List of rivers of South America. Detailed political and physical map of South America in Russian with countries. Lakes of South America

South America is one of the continents of planet Earth, belonging to the part of the world (continent) America and located mainly in the southern hemisphere. There are 14 countries in South America, twelve of which are independent.

Moreover, two: the Falkland Islands and French Guiana are overseas territories of Great Britain and France, respectively. Brazil is the most big country by area and population.

The mainland covers an area of ​​approximately 17,840,000 km2, which is only slightly less than 3.5% of the total area earth's surface. The population of the mainland as of 2012 exceeds 386 million people

In terms of territory, the continent of South America is the fourth in the world (after Asia, Africa and North America).

The west coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the north and east by the Atlantic (including the waters of the Caribbean Sea). Land border With Central America passes between Panama and Colombia.

South American countries

  • South America Map

Most of the continent's population speaks Romance languages ​​(Spanish and Portuguese), which is primarily due to historical factors: it was the Spaniards and Portuguese who were the first to colonize South America.

However, the languages ​​of the Indian peoples of South America (Quechua, Aymara, Guarani and others) are still in use - in some countries (for example, Bolivia or Paraguay) they have been given state status.


Mountains of South America

On the continent (if you do not take into account the narrow and long coastal plains on the Pacific coast), three topographic zones can be distinguished: the Andes, the central lowland, the Brazilian and Guiana high plateaus.

The Andes system is the longest (more than 7,000 km) mountain range in the world. A continuous chain of mountains stretches along most of the western coast of South America - the width of the ridge in its different parts ranges from 200 to 700 km. The average altitude is about 4,000 meters.

Interestingly, the Andes are home to three of the highest capitals in the world. These are Bolivian La Paz (3,660 meters), Ecuadorian Quito (2,850 meters) and Colombian Bogota (2,640 meters)

Titicaca and the Andes
  • Therefore, one should not be surprised that the mountains of South America are large in number and... simply great!

The most high mountain South America (and the highest on the planet outside Asia) is the Aconcagua Peak with a height of 6,962 meters. It is located in the Argentine province of Mendoza, in the very west of the country: the distance from the border with neighboring Chile is only 15 km.

  • And the highest mountain in general on Earth, however, if you count from the center of the “ball” -!

The northern and central part of the Andes is so wide that it contains both entire vast plateaus (plateaus), such as the Altiplano (which means “high plain” in Spanish), and entire deserts (for example, the Atacama Desert, considered the most waterless place on Earth).

  • The latter is famous for its unique climate - an area of ​​about 1,000 km2 (966 km2) is tightly isolated from any moisture by the Andes and the Chilean Cordillera. This area is sometimes used by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the US space agency, as a testing ground for designing future expeditions to Mars

Eastern (Peruvian) Andes , Thanks to its untouched forests, it is considered a completely unique nature reserve. To the west it is adjacent to the world famous Amazon River basin. In the basin of this river there are enormous rain forests, which are often called the “lungs” of the planet.

  • The flora and fauna here are surprisingly diverse: hundreds of species of parrots, jaguars and cougars, a giant python, an anaconda, which has already become the talk of the town, a sharp-toothed piranha fish live here...

Rivers of South America

The largest river in South America, the Amazon River is also the largest river system in the world: it covers 40% of the continent's territory (about 6,915,000 km2) and in the rainy season the area of ​​the water surface alone can be 350,000 sq. km. The length of the main river channel is about 6,400 km - a little less

  • The bulk of the Amazon's tributaries are located in the central part of South America and on its Atlantic coast - however, the most distant sources almost reach Pacific Ocean

Other major rivers of South America are:

  • The Orinoco (2,140 km long), rolling its waves through the territory of Venezuela and Colombia
  • Parana (its own length is 2,570 km, if we count it together with the Paranaibo River, the natural continuation of which is the Parana, the length will be about 4,000 km), flowing through the territory of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina

South America is home to the tallest waterfall in the world. Angel Falls or Salto Angel is located in Canaima National Park in Venezuela, its height (979 meters) is only a little less than 1 kilometer.

Lakes of South America

  • The largest lake in South America, (Titicaca), is located on the Altiplano high plateau (at an altitude of 3,812 meters at sea level), on the border of Peru and Bolivia. And covers an area of ​​8,372 km2


In the extreme south of the continent, in Argentine Patagonia, one of the most beautiful glaciers on Earth is located. It differs from others in its accessibility - tens of thousands of tourists come every year to admire the blue ice of enormous thickness.

The South American water system is extensive, winding and has a number of characteristic features. At its core is the Amazon - main river continent, and also the deepest in the world. The humidity created by it and its numerous tributaries contributed to the emergence of a special ecosystem. The banks of the reservoirs are covered with rain forests, and almost half of their inhabitants are endemic, like the rarest species of crocodiles from the Orinoco.

Rivers are important transport arteries in the region. Navigation on them is especially active after the rainy season. Hydroelectric power stations have been built on large reservoirs, so they also provide the region with electricity. Madeira, Paraguay and other rivers not only belong to more than one country, but also serve them state border.

The longest rivers in South America

List of the largest rivers on the mainland.

1. Amazon

It flows through Brazil, Peru and Colombia. More than half of them are navigable. The deepest river in the world. Due to the humidity created in her pool, rainforests, and in them there are many types of living organisms. Therefore, the Amazon is considered the world's genetic pool. Traveling along the river is a popular activity among tourists, but it is fraught with dangers in some areas.

The length of the river is 7100 km.

2. Parana

Refers to the territory of three countries: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. There is controversy regarding the translation of the name. Among the options: “river of misfortune” and “mother of the sea.” Parana is crossed by several bridges, including the “Bridge of Friendship”: on one side stands the Brazilian city of Foz do Iguaçu, on the other – the Paraguayan Ciudad del Este. The river is used as a source of fresh water for navigation, and hydroelectric power stations have been built on it.

The length of the river is 4380 km.

3. Jurua

The right tributary of the Amazon carries its waters mainly through the lands of Brazil. The source is located in the foothills of the Peruvian Andes. Half length suitable for ship passage different types. Valuable for oil deposits explored close to the main channel. The middle reaches are densely populated. Best time for a tourist trip - from mid-winter to the end of spring, when Jurua floods.

The length of the river is 3280 km.

4. Madeira

Approximately 100 km flows along the state border of Brazil and Bolivia. The name translates as “wood”. This is due to the nature of the area: the Amazon Rainforest grows around it. The water level fluctuates greatly depending on the time of year. It may differ by 12 meters. One of the unique local species is the Amazon dolphin.

The length of the river is 3230 km.

5. Purus

The right tributary of the Amazon, which belongs to the territory of Brazil and Peru. Navigable along almost its entire length. It is famous for its riverbed, which is considered the most winding in the world. The banks are clayey and erode from time to time. The river floods especially widely from mid-spring. There are good rapids areas for rafting, as well as sandy beaches near cities.

The length of the river is 3200 km.

6. Tocantins

Brazilian river originating on the slopes of the Serra Dorada mountains. It is conventionally divided into two parts: the first is rapids, the second is navigable. The food is predominantly rain-fed. A cascade of several dams was built on Tocantins. The river is used to generate electricity. Directly on the coast there are more than a dozen large settlements.

The length of the river is 2850 km.

7. San Francisco

It takes place in Brazil and plays especially important role in the Caatinga arid savanna area: there are no other sources there drinking water. A cascade of hydroelectric power stations was built. There are two shipping areas. In terms of tourism, walking excursions along the coast, hikes for several days along established routes, watching waterfalls, as well as extreme kayaking and canoeing are popular.

The length of the river is 2830 km.

8. Orinoco

Belongs to the lands of Colombia and Venezuela. Initially, when studying the river, its source was identified incorrectly. The correct data was entered into the register only in 1951. The Orinoco is famous as the habitat of the rarest species of crocodile, named after the river. Amazonian dolphins are also found here. The world's largest reserves of heavy oil have been discovered in the surrounding area.

The length of the river is 2730 km.

9. Araguaia

The Brazilian river flows through the plateau. Araguaia has one of the largest river islands in the world. The area of ​​Bananala is 19,162 km². The navigable section of the river is the middle course. The lower reaches are rapids and are partially suitable for rafting. The coast is picturesque in places: subequatorial forests give way to savannas, which in turn give way to gallery forests, classified as evergreen.

The length of the river is 2630 km.

10. Paraguay

It belongs to the territory of Brazil and Paraguay, in one of the sections it serves as the state border between these countries. It is a right tributary of the Parana. During periods of drought, numerous shallow tributaries become small lakes, and the main channel becomes shallow. The river divides Paraguay into two parts. At the same time, the western coast is sparsely populated, while 98% of the population settled on the eastern coast.

The length of the river is 2500 km.

11. Rio Negro

The largest left tributary of the Amazon belongs to the territory of three countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia. The name translates as “black river”. This name was chosen because of the distinct brown tint of the water, which becomes dark in some periods. The water level fluctuates greatly throughout the year, and the seasonal flood of the Rio Negro reaches a width of 35 km.

The length of the river is 2300 km.

12. Uruguay

The river begins in Brazil, runs along the border with Uruguay and rushes towards Argentina. The translation of the name is “river of colorful birds.” The city of Salto divides the waterway into two parts: rapids and navigable. Several ports have been built on the coast. Provides settlements Not only drinking water, but also electricity from hydroelectric power stations.

The length of the river is 2200 km.

13. Tapajos

The right tributary of the Amazon, which belongs to the territory of Brazil. The arrangement of rain forests on both banks is noteworthy: on the right are predominantly the rainforests of Tapajos-Xingu and the dry tropical forests of Mato Grosso, and on the left are the rainforests of Madeira-Tapajos. Area attractions: South America's no-go point and national park"Amazonia".

The length of the river is 2200 km.

14. Mamore

Refers to the territory of Brazil and Bolivia. The river coast is forests and savannas. From a bird's eye view, it is difficult to mistake the Mamore riverbed for a river, it is so winding and the turns are sharp. Merges with Beni to form Madeira. There are many rapids in the lower reaches; upstream the river is navigable, like most of its tributaries. Even in the pre-Columbus era, this area was densely populated.

The length of the river is 2000 km.

15. Zhapura

In Colombia it is called Caqueta. Part of the river is also in Brazil. It is a left tributary of the Amazon and originates in the Central Cordillera. During a flood, it overflows so much that lakes form in the valley. Most of the coastal forests have been cleared and converted into pasture or crop areas. The waters of Zhapura are home to large species of fish and many reptiles.

The length of the river is 2000 km.

16. Shingu

Brazilian right tributary of the Amazon. Rain feeding contributes to the river's flooding from early autumn to mid-spring. Navigation is only available for 10% of the total length. There are many large rapids and waterfalls. The most famous of them is Cachoeira Grande. The banks of the river are covered with Amazon rain forests. In the upper reaches of the Xingu there is a national park of the same name.

The length of the river is 1980 km.

17. Ucayali

A river in Peru whose mouth, the Amazon, is sometimes mistaken for its source. It is formed as a result of the confluence of two rivers. The riverbed is replete with turns and bends. At the same time, navigation is available along the entire length. The surrounding area is mixed: there are wetlands, and there are also covered with dense forests. A unique phenomenon of Ucayali is the “singing” of fish. It has been reflected in several scientific works.

The length of the river is 1950 km.

18. Marañon

Peruvian river of the Amazon water system. It originates from pre-glacial lakes near Mount Erupakha. Most of the riverbed lies in mountainous terrain, hence the rapid current. The area is characterized by an abundance of canyons and gorges. Suitable for lovers of extreme tourism: a trip to the Marañon River Valley requires some preparation and experience in such outings.

The length of the river is 1600 km.

19. Apure

Venezuelan river, left tributary of the Orinoco. One of the states of the country bears the same name. Originates in the Cordillera de Merida mountains. In terms of navigation, there are two periods. During the rainy season it is navigable along almost its entire length, the rest of the time only in certain sections. It floods especially heavily from May to the end of autumn. At this time it becomes the main transport artery of the region.

The length of the river is 1580 km.

20. Putumayo

A left tributary of the Amazon, flowing in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a lot of natural rubber was mined here. The fishery has survived, but on a smaller scale. It is navigable along almost the entire channel and is an important transport artery, given the dense impenetrable forests around. Cattle are raised in the Putumayo Valley.

The length of the river is 1580 km.

21. Magdalena

Colombian river, originating in the Andes. It belongs to the water system of the Caribbean Sea, into which it flows. The main navigable river of the country. Since the majority of the population lives in the Magdalena Valley, the coast is being actively developed. Deforestation to create pastures and farmland leads to the disappearance of flora and fauna species, as well as environmental degradation.

The length of the river is 1550 km.

22. Guapore

It flows in Brazil and Bolivia, in one of the sections it serves as the border between these countries. There are about 260 species of fish in the river, 25 of them are endemic. Some species, like golden dorado, are caught on an industrial scale and sent for export. The ichthyofauna is predominantly Amazonian, but there are also representatives characteristic of the Paraguay River. There is a biosphere reserve nearby.

The length of the river is 1550 km.

23. Beni

Bolivian river, the length of which is disputed. It is difficult to measure the length of the river due to the winding channel, the abundance of rapids and changes in flow direction. This encourages curiosity natural objects, like gorges. The Beni, together with other rivers, merges together to form Madeira. The events of the biographical novel by Yossi Ginsberg, which became a film in 2017, took place on the banks of the Beni.

River length – 1500 km

24. Parnaiba

A wide delta forms at the river mouth. This territory has become a protected natural area since the mid-90s of the last century. Another important natural site is the Serra das Confucións National Park. The number of fish species living in Parnaiba exceeds 140. Of these, slightly less than half are endemic. Rare birds nest in the mangrove forests, including red ibises.

The length of the river is 1450 km.

25. Madre de Dios

It belongs to the Amazon basin and flows through Bolivia and Peru. The navigable part of the river begins below the city of Puerto Maldonado, where a large port has been built. The river valley is actively used for Agriculture, including for growing mangoes. Gold mining is also carried out, which has a negative impact on the environment. National parks and protected areas are established on Madre de Dios.

The length of the river is 1450 km.

26. Rio Grande

A Bolivian river formed by the confluence of two mountain streams. It is a right tributary of the Mamore. The river bed passes through at least four natural areas. There are both arid areas and tropical forests here. The terrain is also heterogeneous: mountain ranges give way to lowlands, and vice versa. A third of the country's population lives within the river basin.

The length of the river is 1438 km.

27. Cauca

The Colombian River originates in the Andes and flows into the Magdalena, becoming its right tributary. About a quarter of the country's total population lives in the river valley. The territory is separated from the valleys of other rivers by large hills of the Cordillera. To supply the needs of the region and to control the level of the Cauca, the large Salvajina reservoir was built.

The length of the river is 1350 km.

28. Iguazu

Occurs in Argentina and Brazil. Translation of the name – “ big water" The riverbed is curved in places, and it winds especially strongly in the upper reaches. The main attraction of the river is the cascade of waterfalls of the same name. In total there are about 70 of them. Best Review they open from the Brazilian side. In 1984, Iguazu Falls were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The length of the river is 1320 km.

29. Rio Negro

It flows in Argentine Patagonia and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Navigable in some areas. The Rio Negro Valley contains extensive agricultural land. About 2/3 of all pears and apples in the country are grown here. The longest kayak regatta in the world is held on the river. It covers half of the riverbed. Near the mouth is the famous resort of El Condor.

The length of the river is 1300 km.

30. Rio Grande

A tributary of the Paraná is a Brazilian river, navigable in some areas. A hydroelectric power station and a cascade of reservoirs were built on it. In terms of tourism, the upper reaches of the Rio Grande are more interesting: there you can look at numerous waterfalls and take part in rafting. There are sections with small rapids suitable for beginners. The river is full of water from mid-winter to March.

The length of the river is 1230 km.

A developed network of inland waters has formed on the mainland. The rivers of the mainland are mainly rain power type . Streams that feed the largest rivers of the plains originate from mountain snows and glaciers.

The territory of the mainland is divided by relief features into two main drainage basins. Atlantic Ocean Basin occupies the entire flat part of the continent with the largest rivers. TO Pacific Ocean belong to relatively short rivers flowing from the western slopes of the Andes.

In the area of ​​​​the internal plateaus of the Andes there are small basins internal drain . There are few glaciers in the mountains. Despite the fact that the Andes mountains are high and reach the snow line, there is little precipitation there due to the dry climate of the Pacific coast (the influence of the cold Peruvian Current).

The first explorers of the rivers and lakes of the mainland were the Spanish conquerors, who used the rivers as transport arteries.

Rivers of South America

The most famous and largest rivers of the mainland are Amazon, Parana, Orinoco .

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Note 1

Amazon - not only the main waterway of South America, but also the deepest river in the world.

Amazon Basin is more than $7$ million $km²$. The Amazon itself originates from the confluence of rivers Maranyon and Ucayali and flows from west to east, emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the channel, taking into account the river. The Marañon, as the main tributary, is $6,400 km. The Amazon Valley is a flat plain with very little slope. Along its path, the river receives more than $500 inflow. Since maximum precipitation in the northern hemisphere occurs in April-October, and in the southern hemisphere in October-April, the Amazon receives a large amount of water all year round. That's why she has the title the deepest river in the world . The maximum water level occurs in March-April (the right inflow is greater). During this period, the water level rises by $10–15$ m. Rivers overflow their banks, spilling throughout the entire valley.

In the middle reaches the width of the river is $5$ km, and in the lower reaches it exceeds $20$ km. During ocean tide, a wave up to $4 $m high moves upstream for many kilometers. Locals call this wave "pororoko". In the delta and lower reaches of the river there are many islands formed by river sediments. The origin of the river's name is explained in different ways:

  1. In the local dialect "amazunu" means noisy, thundering water .
  2. But a more common version says that the river was named after warlike women from ancient legends - Amazons . The reason is that the first explorers of the river were attacked by warlike tribes of Indians, among whom there were many women.

Orinoco River originates from Guiana Plateau and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. In the middle reaches, a branch separates from the Orinoco River and carries water to the Amazon. This phenomenon is called bifurcation . The mouth of the river, like the Amazon, has an extensive delta.

On one of the tributaries of the Orinoco there is Angel Falls . Its height is $1054$ m.
This is the tallest waterfall in the world.

Parana River originates from Brazilian plateau . This is the second largest river in South America. On its tributary Iguazu The most picturesque waterfall of the same name is located. Paraná and Orinoco are characterized by seasonal fluctuations in water levels.

The river waters are inhabited by rare animals (fish, reptiles). Unique natural complexes have formed on the banks of rivers and lakes.

Mainland lakes

There are few lakes in South America. The largest lake in the Central Andes is Titicaca . It lies in a deep depression, at an altitude of $3812$ m.

Among large lakes, this is the highest mountain lake in the world.

The largest water surface in terms of area is lake-lagoon Maracaibo . It is located in the northern part of the continent and occupies a deep-sea depression of tectonic origin. The water in the lake is fresh. But during high tides, the salt water of the Caribbean Sea comes here.

Ecological problems

The rivers of South America play an important role in economic activity person. These are transport arteries (often the only ones in that part of the continent), a source of energy, and a habitat for commercial fish species.

But exploitation natural resources requires a balanced approach. Because by disturbing the natural balance, a person can destroy the unique natural complexes of rivers and forests located along these rivers.

The most famous and significant rivers of the region include the Amazon, Orinoco, and Parana.

Amazon - main waterway South America. It is also the first river on the planet that contains the largest volume of water. This is the deepest river.

The area of ​​the Amazon is more than 7 million square meters. km. Its source is at the confluence of the Ucayali and Maranyon rivers. This body of water flows from west to east and ends its path flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. The Maranyon River is the main tributary of the Amazon. The total length of these two rivers is 6400 km. The Amazon flows through a plain that has a slight slope. Along its entire route, more than 500 tributaries flow into it. In the northern hemisphere, heavy rainfall occurs from April to October, and in the southern hemisphere, from October to April. The Amazon is replenished with water throughout the year. Therefore, it is the deepest river on the planet. The largest amount of water in the river can be found in March-April. Its right tributaries bring large volumes of water. At this time, its level increases by 10-15 meters. The reservoirs do not stay within their banks and flood the entire valley. The Amazon crosses half of Brazil and spreads to neighboring countries. This river and its tributaries contain 20% of the entire planet's fresh water.

The width of the river is 5 km in the middle reaches, 20 km in its lower reaches. Ocean tides occur here. At this time, a wave up to 4 m high can be observed on the river, which moves upstream over a long distance. This wave was called "pororoko". That's what the locals call it. Along the course of the river (in its delta) and in the lower reaches there are many islands. They were formed due to river sediments. There are several explanations for the origin of the name of the river:

  • In the local language, "amazunu" is noisy, thundering water.
  • But a more accurate and widespread assumption is that the river is named after the warlike Amazon women who attacked the Indian tribes. Ancient legends tell about these events.

The Orinoco River begins on the Guiana Plateau and ends its journey when it flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Its length is 2.74 thousand km. It is located in the subequatorial belt. In the area of ​​the middle course of the river, a wide water branch branches off from it, which carries its waters to the Amazon. This phenomenon is called bifurcation. Both the Orinoco and the Amazon have a wide delta at their mouth. In its lower course, the Orinoco is divided into many small rivers. During a flood, its width reaches more than 22 km and its depth - 100 m. The water flow is replenished due to heavy rains. The river is navigable. The Orinoco is called the “paradise river” - for its unique beauty and splendor of local landscapes.

One of the tributaries of the Orinoco River became famous for the highest waterfall in the world. He's called Angel. Its height is 1054 m.

The Paraná River begins on the Brazilian plateau. She is the second great river of South America. It is located in the southeastern part of the mainland. The Parana River connects the three countries and serves as the natural state border of Brazil. The Iguazu River is a tributary of the Paraná River. It is on it that there is a rather picturesque waterfall with the same name. In different seasons, both on the Orinoco and on the Parana, changes in water levels can be observed.

Rare animals – reptiles and fish – live in local rivers. On the coasts of lakes and rivers you can see unique natural biocenoses.

Lakes of South America

There are a small number of lakes on this continent. The most big lake- Titicaca. It can be found in the Central Andes at an altitude of 3812 m, it is located in a deep depression. There is a large lake in area and the highest mountain lake in the world.

The lake-lagoon of Maracaibo can be found in the north of the continent. Its location is a deep depression of ancient origin. The lake is different large area water mirror. The water in it is fresh. But sometimes the tides bring you here salt water from the Caribbean.

Ecological problems

The rivers of South America are actively involved in human economic activities. They are a source of energy, transport routes for moving goods, and a habitat for harvested fish species.

But exploit Natural resources should be rational. The main thing is not to disturb the natural balance, not to harm the unique natural complexes of rivers and forests that are located next to the rivers.

Is the richest in terms of water resources. Of course, there is not a single sea on the mainland, but the rivers of South America are very deep and so wide that in a weak current they resemble huge lakes. According to statistics, there are about 20 large rivers here. Since the continent is washed by the waters of two oceans, the rivers belong to the basins of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Moreover, the natural watershed between them is the Andes mountain range.

The largest river on mainland South America. The Amazon is one of the greatest rivers on the planet

From school course In geography, we all know that one of the largest rivers not only on the South American continent, but also in the world is the Amazon. It, together with its numerous tributaries, carries a quarter of the world's river water reserves. The Amazon flows directly through the territories of nine countries and is an important waterway for them, especially in terms of transport links. River navigation is one of the most developed in the entire continent of South America. The Amazon River in some parts reaches 50 km in width (why not the sea?), and its depth in some areas is as much as 100 meters. It is not surprising that in terms of flora diversity it also takes the lead. Its waters are home to more than 2,000 species of fish, including piranha, eel, stingray, etc. In fact, there is no such rich nature anywhere as on the mainland of South America. The Amazon and its tributaries annually attract tourists from all over the world. Among them are many scientists (entomologists, ornithologists, zoologists, etc.)


Like the rest of the largest rivers in South America, the Parana passes through the territory of several countries: Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. It received its name from the Indian tribes living on its banks. “Parana” is translated from Indian as “big”. This river has many tributaries. Some of them have beautiful waterfalls. Their formation is associated with the topography of the basin of these rivers, as well as their full flow, which is explained by the fact that they receive food from many small channels and streams. They carry their own water flows resulting from huge amounts of precipitation. This is why almost all deep rivers in South America form waterfalls. Parana has four of them, with the most famous of them being Iguazu. But on a tributary of La Plata is located one of the most beautiful cities in South America - the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo.


In the list of “The Largest Rivers of South America,” the Orinoco ranks third. It flows through the territories of two South American countries, namely Venezuela and Colombia. This river differs not so much in width as in length, being one of the longest on the continent. The banks of the Orinoco are a favorite destination for tourists from various countries. Here you can see beautiful natural landscapes.


Several geographical features can be found under this name in South America. Translated from Indian, this word means “horned”. Paraguay flows through the territories of two large countries- Brazil and Paraguay, and in some areas it represents a natural border between these states. And in other areas it is a watershed between the two parts of Paraguay - the South, undeveloped, and the North, where more than 90 percent of the country's total population lives. By the way, some rivers in South America also serve as natural boundaries dividing the territories of two or even three neighboring countries.


This river is also one of the largest. It is formed as a result of the confluence of many small rivers. Its name is Portuguese and means “forest”. Isn't that a strange name for a river? However, the fact is that there are constantly floating on it growing on the banks. This river was first described at the beginning of the 18th century by the Portuguese Francisco de Melo Palleta. It was he who named it Madeira. Later, Landrad Gibbon, a lieutenant in the US Navy, studied it quite well. By the way, this river serves as the border between Brazil and Bolivia.


As noted above, the largest rivers in South America flow through several states at once. But the basin of this river is entirely located on the territory of one country - Brazil. It is the central water artery of this state. Residents of the states of Goiás, Maranhão, Tocantins and Pará use the water of this particular river. Its name translates as “toucan beak.”


The Araguaia is a tributary of the Tocantins and also claims to be one of the largest Brazilian rivers. Depending on the time of year, it can be either calm or stormy. In the area of ​​Bananal Island, Araguaia forms two branches and smoothly goes around it.


Uruguay merges with Paraná and the two are pretty large rivers South America form the La Plata Bay-estuary, the maximum width of which is 48 km. It stretches 290 km to the Atlantic coast and has a funnel-shaped depression. When it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the river forms many waterfalls. Its power is also used in the energy sector.


“Big River” is what the local Indians call it. It is a right tributary of the Amazon. As already mentioned, the entire basin of the mightiest river is distinguished by a wide variety of flora and fauna and is of considerable interest to biologists, zoologists, etc. The same can be said about the Pare River.

Rio Negro

And the name of this river is translated as “black”. It originates in Colombia, but flows mainly through Brazil. In its upper reaches it is very stormy and swift, but when it descends it becomes real “quiet”. Its main tributary is the Rio Branco.


This river was named this way because of its full flow. After all, its name is translated from Indian as “big water.” This river forms a whole cascade of waterfalls, and such a beautiful sight is simply breathtaking. The banks of this magnificent river are considered protected and are part of the National Park of Argentina and Brazil.


After reading this article, you learned which rivers in South America are the largest and deepest. There are many such rivers on the mainland, but the largest are the legendary Amazon, named after the Greek warriors, as well as the Paraná and Orinoco.

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