Literature lesson in 9th grade Derzhavin monument. The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of G.R. Derzhavin "Monument". Linguistic analysis presentation for a literature lesson (9th grade) on the topic. I. Learning new material

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin went down in the history of Russian literature as the founder of autobiographical poetry, in which the praise of one’s own uniqueness runs as a red thread. This will be confirmed by the analysis of the poem “Monument” (9th grade), in which the poet glorifies his talent. Thanks to brief analysis“Monument” according to the plan, 9th grade students will be able to undergo full preparation for a lesson in literature and the upcoming Unified State Exam.

Brief Analysis

History of creation– The verse was written in 1795.

Theme of the poem– Glorification of poetic creativity and affirmation of the high purpose of the poet.

Composition– The composition consists of five stanzas: in the first four the author describes the high importance of poetry and extols his own merits in art, in the fifth he addresses the Muse.

Genre- Oh yeah.

Poetic size– Iambic hexameter with cross rhyme.

Metaphors“flight of time”, “dawn of immortality”.

Epithets“eternal”, “wonderful”, “fleeting”.

Hyperbola“It is harder than metals and higher than the pyramids.”

Inversion“and who will despise you”, “countless nations.”

Personifications- “no thunder will break”, “no rumor will break”, “flight will not break time.”

History of writing

The poem “Monument” was written by Derzhavin in 1795, when 52-year-old Gavriil Romanovich served as president of the Commerce Collegium in St. Petersburg. He devoted a lot of effort to his work in a responsible position, but never forgot about the poetry he loved so much.

The work belongs to the mature stage of the poet’s work, when he began to take stock of not only his literary path, but also his entire life. Rethinking the experience gained, Gabriel Romanovich tried to determine his place in life, in society, in literature.

During his reflections, the court poet drew attention to Horace’s ode, which inspired him to write the poem “Monument,” which, in fact, became a free interpretation of the work of the same name by the ancient Roman poet. In his “Monument,” Horace shared the idea of ​​the greatness of a true artist-creator. The theme of the immortality of the poet and his literary works was so close to Derzhavin that he became one of the first Russian authors who began to glorify his own talent and poetic glory.


When analyzing the poem “Monument” by Derzhavin, it should be noted that the central theme of the work is the immortality of poetry, capable of living forever in the memory of future generations.

In his work, Gabriel Romanovich reflects on the sublime influence of poetry on society, the poet’s right to the love and respect of his contemporaries and descendants. After all, it is literature and art that gently and humanely cultivate in a person a love for beauty, a desire to develop spiritually, they are able to eliminate vicious morals, and therefore their importance in society is difficult to overestimate.

The main feature of Derzhavin’s entire work is his sincerity, which he once again demonstrated in the poem “Monument.” He emphasizes that true poet must be honest and open not only with the people, but also with government officials. Also, the author, without unnecessary affectation, mentions his services to Russian literature.


Derzhavin's poem is presented in five stanzas, each of which consists of complex sentences, designed to emphasize the serious attitude of the author.

In the first stanza, the poet emphasizes the immortality of poetic art, which can outlive even the most durable man-made monument.

The entire work takes the form of a monologue, as it is told in the first person with frequent use of personal pronouns.


The poem “Monument” is written in the genre of ode. A leisurely rhythm, a certain escape from vanity, is achieved thanks to iambic hexameter with cross rhyme.

Means of expression

In Derzhavin’s poem “Monument” the analysis is briefly as follows. The work is distinguished by its stilted intonation and vocabulary, as well as its majestic, unhurried rhythm. To achieve this effect, the author uses numerous means of artistic expression.

To emphasize the sublime system of thoughts in his work, the poet uses stilted expressions(“brow”, “proud”, “decay”, “dared”) and epithets(“eternal”, “wonderful”, “fleeting”).

Also found in the poem metaphors(“flight of time”, “dawn of immortality”), hyperbola(“it is harder than metals and higher than the pyramids”), inversions(“and who will despise you”, “countless nations”), personifications(“no thunder will break”, “the rumor will go through”, “flight will not break time”).

Poem test

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Lesson No. 8 L-9

TOPIC: G.R. Derzhavin. The theme of the poet and poetry in Derzhavin’s lyrics

GOALS: provide knowledge about the main themes of Derzhavin’s lyrics and poetic innovation; learnwork with a literary text, analyze a lyrical work.


  1. Org moment.
  1. Ready for the lesson.
  2. Setting lesson goals.
  1. Checking homework.
  1. “To Rulers and Judges” by heart.
  2. Questions from the class on the biography and work of Derzhavin.
  1. Work on Derzhavin’s work “Felitsa”
  • What is the history of the creation of the ode? (To answer this question, you can use the notes “Explanations on Derzhavin’s works,” made by the poet at the end of his life.)
  • Explain the meaning of the ode's title.
  • Compare Derzhavin’s ode “Felitsa” with “Ode on the day of the accession to the throne of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna...” by Lomonosov.
  • What is common and different in the appearance of the heroines of these works?
  • Which artistic techniques do poets use to create the central image of each ode?
  • Why, despite the same poetic meter, do the odes sound different?
  • Compare the vocabulary, syntax and poetic intonation of these works.
  • Are there satirical depictions of reality in the odes?
  • Why did Catherine II cry while reading the ode and gave it high praise?
  1. Three “Monuments” in Russian literature.
  1. introduction teachers:

The theme of the poet and poetry is traditional, cross-cutting in European culture. The poet's monologue about himself is found in ancient poetry. Thus, Horace’s ode “To Melpomene” translated by M.V. Lomonosov served as the basis for the poems of G.R. Derzhavin and A.S. Pushkin about the “monument”. Its main aspects are the creative process, its purpose and meaning, the poet’s relationship with the reader, with the authorities, with himself. Thus, among poets of different eras there was a tradition of lyrical depiction of a “miraculous” monument, as if summing up creative activity.

Today in class we will compare poems by M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavina, A.S. Pushkin. Let's see how the theme of the poet and poetry develops in these works, how do the authors' positions in understanding this theme differ? Let's compare artistic media, with the help of which the point of view of poets is expressed.

  1. Reading and analysis of poems.
  • So, he first turned to the topic of the poet and poetry back in the 1st century BC. e. Ancient Roman poet Quintus Horace Flaccus in his ode “To Melpomene.”
  • There have been many translations of Horace's ode. Some of them (M.V. Lomonosova, V.V. Kapnista, A.H. Vostokova, S.A. Tuchkova) were undoubtedly known to Pushkin, while others (A.A. Feta, N. Fokkova, B. V. Nikolsky, P.F. Porfirov, V.Ya. Bryusov) appeared after Pushkin’s death.
  • In 1747 M.V. Lomonosov translated Horace into Russian.
  • Read the arrangement of Horace’s ode “To Melpomene” (“Monument”), created by M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the poem.(The theme of the ode is the role of creativity, poetry in people’s lives. What a poet creates makes him immortal - that’s the main idea poems).
  • How does the poet give his poems solemnity and precision?(The two-syllable meter - iambic - gives the unrhymed lines of the poem clarity and precision. The solemnity of the sound is given by words of high style: I will erect, above, increase, fatherland, obstacle, etc., there are many words and expressions of Greco-Roman origin, from history and mythology: aquilon, Aufidas, Aeolian poems, muse, Delphic laurel, etc.).
  • Explain the meaning of these words:(aquilon – northeast wind; Awfid - a river in Italy in the homeland of Horace; Aeolian poems – exemplary, ancient Greek; Alcean lyre – lyre of Alceus=Alcaeus, one of the best ancient Greek poets; muse - goddess, patroness of science and art;Delphic laurel– in the city of Delphi there was a temple of Apollo, the leader of the muses. The laurel was considered a sacred tree).
  • In 1796 G.R. Derzhavin turns to this topic, writes the poem “Monument” - this is a free adaptation of Horace’s ode. But Derzhavin does not repeat the thoughts of his distant predecessor, but expresses his own point of view on the poet and poetry. The poet believed that people who are not inspired and do not care about art remain deaf to goodness, indifferent to the joys and sufferings of others. Such people
  • Not a single tear will touch widows,
    Neither the unhappy orphans moan:
    Let the universe drown in blood,
    Only he would be happy...
    (“For the art lover”)
  • According to Derzhavin, the purpose of art and literature is to promote the spread of enlightenment and foster a love of beauty, correct vicious morals, and preach truth and justice. It is from these positions that he approaches the assessment of his creativity in the poem “Monument”. He likens his work to a “wonderful, eternal” monument. The leisurely, solemn rhythm of the verse (the poem is written in iambic hexameter) corresponds to the importance of the topic. The author reflects on the impact of poetry on contemporaries and descendants, on the poet’s right to the respect and love of his fellow citizens. He expresses confidence that his name will live in the hearts and memories of “countless peoples” inhabiting the space “from the White Waters to the Black Waters.” The poet connects his immortality with the “race of the Slavs,” that is, with the Russian people:
  • ... And my glory will increase without fading,
    How long will the universe honor the Slavic race?
  • In “Monument” Derzhavin explains what his services to the “family of Slavs” and Russian literature are:
  • ...I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable
    To proclaim Felitsa’s virtues,
    Talk about God in simplicity of heart
    And speak the truth to kings with a smile.
  • Re-read Derzhavin’s poem “Monument”. Determine its topic and main idea.

(The theme is the immortality of the poet in his works, in the memory of people about the creator of famous works. The poet sees his main merit in the fact that he could “speak the truth to kings with a smile”, “talk about God”, “dared” to talk about the virtues of Catherine!! not high, but a simple syllable).

  • What size is the poem written in, what rhymes does it have?

(The poem is written in iambic, in each quatrain the first

the line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth, i.e. cross rhyme).

  • What means of artistic representation did the poet use (epithets, personification, comparison, hyperbole)?
  • (To add solemnity to the poetic speech, the poet uses words of “high style”

- brow, be proud, shout, dared, countlessetc.; various epithets - with a leisurely hand, cardiac simplicity, merit fair, wonderful monument, eternal, fleeting thunder . Hyperbole and comparison at the same time -“It is higher than metals and harder than pyramids”. A monument is a creation left to descendants, so the comparison with pyramids and metal is clearly figurative, i.e. implying a figurative meaning. All this helps to confirm the idea of ​​​​the importance of creativity, of immortality works of art).

  1. Independent analysis of Pushkin’s poem “Monument”
  • Read the poem expressively.
  • What features of the poet’s biography are reflected in the poem?
  • How does the poet see the boundaries of his own creative immortality?
  • What words does the creator address to the Muse? What is the relationship between them?
  1. Filling out the table “Three “Monuments” in Russian Literature.”



A.S. Pushkin

Biography features

“My noble family was not an obstacle for me.”

“...I was the first to dare to proclaim in a funny Russian style // About the virtues of Felitsa, // To talk about God in heartfelt simplicity // And to speak the truth to kings with a smile.”

“...I awakened good feelings with my lyre... in my cruel age I glorified Freedom // And called on mercy for the fallen.”

The Boundaries of Creative Immortality

The poet will live as long as his Fatherland lives.

“How long will the universe honor the Slavic race.”

“ long as in the sublunary world // at least one piit will live.”

What is the relationship between the poet and the muse?

The muse is a high patroness.

The muse is the poet's faithful friend.

The muse is a companion in the great field of poetry.

  1. Lesson summary.
  • In which poem, in your opinion, is the author's personal origin least evident?
  • What is this connected with?
  • Why for his poem about the duty and purpose of the poet and poetry A.S. Pushkin took as a model the free transcription of Horace’s ode by G.R. Derzhavin, and not the more accurate translation of M.V. Lomonosov?
  1. Homework.
  1. Chapters “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow.”
  2. Ind. task “Biography of Radishchev”

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The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of G.R. Derzhavina “Monument” 9th grade

“Monument” Gabriel Derzhavin I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself, harder than metals and higher than the pyramids; Neither the whirlwind nor the fleeting thunder will break it, And the flight of time will not crush it. So! - all of me will not die, but a large part of me, having escaped from decay, will begin to live after death, and my glory will increase without fading, as long as the Slavic race is honored by the universe. Rumors will spread about me from the White Waters to the Black Waters, where the Volga, Don, Neva, and the Urals flow from Riphean; Everyone will remember that in countless nations, How from obscurity I became known, That I was the first to dare to proclaim Felitsa’s virtues in a funny Russian style, To talk about God in heartfelt simplicity, And to speak the truth to kings with a smile. O muse! Be proud of your just merit, And whoever despises you, despise them yourself; With a relaxed, unhurried hand, crown your brow with the dawn of immortality. 1795

Linguistic analysis poems by G. R. Derzhavin “Monument” Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich, (1743-1816), Russian poet, statesman

Explain the title of G. R. Derzhavin’s poem “Monument.” The poem is called “Monument” because it represents the author’s reflection on his own life, summing up its results, and awareness of his own role in the lives of other people.

Determine the theme of the poem (what is it about?) The author understands that all people are mortal, but, to summarize own life, realizes that with his creativity he has erected a monument to himself - “wonderful, eternal”; he himself, the man, will die, but his name will not be consigned to oblivion, because he will live in the works he created

What mood predominates in the poem? The poem is dominated by calm solemnity: the author is aware of his own importance and understands that nothing can shake it

Describe the composition of the poem: how many parts can be identified in it? What does each part say? In the poem “Monument” three parts can be distinguished: 1) (first line of the first stanza): introduction lyrical theme- “I erected a monument to myself.” 2) (from the 2nd line of the first stanza and stanzas Nos. 2, 3, 4): development of the lyrical theme - a description of the eternal “monument” - one’s own afterlife and the cause of immortality. 3) (stanza No. 5): the muse can be calm: nothing will diminish her greatness and immortality.

Describe the system of artistic images of the poem. The central artistic image of the poem is itself. lyrical hero. He mentions those images that are somehow connected with him: people who will remember the poet after his physical death, Felitsa (the heroine of the ode of the same name, the prototype of which is Empress Catherine II), who made him famous (here the poet touches on the topic of the relationship between the poet and the authorities ), muse.

Describe the artistic time of the poem. The poem presents three levels of time: - past (the author, with his work, erected a monument to himself, he remembers how he became famous); - present (the author’s monologue - his memories of the past and thoughts about the future are spoken now, in the present tense); - the future (the author’s reflection on his own afterlife). We can say that the artistic time of the poem is permeated with eternity: the monument erected by the poet “flight of time will not crush.”

Describe the artistic space of the poem. The artistic space of the poem is unusually wide: the lyrical hero is sure that he will be known “from the White Waters to the Black Waters, / Where the Volga, Don, Neva, and the Ural flows from Riphean.” His glory will live until “as long as the Slavic race is honored by the universe,” “everyone will remember that among countless nations.”

Describe the figurative and expressive means of the poem (epithets, metaphors, comparisons). The figurative system and mood of the poem are created by: - ​​epithets: wonderful, eternal monument; fleeting thunder; in countless nations; funny Russian syllable; heartfelt simplicity; merit is fair; a relaxed, unhurried hand. - metaphors: “I erected a monument to myself” (meaning I left a memory of myself); “time flight” (time is compared to a flying bird); “a large part of me, / Having escaped from decay, will begin to live after death” - people will remember the author; “dawn of immortality” (memory). - comparison: a monument “it is harder than metals and higher than the pyramids.”

Describe the techniques of poetic syntax (inversion, gradation) - Inversion ( reverse order words): a wonderful, eternal monument; he is harder; thunder is fleeting; flight time; it will not be crushed; part of me is big; How long will the universe honor the Slavic race? in countless nations; speak the truth; fair merit; who will despise; with a leisurely hand; your forehead. - Gradation (gradual increase, increase in the degree of manifestation of the characteristic): “I have erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself.” All of these techniques of poetic syntax give the poem a special emotional sound and serve to reveal the author’s idea.

Describe the poetic vocabulary of the poem (antonyms, archaisms) - Antonyms: “I will not die” - “but will live”; glory “will increase without fading”; “from White Waters to Black Waters”; “From obscurity I became famous.” - Archaisms: “how long” (obsolete – “until when?”), “universe” (instead of “universe”), “White waters and Black waters” (archaism - instead of the White Sea and Black Sea), “every” (instead of “everyone”), “uncountable” (instead of “innumerable”), “dared” (high - “to boldly strive for something noble, high, new), “despise” - to neglect; "brow" - forehead. Used lexical means give the poem special expressiveness.

Determine the meter and method of rhyming the poem. The meter of the poem is iambic hexameter. The rhyming method is paired (abab).

Expand the idea of ​​the poem (what did the author want to say?) With his poem, G. R. Derzhavin wanted to say that we are all mortal, but you can leave a memory of yourself - such that your descendants will remember you for many years.

“Monument” M.V. Lomonosov I erected a sign of immortality for myself Higher than the pyramids and stronger than copper, Which the stormy aquilon cannot erase, Neither many centuries nor the caustic antiquity. I won’t die at all; but death will leave a great part of me, as I end my life. I will grow in glory everywhere, While great Rome holds the light. Where Aufidas roars with swift streams, Where Davnus reigned among the common people, My fatherland will not be silent, That an unnoble family was no obstacle for me, To bring Aeolian poetry into Italy And be the first to ring the Alcean lyre. Be proud of your righteous merit, Muse, And crown your head with the Delphic laurel. A.S. Pushkin I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands, The people's path to it will not be overgrown, He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious pillar of Alexandria. No, all of me will not die - the soul in the treasured lyre will survive my ashes and flee decay - And I will be glorious as long as at least one drinker is alive in the sublunary world. Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus', And every language that exists in it will call me, And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and the now wild Tungus, and the friend of the steppes Kalmyk. And for a long time I will be so kind to the people, That I awakened good feelings with my lyre, That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom And called on mercy for the fallen. By the command of God, O muse, be obedient, Without fear of insult, without demanding a crown, Accept praise and slander indifferently, And do not challenge a fool.

Comparative table M.V.Lomonosov G.R.Derzhavin A.S.Pushkin Features of the biography Boundaries of creative immortality What is the relationship between the poet and the muse

“Three “Monuments” in Russian literature.” M.V.Lomonosov G.R.Derzhavin A.S.Pushkin Features of the biography “My noble family was not an obstacle to me.” “...I was the first to dare to proclaim in a funny Russian style // About the virtues of Felitsa, // To talk about God in heartfelt simplicity // And to speak the truth to kings with a smile.” “...I awakened good feelings with my lyre... in my cruel age I glorified Freedom // And called on mercy for the fallen.” Boundaries of creative immortality The poet will live as long as his Fatherland lives. “How long will the universe honor the Slavic race.” “ long as in the sublunary world // at least one piit will live.” What is the relationship between the poet and the muse? The muse is a high patron. The muse is the poet's faithful friend. The muse is a companion in the great field of poetry.

Class: 9


  • compare the works of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R.
  • Derzhavina, A.S. Pushkin about the purpose of a poet and poetry (using the example of one poem);

to trace how the theme of the poet and poetry develops in their work and how the positions of the authors differ in understanding this theme.

  • Tasks: practice skills benchmarking
  • poems;
  • learn to systematize, highlight the main thing, generalize; enrich lexicon

, work on students’ mastery of the artistic means of the language. Forms and methods of work:

frontal, group, individual; verbal (story, expressive reading, conversation), practical (poem analysis). Equipment:

portraits of poets, collections of poems, task cards.
You are right, Singer: you will live;
You erected an eternal monument:
They can't crush him

Neither thunder nor a fleeting whirlwind.

K.F. Ryleev “Derzhavin”

During the classes

1). Teacher's word.

The theme of the poet and poetry is traditional, cross-cutting in European culture. The poet's monologue about himself is found in ancient poetry. Thus, Horace’s ode “To Melpomene” translated by M.V. Lomonosov served as the basis for the poems of G.R. Derzhavin and A.S. Pushkin about the “monument”. Its main aspects are the creative process, its purpose and meaning, the poet’s relationship with the reader, with the authorities, with himself. Thus, among poets of different eras there was a tradition of lyrical depiction of a “miraculous” monument, as if summing up the result of creative activity. Today in class we will compare poems by M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavina, A.S. Pushkin. Let's see how the theme of the poet and poetry develops in these works, how do the authors' positions in understanding this theme differ? Let's compare the artistic means with which the poets' point of view is expressed.

2). Reading and analysis of poems. A)

So, he first turned to the topic of the poet and poetry back in the 1st century BC. e. Ancient Roman poet Quintus Horace Flaccus in his ode “To Melpomene.” There have been many translations of Horace's ode. Some of them (M.V. Lomonosova, V.V. Kapnista, A.H. Vostokova, S.A. Tuchkova) were undoubtedly known to Pushkin, while others (A.A. Feta, N. Fokkova, B. V. Nikolsky, P.F. Porfirov, V.Ya. Bryusov) appeared after Pushkin’s death.

  • In 1747 M.V. Lomonosov translated Horace into Russian.

Read the arrangement of Horace’s ode “To Melpomene” (“Monument”), created by M.V.

  • How does the poet give his poems solemnity and precision?

(The two-syllable meter - iambic - gives the unrhymed lines of the poem clarity and precision. The solemnity of the sound is given by words of high style: I will erect, above, increase, fatherland, obstacle, etc., there are many words and expressions of Greco-Roman origin, from history and mythology: aquilon, Aufidas, Aeolian poems, muse, Delphic laurel, etc.).

Explain the meaning of these words: (aquilon– northeast wind; Awfid- a river in Italy in the homeland of Horace; Aeolian poems– exemplary, ancient Greek; Alcean lyre– lyre of Alceus=Alcaeus, one of the best ancient Greek poets; muse- goddess, patroness of science and art; Delphic laurel– in the city of Delphi there was a temple of Apollo, the leader of the muses. The laurel was considered a sacred tree).

b) In 1796 G.R. Derzhavin turns to this topic, writes the poem “Monument” - this is a free adaptation of Horace’s ode. But Derzhavin does not repeat the thoughts of his distant predecessor, but expresses his own point of view on the poet and poetry. The poet believed that people who are not inspired and do not care about art remain deaf to goodness, indifferent to the joys and sufferings of others. Such people

Not a single tear will touch widows,
Neither the unhappy orphans moan:
Let the universe drown in blood,
Only he would be happy... (“For the art lover”)

According to Derzhavin, the purpose of art and literature is to promote the spread of enlightenment and foster a love of beauty, correct vicious morals, and preach truth and justice. It is from these positions that he approaches the assessment of his creativity in the poem “Monument”. He likens his work to a “wonderful, eternal” monument. The leisurely, solemn rhythm of the verse (the poem is written in iambic hexameter) corresponds to the importance of the topic. The author reflects on the impact of poetry on contemporaries and descendants, on the poet’s right to the respect and love of his fellow citizens. He expresses confidence that his name will live in the hearts and memories of “countless peoples” inhabiting the space “from the White Waters to the Black Waters.” The poet connects his immortality with the “race of the Slavs,” that is, with the Russian people:

... And my glory will increase without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavic race?

In “Monument” Derzhavin explains what his services to the “family of Slavs” and Russian literature are:

...I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable

Talk about God in simplicity of heart
And speak the truth to kings with a smile.

  • Re-read Derzhavin’s poem “Monument”. Determine its topic and main idea.

(The theme is the immortality of the poet in his works, in the memory of people about the creator of famous works. The poet sees his main merit in the fact that he could “speak the truth to kings with a smile”, “talk about God”, “dared” to talk about the virtues of Catherine!! not high, but a simple syllable).

  • What size is the poem written in, what rhymes does it have?

(The poem is written in iambic, in each quatrain the first line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth, i.e. cross rhyme).

  • What means of artistic representation did the poet use (epithets, personification, comparison, hyperbole)?

(To add solemnity to the poetic speech, the poet uses words of “high style” - brow, be proud, shout, dared, countless etc.; various epithets - with a leisurely hand, cardiac simplicity, merit fair, monument wonderful, eternal, thunder fleeting. Hyperbole and comparison at the same time - “It is higher than metals and harder than pyramids”. A monument is a creation left to descendants, so the comparison with pyramids and metal is clearly figurative, i.e. implying a figurative meaning. All this helps to confirm the idea of ​​​​the importance of creativity, the immortality of works of art).

  • Personal message about the influence of Derzhavin’s poetry on the younger generation of contemporaries (based on K.F. Ryleev’s ode “Derzhavin”).

V) A year before his death, as if summing up his poetic activity, reflecting on his own creative path, Pushkin wrote the poem “Monument” (1836). V.F. Khodasevich believed that this poem was a belated response to Delvig’s Lyceum poem “Two Alexanders,” where Delvig predicted that Alexander I would glorify Russia as a statesman, and Alexander Pushkin as the greatest poet. However early XIX centuries will later be called Pushkin era, and not the era of Alexander I.

In terms of its theme and construction, the poem by A.S. Pushkin is close to Derzhavin’s poem of the same name, but Pushkin retreated from previous images. The plot of the poem is the fate of Pushkin, comprehended against the backdrop of historical movement. The poem contains traces of heavy thoughts about the cruelty of the century, about relations with the tsar and high society circles, about the fact that in poetry he, Pushkin, won a victory over the autocracy. The poem is full of a bitter premonition of imminent death and faith in the power of the poetic word, immense love for Russia, and the consciousness of a fulfilled duty to the people. Who gives the poet the right to immortality? The poet himself, through his work, erects during his lifetime a “monument not made by hands,” because he is the voice of the people, their prophet. The poet is proud that his poetry was free and called for freedom: “... in my cruel age I glorified freedom...”. Pushkin affirms the unity of national and personal ideals, he did not write for the sake of a “crown,” poetry is a selfless service in the name of humanity. The poet was convinced that the muse must strictly follow the truth, devotedly serve freedom, beauty, goodness and justice. This is the eternal and unchanging essence of truly folk art.

  • Expressively read Pushkin’s poem “Monument”. Determine the topic and main idea.

(Theme of the poet and poetry, the problem of poetic glory, poetic immortality: overcoming death through glory).

  • What is the genre specificity of the poem?

(The genre is ode, this is dictated by tradition: the poems are written as a kind of imitation of Derzhavin’s poem, which, as we have already said, is a reworking of Horace’s ode, known to the Russian reader from Lomonosov’s translation.

Pushkin borrowed the epigraph from Horace “I erected a monument...”).

  • Name the means of poetic expression in Pushkin’s ode.

(Epithets: monument not made by hands, soul in cherished lyre, in my cruel age, with the head rebellious;


That I have good feelings lyre awakened...


And every tongue that is in it will call me,
AND proud grandson Slavs and Finns, and now wild
Tungus and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

Personification: By the command of God, O muse, be obedient...).

  • Find Slavicisms in Pushkin’s poem.

What tone do they give to the poem? (The choice of words and intonation are distinguished by solemnity and sublimity, thanks to Slavicisms: raised up, with the head, corruption, drink, the tongue that is in it (i.e. people), command

4). Research. Let's compare the poems of Horace, Derzhavin and Pushkin stanza by stanza.

  • What do the compositions of these poems have in common?

(The same number of stanzas – 5, the same number of lines in each stanza).

  • Let's compare the poems stanza by stanza.

1 stanza. How does Derzhavin characterize his “Monument”? What new meaning, in comparison with Derzhavin’s poem, arises with Pushkin’s words “a monument not made by hands”, with the mention of the “folk path” and the comparison with the Pillar of Alexandria?

(Already in the first stanza, Pushkin emphasizes the nationality of his work. The poet “erected” himself a “monument not made by hands,” which is higher than the “Alexandrian Pillar,” i.e., the column erected in honor of Alexander I on Palace Square in St. Petersburg).

2nd stanza. What facts and phenomena of social life does each poet associate with the idea of ​​the duration of his fame?

Horace:“...until then I will grow in fresh glory, while the high priest with the silent maiden rises to the Capitol” (literal translation).


“And my glory will increase without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavic race..."


“And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world
At least one piit will be alive.”

(Pushkin speaks of his historical immortality and prophetically predicts the future wide popularity of his poetry among all the peoples of Russia).

4th stanza. By what merits of their creativity did each poet determine his right to fame?

Horace : “Because I was the first to bring together the song of Italy to the Aeolian voice...”

Derzhavin :

“...I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable
To proclaim Felitsa’s virtues,
Talk about God in simplicity of heart
And speak the truth to kings with a smile..."


“...I awakened good feelings with the lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified freedom
And he called for mercy for the fallen.”

(Pushkin claims that he earned the right to immortality, to recognition and love of the people, firstly, by the high humanity of his creativity: “I awakened good feelings with my lyre; secondly, by my struggle for freedom: “in my cruel age I glorified freedom ”, and in one of the versions of this line he called himself a follower of Radishchev: “following Radishchev, I glorified freedom”; thirdly, in defense of the Decembrists: “and I called for mercy for the fallen”).

5th stanza. For all three poets, the poem concludes with an appeal to the muse. What new appears in Pushkin’s lines compared to Derzhavin’s?

(In the last stanza, Pushkin, turning to the muse, calls on her, “without fear of insult, without demanding a crown,” to accept praise and slander indifferently and follow her own calling).

  • So, what are the similarities and differences between the authors’ poetic positions? What is unique about Pushkin’s understanding of the role of the poet and the purpose of poetry?

(“Monument” by Derzhavin is a kind of “report” on the work done: on achievements in the “funny Russian style” and “educational” conversations with kings about the truth. Pushkin’s poem is cosmic in scale - it is addressed to the entire “sublunary world”, posthumous glory the poet is identified with eternal life: “No, all of me will not die, my soul is in the cherished lyre // My ashes will survive and will escape decay...” Derzhavin’s division into “poet” and “citizen” is abolished in him - a creative credo and a human duty for Pushkin. inseparable, united. He did not teach people, did not preach, but awakened “good feelings” in their souls, trying to awaken to life the good that is in every soul - the only thing to which art can and should appeal. Freedom, a call to mercy - these are the “good feelings” that Pushkin’s lyre awakens).

5). Final work in groups

The first group analyzes “I erected a sign of immortality for myself...” M.V. Lomonosov, second group – “Monument” by G.R. Derzhavina, third group - “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...” A.S. Pushkin.

Analysis plan (same for all groups)

1. Read the poem expressively.

2. What features of the poet’s biography are reflected in the poem?

3. How does the poet see the boundaries of his own creative immortality?

4. What words does the creator use to address the Muse? What is the relationship between them?

The result of the discussion may be the completion of the following table:

M.V.Lomonosov G.R.Derzhavin A.S. Pushkin
Biography features “My humble birth was not an obstacle for me.” “...I was the first to dare to proclaim in a funny Russian style // About the virtues of Felitsa, // To talk about God in heartfelt simplicity // And to speak the truth to kings with a smile.” “...I awakened good feelings with my lyre... in my cruel age I glorified Freedom // And called on mercy for the fallen.”
The Boundaries of Creative Immortality The poet will live as long as his Fatherland lives. “How long will the universe honor the Slavic race.” “ long as in the sublunary world // at least one piit will live.”
What is the relationship between the poet and the muse? The muse is a high patroness. The muse is the poet's faithful friend. The muse is a companion in the great field of poetry.
  • Conversation on questions:

In which poem, in your opinion, is the author's personal origin least evident? What is this connected with?

Why for his poem about the duty and purpose of the poet and poetry A.S. Pushkin took as a model the free transcription of Horace’s ode by G.R. Derzhavin, and not the more accurate translation of M.V. Lomonosov?

6. Summing up the lesson.

So, draw a conclusion about how the theme of the poet and poetry developed in the works of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavina, A.S. Pushkin and how the authors’ positions differ in understanding this topic.


1. Kuchina T.G., Ledenev A.V. Tests and tests on literature in grades 9-11. M., Bustard, 2000, pp. 23-24.

2. Turyanskaya B.I. Literature in 9th grade. Lesson after lesson. – M., Russian word, 2002, pp. 42-43.

3. Read. We think. I bet. A book for students’ independent work on literature in the 9th grade / Ed. G.I. Belenkogo/, M., Education, 1996, pp. 115-117.

TOPIC: G.R. Derzhavin. The theme of the poet and poetry in G. Derzhavin’s lyrics “Monument”

GOALS: provide knowledge about the main themes of Derzhavin’s lyrics and poetic innovation; learn to work with a literary text, analyze a lyrical work.


    Org moment.

    Checking homework.

III. Teacher's opening remarks:

The theme of the poet and poetry is traditional, cross-cutting in European culture. The poet's monologue about himself is found in ancient poetry. Thus, Horace’s ode “To Melpomene” translated by M.V. Lomonosov served as the basis for the poems of G.R. Derzhavin and A.S. Pushkin about the “monument”. Its main aspects are the creative process, its purpose and meaning, the poet’s relationship with the reader, with the authorities, with himself. Thus, among poets of different eras there was a tradition of lyrical depiction of a “miraculous” monument, as if summing up the result of creative activity.

Today in class we will compare poems by M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavina, A.S. Pushkin. Let's see how the theme of the poet and poetry develops in these works, how do the authors' positions in understanding this theme differ? Let's compare the artistic means with which the poets' point of view is expressed.

- Re-read Derzhavin’s poem “Monument”. Determine its topic and main idea.

(The theme is the immortality of the poet in his works, in the memory of people about the creator of famous works. The poet sees his main merit in the fact that he could “speak the truth to kings with a smile”, “talk about God”, “dared” to talk about the virtues of Catherine!! not high, but a simple syllable).

- What size is the poem written in, what rhymes are in it?

(The poem is written in iambic, in each quatrain the first

the line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth, i.e. cross rhyme).

- What means of artistic representation did the poet use (epithets, personification, comparison, hyperbole)?

To add solemnity to poetic speech, the poet uses words of “high style”

- brow, be proud, shout, dared, countless etc.;

various epithets - with a leisurely hand,cardiac simplicity, meritfair , monumentwonderful , eternal , thunderfleeting .

Hyperbole and comparison at the same time -“It is higher than metals and harder than pyramids” .

A monument is a creation left to descendants, so the comparison with pyramids and metal is clearly figurative, i.e. implying a figurative meaning. All this helps to reinforce the idea of ​​the importance of creativity and the immortality of works of art. Reading and analysis of poems (compiling a table)

So, he first turned to the topic of the poet and poetry back in the 1st century BC. e. Ancient Roman poet Quintus Horace Flaccus in his ode “To Melpomene.”

There have been many translations of Horace's ode. Some of them (M.V. Lomonosova, V.V. Kapnista, A.H. Vostokova, S.A. Tuchkova) were undoubtedly known to Pushkin, while others (A.A. Feta, N. Fokkova, B. V. Nikolsky, P.F. Porfirov, V.Ya. Bryusov) appeared after Pushkin’s death.

In 1747 M.V. Lomonosov translated Horace into Russian.

Read the arrangement of Horace’s ode “To Melpomene” (“Monument”), created by M.V. Lomonosov.

Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the poem.(The theme of the ode is the role of creativity, poetry in people’s lives. What the poet creates makes him immortal - this is the main idea of ​​the poem).

How does the poet give his poems solemnity and precision?(The two-syllable meter - iambic - gives the unrhymed lines of the poem clarity and precision. The solemnity of the sound is given by words of high style: I will erect, above, increase, fatherland, obstacle, etc., there are many words and expressions of Greco-Roman origin, from history and mythology: aquilon, Aufidas, Aeolian poems, muse, Delphic laurel, etc.).

Explain the meaning of these words: (aquilon– northeast wind; Awfid- a river in Italy in the homeland of Horace; Aeolian poems– exemplary, ancient Greek; Alcean lyre– lyre of Alceus=Alcaeus, one of the best ancient Greek poets; muse- goddess, patroness of science and art; Delphic laurel– in the city of Delphi there was a temple of Apollo, the leader of the muses. The laurel was considered a sacred tree).

In 1796 G.R. Derzhavin turns to this topic, writes the poem “Monument” - this is a free adaptation of Horace’s ode. But Derzhavin does not repeat the thoughts of his distant predecessor, but expresses his own point of view on the poet and poetry. The poet believed that people who are not inspired and do not care about art remain deaf to goodness, indifferent to the joys and sufferings of others. Such people

Not a single tear will touch widows,
Neither the unhappy orphans moan:
Let the universe drown in blood,
Only he would be happy... (“For the art lover”)

According to Derzhavin, the purpose of art and literature is to promote the spread of enlightenment and foster a love of beauty, correct vicious morals, and preach truth and justice. It is from these positions that he approaches the assessment of his creativity in the poem “Monument”. He likens his work to a “wonderful, eternal” monument. The leisurely, solemn rhythm of the verse (the poem is written in iambic hexameter) corresponds to the importance of the topic. The author reflects on the impact of poetry on contemporaries and descendants, on the poet’s right to the respect and love of his fellow citizens. He expresses confidence that his name will live in the hearts and memories of “countless peoples” inhabiting the space “from the White Waters to the Black Waters.” The poet connects his immortality with the “race of the Slavs,” that is, with the Russian people:

... And my glory will increase without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavic race?

In “Monument” Derzhavin explains what his services to the “family of Slavs” and Russian literature are:

...I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable
To proclaim Felitsa’s virtues,
Talk about God in simplicity of heart
And speak the truth to kings with a smile.

Independent analysis of Pushkin’s poem “Monument”

      Filling out the table “Three “Monuments” in Russian Literature.”



A.S. Pushkin

Biography features

“My noble family was not an obstacle for me.”

“...I was the first to dare to proclaim in a funny Russian style // About the virtues of Felitsa, // To talk about God in heartfelt simplicity // And to speak the truth to kings with a smile.”

“...I awakened good feelings with my lyre... in my cruel age I glorified Freedom // And called on mercy for the fallen.”

The poet will live as long as his Fatherland lives.

“How long will the universe honor the Slavic race.”

“ long as in the sublunary world // at least one piit will live.”

The muse is a high patroness.

The muse is the poet's faithful friend.

The muse is a companion in the great field of poetry.

    Lesson summary.

In which poem, in your opinion, is the author's personal origin least evident?

What is this connected with?

Why for his poem about the duty and purpose of the poet and poetry A.S. Pushkin took as a model the free transcription of Horace’s ode by G.R. Derzhavin, and not the more accurate translation of M.V. Lomonosov?


    Chapters “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow.”

    Ind. task “Biography of Radishchev”

M.V. Lomonosov

I erected a sign of immortality for myself
Higher than the pyramids and stronger than copper,
What the stormy aquilon cannot erase,
Neither many centuries, nor the caustic antiquity.
I won’t die at all; but death will leave
Great is my part, as soon as I end my life.
I will grow in glory everywhere,
While great Rome controls the light.
Where Avfid makes noise with fast streams,
Where Davnus reigned among the common people,
My fatherland will not remain silent,
That my ignorant family was not an obstacle to me,
To bring Aeolian poetry to Italy
And be the first to ring the Alcean lyre.
Be proud of your righteous merit, muse,
And crown the head with the Delphic laurel.

A.S. Pushkin

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands,
The people's path to him will not be overgrown,
He ascended higher with his rebellious head
Alexandrian Pillar.

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will escape -
And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world
At least one piit will be alive.

Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus',
And every tongue that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tunguz, and friend of the steppes Kalmyk.

And for a long time I will be so kind to the people,
That I awakened good feelings with my lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom
And he called for mercy for the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient,
Without fear of insult, without demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently,
And don't challenge a fool.

Table “Three “Monuments” in Russian literature.



A.S. Pushkin

Biography features

The Boundaries of Creative Immortality

What is the relationship between the poet and the muse?

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