bed

By water on the road

On the wall at a party

From the earth from the hut

From the wilderness to bed

By water on the road

On the wall at a party

Lesson topic:



case endings


Declension nouns

1st declension

1st declension

Zh.r. + M.r.



2nd declension

2nd declension

M.R. + Avg.





3rd declension



  • Repeat graduation nouns in each case.
  • Textbook page 37 , repeat the algorithm for writing unstressed endings.
  • Ex. 64, page 38

I learned _______________ in class today.

I learned_______________ .

I repeated________________.

I liked it the most___________.

I worked in a _____________ mood.

I had difficulty when _________.

Have questions?

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