Russian language tests ssp spp. Test on the BSC test in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic. How many simple sentences are there in a complex sentence?

Test "SSP"

9th grade

1. State the incorrect statement.

A. A compound sentence is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected coordinating conjunctions.

B. Simple sentences included in the SSP are separated from each other by a comma, which is placed before the coordinating conjunction.

B. There are four types of compound sentences.

2. Find a compound sentence.

A. His whole mindset instantly changed; the battle seemed to him like an old, distant memory.

B. Contrary to Bilibin’s words, the news he brought was received joyfully.

V. In the morning the guests were in no hurry to get up, and Kharataev also got up late and did not go to the service

3. Find the “fourth extra.”

A. Dark rain clouds were approaching from the east, and moisture was sipping from there.
B. In deep silence the hills and mounds are white, and the road is a narrow canvas.

Q. In the evening I came back, drank and sat down to read a newspaper or a book.

G. Either it was early morning, or evening was coming.

4. Which of the sentences is complex.

A. It was like fog falling, then suddenly it began to rain heavily.

B. And these drops all moved, moved and then merged from several into one, then from one they were divided into many.
V. Prince Andrey with a smile looked at Pierre, then at the Viscount, then at the hostess.

G. Sitting silently and motionless against the wall on the straw, Pierre first opened and then closed his eyes.

5. Name a complex sentence with a connecting conjunction.

A. Study and dinner made the days very interesting, but the evenings were rather boring.

B. It was already about ten in the evening, and the full moon was shining over the garden.

B. The sun rules in the shining sky, and the wind blows on the earth.

6. Name a complex sentence with an adversative conjunction.

A. The rain had passed, but drops were still falling from the trees.

B. Marya Dmitrievna and the Countess laughed, and all the guests followed them.

V. Anna Mikhailovna stood next to the princess, and both spoke at the same time.

7. Name a complex sentence with a disjunctive conjunction.

A. Morning has come, and the haymakers have not yet entered the meadows.

B. Dawn was breaking outside the window, and the roosters were crowing.

V. Only sometimes a birch tree flashes by, or a spruce tree stands before you as a gloomy shadow.

8. Provide the correct explanation for the punctuation in the sentence.

The paramedic glanced sideways at the doctor () and the most outright contempt flashed in his dark, dull eyes.

1) Simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is not needed.

2) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And no comma is needed.

3) A complex sentence, a comma is needed before the conjunction.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

9. Indicate a sentence that corresponds to the scheme, but.

A. He is stupid, but kind, and that’s why everyone loves him.

B. We approached the shore, but did not see either the boat or the boatman.

B. Boast about your friends, but don’t trail behind.

G. They chatted happily and tried to involve me in the conversation, but I was silent.

10. What significance does a conjunction bring to a complex sentence.

The moon shone through the window, and its beam played across the earthen floor of the hut.

A. Simultaneity of actions.

B. Consistency.

B. Alternation.

D. Opposition.

11. What significance does a conjunction bring to a complex sentence.

The wind died down, and seedlings rained down on the ground.

A. Opposition.

B. Simultaneity of actions

B. Consistency.

G. Alternation.

12. Find a sentence with a common minor member.

A. The entryway smelled of fresh apples and hung wolf and fox skins.

B. I conveyed your order to him, and he carried it out with great pleasure.

V. A few minutes later an officer hurriedly came out of the front doors and ordered something and the dragoons stood up.

13. Complete the sentences, forming complex sentences with conjunctions and, a, but.

A. May has come...

B. It was a day off...

B. The train came...

G. Night has come...

D. The lesson is over...

14. Do parsing compound sentence.

The air breathes the aroma of spring, and all nature comes to life.

Final test on the topic “Compound sentence”

I . Conjunction connecting parts of a complex sentence It was already the spring month of March, but at night the trees crackled from the cold, is…

A. subordinate

B. connecting

B. dividing

G. adversative

2. What conjunctions connect parts of a complex sentence that indicates the alternation of phenomena, the possibility of one phenomenon out of two or more?

B) or, either, this, not that - not that

V. a, but, yes (in the sense of and), however, but, same

3 . Determine the type of offer . Yellow leaves flew from the linden alley, spinning and overtaking each other, and, getting wet, lay on the wet grass.

A . simple

B. compound

V. complex

G. non-union


A. I was completely confused, not understanding what was happening, and, standing in one place, mindlessly looked towards the retreating person.

B. I don’t want to think about anything, or thoughts and memories wander, cloudy, unclear, like a dream.

B. Having gathered the last remnants of our strength, we dragged ourselves to the station, but, not having reached it two hundred steps, we sat down to rest on the sleepers.

5. Find the sentence with a punctuation error.

A. The smile was weak, barely noticeable, and, despite the smile, the stern expression of the eyes did not

has changed.

B. In September the forest is thinner and lighter and the bird voices are quieter.

B. There were people ahead and, therefore, I had nothing to fear.

6. Indicate a sentence whose structure corresponds to the scheme (punctuation marks

not placed):

[ Impersonal], [ two-part].

And, on earth, in the sky and everywhere around, it was calm, nothing foreshadowed bad weather.

B. Each flower looked like the poppy I knew and they smelled like spring.

Q. A kiosk was opened on the square and now they sell newspapers and magazines.

7. Read the sentence My head ached, but my consciousness was clear and distinct. Simple sentences are combined into complex ones using...

A. subordinating conjunction

B. union word

V. coordinating conjunction

G. intonation

8. What conjunctions connect parts of a complex sentence in which one phenomenon is contrasted with another?

A. and, yes (meaning and), no, no, too

B. or, either, this, not that - not that

V. a, but, yes (meaning but), however, but, same

9. Determine the type of offer Compressed by black thickets and illuminated by a steam locomotive ahead, the road looks like an endless tunnel.

A. simple

B. compound

V. complex

G. non-union

10. Find the compound one among these sentences.

A. It’s funny to say, we were lost in a familiar forest for more than an hour and returned, as they say, empty-handed.

B. There were no more arguments, but on the contrary, everyone was in a good mood after dinner.

Q. Polar bears, it seems, would soon disappear if there were no ban on hunting them.

11. Find sentences with punctuation errors.

A. In the hut, singing, a maiden spins, and, the winter friend of the nights, a splinter crackles in front of her.

B. But then the first wave ran through the rye and across the main field, the wind rushed and dust swirled in the air.

B. The nightingales are finishing their spring songs, there are still dandelions in quiet places and, perhaps, a lily of the valley is growing white somewhere.

28.03.2017 2143 0 Gabitova Marina Vladimirovna

Test on the topic “Compound sentence”, grade 9
1. Indicate the BSC (the signs are not placed).
A) The sun was shining brightly and the snow shimmered with a thousand sparks.
C) The crowd, which united both the elderly and the young, involuntarily attracted the attention of Abai.
C) Snow lies on the trees and bends the branches.
D) My home is overgrown with random but interesting things.
E) The leaves fly off the apple trees and whisper with the grass.
2. BSC with a connecting union.
A) The forest was black and motley, the water was noisy in the ravines. C) spring came and melted the snow in the fields.
C) A huge cloud moved in from the north and covered half the sky.
D) Soon autumn will wake up and cry awake.
E) It was drizzling in the evening, and a gray spring morning arrived.
3. BSC with a dividing union.

4. BSC with an adversative conjunction.
A) From a sleepless night, my head was drooping and my swollen eyes were watering.
B) Either we go together or I go alone.
C) She was in a hurry and therefore the conversations had to be postponed until the evening.
D) He never cried, but at times he was overcome with wild stubbornness.
E) Ruff contemptuously moved his swimming feathers and swam away.
5. State a simple sentence.
A) From a sleepless night, my head was drooping and my swollen eyes were watering.
B) Either we go together or I go alone.
C) She was in a hurry and therefore the conversations had to be postponed until the evening.
D) He never cried, but at times he was overcome with wild stubbornness.
E) Ruff contemptuously moved his swimming feathers and swam away.
6. Specify an IPS that does NOT require a comma.
A) From a sleepless night, my head was drooping and my swollen eyes were watering.
B) Either we go together or I go alone.
C) She was in a hurry and therefore the conversations had to be postponed until the evening.
D) He never cried, but at times he was overcome with wild stubbornness.
E) Ruff contemptuously moved his swimming feathers and swam away.
7. Indicate the BSC with the meaning of opposition.
A) there is not a cloud in the sky, but there is an excess of moisture in the air.
C) Study and lunch made the days very interesting evenings but it was rather boring.
C) On the mountains, only the taiga is noisy and the streams are running and playing on the stones.
D)) Either we go together or I go alone.
E) Either the fog fell or suddenly a slanting heavy rain began to fall.
8. Indicate the BSC with the alternation value (set of tasks in task 7).
9. Indicate the BSC with the value of simultaneity (set of tasks in task 7).
10. Indicate the BSC with the value of mutual exclusion (set of rules in task 7).
11.Indicate the BSC with the comparison value (set of rules in task 7).
12. Indicate adversative conjunctions.
A) a, and, but, or, too; B) and, yes, too, also, no, no; C) or, either, this, not that, not that, either;
D) a, but, yes (= but), but, however; E) what, so, because, when, if.
13. Indicate connecting conjunctions.
A) a, and, but, or, too; B) and, yes, too, also, no, no; C) or, either, this, not that, not that, either; D) a, but, yes (= but), but, however; E) what, so, because, when, if.
14. Find the SSP (the signs are not placed).
A) While we were getting ready for the excursion, a thunderstorm began. C) We looked for a dry shelter for a long time and found it. C) The door to the room was open, but the windows were closed with shutters.
D) Although the word has no wings, it flies.
E) Those who cannot break a bad habit are worthless.
15. Indicate a sentence with a coordinating adversative conjunction.
A) I want you to give advice. C) I don’t know what gift to give you.
C) Everyone fell silent, but the branches crackled louder as they flared up.
D) I couldn’t sit still either. E) Vitya washed the dishes and whistled some song.
16. What is the significance of the BSC from the previous task?
A) simultaneity; B) alternation; C) comparisons; D) oppositions;
E) compensation.
17. Indicate the BSC in which a comma should not be placed before the conjunction and.
A) The gate opened into an alley and above it the branches of a silver poplar were densely mixed.
C) The dagger was taken by a brave Cossack and for a long time it lay abandoned in the Armenian’s shop.
C) And we hate and we love by chance, and some secret cold reigns in our souls.
D) Somewhere in the depths a draft whistled dully and water dripped with a transparent sound.
E) I turn off the lamp and the night slowly begins to brighten.
18. Indicate the BSC with a common minor member.
A) He read and the lines merged into gray stripes. B) He felt hot and opened his sheepskin coat.
C) The wind rustled through the acacias and thunder rolled like a cannon strike.
D) In ​​the city garden next door, an orchestra played and a choir of veterans sang.
E) Without knocking, the door opened and a girl entered the room.
19. Provide BSC with sequence value.
A) He felt hot and opened his sheepskin coat. B) Everyone fell silent, but the branches crackled louder as they flared up. C)) Somewhere in the depths a draft whistled dully and water dripped with a transparent sound. D)) there is not a cloud in the sky, but there was an excess of moisture in the air.
E) From a sleepless night, my head was drooping and my swollen eyes were watering.
20. In BSC with connecting unions:
A) lists phenomena occurring simultaneously or following one after another;
C) phenomena are opposed to one another;
C) phenomena alternate or indicate the possibility of one of two phenomena;
D) phenomena are compared and contrasted;
E) Phenomena only alternate.
21. Determine the number of punctuation marks in a sentence: When he appeared at the opening of an exhibition, concentrated and silent, it seemed that he was only listening to what others were saying, but the artists were amazed at his apt comments and correct assessments of the paintings.
A) 7; AT 8; C) 4; D) 6; E) 3.
22. Indicate the BSC.
A) The summer was gray and cold. B) The day was cloudy, but warm.
C) Nadya said goodbye and went to her room. D) Everyone in the house had already gone to bed, but no one was sleeping.
E) Nadya was very sad and thought about her mother.
23. Indicate the number of punctuation marks in the sentence: This strange fog, tightly wrapping the world, completely dissolved the mighty trees, turning them into the shadows of fairy-tale giants.
A) 2; AT 4; C) 5; D) 6; E) 3.
24. Indicate a conjunction that is NOT an adversative:
A) but; B) a; C) however; D) but; E) not only... but also.
25. Determine the type of sentence: In order not to get lost in the forest while picking mushrooms, I take a compass with me.
A) simple; B) SSP; C) SPP; D) SBP;

TEST 1. The concept of a compound sentence


Place commas where necessary before the conjunction I. Indicate complex sentences:

1) At this time, new crowds of horsemen appeared from behind a height located half a mile from the fortress? and soon the whole steppe was dotted with many people armed with spears and saydaks. (A.P.)

2) Soon bullets began whistling near our ears? and several arrows stuck into the ground and into the palisade near us. (A.P.)

3) Did this impression gradually weaken and then become a memory? and, finally, just tiredness. (A.G.)

4) One day the sun burned out? and the rays glowed quietly... (N. Gum.)

5) And the emeralds of the serpent went out? and a peacock fan wonder. (N. Gum.)


Place commas, indicate the number of grammatical bases:

It was snowing and there was frost in the morning, but the roads were already dark and rooks were cawing above them. (A.Ch.) ___________________________

TEST 2. BSC with connecting conjunctions

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


In what cases does the conjunction AND connect parts of the BSC?

1) The telegraph wire hummed faintly, and here and there hawks were resting on it. (A.Ch.)

2) An angel flew across the midnight sky, and he sang a quiet song. (M.L.)

3) In this vain struggle, I exhausted the heat of the soul and the constancy of the will necessary for real life. (M.L.)

4) The pretty oval of her face was round, like a fresh egg, and, like it, turned white with some kind of transparent whiteness. (N.G.)


Place punctuation marks:

Two young Cossack girls, the daughters of the owner of the hut, laid the table with a white tablecloth, brought bread, fish soup and several bottles of wine and beer, and for the second time I found myself at the same meal with Pugachev and his terrible comrades. (A.P.)


In what cases should a comma be placed before the conjunction I?

1) Almost nothing attracted him from home? and every day he settled more firmly and permanently in his apartment. (I.G.)

2) Does my eye tempt me? and it is necessary for me to extirpate it, for spiritual salvation. (D.F.)

3) Did he glance sideways at Lefort’s cheerful but firm eyes? and convulsively grabbed the lady's hand. (A.T.)

4) Do I love the murmur of violent waters? and on the wave of the star shine. (SE.)

TEST 3. BSC with separating conjunctions

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Indicate the BSC with dividing conjunctions:

1) But now he had to shoot into thin air, or become a murderer, or, finally, abandon his vile plan and be exposed to the same danger as me. (M.L.)

2) Why do I feel so uneasy when I see a lawyer, or a Latin teacher, or a member of the council? (A.Ch.)

3) Was life so poor here, or did people not know how to notice anything other than this unimportant event that happened ten years ago, and they just didn’t tell anything else about the village of Ukleevo. (A.Ch.)

4) So, I was sick or something happened to me... (A.Ch.)

5) She probably dreamed something or yesterday’s stories came to mind. (A.Ch.)


1) And those who go into the night caves, or to the backwaters of a quiet river will meet the terrifying pupils of a ferocious panther. (N. Gum.)

2) Either everything in it breathes truth, then everything in it is feigned and false. (M.L.)

3) In the stuffy air, the blows of pickaxes on stone were heard, or the wheels of wheelbarrows sang mournfully. (M.G)

4) Whether the teacher was to blame or the student was to blame, but every day the same thing was repeated... (L.T.)

TEST 4. BSC with adversative conjunctions

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Place punctuation marks, highlight predicative units, emphasize grammatical basics:

1) But Sunday already passed and the old man still did not return and there was no news. (A.Ch.)

2) He was not yet forty, but he already had a twelve-year-old daughter and two sons who were high school students. (A.P.)

3) The black cat Bryska caresses and purrs softly, but Olenka is not touched by these cat’s caresses. (A.Ch.)

4) Years passed and he kept sitting in one place, writing the same papers and thinking about the same things... (A.Ch.)

5) Midnight had passed, the stoves here and on the other side had already gone out, and below in the meadow and in the tavern they were still walking. (A.Ch.)

6) Oleg grinned, but his forehead and gaze were darkened by thought. (A.P.)


Fill in the missing commas. Please mark BSC:

1) The game and dinner are already over, but the guests have not left yet. (L.T.)

2) No one read the Manifesto, but everyone knew about its appearance. (L.T.)

3) Sonya wanted to raise her head and wanted to answer, but she couldn’t and hid even more. (L.T.)

4) It was probably about twelve miles to the house, but I didn’t have enough strength... (A.Ch.)

5) Every day at noon in the courtyard and outside the gates on the street there was a delicious smell of borscht and fried lamb or duck, and on fast days, fish... (A.Ch.)

TEST 5. Punctuation marks in BSC

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Place the missing punctuation marks where necessary:

1) Is the echo rejoicing in the dense oak forests? and you pass through with a crazy dream, ringing with delight, blazing with laughter. (N. Gum.)

2) Do the flowers sing their forest hymn, familiar to children and swallows? and little gnomes dance under the spreading pine tree. (N. Gum.)

3) If I didn’t come to the city for a long time, did that mean I was sick? or did something happen to me? and they were both very worried. (A.Ch.)

4) Are you used to me? and I'm used to it. (A.Ch.)

5) Was Peter very pleased with him? and repeatedly invited him to Russia? but Ibrahim was in no hurry. (A.P.)

6) Did Oblomov flare up, become exhausted, and have difficulty holding back his tears? and it was even more difficult for him to stifle the joyful cry that was ready to burst from his soul. (I.G.)


She probably dreamed something (1) or yesterday’s stories came to mind... (A.Ch.)

B – 1 – a comma is not placed between parts of the BSC, since there is a common minor member

G – 1 – a comma is not placed between homogeneous members connected by a single conjunction OR

TEST 6. Punctuation marks in BSC

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Indicate sentences with punctuation errors:

1) Nowhere, in anything, does she find any consolation or relief for her suppressed tears, and her heart is torn in half. (A.P.)

2) In the morning the ray of the morning star will flash and the bright day will sparkle... (A.P.)

3) You beckoned me with the song of paradise, and we will meet in paradise. (N. Gum.)

4) When the damp cold wind smelled, the gorge began to hum and a light rain began to fall. (M.L.)


Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks: many times the wandering people, shouting at the market, were going to... go to Pr..obrazhenskoye to destroy the barns, but before reaching the Yauza they came across soldiers everywhere and they threatened to fight. (A.T.)


Indicate the correct explanation of the punctogram:

Did fate bring us together again in the Caucasus (1) or did she come here on purpose, knowing that she would meet me? (M.L.)

A – 1 – a comma is always placed before the conjunction OR

B – 1 – a comma is placed between parts of the BSC

B – 1 – a comma is not placed between parts of the SSP, since there is a common subordinate clause

G – 1 – both parts of the SSP, connected by the conjunction OR, are interrogative, no comma is used

TEST 7. Punctuation marks in BSC

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Indicate sentences with punctuation errors:

1) The sun barely appeared from behind the green peaks, and the merging of the first warmth of its rays with the dying coolness of the night brought a kind of sweet languor to all the senses. (M.L.)

2) The door swung open completely silently and the young beautiful woman in a white apron and a lace headdress she appeared before the dog and his master. (M.B.)

3) And it seems stuffy in the homeland, and the heart is heavy and the soul is sad. (M.L.)

4) The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, sat on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glowed throughout the face. (I.G.)

5) Several years passed and circumstances led me to that very road, to those very places. (A.P.)

TEST 8. Syntactic analysis of BSC

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Place punctuation marks and parse the sentence:

The dawns are still dazzling
And the birds have crimson feathers
And there is a lot in a girl's gaze
Pages not yet read.
((N. Gumilev))

Indicate the number of predicative units in the sentence:

I wrote the scenery, rewrote the roles, prompted, did makeup, and I was also entrusted with the arrangement of various effects such as thunder, the singing of a nightingale, etc. (A.Ch.) __________________________________________


Highlight the predicative units in the sentence; emphasize grammatical basics:

... nimbly
Onegin went with Olga;
Leads her, gliding carelessly,
And, leaning over, he whispers to her tenderly
Some vulgar madrigal
And he shakes hands - and he bursts into flames
In her proud face
The blush is brighter.
((A. Pushkin))

TEST 9. Punctuation analysis of BSC

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Choose the correct explanation of the punctograms:

I ordered to go to the commandant, 1 and a minute later the wagon stopped in front of a wooden house, 2 built on a high place, 3 near a wooden church. (A.P.)

1 – a) comma between homogeneous members b) comma between parts of the BSC

2 – a) isolation of the definition expressed by the participial phrase b) isolation of the circumstance expressed by the participial phrase

3 – a) isolation of a clarifying phrase b) a comma between homogeneous members


Perform punctuation analysis of the sentence (the signs are not placed):

It was getting dark and the clouds were either moving away or coming in from three sides. (I.B.)

TEST 10. BSC: generalization

Last name, first name ____________________ class _____ date __________


Find and correct the error in the sentence diagram:

I'm afraid, mother, of angering you, but without that, of course, I would either laugh or cry. (D.F.)

[,++++,],a[,+++++], [or O, or O].


In which sentence is there no comma between parts of the BSC?

1) At this time, a carriage and britzka drove up to the porch _ and Prince Andrei got out of the carriage, dropped off his little wife and let her go ahead. (L.T.)

2) On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally moved and river lilies trembled... (A.Ch.)


Indicate the correct options for characterizing the sentence and placing punctuation marks:

The golden grove dissuaded
Berezov (1) cheerful language (2)
And the cranes (3) sadly flying by (4)
They don’t regret anyone anymore.
((S. Yesenin))

A – a complex sentence consisting of 2 parts

B – a simple sentence complicated by homogeneous members

B – the first part is complicated by homogeneous members

G – 1 – heterogeneous definitions, no comma

D – 2 – comma between parts of a compound sentence.

E – 3, 4 – isolation of the definition expressed by the verb. about.

Russian language 9th grade Option 1


2. Phrases –

3. Complex sentence -

B) consists of two or more simple sentences.

D)) consists of one or several words, characterized by intonation completeness.

4.Simple sentences within a complex sentence are separated from each other

A) dots

B) commas

C) question mark

D) exclamation mark

C) conjunctions, prepositions, particles

C) unions or non-unions, in meaning and intonation

D) homogeneous members of sentences

A) complex and simple

B) homogeneous and heterogeneous

C) ssp and spp

D) direct and indirect

7. BSC is

WITH) complex sentences, in which simple sentences are complicated by heterogeneous members.

D) complex sentences in which simple sentences are equal in meaning and are connected by coordinating conjunctions.

8.Which scheme corresponds to the BSC

And what …). B) [...], (for now...). C) (although...), [...]. D) , and .

9. How many types of BSC?

A) one B) two C) three D) four

C) It was foggy in the morning, but by breakfast the weather cleared up.
D) I don’t want to think about anything, or thoughts and memories wander, vague, unclear, like a dream.


A) I turn off the lamp and the night slowly begins to brighten.

C) To the right was a white sand spit and a dark pile of distant mountains.

12. Find similar sentences

13. In the sentence: Bad weather is noisy outside, ...... they have been sleeping in the house for a long time, you need to insert a conjunction

A) but B) a C) however D) or

14. In BSC with adversarial conjunctions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

C) one phenomenon is opposed to another

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.

16. In BSC with connecting unions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

C) one phenomenon is opposed to another

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.

17. Unions a, but, but are:

A) connecting;

B) adversative;

C) dividing;

D) subordinate;

19.Unions and, yes, neither..nor.. are:

A) connecting;

B) adversative;

C) dividing;

D) subordinate;

20. Indicate the BSC, between the parts of which a comma is not needed, since there is a common minor member (the signs are not placed)

A) May rain will fall and a spring thunderstorm will begin.

C) The sun was scorching and it was impossible to reach the roof.

C) A soldier was walking behind the cart and thick crowds of people were running.

Russian language 9th grade Option 2

1. Unions a, but, but are:

2. Indicate the BSC, between the parts of which a comma is not needed, since there is a common minor member (the signs are not placed)

C) The rivers flow blue and different flowers grow.

D) The sun has set and the dawn has faded.

3. Indicate the BSC, between the parts of which a comma is not needed, since there is a common minor member (the signs are not placed)

D) The eagles are moaning and the grass has faded.

4. Complex sentence -

A) consists of two or more homogeneous members of sentences.

C) consists of two or more participial phrases.

5. Simple sentences are combined into complex ones using....

A) an isolated circumstance expressed by a participial phrase

C) conjunctions, prepositions, particles

6.Sentences with conjunctions and allied words are divided into…

A) complex and simple

B) ssp and spp

C) homogeneous and heterogeneous

D) direct and indirect

7. BSC is

A) complex sentences in which simple sentences are complicated by homogeneous members.

C) complex sentences in which simple sentences are complicated by isolated members.


A) a section of grammar in which words are studied as parts of speech.

C) a section of grammar in which the connection of words in phrases and sentences is studied.

C) a branch of the science of language in which the properties of words, their changes and combinations are studied.

D) a branch of the science of language in which the composition of words is studied

9. How many types of BSC?

10. In which series does the sentence match?

given scheme [ - = ], but [ = ]:

A) Mitya slept with the windows uncurtained, and the garden and the moon looked into them all night.

C) Either a crake will start screaming behind a nearby bush, or a pound fish will strike with a cannon shot.

11. Unions and, yes, neither..nor.. are:

A) connective; B) adversative; C) disjunctive; D) subordinative;

12. Phrases –

A) consists of one or several words, characterized by intonation completeness

C) a combination of two or more significant words related in meaning and grammatically.

C) consists of two main members of the sentence

D) consists of a main clause and subordinate clause.

13. Find similar sentences

A) It was cold outside and it started to rain.

B) At dawn they arrived, and it started dripping.

C) The nightingale sang and the warm wind blew.

D) There was a glimmer of light behind the windows and the noise of cars could be heard.

14. In the sentence: Bad weather is noisy outside, ...... they have been sleeping in the house for a long time, you need to insert a conjunction

A) but B) or C) however D) a

15.Which scheme corresponds to the BSC

16. In BSC with adversative conjunctions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

B) one phenomenon is contrasted with another C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.

17. In BSC with connecting unions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

C) one phenomenon is opposed to another

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.

18. The unions or, or, then...then.. are:

19.Simple sentences within a complex sentence are separated from each other

20. In BSC with dividing unions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

C) one phenomenon is opposed to another

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.

Russian language 9th grade Option 3

1.Simple sentences within a complex sentence are separated from each other

A) dots B) commas C) question mark D) exclamation point

2. How many types of BSC?

A) three B) two C) one D) four

3.Conjunctions or, or, then...that.. are:

A) connective; B) adversative; C) disjunctive;) subordinative;

4. In a sentence: Bad weather is noisy outside, ...... they have been sleeping in the house for a long time, you need to insert a conjunction

A) but B) or C) however D) a

5. Simple sentences are combined into complex ones using....

A) an isolated circumstance expressed by a participial phrase

C) conjunctions, prepositions, particles

C) homogeneous members of sentences

D) unions or non-unions, in meaning and intonation

6. In which series does the sentence match?

given scheme [ - = ], but [ = ]:

A) Mitya slept with the windows uncurtained, and the garden and the moon looked into them all night.
C) You don’t want to think about anything, or thoughts and memories wander, vague, unclear, like a dream.

C) Either a crake will start screaming behind a nearby bush, or a pound fish will strike with a cannon shot.
D) It was foggy in the morning, but by breakfast the weather cleared up.

7.Unions a, but, but are:

A) adverse; B) connecting C) dividing; D) subordinating;

8. Indicate the BSC, between the parts of which a comma is not needed, since there is a common minor member (the signs are not placed)

A) A soldier was walking behind the cart and thick crowds of people were running

C) May rain will fall and a spring thunderstorm will begin.

C) The sun was scorching and it was impossible to reach the roof.

D) The eagles are moaning and the grass has faded.

9. Complex sentence -

A) consists of two or more homogeneous members of sentences.

C) consists of one or several words, characterized by intonation completeness.

C) consists of two or more participial phrases.

D)) consists of two or more simple sentences.

10. Sentences with conjunctions and allied words are divided into...

A) complex and simple

B) ssp and spp

C) homogeneous and heterogeneous

D) direct and indirect

11.SSP is

A) complex sentences in which simple sentences are complicated by homogeneous members.

C) complex sentences in which simple sentences are complicated by isolated members.

C) complex sentences in which simple sentences are equal in meaning and are connected by coordinating conjunctions.

D) complex sentences in which simple sentences are complicated by heterogeneous members.

12.Unions and, yes, neither..nor.. are:

A) connective; B) adversative; C) disjunctive; D) subordinative;

13. Indicate the BSC, between the parts of which a comma is not needed, since there is a common minor member (the signs are not placed)

A) To the right was a white sand spit and a dark pile of distant mountains.

B) I turn off the lamp and the night slowly begins to brighten.

C) The rivers flow blue and different flowers grow.

D) The sun has set and the dawn has faded.

14. Phrases –

A) consists of one or several words, characterized by intonation completeness

C) a combination of two or more significant words related in meaning and grammatically.

C) consists of two main members of the sentence

D) consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause.

15. In BSC with dividing unions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

C) one phenomenon is opposed to another

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.

16. Find similar sentences

A) It was cold outside and it started to rain.

B) At dawn they arrived, and it started dripping.

C) The nightingale sang and the warm wind blew.

D) There was a glimmer of light behind the windows and the noise of cars could be heard.

17.Which scheme corresponds to the BSC

And what …). In and . C) [...], (for now...). D) (although...), [...].

18. In BSC with connecting unions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

C) one phenomenon is opposed to another

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.

19. In BSC with adversative unions

A) denote complicated isolated sentences with participial phrases.

C) one phenomenon is opposed to another

C) denote phenomena that occur simultaneously or follow one another.

D) indicates that only one of two phenomena is possible, or indicates the alternation of phenomena.


A) a section of grammar in which words are studied as parts of speech.

C) a section of grammar in which the connection of words in phrases and sentences is studied.

C) a branch of the science of language in which the properties of words, their changes and combinations are studied.

D) a branch of the science of language in which the composition of words is studied


Russian language

1 option

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

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