Comparative analysis of poems by F. Tyutchev and A. A. Fet. Poetry of “pure art”. Text of F. Tyutchev’s poem “How good you are, O night sea...”

Questions and tasks for comparative analysis

1. What are these poems about? Do they have allegorical overtones?

3. How is the poetic concept of Tyutchev’s world and Fet’s world reflected in each of the poems?

4. Identify the features of the artistic form of each poem. What poetic meaning can be seen in this?

5. Compare the vocabulary, syntax, poetic intonations of the poems. Draw conclusions about the similarities and differences between the feelings and images of these poems.

6. Draw conclusions about the main features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Fet, manifested in these poems.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher, together with the class, draws up a summary table, which is written down in notebooks.

Features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Fet

Tyutchev Fet
The philosophical nature of the lyrics, the thought in which always merges with the image. The poet’s desire to comprehend the life of the Universe and man’s place in it, to comprehend the secrets of space and human existence The tragic nature of the lyrics, the dominant feeling is tension. At the same time, Fet’s poetry is characterized by light and optimism. Dialectics of tragedy and joy, overcoming dramatic situations with a sense of harmony of the world
Life, according to Tyutchev, is a confrontation between hostile forces. But the dramatic perception of reality is combined with inexhaustible love for all its manifestations. Love, according to Tyutchev, is almost always a tragedy leading to hopelessness and death, but it is love that gives a person the greatest spiritual rise, a feeling of happiness Life in Fet's poems is a moment fixed in eternity. Beauty in his poems is suffering overcome, joy gained from pain. Love is also a manifestation of the primordial beauty and harmony of the world, which help a person to rise above everyday life and find a foothold for spiritual impulses
The human “I” in relation to nature is not a drop in the ocean, but two equal infinities. The invisible movements of the human soul are in tune with the visible dialectics of nature. Day and usual life- these are the veils that hide the primordial chaos of the world, visible at night. The human soul is initially also chaos. The impressionistic nature of the depiction of feelings, their fragmentation and extreme imagery. At the same time, the strict artistic structure of the poems and their internal balance are combined with a feeling of sketchiness and deliberate raggedness.
The figurative system of lyrics combines the objective realities of the external world and the subjective impressions of this world made on the poet. Mastery in depicting the harmony of the objective realities of the external world and the depth of the internal world Unexpected and bright colors, sounds, smells of the world are created by the increased metaphorical nature of poetry, the dynamism and musicality of artistic images. Mood prevails over thought, thought is “dissolved” in music, which is also a manifestation of beauty
The poet's skill in creating phonetic and pictorial images, combining sound recording with an unexpected palette of colors and color images Mastery in the use of parallelisms, repetitions, periods, rhythmic pauses, richness and depth of poetic intonations, sound instrumentation

Topics of essays on the lyrics of Tyutchev and Fet

1. Is it possible to hear the “beat of the soul” of the poet in Tyutchev’s lyrics?

2. What is the dialectic between nature and the inner world of man in Tyutchev’s lyrics?

3. What is the “bliss and hopelessness” of last love in Tyutchev’s lyrics?

4. How were his historical and political views reflected in Tyutchev’s lyrics?

5. How did he manifest himself in Tyutchev’s landscape lyrics? philosophical views?

6. Why does Tyutchev’s lyrical hero love “murderously”?

7. Color and sound in Tyutchev’s lyrics.

8. The unity of chaos and space in Tyutchev’s poetry.

1. Civilization and the fate of Russia in the works of Tyutchev.

2. “The native land of long-suffering...” (based on Tyutchev’s lyrics).

3. “You can’t understand Russia with your mind...” (according to Tyutchev’s lyrics).

4. Mine favorite poem Tyutcheva (Feta): perception, interpretation, evaluation.

5. What is the “poetic audacity” of Fet’s lyrics?

6. What is unique about the theme of love in Fet’s lyrics?

7. What is the stylistic role of metaphors in the poetry of F. I. Fet?

8. "What is beauty?" (N. Zabolotsky). (According to Fet's lyrics).

9. Impressionism of Fet's poetry.

10. Why does Fet’s lyrical self have joy as overcoming suffering?

11. Comparative analysis of two poems by Tyutchev (Fet). (At students' choice).

12. What are the features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Fet?

Two greatest poet of their era - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev and Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. The contribution of these writers to the system of Russian versification is invaluable. In the works of both of them one can find features inherent in many literary figures of that time. Perhaps this is why these two poets are so often compared. Meanwhile, both Tyutchev and Fet have special, unique details and moods that cannot be found in the work of the other.

Among the similarities in the works of the two poets, one can note the way they describe inner world lyrical heroes. Both Tyutchev and Fet pay more attention to the deepest emotional experiences of a person; the portraits of their lyrical heroes are very psychological. In addition to psychologism, both poets use the technique of parallelism: the inner world, a person’s mood, his deep experiences and feelings are often reflected in nature.

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The poets' descriptions of nature itself are also similar. Their nature is two-dimensional: it has landscape and psychological side. This precisely explains the use of parallelism: the description of the external world, as it were, turns into a description of the emotions of the lyrical hero. Another similarity is the motives of love lyrics. Tyutchev and Fet experienced a terrible tragedy: they lost a loved one, and this loss was reflected in the nature of their love lyrics.

Despite such a large number of similarities described above in the lyrics of Fet and Tyutchev, there are quite a lot of differences in their work. Fet's lyrics gravitate more towards descriptive landscape themes, while Tyutchev's poems have a philosophical character (although he also has enough landscape poems). The attitude towards life in the poets' poems also differs: Fet admires life, and Tyutchev perceives it as being. Poets perceive nature and man differently: for Tyutchev, nature is a huge world, in the face of which man becomes powerless, and Fet perceives it as Living being living in absolute harmony with man. The “technical” side of the poems is also different. Fet uses a lot of syntactic means of expressiveness, especially often compositional repetition. Tyutchev more often uses allegorical tropes, especially metaphor and its varieties.

So, despite the large number of similarities found, one should not lose sight of the huge layer of differences between the lyrics of Fet and Tyutchev. The poets lived in the same era, they were influenced by the same society, and even some facts of their biography are similar, so it should not be surprising that there are some similar motives in their work. But at the same time, Fet and Tyutchev are independent creative personalities, capable of creating something original and unique, putting a piece of their soul into it.

Updated: 2018-02-18

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The lesson can be dedicated practical work on a comparative analysis of the poems of Tyutchev and Fet, identifying commonalities and differences in their poetic style, preparing for a home essay on the poets’ lyrics.
Questions and assignments for Tyutchev’s poem “The appearance of the earth is still sad...”
1. Compare the key images of the first and second stanzas of the poem. How does the composition of a text help us understand its meaning?
2. What signs in nature indicate the approaching spring? Why is it important for a poet, speaking about the soul, to compare it with spring nature?
3. What two worlds are depicted in the poem? How are they interconnected?
4. What symbolic meaning do the words “dream”, “slept” and the expressions “blocks of snow melt”, “blue glitters” acquire in the second stanza?
5. What meaning does the numerous interrogative intonations give to the second stanza?
6. Prove that Tyutchev is a master of subtle sound and color images.
7. How, according to Tyutchev, are the awakening of nature in spring and the awakening of the soul from female love similar? How is the dramatic perception of the world overcome in the poem by the hope for the spring revival of nature and soul?
8. How did the philosophical character of Tyutchev’s poetry manifest itself in the poem?
Questions and assignments for Fet’s poem “Still fragrant bliss of spring...”
1. What feelings does the approach of spring evoke in the poet? Prove that the dominant feeling in the poem is tension.
2. How does its composition help to understand the meaning of the poem?
3. Why is the poet happy about the “living news of rebirth”?
4. What figurative and expressive means of language are key in this poem?
5. How are the impressionistic features of Fet’s poetics, his understatement, and the incompleteness of poetic images reflected in this poem?
6. Prove that the poem simultaneously has a strict artistic structure, internal balance and a feeling of sketchiness, deliberate raggedness.
7. What is the dynamism and musicality of artistic images in the poem?
8. How does this poem fit into Fetov’s concept of beauty and harmony of the world?
Questions and tasks
for comparative analysis
1. What are these poems about? Do they have allegorical overtones?
2. What images in poems can be considered symbolic images?
3. How is the poetic concept of Tyutchev’s world and Fet’s world reflected in each of the poems?
4. Identify the features of the artistic form of each poem. What poetic meaning can be seen in this?
5. Compare the vocabulary, syntax, poetic intonations of the poems. Draw conclusions about the similarities and differences of feelings and images in these poems.
6. Draw conclusions about the main features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Fet, manifested in these poems.
As a result of this work, students should have a clear idea of ​​the features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Fet. At the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the class, draws up a summary table, which is written down in notebooks.

Short description

Tyutchev and Fet, who determined the development of Russian poetry of the second half of the 19th century century, entered literature as poets of “pure art”, expressing in their work a romantic understanding of the spiritual life of man and nature. Continuing the traditions of Russian romantic writers of the first half of the 19th century (Zhukovsky and early Pushkin) and German romantic culture, their lyrics were devoted to philosophical and psychological problems.
Distinctive feature The lyricism of these two poets was that it was characterized by the depth of analysis of a person’s emotional experiences. Thus, the complex inner world of the lyrical heroes Tyutchev and Fet is in many ways similar.

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The originality of the Lyrics of Tyutchev and Fet. Lyrical Heroes.
Tyutchev and Fet, who determined the development of Russian poetry in the second half of the 19th century, entered literature as poets of “pure art”, expressing in their work a romantic understanding of the spiritual life of man and nature. Continuing the traditions of Russian romantic writers of the first half of the 19th century (Zhukovsky and early Pushkin) and German romantic culture, their lyrics were devoted to philosophical and psychological problems.
A distinctive feature of the lyrics of these two poets was that they were characterized by a depth of analysis of a person’s emotional experiences. Thus, the complex inner world of the lyrical heroes Tyutchev and Fet is in many ways similar.
A lyrical hero is the image of that hero in a lyrical work, whose experiences, thoughts and feelings are reflected in it. It is by no means identical to the image of the author, although it reflects his personal experiences associated with certain events in his life, with his attitude towards nature, social activities, and people. The uniqueness of the poet's worldview, his interests, and character traits find appropriate expression in the form and style of his works.

Tyutchev uses the technique of personification of nature, which is necessary for the poet to show the inextricable connection of the organic world with human life. Often his poems about nature contain thoughts about the fate of man. Landscape lyrics Tyutchev acquires philosophical content.
For Tyutchev, nature is a mysterious interlocutor and a constant companion in life, understanding him better than anyone.
In the poem “What are you howling about, night wind?” (early 30s) the lyrical hero turns to the natural world, talks with it, enters into a dialogue that outwardly takes the form of a monologue:

In a language understandable to the heart
You talk about incomprehensible torment -
And you dig and explode in it
Sometimes frantic sounds!..

Tyutchev does not have “dead nature” - it is always full of movement, imperceptible at first glance, but in fact continuous, eternal. Organic world Tyutchev's works are always many-sided and varied. It is presented in constant dynamics, in transitional states: from winter to spring, from summer to autumn, from day to night:

The gray shadows mixed,
The color faded, the sound fell asleep -
Life, movements resolved
Into the unsteady twilight, into the distant roar...
(“The gray shadows mixed”, 1835)

However, in the depiction of nature by Tyutchev and Fet there is also a deep difference, which was due primarily to the difference in the poetic temperaments of these authors.

Tyutchev is a poet-philosopher. It is with his name that the current of philosophical romanticism, which came to Russia from German literature, is associated. And in his poems, Tyutchev strives to understand nature, incorporating it into a system of philosophical views, turning it into part of his inner world. This desire to place nature within the framework of human consciousness was dictated by Tyutchev’s passion for personification.
Fet's poems convey a sensory perception of the world. It is the immediacy of impressions that distinguishes Fet’s work.
For Fet, nature is the natural environment. In the poem “The night was shining, the garden was full of the moon...” (1877) the unity of human and natural forces is felt most clearly:

The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight, they lay
Rays at our feet in a living room without lights.
The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling,
Just like our hearts follow your song.

The theme of nature for these two poets is connected with the theme of love, thanks to which the character of the lyrical hero is also revealed. One of the main features of Tyutchev’s and Fetov’s lyrics was that they were based on the world of spiritual experiences of a loving person. Love, in the understanding of these poets, is a deep elemental feeling that fills a person’s entire being.
Fet's lyrics were characterized by parallels between natural phenomena and love experiences (“Whisper, timid breathing...”).
In the poem “The night was shining. The garden was full of the moon...” the landscape smoothly turns into a description of the image of the beloved: “You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears, that you alone are love, that there is no other love.”
Thus, love fills the life of the lyrical hero with meaning: “you are alone - all life”, “you are alone - love”. All worries, in comparison with this feeling, are not so significant:

There are no insults from fate and burning torment in the heart,
But there is no end to life, and there is no other goal,
As soon as you believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug you and cry over you!
Tyutchev’s love lyrics are characterized by descriptions of events in the past tense (“I knew the eyes, - oh, these eyes!”, “I met you, and everything that was before...”). This means that the poet realizes the feeling of love as long gone, therefore its perception is tragic.
In the poem “K. B.” the tragedy of love is expressed in the following. The time of falling in love is compared to autumn:

Like late autumn sometimes
There are days, there are times,
When suddenly it starts to feel like spring
And something will stir within us...
In this context, this time of year is a symbol of the doom and doom of high feelings.
The same feeling fills the poem “Oh, how murderously we love!” (1851), included in the “Denisevsky cycle”. The lyrical hero reflects on what the “fatal duel of two hearts” can lead to:

Oh, how murderously we love!
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dearer to our hearts!..

Tragedy also fills the poem “The Last Love” (1854). The lyrical hero here too realizes that love may be disastrous: “Shine, shine, the farewell light of the last love, the dawn of the evening!” And yet the feeling of doom does not interfere to love the lyrical hero: “Let the blood in the veins become scarce, but the tenderness in the heart does not become scarce...” In the last lines, Tyutchev succinctly characterizes the feeling itself: “You are both bliss and hopelessness.”
However love lyrics Feta is also filled not only with a sense of hope and hope. She is deeply tragic.

The feeling of love is very contradictory; This is not only joy, but also torment and suffering.
The poem “Don't wake her up at dawn” is filled with double meaning. At first glance, a serene picture of the lyrical heroine’s morning sleep is shown, but already the second quatrain conveys tension and destroys this serenity: “And her pillow is hot, and her tiring sleep is hot.” The appearance of epithets such as “tiring sleep” does not indicate serenity, but a painful state close to delirium. The reason for this state is further explained, the poem is brought to its climax: “She became paler and paler, her heart beat more and more painfully.” The tension grows, and the last lines completely change the whole picture: “Don’t wake her, don’t wake her, at dawn she sleeps so sweetly.” The ending of the poem contrasts with the middle and returns the reader to the harmony of the first lines.
Thus, the lyrical hero’s perception of love is similar for both poets: despite the tragedy of this feeling, it brings meaning to life. Tyutchev's lyrical hero is characterized by tragic loneliness. In the philosophical poem “Two Voices” (1850), the lyrical hero accepts life as a struggle, a confrontation. And “even though the battle is unequal, the fight is hopeless,” the fight itself is important. This desire for life permeates the entire poem: “Take courage, fight, O brave friends, no matter how cruel the battle is, no matter how stubborn the struggle!” The poem “Cicero” (1830) is imbued with the same mood.
In the poem “Silentium!” (1830), touching on the theme of the poet and poetry, the lyrical hero understands that he will not always be accepted by society: “How can the heart express itself? How can someone else understand you?” What is important here is the world of the hero’s emotional experiences: “Only know how to live within yourself - there is a whole world in your soul.”
The lyrical hero Fet's worldview is not so tragic. In the poem “With one push to drive away a living boat” (1887), the lyrical hero feels himself to be part of the Universe: “Give life a sigh, give sweetness to secret torments, instantly feel someone else’s as your own.”
In the poem “The Cat Sings, His Eyes Squinting” (1842), Fet does not depict objects and emotional experiences in their cause-and-effect relationship. For the poet, the task of constructing a lyrical plot, understood as a sequence of mental states of the lyrical “I,” is replaced by the task of recreating the atmosphere. The unity of worldview is conceived not as the completeness of knowledge about the world, but as the totality of the experiences of the lyrical hero:

The cat sings, eyes narrowed,
The boy is dozing on the carpet,
There's a storm playing outside,
The wind whistles in the yard.

Thus, Fet’s lyrical hero and Tyutchev’s lyrical hero perceive reality differently. The lyrical hero Fet has a more optimistic worldview, and the thought of loneliness is not brought to the fore.
So, lyrical heroes Feta and Tyutcheva have both similar and different features, but the psychology of each is based on a subtle understanding of the natural world, love, as well as awareness of one’s destiny in the world...

Theory: Features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Fet

Tyutchev Fet
The philosophical character of poetry, in which thought always merges with the image. In poetry, Tyutchev strives to comprehend the life of the Universe, to comprehend the secrets of space and human existence. The tragic nature of the lyrics, the dominant feeling is tension, at the same time, the light and optimism inherent in Fet's poetry. Dialectics of tragedy and joy, overcoming dramatic situations with a sense of harmony of the world
Life is a confrontation between hostile forces. Dramatic perception of reality combined with an inexhaustible love of life Beauty in his poems is suffering overcome, joy gained from pain. Life in Fet's poems is a moment fixed in eternity
The human “I” in relation to nature is not a drop in the ocean, but two equal infinities. The internal, invisible movements of the human soul are consonant with the visible dialectics of natural phenomena The impressionistic nature of the depiction of feelings, their fragmentation and extreme imagery. The strict artistic structure of the poems, their inner balance and a feeling of sketchiness, deliberate raggedness
The figurative system of lyrics combines the objective realities of the external world and the subjective impressions of this world made on the poet. Mastery in depicting the harmony of the objective realities of the external world and the depth of the internal world Increased metaphorical nature of poetry, dynamism and musicality of artistic images. Predominance of mood over thought, thought “dissolved” in music
The poet's skill in creating phonetic and pictorial images, combining sound writing with an unexpected palette of colors and color images Mastery in the use of parallelisms, repetitions, periods, rhythmic pauses, richness and depth of poetic intonations, sound instrumentation

Assignments: read F. Tyutchev’s poems “The earth still has a sad look...” and A. Fet’s poem “Still the fragrant bliss of spring...” and write a comparative analysis of these works according to plan:

· Identify the features of the artistic form of each poem. What poetic meaning can be seen in this?

· What are these poems about? Do they have allegorical overtones?

· Compare the vocabulary, syntax, poetic intonations of the poems.

· Draw conclusions about the similarities and differences between the feelings and artistic images of these poems.

· Draw conclusions about the main features of the poetic style of Tyutchev and Fet, manifested in these poems.

Independent work № 16.

Topic: N.A. Nekrasov “Who lives well in Rus'.” Moral issues of the poem.

Theory: textbook by Yu.V. Lebedev “Literature. Grade 10. Part 1", pp. 134 – 15.

Forms of plot development.


1. Read the textbook article about the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” pp. 134 – 157 and excerpts from the poem in the textbook’s anthology on p. 390. Orally prepare answers to the questions.

1. What role does the prologue play in the plot-compositional structure of the poem?

2. What thoughts and feelings does the description of a fight between men in a fairy-tale forest give rise to?

3. Tell us about the meeting of the peasants with the priest, the landowner, and Ermil Girin. Find the lines that talk about what each of them includes in the ideal of happiness.

4. How is landowner Rus' presented in the text?

Independent work No. 17.

Topic: A.K. Tolstoy. Review of creativity.

Theory: textbook Yu.V. Lebedev “Literature. Grade 10. Part 2", pp. 184 – 199

Options for tasks.

Do one of your choice:

1. Prepare a report on the life and work of A.K. Tolstoy

2. Compare A. K. Tolstoy’s poem “You know the land...” with M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Motherland”

Independent work No. 18.

Topic: Poetry lesson A. Maikov, A. Grigoriev, Y. Polonsky

Theory: textbook Yu.V. Lebedev “Literature. Grade 10. Part 2".

Tasks: prepare a report on the work of one of the poets (A. Maykova, A. Grigoriev, Y. Polonsky), learn one poem by heart.

Independent work No. 19.

Topic: F.M. Dostoevsky. Essay on life and creativity.

Theory: textbook by Yu.V. Lebedev “Literature. Grade 10. Part 2", pp. 216 – 225.


Read theoretical material textbook (Yu.V. Lebedev Literature. 10th grade. Part 2) on pp. 216 - 225 and make a note on the following theses:

1) Writer's debut;

2) Dostoevsky and the Petrashevsky circle;

3) Dostoevsky in hard labor;

4) Dostoevsky and the problem of faith;

5) The main works of Dostoevsky.

Independent work No. 20.

Topic: F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment.” Raskolnikov's revolt - causes and results. The theory of “strong personality” and its refutation in the novel.


The theory of "Napoleonism" comes down to the formula: “Freedom and power, and most importantly - power!” In Dostoevsky's novel, Napoleon's name is mentioned several times. The interest in him in Russia in the 60s is not accidental. The development of bourgeois relations exacerbates social contradictions, leading to the impoverishment of the broad masses. The search for ways to transform society leads to the birth of all kinds of theories, including the idea of ​​a “strong personality” capable of subjugating people and turning them into a tool to achieve their goals.

Raskolnikov's theory arises on this historical basis. He sees suffering common man, understands that their reason is social injustice. What to do? Resign yourself? Fight? In his opinion, only an extraordinary person can enter into combat with this crazy and dirty world. He comes to the idea that humanity is divided into two categories: ordinary people, who make up the majority, and extraordinary people, such as Napoleon, who, if necessary, will not stop at crime.

The idea of ​​Raskolnikov's theory is expressed in the painful question: “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?” And he convinces himself that he is an extraordinary person, a born “master of fate.” He needs power in order to save Polechka, Sonya, Katerina Ivanovna - all suffering humanity. The murder of the harmful, greedy old woman was conceived by Raskolnikov as a test of his terrible theory on a particular case. This leads to the conclusion formulated by the hero himself: “I wanted to become Napoleon, that’s why I killed him.”

The collapse of Raskolnikov's theory lies in his mistake: he sees the causes of social evil not in the structure of society, but in human nature itself. Instead of fighting against the immoral system and its laws, our hero wants to follow them. And as a result, he loses faith in himself, in his previous beliefs, and experiences endless self-loathing. Instead of happiness, he inevitably brings evil to himself, his loved ones, and innocent people. Hence his despair: “I killed myself, not the old woman.”


1. Re-read the contents of Raskolnikov’s article “On the Right of a Strong Personality”

Fill in the missing lines below (in writing in your notebook):

1) Raskolnikov is convinced (he “believes”) that all people by nature are divided into ____ categories: _________________. “Ordinary” people are people who “live in obedience”; they do not have a “new word.” “Extraordinary” people -______________________. All of them _________: “transgress the law” tacitly accepted by the majority.” These are strong people.

2) “Extraordinary” people can allow themselves to _______________________________________

2. Read the following reflections by Raskolnikov: “The legislators and founders of mankind, starting with the ancients, continuing with the Lycurgus, Mohammeds, Napoleons and so on, every single one were criminals, already in that, giving new law, thereby violating the ancient law, sacredly revered by society and passed down from the fathers, and, of course, not stopping at blood, if only blood (sometimes completely innocent and valiantly shed for the ancient law) could help them.” Draw a conclusion about how Raskolnikov comes to his “idea” (orally).

Write a miniature essay “What is the essence of Raskolnikov’s theory, is it relevant today?”

Independent work No. 21.

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