What kind of pens are available on the Unified State Examination? Pen for the Unified State Exam: why the exam is written in black ink. What does violation of procedure mean?

Why it is so important to choose the right writing instrument, read the material “Vsluh.ru”.

A turbulent time is approaching for school graduates - the passing of the Unified state exam(USE). In this fateful process, everything is important: preparation, attitude, concentration and – the right handle! Why it is so important to choose the right writing instrument, read the material “Vsluh.ru”.

Crisp black

It turned out that there are special rules for filling out Unified State Exam forms; they can be found on many resources, for example, on the official information portal of the Unified State Exam.

In accordance with the rules, all Unified State Exam forms are filled out with a black gel or capillary pen.

In addition, there are requirements for symbols and marks in the fields of forms - they should not be too thick. The Unified State Examination participant is required to depict each number and letter, carefully copying the sample at the top of the form. Careless writing of characters may result in the character being incorrectly recognized during automated processing.

As reported by the press service of the Department of Education and Science Tyumen region, pens should really be exclusively black. Materials are scanned, checked and stored in in electronic format, therefore it is necessary that the answers are clearly visible.

Notes made with ordinary ballpoint pens give so-called “glimpses”, which the computer cannot always correctly recognize.

There is also the following argument in favor of gel pens: the refill of a ballpoint pen can leave smear marks, and blue ink is shinier than black ink. And black gel pens allow you to make clear and “clean” notes without blots.

A matter of technology

The Unified State Exam in the regions is carried out by executive authorities - in our region it is the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region. And the technical side - processing exam forms - is the prerogative of the Tyumen Regional state institute development of regional education (TOGIRRO).

As the head of the TOGIRRO center for assessing the quality of education told Vslukh.ru Sergey Lunev, previously, after the exam, all forms were collected and taken to one processing center. There they were scanned and uploaded to the official information portal of the Unified State Exam. Now the processing scheme has changed: there are 47 points in the Tyumen region conducting the Unified State Exam, in each of them there is a station for scanning forms.

Immediately after the exam, the head of the headquarters of the Unified State Examination point receives envelopes with forms from each audience. The forms are handed over to a technical specialist, who scans them and transmits them electronically to the regional information processing center (RTC) and to the federal level.

Scanners made in Japan allow you to quickly and efficiently scan a document and obtain an image. However, they also need help. Application of black gel pen- most The best way filling out the form for recognition using a digital scanner. According to Sergei Lunev, it is not advisable to allow forms to be filled out with blue pens - their ink can be too faded, which will cause difficulties when scanning. And neither the organizers nor the test takers need this.

Fallback option

The TOGIRRO specialist recalled that graduates have been writing their exams with black pens from the very beginning of the Unified State Exam. Children are well aware of this requirement, because rehearsal exams are held in the region for grades 9 and 11. This is a complete imitation of the Unified State Exam and OGE procedure. In addition, the Unified State Examination centers are provided with spare pens. If a careless child does not take a pen or suddenly runs out of it, no one will leave him in trouble. They will definitely provide him with a spare one.

There are no statistics on damaged or ungraded Unified State Examination forms in the region. However, there are several options when work may not be counted. For example, a graduate does work in draft form and does not have time to transfer the answers to the form. Sergey Lunev recalled one such case in 2013. A problem can also arise when writing an exam with a dubious pen - the scanner simply will not see the answers. But there were no such cases in our region.

In each Unified State Examination classroom there are organizers who closely monitor the right choice writing materials.

Sometimes on the Internet and assortment of retail chains you can find pens that say “Set for the Unified State Exam”. Sergey Lunev denied the need to purchase any specific pens - any gel or capillary pen that writes well will do. The designation of a product “especially for the Unified State Exam” can be called a commercial move on the part of the manufacturer. Therefore, choosing the right accessory will not be a hassle.


on filling out answer forms for OGE participants

1. All machine-readable forms are completed in bright black ink. Only gel or capillary pens can be used.

Attention! Characters entered into the answer form with a ballpoint pen may not be recognized or incorrectly recognized during automated processing of forms, which can have a significant impact on the result of checking the work.

2. The OGE participant must depict every number and letter in all fields of the answer form.№1 , carefully copying a sample of its spelling from the line with sample spellings of characters located at the topanswer form No. 1. Careless writing of characters may result in the character being incorrectly recognized during automated processing.

3. Each field in the forms is filled out, starting from the first cell (including the field for entering the last name, first name and patronymic of the OGE participant).

4. If an OGE participant does not have information to fill out a field, he must leave it blank (do not make dashes).

5. It is strictly prohibited:

- make any entries or notes in the fields of the forms, outside the fields of the forms, or in fields filled out in a typographical manner that are not related to the contents of the fields of the forms;

- use colored pens instead of black pens to fill out forms, a pencil (even for rough entries on forms), means for correcting information entered on forms (“proofreader”, etc.).

6. On the answer sheet№2 , and also on the additional answer form No. 2 there should be no marks containing information about the identity of the OGE participant.

7. When writing down answers, you must strictly follow the instructions for completing the work (for a group of tasks, individual tasks) specified in the test measuring material(hereinafter referred to as KIM).

Filling out answer form No. 1

1. Answer form No. 1 is intended for recording answers to multiple-choice and short-answer tasks.

2. At the direction of the responsible organizer in the audience, the GIA-9 participant fills in all fields except for fields for official use (“Reserve”).

3. Information to fill out the form is written on the board before the exam begins.

font-size:14.0pt">Sample of filling out the form:


4. The answer area for multiple-choice questions consists of a horizontal row of four cells. In order to mark the number of the answer that the OGE participant considers correct, he must put an X mark (cross) in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer he has chosen. An example of writing a label is given on answer form No. 1. For ease of use, the cells are numbered.

5. When completing the answer area for multiple-choice assignments, you must strictly follow the instructions for completing the work and make no more than one mark. If there are several tags, such a task will obviously be considered incorrectly completed.

6. In the area of ​​answers to multiple-choice tasks, one should not allow accidental marks, blots, streaks of smeared ink, etc., since during automated processing these can be recognized as answers to CMM tasks. If it was not possible to avoid accidental marks, they should be replaced with those answers that the OGE participant considers correct in the “Replacing erroneous answers” ​​area.

7. The answer is replaced by filling in the appropriate fields in the area for replacing erroneous answers.

8. In order to replace an erroneous answer, you should enter the number of the erroneously completed task in the field of the area for replacing erroneous answers, and enter the mark of the correct answer in the row of cells. If the number of the same task is entered several times in the replacement fields for an erroneous answer, the last correction will be taken into account (counting from top to bottom and from left to right).

9. The answer area for short answer items consists of a horizontal row of cells. The short answer is written to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell. It is recommended to first write down the answers on a draft or on KIM sheets, and then transfer them to answer form No. 1.

10. The form of the short answer is established in the KIM forms for the corresponding subject.

Sample CMM instructions:

11. Each number (letter or sign) is written in a separate box, strictly according to the model from the top of the form. It is not allowed to use any symbols other than Cyrillic characters when writing the answer to tasks with a short answer, Arabic numerals, comma, hyphen (minus), as well as semicolons (mathematics, task No. 4).

12. If the short answer is a phrase, then it is written according to the rule: the first word is written in full, the second and all other words are written in a row without spaces or other symbols (one symbol per cell, as many as will fit).

13. If the short answer must be a word missing in a certain sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should appear in the sentence.

14. If in a short answer it is required to list the numbers of sentences, etc., then the numbers are written in a row without being separated by a space or commas.

For example, answers to assignments

Q1: “I felt offended and left”

Q2: “Sentences that satisfy the condition: 1,2,7”

will be written down in the form:

15. If the numerical answer is obtained in the form common fraction, then it should be converted to a decimal fraction. In the answer written in the form decimal, a comma should be specified as a separator in a separate cell.

16. If the answer is received in the form of a negative number, then the minus sign is placed in a separate cell.

17. The answer to tasks involving establishing correspondence is the number obtained in the correspondence table.

18. The answer to task No. 4 in mathematics can be two numbers (roots quadratic equation), which are written in any sequence separated by semicolons.

For example, answers to tasks:

B1 "-2.4"

B2 “Conformity table:

B3 “roots of the quadratic equation x1=3.1 and x2=- 4"

in the answer form are written in the form:


19. Answer form No. 1 provides fields for recording new options for answers to tasks with a short answer to replace those that were erroneously recorded.

20. To change the answer to a task with a short answer, entered into answer form No. 1, you must enter the number of the task being corrected in the appropriate replacement fields and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

Filling out answer form No. 2

1. Answer form No. 2 is intended for recording answers to tasks with a detailed answer.

2. At the top of the answer sheet№2 there is a vertical barcode, a horizontal barcode, and fields “Item Code”, “Item Name”, “Additional Answer Form No. 2”, “Sheet No. 1” and “Reserve”.

3. Fields “Subject code” and “Subject name” are filled in by the OGE participant in accordance with the instructions of the responsible organizer in the audience.

4. Field “Additional answer form No. 2” is filled out by the organizer in the audience when issuing an additional answer form No. 2, entering in this field the digital value of the barcode of the additional answer form No. 2 (located under the barcode of the form), which is issued to the OGE participant.

5. In the field “Sheet No.” the organizer in the audience, when issuing an additional answer form No. 2, enters the serial number of the work sheet of the OGE participant (in this case, sheet No. 1 is the main answer form No. 2, which the OGE participant received as part of an individual set).

Sample of filling out the fields of answer form No. 2:

6. At the bottom of the form there is an area for recording answers to tasks with the answer in expanded form. In this area, the OGE participant writes down detailed answers to the corresponding tasks strictly in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the CMM and individual CMM tasks.

7. All notes and drawings on answer form No. 2 are made with a black helium pen and in legible handwriting. When recording answers, you should not place entries outside the checkered field.

8. If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of answer form No. 2, the OGE participant can continue writing on the back side of the form, making the entry “look on the back” at the bottom of the front side. For convenience, all pages of the answer form№ 2 numbered and lined with dotted lines “in a box”.

9. When writing down answers, it is necessary to follow the markings of the sheet (not to go beyond the “boxed” markings), since when scanning the characters written in the margins of the sheet will be “cut off”.

10. If there is not enough space for answers on the main answer form No. 2, the OGE participant can continue writing on the additional answer form No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant in the event that there is no space left on the main answer form No. 2. If you fill out the additional answer form No. 2 while the main answer form No. 2 is not completed, the answers entered in the additional answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.

The conditions of the Unified State Exam clearly define what exactly needs to be written. In fact, organizers don’t care what kind of writing instruments are used former schoolchildren If you dream of entering a particular university, the students themselves should be interested in the quality of their work. From this article you will learn how to choose the right pen for subsequent writing the Unified State Exam and successfully pass the exam.

Why is this so important?

Alas, the technology used is imperfect and the scanner is able to recognize a lot, but everything. So, for example, if the ink is faded, your answer will not appear in the examiner's copy and, therefore, you will lose one point or two or three at once. It is for this reason that it is forbidden to write with a pencil, pastes of various colors and use an eraser, since it makes the structure of the paper of the Unified State Examination answer form heterogeneous. With all this, a very thick pen mark can be read by the computer and perceived as an answer, although in fact the meaning was completely different. The smear rod can also leave an unwanted tail on the one and it will be recognized as a four. Note that all this applies equally to both the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

So that such a trifle as an incorrectly selected pen does not spoil your Unified State Exam result Having closed the road to your dream university, we advise you to be attentive and careful in this matter. Here are tips that can make things easier for you:

  1. You should choose a pen at least a week, or even two, in advance. The fact is that no one knows how the rod that you purchased on the eve of the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam will behave. Everyone knows that at first pens can write poorly, scratch the paper, and during an exam, spending time on writing is an unaffordable luxury.
  2. Buy two pens and take them both to the exam, because one of them may suddenly stop writing. In addition, if you drop it, the writing ball may fall out of some refills, which will not give you a happy test.
  3. Do not take a handle that is too thick or thin; the main criterion in this matter is convenience, not beauty!
  4. Remember, the rod should be black, not blue or purple.
  5. Sign your pen in advance, or better yet, go to classes with it for a couple of days. This way you will adapt and appreciate its writing qualities. What if she leaves gaps in the letter? Anything is possible.
  6. The instructions recommend the use of gel, capillary and fountain pens. For some, a pen may be familiar and convenient, but such ink is afraid of moisture. Just think what will happen if you sneeze, cough over what you’ve written, or spill water... Therefore, we don’t recommend the last option.

That's all, actually. Good luck!

According to the instructions, this is what the beginning of the Unified State Exam should look like.

Children, accompanied by the exam organizers, go to the desired audience.

During the experiment in 2001 and 2002, we gradually learned how the Unified State Exam is conducted. Many pitfalls of the new exam have been identified. However, every year new problems appear (or are identified).
Many of them are associated with a native Russian phenomenon: first we don’t read the instructions, and then we get upset that we were treated unfairly.

Instructional materials for the organizers of the Unified State Exam in 2003 were published by the Testing Center of the Ministry of Education in a huge circulation of 80 thousand copies. But this book, which describes in detail the entire procedure of the Unified State Examination and is even equipped with pictures (so that the disposition is clear even to Pinocchio, who cannot read), is intended for the organizers of the Unified State Examination - educational leaders at all levels, university teachers, employees of regional quality assessment centers and subject commissions. There is not much chance that the instructions will fall into the hands of teachers. And even more so - parents. And so we decided to introduce our readers to the main points of this document, retelling them in human language.

Unified State Exam in black
“All graduates participating in the Unified State Exam,” the instructions say, “must, before May 15, 2003, receive from the administration of their educational institution a pass that indicates the Unified State Exam subjects, the address of the Unified State Exam point, the dates and times of the start of the exams, the codes of the educational institution and the point conducting the Unified State Exam, these instructions and other information. An entry must be made in the registration register regarding the issue of a pass.” What should you bring to the Unified State Examination? The first is an exam pass (completed and registered), which indicates the time and place conducting the exam

, passport (or other identification document), gel or capillary fountain pen with black ink, or fountain pen with black ink. Black color is required.

Why is it not recommended to use ballpoint pens on the Unified State Exam? And why black paste?
This is not a whim of the exam organizers. And in general this is a very serious thing. Information entered into the Unified State Exam forms is scanned and recognized by a computer without human intervention.
All letters and numbers from the forms are converted into symbols by the machine. The outline drawn with a ballpoint pen provides “glimpses” that the computer often cannot recognize correctly. The blue ink shines even more. To make it easier for the machine to scan forms, editors work on processing Unified State Examination materials, with whom the computer is forced to “consult” when it cannot understand what a particular letter or number in a completed form means. The computer displays its doubts on the screen, highlighting doubtful areas in red. The editor looks at the screen and presses a key to give a command to correct an unrecognized letter or number.
Of course, it is better for the work to be checked without the intervention of the editor (after all, like any person, he can make mistakes!). Therefore, ballpoint pens are not recommended for the Unified State Examination. However, if your students have no choice, ask them to trace the outlines of letters and numbers written in ballpoint pen as carefully as possible (two or three times).
Another tip - if the fountain pen leaves a thick line, then it is better to put a diagonal in the empty answer boxes rather than a cross.

A cross drawn with a thick rod is more difficult to recognize by a computer.

Schoolchildren must be accustomed in advance to the idea of ​​great punctuality when filling out Unified State Examination forms. The computer does not forgive negligence. If in the form with answers to the tasks of part A (where the student needs to select an answer option and put a cross) the paste from the pen is smeared or a blot falls, then during automated processing the machine will take this as answers to the test questions! And remember. “Unified State Examination forms cannot be replaced if the rules for their execution are violated” (Instructions for filling out Unified State Examination forms dated March 7, 2003). What should you bring to the Unified State Examination?
At the graduate's workplace during the Unified State Exam, along with these items permitted by the order of the Ministry of Education, there should only be: a passport lying open on the table, an exam pass, a fountain pen and exam materials from an individual package. These materials consist of KIMs, a registration form, a draft form and answer forms No. 1 (tasks A and B) and No. 2 (task C).

Children must fill out a registration Unified State Examination form following the instructions of the exam organisers.

Sign carefully!

Students are only allowed to open packets when instructed by the exam organisers.
Failure to open packages in a timely manner may be considered a violation of discipline in the classroom (see below).
When filling out the registration form, advise students to pay attention to the bottom of the form: there the student has the right to note his complaints about the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in this audience. Based on the experience of 2002, it is known that children expressed their complaints in almost one case out of 10 thousand. This gave reason to the curator of the Unified State Exam, First Deputy Minister of Education Viktor Bolotov, to note that “in general, there were no procedural violations at the Unified State Exam.” However, the silence of schoolchildren regarding the procedural matter may be due to the fact that graduates are afraid to write complaints on a form with their last name.
If during the exam a graduate actually discovered problems (the organizers prompted the students, the students changed options in front of adults, it was too noisy, too stuffy, etc.), then they are worth noting.

Explain that such an appeal cannot be anonymous, if only because its facts will be verified. As a rule, not everyone and not always succeeds in filing a separate appeal against the Unified State Exam procedure (see below).

Last year, some schoolchildren who did not have a passport with them were not allowed to take the Unified State Exam.

“A graduate’s birth certificate is not an identity document,” the instructions say. However, it is unacceptable to prohibit children from participating in the exam or to send them “to run home to get a passport and quickly back.”

The teacher accompanying the children must reject such demands. “The duty of authorized representatives is to assist graduates in difficult situations,” the instructions say. This is one of the “difficult situations”. Of course, the exhausted exam organizers don’t really want to bother with the preparation of the protocol. But the teacher is obliged to attest to the student’s identity and insist on drawing up a protocol (a sample is available in the Instructional Materials for Unified State Exam organizers).

After this procedure, the child can be allowed into the classroom without any identification. Within two days after the exam, the “passportless” student must provide the school with passport information so that the teachers can send it to the regional information processing center. If a student only has a birth certificate (he has not yet received a passport), then the birth certificate data is entered into the registration data for the Unified State Exam. In this case, a protocol is drawn up in advance. This is what the instructions say when submitting the Unified State Exam forms after the exams are over. You must make a dash Z in the margins of the form. How to get to the exam point?

How and by what routes to transport students to the place where the Unified State Exam is held must be decided by the education department. But if from the school to the venue

Unified State Exam is smaller hours of independent driving, the instructions allow students to get to the exam site on their own. The student must appear at the exam point no later than half an hour before the start of the Unified State Exam. and other means of communication."

However, you cannot remove a USE participant from the audience with the vague wording “behaving badly.”

In order to pass the Unified State Examination, you need to draw up a protocol where the reason will be precisely indicated, certified by the signature of the organizer of the exam in this audience and the head of the examination site. In the future, the municipal education authority must order an official investigation into this case and decide how the graduate will continue to take exams.
How to file an appeal? The procedure for filing an appeal against the Unified State Examination procedure is quite strict. After completing the exam, without leaving the classroom, the student must ask the exam organizer in his classroom for a special procedural appeal form. After filling out the form, you must personally hand it over to an authorized representative of the state examination commission. Anyone who goes beyond the examination point is deprived of the right to file an appeal. It is not surprising that practically no complaints were recorded about the Unified State Examination procedure in 2002. The instruction does not give the graduate the right to appeal the content of CIMs. If the content

test tasks

seemed doubtful to him, if he saw errors (or typos) in them, the student has the right to demand that his complaints be included in the protocol of the Unified State Examination at this point of the exam (indicating the option, task and content of the comment).
What does a violation of procedure mean?
It is interesting that children who are given the right to write down their comments on the exam procedure on the exam form cannot always detect these violations. In some cases, it is easier for adults to notice problems. Adults, after all, don’t solve problems on the Unified State Exam, and therefore can look around. But adults do not have the right to appeal!
Let us briefly list some violations of the Unified State Exam procedure, which are given in the instructions.
P. 3.19. Teachers who arrived with students at the examination point are prohibited from being in the classrooms during the examination. At this time, the presence of the press is also prohibited, which must leave the classroom before the start of the Unified State Exam.
P. 3.20. Public observers may be present at the examination site if they have permission from the education authorities.
P. 4.7. According to the instructions, you cannot place all graduates of one class in one classroom.
P. 4.11. No later than 45 minutes before the start of the Unified State Exam, the exam organizers must be distributed among the audiences publicly, by selecting candidates using a special computer program provided by the Testing Center. An oral recommendation to teachers like “You will go there, and you will go there” is a violation of the instructions.
Section 5.3. Opening or repackaging of exam materials is strictly prohibited. All of them come from Moscow, packed in secure packs of 15 sealed individual bags. Each delivery package must contain three empty Sekyurpak delivery packages with special markings - they are intended for sending completed Unified State Examination forms for processing.
P. 6.30. The instructions prohibit unauthorized movement of exam organizers from one classroom to another. They are not allowed to use mobile phones or any other means of communication.

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"First of September"

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