School classmates make the best friends (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык). School classmates make the best friends с переводом (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Friendship is an essential part of our lives. Some people think that our classmates can become our best friends, while others suppose that it is not exactly so.

In my opinion, school classmates make the best friends. Firstly, we spend a lot of time together at school. During this time, teenagers get a chance to get acquainted with each others’ habits and lifestyles. We can meet someone with the same views and tastes there. Secondly, pupils of the same class share a lot of mutual memories. Over so many years at school, we learn how to cooperate, how to overcome difficulties and celebrate our small victories. This experience creates a bond between classmates.

However, there are some people who believe that school friendship is not as strong as it seems.

They state that young people will leave school and lose touch with each other because they will move to other cities or just meet new people at universities.

Nevertheless, I cannot completely agree with it. I believe that even if school leavers will move to different cities, they can still stay friends with each other and keep in touch. Modern technologies allow us to communicate all over the world, and many years spent together at school create a bond that cannot be easily forgotten.

In conclusion, I’d like to state again that school classmates make the best and sometimes even life-long friends. A lot of years of communication and solving the same problems help people to get to know each other and teach them how to be good friends.

Обновлено: 2018-11-15

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Высказывания с элементами рассуждения (часть С2 ЕГЭ) по теме "Classmates can be the best friends forever": порассуждать по данной теме было предложено на государственном экзамене выпускникам 2014 года. Почему школьные друзья могут остаться друзьями на всю жизнь? Что думают те, кто не придает серьезного значения школьной дружбе, и почему мы с ними не согласны? Ответы вы найдете в этой работе. Читайте, размышляйте вместе с нами, обучайесь аргументированному письму, совершенствуйте свой английский!


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Classmates can be the best friends forever.

Тема высказывания с элементами рассуждения (часть С2) ЕГЭ 2014.

It goes without saying school friends are real friends. While studying at school young people are used to sharing the same opinions on different subjects as well as relying on their classmates in troubles. Ideally, this friendship will last forever. But it’s not easy to remain it.

I strongly believe that school friends are forever. Firstly, they had known one another for 11 years. Secondly, they shared exciting, happy moments as well as the minutes of sorrow and disappointments connected with bad marks or some other problems at school. Therefore, they had many chances not only to enjoy their friendship but also to test it - a friend in need is a friend indeed. Thirdly, they learnt to appreciate their friendship, to support one another as well as to put up with one another after quarrels.

However, there are people who think that the life after graduating school can separate school friends and not give them a chance to be together any more. The supporters of this idea believe entering different universities or moving to other cities are the inevitable barriers for school friendship. Besides, they are sure the interests of former classmates are getting different quickly.

From my point of view, this fear to loose school friendship is unreasonable. Firstly, distance cannot prevent the devoted friends from remaining the best ones thanks to different means of communications and ways of gathering. Secondly, school years did a lot to strengthen friendship and to keep it for a long time.

To conclude, school friendship could become the best gift in someone’s life if he could make his best friend at school. (270 слов)

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Teenagers spend most of their time at school. School is the place where they learn something new and meet new friend. But there are people who are sure that school is not the best place to make friends.

I firmly believe that you find your best friends among your classmates. To begin with, classmates spend a great amount of time together. It allows them to know each other better and to get accustomed to each other’s habits. Furthermore, school life often creates situations when you can learn more about the personal qualities of your friend. For example, when you have to make a project together and your classmate wants you do all the work, you can find out that he is lazy person and tries to get benefits from friendship.

Finally, you have many things to discuss: teachers, lessons, after-school activities, etc.

However, some people think differently. They claim that sometimes it is difficult to get along with your classmates. Firstly, you can be easily distracted from studying by your friends: you will prefer talking to them to listening to the teacher. Secondly, you can stop communicating with each other after finishing school.

There is something in what they say. Still, I am sure that school friendship is the strongest one and memories unite classmates even after the graduation. Also, having fun together is an essential part of friendship, and sometimes the skills of communication are even more important than the school subject.

In conclusion, I want to say that no one can do without friends and school helps us to find the best ones.

Подростки проводят большую часть своего времени в школе. Школа - это место, где они узнают что-то новое и встречают нового друга. Но есть люди, которые уверены, что школа - не лучшее место, чтобы заводить друзей.

Я твердо верю, что вы найдете своих лучших друзей среди своих одноклассников. Начнем с того, что одноклассники проводят много времени вместе. Это позволяет им лучше узнать друг друга и привыкнуть друг к другу. Кроме того, школьная жизнь часто создает ситуации, когда вы можете узнать больше о личных качествах вашего друга. Например, когда вам нужно вместе создать проект, и ваш одноклассник хочет, чтобы вы делали всю работу, вы можете узнать, что он ленивый человек и пытается получить выгоду от дружбы. Наконец, у вас есть много вопросов для обсуждения: учителя, уроки, внешкольные мероприятия и т.д.

Однако некоторые люди думают иначе. Они утверждают, что иногда бывает трудно ладить с одноклассниками. Во-первых, ваши друзья могут легко отвлечься от учебы: вы предпочтете разговаривать с ними, а не слушать учителя. Во-вторых, вы можете перестать общаться друг с другом после окончания школы.

В том, что они говорят, есть доля правды. Тем не менее, я уверена, что школьная дружба - самая сильная, и воспоминания объединяют одноклассников даже после окончания школы. Кроме того, веселье вместе является неотъемлемой частью дружбы, и иногда навыки общения даже важнее школьного предмета.

В заключение хочу сказать, что никто не может обходиться без друзей, и школа помогает нам найти лучших.

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