Top apps for learning grammar. I. Explanatory note







Guidelines for I-II year students

non-linguistic faculties


Compiled by: doctor philological sciences, Professor V.M. Aristova, senior lecturer I.A. Kolyada, senior teacher G.G. Korsakov

Approved at a department meeting in English Kaliningrad State University September 25, 1996

Reviewer: Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Kaliningrad State Technical University, Candidate of Philological Sciences A.F. Petrukhin.

Published by decision of the editorial and publishing center of the Council of Kaliningrad State University

Kaliningrad State University, 1996.


Teaching and monitoring programs in English grammar are intended for university students of non-linguistic faculties. The main goal of the manual is the practical development or repetition of grammatical models of the English language in comparison with the grammatical norms of the Russian language to ensure the formation of students' educational activities in the process of performing grammatical actions.

The training program /A/ provides an algorithm for grammatical phenomena, which makes it possible to extremely formalize the presentation of the material, activate the independent work of students and, using the control program /B/, implement feedback. The tasks are carried out mainly by compiling matrices - choosing the correct correspondences, translation equivalents or analogues.

Working on material of the receptive /A/ and reproductive /B/ types allows the student to assess the degree of perception and assimilation of a grammatical phenomenon by checking his answer using the key. Assignments can be completed through independent / classroom or extracurricular /, pair and group work.

Steps to complete the work: read program A, paying attention to the underlined English words and their Russian translation, equivalent; close the right side of the sheet and translate the English sentences from memory; close the left side of the sheet, translate the Russian model into English, repeat the translations if necessary; proceed to program B; check the correctness of the tasks for the /B/ keys.

Score: 20% failure - 4 points; 40% - 3 points; 60% - 2 points.

/ suffix - s, - es /

Reading suffixes

a dress - dresses

a Negro - Negroes

a dish - dishes

a photo - photos

a match - matches

Changes in spelling and exceptions to the general rule

a shelf - shelves

shelf - shelves

a child - children


a leaf - leaves

leaf - leaves

bull - bulls

a city - cities

city ​​- cities

leg legs

roof - roofs

a penny - pence

penny - pence

person people

a tooth - teeth

tooth teeth

a woman - women

woman's woman

a goose - geese

goose - geese

Latin/Greek plural forms

axis - axes

formula - formulae

formula - formulas


core - kernels

criterion - criteria

criterion - criteria

given - data

matrix - matrices

matrix - matrices

Identical forms of the noun in singular. and in many


Nouns that have only a singular form

means, means

row, rows


view, types

device, instruments Nouns having only


goods - goods, goods

spectacles - glasses

shorts - shorts

tongs - tongs

Plural of nouns

I. Put the nouns in the plural. In parentheses write the transcription of the plural:

a book - books [s]

a scenario - ...

a delicacy - ...

a Negress - ...

a democracy - ...

a science - ...

a memorandum - memoranda [c]

an addendum - ...

a maximum - ...

a phenomenon - ...

a bacterium - ...

a stratum - ...

an analysis - ...

a terminus - ...

an abscissa - ... II. Insert the correct verb form to be

in present time:

1. The phenomena observed... discussed here.

2. Goods delivered yesterday ... of high quality.

3. The news ... not very encouraging.

4. The foremost criterion ... agreed with observation.

5. The data ... of great importance.

6. Addenda to the dictionaries ... of great help.

III. In what form will the following words be presented in dictionaries?

IV. Which demonstrative pronoun should be placed before a noun?

1. ... analysis

1. These

2. This

3. ... galaxies




Group I –– one, two syllables adjectives, adverbs




Group II –– two- And polysyllabic adjectives and adverbs

the most difficult



/the most difficult/

the most possible



/most possible/

Group III frozen forms - suppletive education

/good, good/


ill, bad, badly

the worst, worst

/bad, bad/


the least, least

/small, little/



I am older than my sister.

Older than...

Your accent is better than mine.

Better than...

This desk is the worst in the class.

The worst...

I've been waiting longer than you.

Longer than you...

Remember some phrases and phrases:

The more we live, the more we know.

What, what...

The more dangerous it is, the more I like it.

Her husband is much older than she.

Much older...

One has many more books to choose here.

Much more...

He has much more money than I have.

This process took much less time.

Far less...

You've made far less mistakes today.

Is your mother any better?

A little better?

She looks any younger in this dress.

A little younger...

Things are no better than before.

Not better...

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

I. Select the desired form from the right column, make a matrix.

II. Form comparative and superlative degrees:

Sad, grey, lovely, mountainous, bad, old, free, dry, near, brilliant, heavy, productive, white, unusual, much, few, ill, good, little, great, early, tragic, happy, careful, cheap.

III. Use paired conjunctions for comparison, translate:

1. The tea in the cup is ... not ... in the kettle.

2. Ann is ... young ... her friend.

3. Today I feel much better... yesterday.

5. Drive as can.

6. The days in winter are ... ... long ... in summer.

2. Not

Verb II. Insert the correct verb form /to be, is, appear; must /

Changeable shapes: am, is, are, was, were.

Immutable forms: being, been.

1. Independent verb:

is, to be, to happen

He is in Leningrad.

Is in...

He has just been here.

She will be here tomorrow.


2. Modal verb/verb equivalent must/

must, obliged/by agreement

Petrova was to meet him.

Should have...

I am to do it.

Must (must)...

3. Linking verb in nominal predicate:

exist, be, represent

The sun is a star.

Yes, it is

Our task was to study well.


4. Auxiliary verb in:

does not translate

a) group times Continuous:

She was preparing for lessons, when I came in.

Getting ready...

She is working in the garden.


b) passive voice:

to be / in the past and bud. vr./

Ann was sent to Moscow.

Was /sent/ ...

The house will be built here.

Will be built/...

He is asked every lesson

He /is asked/...

The school is being built.

... /building/...

The article has been read.

... /read/...

He was always laughed at.

They always laughed at him.

His work is often referred to.

His work is often referenced.

This room was not lived in.

This room was not lived in.

Verb to be

I. Determine the function of the verb to be. Create a matrix and translate it into Russian:

II. What grammatical unit is formed using the verb to be. Make a matrix. Give your examples.


Verb to have /have, possess; must, must/

Personal forms: have, has, had. Non-personal forms: having, had.

1. Semantic verb.

I have three books.

A year has 365 or 366 days.

To have, to possess, to exist.

I have...

In the year there is...

2. Modal verb

/equivalent to verb must/

I have to go there.

I had to leave.

I have to, I have to.

Must go...

I had to leave.

3. Auxiliary verb in perfect tenses

We have just finished it.

I shall have met him by 6.

Does not translate.

Just finished.

I'll meet you already...

4. Part phrasal verb

to have a smoke

to have breakfast


Take a walk



Have breakfast

Have lunch

Have dinner, etc.

I was having tea when she came.

They have had a long walk before going to bed.

I shall have a try to pass this examination.

Let's have a snack.

Let's have a smoke.

Will you have a bath?

I have just had my dinner that is why I am not hungry.

I was drinking tea...

They walked for a long time...

I'll try to pass...

Let's have a bite.

Let's have a smoke.

Take a bath?

I just had lunch, so I'm not hungry.

Verb to have

I. Determine the function of the verb to have. Create a correspondence matrix and translate.

1. I have to read this text.

1. Semantic verb

2. I have read this text.

2. Modal verb

3. She has seen this new film.

3. Auxiliary verb

4. We had a good time yesterday.

4. Part of a phrasal verb-predicate

5. He will have seen the film by tomorrow.

6. He is having dinner now.

7. He will have to see the film.

8. I had to see this film.

9. I shall have two shelves.

10. I shall have to clean two shelves.

11. My mother has three sisters.

II. What grammatical unit is constructed using the verb to have? Make a matrix and give examples.

III. Put the predicates in the correct order:

Perfect Continuous

(to have been + ing)

You were asking

I shall be asking

We shall be asking

I shall have asked

We shall have asked

I shall have been asking

We shall have been asking

to express:

Active tenses

I. Determine the time of bail. Make a matrix. Translate.

1.Changes happen very quickly here.

2. He is working on some kind of invention.

3.Everything has gone off fairly well.

4.We have always got letters from him.

5. They have been living here more than ten years.

6. He collected species of Caribbean flora.

7. I was driving along the country road.

8. I was sure they had known each other before.

9. He will have been flying by this time tomorrow when you come.

10. If you send me a letter, I’ll answer.

11. By 1986 he had been teaching at the University for ten years.

12. He will be playing football from 5 till 6.30 tomorrow.

13.We shall have finished discussing this problem by Friday.

14. This custom seems strange to us.

10. Pres. Perf. Cont.

11. Past. Perf. Cont.

12. Fut. Perf. Cont.

II. What tense would you choose when translating the underlined verbs? Use the previous right column to create a matrix.

1. I always I try to look new production at the theatre.

2. He just received good grade in mathematics.

3. Yesterday they were there all day discussed this question.

4. Tomorrow by 4 o'clock this experiment will be completed.

5. Since then we have never been with him again haven't met.

7. Tomorrow from morning to evening I Will work in the garden.

8. In 1988 it will be 20 years since I have lived in Kaliningrad.

9. I'm done did before they came to us.

10. If you you'll come follow me, we will go to the sea together.

11. He is still did not buy this book.

12. You saw This movie?

Passive voice / (to be + Past Participle)

Remember the forms of the passive in all tenses, paying attention to the fact that only the verb to be is an indicator of the person, number and tense of the verb of the passive construction:


Some difficulties in translating the passive into Russian:

Passive voice

I. Determine the time, pledge. Make a matrix.

1. is being written

2. has been done

3. had been sent

4.were being built

5. are forgotten

6. will have been got

8. was being read

10. shall have been sent

11. will be said

12. shall be discussed

13. have been spent

14. are being tried

1. Pres. Ind. Passive

2. Past Ind. Passive

3. Fut. Ind. Passive

4. Pres. Cont. Passive

5. Past Cont. Passive

6. Pres. Perf. Passive

7. Past Perf. Passive

8. Fut. Perf.

Passive II. Find correct translation

. Make a matrix.

Modal verbs and their substitutes

Modal verbs


I can (can)

to be allowed to

I can (permit)

maybe (probability)

should (to be)

- (have to)

- (should)

Here you can download free programs for learning English. Programs for learning grammar, memorizing words, etc.

Computer programs:

Memorizing words Memory program English words

, using associative pictures.

WordsTeacher 1.0

The WordsTeacher program is designed for learning foreign words, phrases, short expressions, without interrupting the process of working on the computer.

Association 1.0 A program for memorizing foreign words using the method of phonetic associations. Allows you to easily find associative keys to foreign words

using a dictionary of 90,000 words of the Russian language.

BX Language acquisition

The BX Language acquisition program is designed for learning foreign words.

English Grammar Another great program to learn English grammar

. Thanks to the presence of a Russian thematic index, the textbook will not only teach you to understand English, but will also help you express your thoughts in English.

ETrainer 4800

Trainer-examiner of English language skills. Tasks are given to translate sentences and a grade is given. You can set the number of tasks in the exam, limit the thinking time, and also keep a detailed protocol.

ETrainer 5000

Mini version. Trainer-examiner of English language skills. Tasks are given to translate sentences and a grade is given. You can set the number of tasks in the exam, limit the thinking time, and also keep a detailed protocol.

FVords 1.11.22
Program for students of English and German: Longman tips, tests, dictionaries for originals, parallel texts, prompter mode, settings, search, printing, statistics and much more.

The “download” link is a distribution package of the program without a database (the necessary databases will need to be downloaded separately. By the way, the program databases are constantly being updated.

Grammar A program for learning English grammar. The grammar in it is given using examples from spoken language

Repeng - English Tutor

A program for training your vocabulary. Working with the program is carried out by selecting the correct translation option from several proposed ones.

Word Translation Trainer WTT 1.15

Designed for learning the spelling of words in English. Testing is carried out in both directions using statistics on the success of the translation of a particular word.

Sentence Exerciser

You can really improve your English level by solving many different grammar problems.

Android Applications:

English with Lingualeo

Free English classes
- Suitable for any level of language proficiency
- Practical exercises
- Thematic courses
- English language practice: text, audio and video materials
- Possibility of learning English offline
- Automatic synchronization with the web version of the service
- Prompt technical support

Develop your listening comprehension of English, expand your vocabulary, improve your reading and writing skills in one application! Useful for those who know the alphabet and basic vocabulary.

The Teacher Method is a program for sequential learning of English: from beginner to advanced. Watch and listen to the teachers' explanations, take training after each lesson and an exam after each topic.

The app includes over 200 spoken English lessons, which includes the following:

Listening to improve your listening comprehension
- Questions to help you understand better English speech
- Conversation practice feature to improve your speaking
- Conversation recording tool to track your progress

Polyglot is a simple and fast way to learn English.

In just a few minutes a day you will learn how to write sentences in English.

We have specially optimized the lessons for mobile devices. Information is given in a compressed form, then, through repeated repetition, it is consolidated in memory.

In a short time you will learn how to build correctly simple expressions in English, without noticing it, learn a lot of new English words.

municipal budget educational institution

"Shumakovskaya average comprehensive school»

Kursk region Kursk region


at a meeting of the MS at a meeting of the PS by order Minutes No. __ dated _______ Minutes No. ___ dated ________ No. ___ dated __________

Chairman of the MS Chairman of the PS school director

________/G.A. Alyabyeva/ ________/I.V. Gribovskaya ________/L.M. Shoshina/



"English grammar"

for 6th grade

1 hour per week (total 34 hours)

implementation period 2016 – 2017 academic year

Compiled by:

English teacher Gribovskaya I.V.

2016 - 2017

Explanatory note

Proficiency in a foreign language is one of the important criteria for the successful adaptation of young people in the context of globalization of the economy, culture, and education. Today, English is the key to understanding the diversity of the world, it is a tool for intercultural communication.

One of the main goals of teaching a foreign language in secondary school is practical. Learning a language involves mastering several types of speech activity, one of which is grammar. Mastering grammar causes many difficulties due to grammatical terms, rules, and a huge number of exceptions to these rules that are difficult for students to understand. However, boring, sometimes complex grammatical rules are directly related to beautiful, and most importantly, correct speech.

Thus, knowledge of grammatical rules is a solid basis for learning English. The need to train and improve students' grammatical skills and the lack of time in the lesson determined the choice of this program for 5th grade students.

The course program is developed based on Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated 29.012.2012, federal state educational standard of basic general education, approximate educational program basic (secondary) general education ( Sample programs basic general education.. Foreign language. Grades 5-9: project. – 4th ed., revised – M.: Education, 2011. – 144 p. – (Series “Second Generation Standards”).

The English Grammar program is aimed at practical mastery of grammatical material and improving students’ existing knowledge of basic grammatical structures.

The English Grammar program is a supplement to the English language course for students studying English at an advanced level.

The program is designed for 17 hours and involves implementation in the first half of the 5th grade. The program provides for 3 tests based on the results of studying the topic.

The goal of the program: the development of foreign language communicative competence of students by expanding and deepening their knowledge of English grammar.

    activate and systematize students’ existing grammatical knowledge;

    expand and deepen knowledge of English grammar within the framework of the subject matter of I.N. Vereshchagina, O.V. Afanasyeva;

    give students the opportunity to practice grammar rules;

    enrich your vocabulary;

    begin preparing students for exams in the State Civil Aviation Examination format;

    develop sociocultural competence of students;

    to form cognitive interest in learning English.

The program will allow students to systematize and deepen their knowledge of grammar and improve their speaking and writing skills in English. The implementation of the program is aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results established by the Federal State Educational Standards of Basic General Education.

The course program is developed in accordance with the following principles:

    principle of humanization (dialogical, creative, personal and individualized interaction, it ensures not just the transfer of some content of knowledge, skills, habits, methods of action, etc. from the teacher to students, but also their mutually enriching personal development) ;

    person-centered approach , implying recognition of the uniqueness of each individual, creating conditions for cognitive activity students, the formation of a creative personality striving for self-education;

    activity principle , which consists in teaching not ready-made knowledge, but the procedures of educational activities to acquire knowledge, ways of thinking, methods of analysis, comprehension;

    communicative principle involves the creation of a foreign language environment in which the child can freely navigate and be able to respond adequately in various situations.

The main goal of the selected system of exercises is the practical mastery of the English language; it is aimed at mastering those operations with the material that are necessary for understanding and expressing thoughts in English. Grammar exercises are selected according to the following principles:

    scientific character;

    consistency and systematic presentation of the material;

    connection between theory and practice;


and requirements:

    teach actions with grammatical material;

    reflect the linguistic patterns of developed types of speech activity;

    have a communicative orientation;

    intensify the speech and thinking activity of students.

Planned results

As a result of studying the course, the student must:

- know and understand the tense forms of the verb;

Know and understand the use of the indefinite and definite articles;

Use tense forms of the verb in active and passive voices;

Perform lexical and grammatical tests in GIA format;

Apply acquired knowledge in a new speech context.

Forms of conducting classes

The main form of training is practical classes (work in groups, pairs, individual consultations, independent work, test tasks, project activities), on which already familiar grammatical material is activated, work on complex grammar rules, practicing the material on the proposed training exercises and practical output of what has been learned. The teacher does not convey ready-made knowledge, but is a consultant and coordinator of students’ educational and cognitive activities.

Number of hours

1. The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense

Verbs to be, to have. Education. Features of education of the 3rd year. singular. Formation of the participle form of the semantic verb. Shortened forms with auxiliary verbs do/does. Use. Verbs of feeling, perception and mental state. Adverbs and phrases as indicators of time, their place in a sentence.

2. The Past Indefinite Tense / The Past Continuous Tense

Education (regular and irregular verbs). Shortened forms with the auxiliary verb did. Use. Adverbs and phrases as indicators of time. Used to …

3. The Future Indefinite Tense

Education. Use. Shortened forms with auxiliary verbs shall/will. Adverbs and phrases as indicators of time. Ways of expressing the future (The Future Indefinite Tense, The Present Continuous Tense, to be going to...).

4. The Present Perfect Tense

Education. Formation of the past participle form of the semantic verb. Shortened forms with auxiliary verbs have/has. Use. Adverbs, phrases and adverbial words as indicators of time, their place in a sentence. The difference in the use of The Present Perfect Tense and The Past Indefinite Tense.

5. Passive Voice (Present / Past Indefinite)

Active and passive voice. Formation of tenses of the passive voice (Present / Past Indefinite). Features of the translation of passive constructions.


Types of articles (indefinite, definite, zero). Pronunciation. Using the article with countable/uncountable/complex nouns. Pronouns some/any.

7. Control

    1. Test (The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense / The Past Indefinite Tense / The Past Continuous Tense / The Future Indefinite Tense / The Present Perfect Tense)

      Test (Passive Voice (Present / Past Indefinite))

Forms of control

    current control(frontal and individual verification of work performance);

    testing based on the results of studying the topic.

As additional material To conduct classes, it is possible to use proverbs, sayings, and poems. They help make the process of learning a foreign language more interesting and creative. They provide an opportunity to create an atmosphere of engagement and help relieve fatigue in children.

1. English language. 5th grade. Thematic test tasks for preparing for the State Examination Examination/aut.-comp. M.A. Molokoedova. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2012.

2. Veselova Yu.S. Collection of training and testing tasks. English language. 5th grade (in GIA format). - 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Intellect-Center, 2013.

3. Gatskevich M.A. English grammar for schoolchildren: Collection of exercises. Book 4. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2012.

4. Gatskevich M.A. English grammar for schoolchildren: Collection of exercises. Book 6. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.

5. Golitsynsky Yu.B. Grammar: Collection of exercises. – 7th ed., rev. and additional – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2012.

6. Pavlotsky V.M. Test papers in English language: Tutorial for 5th grade students. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2011.

7. Rule after rule. Collection of exercises for 5th grade. Workshop / Comp. N.N. Chesova, M.: Publishing house "Manager", 2013.

8. Solovova E.N. English language. Final Certification in basic school ( a basic level of): typical test tasks. 5th grade. - M.: Center for the Study of English by Elena Solovova, 2012.

Calendar and thematic planning

Meta-subject results:

    personal UUD: develop a responsible attitude towards learning; to form a conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, culture, language; develop the willingness and ability to engage in dialogue with other people; cultivate patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland; cultivate respect for other peoples;

    regulatory UUD: be able to plan, control and carry out actions according to a given pattern; carry out control tasks, including test ones;

    cognitive UUD: be able to present information in a condensed form, based on a sample, diagrams; focus on performing speech actions; be able to arbitrarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form; be able to choose linguistic means depending on the specific situation of verbal communication;

    communicative UUD: be able to ask questions necessary for organizing your own speech activity and in the conditions of proactive cooperation with a partner; express your thoughts in speech and writingin accordance with the task;be able to listen and engage in dialogue;be able to workindividually and in a group.

Number of hours

Characteristics of main activities

Forms of work

Control and assessment activities

Requirements for subject results

The student will learn

The student will have the opportunity to learn

The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense

P:- doing exercises

G:- drawing up a dialogue “My working day”

G: - be able to question your interlocutor and answer his questions;

Be able to talk about yourself and your work day;


A: - be able to listen and understand the main content of the text.

G:- be able to conduct a dialogue, observing the norms of speech etiquette;

A: be able to isolate significant information from what is heard;


Work in pairs

Individual work

current control

oral survey

dialogue on the topic

The Past Indefinite Tense/ The Past Continuous Tense

G: - compiling dialogues “Famous People. What did they do?

Implementation of the mini-project “Sorry, I didn’t ...”

P: - doing exercises

Writing a personal letter “My last weekend”

G:- be able to question the interlocutor and answer his questions;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model;

A: - be able to perceive the interlocutor’s speech.

G:- be able to talk about a famous person within the limits of the studied lexical and grammatical material;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in a new context of written speech;

Be able to write a personal letter;

A: - be able to identify significant information from a listened text.

Work in pairs

Group work Individual work

Individual work

current control

oral survey

dialogue on the topic

mini project

Personal letter

The Future Indefinite Tense

D: - implementation of the mini-project “My school in many years”

P: - doing exercises

Making a to-do list for the coming week

G: be able to compose a story according to plan;


G: be able to make a message on a given topic;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in a new context of written speech.

Group work

Individual work

Work in pairs

current control

oral survey

mini project

The Present Perfect Tense

G: - monologue statement “I have just returned from …”

P: - doing exercises

Writing a mini-story that ends with the sentence I have never been so surprised.

G: - be able to compose detailed plan travel story;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

G:- be able to make a message on a given topic;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in a new context of written speech.

Individual work

Pair work Group work

current control

oral survey

monologue on a topic


Grammar test

(Annex 1)

Final test

Passive Voice (Present/Past Indefinite)

G: - description of the events of the story using forms of the passive voice

P: - doing exercises

Making assignments for friends

A:- perceive by ear the speech of classmates and selectively understand based on linguistic guesswork;

G:- be able to talk about the weather and nature, express your opinion;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

A : - be able to extract specified information from a listened text;

D: - be able to make a message using key words;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

Work in pairs

Individual work

Group work

current control

oral survey

Grammar test (Appendix 2)

Final test

D: - implementation of mini-projects “The World around us”

P: - doing exercises

A:- perceive by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates;

G:- be able to draw up a story plan indicating the key points, reference words;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

A:- be able to extract information from a listened text;

G: - be able to convey the content of the text according to plan;

Ask and answer questions;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

Group work

Individual work

current control

oral survey

mini project

Grammar test (Appendix 3)

Final test

Degrees of comparison attached

Modal verbs


1. Busova S. Yu. Non-standard English lessons. – Corypheus, Volgograd, 2006.

2. Vitlin Zh. L. Problems of teaching students interactive and passive language proficiency / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 3, 2003, p. 7.

3. Vyborova G. E. Easy English. – M.: Ast – Press, 2001.

4. Grammar. Collection of exercises. Yu. Golitsynsky // KARO publishing house, St. Petersburg, 2004.

5. Efimov L.P. About alogisms and contradictions of English grammar / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 2, 2007, p. 24.

6. Ionina A. A. Some features of the use of verbs in modern English / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 5, 2003, p. 100.

7. Ionina A. A. Some typical difficulties in grammar in modern English / 8. Foreign languages ​​at school No. 6, 2003, p. 85.

9. Kravchenko A.V. Time to figure out tenses, or how to master the system of English tenses / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 5, 2002, p. 69.

10. Kupriyanova G.V. Group and independent work of students when mastering grammar / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 6, 2001, p. 26.

11. Milrud R.P. Communicativeness of language and Teaching spoken grammar (simplified sentences) / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 2, 2002, p. 15.

12. Sample programs for academic subjects. Foreign language. Grades 5-9, Education, 2010. – 144 p.

13. Collection of programs additional education children (in humanities subjects), TOGOAU DPO IPKRO, Tambov, 2011. - 164 p.

14. Collection of programs for elective courses and elective courses in English.: M. - Globe, 2007.

17. Spoken English” a guide to speaking. Yu Golitsynsky // KARO publishing house, St. Petersburg, 2004.

Annex 1

Grammar Test

(The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense / The Past Indefinite Tense / The Past Continuous Tense / The Future Indefinite Tense / The Present Perfect Tense)

Option 1

1. Timothy (to feed) his dog. 2. What she (to do) now? - She (to dance). 3. My working day (to begin) at seven o"clock. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. 5. She (to study) geography. 6. What your neighbors (to do) yesterday? 7. When I (to see) my friends, they (to play) football. 8. She (to speak) French well. What your brother (to do) tomorrow 9. I never (to be) to Rome. ) to school in the afternoon. 11. She (to work) in a shop now? 12. She is so upset: she (to lose) the key to the front door. 14. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 15. My friend just (to ring) me up from London. 16.He (to help) his mother every day? 17. When I (to go) to school, I (to meet) my friend.18. Mother (to bake) a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let's eat it! 19. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. 20. Look! She (to draw) a very nice picture.

Option 2

Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate tense.

1. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow. 2.When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. 3. When the boss (to come) tomorrow? 4. My sister (to buy) a pair of nice model shoes this month.5. When Nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall).6. I (to wash) my hair. 7. You ever (to be) to Piccadilly Circus? 8. They (to have) a big dinner together. 9. My sister (to get) up at eight o"clock. 10. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well. 11. I (not to see) you for ages! I am very glad to see you. 12. Kate (not to write) letters every day. 13. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). . After breakfast she (to go) to school. 16. Tom (to play) football on Saturday. 17. You (to go) to school on Sunday 18. Your mother (to return) from work? ? 19. They (to play) in the room now? 20. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (to rest) very well last weekend.

Application 2

Grammar Test

(Passive Voice (Present / Past Indefinite)

Option 1

Convert the following sentences into Passive Voice.

1. They finished the work last week. 2. We send our daughters to rest in the south every year. 3. They show this film on TV every year. 4. They built a new concert hall in our street 2 years ago. 5. I bought potatoes yesterday. 6. They sell milk in this shop. 7. I translated the whole text yesterday. 8. They broke the window last week. 9. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 10. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 11. She always invites me to her dinner parties. 12. She showed me the dress which her daughter had made. 13. They did not invite her to the party. 14. I did not leave the window open. 15. They did not turn off the light.

Option 2

Convert the following sentences into Passive Voice.

1.We discussed the problem some days ago. 2. Your friend wants you on the phone. 3. She found my book on her school bag. 4. The boy was angry because his mother did not allow him to go to the stadium. 5. One of my friends took me to the cinema last week. 6. They built this house in 2001. 7. A large group of young people joined us on our way to the station. 8. A young teacher started a school in this village. 9. Galsworthy wrote "The Forsyte Saga." 10. We turn on the light when it is dark. 11. The students finished their translation in time. 12. Helen washed the dishes. 13. Betty often took her younger brother for a walk. 14. She promised us an interesting entertainment. 15. Our teacher uses chalk for writing on the blackboard.

Application 3

Grammar Test


Option 1


1. ... Volga is ... longest river in ... European part of ... Russia. 2. I"d like to go on an excursion to ... Crimea. 3. There is ... stadium not far from our ... house. ... stadium is ... largest in our town. 4. My brother is ...pupil of ... 8th form and he wants to become ... engineer. 5. ... chemistry is his favorite subject at ... school. 6. ...children like ... ice-cream. 7. Can you tell me ... way to ... theater? 8. Here is ... book you need. 9. ... walls of our classroom are yellow. 10. ... butter and ... cheese are made of ... milk. 11.Which ...fruit do you like: ... applesor ... oranges? 12. I go to ... bed at 12 o"clock at night. 13. When will you finish ... school?


1. There is ... park behind ... hospital. There are... beautiful... trees in... park. 2. There is ... good ... film on TV this ... evening. 3. There is ... library between ... school and ... bank. 4. There is ... sofa in ... corner of ... room. 5. There are ... cushions on ... sofa. 6. There are ... books on ... shelf. Give me... book, please. 7. Look into... refrigerator. What can you see on ... shelves? - There is ... butter in ... butter dish. There are ... eggs and ... apples. There is ... orange, ... lemon, and ... jam in ... little vase. 8. There is ... juice in this ... cup. May I drink...juice?

Option 2


1. ... England has to import ... raw materials, such as ... timber, ... petroleum, ... wool and others. 2. Manyships with ... grain, ... oil, ... cotton and other goods come to ... London along ... river Thames. 3. I usually drink ... tea with ... sugar. 4. Will you have ... cup of tea? 5. Pass me...sugar, please. 6. ... tea is very hot, I "ll put ... milk in it. Don "t pour milk into my cup, please. I don't like ... tea with ... milk. 7. ... Peace is ... life, ... war is ... suffering and ... death. 8. What ... beautiful rose ! What ... beautiful flowers! 9. Good ...luck! 10. Weshall go to ... theater ... next week. 11. We shall see ... new play at ... Belarusian Drama Theater. 12. Let's go to ... cinema. 13. They say ... new detective film is on.


1. Where is ... bus station? - ... bus station is next to ... gas station. 2. There are two ... pets in ... house: ... cat and ... dog. 3. There is ... TV antenna on ... roof. 4. There is...mailbox between ... building and ... bus stop. 5. There is ... big ... dog in ... front of ... fireplace. 6. Do you speak English at ... work or at ... school? 7. She had ... bad ... day today. 8. I have... color TV set. ... TV set is on ... little table in ... corner of ... room.


The Ginger Grammar Checker helps you write better English and efficiently corrects texts. Based on the context of complete sentences, Ginger Grammar Checker uses patent-pending technology to correct grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes and misused words, with unmatched accuracy. Ginger's grammar check software improves your text just like a human reviewer would.

Enjoy the most expansive online grammar checker on the market. Benefit from single click proofreading wherever you type so that you improve your English writing while you learn from your grammar mistakes.

Getting your grammar right matters!

In the online as well as the offline world, it is important to write without making silly grammar mistakes, English syntax errors or punctuation mistakes. We all know how communication is a key skill for success. For example, in the corporate world it is hard to get a job without good written communication skills, even if the candidate excels in his or her field. In the academic world, error-free English writing is strongly correlated with achieving better results. In the online world, bloggers need to write grammatically correct and fluent texts to make sure that the message they are trying to convey is properly reaching their audience. If you have an online service, then proper, error-free content is crucial. The bottom line is, a grammar check before you submit your writing could make the difference between success and failure.

No more grammar mistakes: Check grammar with Ginger

The Ginger Grammar Checker corrects a vast range of grammar use mistakes. Most grammar corrector tools claiming to perform a grammar check based on English grammar rules are not able to identify the majority of grammar errors; therefore many of these common writing errors are overlooked. In many cases, these free online grammar checkers flag mistakes but do not suggest any corrections. Ginger uses groundbreaking technology to detect grammar and spelling errors in sentences and to correct them with unmatched accuracy. From singular vs plural errors to the most sophisticated sentence or tense usage errors, Ginger picks up on mistakes and corrects them. Grammar checking has never been easier and faster. With a single click multiple mistakes are corrected. Your mistakes will no longer be overlooked with Ginger Software's Grammar Checker.

Grammar check your way to success: Start writing better and faster

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The Ginger Grammar Checker helps you write better English and correct texts more efficiently.

Through the use of patent-pending technology, Ginger Grammar Checker analyzes the context of your sentence to correct grammar mistakes, misused words and spelling mistakes with unmatched accuracy. Ginger’s grammar correction software improves your text just like a human reviewer would.

Ginger’s grammar tool corrects all types of mistakes

Ginger corrects all types of grammatical mistakes including topics that are not addressed by any other grammar correction program.

Here are some examples:

Subject verb agreement

The smell of flowers bring back memories. → The smell of flowers brings back memories.

Singular/Plural nouns

Six people lost their lives in the accident → Six people lost their lives in the accident.

Consecutive nouns

Sheryl went to the tickets office → Sheryl went to the ticket office.

Misused words correction

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I was wandering if there’s any news. → I was wondering if there’s any news.

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The same misused word will have a different correction based on the context:

The marble statue hed a big head → The marble statue had a big head.

Phonetic spelling mistakes are corrected even if the correct spelling is very different from the way they were originally written: I like books, exspecaley the classics → I like books, especially the classics

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He flew to Vancouver → He flew to Vancouver
With Ginger- you won’t need to waste time trying to find the correct way to write a sentence, or have to pass your texts to someone else for review.

Gadgets are not only exciting games, but also unlimited opportunities to improve your knowledge. Want to know the best apps for learning English and get valuable tips on how to learn the language on your phone and tablet? We will tell you how to turn your favorite gadget into a fun English tutorial in one or two clicks.

Our articles help improve your English. But a good teacher can handle this even better. At the Inglex online school, we combine strong teachers and the comfort of online classes. Try English via Skype on .

Universal apps for learning English

Let's start with English self-teaching apps. Of course, they will not replace your textbook or ours, but they will help diversify your learning. These apps have options to work on all English language skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Let's name the 2 most popular applications.

1. Lingualeo

Perhaps one of the best applications for learning English. Most of the exercises are completely free to work with. A paid account is inexpensive and allows you to take special grammar courses and also gives access to additional types of exercises. A free account will allow you to learn new words, hone your spelling skills, watch videos with subtitles, analyze song lyrics, etc.

What's good about Lingualeo? The authors have created a system that itself determines your weaknesses and strengths and develops a training program for you. All you have to do is follow the recommendations provided. Is it difficult to force yourself to study? The authors of the application took care of this too: a motivation system has also been developed for you. You need to feed Leo the Lion Cub with meatballs every day - complete tasks. If you study for 5 days in a row, you will receive a small but nice prize, for example, activation of a premium account for a day. The application works stably, there is a version for Android and iOS.

2. Duolingo

With this free app you can learn not only English, but also German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. It can be used as an additional guide with exercises for those learning English from scratch. An Internet connection is only needed to download the next stage. The course is divided into stages according to the principle “from simple to complex”. If you know the basics of the language, pass the initial stages early and move straight to the next level.

What's good about Duolingo? All skills are trained here: writing and oral speech(you will be asked to pronounce the phrases you have learned), reading and listening. The program works stably. There is a version for Android and iOS. Do you often forget about classes? The famous green owl will encourage you to study every day. Don't refuse her!

You watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.

You watch TV to turn off your brain, you work on the computer when you want to turn on your brain.

Applications for remembering English words

There are hundreds of different apps for learning English words on the Internet for Android and iPhone. We have selected the most popular and interesting programs that we recommend using in the process of learning the language. These applications work approximately the same: each word is trained by several different ways. We recommend that you study them daily and do not forget to periodically review the vocabulary you have learned. In one of our articles we said, try using the suggested techniques.

1. Easy Ten for or iOS. And also Fun easy learn English for Android or Words for iOS

Each of these applications contains several thousand words in English. All words are divided into groups and subgroups, each subgroup contains 5-10 words. This vocabulary will be developed through several types of tasks. You will need to select a picture for the word, translate it into Russian, write it under dictation, insert the missing letters into it, etc. Thus, you repeat the word several times, remember its sound and spelling.

2. Anki flashcards

This application for learning English words is available in versions for Android and iOS. Flashcards are a modern analogue of classic flashcards for learning English words on your tablet and phone. You get rid of the need to search for words yourself, because you will be offered ready-made sets for downloading. At the same time, you can make your own sets of flashcards if you want to learn specific words. It is much more convenient to work with such a proposal than with a stack of pieces of paper. Moreover, the application has a spaced repetition function: the program will make sure that you do not forget to repeat the learned vocabulary.

How to break the language barrier using a gadget

The best way to learn to speak English is with an interlocutor. Breaking the language barrier using a gadget is quite difficult. However, there are tricks that can help you keep your speaking skills up to par.

1. We talk on Skype

What progress has come... Now online communication is available both through a computer and through a smartphone or tablet. If the characteristics of the device allow and the communication quality is acceptable, you will be able to communicate with the interlocutor. Where to find a “victim” to talk to?

  • search on special sites like or;
  • look for an interlocutor among sociable friends or colleagues who are learning the language;
  • communicate with the teacher at our school. Of course, in this case it is better to conduct lessons using a computer, but if circumstances force you, you can also study on a mobile device

2. Repeat phrases after native speakers

Found an interesting video in English? Want to talk like the people in the video? Then turn on the recording and repeat the phrases after the characters. Sentences spoken several times will be stored in your memory, and later you will be able to use them in speech.

How to improve your listening comprehension of English using a gadget

1. Listen to podcasts and audio lessons

3. Listen to songs in English

This is rather entertainment, but your favorite songs can help you learn to understand English by ear. If you listen to a song and study its lyrics at the same time, the entertainment will turn into a fun listening exercise. In addition, you can learn a couple of new words, which will not be superfluous at all. You can study the lyrics of the songs on the sites or

How to learn English grammar on a tablet and phone

1. We work on special applications

Grammar in your pocket is not the name of the next bestseller from the “How to learn English in 3 hours” series, but our reality. To use all the rules of English “automatically”, you need to practice them as often as possible. And special applications for learning English will help you with this, for example, Johnny Grammar for iOS.

2. Testing our knowledge

All kinds of tests and online exercises give us a unique opportunity to test ourselves and discover weak spots in knowledge of grammar. We wrote an article. Create bookmarks for yourself and periodically visit these resources, test your knowledge and receive guidance for action. And for application lovers, we can recommend doing tests in Learn English Grammar, English Grammar Practice, Practice English Grammar, LearnEnglish Grammar.

3. Use a grammar book

The time of bulky textbooks is gradually passing. Today you can use electronic versions of famous publications and learn English using a mobile device. Not navigating the sea of ​​benefits? We have written a review for you, choose a suitable assistant from there. Moreover, there are special textbook applications that you can use on your smartphones and tablets.

4. Watch video tutorials

Do you watch videos on YouTube? Use this resource for good purposes: watch wonderful videos from native speakers, for example, this channel. Teacher Ronnie presents grammar simply and tastefully, you will be able to understand a difficult topic and at the same time practice your English listening skills. So, learning English grammar on your phone and tablet will definitely not seem boring to you.

How to improve your reading skills using mobile devices

1. Read the news

Reading news in English is a relatively simple but very rewarding task. Compared to reading fiction, it takes little time, but you can not only read in English, but also learn new words, as well as latest events in the world. We recommend using the Newsroom apps: News Worth Sharing or BBC News for Android and Newsy or BBC News for iOS.

2. Read books

IN public transport we often see people sitting with their noses in a book. This is a smart way to isolate yourself from others and make productive use of your time spent on the road. We recommend doing the same, and at the same time choosing the right “reading material” - books in English. For convenience, we recommend installing the reading application Moon+Reader for Android and iBooks for iOS. Where can I get the books themselves? Our article “” contains links to free libraries with adapted books and works in the original.

3. Read magazines

Do you like to read glossy magazines? You can do this on a smartphone or tablet and in English. Android owners should install the Google Play Press app to access a variety of English-language magazines. iOS owners have the Kiosk application pre-installed on their device, which allows you to download newspapers and magazines from this section.

4. Read articles on the Internet

We think that today it is almost impossible to find a person who does not use his mobile device to access the Internet. And this is good, because on the World Wide Web you will find wonderful, interesting, useful articles in English. Choose the topic yourself, the main thing is to read, preferably for at least 10-15 minutes every day. People with entry level knowledge, we recommend that you pay attention to the website, there are a lot of simple texts collected there. With an intermediate level and above, you can read articles on the website

5. Read interesting posts

And this “reading” is suitable for those who have a minimum of free time. Follow English learner accounts on Instagram or Twitter and read their posts. You will find both notes in English and tips for learning the language useful. For example, you can subscribe to our

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