Identification of dependencies between natural components using maps. Identification of dependencies between the components of nature. Main production areas

Born on February 10, 1890 in Moscow. Father - Leonid Osipovich (Isaak Iosifovich) Pasternak, artist. Mother - Rosalia Isidorovna Kaufman (1868-1939). Graduated with honors from the Moscow Conservatory in the composition department. In 1912 he graduated from Moscow University. In 1922 he married the artist Evgenia Lurie. Having divorced, he married Zinaida Neuhaus in 1932. Since 1948 he lived with Olga Ivinskaya. Had two sons. In 1958 he received the Nobel Prize. He was repeatedly harassed by the authorities. He died on May 30, 1960 in Peredelkino, Moscow region at the age of 70. He was buried at the Peredelkinskoye cemetery. Main works: “Doctor Zhivago”, “Childhood Grommets”, “It’s Snowing”, “Learn to Forgive”, “On Early Trains”, “Golden Autumn” and others.

Brief biography (details)

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak is one of the most famous poets of the 20th century, an outstanding Russian writer and laureate Nobel Prize on literature. The writer was born on February 10, 1890 in Moscow into a creative Jewish family. The writer's father was an artist, and his mother was a pianist. The Pasternak family was friends with such famous artists as I. Levitan, S. Ivanov, N. Ge. Musicians and writers also visited their house, among them L. Tolstoy, S. Rachmaninov, A. Scriabin and others.

Boris Pasternak received his education at the 5th Moscow Gymnasium, and then, after graduating with a gold medal, he entered the Faculty of Law of Moscow University. While studying philosophy, he attended lectures at European universities. In addition to philosophy, he was very interested in music. Under the influence of the composer Scriabin, he studied it for several years. Pasternak's first poems were published in 1913 in the collection Lyrics. Then his first collection, “Twin in the Clouds,” appeared. The writer became widely known only after the revolution, when the book “My Sister is My Life” was published.

In the 1920s, the writer was a member of the literary circle “LEF”, in which Mayakovsky, Brik, and Aseev participated. During these years, he published the collection “Themes and Variations”, and also created the poems “The Year 905” and “Lieutenant Schmidt”. In 1931, the poet went to Georgia. His impressions of the Caucasus were expressed in the poems of the “Waves” cycle. In the 1930s, the writer paid a lot of attention to translations of the works of Shakespeare, Goethe, Rilke and other outstanding writers. On the eve of the war, he wrote a cycle of poems “Peredelkino”. During the war years, the poet wrote mainly patriotic lyrics.

Pasternak wrote the famous novel Doctor Zhivago over many years and completed it in the late 1950s. For this work he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1958. At home, the novel caused sharp criticism and was banned from publication, and the author himself was expelled from the Writers' Union. In Russia, the novel was published only in 1988 in the magazine “New World”. The last book of Pasternak's poems was released in the late 1950s and was called “When it clears up.” The writer died of a serious illness on May 30, 1960 in the Moscow region.

Boris Pasternak is considered one of the greatest poets and writers of the 20th century. In 1958 he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Enjoying enormous popularity all over the world, in his homeland the writer was constantly persecuted by the Soviet authorities.

So, here is the biography of Boris Pasternak ().

Brief biography of Pasternak

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak was born on January 29, 1890 in an intelligent family. His mother was a talented pianist, and his father worked as an artist and was a member of the Academy of Arts. Some of his paintings can still be seen today in the Tretyakov Gallery.

It is interesting that the head of the family had friendly relations with, and even drew illustrations for his works.

Childhood and youth

Boris was the first child in the family, after which his parents had three more children. The Pasternak family was well known in the circles of the creative intelligentsia.

There were often people like this in the house famous personalities, like Scriabin, Levitan, Ge and other artists. Such a society could not but influence the development of Boris’s personality.

For example, he admired Scriabin’s works so much that in the future he wanted to connect his life with music.

During his studies, various subjects were easy for him, thanks to which he graduated from the gymnasium with honors. At the same time, Pasternak studied at the conservatory. However, after some time, he suddenly abandoned his musical career.

Later, Boris Leonidovich explained his action by the lack of absolute pitch. He realized that he was unlikely to be able to reach any heights on the musical Olympus.

In 1908, the future poet entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Law. After studying for only a year, he decides to transfer to the philosophy department.

In 1912 he entered the University of Marburg and continued to study philosophy. Studying was easy for him, and many predicted a brilliant career for him. However, after completing his studies, he suddenly decides to become a poet rather than a philosopher.

The beginning of a creative biography

Pasternak's first poems were composed at the age of 20. They were the result of his love experiences. And although the poems were still childish in their structure, the meaning contained in them was serious and very meaningful.

After a trip to Marburg, Boris takes part in the Moscow literary circles “Lyrics” and “Musaget”, where he manages to read his own works. Initially, he was very interested in symbolism and futurism, but soon he ceased to be interested in these areas.

The biographical period of 1913-1914 turned out to be intense and rich in impressions for him. He was able to publish his first collection of poems, “Twin in the Clouds.”

However, the poet himself claimed that his writings had many flaws. In 1914, he met with, the meeting with whom made a huge impression on him.

In 1916, Pasternak lived in the Perm province, in the Ural village of Vsevolodo-Vilva. He was a business correspondence assistant and dealt with trade and financial reporting.


Pasternak took his creativity very seriously and made every effort to improve his style as much as possible.

He experimented a lot with his writing style, trying to achieve the pinnacle of his writing skills.

According to the poet himself, the collection “My Sister is Life,” published in 1922, became his first achievement in the literary field.

His relationship with, who harshly criticized Pasternak’s works, deserves special attention. In this regard, there was an open struggle between the two poets, which one day escalated from verbal to physical.

One day, in the editorial office of Krasnaya Nov, he attacked Pasternak with his fists, as a result of which a real commotion began in the publication.

In the 1920s, a series of events took place in the writer’s biography. important events: immigration of parents to Germany, marriage to Eugenia Lurie, birth of a child and publication of new works.

In the 30s soviet government recognized the work of Pasternak. His works were republished annually, and in 1934 he was able to give a speech at the congress of the Writers' Union. At that time he was considered the leading Soviet poet.

In 1935, Boris Leonidovich went to the International Congress of Writers. During the trip he had an breakdown. As a result, he began to suffer from insomnia and nervous system disorders.

In the same year, the arrest of her son and husband occurs. Pasternak does not stand aside and immediately stands up for them. He writes a letter in which he asks for the release of Akhmatova’s relatives.

His efforts were not in vain, and both prisoners were released. Boris Leonidovich thanked the leader for his quick release by sending him a book with translations of Georgian poets as a gift.

Later, Pasternak will also stand up for and (see). With such actions, he turned government officials against himself. He begins to be subjected to severe persecution, along with accusations that his worldview is “wrong.”

At the same time, 2 poems came out from his pen, in which the poet extols the personality of Joseph Stalin. However, they could no longer help him avoid disgrace from the “interested authorities.”


Due to the fact that Pasternak's works were no longer published, he began to experience financial difficulties. This prompted him to take up translations of foreign poetry. He took his jobs seriously and tried his best to do them to the best of his ability.

Usually, translation activities The writer studied at his dacha in Peredelkino. His works received great critical acclaim.

As a result, Boris Leonidovich was able not only to improve his financial situation, but also to realize himself as a poet.

Patriotic War

Pasternak could not go to the front due to an injury received in childhood. Therefore, he decided to complete special courses and become a war correspondent.

During this time, he managed to see all the horrors with his own eyes and collect a lot of materials on this topic. Upon returning home, patriotic poems emerge from his pen.

IN post-war period There are no noticeable changes in Pasternak’s biography, so he still has to engage in translation work in order to feed his family.

Doctor Zhivago and bullying

Perhaps one of Pasternak's most famous novels is Doctor Zhivago. This work became fatal in his biography.

Essentially, this novel was autobiographical and was written over 10 years. Prototype main character became his wife Zinaida.

The plot of the book takes place from the beginning of the 20th century and ends with World War II. Due to its too realistic retelling of the events of that time, the book was severely criticized by censors.

During this period of his biography, Pasternak falls in love with Zinaida Neuhaus, who was 8 years younger than him. In addition, she had a husband and two small children.

The girl was the complete opposite of Evgenia. She devoted herself entirely to raising her children and paid great attention to her husband. Pasternak fell in love with her at first sight, and forgave her any insults.

Here it should be noted that, despite the separation from Evgenia Lurie, Pasternak always helped her.

Over time, Zinaida and Boris had a son, Leonid. Their marriage lasted more than 10 years. After the writer began to actively work at his dacha, his previous feelings for Neuhaus began to cool.

Soon he met the editor of the magazine " New world» – Olga Ivinskaya. At the same time, Pasternak did not try to leave his wife, but did everything possible to break with his new love, Olga.

Pasternak (second from left), Sergei Eisenstein (third from left), Lilya Brik (fourth from right), Vladimir Mayakovsky (third from right) and others

In 1949, for her relationship with the disgraced writer, Ivinskaya was arrested and sent into five years of exile. During all this time, Boris Leonidovich helped Olga’s parents in every possible way.

The events he experienced seriously affected the poet’s health. In 1952, he was hospitalized with a heart attack. Upon returning from exile, Ivinskaya was Pasternak's personal secretary until last days his life.


Continuous bullying from colleagues and authorities negatively affected Pasternak's general health. In the spring of 1960, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. When he was in the hospital, Zinaida was next to him.

On May 30, 1960, Boris Pasternak passed away at the age of 70. By a fatal accident, Zinaida Neuhaus will die from the same disease, but later.

Despite the negative attitude from the authorities, many people came to say goodbye to Pasternak, including.

The poet's grave is located in the cemetery in Peredelkino.

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Practical work for the course "Geography" 8th grade

Practical work №1

Geographical location of Russia

Goal of the work: formation of knowledge about the features geographical location RF


Using the textbook text, plan and atlas maps, characterize the Russian State Enterprise

On the outline map of Russia:

Indicate in red state border Russia;

Determine the length of Russia from north to south using 100 O e.d. and from west to east along 60 O north latitude (to Shelikhov Bay);

Sign the names of the states bordering Russia;

Write the names of the seas and oceans washing the shores of Russia (including the Caspian Sea);

Designate extreme points Russia, indicate their names and determine their geographical coordinates.

Practical work No. 2

Solving problems to determine standard time

Purpose of work: developing the ability to determine standard time


Option 1.

1. Determine the local time in Yakutsk if it is noon in Murmansk.

2. Determine the standard time in Anadyr, if it is 10 am in St. Petersburg.

3.Local time settlement differs from Moscow by 6 hours. In what time zone is this point located?

4. How much and where should the clock hands be set for passengers flying from Yakutsk to Moscow?

5. Determine when, Moscow time, a plane that took off from Novosibirsk (5th zone) at 11 a.m. local time and was in flight for 5 hours will land in Moscow (2nd zone).

Option 2.

1. Determine the local time of Verkhoyansk if it is midnight in Novosibirsk.

2. Determine the standard time in Yakutsk if it is 15:00 in Moscow.

3. The local time of the locality differs from Moscow by 5 hours. What time zone is this location in?

4. How much and where should the clock hands be set for passengers flying from Anadyr to Yakutsk?

5. The plane took off at 9 o’clock local time from Yakutsk (8th zone) to Moscow (2nd zone). When, Moscow time, a plane lands in Moscow after being in flight for 5 hours.

Practical work No. 3

Designation on the contour map of the main landforms

Purpose of the work: to get acquainted with the main forms of relief of Russia


Using the text of the textbook and the atlas map, mark on the contour map the main relief forms of Russia, highlighted in italics in the text of the paragraph

Practical work No. 4

Establishing the interdependence of tectonic structures, relief and minerals

Purpose of work: developing skills in the integrated use of tectonic and physical card to identify the relationship between tectonic structure, relief and minerals



Tectonic structure

The corresponding landform


West Siberian Plain

Conclude that there is a relationship between tectonic structure, relief and minerals

Practical work No. 5

Determination of total radiation and humidification coefficient for individual geographical objects using a climate map

Purpose of work: developing skills to work with various types climate maps and synoptic map


Using atlas maps, text and textbook maps, fill out the table:


solar radiation (kcal.cm2/year)

Average January temperature

Average temperature in July

Annual quantity

in precipitation

Humidity coefficient



Draw a conclusion about the distribution patterns of the total solar radiation, air temperature, precipitation and evaporation

Practical work No. 6

Characteristics of the river according to plan

Purpose of work: developing the skills to compose a detailed description of a river using various sources of information


Using textbook text, physical, climate maps, map water resources and climatograms of the atlas, a map of environmental problems, give a description of one of the rivers of Russia according to a standard plan:

Option 1 - Lena

Option 2 - Cupid

Geographical position of the river on the territory of Russia (in which part of Russia the river flows);

Location of the river source, flow direction, mouth;

Which ocean or internal drainage basin does the river belong to?

River power sources

Water mode type

River fall and slope

Flow characteristics

Economic use of the river

Conclusion: What determines the fall of a river, its nutrition and its regime?

Practical work No. 7

Identification of dependencies between the components of nature using the example of one of the zones

Purpose of the work: to develop skills to show, using specific examples, the relationships that exist between natural components in a natural area


Using the textbook text, atlas maps, and additional literature, describe the natural steppe zone.

Geographical position

Climate (temperature in January, July, precipitation, humidity)

Typical plants (traits of adaptation to living conditions)

Typical animals and their adaptation to living conditions

Ecological problems

Practical work No. 8

Characteristics of human working and living conditions in one of the natural areas

Purpose of the work: developing the ability to assess the living conditions and human activities in any natural area.


Features of the geographical location

Climate Features

Peculiarities inland waters

Soil Features

Features of flora and fauna

Natural area that includes the area

Draw a conclusion about human living conditions and activities, about human adaptation to life in extreme conditions.

Practical work No. 9

Geographical location of the Ivanovo region

Purpose of the work: to develop the ability to assess the geographical location of your area using atlas maps and additional literature


Using the map on page 4, determine in which natural area the Ivanovo region is located.

Using the map on page 5, find out which regions the Ivanovo region borders on and where.

Determine the extent of the area from north to south and from west to east.

What is the area of ​​our region?

How many administrative districts stands out in our region?

Determine the geographic coordinates of Ivanov and Privolzhsk.

Practical work No. 10

Grade natural conditions Ivanovo region.


1.What is the altitude of the area in the Ivanovo region?

2. In which part of the region is the lowest height found? What is it equal to?

3. What minerals are there in the Ivanovo region?

4.What climate zone is the Ivanovo region located in?

5. What is the average temperature in January and July? (Specify where)

6.What is the greatest amount of precipitation?

7. Where in the region were the lowest and highest temperatures observed? Which?

8. To which river basins do all the rivers of the Ivanovo region belong?

9. Name the 2 most large lakes region

10. Characterize the soils of the Volga region

Practical work No. 11

Grade natural resources Ivanovo region

Purpose of the work: to develop the ability to assess the natural resources of your area using atlas maps and additional literature


1. Using atlas maps Ivanovo region and additional literature, please describe:

A) agroclimatic resources

B) mineral (quantitative and qualitative assessment)

B) soil resources

D) water resources

D) biological resources

2. Conclusion: give an assessment of natural resources for the development of the economy of the Ivanovo region

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